International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2020, pp. 540-553, Article ID: IJM_11_08_052 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.8.2020.052

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Deni Nurdyana Hadimin* Universitas Sangga Buana, Bandung, Indonesia *Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT In this study the problem that arises is how the simultaneous implementation of the Pilkades mandated in Law Number 6 of 2014 using the e-voting method that is not mandated in the Village Law but regulated in other laws and regulations. This is of course by using local regulations and Regents regulations as guidelines, which of course the regional regulations and Regents regulations refer to other laws and regulations. The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of the E- Voting Method in the Election of the Simultaneous Village Head in the Empat Lawang District based on managerial, historical, political, sociological and legal review. This study was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods, using direct observation techniques; so that this study can provide a more accurate and in-depth picture. In this study, researchers conducted a data analysis process by first triangulating data, both observational data, documentation and interview data conducted; this certainly aims to provide more objective study results. The use of electronic voting equipment (E-Voting), namely by touching the E-Voting monitor screen in the implementation of the villages election has not been explicitly regulated in Law Number 6 of 2014, but this is based on "local wisdom" owned by the regional government and specificity village as an indigenous community. The implementation of the E-Voting method carried out in the Empat Lawang District is running well, orderly and smoothly, or in other words it was carried out successfully, although there is still an evaluation to improve and improve the quality of implementation in the future; with a community participation rate of 89%. The management of the village head election (Pilkades) according to statutory regulations is formed by the Village Consultative Body, and the committee is from the village community itself. This is proven by the simultaneous implementation of the village head elections, thanks to the guidance and direction from the local government. JEL Codes : D72 540 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia)

Key words: E-Voting method, Simultaneous Village Head Election, Managerial Election Cite this Article: Deni Nurdyana Hadimin, Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia), International Journal of Management, 11(8), 2020, pp. 540-553.

1. INTRODUCTION Villages or other names have been mentioned before the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was formed. As proof of its existence, the Elucidation of Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (before the amendment) states that "In the territory of the State of Indonesia there are approximately 250 'Zelfbesturende landschappen' and 'Volksgemeen schappen', such as villages in Java and Bali, Nagari in Minangkabau, hamlets and clans in , and so on. Through the amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, recognition of the unity of indigenous and tribal peoples is reinforced through the provisions in Article 18B paragraph (2) which reads "The State recognizes and respects the units of indigenous and tribal peoples along with their traditional rights as long as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is regulated in law ". Badaruddin et al (2017) state that the birth of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages brought changes in village governance, whereby the central government had granted broader authority (village autonomy) including in the financial sector; this is a great desire of the central government to make the village professional, empowered and independent; here are 4 main things that are still the basis of central government policy, namely: 1) Empowerment, 2) Customary Customs (Village Character), 3) Local Wisdom (Local Policy), and 4) Democracy. In holding village head elections (Pilkades), villages are still given the authority to organize them in accordance with the spirit of independence from the village, but based on article 31 paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 of 2014 explains that "Election of Village Heads is held simultaneously in all regency/city". This condition will clearly bring logical consequences from the regional government, starting from the formation of district committees for Pilkades to having to prepare a budget for these activities. However this is still in a framework that is still new to village governments throughout Indonesia, as implemented by the Empat Lawang District of Province. The implementation of the simultaneous Pilkades attracts considerable attention, namely the implementation of the Pilkades in the district using the E-Voting method on election day, so that the community in distributing political rights is no longer manually (voting/cheating), but by using electronic voting equipment (E-Voting) is by touching the E-Voting monitor screen. The implementation of the Pilkades by e-voting has not been explicitly regulated in Law Number 6 of 2014, but this is based on "local wisdom" held by the regional government and the specificity of villages as indigenous peoples. Based on the description above, the writer is interested to know about "Implementation of E-Voting Methods and Management in the Election of Simultaneous Village Heads based on managerial, historical, political, sociological and legal reviews; so that it can give birth to a comprehensive view in answering every problem in the social and political fields, not just based on interests (practical politics) alone. 541 [email protected] Deni Nurdyana Hadimin

2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Village Government Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 in article 1 paragraphs 2-4 states that "Village Government is the administration of government affairs and the interests of local communities in the system of government of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia", and "Village Government is the Village Head or referred to by other names assisted Village apparatus as an element of the administration of the Village Government "and" the Village Consultative Body or what is referred to by other names are institutions that carry out the functions of government whose members are representatives of the village population based on regional representation and are democratically determined (Azlina et al., 2017). Li et al (2020) state that the Village Democratization is the implementation of village governance and development must accommodate the aspirations of the community which are articulated and aggregated through the Village Consultative Body or Community Institutions as partners of the Village Government; and Diversity is respecting the value system that applies to the local community based on the shared value system in the life of the nation and state. Then, Mc Ddonald (1996) and Vu et al (1998) state that the understanding of Village Community Participation is the implementation of village governance and development must be able to realize the active role of the community; while the Empowerment of Village Communities is the administration of village governance and development must be aimed at improving the standard of living and welfare of the community through the determination of policies, programs and activities in accordance with the essence and priority of community needs.

2.2. Simultaneous Election of Village Heads (Pilkades) The election of village heads so far has taken place based on democratic principles that have been adopted and are rooted in the culture of our village community at this time. Based on Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014 concerning Regulations for Implementing Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in article 40, it states that paragraph (1), "Election of Village Heads shall be held simultaneously in all regency/city areas", paragraph (2), " The simultaneous election of the village head as referred to in paragraph (1) may be carried out in waves at most 3 (three) times within a period of 6 (six) years. Then based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, article 32 stipulates that the Village Consultative Body (BPD) forms a village head election committee, which is independent and impartial, derived from elements of the village apparatus, social institutions and community leaders. This is an implementation of the implementation of democratic principles and the empowerment and participation of rural communities. Here is the difference between the general election and the village head election held by the community in mutual cooperation, together with the principle of deliberation for consensus. Whereas the principle of democracy "from the people, by the people, and for the people" is theoretically apparent when the Pilkades activities are carried out by the Pilkades committee formed by the Village Consultative Body (BPD); so that all creativity, aspirations, thoughts, cooperation, and deliberation can occur in the election committee. This is certainly expected to bring high efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of the Pilkades.

2.3. Implementation of the E-Voting Method The E-Voting Method is a method that uses an electronic voting system (e-voting) is a system that utilizes "electronic devices" and processes digital information to make ballots, cast votes, count votes, display votes, and maintain and produce audit trail. (Yusnedi, 2020). This 542 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia) thinking is based on the framework of thinking that the use of ICT will be able to make a positive contribution in the process of organizing elections, in the form of increasing efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability of election results (Ramadania et al, 2018, Yahya et al.,2018 and Muda et al., 2019). But the use of ICTs in elections or it can be said that electronic elections (e-elections) is a policy that we should carry out in the future. Therefore, in accordance with the development of laws and regulations in our country at this time, we can first find the legal basis for the implementation of e-Election, namely Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, where this Law intends to "Utilize Information Technology and Electronic Transactions are implemented with the aim of providing security, justice and legal certainty for users and providers of information technology (Abdillah et al, 2019 and Muda et al., 2020). Then the second legal basis is the Constitutional Court Decision No. 147/PUU-VII/2009 dated 30 March 2010, decided that "Voting/checking can also be interpreted using the e-voting method (touch panel computer/electronic voting equipment) with cumulative conditions as follows: "Does not violate the principle of direct, public, free, confidential, honest and fair; Regions that apply the e-voting method are ready in terms of technology, financing, human resources and software, community readiness in the area concerned, as well as other requirements needed ". The third legal basis, in the development of the current legislation is Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning the Election of Governors/Regents/Mayors, then it has been perfected to become Law Number 8 of 2015, where this Law is a stipulation of Government Regulations in lieu of Law Law (Perppu) Number 1 of 2014. Where in This law regulates elections using electronic voting equipment, with the following details: 1. In the voting, Article 85 regulates that the Voting for Election CAN be conducted by: a. Give a ballot once; or b. Voting through electronic voting equipment. 2. The procedure for voting through electronic voting equipment is regulated by KPU regulations, where this method is accommodated based on the principle of facilitating voters, accuracy in counting of votes, and efficiency in organizing elections. 3. In the implementation of Vote Counting at the TPS, Article 98 stipulates that in the case of voting is conducted electronically, the vote count is done manually and / or electronically. 4. As for the Supervision and Sanction in Vote Counting and Vote Count Recapitulation in Article 111, it is said that the mechanism for counting and recapitulation of Voting manually and / or using an electronic vote counting system is regulated by KPU Regulations determined after consultation with the Government. Whereas in the implementation of the Pilkades, the legal basis that is used other than the rules that we have described above are regional regulations and/or regent regulations. This becomes logical because villages are part of regency or city areas, and indeed Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Villages has not yet set concrete terms regarding e-Elections in the elections.. Before we look further from a legal point of view, it is better we know that E-Voting well. Basically the implementation of the E-Voting method has the basic principles in its application as follows: (Grahitandaru, 2013)  That can ensure that elections are in accordance with applicable regulations, and meet the principles of Direct, General, Free, Confidential, Honest and Fair;  That all candidates have the same opportunity to be elected; 543 [email protected] Deni Nurdyana Hadimin

 That Voters who are entitled to vote can use their rights in accordance with applicable provisions;  That Voters can only use their voting rights once;  That the choices stored and printed by the system are correct in accordance with those chosen;  That secrecy of choice can be properly secured;  That choices can be calculated correctly;  That the choice can be sent to the data center correctly and safely;  That the results of the recapitulation of choices can be published to the public correctly and on time; Then the E-Voting method if used can provide the following benefits:  Eliminate damaged ballots, and reduce the error rate in vote counting;  It is possible to accommodate a greater number of voters in one polling station, so as to reduce the number of polling stations needed and cost savings;  The vote count can be done faster, and the voice transmission can be done directly from the TPS to the Data Center;  Difficult the possibility of vote inflation;  Eliminating information vacuum related to the results of the vote, and this is very much needed to be able to maintain social, economic, and regional security stability;  Allows for a thorough audit to be carried out if needed;  Enables easier and more efficient storing of voting results both in place and in storage costs;  Increasing transparency of the results of voting;  Increase accountability in the administration of general elections;  Election cost efficiency

3. METHODS The approach and methodology in conducting this research uses the Descriptive Qualitative Method, with a focus on studying the laws and regulations that apply to the election of village heads by using electronic equipment, interviews, and describing/descriptive and analyzing needs and strategies for achievement. Methodologically, this study looked at the process of implementing Electronic Voting (E-Voting) in the simultaneous village head election, so that the depiction of the focus of the study would be described in depth and in structure. Data was collected through repeated observation and from various locations holding simultaneous village head elections. Then the data is also taken a review of the documentation of the regulations governing the election of the Village Head by e-voting method in the Empat Lawang regencies such as Laws, Government Regulations, Regional Regulations, Regent Regulations, technical guidelines, guidelines for implementing the Village Head election using the e-voting method, and others. This research was carried out in the Empat Lawang District of South Sumatra Province in 101 villages using purposive sampling technique, so that some villages that we consider to be representative of the whole village, however for the village Pilkades implementation report we summarized the whole village from the documentation of the report submitted to the Community Empowerment Agency and Desa Empat Desa (BPMPD) District of Empat Lawang. Observation or observation of the implementation of E-Voting in the election of 544 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia) village heads in the district of Empat Lawang was carried out from October 2015 to May 2016, while data collection was carried out in December 2016 and continued with the preparation of research reports in January - May 2017.

4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result 4.1.1. Regional Profile The Empat Lawang Regency was formed in 2007, the division of Regency. The area of the Empat Lawang Regency is 225,644 hectares with a hilly landscape. The Empat Lawang Regency, administratively consists of 10 Districts, 9 Kelurahan, and 147 villages. Geographically, the position of the Empat Lawang Regency is in the hills (Bukit Barisan), so this area is in the plains high. The stages of organizing the Pilkades using wave 1 e-voting method in Empat Lawang Regency are as follows:  Work Shop  Certification of Village Head Election Committee  e-voting Technical Team Certification  Pilkades compilation and budgeting  Determination of the Village Head Balloon that has been selected by the village level committee  DP4 Data Collection (Potential Voters Population List)  Determination of DPS (Provisional Voter List)  Measurement and Establishment of DPTB (Additional Voter List)  Kades Balloon File Administration Selection  Candidate Selection for Prospective Head of Village  Determination of Kades candidates and Sort Numbers  Signing Integrity Facts and Confession Ready to Win and Lose  Determination (Permanent Voter List) quiet period  Voting  Reporting the Pilkades halis  Settlement of disputes  Inauguration of the selected village head The basis for the implementation of the Pilkades using the simultaneous wave I e-voting method in Empat Lawang Regency is:  Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages  Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014, as Regulation of Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014.  Permendagri 112 of 2014 concerning Election of Village Heads. Whereas operationally the implementation of the Pilkades using the e-voting method simultaneously in wave 1 in Empat Lawang is guided by:  Empat Lawang District Regulation Number 2 Year 2015 concerning Guidelines for Election of Village Heads. 545 [email protected] Deni Nurdyana Hadimin

 Empat Lawang Regency Regulations Number 9 of 2015 concerning the Guidelines for Financial Management of the Empat Lawang District  Decision of the Election Committee for the Election of the Village Chief of the Empat Lawang Regency Wave 1 Year 2015 Number 1 Year 2015 Regarding the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of the Election of the Village Head of the Empat Lawang Regency Wave I Year 2015.  Standard Operational Procedure for Election of Village Head Using the E-Voting Method

4.1.2. E-Voting Implementation in the Election of Simultaneous Village Heads In the implementation of the E-Voting method in Pilkades in Empat lawang, the local government has prepared a set of regulations both regional regulations (regulations) and regent regulations (Perbup) and Human Resources, so that the implementation of the Pilkades simultaneously with E-Voting can run in an orderly manner, smoothly and safely. This is done by conducting socialization, training and certification for Pilkades committees, sub- district operators and district operators who will hold Pilkades, as well as intensive socialization of the whole community for villages to be held simultaneously. Whereas operationally the implementation of the Pilkades by the simultaneous wave 1 e-voting method in Empat Lawang was guided by:  Empat Lawang District Regulation Number 2 Year 2015 concerning Guidelines for Election of Village Heads.  Empat Lawang Regency Regulations Number 9 Year 2015 concerning the Guidelines for Financial Management in the District of Empat Lawang Village  Decision of the Election Committee for the Election of the Village Chief of the Empat Lawang Regency Wave 1 Year 2015 Number 1 Year 2015 Regarding the Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of the Election of the Village Head of the Empat Lawang Regency Wave I Year 2015.  Standard Operational Procedure for Election of Village Head Using the E-Voting Method. Pilkades with the 1st wave of e-voting method simultaneously in Empat Lawang was held in 2015, as follows in Table 1:

Table 1 The implementation of e-voting Pilkades simultaneously in the District of Empat Lawang in 2015 No sub-district Number of villages 1 Muara Pinang 17 2 Lintang Kanan 11 3 Pasemah Air Keruh 8 4 Ulu Musi 14 5 Sikap Dalam 10 6 Pendopo Barat 8 7 Talang Padang 7 8 Pendopo 10 9 Tebing Tinggi 12 10 Saling 6 Total 101 Source: BPMPD Empat Lawang Regency, 2016. The results of the Pilkades using the e-voting method in the Empat Lawang Districts, which were held in 101 Villages in 2015, are as follows in Table 2: 546 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia)

Table 2 Report on the Results of the Four-Lawang E-Voting District Election of the First Wave in 2015 No Aspect Total Result Information Villages 1 Punctuality 101 100 On time 1 2 Voting 101 101 Not on time 3 Vote Calculation 101 7 On time 4 Dispute 101 0,01 Fill in Lawsuit 5 Cheating Inside 101 89% Doubting e-voting tools Source: BPMPD Empat Lawang Regency, 2016. Based on Table 2 show that the implementation of the first wave of e-voting Pilkades in Empat Lawang with the vote count at the polling station on time, the losing candidate for the village head still doubted the results of the vote count using the e-voting tool but they were still able to accept the results of the Pilkades, while the voters believed the Pilkades e -voting with an average turnout of 89%. In general, the simultaneous implementation of E-voting elections can be carried out well, smoothly and in an orderly manner, although improvements are still needed in the future. Furthermore, this study will also be conducted with an analysis of historical, legal, sociological, and political perspectives; in order to complete the study to be more comprehensive in analyzing the problems of implementing the E-Voting method in the simultaneous Pilkades in Empat Lawang district.

4.2. E-Voting Management Review E-voting is a system that utilizes electronic devices and processes digital information to make ballots, vote, count votes, broadcast votes and maintain and produce audit trails (Otrosinova & Hueber, 2020). Compared to conventional voting, e-voting offers several advantages. e- voting can make future elections more effective and efficient. In e-voting, there are also a number of things that need to be applied in order to meet the honest and transparent elements (Castagna et al., 2020). Actually, what is most important and fundamental in the stages of this e-voting election is that there must be trust in the process and its results from various stakeholders. So the tool that will be used must go through a certification process that is done transparently. Then a trial was witnessed by several witnesses. This e-voting system can shorten all stages of the election, from registration to vote counting. Because the process was effective, the work of the officers became much lighter. The implementation of e-voting includes Conducting e-Verification, Obtaining Generator Tokens and Voting in the Voters and Vote Counting. This e-voting process also makes the real count process faster. When the vote count is agreed by all parties, the computer in the voice booth will send the data to the data center.

4.3. Historical Review Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages confirms this in its regulation that the diversity of customs that have been in effect for a long time, as long as these customs do not conflict with applicable laws and regulations; then the law is distinguished between the Village and the Customary Village. The meaning of the village here is a village formed based on the wishes of the government or a new village formed so that the village does not have a specific adat specificity, so that the rules are based on applicable laws and regulations. Whereas the definition of an adat village is a village that was formed long ago even before independence, and still maintains the nobility of customs which is highly respected by its people, this is highly protected by the 1945 Constitution and other laws and regulations. 547 [email protected] Deni Nurdyana Hadimin

This is not much different from the election of village heads or traditional heads, some are based on deliberation and some are by choice. But specifically for villages and not traditional villages usually use direct village head election. This has happened since the past and even continued by the Dutch government, so this has become entrenched in the village community in the country. Whereas for the organizer of the village head election, always use the mechanism of forming an election committee by the village community through the village elders (Village Elders) who have charismatic for every citizen; so that every decision that has been taken by the village elders will become a guideline for the entire village community. This by our Proclaimer (Soekarno-Hatta) is still protected and maintained through the 1945 Constitution and its implementing regulations. Based on historical reviews, the process of forming the village head election committee which is in effect today has been going on since time immemorial, so making changes is not an easy thing only for unwise reasons. Therefore this must continue to be maintained, maintained and continues to be maintained by the community and the government, because this is in line with the principle of Democracy, namely "From the People, by the People and for the People". Based on the reality seen in the simultaneous Pilkades in Empat Lawang, it is relatively more orderly, safe and conducive starting from the preparation, implementation and post- election. Of the 101 villages that had conducted Pilkades, only 3 villages had been caused by a commotion between the supporters of the candidates, not dissatisfaction with the Pilkades committee or the district and district committees. So in general the implementation is relatively safe and controlled according to plans and standard operating procedures and applicable laws and regulations.

4.4. Legal Review Legislation governing the election of village heads starting from Laws, Government Regulations, Minister of Internal Affairs Regulations, and Regional Regulations currently use a system to form a village head election committee formed by the village community itself through the Village Consultative Body (BPD). Indeed horizontal commotion or conflict is very susceptible to occur in every village head election, but this must be done to socialize legal awareness and political maturity of the village community, so that our village communities become "Legal and Political Literacy", or in other words to educate people's lives with enforcement. law that is fair and strict and conducts political guidance in a continuous and comprehensive manner. Indeed, this e-voting method has not yet been regulated in Government Laws and Regulations, only a few regions have implemented in the election of village heads, such as Jembrana-Bali Regency, Boyolali-Central Java District, Musi Rawas-Sumsel Regency, and Empat Lawang-Sumsel Regency and - South Sumatra. However, this implementation is carried out based on Local Wisdom to support the use of the benefits of e- voting, namely through Regional Regulations and or Regents Regents. Mechanically, the constitution states that the current Pilkades are regulated under the 1945 Constitution, Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014 concerning Villages, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 112 of 2014 concerning Pilkades, Regional Regulations on Pilkades, Regent Regulations on Pilkades, and other technical regulations. However, the regulation regarding the use of e-voting in the Pilkades has not yet been regulated mechanically; it means that a formal basis which is mechanistic has not clearly regulated the elections by e-voting. In this case whether the election with e-voting that has been held in several regions is a violation of the constitution. If it is reviewed on a formal basis mechanically it is still a policy discretion; but if we look deeply that this formal basis there are also other laws and 548 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia) regulations that can be used as guidelines, although not in line with the mechanical regulations (principal). Here, in regulating the procedures for voting in elections, it has been decided by the Constitutional Court (MK) with Amar Decree No. MK. 147 / PUU-VII / 2009, which reads: "Voting / Checking can also be interpreted using the e-voting method, with cumulative conditions as follows:

4.4.1. Does not violate the principle of direct, public, free, confidential, honest, and fair.

4.4.2. Regions that apply the e-voting method are ready in terms of technology, financing, human resources and software, the readiness of the people in the area concerned, as well as other requirements needed ". Although the Constitutional Court's decision has been issued since 2009, but it was not used as a reference in the subsequent improvement of laws and regulations, even though all the Constitutional Court's decisions are the same level as the Law, but this was not implemented in the making of 2014 village regulations. Another formal foundation that strengthens the existence of the Mk decision is Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and Transactions. Electronic especially in article 5 paragraph (1) and (2), so that the application of e-voting in Pilkades can be held by the regional government even though the mechanical rules do not explicitly regulate. With the enactment of Law Number 8 of 2015 the Junto Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors in article 85 paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) has stipulated the procedure for electronic voting (e -voting). Since Law No. 8/2015 is a rule governing elections in the regions, this is also a reference for regional governments in making rules governing Pilkades. This means that although the formal legal basis does not explicitly regulate the use of e-voting in the Pilkades, other formal platforms such as the Constitutional Court's decision, the Law on ITE, and the Law on the election of Governors, Regents and Mayors have explicitly governed the use of e-voting in elections including Pilkades. Based on the description above, the writer can conclude that the organizer of the village head election (Pilkades) according to the laws and regulations was formed by the Village Consultative Body of the village community itself; and it is time for the central government (DPR and President) to immediately review and formulate the use of the e-voting method in the Pilkades, given the enormous benefits, especially calculation accuracy, speed, more efficiency in the long run, and more accountable for the organizers, so this also can provide legal certainty, and can avoid misunderstandings that result in horizontal conflicts between village communities. Here the function of government and/or regional government as regulators, facilitators and dynamists so that villages become empowered and independent; it means that the regional government has a mandatory task as a facilitator and dynamist in the implementation of Pilkades in the Regency, so that the involvement of the general election commission as the organizer of the Pilkades does not have a strong legal basis, but if the election commission is involved in the District Team as a supervision it is still possible to carry out in the future.

4.5. Sociological Review The structure of village communities is more homogeneous than in more heterogeneous urban or urban areas. Therefore, the homogeneity that exists in village communities will make it easier in the process of socialization and coaching, so that a good political education process is absolutely necessary to realize mature village people in political life at the village level or at the regional and national levels. 549 [email protected] Deni Nurdyana Hadimin

Lau et al (2020) state that the political development towards the village community must continue to prioritize the function of togetherness and mutual cooperation despite competition, because if the village head elections prioritize the pattern of competition freely there will be a "divided society" in certain groups with different political orientations and interests. This will be more detrimental to society than benefits because this condition will support an atmosphere of horizontal conflict; This means that the root of the problem of conflict in rural communities is the change in community orientation that has always been promoting mutual cooperation or togetherness into an individualistic and competitive society. Indeed, one's competence and knowledge is one of the guidelines in choosing leaders in the village; but it is very different from the individualistic and competitive nature because this trait will give birth to personal meaning and win-lose in competition; this if there does not occur mature political and psychological maturity it will cause horizontal conflicts that we do not want together. Based on the description above, the researcher can draw a common thread that in accordance with the sociological conditions of homogeneous village communities a good guidance and assistance is needed so that the condition of the character of the community in politics including organizing village head elections (Pilkades) will be held well; in accordance with the principles of democracy, togetherness, mutual cooperation, accountability, and empowerment.

4.6. Political Review The process of electing village heads is a process of changing leadership at the village level on a regular and ongoing basis; it means that the election of village head is an activity that is reasonable and certain according to the constitution. The change of leadership does not mean changing all forms of the existing system, but only replacing people or individuals who carry out policies that have been set by the community through the Village Consultative Body (BPD). Therefore, the process of changing leadership is a natural process to ensure the continuity or sustainability of leadership in the village. The basic principle politically in organizing village head elections is power from the people, managed by the people, and the maximum results for the people (from the people, by the people, and for the people). Therefore this principle is very much in line with the spirit contained in the current legislation starting from the Law up to the Regional Regulation or Regents' Regulations; it means that the organizer of the Pilkades conducted by the committee from the elements of the village community itself is a form of the principle of democracy itself, this becomes stronger when it has been formulated in legislation. If in the process of Pilkades there is a commotion and horizontal conflict means that it needs to be studied comprehensively, what is behind it? We will improve this through regulation or the process of fostering and assisting rural communities, including by changing the election method from the method of voting with "ballot paper (manual)" to the method of "electronic voting (E-Voting)". With the many benefits and advantages of this method can reduce the risk of horizontal conflict due to fraud in the voting process, because almost the majority of fraud occurs during the voting and vote counting process. This method has a very big effect when fraud can lead to conflict, as a result of such fraud. Based on the description above we can conclude that politically, the organizers (committee) of the Pilkades were formed by the Village Consultative Body from elements of the village community itself not by outsiders; although there are outsiders only assisting, monitoring and monitoring, in order to maintain accountability of the implementation of the Pilkades, but must maintain the efficiency of the costs of administering the Pilkades. 550 [email protected] Implementation of E-Voting Method and Management in Selection of the Simultaneous Village Head (Case in Empat Lawang District, South Sumatera, Indonesia)

5. CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1. Conclusion The implementation of the E-Voting method carried out in the District of Empat Lawang is going well, orderly and smoothly, or in other words it was carried out successfully, although there is still an evaluation to improve and improve the quality of implementation in the future. It was proven that almost minimal disputes and horizontal commotion occurred during the implementation of the Pilkades and the level of community participation was 89%. E-Voting in the simultaneous Pilkades. Based on the review of the Law, the researcher concluded that the organizer of the village head election (Pilkades) according to the laws and regulations was formed by the Village Consultative Body, and the committee from the elements of the village community itself. Then from the Sociological point of view, it can be concluded that in accordance with the sociological conditions of homogeneous village communities a good guidance and assistance is needed so that the condition of the character of the community in politics including organizing village head elections (Pilkades) will be carried out properly; in accordance with the principles of democracy, togetherness, mutual cooperation, accountability, and empowerment. From a political perspective, we can conclude that the Pilkades organizer was formed by the Village Consultative Body from the elements of the village community itself; although there are outsiders only assisting, monitoring and monitoring, in order to maintain accountability of the implementation of the Pilkades, but must maintain the efficiency of the costs of administering the Pilkades. What is very meaningful for the community is a good political education for the village community in democracy especially in honest and fair democratic elections.

5.2. Suggestion Based on the above conclusions, the researcher suggests to the government and / or regional governments throughout Indonesia, still hold the election of the village head with the election committee from the local village community elements through the formation of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), although this conflict has occurred then the conflict must be resolved with other specific strategies; it means coaching, training and assistance must be done by the government so that togetherness, mutual cooperation and empowerment can occur. Then we suggest that the government and / or regional governments throughout Indonesia, begin conducting studies to change the election method to the "electronic voting (E-Voting)" method, which researchers have observed and reviewed that the benefits of using the method in 101 villages in Kabupaten Empat Lawang and other districts, where the benefits can already be felt by the village community concerned.

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