In a Dance Demonstration, Sunday Afternoon, May 10th, 1942 at 3~30 in the Theresa L. Kaufmann Auditorium PROGRAM Introductory Remarks - Louis Horst, Chairman of the Dance Teachers Advisory Committee NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Prologue Dance Club's Signature 1932-1942 Composed by Dance Club Members 1. Techniques of Movement 2. Romantic Period Dance Forms Traditional (a) Mazurka (b) Polka (c) Schottische (d) Waltz 3. Quiet Dance Norman Lloyd 4. Dance With Words: Rationaliats Wallace Stevens·- 5. Leather Winged Bat Traditional American Ballad. Recorded by Burl Ives 6. Excerpts from "The People, Yes" by Carl Sandburg Norman Lloyd (a) Tall Tales (b) The Machine (c) Blues

/ Epilogue Dance Club's Signature 1932-1 Composed by Dance Club Members MEMBERS OF GROUP Lucille Brahms, President, Sarah Greenoerg Secretary; Edith Aaronson, Dorothy Abelson, Rose Auerbach, C1aire Baum, June Becker, Betty Berger, Florence Bernstein, Sonya. Borenstein, Lucille Brahms, Ellen Carey, Betty Catlin, Evelyn Chodosh, Annette Dickermun, Barbara Dineen, Louise Ernest, Winifred Fein, Edna Friedman, Beatrice Greenberg, Sarah Greenberg, Lillian Halperin, Patricia Kaufman, Judy Lachenbruch, Edna Langer, Lila Levy., Hortense L1eberthol, Marilyn Matusoff, Camille Salatino, Theodora Wiesner, Delphine Zasloff, Ruth Zirin, and Irving Cohen, Jack Fitzsimmons, Nat Loshak, Gilbert Rivers, Hal Schwartz, Dallas Webb. Accompanists • Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Lloyd Faculty Advisers - , Norman Lloyd, Hermine Sauthoff BENNINGTON COLLEGE 1. This is Where I Came In ...... • . •...... ••..• Zoe Williams Composed by Carol Christopher Shirley Broughton, Dorothea Douglas, Jacqueline Paul 2. Hey Betty Martin •••••••••••••.••.•••••••••••• Traditional Ballad of War of 1812 Composed by -Patricia Schaeffer Martha Kramer, Patricia Schaeffer, Iris Suominen, Evelyn White, Ethel Winter 3. Zas •..•••••••••.•••••••••.•.•.•.••••••••••••• Melody collected and - ' • ~·~~ ------.I.. NEVV YORK UNIVERSITY Prologue Dance Club's Signature 1932-1942 ••••.• Composed by Dance Club Members 1. Techniques of Movement 2. Romantic Period Dance Forms ••.•.•....••.•••.. Trad1t1onal (a) Mazurka (b) Polka {c) Schottische (d) Waltz 3. Quiet Dance ••••••.••..•.••••••••••••••.••••.• Nonnan Lloyd 4. Dance With Words: Rationalists •...•.••••.•••• Wallace Stevens ·- 5. Leather Winged Bat ••••..••••••••••••••••••••• Trad1tional American Ballad. Recorded by Burl Ives 6. Excerpts from "The People, Yes" by Carl Sandburg ••••.•••.•••. Nonnan Lloyd (a) Tall Tales (b) The Machine (c) Blues

/ EEilogue Dance Club's Signature 1932-1942 •..•.• Composed by Dance Club M~mbers

MEMBERS OF GROUP Lucille Brahms, President, Sarah Greenberg Secretary; Edith Aaronson, Dorothy Abelson, Rose ;;.uerbach, 61aire Baum, June Becker, Betty Berger, Florence Bernstein, Sonyo. Borenstein, Lucille Brahms-, Ellen Carey, Betty Catlin, Evelyn Chodosh, ,\nnette Dickennan, Barbara Dineen, Louise Ernest, Winifred Fein, Edna Friedman, Beatrice Greenberg, Sarah Greenberg, Lillian Halperin, Patricia Kaufman, Judy Lachenbruch, Edna Langer, Lila Levy., Hortense L1ebertho.l, Marilyn Matusoff, Camille Salatino, Theodora Wiesner, Delphine Zasloff, Ruth Zirin, and Irving Cohen, Jack Fitzsimmons, Nat Loshak, Gilbert Rivers, Hal Schwartz, Dallas Webb. Accompanists • Mr. ano Mrs. Norman Lloyd Faculty Advisers - Martha Hill, Norman Lloyd, Hermine Sauthoff BENNINGTON COLLEGE 1. This 1s Where I Came In ...... •• . ...•...•••••• Zoe Williams Composed by Carol Christopher Shirley Broughton, Dorothea Douglas, Jacqueline Paul 2. Hey Betty Martin •.•.•••••••••.••.•••••••••••• Trad! tional Ballad of War of 1812 Composed by -Patricia Schaeffer Martha Kramer, Patricia Schaeffer, Iris Suominen, Evelyn White, Ethel Winter 3. Zas ••.•.••••••••••••••.••.•.•.••••••••••••••• Melody collected and hnnnonized by Beclard-d'Harcourt Composed and danced by Ruth Miller 4. March •••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Prokofieff Composed by Jacqueline Paul Shirley Broughton, Dorothea Douglas, Martha Kramer, Patricia Schaeffer, Evelyn White, Ethel Winter 5. Cancan Offenbach Composed and danced by Iris Suominen 6. Melodrama Shostakovich Composed by Patricia Schaeffer Patricia Schaeffer and Ray Malon, Ben Tone -2-·

7. Scilosophy Cop eland Composed by Shirley Broughton Scientists : Dorothea Douglas, Ev el yn White Philosophers: Martha Kramer, Patricia Schaeffer, Ethel Winter Phenomenon: Shirley Broughton 8. Infanta ...... Satie Composed and danced by Muriel Brenner 9. Definition of Swing Hudson-Mills Composed and danced by Ethel Winter and Ray Malan 10. Rhythm ...... Zoe Wlilliams Composed and danced by Jacqueline Paul . 11. Fugate . on a We ll-Known Theme Robert Mc Bride Composed by Shirley Broughton Dorothea Douglas, Sally Litchfield, Patri cia Schaeffer, Evelyn White, Ethel Winter

MEMBERS OF G Muriel Brenner, Shirley Broughton, Carol Christopher, Dorothea Douglas, Martha Kramer, Sally Litchfield, Ruth Miller, Jacqueline Paul, Patricia Schaeffer, Iris Suominen, Ev elyn Wh ite, Ethel Winter, and Ray Malon, Ben Tone. Accomp anist - Zoe Williams Directed by Martha Hill and William Bal es Costume s designed and constructed under direction of Helen Bottomly Music under direction of Zoe Williams Technician and s tngc manager: Ray Malon I N T E R M I S S I 0 N ---T-en Minutes SARAH LAWREN CE COLLEGE

1. Unit of Te chnique s of Movement Norman Lloyd .2. Camptown Rac e s ...... Stephen Fostor- arranged by Pnul Nordoff Choreogr aphy by Carolyn Wilson 3. Came the War Choreorgraphy by Barbara Li vings ton and Frances Sunstein 4. Dominion Denied Al ex a Dannenbaum Choreography by Barbara Bray 5. Wa r Bores ...... Norman Lloyd ( a ) Self-Pity for the Duration ( b) Super-Patriot Choreography by Barbara Livingston 6. Off the Boogie End Mead "Lux" Lewis Choreography by Sonia Hotf ield Chase 7. Masochism...... i Norman Lloyd Choreography by Frances Sunstein 8. Dance for Two Freda Mille r Choreography by Angela Kennedy and Carolyn Wi lson 9. *Delusion of Power (S study in Surrealism) Norman Lloyd Choreography by Frances Sunstoin *Choreography 1941.


Marjorie Erdmo.n, Chninnnn: Sonio Hntfield Chase, Al c:xa Dcnrwnbr-:urn, ..-. _ , _ __ 1"'\-.L-i-4 ...... ----·o- ...... -, - ~ -- - " ------., Evelyn White, Ethel Winter

MEii1BERS OF GJC'- r F Muriel Brenner, Shirley Broughton, Cnrr.'1.--C hristopher, Dorothea Douglas, Mnrtha Kramer, Sally Litchfield, Ruth Miller, Jacqueline Paul, Potrici[\ Schaeffer, Iris Suomincu, Ev elyn White, Ethel Winter, nnd Ray Mnlon, Ben Tone. Accompnnist - Zoe Williams Directed by Martha Hill and Williem Bnles Costumes designed nnd constructed under diroctio!'l of Helen Bottomly Music under direction of Zoe W illi n~ s Technician and stage manager: Ray Mnl on I N T E R M I S S I 0 N Ten Minutes ---- .. --·- SARAI·! L!.111 REN CE COLLEGE 1. Unit of Techniques of Movement ..•.••..••.•••.• Norman Lloyd .2. Co.mptown Races ...... ••...... •.....•....••••..• Stephen Fostor- nrranrod by Paul Nordoff Choreogr aphy by C ~ rolyn Filson 3. .;~Came the Wnr Chor e o ~ r Qp hy by Barbera Livingston ond Franc0s Sunstoin 4. Dominion Denie d •.•• • •••••••••• • .••.••.•.• o •••• Ji. l exn Choreography by Burbaru Bray 5. War Bores •...... •...... •...... •• Norman Lloyd ( s) Se lf-Pity .for tJ.1 0 Durn. t i on ( b) Sup0r-Pntriot Choreography by Barburo. Livingston 6. Off the Boogie End •••••••••••• •• •••••••••• • ••• Moo.d "Lux" Lewis Choreogr aphy by Sonin Ha tfield ChD se 7. }lln sochism ...... - ...... Normo.n Lloyd C~or c o grnphy by Fr ~ ncos Sunstein 8. Dence for Two ...... ~ •.. Frcdn Mi ller Chore ogr s phy by Angol '.:.l Kcnnuc1.y ·mc1 Corolyn Wi lson 9. ~~Delusion of Power (S study in Surrcnlism) .. . . Normo.n Lloyd Chor0ogrnphy by Frnnco s Sunstoin *Chorcogr np hy 1941.

um;:a:EilS OF GROUP

Marjorie Erdmo.n, Chairman Sonia Hatfield Cha se, Alexa Dannenbaum Flora Maitland Dean Alison Edelman, F'lorcnce Forbes, Pc tr:l.cic. Holton, Constance Hornor, Angela Kennedy Mary Longstreth, Ellen Stocker, Carolyn Wilson; and Barbara Bray, Barbara Livingston, Frnnccs Suns tein, Alumnae

Accompanist - Norman Lloyd Faculty Advisers: Bessie Schonberg Normc:n Lloyd -3-

AN Augmented Program FOR THE Dance Department of the Y.M.H.A. for the season 1942-43

Recreational and Professional classes for Adults and Children


Di recttor------Barbara Page ------Mod.ern Dance LOUIS HORST------Dnnce Composition Preclassic Forms Modern Forms

Barbara Page------RecreationalModern Dance American Contra Dance PhysicalFitness and Children's Classes

MURIEL STUaRT------~---Bnllet HERZL Amdur ------·------Ballroom . few partial scholarships will be available for both elementary and advanced students in the Dance Departme nt.


--- - Do. nee Tcnchers ,\dvisory Committee ------··-- ' Louis Horst, Chc irmnn ~ylvin Hirshowitz in chnrge of College· Dance Demons t rv. t 1 ons Rose Koenig, Mary 0' Donn ell, Bnrbr.r o. Pnge, Pearl Rotholz, Hermine Snuthoff, Eugenie Sche in