Reference: 20/1071 0 A ~ 28 February 2020 TheBarossa Council Mr Michael Lennon Chair State Planning Commission GPO Box 1815 ADELAIDE SA 5001 By email:
[email protected] Dear Mr Lennon, PLANNING AND DESIGN CODE - PHASE 3 CODE AMENDMENT - THE BAROSSA COUNCIL SUBMISSION Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the Phase 3 Code Amendment. Council considered this matter at a Special Council Meeting on 18 February 2020 and resolved: "O-. (D That Council: 3 C ( 1) Notes the report and endorses the key messages to be included in its 3 submission on the Phase 3 Code Amendment; ::J~- (2) Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to finalise the submission and for this (D to be submitted to the State Planning Commission by 28 February 2020; ...... 0 (3) Commits to ongoing collaboration with the State Planning Commission, 0 through the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure to Q_ formulate policies which recognise and protect the unique character of the -+ 0 Barossa whilst also allowing ongoing sustainable development; C ~Vl (4) Requests that Commission re-engages with Councils and the c ommunity 3 prior to final approval of the Code Amendment; and :J"" (5) Seeks a deputation with the Minister for Planning and State Planning -.(D Commission to discuss Council's key concerns with the Code Amendment. =+ 0 (0 (D A detailed submission is attached. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with the Commission and departmental staff to discuss the concerns raised and our suggested ::::;.; responses. We will se parately approach the Commission and Minister regarding the (D Vl -+ deputation sought by Council.