Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies ISSN-e: 2255-3479 José Ramón Blanco Castro Lieutenant Colonel of Spanish Army PH D Candidate. Internationational Security. (Spanish Open University) E-mail:
[email protected] The Competition between Al Qaeda and the Islamic State Abstract Present-day jihadism is led by two groups that attract international attention: Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. This article focuses on de- monstrating that, despite their different strategic approaches, the sur- vival of both is based on jihadist ideology. For this purpose, an analysis of the key aspects of these groups is presented: the leaders, the ideolo- gical principles, the concept of territory, the franchises, the attacks and the recruitment model. While Al Qaeda bases its resilience on a more moderate network model, the Islamic state adopts a more territorial approach that is attractive because of its radical nature. Keywords Terrorism, jihadism, ideology, Al Qaeda, Islamic State. To quote this article: AHMED-ABENZA, O. «The Competition between Al Qaeda and the Islamic State». Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, n.º 14. 2019, pp. 251-276. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 14 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 251 a 276 251 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 14 / 2019 Introduction l Qaeda (AQ) became known through large-scale attacks. In August 1998, attacks on US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania cost the lives of 224 people, twelve of them Americans. Less than six months later, Bin Laden gave Khalid ASheikh Mohammed, the chief architect of the attacks of September 11, 2001, approval to plan the deadly attacks in New York and Washington.