Buy erigeron canadensis - online at nurserylive | Best at lowest price

Erigeron canadensis - Plant

Erigeron canadensis is an annual plant growing to 1.5 m (60 in) tall, with sparsely hairy stems.

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Erigeron canadensis Plant

Description for Erigeron canadensis

Plant height: 3 - 6 inches (7 - 16 cm)

Plant spread:

Erigeron canadensis is an annual plant native throughout most of North America and Central America. It is also widely naturalized in and .

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Common name(s): canadensis, horseweed, Canadian horseweed, Canadian fleabane, coltstail, marestail, and butterweed.,Erigeron canadensis

Flower colours: white

Bloom time: Jul , Aug , Sep , Oct , Nov

Max reachable height: 1.5 m (60 in) tall

Difficulty to grow: easy to grow

Planting and care

Growing plants can be inexpensive, particularly when growing them from seed. Seeds of plants should usually be sown directly into the sunny bed, as developing roots do not like to be disturbed.

Sunlight: Full Sun

Soil: well-drained soil

Water: Medium

Temperature: 25C

Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

Caring for Erigeron canadensis

Place plants in full sun in average, well-drained soil. Drainage is important; don t place where roots will sit in water. develop best flavor in full sun.

Typical uses of Erigeron canadensis

Special features: It is also widely naturalized in Eurasia and Australia. Common names include horseweed, Canadian horseweed, Canadian fleabane, coltstail, marestail and butterweed.

Culinary use:

Ornamental use: The plant is used for ornamental purpose.

Medicinal use: Medicinal uses of Conyza Canadensis (Canadian Fleabane or Horseweed) Canadian horseweed is astringent, antirheumatic, diuretic, balsamic, emmenagogue, styptic, vermifuge and tonic. Horseweed is especially suitable for dysentery, diarrhea, internal hemorrhoids and hemorrhage.

References q=Erigeron+canadensistemp

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Reviews Wednesday, 06 November 2019

Good growth and 90% germination

Shanmugam N K

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