Hand in Voies to Office Bt
Christmas Hop ; Cross Country at Montecito [ Men Race at Saturday Eve f Pomona Sat. ) i VOL. IX. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929. N o. I f JOIN THE EAGLE CONTEST; ELECT STATE’S MOST POPULAR MAN, WOMAN STUDENTS PLANS BEING Watson Brings Love Delta Zeta Deltans MADE TO HOLD To People of Lompoc Hold Autumn Party Members of the Delta Zeta HAND IN VOIES NET T0URNE1 An intimate view of “Love” Delta sorority entertained at an was given the populace of Lom autumnal party Friday evening, Following Christmas vacation a November 22, at the home of Jean widwinter tennis tournament! open poc last Sunday morning when TO OFFICE BT Dave Watson, student body Neilson on upper Santa Barbara to all students, will- be held on street. the college courts. The tourna treasurer, preached on this Many alumni and members at ment will be composed of four topic to the congregation of tended. Those present were: Mr. events, men’s singles and doubles, the First Presbyterian Church , The last social event preceding and Mrs. Lester Girsh, Mr. ,and Following a recent discussion women’s singles, and .mixed of the northern town. His the Christmas holidays will take Mrs. Gene Powell, Mr. and Mrs. doubles. The committee is try sefmon, . which was very well heard on the campus between sev place tomorrow evening when the George Browne, Mr. and Mrs. ing to secure trophies from the received by the listeners, was eral college men and co-eds. as to annual Christmas Formal dance Warner, Misses Ester Janssens, newspapers and one or two of the based on his own personal ex the most popular ipan and woman will be held at the Montecito Helen Smith, Carmie Janssens, sporting goods stores, and will periences and hardships, he Country Club.
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