Sunday Evening
Sire -Producing Families By Avalyn Hunter Sunday Evening Rock Sand illiam Allison is forgotten by most people in the American Friar Rock, 1913 Fairy Gold Thoroughbred industry, yet he played a critical role dur- Pilate, 1928 W The Tetrarch EIGHT THIRTY, 1936 Herodias, 1916 ing the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As the English agent Honora Ultimus for James R. Keene, August Belmont II, and Samuel Riddle, High Time, 1916 Noonday Dinner Time, 1929 Allison purchased and imported the dams or granddams of such Man o’ War Seaplane, 1922 important horses as Sweep, Pennant, Black Toney, Fair Play, Friar Bathing Girl SUNDAY EVENING, 1947 The Tetrarch Rock, Ultimus, Broomstick, High Time, Ballot, Disguise, and the Tetratema, 1917 Scotch Gift Royal Minstrel, 1925 immortal Man o’ War. Among the mares that Allison selected for Louvois Harpsichord, 1918 Keene was Fair Vision, whose great-great-great-granddaughter Golden Harp Swynford Sunday Evening (Eight Thirty—Drowsy, by Royal Minstrel) is the DROWSY, 1934 St. Germans, 1921 Hamoaze Lazy Susan, 1927 ancestress of several notable sires. Delhi Idle Dell, 1918 Like many others from her family, Sunday Evening proved a Idle Tale quick juvenile, winning the 1949 Spinaway Stakes. She Medaglia d’Oro (El was not the equal of the best Prado—Cappucino Bay, fillies of her crop, however, by Bailjumper), a fifth- which included two-time generation descendant of champions Bed o’ Roses and Royal Society, is anoth- Next Move plus Busanda, er story. Winner of the Striking, Rare Perfume, and 10-furlong Travers Stakes Siama, all important produc- as a 3-year-old in 2002, ers as well as good racers.
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