:3 =; -=:::: Shower. , , '" (' , ••• I, P, 0, ..... J ...... ". ,1 ••, Ma, ,31, 8'•• 01 R .all J ' ,...... IOWA: WIIIeIy aeaUered ehow· ".~ .,...... ,1.. Ma, 81, 8.0•• en an .....lIJIden&o~ '""... 17 ...... J ... )1, PUaL On. T , .RE ....." "' •• I ..,I," II.... aI. ' Iowa City's Morning' Newlpo er Cooler.


'. , ,. Dinolufion ofjCo~iriterri H.uge U.S. Air Force ". -~y J,os~ph Stalin ,.. ~ ... .IUCHARP , ,. . , 8; 0: ~8.8OCK '~. >7: Pounds French Coast WASHINGTON (AP), - Joseph it fell kpart aftel' tile 1872' con­ Sljilln's ~issolution ot thl; Cqmm~. (r~ss at ~e Hague, in 8. splil. be. • nlsl IntemalLOl1al- l~ 'Is allSumed tw~en the Soeialists, led by Marx, nl!re ~hat tllc SovIet premlell PCI'· and tbe anarchists. Headquarters DaylightAHack sonlJlly ordel'cd lhe!, Cort1lnUlm ~is- were trahslerred to New Y1Jrk: but 5-Cent\Butter Subsidy bll,llded-~as obyiously pleall~ ihe' organizati~r'l 'quietly' upired' Wa~hlnitoll I,lHicialoom. . \ . . " . Secretary bf'Stl\te Cordell HUll at~el' ,Its ~"hlladel~.Illa l con~re ss In said i( was "welcome news," ' 1876. , . ToStCJrt Next Tuesday ~iggest Ever • That this was 'noi purely II. po­ IIl~ ,acceptallpe, with .. tongllc , ill I . IIY Ta. ASSOCIATED raE8S WASHlNGTON - Breasting a uestlon (or OPA and Food Ad­ clieek, o! a Sov\cl gesture i~ indio Made c~led by pl\lcr;; in Ole 1I0verhl!1cnt Berlin ., Ac.knowledges tide of criticism over the handling minlsU"ator Chester C. Davis. by Yanks llavi~g made tile sarno comment­ 01 (ood problems, the Olnce of OPA oWcJals said the "roll· but not /01' quotatlon by 'name­ Price administration announfed back" pro,ram has been approved after consider Ina Ihe. implicaUop$, qed-Push Nec,s'sil~tes yesterday Its subsidy on butter will by Byrnes, and that It is assured Returning Airmen " Even those who ordinarily ell­ 110 into effect next Tuesday at the of golill ahead. rate 01 5 cen ts a poul)d, BuUer Subsid,. Report Bullseye Hit. Press sk~ptJcisn'l tOWlird arty 50<1- 'Elastk' Nazi·Warfare Retail prices beginnln, lune 10 The subsidy on butter wlU be , Ie~ move said t/le gesture wou ld ___1 _ " • With 1·T on Bombs help 'the w.ar effort and postfwar' will relied the cut, which amounts paid by the Detense Supplies corp., \0 a~\rt 10 per cent. OPA said, an RFC, subsidiary, ,t the cream­ f~la\lons. " Radio Intimates' Russ L KD !. (AP)-Th great, They outlined Hie qtobablC! ClI- explalnina, the la. between thc cry level, begLnning Tuesday. Next ~ ubsidy payments and the cut in Friday the prices creameries t fl eet of Am ricsn bea"Y fech as (ollows: I .. Drive in ., Caucaius retail prices is due to the fact that charge others wiIJ be cut by the bombers '\'er nt out {rom Bri· , I. Stalin has r~moved the ~ym­ May Be' Suc,c,~~sf"~ _' ~ ~e sub Idy will apply only to new. Iive-oent rnal'gln. The retail price tain hammer d Nazi-occupied I10J ;o{ Communism's el'stwhlle , ' , !. . • . , ~ Fran' 8 tripl daylight threat to countries outside of Rus- Iy-produced butter. The effective cut will take place the (ollowina with tONDON, SUNDAY (~P)-The retail date had to be set laler be. Thursday, June 10. t rday by at last dls .... owlng, ~jn ef· a Dull lat y in a 51a; cause of pre-subsidy butter that Vociferous objection to the sub. fect, ,thc Q.(>ctl'ine 01 wotld n!volu- qerman < ra~io al}J1olln.ced• eal'ly thllndel'ing windup to tbe m t tion, which he had long aban. yesterday thllt a Soviet battjlring I I will be ill trade channels during lidy plan has "ome from some devastating w k·]ong mbard, doned: This would take al lot 01 ram ha~ forced the German Kuban IT'S LITERALLY RAINING, BOMBS over the l\Ionserrat.o air field near Carliart In Sardinia as u ~ S. the 10·day period, farm groups. A senate agricultural m nt of Europe, shp\p a M~t -Prius 10 Drop committee has drafted legislation Ibundei' out qf (he troops \ £0 ' 'a particul rl Flying F,ortresses unleash .... ore than 100 explosives. This photo by U. S. Army Air For.ce8 Gc~man· propa. "~dopt At the saroe time, OPA said the to forbid such payments with spe. Returning airm n reported gapda in Europe that ,has playr.d' . a y sampl~ 01 the heavy aUled bomblnlr raids being carried out over Italy and Germin,.. . the bombal'dicr!I ,cor d bull yo elaStic W1Irfarc" - the term used promised 10 'per cent subsidy roll. clIic authorization from congres . back in meat and coffee prices will The meat-butter-colfee subsidy hit~ on till' targ ts with 2,000- ax'is retr'cat In It'a' llla' n fleet follow shortly. It was understood has been estimated unoffiCially to pound block·bu tCI"!I. f;~,t~~JI~f~~:::u:s:~::~:::: !::i~:.la.t ~i~ter's from other sources that tIle meat cost $400,000,000 a year. Flying Forll'c e smashed lution and removal ot ' Its former I This was, the first intimatlon that program probably will be an- through swarms of enemy planes . I in~trU!1lent would' make IIs5ocia- . . ". . .. ' tlOfl pf Sovi,et RusJla and othet Russ~an pow~r in the northweste.rn .' I • nounced In a w~k or 10 days. to bl.ast the U-boat base at St. OPA:s I1nnou~cemenl camc as Nllzalre and military targets at united nations ,0vern1nents easler CauSll-su~ I;lad ' p~oduced def!,?Jte,WorrleS 'Aliles critiCism, In congress and out, or Jap Troops on Attu il) both ,. the wa .... aD~ iii the world reSultS ·ln. t~~. ~ed a~Y'~ , ~f~ort . to ;' . • ' the handltns 01 food prohlems and (leones while unesco rted Llbera­ Teilonstructloh . afterwatq. . crUSh the narrow German bridge- ': "..- • • , , prices ' ralsed th'e' pro peel tha~ tOI'S pounded thc ubmarlne base , 3.. J;>is~91utlon oC the Cpnnntero, heaa eite~dhlg 'fr~m ' Novo~ossisk. " James F. By'rn~" the new War "ow Pocketed in Area at La Pall Ice. wO\;ild weak!!n the authority . of ,'.,.: I '. . B d b S NOSC\lw over. CQlI\lDuoi.t , garties ?~ th~ -alack S.~a, IlC~OSS the ~aman " Cit,t~re: . ut . tro~g Mobilli.ation director, wl11 have 10 A communIque I ued ,Ioln&ly cope with it ..quIckly. 3 to 4 Miles Square ill ,thf countries Quqide ot RUllSia. ~ni. nsu1a to : Temry'~ - but Mos- ~ea F~r~e 'May Play Byrne.' PrOblem by 8&h U. S. Air Force bead­ :The thlrd U::QlMlUl}i.t.) Iht~rna- cqw still remained 's\limt ort tile p . N k Among the things Byrn likely quarters and the BrlUsh air ti,o{la,lJ , k,~oWJ? 4S the (:omiotern, pro~reSs 01 the fighting: art In ew Attac will settle are: U. S. Force. Pound mlnlslry said IS bo~bers were h~d Its historic ol'igfns In. tM Flr,st : A' m'idnlt.ht ' MOs,,(jw communi W'AsuINGTON (AP) _ 'F~l'I"I'e 1. Extilnt ' to which subsidies lod In tbe three· way assault Irtternati9I'1al,- wh1cb' disintegrated • . "d . ~ L 1 ' ' . , • ...... Remainder of 'Nip.' Clearln& the way for this wlde­ alter ' a ' bl'~ef ,decade in the ' last j:lue r,e~91de , Ij~ tne. ~o,:"et mon!- of the Itarfan fleet even tQ delay may be used.' 2. Whether food matters should South of Chichagof apr ad attack, American, RAF, ceritW'y. " , , . tor,. ~~r~IY ,salli :~flghting , Ic~n- the hlopqning of allied communi-I D 0 m in ion and other alUed 'Tl\e First lntil'natlon~I, or In• . ~ued northeast. of, NovofofHsk cations' lines through the Me'diter­ be conc:entratecl under the AgrJ­ cultlJre department or whether all WASHINGTON CAP) - Rolent· righters swept the coast of north­ temational Wor!dnamen.'s 'asSocia- ,m t~e K/lban rlve~ district - th!! l'aneel~ aroused speculation today ern France in swift stabs at ad­ tJOQ wa~ torJ1)eQ' l.q don in sa,me" phras~ , used (91' three e0l'\' over the possibility that the bat- price-fixing that affects farm lellS, sta~blng advances by Amel'i­ vanced ba e of the German air 1864 ;) unqcr leader~p ~f Ka\'l s!!cutive •.days. ".. . . terecI, but stil1lol'midable sea force product!! s/lould rcmaln a jOint can troops on Attu island have force. Marxr~ lar-tely a.s -. secial-seience . A BerlinJ?roa!icast _recorli~d b~ is being' held' in reserve for some driven the bulk at remai'ning It was the lirst outing [or the aSsociation, aIthou'h i~ , was in- The ~ssoclated Press quoted a moihl!ntous d~velopment in the Japanese troops Into a single .four-engined heavyweigbts of tho . ' tended to be an international ~~~an ~ar chtresJlO~de~t ' as 8',- European war. Jap Troops ReQpen mountainous area, covering only 8th U. S. air force sioce the raid p;irly orgahizatilln pf the 'werking Illg: hi ':'Iew qfcon~lIiuo~s ~OV, let Two pOSsible uses fOl' the Lleet, I three to four square miles. on Emden and Wilhelmshaven claSs, !ollowjng th' jl'idusU"ia1·rev. attacks . Jt p~ved ~ecQSsary \0 -w~ch may include as many" M The navy announced yesterday MIIY 21, when they lost 12 bomb­ olutiol1 ' ' adopt a par~lcularly elastic warfare seven or eight battleships, wcre Drive on Chungking this al'ea, s outhwe~t of Chlchlliof ers and downed 74 n my pfanes. r , in .Kuban. fLver 'area. . - , corisidert1d In informed quartcrs: harbor at the Island's northeastern Todar' lOll!! of 13 bombetll ., In thcir.lengthy and detailed reo • '1:0 Resbt Invasion Aerial Support Aids tip, was under steady assault tol­ was tbe second larre1J1 ever t' enhoYier A"I" s ports ot the Caucasian front the 1. I! the German high command lowing an heroic American victory suffered by thtl American heav­ 1;15 ' n rm Germans have clairQed since last ha!\ effective control of the rOJ'ce Renewal of Assault won above the clouds on Fish-hook I . . fAil ' Thur,sd.)' t~at a :Iatge-scale Red witp its own officers in key spots, ridge by tou,h mountain troops. The text of the joint communi­ "fy 0 I- ..:.1 Forces army o!1enSJve was underway, and it might be employed at Hitler's GRE£TING ,JOSEPH E. DAVIE , former ambasaador "an. FI'e-'diml In Hupeh Province Unl, W that the ltussians were 'employing direction to battle any allied in- RooseveU's special envoy, Premier Josef Stalin Russia smites hap. To reach Japancse entrench. que: 0' ments on the ridge, which flanks "The ail' ministry and head­ i5b,000 men and hurninids of vasjon thrust across the Mediter- plly. The picture, taken In lIQUARTERS 1N during the initiation 9f important control 'of their navy. they ' lnay • . J manet communique announced ye - nests above the clouds. Saturday arternooh. NORTH AFRICA, '(AP)- Gen: campaigns. Red Star, Russian be "holding it not so much for its I " 0 E P I terday. The battle of the! clouds began "Flying Fortresses attacked port Dwight D . . EisenHower said in a army newspaPer said Friday that !illh~ing powers a5 for its value as n uropean nvaslon rospec about mid-week and apparently instaUaUons at the U-boat base broadcast last night that his teain 19'7. G!!r,man planes had been shot a force with Which to bargain in I The J a pan e s e attack was 01 American, Brltlstl lind French liown in. three days, out de<;hired case the Italians c;lecide to trY to was completed in two days ot at St. Nazaire and military targets launched Friday mOllllng "!oUow- at R e nne s while Liberators lorces was ready for any further tbat it was 'the ;Ger'lllans v,.;ho were make ferms with ' the aUies. hcavy lighting. It was regarded task ' and was · determJned to fight attackIng,in "ldcal battles" in the Excep&lon 10 Record LONDON (AP)- London ncw,;- II the allies ucceeded in gaining inir adJwtment of our central po­ here as marking the beginning 0.( bombed targets at the U-boat od In concert with other allied torces KuMn sWllmplantls , While. the record of failure of papers speculated in livcly (ashion an intial toe-hold, "they would sltions" In this region where the the end of the offensive of any 1m. basc at La Pallice. until "we' shall hav!: brought the The atrIal wa:t1are" however, the: Italian fleet in th~ past is yesterday on the pI'ospects ol Eul'- soon come up against such a for- Japanese are striking In the dl­ portance on Attu island. "Visibility wa food and Thus, while the mopping up ope. burst. were seen on all tbre eeJ last a~1IlY 01 Germany, ltal)' and extended all albhg the Russian considered a fairly good indication opean invasfon, with one saying midable defense that. they would rection of Chunltlng. Japan to its inevltaole 'Tunisia' " frqnt, MOsCOW declaring early of w~at ' may be expected from the rations have la8ted longer by a tarre~ Irea . that "the greatest naval operation SOOI1 be thrown back once more." An allSault by reinIorced Jap­ He ridiculed the Gl!tman prop- today ' In one broadcHl/t, thaf Italians in any future naval opera­ few days than solbe observers had "Fortresses attacking Rennes acandli efforts ~imed at splitting- 10ng-raDge Soviet boinbers had tions; there.is one exception. in history is imminent," while The naval correspondent oI the anese units southwest of lehang on first thought likely, it appeal'ed and St. Nazaire encountered the allies as "snarls !lnd whimper· :made Ii mass raid Friday night on Authorities , here said that a the Rome radio Lugubriously dc- London News Chronicle declared the Yan(tze river Willi cheeked, that the cOnquest of the island heavy fighter oppOSition, destroy­ ings 01 helpless rage." Vitebsll:, Jrt'\portant railway june- bati-Ie in defense of their own cIa red that "now the enemy has p ally that "tile greatest naval the communique continued, and might be ovcr within thr~ weeks Ing many of the enemy. chosen Pantclleria, Sicily and Sar- operation in history Is Imminent. of Its be&innin,. Next Tuesday "RAF, USAAF, Dominion and '~his team Is bound to,etber 'Han miles northwest of Smo· sbol-'~:; probably would inspire the 17D T5 . d" 't b' t' ' " the Chinese hea\lily en "ed other by . ll;ldestructl~!e devot~on to 9' lel'lSk, Getrt\an anchor qn the cen- Ita~t:t officers and men to put lOla as ISO Jec IVe>. Jl will be a landing of an alJied ..... will mark the opening of the allied fighters supported the Reo­ The Italian broadcast, I'ecorded army on the of troops driving west from lchan,. common . ca,use, the ,allied c~m- tr.1 frollt. lor~h rpore, pro~ligious effol'lS in continen~ Euro~e. fourth week. nes and St. Nazalre raids. The m~nder IU north J\-frlca said on a . conflict than they havc yet shown. by The Associated Press, expressed The navy is ready. Enemy units In one sector !louth The conquest of AUu is expected Liberators were unescorted at La British program called "All Alrica ' , ',,;. M"keup of Navy conviction that Italy was m1 ruition's southlands last night. and abQut ten cruisers, 90 destroyers ese air baae In the central Solo­ . REGISTRATION already underway, but the' Rus- ress attack on Leghorn Friday as Herald, lenerally regarded as the mons, on Friday. . ::clency lalned In allied ~m- app""ently the worst of the flood and '1,0 subm~rlnes, . They may ha,ve sians themselves have not con- "the first blow of the aWed ea'm- orllan of the Chinese forei8n 01· lletrtltrR&lon rOlf &be If,anlard " '. wa$' fIVer. lost some destroyers and subma- firmed it oIficially, paign, to bomb Italy herself 8tUl liee, took the view that the Jap. "Hits wer scored on the runway e"ht·week IllIIUDer _Ion ex­ and in the revetment area," the tendlnc from June' JuI,. 38 TIllS demonstration Of. unity on Below Cairo, 111., a much broader rines (n the recent allied ael'ial A military commentator of the more heavily." anese operations in western Hupeh to t~ battlefield, of unity III adver- charinei and more ltIlIIISive levees pounding of their main naval ~mmun.iQue said. "Numerous ex­ oecun Saturdar, June 5. De­ Iity 118 well as In v Lctory , is sorely , . Rome radio as erted that the in. were not intended to !on Kraschcl, 24 ; was will mareh In tbe Memorl.1 gaged, Ames were among 103 collClles and Iowa Unlon SatunlaJ', June 5, waters. ' killed ta te yelJlerday a..(lternoon day parade Monday, and will A taUy on thIs Memorial day W.ASlllNGTON, (.fJ»-Advo· universities selected for participa. from • &. m. to S p. m.. idclad­ Y~terday was, lIll! hottest day 0( At cape Girardeau, Mo., the while serving as' a test pilot for as emble at 9:30 a. m. near the shows that the nation's battle dead eating an ameildment to the co.n· tlon In the army specialized train· InI' .... e noon bour. the year, and .ow~ Clttans stm· Mlslisslppl dropped to 41.8 feet, a tile Bell Aircraft Corp, at a train- east curb of Clinton street be­ total 13,641 in the current conCUct. stltutlon lImltinl a president's I." prol1'8m. the war department ~ lrellunen in tbe (lOliens .r liberal end­ 1I1( ered 88 the temperature lIOII\'ed nillfl-illcb fall in 42 hours. Further ing field between BUftalo and !In. &ween Wasblngton and Collen Lal.est reports of the army account tenure In oUlce to two terms, announced last night. ana. a 00 degrees about 3:80 p. m, reeellion was scheduled for the agara Fall~, N. Y. streets. Tbey will wear arm fOr 6,318. Navy casualty 'Iists have Sepator Smith (D-SC) declared Commandil'll generals of the oeeri... , and pbarIaa.c)o will But the welJtberman predietll next 48 hours. The elder Kr88chel: now general bands, aeuordlng to Comdr. reported 5,644 sailors dead, 1,801 yesterday he will not support. any service commands have been au­ meet a& 9 a. m. SalunlaJ' tn M. the aud.llortum 01 licatlered ,howerl and thunder· At Caito, where the Ohio and agent (or .the Farm Credit admi'1.­ Rbllin Perkins. mal'ines and 78 coast guardsmen. bid Pre8i~ent Roosevelt may thorhed to negotiate tralnlnl con­ Macbride hln Btorl1lJl fbI' , today, and, II he Is Miulsalppl tormed a new conllu· istration In Omaha, said his son The civil air patrol will as­ A compilation by the' National make for re-election to a fourth U"aels immedialely. The University to receive recWralioa mate...... :0. rllht, many persolll will have to ence ...en miles above the was testing a plane which crashed semble for the parade at 9:30 Geographic socIety shows that term. of Iowa ia already In use under the and Indrudloaa for completion ch~n'e their plans for IHenle out. orl,lnal, there ,seemed to be no about 4 p. m. (CWT). a. m. Monday at the comer of three fourths 01 all the men kJUed "I didn't vote for Roosevelt for program but yeslerday'. dellilna­ 01 ~"""&Ioa. Ibl8 In ~Ie two·day Memorlar holl. denPt', althou,h ' the town itself (A dispatch trom Niagara Falls Wasblngl.on and CUntan streets. in battles to dllte died In the Civll a third tel;'IJl and I'm not 10il1l to Uon enlarges the field of activity. UDlIIlrelaal Mden" tn tbe There will be no military eofJep -.lneeriq who will da,. , Wls encircled. stated lilat young Kraschei died war, 110,070 Union men and vote for him for 8 tourth tenn," Yesterday's announcement said or T.he temperatw:e temalni'll In the StUl tar out of Its banks up· when his parachute failed to open I drill 'for the CAP Monda,., but 74,524 Confederale soldiers. . Smith told a reporter. "With me the University of Iowa had been be rea1Iterilll for .... e IHIIcm durlQl late .twrnOOl1 .nd ttrellln, the ArklllIu sentlts 33.78 after qe had balled out at low tbe class In navlratlon taught The World war took. 50,510 it Iso't the rqan, it's the principle. desilnated for participation in the bePudnc .rune 7 wtll .--e eo'. re­ tvenll1l yeaterdiY, theq dropped ~ foot Pine 'BluU, ' Ark." crest surg- altitude from an army P·3il Alra· by Dr. J. D. Wells will meet at Alrnerican lives In combat, the No president ever had more than basic phase of tralnll'll, for medical ,.....Ioa maten... aDd , :30 p.ll!. In room 109 of the rII&er .. the oIfIee 01 the dean rew d.,rea atter 1:.0. At< 1:10 tItia In. c1owlII~eam between mal8lve cobra during a routine test flight Revolutionlll')' war 4,044 men, the two ta~ befOl'e and I think we tralnin, in the colle.e of medicine motnilll, the thermometer tellid MI,.s.IPJt river type levees which over the outskirts of Niagara dental bulldlnr. Mexican war l,n! men, while o\iJht to writ. • Ilmlt.tion of tbat and for dellta~~ In the col- .. 1uVueIed. 13 decrees. were'expttteCl to hold f!rmly . PalIJ,) i-'------:-'-."...,.....,..;..-~ I1,877 died in the War of 1812. kind lnw Ute coaaUtuUon." leI" of dentl&try. , , '. ' I .... l. '- . 6 , , PAGB TWO - THE 0 AIL Y lOW A N. lOW A CITY. lOW A SUl'IDAY, MAY 30, i943 , , 1 principal function of Nazi m by Hitl r, ~en THE DAILY IOWAN if it requires th wipilfg out of twent r mil. OFFICIAL DA'LY BULLE'TIN Published every momln, except Ilonday b1 lion people. n""t;,r'tIHf~- ' It&m. In the UNIVERSITY CAL1!:NDA.ft .re I.b'-bled In the Pm!­ Student Publications Incorporated at 121-LSO Snow asks, "If twenty million corspes is ~.. \~iJl5I1FQr1 dent', omce! Old C'pltol, Itemo lor the aEN&Jt~L NOTICIC8 .... Til. WAR IIIWI '" ~ depollted .wl h til. campu. edItor of The Dally Iowan or may be Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa, the price tllis insane man expected Ru ia ,~ ,~ pl.ced In the box Pl'ovlded lor tIIelr depol lt In the oWce. of The t.o pay for his own victory, whut will be exaet 1111 ' , Dally Iowan, OENERAL NOTICES must bo at The Dally Iowan bV I 6t/Gle- •••• , (Q 4:30 P. m. the clay precedln, first publication; notice. will NOT be 1\oard ot Trustees: A. Cule BaIrd, KIrk H. a the hour of llis defeat and per!>onlll catas· .;!!J accepted by telepbone, .nd muat be TYPED OR LEOtBLY WRI'M'lft ~tl;ij~~"''' and SIGNED by a r ••ponllbl. peroon. Porler, Paul E. Olson, Jack M 01 e r 8, Dan trophe draws nellrf " McLaughlin, John Doran, Donald Ottilie, Ed Hitler cannot kill thut many Ru iall 01· AIJj.d Strategy Keeps SUllday, May SO, IUS 130wman. diers, but it is well within his power to kill Public, Axi~ Gue~sing 3 or starve to death twice that many ch'ilian . UNIVERSITY C~LENDAR Fred M, Pownall, Publish"" • The ul'lited nations carried tile Marie Nau, AdverllsJna Manaier • • • fight to the en!'!my vigorously in' The cOl'r spond nt co/tclud s that Hil­ Sunday, May SO ,Chorus, muslc rehearsal hall. James F. Zabel, Editor two phases pf the global conflict 8 p. m. Student Chl'istian coun- Monday, June 'I l I' " lOW seems d fef'Jni11ed to make evet'y last week, the war in thc air and city alld village which tI,e Wehrmacht cil vesp~r service, west approacb, B p. m. Humanist society: talk Entered 81 liecond claas mall maUer a~ lhe post­ the war of nerves. On most of is compelled to "abandon ill 1IJeste"n R1Is­ Qld Capitol. "N' b h' Eth' I 0 'I k" office at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act of con­ the land and sea fronts the pre­ WedneJday, June 2 on Ie u I'S Ica u.oo, sio a M'I as bl,ak alld terrifying C/.~ Ih e l1'ess of March 2, 1879. a invasion lull persisted as the allies 8 p. m. Concert by Universlly senate chamber, Old Capitol. hQ1ldiwork I ]IOtiC Iriee! to d,scribe. II pi epa red the next blow i.n a sec­ (For lDIormaUoD rellrdlDl da'. beyond thli .che4ule, .., Subscription rates-By mall, $5 pet' year; by • • • recy that kept the axis and the reaervaUoDi lD the otllee ot tbe Pretlldent, Old Capitol,) carrl&r, 15 cents weekly, $5 per year. Here, then, in the words of a man pl'r on· a)lied publics alike guessing. Me.mber of The Associated Preu ally acquainted with azi pl'actices-aud iu· The (reat exper[ment to de­ The Associated Press Is eKclusiveb entitled to GENERAL NOTICES tur plans-we bave a blueprint of what may termine how far bomblnr, COll-. 118 lor republication at all news dispatches happen to the whole of occnpied Europ a tlnued day and · nlrbt day !&Iter MUSIC ROOM SOHEDULE Lures, and other indoor and out­ credit d to It or not olherwise credited in this Hitler', armie are fore d to abandon acre 4ay, could a.dvanc~ the Job of SundaY, May 30-4 to 6 p. m. door programs of the organization paper and also the local neWi publilhed herein, aftel' ncre, village aCter village of th "fly-. knocklnr Italy and Germany out and 7 to 9 p. m. will bc enjoyed with a member­ pa p r" they have captnred. 'fhe I ac1ers and of the war was thorourbly Monday, May 31- 10 S, m, 1.0 12 M. and 3 to 5 p. m. ship tee, Those interested may TELEPHONES potential I aders of pro·alli d function in launched. TIIIl week saw new records set In the welrbt and contact Gordon L. Kent, . office of Editorial orlice ...... " ...... 4192 tlJe e conntries have all' ady been killed. scale of air attacks on 'Hltler'~ PART·TIME WORK the university photographer In the Society Editor ...... 4193 Hundreds of other commnnity officials-held Relcb and lialy also was sC,oured It you are Interested In part~ Physics bulldtng, or call 74 1B after Business OUice ...... 4191 as hostages- bave also be£J) mllrdel·ecl. The time cash work, will you please as never before. 6 p. m. IDAY, MAY 30,194:1 lewish popnlation i~ all but exterminatefil· call at the office of student em­ Children and young people-weakened ~ Bui this was more than an ex- ploymE!Ot, room S, Old Capitol, to LBA VITT LAl\fBERT maltrul'Iition and overwork- will never again periment. In Italy's case especially fill out a cUITent tree hour sched­ Ohalrman it was patently the sottening up be nol'mal in mind or body. The old have ule, Tragic, Ironic Fact- phase of the preparations fol' in­ R. L. BALLANTYNE IOWA MOUNTAINEERS already died. There is notbing left but the vasion. In Ge,'many's it was stl'lk­ Manarer A bicycle outing will be held We Can'l '' Hitler's Slaves , laves, th Quislings, the w sk at heart and ini with devastating eHect at the for the MOllntalneers. today. th/! emaciated children. Hitljlr i!/ sacI'ificin~ heart of the NaZi war effort. MOUNTAJNEEa ME~EIl~HIP8 Those interested will mcet at tho As the reports of Nazi atrocities in OC~lIl ­ npt millions, bllt generations of Pilople for Italy, facing the dread prospect Memberships and membership engineering bllildlng nt 2:30, A pied Europe become increasingly bOI'rillle day llis b"ieC moment. of glory and plunder ill of invasion from across the Medi­ renewals In the Iowa Moun­ light lunch may be taken tor the by day, one begins to wonder wbat Hitler EUrope. He ·is tUl'\ling that continent into a ten'anean, was made to shudder taineers for the 1943-44 schoQI hike will last about thrry day as the American and year are now available. MAllY WYLIE 10 t for him. Neutral ources--and authon­ British air fleets based on the Illustrated lectures, motion pic- Chairman What an w do to top this trag ely befol'c African shore raked her islands lti once clo e to Hitler- baye said r peatedl), the la t act begins, we a k ourselves, What , qlO ~ VOUR' RADIO .f5fAt .~ - Bnd mainland. Sardinia, Sicily and try with Jeaflets carrying the same that the German leader will unlea h bis full can we do to save the people who al'e slill - ' the stratecy of primary concen· Pantelleria, the islands lying in the message, that it was up to the tration on Hiller to oqe ot l4C­ wrath upon the conquered peoples to c~m­ hanging on' invasion pathway, received the Italians to say how long the soul­ peusate for det'eat upon the battlefield. In WSU1 wi! be off the air tomor­ 8:45-Dorothy Thompson tac" on RU\ny tronis at once. 0111' experts, those WllO kno", Hitler's plans, row in recognition of Memorial 9- Good Will Hour most punishment, bu1 late in the searing punishment from the skle3 other words, when the Nazi armies begin 10 11llve pll'aded for immediate il1Va ion, quick Day. 10:15-Les Brown week American heavy bombers would continue. It was too early There seemed little doubt that reel back, and when allied aerial blows reacb victory. Qtllllrs h&ve urged the for/nation of 10:30-Joe Venuti Imade two of the war's heaviest to judge the effect of this com- new blows agalnst Japan were ir, the taggel'ing pl'oportions the)' are now ap­ an official "retaliation" pact. The~e people Il-F'reddie Martin . attacks 01) the mainland. Flying Ilination bombardment of bombs preparation, perhaps first In the proaching, Hitler will try to a!!complish wbat al'e right, but they a)'e pitifully optimj tic. The Network Highlights Fqrtresses, nearly lO~ strO'lB, and ideas but the almost hysterical rndia-Burma the ate T. There h e oould not 011 the battl field: kill as lnany blRsted Le!Jhorn, .169 mIles ~qrth propaganda with which the axis speedy and vigorou~ action patent­ NBC-Red CBS of hi enemies as possible to the forcei! • • • of Rome wher.e It was belte~ed replied _ including threats of t,cr­ ly was necessary. The dangel' that l~ssep. WHO (1040); WMAQ (670) WMT (800); WBBM (7") China might collapse 1'letol'e thl! of retaliation. His enemie -tIl e only ones he bwasion a 0011 (IS pos ible i impel'a· part Of. the Itahan fleet was l~mi, Irible punishment of Britsin with Ij·lie. "Uncon di t'ionaL S1(1'rc11I181''' must' be and Liberators from the mld~le new secret weapons _ indicated new o!tensive the Japanese are de­ ~an tOl1ch now-are th(> conquered peoples. 6- Jack Benny OtLt· goolj "Expedic1wy," a",,. .~ loga?t . We 6-Voice of Prophecy east command. struck at ~Oggl.l, that axis leaders feared it. veloping in Hupell provinc,~ calJed Substantiating thi belicf, Edgar now, lIE:er the AdriatiC coast 10 the 7nust certainly also malre plans fOt· plt,,­ G:3()- Fitch ~andwagol1 6:30-Young People's Church of loudly tor rescue efforts. BlIt It :noted Russian correspondent, gives a foreca t the Air south. The Washlnrton conference llPpeared that the e might be islting HiUer 01ld his cohort . Bltt, 6Ve11 7-Chase and Sanborn 7-Corliss Archer accordln&' . to most IndlcaPDn ~, still some months off, necessarilJ of what will happ n in a recent report or 7:30-0ne Mati's Family Aralnst Italy e5peclall)' the ;Nnzi pl'act ice in occupied Rus. ia , 1IJilh alL this, WB still cannot save the 1) 0- 7:30-Crime Doctor marked sonte major hints or withheld until after the monsoon 1)le of EltrOpe as a whole. WII ca1~ save 8-Manhattan Merry-Go-Round a-Radio Reader's Digest war of nerves was combined 4:JDphasls In the alUed prorram. • • • with the air attack. Winston storms end in the autumn, unless • 111e ones that are left-but til e majori11J 8:30- American Album of Fa- 8:30--Fred Allen It was wWel)' belll:Yed that all the Washington conferees had hit 'A.ftel· the j ovi.ets "etook Rzhev, naw ChurcJlill, I'D Was~lnrton for the of flli$ small I! lt1Jtb67' will be minecl men­ 9-Take It or Leave It early change from tbe hqldlul upon some other plan not apparellt made a tour of i11.~pection with a Rus­ miliar Music allled straterY council, warned 9:30--Man Behind the Gun war wll have been f'~h~iplt to outsiders. sian office,'. In de.qcribivg one holtse tllUy O1l(l physirolly. 'They lA,ill llr sllli /J 9- Hour of Charm the italian people that the)' b1lt'de1ts for the 1·e.~t of thei" livils. lO- Old Fashioned Revival Hour against Japan to an offens! (n Chungking the conviction 1hal 1JJhich he visited, he says, "Fi"st therll , 9:30- What's My Name II- Gracie Barrie wOllld ~e wIse .0 'ret rid of '"elr war was in the Qffln&'. The rapfd the Japanese thrusts westward 10 :15-Cesar' Sael'chinger pr~sent leaders and Iret out of WaH the moll!,r, a froze,~ rorpse whick • • • riSe in the strikIng pOWer qf t~e from their big upper Yangtze bust' blocked ike narrow hallway, 1, er head Thllt is the tragic ond ironic twi!lt. of thi. 10 :30-Unlimlted Horizons MBS thf. war ~tore It was too late. united natlol\f, due chlef)y to at Ichang had the capture ot 11:05-Charles Dant flattened on the ide, probably by a rifte W81'. We 01'(' fighting to ,'I\Vf' a people who WON (720) Whelher such warnings a ctu ~ lly thA ntlracles wrqulI'ht b:y AfI)eri­ Chungking, capital and hearl of btltt or perhaps mashed in the hands of a al'f' d ad. WI' at' fighting to ~8 \'e Il young reached any considerable portion can industry, was be,leved to free China, as the ultimate ob. Blue have made possible a shirt rrol)l , jective. powe"{1~l man. Farther on, lyi'llg half generation whith can Ilev t' be normal. W e KSO (1460); WENR (890) 6:30- Stars and Stripes in Bri­ of the Italian people was doubtful naTted on a wicke,' couch in the living ill'e fighting to save a cultur which canllot tain but American and British ulamm 7- American Forum of the Air deluged large sections of the co un - rOO?1l, lay the body of a fine·feai1/red hI' re!;tOl'ed within 0111' lifetime.'1, it PVPI· • . 'Ve 6- News, Drew Pearson boy with very fair hlLir and ,"ide b'l/e are fighting to crllsh a phm fol' extcl'minll- 6:30- Quiz Kids eye.q. He UJOS emarinted from. illnlJ,~S, 1ion Which will mal)ifCllt itRelf i'lc" ~a~i ngl y , 7:15- Neighbors The Food.Conference (lncZ his arm, bent as if warding off n jn Ilcconlance with our nearness to victol')'. 7:30--1nner Sanctum John Selby Reviews New B09ks- blow, was lJardly thicker thal~ its pane. Yet, we Shall fight' and we shall win. And B- Walter Winchell 8:15- Chamber Music Society 01 much money as they did some In his chest and head YOI£ rould C(l!tnt we hall comfort the peopJe--pel'haps "save" Lower Basin Slreet experimentation along this line .~even neat bullet holes d";Uul in al. cIa e a f \V- who are \('ft. But. the 30,000 who were before the war. range. Behind him in a Mtlle alrove wel'6 ltill d in Rotterdam, the 5,000,000 Jews in Scanning the World * * * A wholly new idea of the,rs is 1\ the bodies of two younger rhilf1rel1 at-most theit· gl'Dves, the 20,000,000 n1Ul'del'(>p' in Fun Afoot to get France, lor insllmce, to stop mbracing earh othm'l They, too, had Rns ia, tht> millions who stsl"vecl to d l'E1t h wheat production, or curtail ii, beB1l murderecl in tJl(l .mme. WCLY, 1JJht1e ill will not beamong the[p. Of Current Reading and turn to vegetables, buying her another roon~ lay the body of a SI'rOl1d Hitlel' said it wonld take hnnqred. of yenr wheat Crom us. They would like to 'Woman, also .~llnt b1f the supermen." tQ perfect his ew Order, We Il1U&t realize do this with 1111 of Europe, particu­ . .. . that our plan for physiclIl und psycholQllical "I• was on Correrldor,"* * * by :Amea "MOSCOW* DATELlNB* * ," by• larly Italy where Mussollni made 'J'his policy of extermination of the lave .)' conRtl'U lion may take quaJly a Ion" to Willourhby (Harpers $2.60). Henry C. CassIdy (I1oulhton s trenuou ~ unsuccessfdl ef/'lI'ls tg I began reading Am.ea Wil­ make Italy sell-sutrlcienl. J]atiol't has been d(>clal't'd to b(> 011 of the 11 (Ice. ft)lIy compl teo MlftU,I; $3). --- < loughby's "I Was on Corregidor" Henry C. Cassidy is The Asso- · , . because a friend of mine writes Surrounded by Presuma}>ly , we would have amusing sketc/1es about an ima­ ciated Press chief of bureau in Complete S,~re,y to Jlve them the wheat as they ginary woman named Mrs. Wil­ Moscow who one day dropped a have nolbinr with which to !IU, Eddie Ward Has Opera Tro()ble ' loughby. It was a lucky chance, line to Stalin and got pack a reply WASHINGTON- The stern al)d but the Idea or tbe plllJlnus Is for the flesh and blood Mrs. Wil­ complete secrecy wilh which Mr. that the price whlcJI qur people . ------~------loughby's book turned out to be -just as casually as iI the note Roosevelt has hooded the inter­ pay, would make tbe other na· "We couldn't tlnd the man who proud owner of a diIferent French the best account or life in Manila had been one of those postals from national food conference has in­ UODI dependent on us and Brl. did the translation," says Eddie. version." and on Corregidor I have read a resort hotel on which a circle spired suspicion out in the cQuntry tain for wbeat and other ,.... "We worked throu~h Lisj)on, send­ But Ward's real Innovation is in up to now-and the list must in- indicates the room of the sender. that he has some great internll­ ducts, and thus I_n their 1I\l!!­ ing ~etlers, cables, telegrams, but the other two operatic sequences, clude at lea$t two dofen books. In fact, Mr. Cassidy's direcl COl're- tiona I plan which he cjesires to try UhoOd of roinr to war, never IOca\e4 him. In the end we both contrived without a single It Js best because Mrs. Wil- lIPondence with Stalin totalled two oui and keep quiet tor a time. '" found a Frenchman here, who copyright headache. For one he loughby is a woman of sense. She letters sent and two returned; both Around here, the commonly ac­ These are ·obviously . variation .> translated directly .from the Ger­ took a Chopin nocturne, tor an-, does not pretend 10 know the exchanges made big news cepted inside story, however, is of the old Wallace theme or fur­ man, and now 'Universal is the (See HOLLYWOOD, .page .5) military side of those bad days Now Mr. Cassidy has written a that the conference is relatively nishing' a quart of milk a day. Too Many after Pearl Harbor, althoueh she book called "Moscow Dateline." unimportant, but that Mr. Roos e­ They apply not only to wheat, or Copyrights was in a position to know more tt contains the things he has velt chose ~he opportunity to set a course, but to all staple commodi­ VAST ISLANDS OF STEEL- than most civilians and som!! co)·- learned about Russia in two acti ve precedent against free press cover­ ties. By JlOBBIN COQNS .- . respondents. Her husbl/.nd was years therer and I never have read e%e of later more important post· Their idea lead them into fan­ HOLLYWOOD-Edwal'd WIIL'd, Woodbury Willoughby, executive a fairer statement of Ihe Russian war peace conferences. tastic social ramificati.ons. It Bri­ the movie mUilic man, needed assistant to Francis B. Sayre, position. This would have been . , . tain undertakes to supply wheat a few oper/ls for a picture. He had Post-War '$eadromes", High CommiSSioner to the Is- enough to make the book useful, It s rtlaled Fpa was matly to India and ral e the standard ot >studio money., but hs cou)d/l.'t lands, and the sh.op ta~k aro\l.nd but there is more. The writing is ple-..ed 'WI~ Ute Mereer of tile living and improve the diet the~, her table was pf the islands, their first rate and the content goes be­ buy them. p'nd out ot his "ifti- * * * * * * Casablanca conference (which it will have to get some kind of culty is coming sorqethinJ 'lew in • By JACX STtNNETI' life and their defense, ·if ·any. ypnd the bare bones of history Will strictly a mlJllary con­ agreemel)t from India for birth Icreen music. But shrewd Mrs. Willouehby into a considered and expert pic­ ference Inc,dentaJly) and that control, as obvIously, it cannot It is the ..... ar that ha~ compll- WASHINGTON - • inc~ one of th ~ lQajOl' lines applied for mak!,!s all that incidel}tal. She ture of Russian life and the Rus­ he woubl like &0 ("L1ow tbrou,Jh continue indeflni tely to teed 011 cated the screen-operatj.c si~\!a~ permi~oJl to CfitaQli h a post·wpr "seadl'ome" route ftom hilre to tells aI/out the difficulties of sian character. "Moscow Date­ on thd line. , ever increasing populotion on tion. Before the war, Hollywood Great Britain, some peOplb have a ked if the "seadrqrjtes" I).re a house,keepi'1~' the burglars in line" is one of the few books which . , credit. tor a price could lIajn permi..um military secret; if they aren't just another mecbaniCill ma~azine Manila and how her husban. avoid the impression that Russia Tllere is a better reason than If lh ese malters were the sub­ to Incorporate scenes from famous dream; wbetbel' establishment of them would mean s I e p t with a little statue, is a vast enigma, presided over by either of the above. T)1e con­ ject Qf d:lily discussion in the th~t tile "Mercy," with ",hich to pit in- an enigmatiC man called Stalih, grand operas into its films. It United States int"uds to take over the Atlantic as its private fly- ference is under tl)e mijna~ement preS!, you can readily see what usually took a deal of nelotiatioq, >' truders over the head. Of "im- likely a1 any time to produce hor­ of our agriculture department might happen to the Hot Sprinp much legal research iIltO titles and ing field; aDd what benefit th ey would be in view of the fact There'll be plenty of com" pregnable" Correlidor when she rid consequences. Mr. Cassidy economists, thinkers and planners. food conference. As motters st.and copyrigllts, and Hollywood's con- that preseTit transatll)ntic hops of bombCl'S and the clippel'S seem on the airways when Mary .,..­ first visited it, of the cook ",ho found Russians very human, very In charge of the technicians for now under the secrecy ban, the sent to tr~t tile opera with full tQ I:)e SQ Hc~e. iul. tor, Charlie Ruggles and Mischa served eight chickens to her loveable, highly intelligent, and us is Paul Appleby, the ' under­ planners are able to discuss to reverence, but it coul/i be done. PennsyJvjlnia Central AirlinCIl has a!lswerecL :most · of those Auer ret tocether on Columbla'8 alone, and later one chiclt,n to oddly tolerant. secretary of 8Briculture, an old pal theil' hearts ('on tent. new Thursday nlrht variety pro­ Copyriehti on th~ more popu1/U' Questions and since t1lllY are ' - half a dozen ~ueits . Of t/1e Fjli- He was ih the Caucasus when of Vice-president Wallllce in Ithe Iram. It starts June 3. • • • operas are held today D'lDI!U, jn making Ale s.pplicatioll, they TStat~ Steel, Wirth Steej. com­ plno who, hearing a Chil}e~ ~!i!- the blow fell. It looked like bad little.pig-slaughterin~ days, arid !l Techillcally, tbey can mike 110 scrlpe what woul~ h~ppen if the luck, but it was the OPPOSite. He ;Fr~Ci.and I~l~. Eve~ whim t~e hOllld know. pany, the Belmont fron;worlta and man who started Mr. Wallace on collUllltments. Non e of "'~ musIc Itself IS 10 puqlJc domlln, Japs took over Manila, ctied in wrote a story about the calln and l:ls political career to lhe vice I ,"ovllrnment. In'VOlved II ave there can be various cOl1yriahta. ' , - the John A. Roebling ,?o. alarm, 'fAre We alrealjy inde~ purposeful way the people took presidency. autborlaed ther deljllies to stelJ'Uj'lin, trom the priginp.l, ~h ich In tbe first place, the "sea· _ • ._ pendent?" the German invasion which was These plarlers of ours have make definite prom.I, but tile, are jealously SUarded-copyrijhu drom." all! IUl military ~~t. As for j)enetlts over lhe presen~ On the fateful day she remem- good enough to make a hit the worked on a most astonishing have aU lIeD' .~, im­ bers that hel' husj)and liat up in world over - even with Stalin. on tQ~ liprl!tto, PO t~ manlJtT of The vast amount of steel which methods ot ocean Utlvel, it is serles of new ideas. Most people portant offlelal or teehAlclanl stsJi"" the prO

.. -; ----' T H I! D A 1L Y lOW A N, lOW A C 1 '1' y, lOW A PAGE THR12I I, 1943 r;:===:- -.x:a: f ====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ = THREE ANSWERS TO YOUR DREAM OF A SUMMER HAT = -=:= IFt. Monmouth, N. J., is visiting Driver'1 Gal Ration i Vacation Bible School II PI 'his wife, Mrs. Alton, and daugh- Revoked al Penalty N ter, Carol Lynn, and Mr. and Among IOWl CI eop e Mrs. E. C. Schrock. 4011 ~. John- The loss of his A gasoline ration ~ Will Begin Tomorrow Y son street lor the next month was the pen­ ======:======~======• • • alty imposed on Ira M. Glassman. M Spending the holl,days with Mr. E. Bloomington streel; MI'8. Ros- J. E. Young of Washington was 131 Rundell, for speeding. Coralville School At a hearing before the local and Mrs. Lee Nagl~, 917 E. Col­ coe W. Hughes. 18 N. Dodlle a recent guest in the home of Mr. ration board Friday afternoon, A d~i1y v, caliOn Bible school leg street, ilre tht ir daughter, l'treet. M~. Estella Gilbert.. 1232 and Mrs. Cecil Hudson, 531 Clalk 30, 11143 begin 10mOlTUW morning ot Gla.sman wa found guilty of Mrs. K L. York or Urinnell, and E. College street.. M~ . Carrie Fry_ s t r eel. He is M11l. Hudson's IO'c lock in the Cornlvl1le sehool­ auI, 427 Clark street; Mrs. Clara (ather. driv1l1g at a speed oC 55 miles per bOuse, the Rev. Rudolph Messerli EllS. and Mrs. Laurl tl York. En­ hour on U. S. highway 6 between T. Nemd, 2003 F.. Court street, • • • JrIl announced. Clnsses will be si!!:n York ilrri"rd here from Davenport and Iowa City. Noh Dame univrrsily in 5 uth and Mrs. Ralph L. RaYner' 1 Mr. and M~ . C. W. Mahtey tlf )tIJd e a c h 01 OI'l1J 01(. Monday hall. Bend, Ind.. where h has com­ route 4. Chicago will arrive Tuesday to t1tI'OUgh Frlclay, fo!' thc next t\\(O pleted his naval tr:linin,". • "iJ;il in thl' home or theIr son and weeks. \Vrekf'nd glH'sts In the homr n( daughtf'r-in-Iaw. Mr. and Mu. The dally ac ht'dule wi ll Inclu6e Mrll. VI'"a lJuntilllltoll. 81:\ John 1\. Mabley. 821 Seventh ,adcd Bible study and lesson Vi .UP CONGREGATIONAL CUURCII- afternoon against the Keokuk of ~e Trinity Episcopal church Mr3. Avery Lambel·t wilt be Goals, defeating the laller 9-0. will meet Tuesday from 10 a. m. hostess to the Plymouth circle of MONDAY- to 4 p. m. in lhe pa'rish house. the Congregational church. Wed­ Twenty-flve men rcpre.. ~cutcd Sewing will be done on kit bags nesday at 12 M. , when it meets ill tbe Iowa City q uadron or Ci vII for soldiers. Coliee will be served her home At 1416 E. College street Air Patrol at tbe second aunua I at noon, and women are asked to for a luncheon and business meet· mobilization day oC the low" bring their own sandwiches. ing. wing .t11 Des I\toines today. TUESDAY- JESSAI\UNE CHAPTER NO. 133, PRESBYTERIi\N Johnson county ranked thil'u ORDER OF EASTERN STAR- WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION- thousand. o( Duralumin (orginga and c:ut~ - i ng I5reat number o( p opt ,to mall and high in lhe statC in lhe collection . A regular business meeting of A group mixer will enterlam ing. [or aU t,.pel o{ aircraft putpola. temote outfita o( a few hundred men. of books in the coil ctlon cam­ the Jessamine Chapter No. 135, the Presbyterian Women's asso­ paign this year, it was announccn Order 01 Eastern Stal', will be ciation in the. home of Ml'S. W. W. "·_,t For the Na.,. we He making .ital pam Man,. people ask " What about your po I· I~ay . held in the Masonic temple, Wed­ Mercer, 621 S. Summit street, of lar'hlightl that the NayY' use. to .poe ita war plan,?" Our only plan is the pre eot WEDNE DAY- nesday at 8 p. m. Wcdn day at 2:30 p. m. Group target •• We are making tbe gyroscopic com­ urgent one to win tbe war and win it qui k. In response to demands of 10W3 6 will assist the hostess. NEARLY EVERYBODY seems 10 know that pu.e. that Iteer the Ihips o( the Na.,. and Par tnry moment that we can shorten Ihis Cit yresidents, juvenile authorl­ PEARRE l\USSIONARY Mrs. E. K. Mapes will lead the the Chrysler Corporation makes Jumy lanks Merchant Muine. We make pootooos {or wa£ we {eel tbat, as a people, we arc lucky, SOC,JETY- devotions. There will be a musi­ lies and recreationa I directors ~nd that those tanks give a good account of and, II a Nation, fortunate. asked Mayor Wilber J. Teeters to Mrs. Homer Stimmel will be cal program and a guest speaker. themselves in battle. throughout the world, refer to the ('i ty council a proposal hostcss to the PC:lI'l'C MLssion31'y New church members are invited Of course we think that sfter the .war 10 rigidly enforcc' the curfew orQi~ society, Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., to attend this linal meeting of Lhl! For weU over a year these big ligbting " people ..ill be driving automobHes aad eat· naoce. In her home at 521 S. Capitol season. macbines have been produced in ever in­ ing bananas, ....bing their c1otbes, wearing 0110 Saslna. IS-rear-old Iowa slreet. ~ssisting Mrs. Stimmel wi ll An executive board meeting will creasing quaotities, but they .are. arter all, ahoes, and that the Slyles o( ladie,' hats wi II City youth, was picked UP In be Mrs. A. W. Patrick and Mrs. be held at 1:15 p. m., preceding only a pact of tbe total war production o( lighterage and {or the ni.ing o( .hlps that change. We {eel thar business is an economic Davenport by Johnson county Margaret Wiese. the general meeting, in the home Ibis corporation. thing and that it tends to follow cycles. W e of MrsyL. B. Higley, 705 S. Sum­ have been .uok, We make bach pusber and Sheriff Preston Ko er and Juve­ Mrs. E. E. Norton will have think that if ..e keep our minds on the (act charge of the progrum and Mr~. mit street. ThaI lotal war production includes puller type. of tug. which He uled all o"er nile Orrlcl'r Jim Ryan on carges that we are sailing a hoat on an economic Charles "avorsky will lead th~ tyotenty·one distinCtly military produCts, Co. the ..orld from Iceland to Guadalcanal, on of aiding Hl tbe disposition or .ea, and that if we .ail it according to the fOods stolen in JO\\la Clty. devotions. ROYAL NElGUBORS LODGE- the rinrl of South America. India and Members of the Royal Neighbors RUllia. We make thousand. o( marine eo· cham and the ..eatber, and to the conditions Iowa City's application for a ' "GUNS ANI) CANNON U. S. O. unit has been approved I)y CATHOLIC STUDY GROUPS­ lodge will hold a business meeting. ~ ~.. fOR "TT"CK AND gine. (or man,. plltpo.es-.ome o( them (or regional and national offices, it Teresan, St. Jude and St. Paul Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the K. of ;;::...'" Df,QjSf" commaodo boau and thin,. o( that tlatute. was announced by Dwight Ed­ study groups of the Catholi c P . hall. ~ When we IIW the WIt comiog we kaew wards, chairman of the local U. S. O. council. the use of our armed services and {or the that it would be a mechanical war and tbat 'I1iURSDAY- protection of civilian populacions. no concera the aize of the Chry.ler Cor. "We find. tbat this Nation can go into its pon­ Dr. Charles A. Anol"rson, presi­ For t e soldier we not only make tanka poration would remain out o( the pictUre. war eHort with the same enthusiasm and the dent 0/ Cae colle/! in Ceda I' in which he engages the enemy in battle; we Rapids, will addrr~s 145 seniOI'S of The We felt that iuntunon. like oun .bowd lime desire to do a service to our 1 ~ S mil­ also make the U'ucks and combat vehiclea City high school at the coml\1encc­ bold them.ael"a free and io readine.. to lion people that is now being exbibited in Inent exercises Monday in the whicb haul him and his equipment about. w. all-out war dort. aUd itorium. We make tbe stoves that heat his tents and Three university medical meJI UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY barracks and the field kitchens on which hi. parllclpated in thr a fLernIJIJIl meals are cooked. We make refrigeratioo Itsslol1 of tbe me ling of the units whicb preserve his food in camp and ~----POI==GI IIIldwestern sertloll or the Phy­ OFFERS YOU in the field. We make the ammunitioo to Ileal Therapy society held at the defend bim and the guns and caD non with take tough jobl-those thing. that reqaIr. Mayo clinic at Rorhester, Minn. which to shoot the ammunition. I.teo.e cooperation on the part of .clenti.lI. They Ire: Dr. n. nt. IIlnes. Dr. WAI Nooucn IN c,..nua COIPOUnoH William D. Paul alld Dr. A. L. For the Air Service we make bomber metal1lltgi.u, engineen; tbe yolome job. Exceptional .Employment Opportunities - thac reqllire intimate knowledge o( tbe tool. Tonu •• , To •• E"gl ...... Antl .... lrcroft Gun, ••• 80"..,., Sahs. {u~elages (or the Army, and major bomber fu ..lill. Seelio". , • , 10",_ WI"I' . . . "Ire,oll PllDAY- ing and mechanical prace.se. Dece.llry to E"lIilI", •• WId. Vori • .., of A"",,".lIlon .•• An'I.Tonk The second monlhly hous -to make duplicate equipment in large "olome. V.hicl ..... CoIII",o"d ._""ol.... "c. Con ••• CO"f'O" ' house canvass Cor woste fuls Is be­ A reprosentative of The United States Rubber Company ••• , "',no_ ••• Troop Motor "0'''"""" ... A",. Toda,. find. us employing oyer eight b ...._ ••• Mo,i". 'nocton ••. W__ Corri." .•• Ing made today by the Girl Scouts will cOQduct interviews for those interested in office work Who arc trying to belter the 1,69:l thoullnd .ubcontractorl. Pifry.eight cenll Morine ellld IncI",trlol Enll" ••... Gyro·Co"'po ...... JIOunds of faL made in the last a\ the Des Moines Ordnance Plant. Des Moines, Iowa, o( eyer,. dollar we recein {or our WIt dott AI,· Raid SI,.", and 1'1,. fillhllnl Equlp",.n' • • • drive. this Tuesday, June 1 in Room 102. University Hall. be· sections for the Navy, We make landing gea.t; iI paased on eo aomebod,. die wbo supplia 'owcI ..... M.... I ...... NaY)' 'on_, . • • fl.ld Mrs. Lelia I\lall nUllch, 624 8. (or planes. In Cbicago we are just complet­ u. senic:e.. materials or puu. We He Dot IClkh_ ••• Io",b Shoc.I ••••• T.n' Heo .. rs •• • ginn41g 01 Cllnlon tree' is chrilltelllnll' 'he 9:45 A. M. ' ( ing a very large plant 10 make big airplane ooly prime contractor. OIUIeIYe., but we He • ."I,_tlon Co",p,•• on , .• Ai,cra" La"dl", Gears new destroyer escort vessel, engine. for long range bomberh. We make alao aubcoDtractora {or a number o( otber and other l",pOrtan' Wo, Equl"",.n' U. 8. S. Bunch, named In honor the bomb racks to carry the bomb load. o( c:ompan.ie.. ranging (rom lacb concern. as ...... ,. ....11." ef ..... _ •••• "' .., CIIrythr c..,.", .. " her laie husband. Kenneth Job openJngs are currently available fol' male and female the plane•. We are making thou.ands upon General Electric and Westinlhouse, emplo,.. II ...... ~ 10m •••e hit... ' '" ... dtIoo .. It _ OeeD Bunch, aviation radIo man, Accounta.nts, Chemists, Draftsmen, Engineers; Statis­ lint cIafl.'!. ticians, Typists, Stenogra phcl's, and Clerks. I"'URDAY- [w.... IONDS "'V YOU. '~UONAL INVUTM!NT IN VICTORY J Lieut, Comdr. lInJ'v y J . lisr. lIIan, former Unlv(,J'slty of Plllll­ Any Uwversily Student may arrange for an interview by burgh football star and coach at Pennsylvania and Rutgers, ha ~ c:alUng at Room 104 Uniyersily Hall. been appolnled to replace Lleu( PLYMOUTH ~ DODGE ~ DE SOlO Q CHRYSLER COl. Bernie BJermun a director of 01.,"'", .t CHIVU •• CO.,OIATION athletics. ' / I .• , , PAGE FOO8 THE - DAILY IO\..,XN, IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 30;-1943 • ~======~======~======-~~==~~~======~~====~~~~~~~ ~ (~nl -- ygnks Tgp 'IndignSI 9~5 ; ~talT ------Ap NA VY BASEBALL EXPERTS MEET FOI Frey Singles Seahawks wm Tty ~ily Hi' Hawks Ernie Bonham Of No • sugar In 11th 10 Win for Fourth Shulou; Finish' 43·' 44 Hurls Fourth ratiOn 16 of I * * * • used, 1 Navy Coach Spo~ \l1e Jol Por Cincinnati Tangle With Cedar Season . Vieiory of yeat SIIid Y Each ave pc CINCINNATI (AP)-The Reds Rapids Co'lIins Radio four Trophies, Three • NEW YORK (AP)- 'l'he ',{~nk­ \)e\.,yee shoved a run across in the 11th In­ Championships Add ees went on their biggest hitting ' IhlS all plly IT nipg on Lonnie F~ey's single with .Team Here Today and run-making spree in t11re~ the bases loaded yesterday to To Successful Year weeks ycsterdllY to wallop the can~IJ1J whip the Brooklyn Dodgers 5 to 4 written I Going ailer a rourth consecutive By LARRY STILL Cleveland Indians 9 to 5 and move tJte ral after a three-run Brooklyn rally shutout, the Seuhnwk nine meets i had tied the score In tbe ninth in­ With foul' tt-ophies tucked away close up among the Jead I'S of tho (oIlOW ' lhe Collins Radio team from Cedar parade. \. Th ning. Rapids on the home dinmond at 3 in its gilded prize case and three The Yanlls went right to work BroakJY1I AD R II PO A o'clock this uftel·noon. chotrlpionshlps under Its arms, Two changes GI'e likely in the City' high closed its doors Fl'iday on Lefty Chubby Dean, and drovp. Galan, cf...... 5 0 0 4 0 Seabawk lineup. V rn S


Slop Looking!

.Here's the Answer­

Use I a Daily Iowan Classified Ad.

MADE FOR work or play-this 'I slack suit Serves double duty. Vic­ I tory iBr~eneu and picnickers alike will welcome one these or coo~ DIALI . ,4191 crllp suHs of rpd and white j checked cotton. It's a trim looking • ~ oultit whether you wellr the plouse In or out. ._.:;;:: .. ~ ~ -.... "t'_ - :.: ~ _,:: SUNDl\. Y, MAY 30, 1943 PAGE SIX ~ THE D A It Y lOW A N, lOW A' CITY, t 0 W.k ;

: -0 5,000 to, Parti-ci'pate • Memoria I Oay .Acfivif,i'es Tom.orr·oYf ...:...:....----:--'--~ *** **i T *** . ROUTE Of MARCH FOR MEMORIAL DAY PARADE CHURtH 'CALENDAR Plan Parade, (For Today and Next Week) Church 'of the Nazarene First Presbyl"rlan Churc1h Programs For ' Waln1l1 anll I~IICIIS s~reelM 28 E. l\tarket street. M. EIIles Haney. paslor Dr. litm1 T. Jonl's. pastor O:45-Sunday s hool 1I :30-!..C1\llrch school. n obert 10:4.5-Morning worship WiI ~ on, superintendent Observance 7- Youth grO\lps mreL 8--Evangelistic service 9:30-Biblc ('\H ~S taught by I Prof. H. J. Thornton Wednesday, 8 p. Iil..-Mid-week 10:45-Service of \V or~ h i p . 01'. Navy Cadets, Military, . prayet meeting David C. Shipley will preach the ~- Patriotic Organizatio.,s Coralville Bible Church sermon, "The Co ~ tly Hcritage" CoralvUle 6:30 - Westminslel' fellowship. To Be in Procession .udolph l\le'SerJl, pulor Carl L<'e ' will spcak on "Love 9:45-Sunday school Mrs. Ru­ Thy Neighbor." James Walter will The commemoration of Memor­ dolph Mpsserli, superintendent lead the worship service ial day lor 1943 will officially be­ ll- Morning worship scrvice. 7:30 - Westminstel' fellow hip gin in .Jowa City tomorrow when TIle theme o[ the pa s '~r's sermon sl){'ial hour. the Women's Relief corps con­ !)- ,'3tudent Christion council R8ln or shine. the MemorlalJ day parade wlll will be "Learning to Know God," ducts the exercises honoring the 7:aO - Evening evangelisti c campus vesper s('rvice on thc soldier-dead at 8:30 a. m. at the form tomorrow morn Ins al ':30 on ClInlon campus. Dr. Earl E. Har pel' will sired, {acln, norlft. with the bead of 'he parade meellng lowa ave nue bridge. Tucsday, 7::10 p. m.- PI·ayel' sP('ak on "A Case History of a on Jefferson lI~reet. The parade wlJI proceed Since this year's observance is meeting and Bible study at the Universi ty Student" bclieved to be more significant north on Clinton slreet to Pret!ldent Vi{1'1I M. Hancher's home; from Ihere U will tum eall. on church. than any in the past, oUicials Thursday, Ii p. m.- Wien.er MetholU~t Chllrch have announced that the prtl;ram Church ~Ireet 10 Linn streel. The procession roast and picnic supper lit tJle .'efferson and Dubuque slreels will then march 110rth to Brown streel ~. Oak­ and parade wlll be one o{ the most city park. Games and entertain- Dr. L. L. Dunnillston, mJnllder I elaborate cver held in Ulis city, lind cemetery lor Ihe 10 o'elock' servlces at Ihe ment will precede the supper at 9:30 - Church school. R. L: with approximately 5,000 persons O. A. R. 101. The croup wlll 10 the Paul J. 6:45, in honor o[ Dr. lind Mrs.' Ballantyne, sup(l'intendcnt Prlbll rrave for World war memorial services pal'licipaUng. Kenneth i . Voss who will be 10:45 - Morning . worship !ln~ Two thousand Iowa Naval Pre­ al 10:20 a. m. leaving the city soon the pastor's sermon, "Darkness flight cadets, led by the navy Order 01 march ror the parlde Is as follows: Monday through Friday, 9 a. m. Before Dawn," and the' children's band, members of the Red Cross (1)l'aul Enlerer, marshal of the day; (2) o,fl­ - Daily vacation Siple school. sermon, "Fleas and a Piece of units, the civil air patrol, the Iowa C elal ears contain In, JodIe H. D. Evans, Mayor Sessions will be hcld cach day in Coal" the roadside for noon mess during an inspectfon toor In state guard and civilian defense ' the schoolhouse. . (j :3O-University students lind Wilber J. Teelers, Dean Chet!ter A. PhllllPII, Food was k;ept warm by beinl packed ned to the manifold units arc among tho~e who wJ1l military mCn will meet in fellow- repreaentln, President Vlr,ll M. Hancher, general's car wbUe he was en route. march in the parade, Counly Allorney Edward F. Rate, Sherif( !'res­ First Baptist Church sbip hall for a supper and song ------One hun d red aevenb'-rJw Ion Koser and Chief of Pollee Harland F. ZZ1 S. Clinton st"et fest army &ralnees will not mareh Sprinkle. Elmer E. Dierks, paslor 8 - Student Christian council .. ori,tnally scheduled. Col. 9:45-Chureh school. Mrs. C. G. vesper service will be held on the . .Siudent Religious Functions Luke D. Zech, head 01 the mili­ (3) The Unlled Stales Naval Pre-F1llht band; Mullinex, superintendent.· The ,we~ t approach of Old Capitol. tary department, received a lele­ (4) Unlled States Naval Pre·Fllcht battalle",,; Rogel' Williams class will meet at Dr. Earl E . .Hill·per will speak on ,ram Friday from the com­ (5) Iowa stale ,uard, Iowa Cltl hilI!. IIChool the Roger Wi1Iiams house, 230 N. "A Case History of a University Your Church Announc.s a Schedule of Meetingl, mandin, .-eneral of the lC'Veoth band, Velerans of Forel;n wars, Veterans of Clinton street. , Student" Events on T~day's Program aervioe command In Omaha, Forel,n wars auxiliary. American Le,lon, 10:45-Service oC worship and LeI Ion aux\llary. American I\evolutlon. Juntor defCIl!Ie units, Boy Scouts and sermon by the pastor: "Do You Neb., stalin, that the arm), will ADle~can St. Mary's Church Social and devotional services Evans, G, is in charge or th e dls­ . Spanish-American War Veter- Daughler, of I h e American Girl Scouts• Want to Live Forever?" 228 E. Jefferson street observe Memorial dal Sulldal. will be held for students and serv- cussion. Bob Wilson of the meteor­ The Inlense curriculum of the ans, Spanish-American War Vet- Revolution croup. . Army 1Inlts were Il\vlted to 7-Members of the Roger Wil­ Rt. Rev. Ms,r. Carl H. Melnberl, eraDI a~xlllar1, Women's .Relief partIcipate In the parade but an liams Fellowship will meet [or a pastor ice men in Iowa Ci ty churches 10- ology school will be the chairman. pre - IDIIiJeoroioP-' enrtDeera (6) Moose lodle ,re"~ler~, Evening services will take plasc cqrJII, Sons of Union Veterans announcement from the war Ite­ brief devoHonal service and then Rev. J. W. SchmItz, assistant and R. O. T. C. onll, "nil npt Moose lodle men\s ' drill leam., day . at the s(uQent center th is eveniflg permit their dlaml_l fr.,. auxiliary. Nathanfel Fellowship partmenl staled lhal thc army' go In a group to the vespcr serv- paslor , . ice on the campus. - - . 6- First mass al 7 o'clock. Thc Christian counJ;iI cllSA. chapter of the Daulhlers of lhe Moose lodle ladles' "drU! team. would observe Memorial day on W,E STMINSt:ER FELI,OWSHll'. ves pers will bl! held at 8 o'clock. America" Revolution. PlIITlm Red CrOsS UI\U", elvil air palrql. Sunday, May 30, "with 110 sun !l-Community vesper' service 7:30-Second 1I1ass Led by Paul Anlerer, marshal on the west approach of Old ,. Carl L e~, .b, wi}1 spcak on "Lo.ve Ali service men are welcome at o( Ule day, the parade will forln chapler of the Daulhlen of the ~le . ladles drlU team. elvilian .Iutes." 9-Children's mass Capitol. Dr . . Earl E. Harper will 10:15- High mass Thy N~ gh bo l ~ ' at ,the vesper serv­ the ~t udEmt center every Satul'day at 9:30 a. m. on · Clinton stn!et, afternoon and D \I day Sunday give the address. 11 :30-Students' mass ice itl the P resbytcri.an chu rch at for Daily masses .H t church at 7:30, 6:30 ' p. m. James Walter, D3 Qr informal fellovJsliip. pfacingarade north,on Jeffer withs onthe street. head tlf thl! 46 Catholl"c Senl"OrS ' Richard Hills Wins Chbrus to Broadcasl tlrst Christian Church at chapel at 6:30 HastIngs, will lead the worship. G. A. R. Service I ' Emil Trott Award 211 Iowa avenue FellQwl\hip 'soc ial hour will lake WESLEY FO UNDATION After the parade, Dr. J. A, W"II B G did For High Grade Point Rev. Rafmond Ludwl&son, 81. Patrick's Cburch pl ac~ at 7:30 p. m. Members will PILGRm'I YOUTH FF.LLOWSIIIP Swisher will preside at the 10 I e ra ua e In North Music Hall .­ supplY paslor 2%4 E, Court slreet attend , the Christian Co uncil ves­ A suppel' hou r for the youth o'clock service to be held at the . 9:45-Sunday school Rt. Rev. Mssr. Palrick J. O'Rellly, pers this j?vening 'at 8 o'clock. groups of the Methodist nnd Con­ G. A. R. lot in Oakland cemetery. At Exercl·ses Tonl"ght Richard Hills, who w a& Bl'adu- Wednesday Evening 10:40- Morning worship ser­ pastor All .milital'Y studen \,s arc in­ grcgaliona I churches will be h eld Tho pl'ogram at the lot will in- ated (rom University high schOOl mon, "Blessings in Un ity" Rev. Georle E. Snell, assistanl vited to attend . . in Fellowship hall of the MethOdist elude the pledge of allegiance by Friday night, hall been awai'ded Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.- Mid­ pastor I church at 5:30. A song test and MI·s. Walter Bradley of the TYfenty-sil< graduates from St. the Emil Trott s chola ~ lic award 1\ broadcast program o[ choru l week' Bible study. 7- Low mass LVTHERAN GltOUrS social hour will take place aiter Women's Relief corps; Invocation Patrick's high school and 20 [rom for carrying thc higheat g~ade cbamber, music, under the direc­ 1\ combi ned meeting or : he the supper. Ann Fullerton, A 4 of Flut Church of Ohrlst, , Sclelltls~ 8:30-Children's mass by the Rev. Ralph M. Kreuger, St. Mary's high school will receive average for four years 01 , high tion of Prof. Herald Stark of the 9:30-Low mass English Lutheran church and the Albia, and Rich ard BI'ink, A4' of minister of the First Engll.sh Lu- diplomas this evening. school work. 722 E. Collere: street Zion Lutherlln church will ·toke Luverne, are in·thnrge. music department, will be pre­ 9:30- Sunday school' 10:4s.:-High mass tlieran church; service to the ul)- The Rev. F. P . Kelley of C ' l ~~ In 1937, the award was. won, by pl ace at th e Zion Lutheran church . The groups wili join the studel)L known dead, conducted by the grove, an alumnus of St. Patrick's his brother, William, now an afmy sented by the University summer ll-Lesson-sermon: "Ancien t 8t. Paurs Lutheran Unlvenl\1 this afternoon at4 o'clock. Christian cOLlncil v e:S pcrs this ev(!. and Model'n Necromancy. Alias Women's Relief corps; Pleyel's high school, wiU deliver the com- ordnance pUicor in rfortJ1 Airiea. session chorus in north music hall Cbureh The topic fo r discuss ion will oe ning at 8 o'clock. All 8 tudellt~ and Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- hymn, by the navy band ; rifle sa- rnencement address at St. Patrick'.; They are tbe SOliS of Prof. and Jederson and Ollbert streets "Church and the World at W''II'.'' service men are urged to attend . at 8 p . m. Wednesday evening. nounced." . lute by a flJ'lng squad fr om the graduation exercises to be held lit MI'·. Elm er E. Hills, 629 Melrose L. C. Wuerffel, pastor , GOI'don Mau, ¥~3 of New Hampton, Includcd ill the program w ill be Wednesday, 8 p. m.- Testimon­ I owa stale guard; laps by Robed 8 o'clock. The baccalaureate serv- aveh ue . 9:30- Sunday school with Bible Will be m .charge. Jo' IItESlDE GRO P S('hneberger and LeRoy Vander- Ice will be held this morning at groups of 16th century hymns