Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-30
:3 =; -=:::: Shower. , , '" (' , ••• I, P, 0, ..... J ...........". ,1 ••, Ma, ,31, 8'•• 01 R .all J ' ,........ IOWA: WIIIeIy aeaUered ehow· ".~ .,.... ...,1.. Ma, 81, 8.0•• en an .....lIJIden&o~ '""... 17 ....... J ... )1, PUaL On. T , .RE ....." "' •• I ..,I," II.... aI. ' Iowa City's Morning' Newlpo er Cooler. tB.' A ••OClATID ..... IOWA CITY, rOWA SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1943 " VOLUME XLID NUMBER 210 '. , ,. Dinolufion ofjCo~iriterri H.uge U.S. Air Force ". -~y J,os~ph Stalin ,.. ~ ... .IUCHARP , ,. , 8; 0: ~8.8OCK '~. >7: Pounds French Coast WASHINGTON (AP), - Joseph it fell kpart aftel' tile 1872' con Sljilln's ~issolution ot thl; Cqmm~. (r~ss at ~e Hague, in 8. splil. be. • nlsl IntemalLOl1al- l~ 'Is allSumed tw~en the Soeialists, led by Marx, nl!re ~hat tllc SovIet premlell PCI'· and tbe anarchists. Headquarters DaylightAHack sonlJlly ordel'cd lhe!, Cort1lnUlm ~is- were trahslerred to New Y1Jrk: but 5-Cent\Butter Subsidy bll,llded-~as obyiously pleall~ ihe' organizati~r'l 'quietly' upired' Wa~hlnitoll I,lHicialoom. \ . " . Secretary bf'Stl\te Cordell HUll at~el' ,Its ~"hlladel~.Illa l con~re ss In said i( was "welcome news," ' 1876. , . ToStCJrt Next Tuesday ~iggest Ever • That this was 'noi purely II. po IIl~ ,acceptallpe, with .. tongllc , ill I . IIY Ta. ASSOCIATED raE8S WASHlNGTON - Breasting a uestlon (or OPA and Food Ad clieek, o! a Sov\cl gesture i~ indio Made c~led by pl\lcr;; in Ole 1I0verhl!1cnt Berlin ., Ac.knowledges tide of criticism over the handling minlsU"ator Chester C. Davis. by Yanks llavi~g made tile sarno comment 01 (ood problems, the Olnce of OPA oWcJals said the "roll· but not /01' quotatlon by 'name Price administration announfed back" pro,ram has been approved after consider Ina Ihe.
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