• - i; ', ^ • 'je *'•* -'Jl-T ’ •’ BATUKDAT, BEnXMBKK t, 1944 ?AQE Twiy^y* Averar* Daily Circulation The Weather Manchester Evening Herald For tho Month a t Angnet. U44 Knreenst of t . K. V.eatber Bnrenn --------- :— r —’------------------- Manchester Lodge of Masons taken. I feel It my duty to write Partly rlondy today, tonight held a -siiecial communication in thia letter in hopes the populace 8.775 Slid. Tiieoday... Lowest tempera- About Town the lyfiiple last/'night, the Hrst of Manchester.WllI awaken to the Exchange Chib WE RKFKB8BNT THE STRONGEST Member of Audit lure tonight in the upper SO’e. Heard Along Main Street fact that they’Are-almost directly Mss'^rfic gathering since the sum­ STOCK AND DIYIDBND Baronn of , Mn. fohn J. Simmona. Jr., of med recess. :The F'eHOwcraft do- reaponeiblo for child-delinquency T reating Wives Manchester-^A City of Village Chorm gyte was conferred. On next Tues- And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets, Too everyone is talking ao much about. X' J jM 8*ruc« atre«t haa tieft for Camp iay evenirlg the first regular Here at this station It Is very no­ PAYING M Btatner, N. ,C., wher« ahe will spend ticeable. The reason of course la (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTX^ X'tM'next ten.days <Wth her hi^ meeting of Um iudm will he held Tuesday coming up is Primary • pear tree. That was this spring. Party for Them Next ____ ____ __ ____COMPANIES yOL. LXIU., NO. 291 (CInmHIed Advortlaiag on Pag* U) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1944 t Iwind, Corporal SUnmpns. Twlr for tti* 9'all and winter season. Day in Manchester. For the infer- . Now comes the harvest, that it la a Navy town, but there sons, Michael and Doaold/wlll The. Master Mason degree will be niation of new residents th at's' All sorts of reports have been are no service men left in Man­ Wednenday Afternoon INSURE A ^artalt their grandparents, i l / . and conferred with the regular lodge really party caucus day for thia i cothing in and the proprietQr la chester ao It seems that the teen­ officers filling the chairs. Refresh­ town. That's the day the two par- i planning to throw in his lot with agers desire a place to have fun, And Evening Planned. IN Mrs John J. Simmona, f i r / a t S91 good clean fun. Where German Counter Moves Meet Allied Advance p>Oenter street. ments will be served following the ties, the Republicans and the Dem- I the Naxis if the complaints do not degree work. oorats, name their candidates for ,top. But the oddest complaint of “Even though I am a service Members of the Manchester Ex­ SURE INSURANCE! man, I am a teen-ager and also President Ai First Barrage Zone ' ‘ Mr. cod 1ft*. HaroM ft. Lord of town offices. Election day comes the lot came yesterday, change C lu b wtU be hosts to their the first Monday in October. buyer of what he believed was was born and raised In Manchester, wives next Wednesday at a com­ DIAL 5616 — 953 MAIN ST. MS Summit streeyliava as their St. Margaret's Circle. Daughters and I take a deep interest In what guests Mr: and Mi*. Fred Thoipp- of Isabella, will hold an. important Also for the benefit of folks « broccoli plant haa been watching goes on. bination ol’ting arid dinner, party aoB «( South Portland, Maine. business meeting Tuesday, Sept­ nmre recently among us for the it grow weirder and weirder. He to be held at the Garden Grove, off first time Primary Day is virtu-' jjjjj given up trying to guess what “So in hope that something will Keeney street. According to Presi­ In Quebec for ember 12 at 8:15, at the K. of C. ally election day here since the Re-j It i,. it .started looking like let- be done to help out the teen-agers dent Chailes Eelber and Gommit- . (p Of Siegfried Defense home. A social time will follow Mauri Sm publicans get little opposition | tuce; then the leaves became and- someone takes notice of this (lee Chairman Clayton Hanson in-l in charge of Mrs. Joseph Falkow- from the Democrats as far as town | tough and everybody said it was letter I will sign off. Please won’t dlcations are that a full attend-^ MOTOR OVERHAUL ski and her assistants, Mrs. George offices are concerned. The only j ^ Again a change ' and you answer their plea?” ance will be on hand. THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CLUB, Victory Plan^ H. William's, Mrs. R. E. Carney, Democrats to gain office are those [ confident that he The Exchange clubmen are plan- Mrs. James H. McVeigh. ,* <|> I ....................... ‘ |i a.i.—» Generator, Starter, Ignition named for poats. where minority had a kohlrabi but it fooled'him One of this column’s correspon­ rilng a real treat foc^thls party for INC. Expert Work! representation is mandatoi'y.^ by starting tQ spread like a Brus­ dents mentioned culverts around their wives. Plans are for the af­ Meets Prime Minister Is Reached by Yanks The Gleaners GAup of the In the Republican Primary’Tiies- sels sprouts plant. town at atorm water aewer basins fair to iget underway at three Maine Voting; ' Radio Service South Methodist WSCS will hold day there are two contests. The A local boy, home from the that had such large openings that o’clock bv the afternoon. Begin­ Churchill to Confer on tbsir first meeting of the season Democrats have none. South Pacific looked over the a youngater could fall through. We ning at fmir o'clock steamed clams T at the church Monday evening at The first contest is for the seven t;emarked that it would be a good and clani chowder will be served. and The War; Trip, to P^a* British Troops Hamineri'l plant an<i said it was a "Pitcher idea if the locations of some of Leaders Await FRANKLIN GARAGE 7:45. The members are requested places on the Board of Selectmen, Plant.” He said they catch insects During the afternoon hours vari­ to bring in the aprons they have and there are 11 candidates. The -these dangerous culverts were giv­ ous indoor and outdoor games are cific Was Preliminary former Nazi Mayor Across Dutch Frontier^ 653 Center Street made during the summer vacation. other contest is for the Board of and even small animals like mice. en so that they could be checked. planned. Americans After tik . Education. There are two places A look in the dictionary revealed This got response from several At .seven o'clock a chicken and To This Conference Results Today and four candidates. that such a plant Is known to different persons around the town. spaghetti supper witi be served, THE BRITISH WAR VETERANS ing Luxembourg Are The members of the Manchester botanists as ” "Hellamphora nu­ Two large and dangerous culvert Early Tells Reijorters. Ringleader of Plot Pipe Band have received an Invi­ Six of the 11 seeking places on tans.” end adv,a'ce information has it ' ■ ■ the Board of Selectmen are mem­ openings were noted at Liberty that the dinner will be one the Union Vote Especially to Less Than 10 Milea tation from John Paterson of Further investigation uncover­ and Hemlock streets by several wives will go home talking' about Quebec,_Sept. 11.—(/P)— ‘Saybrook’.’ to be his guests' to­ bers of the preaen^ boaFd. One of ed the fact that the plant is Just different persona. It was also re­ Be Watched to Discov From Nazi Border; RAN GE O IL morrow at "The Garden of Ro­ the four aceklng to be named to for some lime, .\fter dinner an en­ President Roosevelt andj the Education board is, now a an overgrown weed. - ‘ marked that a number qf small tertainment program has been ar­ Extend Their Congratulations Prime Minister Churchill of j To Assassinate Hitler Biggest Air Battle Delivered To Tour Home. mance.” Latest word received member. So it’s a case of—you children live in that neighborhood. ranged. There will be' dancing er Clues Showing Way from "Saybrook” indicates that looks ’em over and you takes your A local young woman who is a A number of other persons told and motion pictures. .■ Britain met once more today Political Wind Blows. London, Sept. 11—(^ —Dr. Karl- The cbn.splratora intended- im­ Since Invasion Is Ooe. ' Van’s Sert'ke Station John has arranged a wonderful Jap beetle hater—a.s who isn’t? us that there were large culvert and began at once a victory mediately after the aaaaasinatibh .program. Members of the band choice. openings on Oak street at the cor­ As an added attraction the Friedricl) Goerdeler, former Llep- V n Hartford Road Tel. S8M The Rcpullcan town committee,, —maintains that most sun-tan gaUierlng will hear Lieut. Helen conference in the moated, zig mayor described as a ring­ to' set up a dictatoriihip “which living in Hartford and Bridgeport lotions attract the beetles as ner of Norman street, on Oak at Cofl and Sergt. Dorothy Burns of To the By The Associated Press leader in the abortive July 20 plot would have immediately capitulat\ Lbndon, Sept., 11.—(fl*)—-*J have signified their intention of which is pretty representative of the corner of Clinton street and In ivisd citadel of Canada’s old­ The U. S. First Army fought' the party locally, has endorsed honey draws flies. Her Qb.serva- the vicinity of Glenwood street. the WAGs recruiting staff in 'Hart­ Maine’s elections arrived today, to kill Adolf Hitler, baa been sen­ ed to the enemies of Germany,” being present.
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