Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-30

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-05-30

:3 =; -=:::: Shower. , , '" (' , ••• I, P, 0, ..... J ...........". ,1 ••, Ma, ,31, 8'•• 01 R .all J ' ,........ IOWA: WIIIeIy aeaUered ehow· ".~ .,.... ...,1.. Ma, 81, 8.0•• en an .....lIJIden&o~ '""... 17 ....... J ... )1, PUaL On. T , .RE ....." "' •• I ..,I," II.... aI. ' Iowa City's Morning' Newlpo er Cooler. tB.' A ••OClATID ..... IOWA CITY, rOWA SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1943 " VOLUME XLID NUMBER 210 '. , ,. Dinolufion ofjCo~iriterri H.uge U.S. Air Force ". -~y J,os~ph Stalin ,.. ~ ... .IUCHARP , ,. , 8; 0: ~8.8OCK '~. >7: Pounds French Coast WASHINGTON (AP), - Joseph it fell kpart aftel' tile 1872' con­ Sljilln's ~issolution ot thl; Cqmm~. (r~ss at ~e Hague, in 8. splil. be. • nlsl IntemalLOl1al- l~ 'Is allSumed tw~en the Soeialists, led by Marx, nl!re ~hat tllc SovIet premlell PCI'· and tbe anarchists. Headquarters DaylightAHack sonlJlly ordel'cd lhe!, Cort1lnUlm ~is- were trahslerred to New Y1Jrk: but 5-Cent\Butter Subsidy bll,llded-~as obyiously pleall~ ihe' organizati~r'l 'quietly' upired' Wa~hlnitoll I,lHicialoom. \ . " . Secretary bf'Stl\te Cordell HUll at~el' ,Its ~"hlladel~.Illa l con~re ss In said i( was "welcome news," ' 1876. , . ToStCJrt Next Tuesday ~iggest Ever • That this was 'noi purely II. po­ IIl~ ,acceptallpe, with .. tongllc , ill I . IIY Ta. ASSOCIATED raE8S WASHlNGTON - Breasting a uestlon (or OPA and Food Ad­ clieek, o! a Sov\cl gesture i~ indio Made c~led by pl\lcr;; in Ole 1I0verhl!1cnt Berlin ., Ac.knowledges tide of criticism over the handling minlsU"ator Chester C. Davis. by Yanks llavi~g made tile sarno comment­ 01 (ood problems, the Olnce of OPA oWcJals said the "roll· but not /01' quotatlon by 'name­ Price administration announfed back" pro,ram has been approved after consider Ina Ihe. implicaUop$, qed-Push Nec,s'sil~tes yesterday Its subsidy on butter will by Byrnes, and that It is assured Returning Airmen " Even those who ordinarily ell­ 110 into effect next Tuesday at the of golill ahead. rate 01 5 cen ts a poul)d, BuUer Subsid,. Report Bullseye Hit. Press sk~ptJcisn'l tOWlird arty 50<1- 'Elastk' Nazi·Warfare Retail prices beginnln, lune 10 The subsidy on butter wlU be , Ie~ move said t/le gesture wou ld ___1 _ " • With 1·T on Bombs help 'the w.ar effort and postfwar' will relied the cut, which amounts paid by the Detense Supplies corp., \0 a~\rt 10 per cent. OPA said, an RFC, subsidiary, ,t the cream­ f~la\lons. " Radio Intimates' Russ L KD !. (AP)-Th great, They outlined Hie qtobablC! ClI- explalnina, the la. between thc cry level, begLnning Tuesday. Next ~ ubsidy payments and the cut in Friday the prices creameries t fl eet of Am ricsn bea"Y fech as (ollows: I .. Drive in ., Caucaius retail prices is due to the fact that charge others wiIJ be cut by the bombers '\'er nt out {rom Bri· , I. Stalin has r~moved the ~ym­ May Be' Suc,c,~~sf"~ _' ~ ~e sub Idy will apply only to new. Iive-oent rnal'gln. The retail price tain hammer d Nazi-occupied I10J ;o{ Communism's el'stwhlle , ' , !. • . , ~ Fran' 8 tripl daylight threat to countries outside of Rus- Iy-produced butter. The effective cut will take place the (ollowina with tONDON, SUNDAY (~P)-The retail date had to be set laler be. Thursday, June 10. t rday by at last dls .... owlng, ~jn ef· a Dull lat y in a 51a; cause of pre-subsidy butter that Vociferous objection to the sub. fect, ,thc Q.(>ctl'ine 01 wotld n!volu- qerman < ra~io al}J1olln.ced• eal'ly thllndel'ing windup to tbe m t tion, which he had long aban. yesterday thllt a Soviet battjlring I I will be ill trade channels during lidy plan has "ome from some devastating w k·]ong mbard, doned: This would take al lot 01 ram ha~ forced the German Kuban IT'S LITERALLY RAINING, BOMBS over the l\Ionserrat.o air field near Carliart In Sardinia as u ~ S. the 10·day period, farm groups. A senate agricultural m nt of Europe, shp\p a M~t -Prius 10 Drop committee has drafted legislation Ibundei' out qf (he troops \ £0 ' 'a particul rl Flying F,ortresses unleash .... ore than 100 explosives. This photo by U. S. Army Air For.ce8 Gc~man· propa. "~dopt At the saroe time, OPA said the to forbid such payments with spe. Returning airm n reported gapda in Europe that ,has playr.d' . a y sampl~ 01 the heavy aUled bomblnlr raids being carried out over Italy and Germin,.. the bombal'dicr!I ,cor d bull yo elaStic W1Irfarc" - the term used promised 10 'per cent subsidy roll. clIic authorization from congres . back in meat and coffee prices will The meat-butter-colfee subsidy hit~ on till' targ ts with 2,000- ax'is retr'cat In It'a' llla' n fleet follow shortly. It was understood has been estimated unoffiCially to pound block·bu tCI"!I. f;~,t~~JI~f~~:::u:s:~::~:::: !::i~:.la.t ~i~ter's from other sources that tIle meat cost $400,000,000 a year. Flying Forll'c e smashed lution and removal ot ' Its former I This was, the first intimatlon that program probably will be an- through swarms of enemy planes . I in~trU!1lent would' make IIs5ocia- . ". .. ' tlOfl pf Sovi,et RusJla and othet Russ~an pow~r in the northweste.rn .' I • nounced In a w~k or 10 days. to bl.ast the U-boat base at St. OPA:s I1nnou~cemenl camc as Nllzalre and military targets at united nations ,0vern1nents easler CauSll-su~ I;lad ' p~oduced def!,?Jte,WorrleS 'Aliles critiCism, In congress and out, or Jap Troops on Attu il) both ,. the wa .... aD~ iii the world reSultS ·ln. t~~. ~ed a~Y'~ , ~f~ort . to ;' . • ' the handltns 01 food prohlems and (leones while unesco rted Llbera­ Teilonstructloh . afterwatq. crUSh the narrow German bridge- ': "..- • • , , prices ' ralsed th'e' pro peel tha~ tOI'S pounded thc ubmarlne base , 3.. J;>is~91utlon oC the Cpnnntero, heaa eite~dhlg 'fr~m ' Novo~ossisk. " James F. By'rn~" the new War "ow Pocketed in Area at La Pall Ice. wO\;ild weak!!n the authority . of ,'.,.: I '. B d b S NOSC\lw over. CQlI\lDuoi.t , garties ?~ th~ -alack S.~a, IlC~OSS the ~aman " Cit,t~re: . ut . tro~g Mobilli.ation director, wl11 have 10 A communIque I ued ,Ioln&ly cope with it ..quIckly. 3 to 4 Miles Square ill ,thf countries Quqide ot RUllSia. ~ni. nsu1a to : Temry'~ - but Mos- ~ea F~r~e 'May Play Byrne.' PrOblem by 8&h U. S. Air Force bead­ :The thlrd U::QlMlUl}i.t.) Iht~rna- cqw still remained 's\limt ort tile p . N k Among the things Byrn likely quarters and the BrlUsh air ti,o{la,lJ , k,~oWJ? 4S the (:omiotern, pro~reSs 01 the fighting: art In ew Attac will settle are: U. S. Force. Pound mlnlslry said IS bo~bers were h~d Its historic ol'igfns In. tM Flr,st : A' m'idnlt.ht ' MOs,,(jw communi W'AsuINGTON (AP) _ 'F~l'I"I'e 1. Extilnt ' to which subsidies lod In tbe three· way assault Irtternati9I'1al,- wh1cb' disintegrated • . "d . ~ L 1 ' ' . , • .. .. .. ... Remainder of 'Nip.' Clearln& the way for this wlde­ alter ' a ' bl'~ef ,decade in the ' last j:lue r,e~91de , Ij~ tne. ~o,:"et mon!- of the Itarfan fleet even tQ delay may be used.' 2. Whether food matters should South of Chichagof apr ad attack, American, RAF, ceritW'y. " , , . tor,. ~~r~IY ,salli :~flghting , Ic~n- the hlopqning of allied communi-I D 0 m in ion and other alUed 'Tl\e First lntil'natlon~I, or In• . ~ued northeast. of, NovofofHsk cations' lines through the Me'diter­ be conc:entratecl under the AgrJ­ cultlJre department or whether all WASHINGTON CAP) - Rolent· righters swept the coast of north­ temational Wor!dnamen.'s 'asSocia- ,m t~e K/lban rlve~ district - th!! l'aneel~ aroused speculation today ern France in swift stabs at ad­ tJOQ wa~ torJ1)eQ' l.q don in sa,me" phras~ , used (91' three e0l'\' over the possibility that the bat- price-fixing that affects farm lellS, sta~blng advances by Amel'i­ vanced ba e of the German air 1864 ;) unqcr leader~p ~f Ka\'l s!!cutive •.days. ".. terecI, but stil1lol'midable sea force product!! s/lould rcmaln a jOint can troops on Attu island have force. Marxr~ lar-tely a.s -. secial-seience . A BerlinJ?roa!icast _recorli~d b~ is being' held' in reserve for some driven the bulk at remai'ning It was the lirst outing [or the aSsociation, aIthou'h i~ , was in- The ~ssoclated Press quoted a moihl!ntous d~velopment in the Japanese troops Into a single .four-engined heavyweigbts of tho . ' tended to be an international ~~~an ~ar chtresJlO~de~t ' as 8',- European war. Jap Troops ReQpen mountainous area, covering only 8th U. S. air force sioce the raid p;irly orgahizatilln pf the 'werking Illg: hi ':'Iew qfcon~lIiuo~s ~OV, let Two pOSsible uses fOl' the Lleet, I three to four square miles. on Emden and Wilhelmshaven claSs, !ollowjng th' jl'idusU"ia1·rev. attacks . Jt p~ved ~ecQSsary \0 -w~ch may include as many" M The navy announced yesterday MIIY 21, when they lost 12 bomb­ olutiol1 ' ' adopt a par~lcularly elastic warfare seven or eight battleships, wcre Drive on Chungking this al'ea, s outhwe~t of Chlchlliof ers and downed 74 n my pfanes.

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