Caecilia V60n01 1934

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Caecilia V60n01 1934 r~~~~~~~~~~! t JANUARY - 1934 t t t t t t Maglazine of t CATHOL][C CHURCH t andSCH()OL MUSIC t Founded A. D. 1874 by John Singenberger I FEJ~TURES t The Harmonium Rev. Adelard Bouvilliers O.S.B. t How Some Choirmasters E~uild a Church Music Repertoire Questions and Answers v. Rev. Gregory Hiigle O.S.B. t ¥- Music Appreciation Sister M. CherubilTI O.S.F. I Christmas and Other Programs t Published by McLAUGI-ILIN & REILLY COMPANY t 1'00 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. 2 The Cae cilia LITURGICAL MASSES-McLAUGHLIN & REILLY EDITION 4(1 Means Approved St. Gregory "White List" UN1SON 505 Tappert, H., Mass of St. Rose of Lima ..•.•..••••.••.•.•.•.•.• •35 (Voice Parts Available) 506 *Tappert, H., Mis88. SSt Ang. Custo- 11 Mandl. opus 198 $ .60 dum ....•..••••••••..••.••.• .60 339 Groiss, Mass of St. Joseph. .•••• •• .60 669 Witt, F. X., Missa Exultet .......• .80 342 Griesbacher, Missa Janua Coeli. •• .60 Voice Part .......••.......... •40 564 Becker, Mass of St. Francis Xavier. .60 340 Wh.eeler, V. B., Mass in G minor .. .60 640 Dumler, Missa Cantate Pueri. ...• .60 Voice Part . .25 362 Predmore, Mass of Good Shepherd. .40 622 Smith, Missa Maria Mater Dei. .. .60 THREE PART (S.S.A.) lWO PART 518 Cherubim, Mass of St. Alfons.....$ .35 (Chant, harmonized alternately) 508 Dore, M., Mass in G ..•' $ .40 666 Gisela, Mass of Our Lady . .60 221 Marsh, W. J., Mass of the Holy 563 Shaefers, Mass of Blessed Julie. .. .60 Angels ..............•....... .60 C218 Smith, Mass of Sacred Heart..... .60 Voice Part .....•.....••..••.• .25 P.G. Cherion, Messe de Stet Cecile..•• .80 363 Marsh, W. J., Choral Mass. .... .. .60 Voice Part .25 519 Meyer, J. J., Mass of St. Theresa.. .35 REQUIEM 447 *Singenberger, Mass of St. Francis.. .35 426 *Singenberger, J., Easy and Complete 448 *Singenberger, Mass of St. Anthony ;,35 Requiem for 1, 2, or 3 voices .....$ .60 449 *Singenberger, Mass in D. ...... .. .35 521 Gregorian, Harmonized by J. Sin- 450 *Singenberger, Mass of St. Rita. .. .60 genberger .................•. .60 451 *Singenberger, Mass of the Holy 521A Voice> Part, complete with re­ Ghost ...........•.....•..... .35 sponses, and common chant. ... .• .15 GREGORIAN MASSES From The Vatican Gradual Transcribed in modern notation (1) Missa " Factor" (De Dominica) } Accompaniment .80 No. 481 { (2) Mass for Sundays of Advent and Lent Voice part .15 No. 520 Missa de Angelis Accomp. by J. B. Singenberger .60 Edited by Otto Singenberger No. ·520a Missa de Angelis Voice part, with Responses and a Panis Angelicus by Browne. Heavy paper cover .15 No. 39b Missa de Angelis Voice part, octavo size, large notes. Mass only .10 No. 521 Missa pro Defunctis Harmonized by J. B. Singenberger .60 Edited by Otto Singenberger No. 521a Missa pro Defunctis Voice part, with Libera Sub- venite, In Paradisum, Benedictus, and all Responses. Heavy paper cover 15 (I) Missa "Cum Jubilo" Harmonized by F. X. Mathias .80 No. 639 { (2) Missa "Alme Pater" f Voice part, with Asperges Me, Vidi Aquam, and Credo Ill. Heavy paper cover .15 McLAUGHLIN & REILLY COMPANY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS National Headquarters for Catholic Church Music Editor, OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Associate.· Editor, WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY Contributors: Ludwig Bonvin S.J., Buffalo, N. Y.: Gregory Hugle" O.S.B., Conception, Mo. ; Adelard Bouvilliers O.S.B., Belmont, N. r..; Rf:v. F. T. Waltflr, St. Francis, Wise.: Leo P. Manzetti D.D., Baltimore, Md.: Joseph Villani S.C., San Francisco, Cal.; Rev. P. H. Schaefers, Cleveland, Ohio; Sr. M. Cherubim O.S F., Milwaukee, Wise.; Sr. M. Gisela S.S.N.D., Milwaukee, Wise.; M. Mauro-Cottone, Mus. Doc., New York, N. Y.: Richard Ke)'s Biggs, Hollywood, Cal.; Martin G. Dumler M.M., Cincinnati, Ohio; Joseph J. McGrath, Syrac:use, N.Y., etc. Vol. 60 JANUAI~Y 1934 No.1 ijappy j~ em lear WE WELCOME THE NE~r YEAR, WITH AN ENLARGED CAECILIA. WE HOPE YOU WILL LIKE THE IlVIPROVED FORlVI: , AND THE ADDED MATERIAL. IT WILL BE OUR AI1VI TO STILL FURTHER ENLARGE AND IMPROVE THIS PAPER, FOR OlJR SUBSCRIBERS, DURING THE COl\1ING YEAR. HELP US BY URGING YOlJR MUSICAL FRIENDS TO SUB­ SCRIBE NOW. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR IMPORTAN1' ANNOUNCEMENT RE­ GARDING NEW SUBSCRIPTION PJRICE AFTER MARCH FIRST. THIS IS THE 60TH YEAR lOF THE CAECILIi\. IT IS NOW LARGER, AND MORE WIDELY READ, THAN EVER BEFORE, AND IT IS FAST BECOMING THE BEST KNOWN PERIODICAL OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. WE THANK THE LOYAL SUBSCRIBERS WHO Hi\VE MADE THIS POSSIBLE (SOME STILL RE~MAIN WHO HAVE NOT MISSED i\N ISSUE IN 50 YEARS). 4 The Caecilia ~rau~iru!i au~ arUmarU!i IMPORTANT NOTICE CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ENCOUR­ In the December CAECILIA we listed the AGEMENT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WILL number of magazines which had been com­ ALWAYS BE AT THE RATE OF $2 PER pelled to reduce in size, or which had gone YEAR, AS LONG AS YOU DESIRE TO out of existence altogether. Because of the SUBSCRIBE. increase in the price of paper, general pub­ lishing expense, and the loss of paid adver­ e SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR YOUR tising matter, there could be no expansion of FRIENDS SO THAT THEY ]VIAY TAKE THE CAECILIA while the present subscrip­ ADVANTAGE OF THE BENEFITS YOU tion price was maintained. ENJOY. This magazine is run at cost, without any charge for salaries. All contributions, music,' e ON ALL NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS, EN­ and editorial work is done without charge, TERED FOR THE FIRST TIME, -ON OR direct or indirect. AFTER MARCH 1st, 1934, THE SUB­ We want to improve THE CAECILIA, we SCRIPTION WILL BE $3 FOR ONE YEAR want to make it bigger, and issue more music OR $5 FOR TWO YEARS. each month. There are only a limited num­ ber to whom this magazine, or -any church music magazine can appeal. At present, each INCREASED SIZE issue contains at least 50 cents worth of music, Notice: the measurements of this issue are without considering the cost of postage, ad­ slightly larger, for reading and handling con­ dressing equipment, stationery, mailing en­ venIence. velopes, and clerical expense. Also without lV o~ice: there are 44 pages in this issue, not considering the cost of printing the reading countIng the 4 cover pages. matter. Notice: there is more news and more read­ THEREFORE, ALL NEW SUBSCRIP­ ing matter to interest Organists, Choirmasters TIONS AFTER MARCH I, 1934 WILL BE and Parochial School Music Teachers, than heretofore. AT THE RATE OF $3 PER YEAR. Notice: Already we have planned to im­ PRESENT SUBSCRIBERS MAY RE­ prove the contents of this issue, in subsequent NEW FOR $2, for as long as they desire. numbers. Ther-e will be a continuance of ($3·50 for 2 years. $5 for 3 years). practical helps for the beginner, in organ and ALL NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE choral music, and also some material to inter­ est the music scholar of advanced education. $3 HENCEFORTH. Notice: Be sure to renew your subscription In return we will enlarge the CAECILIA, before March first, and thus maintain the $2 add more material in the music sections and price available for all subscribers who enrolled the reading sections, which will double the prior to March 1934. appeal and usefulneRR of this famous little Notice: As long as you live you can renew magazine. Every cent of the extra revenue your subscription at the $2 rate provided you will be put into the development of the mag­ enrolled as a subscriber before March 1934. azine. It will mean that new subscribers will You can save a dollar a year by enrolling as receive the paper at less than 30 cents per a subscriber now. copy. It will mean that THE CAECILIA will become the most comprehensive periodical on TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Catholic Church Music, in the world. At pres­ ent it goes to every state in the nation, and is ANNOUNCING A NEW CONTRIBUTOR in exchange with the leading foreign period­ We are happy to announce that during 1934, icals on the same subject. articles on organ music, and related subjects BE SURE AND RENEW YOUR SUB­ will appear in the CAECILIA contributed by e Dom Adelard Bouvilliers, O.S.B., of Belmont SCRIPTION PROMPTLY AND TAKE Cathedral Abbey, N. C. ADVANTAGE OF THE OLD SUBSCRIP­ Dom Adelard, is well known for his many TION RATES. pamphlets on church music, and his writings YOU HAVE JOINED WITH US IN OUR \\Till be found of practical assistance to young e orga~igts interested in Catholic Church organ DAYS OF EARLY STRUGGLE AND IN muslC. The Ca.~cilia 5 THE HAR~~ONIUM Its History, Its Literature By Dom Adelard Bouvilliers O.S.B., M.A. Mus. Doc. Belmont Cathedral Abbey, N. C. This paper will treat, first, of the history of little Hall of the Paris Conservatory, where this instrument, tracing its origin to the Pipe the writer saw it. Organ, from which it descends. What were Pinsonnat rediscovered the Chinese inven­ the first gropings, the attempts, often unsuc­ tion of a small cylinder of three centimeters, cessful, the immediate results and the far fixed in a partition with a small blade or reaching consequences which have made the reed, through which the hreath was made Harmonium) under the fingers of a competent to vibrate and gave the pitch of an 'A'. performer, an instrument of art? The Har­ 1fhus the diapason which is still used to tune monium can pretend, without exaggeration, the instruments was invented. Pinsonnat's to be such. But it would be erroneous to invention of the diapason was the larva of compare it with its more decorative and more the Reed-Organ or Harmonium.
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