AMERICAN UNIVERSITY of KUWAIT Arts & Literary Journal { Issue 4 / Spring 2010 } 1 2 The AUKuwait Review: Arts & Literary Journal Spring 2010 Edition 3 The AUKuwait Review: Arts & Literary Journal Spring 2010 Edition The AUKuwait Review: Arts & Literary Journal Spring 2010 Editorial Board Dana al-Failakawi Mubarak al-Mutairi Fatma al-Sumaiti Shaza Ayesh Fatima Ibraheem Nur Soliman Sara Soliman Supervised by Prof. Craig Loomis Graphic Design Board Mubarak al-Mutairi Amena el-Ezaby Prof. William Andersen Supervised by Prof. Maryam Hosseinnia The American University of Kuwait’s Art and Literary Journal, The AUKuwait Review, is published annually and features fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, graphic art, photography, drawings, and illustrations. The AUKuwait Review is dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established writers and artists. The AUKuwait Review is primarily edited and managed by AUK students. Submissions are accepted from May through December. Send literary submissions to Dr. Craig Loomis (
[email protected]), English Program, College of Arts and Sciences. Send arts submissions to Dr. Maryam Hosseinnia (
[email protected]), Graphic Design Program, College of Arts and Sciences. American University of Kuwait, Box 3323, Safat 13034 Kuwait. ISSN 1997-0056 Letter from the Editor Dear Reader, I’m pleased to present the latest edition of The AUKuwait Review: Arts and Literary Journal, Spring 2010 issue. This fourth edition includes poetry, short stories, descrip- tive prose, travel accounts, as well as photographs, paintings, and computer-generated images, and presents a diverse array of writers and artists from amongst our students, staff, and faculty. You will find some of the contributions relevant and resonant, some of them re- freshingly different.