
Prairie Restorations, Inc. 2021 Product Availability List

Golden Alexander Wild geranium Pasque flower Canada anemone Leadplant Harebell

Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size

Characteristics/ Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Color Flower Plugs 6-Pack 4-inch Pot Pot 1 gallon Yarrow Achillea millefolium can be aggressive l l l l l 1-2.5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Sweet flag Acorus americanus wet edges & shorelines l l l l 3-5’ Y/G $9.00 $5.25 Red baneberry Actaea rubra woods l l l 2-3’ W/R $5.25 $15.00 Fragrant giant hyssop Agastache foeniculum savannas l l l l 3-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 White snakeroot Ageratina altissima rich woods l l l 2-3’ W $9.00 Water plantain Alisma subcordatum mud flats l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Meadow garlic Allium canadense wet prairies l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 Prairie onion Allium stellatum dry hilltops l l l 1-1.5’ PK $9.00 $5.25 Wild leek Allium tricoccum woods l l l 1’ W $9.00 $5.25 Leadplant Amorpha canescens semi-woody legume l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Pearly everlasting* Anaphalis margaritacea woods edge, meadows l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 Canada anemone Anemone canadensis sedge meadow l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Thimbleweed Anemone cylindrica dry sands, savannas l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Pasque flower Anemone patens outcrops & thin soils l l l 4-6” PU $9.00 $5.25 Wood anemone Anemone quinquefolia woodland groundcover l l l l 4-6” W $9.00 $5.25 Tall thimbleweed Anemone virginiana dry open woods l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Pussytoes Antennaria neglecta low groundcover l l l l 6” W $9.00 $5.25 Columbine Aquilegia canadensis light woods & savannas l l l l l 2’ R $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Wild sarsaparilla Aralia nudicaulis common north & central l l l l l 1-2’ G/W $9.00 $5.25 American spikenard Aralia racemosa rich woods l l l 3-6’ C/R $5.25 $15.00 Bearberry* Arctostaphylos uva-ursi pine understory, barrens l l l 6” PK $5.25 $15.00 Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema triphyllum deciduous woods l l l l 1-2’ G/R $9.00 $5.25 Prairie sage Artemisia ludoviciana can be aggressive l l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild ginger Asarum canadense loam, clay & rich woods l l l 4-6” L $9.00 $5.25 Swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata wetlands, showy l l l 3-6’ PK $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca monarch habitat l l l l 3-6’ PU $9.00 Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa well-drained soils, sands l l l l 1-2’ O $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Whorled milkweed Asclepias verticillata fragrant l l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild indigo Baptisia alba southern prairies l l l 3-4’ W $9.00 $15.00 Hairy woodmint Blephilia hisuta moist woods, floodplains l l l l 3-4’ W $9.00 Marsh marigold Caltha palustris wet peat, muck l l l l l 1’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Tooth-leaved primrose Calylophus serrulatus rocky outcrops, west l l 1-1.5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Harebell Campanula rotundifolia outcrops & thin soils l l l l 1-2’ B $9.00 $5.25 Turtlehead Chelone glabra sedge meadows l l l 1-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 Bluebead lily* Clintonia borealis mixed woods l l l 1’ Y $5.25 Stiff tickseed Coreopsis palmata dry prairie l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Bunchberry* Cornus canadensis moist woods, groundcover l l l l l 6-10” W $9.00 $5.25 White prairie clover Dalea candida excellent legume l l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Purple prairie clover Dalea purpurea common in prairies l l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Silky prairie clover Dalea villosa dry sandy prairie l l l 2-3’ L $5.25 Prairie larkspur Delphinium virescens dry prairies l l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 Flat-topped aster umbellata sedge meadows l l l 4-6’ W $9.00 $5.25 Prairie cinquefoil Drymocallis arguta dry prairies l l l 2-3’ C $9.00 $5.25 Narrow-leaved coneflower Echinacea angustifolia western l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Fireweed* Epilobium angustifolium woods edge, meadows l l l l l 2-6’ PK $9.00 $5.25

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Plants Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size

Characteristics/ Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Color Flower Plugs 6-Pack Pot 1-gallon Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat 4-inch Pot Rattlesnake master Eryngium yuccifolium southern prairies l l l l 3-5’ W $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum mineral soils & peat l l l 3-5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Large-leaved aster Eurybia macrophylla spreads, showy l l l l l l 1-4’ L $9.00 $5.25 Grass-leaved goldenrod Euthamia graminifolia sedge meadows, shores l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Joe-Pye weed Eutrochium maculatum sedge meadows, peat l l l 2.5-6’ BU $9.00 $5.25 Sweet Joe-pye weed Eutrochium purpureum wet meadows, open woods l l l l 5-7’ P $9.00 $5.25 Wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana common understory l l l l l 6” W $9.00 $5.25 Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata western prairies l l l l 1.5-2’ Y/R $9.00 $5.25 Northern bedstraw Galium boreale prairie mainstay l l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii sedge meadows l l l 1-2’ B $9.00 $5.25 Yellowish gentian Gentiana flavida meadows, open woods l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Wild geranium Geranium maculatum woods & edges l l l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Purple avens* Geum rivale moist woods l l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Prairie smoke Geum triflorum sand & gravel l l l l 6-8” BU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale riverbanks l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Giant sunflower Helianthus giganteus wet meadows l l l 5-8’ Y $5.25 Hispid sunflower Helianthus hirsutus woods & edges l l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Stiff sunflower Helianthus pauciflorus colonizes l l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Common ox-eye Heliopsis helianthoides easy, showy l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Golden aster Heterotheca villosa sand dunes l l l 1-1.5’ Y $9.00 Alum root Heuchera richardsonii outcrops & thin soils l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Long-leaved bluets Houstonia longifolia outcrops & thin soils l l l l 4-6” W $9.00 $5.25 waterleaf Hydrophyllum virginianum deciduous woods l l l l l 1-2’ L $9.00 $5.25 Blue flag iris Iris versicolor wet edges & meadows l l l l 2-4’ B $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Dwarf dandelion Krigia biflora waxy leaves l l l 1-2’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Rough blazing star Liatris aspera dry sands, & gravels l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Cylindric blazing star Liatris cylindracea calcareous gravels l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Meadow blazing star Liatris ligulistylis monarch’s delight l l l l 2-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Dotted blazing star Liatris punctata calcareous gravels l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Tall blazing star Liatris pycnostachya mineral soils l l l 3-4’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 lily Lilium michiganense sedge meadows, peat l l l 3-6’ O $9.00 $5.25 Carolina puccoon Lithospermum carolinense prairies l l l 1-3’ Y $5.25 $15.00 Twinflower* Linnaea borealis cool northern woods l l l l 6” PK $5.25 Cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis along Miss. & St. Croix rivers l l l 2-4’ R $9.00 $5.25 Great blue lobelia Lobelia siphilitica waters edge l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Pale lobelia Lobelia spicata sandy soils l l l l 1-3’ L $9.00 $5.25 Wild lupine Lupinus perennis sandy savannas l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Starflower* Lysimachia borealis rich woods l l l l 4-6” W $5.25 Fringed loosestrife Lysimachia ciliata sedge meadows l l l 1-2’ Y $9.00 Canada mayflower Maianthemum canadense damp, mossy woods l l l l l 3-6” W/R $9.00 $5.25 False Solomon’s seal Maianthemum racemosum deciduous woods l l l l 1-2’ W/R $9.00 $5.25 Starry Solomon’s seal Maianthemum stellatum colonizes along edges l l l l 1-2’ W $5.25 Northern lungwort* Mertensia paniculata damp woods, wood’s edge l l l l 1-3’ B $9.00 $5.25 Monkey flower Mimulus ringens wet edges l l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 Bishop’s cap Mitella diphylla deciduous woods l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa can be aggressive l l l l 2-4’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Horsemint Mondarda punctata sandy soils l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 Downy sweet cicily Osmorhiza claytonii rich woods l l l 2-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Violet wood sorrel Oxalis violacea prairies, open woods l l l 6” P $9.00 $5.25 Golden ragwort Packera aurea wet soils l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Balsam ragwort Packera paupercula wet sands l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Slender penstemon Penstemon gracilis sandy soils l l l 1-2’ L $9.00 $5.25 Showy penstemon Penstemon grandiflorus sandy soils l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Woodland phlox Phlox divaricata deciduous woods l l l l 2-3’ B $9.00 $5.25 Prairie phlox Phlox pilosa showy l l l l l 1-2’ PK $9.00 $5.25 Obedient Physostegia virginiana floodplains l l l l l 1.5-4’ PK $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Jacob’s ladder Polemonium reptans deciduous woods l l 12-14” B $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Solomon’s seal Polygonatum biflorum woods & edges l l l l 1-4’ C/B $9.00 $5.25 Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 2 3 Plants Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size

Characteristics/ 4-inch Pot Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Color Flower Plugs 6-Pack Pot 1-gallon Rattlesnake root Prenanthes alba loam & sand l l l l 2-5’ W $9.00 $15.00 Mountain mint Pycnanthemum virginianum colonizes in wetlands l l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 Early buttercup Ranunculus fascicularis prairies, open woods l l 2-6” Y $9.00 $5.25 Swamp buttercup Ranunculus hispidus wet peat & shores l l l l 1-1.5’ Y $9.00 Long-headed coneflower Ratibida columnifera western prairies l l l 2-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Yellow coneflower Ratibida pinnata southern prairies l l l l l 3-6’ Y $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Dwarf raspberry Rubus pubescens groundcover l l l l l 6" W $5.25 Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta early successional l l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Green-headed coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata wet meadows, shores l l l l l 5-6’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia emergent along shores l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wineleaf cinquefoil* Sibbaldiopsis tridentata rocky outcrops l l l l 3-9” W $9.00 $5.25 Compass plant Silphium laciniatum southern prairies l l l l 3-8’ Y $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Cup plant Silphium perfoliatum wet peat l l l 3-6’ Y $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium montanum needs companions l l l l 6-10” B $9.00 $5.25 Zig zag goldenrod Solidago flexicaulis open woods l l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Hairy goldenrod* Solidago hispida rocky outcrop, open woods l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 Early goldenrod* Solidago juncea open meadows l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 Gray goldenrod Solidago nemoralis sands & gravels l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Upland goldenrod Solidago ptarmicoides calcareous gravels l l l l 1-1.5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Stiff goldenrod Solidago rigida common in fields l l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Showy goldenrod Solidago speciosa sands & gravels l l l l 2-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Giant bur-reed Sparganium eurycarpum mucky soils l l l 3-4’ W $5.25 Rosy twisted stalk* Streptopus lanceolatus rich woods l l l 1’ R $5.25 Lindley’s aster* Symphyotrichum ciliolatum wood edges & openings l l l 2-4’ B $9.00 $5.25 Heath aster Symphyotrichum ericoides aggressive, colonizes l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Smooth aster Symphyotrichum laeve showy l l l l 2-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Calico aster Symphyotrichum lateriflorum deciduous woods l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 New England aster Symphyotrichum novae-angliae sedge meadows, south l l l 4-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Aromatic aster Symphyotrichum oblongifolium calcareous gravels l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Azure aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense savannas, showy l l l l l 2-4’ B $9.00 $5.25 Red-stalked aster Symphyotrichum puniceum sedge meadows, raingardens l l l 3-5’ B/PU $9.00 $5.25 Silky aster Symphyotrichum sericeum well-drained soils, gravel l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Arrow-leaved aster Symphyotrichum urophyllum savanna & forest edges l l l l 1-4’ L $9.00 $5.25 Tall meadow rue Thalictrum dasycarpum sedge meadows, shores l l l 3-6’ W $9.00 $5.25 Early meadow rue Thalictrum dioicum deciduous woods l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Rue anemone Thalictrum thalictroides woods l l 1-1.5’ P $9.00 $5.25 Western spiderwort Tradescantia occidentalis sandy soils l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Large-leaved bellwort Uvularia grandiflora rich woods l l l 1-2’ Y $5.25 Sessile-leaved bellwort* Uvularia sessilifolia dry woods l l l l 1’ C $5.25 Blue vervain Verbena hastata mineral soil & peat l l l 2-5’ B $9.00 $5.25 Hoary vervain Verbena stricta sands & gravels l l l l 2-4’ B $9.00 $5.25 Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata pollinator plant l l l 2-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Culver’s root Veronicastrum virginicum wet sands l l l l 2-5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Sweet white violet Viola blanda moist woods l l l l 3-5” W $9.00 Canada white violet Viola canadensis moist deciduous woods l l l 8-16” W $9.00 $5.25 Blue marsh violet Viola cucullata wet woods & seeps l l l l l 6-10” B $9.00 $5.25 Small white violet Viola macloskeyi moist woods, bogs l l l l 2-5” W $9.00 Prairie violet Viola pedatifida outcrops & thin soils l l l l 4-6” PU $9.00 $5.25 Yellow violet Viola pubescens deciduous woods l l l 4-6” Y $9.00 $5.25 Arrow-leaved violet Viola sagittata wet sands l l l l 2-6” PU $9.00 $5.25 Downy blue violet Viola sororia common l l l l l 4-6” B $9.00 Heart-leaved Alexander Zizia aptera open prairies l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Golden Alexander Zizia aurea Black swallowtail larvae host l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 COLOR KEY: Herbaceous Plant Discounts: W=White, B= Blue, PK=Pink, PU=Purple, Y=Yellow, 5% off orders of $1,000 to $2,499 on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats O=Orange, R=Red, G=Green, L=Lavender, BU=Burgundy, 10% off orders of $2,500 or more on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats C=Cream

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Grasses, Sedges & Bulrushes Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size


Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Plugs 6-Pack 4-inch Pot Pot 1-gallon Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii most common tallgrass l l l l l 4-8’ $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Sweetgrass Anthoxanthum hirtum moist woods, wood’s edge l l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 River bulrush Bolboschoenus fluviatilis backwaters, wet meadows l l l l 4-6’ $9.00 $5.25 Side oats grama Bouteloua curtipendula hillsides/slopes l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis sandy soils l l l 12-18” $9.00 $5.25 Hairy grama Bouteloua hirsuta dry sandy soils l l l 6-18” $9.00 Fringed brome Bromus ciliatus sedge meadows l l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Kalm’s brome Bromus kalmii savannas & prairies l l l l 1-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Blue joint grass Calamagrostis canadensis wet meadows l l l l 4-6’ $9.00 $5.25 Bebb’s sedge Carex bebbii calcareous wetlands l l l 2-3’ $9.00 Plain’s oval sedge Carex brevior prairies, savannas l l l l l l 1’ $9.00 Bottlebrush sedge Carex comosa wet edges l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Fringed sedge Carex crinita wet woods, shorelines l l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Dewey’s sedge Carex deweyana woods l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Graceful sedge Carex gracillima woods l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Wood gray sedge Carex grisea dry sandy woods l l l l l 2' $9.00 Lake sedge Carex lacustris wet edges, marshes l l l 2-4’ $9.00 Hop sedge Carex lupulina wet woods & prairies l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 sedge Carex pensylvanica savannas & woods l l l l l 6-8” $5.25 Eastern star sedge Carex radiata woods l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Wood sedge Carex rosea mesic woods l l l l 1’ $9.00 $5.25 Pointed broom sedge Carex scoparia wet sedge meadows, shorelines l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Sprengel’s sedge Carex sprengelii floodplain forests l l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Stalk-grain sedge Carex stipata wet sedge meadows, shorelines l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Tussock sedge Carex stricta wet meadows, shorelines l l l l 1-3’ $9.00 Fox sedge Carex vulpinoidea wet meadows, shorelines l l l 1-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Poverty oat grass Danthonia spicata rock outcrops & gravel l l l 1-2’ $9.00 Tufted hair grass* Deschampsia cespitosa Lake Superior rock outcrops l l 1-2’ $9.00 Spike-rush Eleocharis obtusa shorelines & marshes l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 Canada wild rye Elymus canadensis early successional l l l l l 3-4’ $9.00 $5.25 Bottlebrush grass Elymus hystrix savannas & woods l l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 Slender wheatgrass* Elymus trachycaulus short-lived, cool season l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 Silky wild rye Elymus villosus woods, floodplains l l l l l 3’ $9.00 Wild rye Elymus virginicus shorelines l l l l 3-4’ $9.00 Rattlesnake manna grass Glyceria canadensis wet meadows l l l l 3’ $9.00 American manna grass Glyceria grandis wet meadows l l l 4-6’ $9.00 Fowl manna grass Glyceria striata wet woods l l l l 1-3’ $9.00 Soft rush Juncus effusus mucky soils l l l 1-2’ $9.00 Greene’s rush Juncus greenei prairies l l l l 1-1.5’ $9.00 Path rush Juncus tenuis nice garden species l l l l l 1’ $9.00 June grass Koeleria macrantha sands & gravels l l 1’ $9.00 $5.25 Common wood rush Luzula acuminata woods l l l l 1’ $9.00 $5.25 Many-flowered wood rush Luzula multiflora meadows and woods l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Rough-leaved ricegrass Oryzopsis asperifolia dry woods & openings l l l l 1-2’ $9.00 $5.25 Switch grass Panicum virgatum can be aggressive l l l l 3-4’ $9.00 $5.25 False melic grass* Schizachne purpurascens dry woods & openings l l l l 1-4’ $9.00 $5.25 Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium dominant in dry prairies l l l l l 2-3’ $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Soft-stem bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani mucky soils l l 3-6’ $9.00 $5.25 Green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens early successional l l l l 3-5’ $9.00 $5.25 Wool grass Scirpus cyperinus sedge meadows l l l 3-4’ $9.00 $5.25 Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans common tallgrass l l l l 4-6’ $9.00 $5.25 Cord grass Spartina pectinata colonizes l l l 3-7’ $9.00 Prairie dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis bunch forming beauty l l l l 1-3’ $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Herbaceous Plant Discounts: 5% off orders of $1,000 to $2,499 on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats 10% off orders of $2,500 or more, on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 4 5 Plants

Quaking aspen Tamarack Red cedar

Trees and Shrubs Preferred Growing Conditions Prices Soil Exposure Plant Container Size

Full Shade 5-Gallon 10-Gallon Wet Full Sun Sun Partial Height 7-Gallon Common Name Scientific Name Origin/Comment Dry Mesic (Medium) 2-Gallon

Balsam fir Abies balsamea St. Louis Co. l l l l l up to 50’ $30.00 $55.00 $70.00 Red maple Acer rubrum Northern Minnesota l l l l 100’ $30.00 $55.00 $70.00 $135.00 Silver maple Acer saccharinum St. Louis Co. l l l l 100’ $35.00 $60.00 $80.00 $135.00 Sugar maple Acer saccharum mesic forest overstory l l l l 100’ $40.00 $65.00 $90.00 $140.00 Mountain maple Acer spicatum St. Louis Co., deciduous l l l l 10-20’ $30.00 $45.00 $70.00 Regent serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Regent’ compact l l l l 4-6’ $25.00 $40.00 $60.00 Low serviceberry Amelanchier humilis St. Louis Co. l l l l 2-5’ $30.00 $45.00 $60.00 Inland serviceberry Amelanchier interior St. Louis Co., white flowers l l l l l 15-35’ $30.00 $45.00 $60.00 Alleghany serviceberry Amelanchier laevis St. Louis Co. l l l l l 15-45’ $35.00 $50.00 $70.00 Roundleaf serviceberry Amelanchier sanguinea St. Louis Co. l l l l 20-25’ $35.00 $50.00 $70.00 False indigo Amorpha fruticosa Stearns Co. l l l 6-9’ $30.00 $45.00 Black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa St. Louis Co. l l l l l 3-6’ $25.00 $40.00 Yellow birch Betula alleghaniensis St. Louis Co. l l l l up to 85’ $30.00 $55.00 $75.00 Paper birch Betula papyrifera St. Louis Co. l l l l up to 85’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00 $135.00 Bog birch Betula pumila Sherburne Co. l l l 6-8’ $30.00 tea Ceanothus americanus Sherburne Co. l l l 1.5-3’ $30.00 Pagoda dogwood Cornus alternifolia St. Louis Co. l l l l 15-25’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00 Silky dogwood Cornus amomum Sherburne Co. l l l l 5-8’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00 Gray dogwood Cornus racemosa Sherburne Co. l l l l l l 6-12’ $25.00 $40.00 Roundleaf dogwood Cornus rugosa St. Louis Co. l l l l 8-10’ $30.00 $50.00 Red osier dogwood Cornus sericea St. Louis & Sherburne Co. l l l l 6-12’ $25.00 $35.00 Hazelnut Corylus americana St. Louis Co. l l l l l 6-15’ $45.00 $65.00 Shrubby cinquefoil Dasiphora fruticosa St. Louis Co., cliffs l l l l 2-3’ $25.00 Bush honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera St. Louis & Mille Lacs Co. l l l l l 1-3’ $25.00 $40.00 Winterberry Ilex verticillata St. Louis Co. l l l l 6-8’ $30.00 $45.00 Old field juniper Juniperus communis St. Louis & Sherburne Co. l l l 3-5’ $25.00 $50.00 Red cedar Juniperus virginiana Sherburne Co. l l l l 15-35’ $30.00 $50.00 Tamarack Larix laricina St. Louis & Sherburne Co. l l l l l 50-75’ $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $135.00 Ironwood Ostrya virginiana dry forest understory l l l l l 30-50’ $60.00 $100.00 $135.00 Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius St. Louis Co. l l l 5-10’ $25.00 White spruce Picea glauca St. Louis Co., Northern MN l l l 40-75’ $30.00 $45.00 $70.00 $140.00 Black spruce Picea mariana St. Louis Co. l l l 30-70’ $30.00 $45.00 $70.00 Red pine Pinus resinosa St. Louis Co., Northern MN l l l l 50-80’ $30.00 $50.00 $80.00 $135.00 White pine Pinus strobus St. Louis Co., fast growing l l l l l l 40-70’ $35.00 $60.00 $85.00 Bigtooth aspen Populus grandidentata Sherburne Co. l l l l 40-60’ $35.00 $135.00 Quaking aspen Populus tremuloides St. Louis Co., colonizes l l l l l 35-60’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00 American plum Prunus americana Sherburne Co. l l l l 10-20’ $40.00 $65.00 $90.00 $135.00 Pin cherry Prunus pensylvanica St. Louis Co. l l l l 6-20’ $35.00 $50.00

Trees and Shrubs Discounts: 5% off orders of $1,000 to $2,499 10% off orders of $2,500

www.prairieresto.com 5 Ostrich fern Plants

Trees and Shrubs Preferred Growing Conditions Prices

Soil Exposure Plant Container Size

Height 2-Gallon 7-Gallon 10-Gallon

Common Name Scientific Name Origin/Comment Dry Sun Partial Mesic (Medium) Wet Full Sun Full Shade 5-Gallon Sand cherry Prunus pumila St. Louis Co. (Park Pt.) l l 4-5’ $30.00 Wild black cherry Prunus serotina Sherburne Co. l l l l l 50-60’ $30.00 $45.00 Chokecherry Prunus virginiana Sherburne & St. Louis Co. l l l l l 10-20’ $25.00 $40.00 Northern pin oak Quercus ellipsoidalis dry woodlands, savannas l l l 40-65’ $60.00 $90.00 $135.00 Bur oak Quercus macrocarpa Sherburne Co. l l l l 60-80’ $30.00 $50.00 $90.00 $135.00 Red oak Quercus rubra St. Louis Co. l l l 60-80’ $30.00 $55.00 $90.00 $130.00 Smooth sumac Rhus glabra Northern Minnesota l l l l 10-20’ $20.00 Staghorn sumac Rhus typhina St. Louis Co. l l l l l 10’ $20.00 $35.00 $115.00 Prairie rose Rosa arkansana Sherburne Co., colonizes l l l l 1.5-2’ $25.00 Meadow rose Rosa blanda St. Louis & Sherburne Co. l l l l l l 1.5-3’ $25.00 Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus St. Louis Co. l l l l l 1-3’ $20.00 American elderberry Sambucus canadensis Pine Co. l l l l 5-12’ $30.00 $45.00 Red-berried elder Sambucus racemosa St. Louis Co. l l l l 10-12’ $30.00 Mountain ash Sorbus decora St. Louis Co. l l l 20-30’ $30.00 $45.00 $70.00 $135.00 Meadowsweet Spiraea alba St. Louis & Sherburne Co. l l l 2-3’ $25.00 Steeplebush Spiraea tomentosa Isanti Co., wet meadows l l 3-4’ $25.00 Snowberry Symphoricarpos alba St. Louis Co. l l l 3-4’ $30.00 White cedar Thuja occidentalis St. Louis Co. l l l l l 30-50’ $30.00 $50.00 Basswood Tilia americana mesic forest overstory l l l l 60-80’ $40.00 $60.00 $90.00 $135.00 Lowbush blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium St. Louis Co. l l l l 1-2’ $20.00 (#1 pot) Nannyberry Viburnum lentago Sherburne & St. Louis Co. l l l l 10-20’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00 Downy arrowwood Viburnum rafinesquianum St. Louis Co. l l l l 6-8’ $35.00 $50.00 High bush cranberry Viburnum trilobum St. Louis Co. l l l l 8-15’ $30.00 $50.00 $75.00

Ferns Preferred Growing Conditions Prices Soil Exposure Plant Container Size

Dry Full Sun Sun Partial Common Name Scientific Name Origin/Comment Mesic (Medium) Wet Full Shade Height 1-Gallon Maidenhair fern Adiantum pedatum Isanti & Mille Lacs Co. l l 2’ $15.00 Lady fern Athyrium filix-femina Sherburne & Mille Lacs Co. l l l l 1-4’ $15.00 Ostrich fern Matteucia strutiopteris moist forests l l l l 4’ $15.00 Sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis Sherburne Co. l l l l l 1-2’ $15.00 Interrupted fern Osmunda claytoniana Sherburne Co. l l l l l 2-4’ $15.00

Ostrich fern Interrupted fern Sensitive fern

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 6 7 Sod Flats Each sod flat is 205 square inches (1.42 sq. ft.) and contains a mixture of grasses and flowers. It is an excellent and economical option for an instant stand of native prairie, wetland or woodland vegetation! Sod flats will contain a combination of the listed species. Dimensions: 10" x 20.5"

Short/Dry Flat Ideal in sandy or gravelly soils, along walkways and around buildings where shorter vegetation is desirable (Height 1'-3') Price per flat: $25.00 Grasses: Wildflowers: Side oats grama Leadplant Golden aster Black-eyed Susan Blue grama Thimbleweed Alum root Gray goldenrod Poverty oat grass Butterfly weed Bush clover Upland goldenrod June grass Stiff tickseed Rough blazing star Heath aster Little bluestem White prairie clover Cylindric blazing star Azure aster Prairie dropseed Purple prairie clover Slender penstemon Silky aster Northern bedstraw Showy penstemon Western spiderwort Long-leaved bluets Prairie cinquefoil Super Short/Dry Flat Ideal in sandy or gravelly soils, as borders or edges where very short vegetation is desirable (Height 6”-1’) Price per flat: $25.00 Grasses: Wildflowers: Blue grama Long-leaved bluets Arrow-leaved violet Hairy grama Pussytoes Upland goldenrod Poverty oat grass Harebell Path rush Prairie onion Mixed Height/Mesic Flat Suitable for most sites and for a variety of soils (Height 2.5'-6') Price per flat: $18.00 Grasses: Wildflowers: Big bluestem Fragrant giant hyssop Stiff sunflower Black-eyed Susan Side oats grama Leadplant Common ox-eye Stiff goldenrod Kalm’s brome Butterfly weed Rough blazing star Showy goldenrod Canada wild rye White prairie clover Pale lobelia Azure aster Little bluestem Purple prairie clover Wild bergamot Arrow-leaved aster Indian grass Canada tick trefoil Prairie phlox Golden Alexander Yellowish gentian Yellow coneflower

Wet Meadow Flat For wetland and riparian zones (Height 3’-7’)

Price per flat: $25.00 Grasses/Sedges: Wildflowers: Fringed brome Fox sedge Sweet flag Common ox-eye Red-stalked aster Blue joint grass Greene’s rush Swamp milkweed Tall blazing star Marsh hedgenettle Bebb’s sedge Soft-stem bulrush Flat-topped aster Great blue lobelia Tall meadow rue Bottlebrush sedge Wool grass Boneset Monkey flower Blue vervain Pointed broom sedge Cord grass Grass-leaved goldenrod Swamp lousewort Ironweed Tussock sedge Joe-Pye weed Obedient plant Culver’s root Bottle gentian Mountain mint Golden Alexander Sneezeweed New England aster

Woodland Flat For well shaded areas and moderate moisture (Height 1’-3’) Price per flat: $50.00 Grasses/Sedges: Wildflowers: Kalm’s brome Columbine Virginia waterleaf Lindley’s aster Dewey’s sedge Large-leaved aster Woodland phlox Calico aster Graceful sedge Tall thimbleweed Zig zag goldenrod Early meadow rue Wood sedge Long-beaked sedge Bottlebrush grass Many-flowered wood rush

Herbaceous Plant Discounts: 5% off orders of $1,000 to $2,499 on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats 10% off orders of $2,500 or more, on any combination of 6-packs, 4” pots, gallons and sod flats

www.prairieresto.com 7 Seed

Butterfly weed Swamp milkweed Joe-Pye weed Common ox-eye

Prices subject to change Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions as supplies diminish Soil Exposure Price

Characteristics/ 500 PLS Price/oz. Wet Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Dry Mesic (Medium) Emergent Height Color seeds PLS Yarrow Achillea millefolium can be aggressive l l l l l 1-2.5’ W $7.00 $12.00 Sweet flag Acorus americanus wet edges & shorelines l l l l 3-5’ Y/G $10.00 Fragrant giant hyssop Agastache foeniculum savannas l l l l 3-5’ PU $25.00 Leadplant Amorpha canescens semi-woody legume l l l l 2-3’ PU $7.00 $20.00 Swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata wetlands, showy l l l 3-6’ PK $7.00 $16.00 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca monarch habitat l l l l 3-6’ PU $7.00 $15.00 Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa well-drained soils, sands l l l l 1-2’ O $7.00 $40.00 Canada milk vetch Astragalus canadensis savannas, open woods l l l l 1-4’ W/Y $5.00 Stiff tickseed Coreopsis palmata dry prairie l l l l 1-3’ Y $50.00 White prairie clover Dalea candida excellent legume l l l l 1-3’ W $7.00 $5.00 Purple prairie clover Dalea purpurea common in prairies l l l l l 2-3’ PU $5.00 Canada tick trefoil Desmodium canadense prairies, savannas l l l l 3-4’ P $7.00 $15.00 Flat-topped aster Doellingeria umbellata sedge meadows l l l 4-6’ W $7.00 $66.00 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum mineral soils & peat l l l 3-5’ W $7.00 $50.00 Large-leaved aster Eurybia macrophylla spreads showy l l l l l l 1-4’ L $7.00 $38.00 Joe-pye weed Eutrochium maculatum sedge meadows, peat l l l 2.5-6’ BU $7.00 $50.00 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale riverbanks l l l 2-5’ Y $38.00 Common ox-eye Heliopsis helianthoides easy, showy l l l l 2-4’ Y $6.00 Blue flag iris Iris versicolor wet edges & meadows l l l l 2-4’ B $17.00 Bush clover Lespedeza capitata dry, mesic prairies l l l l 2-4’ C $7.00 $20.00 Tall blazing star Liatris pycnostachya mineral soils l l l 3-4’ PU $7.00 $20.00 Wild lupine Lupinus perennis sandy savannas l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $7.00 $25.00 Wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa can be aggressive l l l l 2-4’ PU $7.00 $15.00 Evening primrose Oenothera biennis prairies, savannas l l l l 3-6’ Y $5.00 Mountain mint Pycnanthemum virginianum colonizes in wetlands l l l l 2-4’ W $66.00 Yellow coneflower Ratibida pinnata southern prairies l l l l l 3-6’ Y $7.00 $12.00 Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta early successional l l l l l 1-3’ Y $7.00 Upland goldenrod Solidago ptarmicoides calcareous gravels l l l l 1-1.5’ W $7.00 $25.00 Stiff goldenrod Solidago rigida common in fields l l l l l 2-4’ Y $7.00 $20.00 Giant bur-reed Sparganium eurycarpum mucky soils l l l 3-4’ W $5.00 Tall meadow rue Thalictrum dasycarpum sedge meadows, shores l l l 3-6’ W $16.00 Western spiderwort Tradescantia occidentalis sandy soils l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $50.00 Blue vervain Verbena hastata mineral soils & peat l l l 2-5’ B $7.00 $16.00 Hoary vervain Verbena stricta sands & gravels l l l l 2-4’ B $7.00 $12.00 Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata pollinators l l l 2-5’ PU $50.00 Golden Alexander Zizia aurea Black swallowtail larvae host l l l l 1-3’ Y $7.00 $12.00

Smaller quantities available include: Smaller seed packet options also available A200 $50 pls mixing seeds fee $4.00 will be added to any custom mix costing less than $250 before tax. 200 pls seed packets at $4.00 each 5000 pls seed packets at $10.00 each

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 8 9 8 9 Seed

Indian grass Side oats grama Prairie dropseed

Prices subject to change Grasses, Sedges & Bulrushes Preferred Growing Conditions as supplies diminish Soil Exposure Price

Characteristics/ Price/oz. Price/lb. Partial Sun Partial Full Sun Full Shade Dry Height Wet Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Emergent PLS PLS Big bluestem Andropogon gerardii most common tallgrass l l l l l 4-8’ $3.00 $10.00 Side oats grama Bouteloua curtipendula likes hillsides/slopes l l l l 2-3’ $3.00 $15.00 Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis sandy soils l l l 12-18” $3.00 $12.00 Knotsheath sedge Carex retrorsa wet edges, shorelines l l l l l 2-3’ $20.00 $300.00 Poverty oat grass Danthonia spicata rock outcrops & gravel l l l 1-2’ $13.00 $180.00 Canada wild rye Elymus canadensis early successional l l l l l 3-4’ $3.00 $24.00 Rattlesnake manna grass Glyceria canadensis wet meadows l l l l 3’ $200.00 June grass Koeleria macrantha sands & gravels l l 1’ $11.00 $140.00 Switch grass Panicum virgatum can be aggressive l l l l 3-4’ $3.00 $5.00 Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium dominant in dry prairies l l l l l 2-3’ $3.00 $22.00 Green bulrush Scirpus atrovirens early successional l l l l 3-5’ $160.00 Wool grass Scirpus cyperinus sedge meadows l l l 3-4’ $11.00 $160.00 Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans common tallgrass l l l l 4-6’ $3.00 $10.00 Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus sand, prairie l l l 2-3’ $5.00 $60.00 Prairie dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis bunch forming beauty l l l l 1-3’ $250.00

General Seeding Rates: Recommended Seeding Dates: Grass Seed Mixes: Optimum: May 20 to July 10 Broadcast: 1/2 pls lb./1000 sq. ft.; 15-16 pls lbs./acre Range: Spring thaw to August 20 Drilled: 8-10 pls lbs./acre September 20 to freeze-up

Wildflower Seed Mixes: All seed and seed mixes sold in Pure Live Seed (PLS) Broadcast: 1-2 pls oz./1000 sq. ft.; 1-4 pls lbs./acre

9 www.prairieresto.com 9 PRI Regional Seed Mixes*

Introducing PRI regional mixes. We have divided Minnesota into four regions, each region contains its own set of mixes. There are mixes for a variety of growing conditions containing species native and appropriate for each region.

Six different seed mixes consisting of species native to Six differentnortheastern seed Minnesotamixes consisting into northwestern of species native , to northeasternappropriate Minnesota for intoa variety northwestern of growing Wisconsin conditions. appropriate for a variety of growing conditions.

PRI Northeast (Boreal Natives) Seed Mixes* NE Upland Meadow Mixes NE Wet Meadow Mixes Suitable for a variety of dry soil types Suitable for a variety of moist to wet soil types (Height 3’-5') (Height 3'-6’)

Grasses: $64.25/pls lb. Wildflowers: $19.75/pls oz. Grasses: $67.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $21.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 6 species including; Big A minimum of 17 species including; A minimum of 14 species including; Big A minimum of 18 species including; bluestem, Poverty oatgrass, Fringed Golden Alexander, Black-eyed Susan, blueste, Fringed brome, Virginia wild rye Purple prairie clover, Black-eyed Susan, brome Common ox-eye Leadplant NE Lakeshore/Riverbank/Shoreline Mixes NE Conservation Mixes Suitable for wetlands and shorelines An economical tallgrass/wildflower mix - great for wildlife habitat (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-6’) Grasses: $89.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $18.00/pls oz. Wildflowers: $12.50/pls oz. Grasses: $8.50/pls lb. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-6 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. 6 pls lbs./acre 16 pls ozs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre A minimum of 15 species including; A minimum of 19 species including; A minimum of 10 species including; A minimum of 4 species including; Big River bulrush, Virginia wild rye, Swamp milkweed, Blue flag iris, Blue Common milkweed, Black-eyed Susan, bluestem, Slender wheatgrass, Virginia American sloughgrass vervain Golden Alexander wild rye NE Floodplain Mixes NE Woodland Edge Mixes Suitable for low-lying ground adjacent to rivers, susceptible to flooding For full to partially shaded sites and variety of soils (Height 3’-7’) (Height 1’-3’) Grasses: $86.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $18.00/pls oz. Grasses: $60.25/pls lb. Wildflowers: $23.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 2 lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-6 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 2 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-6 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 8 pls lbs./acre 16 pls ozs./acre 8 pls lbs./acre 16-32 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 14 species including; Seeds per ounce: A minimum of 9 species including; A minimum of 13 species including; Big bluestem, Fringed brome, Fowl 20 species including; Swamp milkweed, Big bluestem, Bottlebrush grass, Canada False Solomon’s seal, Large-leaved aster, bluegrass Bur-reed, Blue vervain wild rye Flat-topped aster

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 10 10 11 Northwestern Minnesota PRI Seed Mixes* NW Short/Dry Mixes Ideal in sandy or gravelly soils or where shorter vegetation is desirable (Height 1'-3') Grasses: $21.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $9.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 6 species including: Little A minimum of 11 species including; bluestem, Side oats grama, Blue grama Leadplant, White prairie clover, Black-eyed Susans NW Mixed Height/Dry Mixes Suitable for a variety of dryer sites (Height 1’-3’ with scattered taller species) Grasses: $19.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $9.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 9 species including: Little A minimum of 18 species including; Nine different seed mixes consisting of species native to bluestem, Side oats grama, Blue grama Purple prairie clover, Black-eyed Susan, northwestern Minnesota into northeastern , Leadplant appropriate for a variety of growing conditions. NW Mixed Height/Mesic Mixes Suitable for most sites and for a variety of soils (Height 2.5’-6’) Grasses: $14.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 6 species including; Big A minimum of 21 species including; bluestem, Little bluestem, Indian grass Black-eyed Susan, Purple prairie clover, Golden Alexander NW Conservation Mixes NW Tall/Wet Mixes An economical tallgrass/wildflower mix - great for wildlife habitat For wetland and riparian zones (Height 3’-6’) (Height 3’-7’)

Grasses: $12.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $7.75/pls oz. Grasses: $38.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $18.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 2 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-6 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre 8 pls lbs./acre 16-32 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 8 species including; Big A minimum of 13 species including; A minimum of 11 species including; Big A minimum of 22 species including; bluestem, Indian grass, Little bluestem Purple prairie clover, Black-eyed Susan, bluestem, Fowl bluegrass, Indian grass Swamp milkweed, Golden Alexander, Common milkweed Blue vervain NW Savanna Mixes NW Woodland Base Mixes For partial shade in sandy or loamy soils For full to partially shaded sites and a variety of soils (Height 2’-3’ with scattered taller species) (Height 1’-3’) Grasses: $22.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.75/pls oz. Grasses: $153.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $36.75/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 1 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre 4 pls lbs./acre 8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 9 species including; Little A minimum of 19 species including; A minimum of 14 species including; Big A minimum of 6 species including; False bluestem, Big bluestem, Side oats grama Black-eyed Susan, Purple prairie clover, bluestem, Fringed brome, Indian grass Solomon’s seal, Early meadow rue, Golden Alexander Columbine

NW Lakeshore/Stream/Wet Meadow Mixes NW Floodplain Mixes Suitable for wetlands and shorelines Suitable for low-lying ground adjacent to rivers, susceptible to flooding (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-7’) Grasses: $111.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $17.75/pls oz. Grasses: $79.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $20.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 1.25 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft., Broadcast: 1-2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 6 pls lbs./acre 16 pls ozs./acre 5 pls lbs./acre 4-8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 12 species including; A minimum of 21 species including; A minimum of 5 species including; Plains A minimum of 20 species including; Fringed brome, American manna grass, Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, oval sedge, Fowl manna grass, Bottle- Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, Fowl bluegrass Blue flag iris brush grass Blue vervain

11 www.prairieresto.com 10 11 Central Minnesota PRI Seed Mixes* Central Short/Dry Mixes Ideal in sandy or gravelly soils or where shorter vegetation is desirable (Height 1’-3’)

Grasses: $22.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 4 species including; Little A minimum of 14 species including; Nine different seed mixes consisting of species native bluestem, Side oats grama, June grass Butterfly weed, Common milkweed, to central Minnesota into central Wisconsin, Hoary vervain appropriate for a variety of growing conditions. Central Mixed Height/Dry Mixes suitable for most dry soil types (mostly 2’-3’ with scattered taller species) Grasses: $20.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 7 species including; Side A minimum of 16 species including; oats grama, Little bluestem, Prairie Golden Alexander, Purple prairie clover, dropseed Hoary vervain

Central Mixed Height/Mesic Mixes Suitable for most soil types (Height 2.5’-5’) Grasses: $14.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $12.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 6 species including; Big A minimum of 19 species including; bluestem, Indian grass, Little bluestem Golden Alexander, Common milkweed, Blue vervain Central Tall/Wet Mixes Central Conservation Mixes For wetland and riparian zones An economical tallgrass/wildflower mix - great for wildlife habitat (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-7’)

Grasses: $46.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $18.50/pls oz. Grasses: $11.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $8.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 2 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 8 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 12 species including; Big A minimum of 20 species including; A minimum of 8 species including; Big A minimum of 13 species including; bluestem, Indian grass, Side oats grama Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, bluestem, Indian grass, Little bluestem White prairie clover, Blue vervain, Blue vervain Purple prairie clover Central Savanna Mixes Central Woodland Base Mixes For partial shade in sandy or loamy soils For full to partially shaded sites and variety of soils (mostly 2’-3’ with scattered taller species) (Height 1’-3’)

Grasses: $32.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $11.00/pls oz. Grasses: $112.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $37.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: .25 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre 1 pls lb./acre 8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 10 species including; A minimum of 17 species including; Seeds per ounce: A minimum of 4 species including; False Little bluestem, Side oats grama, Golden Alexander, Purple prairie clover, 6 species including; Plains oval sedge, Solomon’s seal, Early meadow rue, Indian grass Black-eyed Susan Silky wild rye, Virginia wild rye Columbine Central Lakeshore/Stream/Wet Meadow Mixes Central Floodplain Mixes Suitable for wetlands and shorelines Suitable for low-lying ground adjacent to rivers, susceptible to flooding (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-7’)

Grasses: $107.25/pls lb. Wildflowers: $19.50/pls oz. Grasses: $79.25/pls lb. Wildflowers: $20.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 1.25 pls lb./10,000 sq. ft., Broadcast: 1-2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 6 pls lbs./acre 16 pls ozs./acre 5 pls lbs./acre 4-8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 12 species including; A minimum of 16 species including; A minimum of 14 species including; A minimum of 19 species including; Fringed brome, Virginia wild rye, Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, Big bluestem, Fringed brome, Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, River bulrush Blue vervain Virginia wild rye Blue vervain

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 12

12 13 Southern Minnesota PRI Seed Mixes* South Short/Dry Mixes Ideal in sandy or gravelly soils or where shorter vegetation is desirable (Height 1’-3’) Grasses: $22.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.50/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 4 species including; Little A minimum of 15 species including; bluestem, Side oats grama, June grass White prairie clover, Leadplant, Hoary vervain Nine different seed mixes consisting of species native to southern Minnesota into northern , west- South Mixed Height/Dry Mixes central Wisconsin, and northeastern South Dakota, Suitable for most soil types appropriate for a variety of growing conditions. (mostly 2’-3’ with scattered taller species) Grasses: $20.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $10.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 7 species including; Little A minimum of 16 species including; bluestem, Side oats grama, Indian grass Black-eyed Susan, White prairie clover, Hoary vervain

South Mixed Height/Mesic Mixes Suitable for most soil types (Height 2.5’-5’) Grasses: $14.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $12.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 6 species including; Big A minimum of 19 species including; bluestem, Little bluestem, Indian grass Golden Alexander, Purple prairie clover, Hoary vervain South Tall/Wet Mixes South Conservation Mixes For wetland and riparian zones An economical tallgrass/wildflower mix - great for wildlife habitat (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-7’)

Grasses: $43.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $18.50/pls oz. Grasses: $11.50/pls lb. Wildflowers: $8.25/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 2 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 8 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 12 species including; Big A minimum of 20 species including; A minimum of 8 species including; Big A minimum of 13 species including; bluestem, Fowl bluegrass, Fox sedge Golden Alexander, Swamp milkweed, bluestem, Indian grass, Little bluestem Hoary vervain, Purple prairie clover, Blue vervain Leadplant

South Savanna Mixes South Woodland Base Mixes For partial shade in sandy or loamy soils For full to partially shaded sites and variety of soils (mostly 2’-3’ with scattered taller species) (Height 1’-3’) Grasses: $29.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $11.00/pls oz. Grasses: $112.00/pls lb. Wildflowers: $35.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 3.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4-11 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: .25 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Drill: 8-10 pls lbs./acre 16-48 pls ozs./acre 1 pls lb./acre 8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 9 species including; Side A minimum of 17 species including; A minimum of 6 species including; A minimum of 3 species including; oats grama, Little bluestem, Indian grass Golden Alexander, Hoary vervain, Purple Plains oval sedge, Silky wild rye, Tall thimbleweed, Columbine, False prairie clover Sprengel’s sedge Solomon’s seal

South Lakeshore/Stream/Wet Meadow Mixes South Floodplain Mixes Suitable for wetlands and shorelines Suitable for low-lying ground adjacent to rivers, susceptible to flooding (Height 3’-7’) (Height 3’-7’) Grasses: $136.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $19.50/pls oz. Grasses: $61.75/pls lb. Wildflowers: $20.00/pls oz. Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Seeding Rate: Broadcast: 1.5 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 4 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 1.25 pls lbs./10,000 sq. ft. Broadcast: 1-2 pls ozs./10,000 sq. ft. 6 pls lbs./acre 16 pls ozs./acre 5 pls lbs./acre 4-8 pls ozs./acre A minimum of 9 species including; Fox A minimum of 16 species including; A minimum of 11 species including; Big A minimum of 19 species including; sedge, Virginia wild rye, American manna Tall blazing star, Swamp milkweed, Blue bluestem, River bulrush, Fowl bluegrass Swamp milkweed, Canada tick trefoil, grass vervain Tall meadow rue

Prairie Restorations, Inc. 1-800-837-5986 / 763-389-4342 13 www.prairieresto.com 12