Prairie Restorations, Inc. 2021 Product Availability List Plants Golden Alexander Wild geranium Pasque flower Canada anemone Leadplant Harebell Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size Characteristics/ Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Color Flower Plugs 6-Pack 4-inch Pot Pot 1 gallon Yarrow Achillea millefolium can be aggressive l l l l l 1-2.5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Sweet flag Acorus americanus wet edges & shorelines l l l l 3-5’ Y/G $9.00 $5.25 Red baneberry Actaea rubra woods l l l 2-3’ W/R $5.25 $15.00 Fragrant giant hyssop Agastache foeniculum savannas l l l l 3-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 White snakeroot Ageratina altissima rich woods l l l 2-3’ W $9.00 Water plantain Alisma subcordatum mud flats l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Meadow garlic Allium canadense wet prairies l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 Prairie onion Allium stellatum dry hilltops l l l 1-1.5’ PK $9.00 $5.25 Wild leek Allium tricoccum woods l l l 1’ W $9.00 $5.25 Leadplant Amorpha canescens semi-woody legume l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Pearly everlasting* Anaphalis margaritacea woods edge, meadows l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 Canada anemone Anemone canadensis sedge meadow l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Thimbleweed Anemone cylindrica dry sands, savannas l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Pasque flower Anemone patens outcrops & thin soils l l l 4-6” PU $9.00 $5.25 Wood anemone Anemone quinquefolia woodland groundcover l l l l 4-6” W $9.00 $5.25 Tall thimbleweed Anemone virginiana dry open woods l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Pussytoes Antennaria neglecta low groundcover l l l l 6” W $9.00 $5.25 Columbine Aquilegia canadensis light woods & savannas l l l l l 2’ R $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Wild sarsaparilla Aralia nudicaulis common north & central l l l l l 1-2’ G/W $9.00 $5.25 American spikenard Aralia racemosa rich woods l l l 3-6’ C/R $5.25 $15.00 Bearberry* Arctostaphylos uva-ursi pine understory, barrens l l l 6” PK $5.25 $15.00 Jack-in-the-pulpit Arisaema triphyllum deciduous woods l l l l 1-2’ G/R $9.00 $5.25 Prairie sage Artemisia ludoviciana can be aggressive l l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild ginger Asarum canadense loam, clay & rich woods l l l 4-6” L $9.00 $5.25 Swamp milkweed Asclepias incarnata wetlands, showy l l l 3-6’ PK $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca monarch habitat l l l l 3-6’ PU $9.00 Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa well-drained soils, sands l l l l 1-2’ O $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Whorled milkweed Asclepias verticillata fragrant l l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild indigo Baptisia alba southern prairies l l l 3-4’ W $9.00 $15.00 Hairy woodmint Blephilia hisuta moist woods, floodplains l l l l 3-4’ W $9.00 Marsh marigold Caltha palustris wet peat, muck l l l l l 1’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Tooth-leaved primrose Calylophus serrulatus rocky outcrops, west l l 1-1.5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Harebell Campanula rotundifolia outcrops & thin soils l l l l 1-2’ B $9.00 $5.25 Turtlehead Chelone glabra sedge meadows l l l 1-4’ W $9.00 $5.25 Bluebead lily* Clintonia borealis mixed woods l l l 1’ Y $5.25 Stiff tickseed Coreopsis palmata dry prairie l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Bunchberry* Cornus canadensis moist woods, groundcover l l l l l 6-10” W $9.00 $5.25 White prairie clover Dalea candida excellent legume l l l l 1-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Purple prairie clover Dalea purpurea common in prairies l l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Silky prairie clover Dalea villosa dry sandy prairie l l l 2-3’ L $5.25 Prairie larkspur Delphinium virescens dry prairies l l l l 2-4’ W $9.00 Flat-topped aster Doellingeria umbellata sedge meadows l l l 4-6’ W $9.00 $5.25 Prairie cinquefoil Drymocallis arguta dry prairies l l l 2-3’ C $9.00 $5.25 Narrow-leaved coneflower Echinacea angustifolia western Minnesota l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Fireweed* Epilobium angustifolium woods edge, meadows l l l l l 2-6’ PK $9.00 $5.25 www.prairieresto.com 1 Plants Wildflowers Preferred Growing Conditions Prices * Denotes northern species Soil Exposure Size Characteristics/ Dry Mesic (Medium) Wet Emergent Full Sun Sun Partial Full Shade Height Color Flower Plugs 6-Pack Pot 1-gallon Common Name Scientific Name preferred habitat 4-inch Pot Rattlesnake master Eryngium yuccifolium southern prairies l l l l 3-5’ W $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum mineral soils & peat l l l 3-5’ W $9.00 $5.25 Large-leaved aster Eurybia macrophylla spreads, showy l l l l l l 1-4’ L $9.00 $5.25 Grass-leaved goldenrod Euthamia graminifolia sedge meadows, shores l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Joe-Pye weed Eutrochium maculatum sedge meadows, peat l l l 2.5-6’ BU $9.00 $5.25 Sweet Joe-pye weed Eutrochium purpureum wet meadows, open woods l l l l 5-7’ P $9.00 $5.25 Wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana common understory l l l l l 6” W $9.00 $5.25 Blanket flower Gaillardia aristata western prairies l l l l 1.5-2’ Y/R $9.00 $5.25 Northern bedstraw Galium boreale prairie mainstay l l l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Bottle gentian Gentiana andrewsii sedge meadows l l l 1-2’ B $9.00 $5.25 Yellowish gentian Gentiana flavida meadows, open woods l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Wild geranium Geranium maculatum woods & edges l l l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Purple avens* Geum rivale moist woods l l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Prairie smoke Geum triflorum sand & gravel l l l l 6-8” BU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale riverbanks l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Giant sunflower Helianthus giganteus wet meadows l l l 5-8’ Y $5.25 Hispid sunflower Helianthus hirsutus woods & edges l l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Stiff sunflower Helianthus pauciflorus colonizes l l l l 2-5’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Common ox-eye Heliopsis helianthoides easy, showy l l l l 2-4’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Golden aster Heterotheca villosa sand dunes l l l 1-1.5’ Y $9.00 Alum root Heuchera richardsonii outcrops & thin soils l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 $5.25 Long-leaved bluets Houstonia longifolia outcrops & thin soils l l l l 4-6” W $9.00 $5.25 Virginia waterleaf Hydrophyllum virginianum deciduous woods l l l l l 1-2’ L $9.00 $5.25 Blue flag iris Iris versicolor wet edges & meadows l l l l 2-4’ B $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Dwarf dandelion Krigia biflora waxy leaves l l l 1-2’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Rough blazing star Liatris aspera dry sands, & gravels l l l l 2-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Cylindric blazing star Liatris cylindracea calcareous gravels l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Meadow blazing star Liatris ligulistylis monarch’s delight l l l l 2-5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Dotted blazing star Liatris punctata calcareous gravels l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Tall blazing star Liatris pycnostachya mineral soils l l l 3-4’ PU $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Michigan lily Lilium michiganense sedge meadows, peat l l l 3-6’ O $9.00 $5.25 Carolina puccoon Lithospermum carolinense prairies l l l 1-3’ Y $5.25 $15.00 Twinflower* Linnaea borealis cool northern woods l l l l 6” PK $5.25 Cardinal flower Lobelia cardinalis along Miss. & St. Croix rivers l l l 2-4’ R $9.00 $5.25 Great blue lobelia Lobelia siphilitica waters edge l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Pale lobelia Lobelia spicata sandy soils l l l l 1-3’ L $9.00 $5.25 Wild lupine Lupinus perennis sandy savannas l l l l 1-1.5’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Starflower* Lysimachia borealis rich woods l l l l 4-6” W $5.25 Fringed loosestrife Lysimachia ciliata sedge meadows l l l 1-2’ Y $9.00 Canada mayflower Maianthemum canadense damp, mossy woods l l l l l 3-6” W/R $9.00 $5.25 False Solomon’s seal Maianthemum racemosum deciduous woods l l l l 1-2’ W/R $9.00 $5.25 Starry Solomon’s seal Maianthemum stellatum colonizes along edges l l l l 1-2’ W $5.25 Northern lungwort* Mertensia paniculata damp woods, wood’s edge l l l l 1-3’ B $9.00 $5.25 Monkey flower Mimulus ringens wet edges l l l l 1-2’ PU $9.00 Bishop’s cap Mitella diphylla deciduous woods l l l 1-2’ W $9.00 $5.25 Wild bergamot Monarda fistulosa can be aggressive l l l l 2-4’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Horsemint Mondarda punctata sandy soils l l l l 1-2’ C $9.00 Downy sweet cicily Osmorhiza claytonii rich woods l l l 2-3’ W $9.00 $5.25 Violet wood sorrel Oxalis violacea prairies, open woods l l l 6” P $9.00 $5.25 Golden ragwort Packera aurea wet soils l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Balsam ragwort Packera paupercula wet sands l l l l 1-3’ Y $9.00 $5.25 Slender penstemon Penstemon gracilis sandy soils l l l 1-2’ L $9.00 $5.25 Showy penstemon Penstemon grandiflorus sandy soils l l l 1-3’ PU $9.00 $5.25 Woodland phlox Phlox divaricata deciduous woods l l l l 2-3’ B $9.00 $5.25 Prairie phlox Phlox pilosa showy l l l l l 1-2’ PK $9.00 $5.25 Obedient plant Physostegia virginiana floodplains l l l l l 1.5-4’ PK $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Jacob’s ladder Polemonium reptans deciduous woods l l 12-14” B $9.00 $5.25 $15.00 Solomon’s seal Polygonatum biflorum woods & edges l l l l 1-4’ C/B $9.00 $5.25 Prairie Restorations, Inc.
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