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Reflecting on 2018 I don't even know where to begin to pinpoint my progress and my deepening of connection and how that led to the myriad of benefits in my life. This year I chose my patron Baelzebub. This as some of you know was a complex and difficult process. It took 6 years of reflection and soul searching to comprehend the terms patron, matron, mentor, friend and guardian. Once understood I did the patron dedication ritual but redesigned it to fit my needs. I added an offering mojo bag to the divine Baelzebub and tweaked Connelly's ritualistic elemental circle to be more about them with the elements utilized in alchemical functionality rather than the focus. I also made two new 'friends'. Andras and . While Andras showed me some new tricks, he was more a friend than mentor. Bune came, dark blessed my paper seed poppet spell I designed for him/her with a couple of hundred and left. While neither 'spoke' to me, I could visibly 'see' their energies while they were invoked in the works. In terms of my practice both father and joined forces and helped me launch Dark Star Products and I am so grateful. New skills, new means were introduced to me and when I was in error, my mistakes were pointed out and shown how to correct. helps buttress my personal battles and wars with his unyielding and unfaltering dark light and support. took an unexpected twist suggesting the term 'matron' be used for her. Usually reserved fir or Hecate she pointed out she has been around just as long in one form or another and posed the question since I do not have one if she would be the choice. although an aborted attempt at communication cost me my alliance with a certain temple that shall remain nameless, I feel waiting in the wings along with in 2019 for me to have the honor privilege and power of meeting. All in all a truly great year but I wasn't alone! With them, we never truly are! Thanks Rena! You are an inspiration and source in our community.

The Year of 2018 as a Luciferian Demonolatress by Stergalia Nocturna

I lay awake in my bed that night in November of 2017, feeling his pull, his calling to me after years of being lost in a spiritual desert. Everything I had been taught (had shoved down my throat) about him, all the fears I had so deep inside myself… What if God was going to judge me and send me to ? What if all the things I believed were true? What then?

Yet, I felt Lucifer drawing me to himself, to his True Light, that I, too, might become a Bearer of Light, and in December of 2017 I answered that call. I committed my life to the Luciferian path through an extremely awkward (and now kind of embarrassing) self-initiation to Lucifer. I thought there was only Lucifer and that he and were the “” – and it was not until February this year that Rena introduced me to Demonolatry through her King blog. Thus began my journey into Demonolatry, and I have not looked back since.

Working with King Paimon, I have heard the sound of trumpets and other fanfare. He is a wonderfully hard instructor, and as a King, we must always show him respect. He loves the color orange and his metal is gold. Because he is a King.

Duke is another with whom I have worked, and what can I say? He is an awesome demon to invoke, loves the color green and candle magick. One of the things I truly appreciate about him is that he helps with divination.

Dantalion is another fantastic demon. One night when I was invoking him, sigil in hand, he moved it from off my hand, across my lap, and down to the floor under the table at which I was sitting. Talk about being surprised!

What I find amazing is that when I am preparing to do a working, the name of a Demon, with whom I may or may not have not worked, will come to me in my mind, prodding me to invoke them. Perhaps upwards of a couple dozen have garnered my attention this way, so I pay attention and work with them. The last time this happened, a cohort and I were preparing for a healing ritual when kept coming up in my mind. I had not worked with him before, so looked up his information only to find that he, too, is a healing demon. coming to me, tapping on my shoulder as it were, is becoming a regular occurrence, and so I welcome them with open arms, mind, and soul.

In the beginning, I used information from published authors to learn about the different demons, and what I found is that most, if not all of them try to scare people away from working with certain of the demons. The first demon with whom I worked was Lucifer, and that expanded to working with the Nine Divinities: Satan, Lucifer, Flereous, Leviathan, Belial, Amducious, Verrine, Unsere, and Euronymous. I also discovered that I love working with sigils and can activate them quite easily and naturally. I was also introduced to a few more demons through UPG and began working with them as well. I do not have permission to share any information about them.

Those beginning days were very clumsy for me because I did not know what I was doing – at all. During the year, many demons have reached out to and helped me in my workings as a Healer – my calling, my Divine Purpose, my True Will. I have a friend who told me about an illness he had and gave me permission to do a healing ritual for him. As I was calling on Verrine, she had me also focus my attention to Leviathan during the ritual. Although I thought it strange, I later discovered that he is also highly effective for healing.

I also want to share some of the skills the Demonic have awakened in me, abilities I never even knew existed, much less in me. One is scanning for exorcisms and healings, the other is tracing and tracking missing persons. For scanning people, the people I work with and I use a photograph, maybe more than one. I must see the eyes of the person asking for help. After all, the eyes are the gateway to the soul – at least for me. I can see so much by looking at people’s eyes. Even in real life working with non-English speaking patients in the hospital, I have had times where we communicated through visual contact only – we do not speak each other’s spoken language, but the communication by looking into someone’s eyes is much more intimate and powerful.

Regarding tracing and tracking, I cannot describe how I know where a person is; I just know. As the tracing team is working together, my mind clears, literally, and then information comes to me, sometimes flooding my mind. Other times, I have used a crystal ball for divination when letters start to appear. I bring myself out of trance just enough to write down the information, then allow myself to sink back down into the receptive state. I am not always as quick as the other tracers, but I am learning and that is the point. In both cases – tracing/tracking and exorcisms/healings – I work under partial possession which works well, by the way, but only with a very good, respectful relationship with the Demonic.

I cannot begin to express the gratitude I feel every day for the Demonic taking me under their wings, as it were. Teaching me, pushing me, allowing me to re-create my life, to re-create who I AM. Between Hekate, King Paimon, Lucifer, Duke Alloces, and Lilith, among many others, the changes in my life are far beyond anything I could ever have imagined, pressuring me, stretching and bursting through old beliefs and new, teaching me those things I need to know to progress in this journey – teaching me to Be.

My 2018 by Rena V.

2018…it was definitely a year that I will remember for the rest of my life. For my spiritual growth, for the lessons I learned, for the people the year both brought into my life took away. I’m mostly grateful for those who went away – someone must get rid of the garbage!

I worked a lot with the Demonic this year. Almost daily. I realize that I have abilities which I didn’t know about. Demons helped me discover and work on them.

I was mostly worked with King Paimon, my Patron. With Him I did my first ascension on one of the Demonic planes….The experience was unbelievable, but this is a topic for an article on its own.

He also taught me about remote viewing and scanning. We started working on it under partial possession and I’m still working with Him to learn do it on my own. He taught and guided me how to clean someone when unwanted entities have attached to people. We have reached a point, and I say “we” because we have created a team working on tracing missing persons and doing cleansings. So far we have worked in over 50 cases with almost 100% success.

Being a Demonolator, Satanist or LHP follower in general is not only for casting spells, curses, or whatever, but it is for personal alchemy, seeking to change ourselves from deep within. Apotheosis, if you will. We don’t have YouTube channels where we do videos for every case that we have worked, nor do we have or seek for followers. There is a part in our community where practitioners work in the shadows, not in the public eye, but they provide results – real results. And with these results we can show people who have a false impression about us who we truly are! I own a huge “Thank you” to all of them!!!

But this years has also and bad times as well. Fake witches and fraudulent magicians approached us. They have many followers, a huge fan base, promoting themselves instead of helping people who are True Seekers of Gnosis, so we just let them fade to nothing because this is where they belong…in the void of nothingness, of non-existence.

A death curse held me back for a while early last year (2018). Again, thanks to King Paimon, I was aware from the first day they cast it, but I didn’t attack back. I believe it’s unfair to attack someone when he is weak. I have learned that to start a war, I must have an equal adversary, a worthy opponent.

King Baal was also a very huge help!! For the inspiration that he gave me and he still gives me!

The most important lesson of this year was that no book, no video, no magician, can be a better teacher than the Demons. Work with them! Ask them! Let them guide you! All the info that the books and the videos provide are personal experiences. Each one of us is unique and Demonic knows it!

2018….it was a difficult, heartbreaking and sometimes sad year. It has taught me that I’m stronger than I believe, successful even when I doubt myself, and capable of picking myself up on my own. If all those aren’t that most important lessons to walk into 2019 with I don’t know what is….

Thank you all!

My Experience in Working With Daemons: 2018 by Ja’voni White

I was happy to reconnect with Daemons on my journey this Year, after channeling with Belial, Astaroth, and Azazel, I’ve Come to realize they were always with me actually, they were The ones who awakened me to understand who I truly am, And my purpose, and taught me how to use my gift’s.

I have my list of experiences with them this year, at least what I can remember from than and now. One day while dealing with Anxiety after going through excessive thinking, I’ve decided to call Upon King Paimon to help please help me get through the issue and also Figure out why it’s happening.

Right away he said something to me that made me laugh out loud, He has an amazing sense of humor, and surprisingly Belial does with me as well. I honestly feel like going through this list quickly because I’m becoming excited now; One day I was thinking about wearing my Sigil of Baphomet pendant again, but I’ve felt Like I didn’t wanna deal with Spiritualist and Religious people issues. Then I’ve herd the most Innocent and sweetest voice say to me “it’s ok to be who you are” I knew right away it was my Matron, Astaroth, she is like a mother figure at times, but also a great friend when needed. I vent to her every now and then. They all been looking out for me so much this year, and I am very grateful. One night I’ve decided to make an offering to Asmoday without wanting anything in return, He told me right away he wanted me to make him some scrambled eggs, so I was happy to and done so. Without me even asking, they’ve always gone out of their way for me, whenever I needed help, answers, or guidance, they were there.

Asmoday have always guided me, and protected me from certain people, whenever I’ve felt something was wrong, which I always follow my intuition, he still go out of his way to let me know I need to stay away from them, so I listen, and see who they are and their intentions to use me, or manipulate me. One day after creating a bond with Leviathan, I was taking food out the fridge so I can make a meal, then All of a sudden a plate of left overs fell out the fridge by accident (the door was still opened).

The way it landed, nothing hit the floor except the plate, all the food was still inside, I’ve felt so lucky, and Leviathan had let me know it was him, so I’ve thanked him with excitement; I could see his smile, and I’ve spiritually high five him.

I was curious about Baal, and Beelzebub, I had to know if they were actually the same being, so I went out of my way and asked Beelzebub was he and Baal the same being, he then answered right away “inclusive”, I’ve thanked him for the answer, because I know many other Magicians are also curious. He is mysterious, I can feel that in him, just like Satan, and Archangel , I like to think of them as the “Mysterious 3”, their own trinity, but they’re more like introverts, and I love that about them, because they remind me of myself.

The other night I’ve decided to communicate with Satan as I’ve realized I rarely do, and the interaction was incredible, I’ve started talking to him about random things, and then I’ve started to feel my vibration’s raise, and felt like I was in another realm, a beautiful place even though my perception is here on earth. I’d love to share my experience with Astaroth during Samhain, I’ve asked her to assist me in communicating with my ancestors, because those who were still attached to this realm, I’ve felt they needed an energy clearance to leave, so with grace I’ve invoked Astaroth then I’ve meditated and linked in with my ancestors, I’ve successfully detached them from this realm and helped them go to the light, it was empowering and refreshing; I was very happy to help, and they was grateful. They’ve told me that they will always be there for me whenever I need them.

One night I was asked by a from if I’d like to help with an exorcism (you know who you are) and I was happy to, so I’ve asked Leviathan if he’d like to assist me, and he was happy to. I’ve then centered myself then invoked him. The experience was surreal, I’ve felt my Ki flow throughout my body freely, and I’ve felt like I was standing above water, I’ve felt the flow of it beneath my feet. Long story short he guided me through the energy work during the exorcism and it was a success, I was happy to help someone I didn’t even know.

Right after that, I’ve decided to continue the invocation, I’ve loved the feel of my Ki flowing through me.

There were more experiences but this is the last one: one night I was curious about Andras, so I’ve meditated and channeled him, I didn’t want to rush into things, so communicating with him was the direction I’ve. Despite what many believed of him, nothing could stop me from interacting with him, and things have gotten interesting.

I was in the dark, and he then appeared to me through my mind’s eye, he was wearing a black cloak and hood, the hood was covering one side of his face, he was bald like many described him to be, and he was holding a skull of an animal, like the horned skulls that you’d find in a desert, but much different. The horns were more pointed like a bulls, but they had ripples like a gazelle.

He was very kind and polite, which I wasn’t expecting that, I can talk to him for hours which I’ve did later that night. He was so opened like a random casual conversation that you can have with a stranger at a coffee shop. Slightly deep voice, almost like Azazel, and soft spoken. My reason to evoke him was to grow a bond, and with my interactions with these amazing Ancient Daemonic Gods this year, I’ve felt right at home, and coming to realize that they’ve always been with me since childhood, and I was happy to reconnect with them, and I feel like I’ve came home.

They are one of the best things that can happen to you on your spiritual journey, and you can learn a lot from them. And may 2019 be the best, because we will dominate it.

My 2018 by Sona Johansson

2018 hasn't been one of my best years but I have experienced a lot spiritually that year. I'm not a beginner and I'm not an advanced black magicians either, seeing myself as one of the most powerful advanced magician, would make it more clear that I'm a fool because I do know knowledge in this path has no limits and I know just some small things out of everything hidden. I practice witchcraft and Demonolatry. I've learned a lot of things in 2018 and so I'm still learning new things. I was and still am self taught which means I had no one to warn me about do and don'ts so I've learned by my mistakes.

I believe every demonolator(ess)es has had their moments where they doubt their self and their experience and I am one of them. Sometimes I still doubt everything if my experience is legit or not if I'm doing it right or not which makes a huge impact on my work. Confidence is important. I doubted a lot in 2018 and I've learned to push that thought away and things changed in a good way. I've experienced an extreme channeling (in other words possession) I've gotten a guardian demon thanks to my Patron. I got closer to 2 new demons. I recently casted a curse through sympathetic magic with the help of King Paimon, Azazel, Lucifer and Andras. It wen't surprisingly good and having their backs felt really good and of course I gave them blood and sexual energy from me which is highly powerful. I've learned through that these demonic spirits guides but most importantly they don't do shit for you. You need to do it, yes you have their support but you have to do the work otherwise how will you evolve? Trust me you can do it.

My biggest advice is to not look down at yourself. You're in this path for a reason and you're working with the demons you work with for a reason. If you aren't currently working with anyone don't worry. You'll find someone or they will find you. I've learned that every time I got drawn to a specific spirit it wasn't just me but it was also that spirit calling out to me. You don't need 500 tools for working with these spirits. I promise a candle and the enn of that spirit can be enough but how will you communicate? Once again don't worry. You can go into a deep trance and communicate with this spirit through it or if you have just a pendulum. If you're spiritual active you'll get words or even visions in your mind automatically. Just don't pressure into getting one. Relax and it'll come. What can you do to make it more clear for you to understand them? Meditate, activate and balance your chakras from the root to the crown. I mean it because it doesn't seem as much but trust me and trust the process your experience will go wild.

A balanced and activated third eye will make it so easy to communicate and understand things. Yoga is also good and helps the chakras. Meditate every day, you can start by just doing 5 minutes. Meditation will also not only help you spiritually but also mentally with depression, anxiety, stress and much more. Every time I'm with any demonic spirit I feel so grounded and it feels right, feels like yes.. This is right, in this atmosphere this is where I belong. I personally like to be with spirits more than I do with . But you need to know that this path can sometimes be rough nothing is 100% easy. It takes time, will and motivation. Don't rush into the big things and don't do things you don't understand because it leads to nothing good. I used to rush some moments and that's one of my mistakes. Take it easy and slow. I promise you it's worth it.

For beginners everything may feel like impossible because it's too much to know and do well, don't worry you're not the first or last to feel like this. Nobody was born like this everyone has been there and by time it'll fade away. Don't be afraid to ask questions in The International Temple of Demonolatry no matter how easy or "stupid" your questions may seem like, questions are good and a way to learn. If someone is being rude with a shitty attitude regarding for what kind of question you asked then it's just because this person is ignorant. No questions or theories are stupid. This path isn't the easiest but the effort and time you put on it is worth it. Order books, watch YouTube videos or get your own experience either way you will learn something new. You got this and you're not alone.

Living a life with demons involved can't be any better, having support from what other would see as unknown is very comforting. Demons aren't evil nor are they good. Gray is a word I'd put. Some are more friendly and some not but also depends on your behavior. Always have respect and so it'll go good but disrespecting them or provoking them will only cause harm. Good luck, we in this group are here for you all and so are the spirits.

By Myles Miyamoto

In the last year I have dedicated a large part of my philosophy and meditations on two main paths, that of Esoteric Satanism and Alchemical Qigong.

These may seem mutually exclusive as one deals with reward of the ego and carnal manifestations of the individual and the other with a holistic and unified theory of life and the emergent universe. As paradoxical as it may seem they work quite well together in a greater understanding of East meets West.

First, I have delved into the worldview of Demonolatry, the Reverence (or worship) of the Demonic Divine and came across many gems in my education and networking (mainly through solitary practice and online forums), but always with a LaVeyan/Agnostic approach rather then a purely Theistic or Atheist approach. Demonolatry is much more than reversed Christianity, yet one of my problems is the false doctrines of S. Connolly and the unproven lineage of Dukante and other long standing generations of Demonolaters.

Besides that, I found a community of acceptance, tolerance, and occult knowledge from all walks of life and all ages (18-64). Like many pagan circles, many Demonolaters have a Matron or Patron and a diverse group of guides, some even angelic and spanning all cultures. What should be understood is Demonolatry, much like Satanism, does not view the demonic as harmful nor malevolent, but pre-Biblical deities that have been stamped with disapproval by monastic religions. As a life long Eastern martial arts practitioner I found many parallels to Satanism and Qigong, such as Internal Strength (Will), energetic concepts (Black Flame), and meditations to strengthen the spirit (magic and devotion).

One thing I must make clear, is I do not mix the practices in the same session. Like tradition, first thing I wake up (after hygiene) is a qigong set and maybe some light exercise, such as calisthenics or low weight low rep barbell work, but no invocations or magic. Sometimes I will switch up days or perform my magic or devotions in the afternoon or evening.

The connection of the two paradoxical systems is that of the Void (‘wu’ in Chinese, ‘tohu' in Qliphotic lingo). While performing qigong, unless specifically directed, is to empty the mind of all thoughts and concentrate only on the breath and relaxing of the mind-body (‘shen' [spirit] in Chinese). This allows the qi (vital breath) to flow smoothly through the meridian channels (rivers of qi) around and through the internal organs. Qigong has three levels of praxis - Martial, Medical, and Spiritual. In Daoist lineage there are four levels of accomplishment utilizing these three levels of praxis - Warrior, Scholar, Healer, Priest. A Daoist Priest is often also a Wizard that deals with healing, exorcisms, agriculture (weather magic), and warrior training (traditional empty hand and weapons combat, not to be confused with modern military protocols) and their magic is often referred to as Thunder Magic, the element of the Celestial . While Demonolatry and Satanic Magic deal with desire, intention, and skills such as visualization and incantation, the adept must first have a clear mind and relaxed body to channel the demonic energy (infernis) for communion and manifestation. From the Void emits the Shells (qlipha) and thus the demonic are brought to life from the primal vibration of magical protocols (sigils, postural seals, incantations, and offerings (often blood)). Like qi, infernis stems from - works within, around and returns - to the Void with relaxed awareness.

I have learned that the gods, in my experience, are archetypal energies. Do not confuse the term ‘archetypal' (Divine Masks as Ford would say) with just thought forms created purely by minds and, base to altruistic, desires. Think of archetypes more as primal forces of creation we give names and attributes to ‘draw down’ into human understanding for devotional and magical purposes. In other words, Gods have always existed as nebulas aspects, all we did was give them identities that we can comprehend and utilize for our own purposes.

“In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi!”

My journey with Lucifer by Michael Tan

I begun my spiritual journey on the left hand path in November 2016. Before this i was well versed in the art of meditation having started way back in the early 90s. It all started with me listening to dark ambient music on YouTube and a lunk called Invocation of Lucifer caught my attention. I clicked on it and listened and i was hooked. There was a description about the person who wrote the ritual and further research led me to The Temples of Ascending Flame. I did not join the Temple. Instead i started experimenting with simple spells found on the internet. They were mainly money spells but i did not get the results that i desired. I did find small sums of money 3 times though. But i am not sure if that was a result of the spells since i had found money when I was much younger, way before i knew about magick. So i was convinced money spells do not work for me, yet. Maybe it's because i’m never broke and i always have money. Then i started to learn about Lucifer and came to know about the 72 Goetia demons and the first book i studied was The Lesser Keys of . I’m sure a lot of you started on this book too. I began to take interest in the rituals i found in other books. I tried different rituals, most of them invoking Clauneck and Bune. None of them really gave me anything concrete. However there was a time I asked Clauneck for a sign for a lottery number and the numbers appeared in my dream and soon after it was the winning number, unfortunately i didn't buy it. Until today the numbers would appear in various forms. The second demon i asked for a sign was Bune. I did get but it also manifested itself in different ways. So i finally gave up asking Clauneck or Bune or favors a few months back. Satan however was a different story. He got hold of the guy who owns me money (he was missing for about 2 months) and made him call, but since he's broke he can't return it. I personally find most the rituals i read rather daunting. Most of them involve oils, herbs , certain colors, directions, tools etc and i for personal reasons cannot fulfill all these. So i became frustrated. I asked myself often, is connecting to demons so hard? Even employing enns don't seem to work. I also realized that perhaps it is me. Maybe these methods are not for me. I searched further until one day a member uploaded a copy of a book and i read it. I felt that this is the one that has a method that will work for me. It's called path working. Today i’ve decided to work hard in the world for the things i want. I hardly do any rituals now. I only do them when i really need help. The path working has gave me results. In this book, Lucifer is the king of the demons. He is accompanied by Satan, Leviathan and Belial. Together they are the 4 demon kings. And under them a host of other demons who work for them. However one cannot summon any of them, not even the other 3 demonic kings without going through Lucifer. I learned quite a lot this one year. One can't asked for favors and expect results. I believe results will manifest if conditions are right. As for lottery in my country, half of the people buying lottery are using spells and black magick so the odds of winning isn't great since the spells cancel each other out.