Beief Exposition Sanihta and Vedanta
A BEIEF EXPOSITION OF THE SANIHTA AND VEDANTA SYSTEMS OS INDIAN PHILOSOPHY- SUBMITTED TO MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL, AS A THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LITERATURE. EDWARD CARRUTHERS--WOODLKY, &.A,, M.B.A,S,, Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal^ Fellow of Calcutta University\ Principal^ London Missionary Society[s College^ Calcutta. Calcutta: 1907. *[K M wi^-^cn MS GILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY \27257 A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF THE SANKHYA AND VEDANTA SYSTEMS OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. EDWARD CARRUTHERS WOODLEY, M.A., M.R.A.S., Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal^ Fellow of Calcutta University\ Principal^ London Missionary Society's College^ Calcutta. Calcutta: 1907. BEIEF EXPOSITION OF THE SANKHYA AND VEDANTA SYSTEMS OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. 1277.51 CONTENTS. I. Sketch of the rise of Speculative Thought in India. II. The Sankhya Philosophy. III. The Vedanta Philosophy. IV. Appendices. I. The Yoga or Theistic Sankhya of Patanjali. II. The Purva-Mimansa of Jaimini. V. Bibliography. ,Index. PREFACE. I wish to point out a seeming ambiguity "in my references to the Tattwa Samasa, in the Section on the Sankhya Philosophy. I have re ferred to tMs work and the commentary published with it, by Dr. Ballantyne, indifferently as the Tattwa Samasa. This may not be, in the strictest sense correct, but the commentary is anonymous, and Dr. Ballantyne treats it as practically forming one book with the Tattwa Samasa. Even Profesor Max Muller was unable to identify it. This, I think, justifies my method of referring to it. Ccdeutta, August 1907. E. C. W. A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF THE SANKHYA AND VEDANTA SYSTEMS OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY.
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