United States Patent Office 2 1
2,934,550 Patented Apr. 26, 1960 United States Patent Office 2 1. phenyl or vinyl groups. By “high molecular weight" I mean of molecular weight not less than about 1000. 2,934,550 The material reacted may be in the form of a poly PREPARATION OF CYCLIC METHYLPOLYSILox. siloxane elastomer composition which will, of course, nor ANES BY REACTING ORGANOPOLYSILOXANES mally contain one or more fillers, pigments, etc, or may PHORUSWITH HALDES OF ALUMINUM oR PHOS be in the form of a polysiloxane gum such as is used in the preparation of polysiloxane elastomers. Partially James Jack, Troon, Scotland, assignor to Imperial Chemi cured polysiloxane compositions may also be used and in tionAff." of Great Britain 9 EEE, England, a corpora addition, other high molecular weight linear polysiloxanes 0 may be treated by this process. The advantages of the No Drawing. Application December 8, 1958 process are, however, of most value in the recovery of Serial No. 778,609 elastomersHalides ofand aluminium gums. and phosphorus which may be Claims priority, application Great Britain used in this process include aluminium chloride, alumin January 17, 1958 ium fluoride, aluminium bromide, phosphorus trichlo 5 ride, phosphorus pentachloride and phosphorus oxychlo 8 Claims. (CI. 260-448.2) ride. Aluminium chloride is, however, preferred, since This invention relates to the treatment of high molecu it is relatively inexpensive and does not tend to contami lar weight Substantially linear polysiloxanes and to the nate the products. preparation of low molecular weight cyclic polysiloxanes 20 The process of my invention is normally carried out therefrom. by heating the reactants together in a vessel adapted for High molecular weight linear organopolysiloxanes, for distilation and the low molecular weight cyclic poly example, such as polysiloxane elastomers and gums used siloxanes are distilled off as the reaction proceeds, the for the production thereof, are widely known and used.
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