out of state in

BY KEN VOYLES baseman Scott Bricker fielded a ground The Chiefs would have been m I Canton when he Billowed Bricker s It was an ironic but sad wav for the ball and threw to second. The ball deeper trouble in the eartv going it it 'ground out with a two-run single pist Canton baseball squad to lose to Harper skidded out of Steve Schumacher’s hadn't been for a pair of running past the- reach ot Gallagher s second Woods Bishop Gallagher in state Class glove when he tried to make the tag. catches by centerfielder Keith Stone. hase*man. A semi-final action vesterdav. Tom Ostrowski was the next Stone also started the Chiefs lone T m proud ot these* kids. We- were A pickoff attempt at third base bv Gallagher batter and he smacked a rail) in the sixth inning. It was Canton's down h\ three runs and had nothing Chief hurler Danny Smith - that bad home run over the rightfield fence to first hit ot the game and came on a going for us and we came back,” s(jid worked ail season -- went wild allowing put Gallagher ahead 3-0. hunt back :<> 'he pitcher. Fred Kum- j (,riss<*\. Gallagher to go ahead 4-3 and even­ The home run was Smith’s oniv ether berger then walked and Smith hit a two- tually win 4-3. mistake in the seven innings he pitched. strike single* to load the bases; ; Canton's last opportumtv came* in the The other key play in the ball game, The loss was his first of the vear in 14 Bricker then hit a grounder to second seventh, hut three* ground outs told the according to Canton coach Fred Crissey, outings. and was thrown out allowing Stone to k to rv . was a failed attempt to turn a double "Danny came, back with two davs rest score and the other runners to move to {The Chieds finish the se*ason at 2B-3 with a V^cstern Six League title-, distriet play ball. and pitched with a lot of guts,” said second and third base. land regional titfe-s to rheir name. With a runner on first, second Crissey. Schumacher got the tving runs tor


June TO, 1981 ! ' 1 The Newspaper | with Its Heart in the j i Plymouth-Canton j j Community j

Vol. 8 No. 18

Both millage issues fail, Decker is board winner

BY DAN BODENE Plvrnouth-Canton voters rejected both millage proposals, on Monday night - ballot and elected a new member to the school board - William H. Decker. B\ a m ardin of m ore than two to one* voters defeated millage proposals which sought to raise one mill for operating purposes ana lew the authorized millage without regard to Headier rollback. The defeat of both proposals w ill mean the total sjrhoo! m illage will rem ain unchanged from last year, at 35.26 mills However, the tax levy assessed on residential propertv will roll back to approximated 34.9 mills flue to the Car-train crash claims life Headlee legislation, according to THIS IS ALL THAT WAS left of a Volkswagon driven by Robert Barnett. assistant superintendent tor business 22, of 9025 Northern, Plymouth Township, after it struck the side of a C&O Raymond Hoedel. Exact rollback figures train passing through the Sheldon Road crossing at 2 a.m. Saturday morning. are unavailable. According^* Plymouth Police there is no evidence that Barnett even tried to It will also m ean a schools’- funding stop for ’tie train. After crashing through the gate at an undeterminable deficit of approximately 53.1 million, WILLIAM H. IILCKKK speed the Volkswagon rammed into the end of the sixth car of the fivc-mile- according toiHoedel. Decker, (a resident of Pk mouth ] "Township, came ill second with a total of an-hour moving train, slipped 'in between two cars and was dragged along the 1.320 votes tint did not carrv a -ingle track 150 feet before the train {halted, said police. Barnett’s wife Cynthia, 24. Township and the nevvi-st member of the Board of Education, carried six of the I \ I precinct. H<* -hared the high voii m the was killed, and Barnett received multiple cuts, a broken arm and nose and voting precincts in the distriet w ith a total farrand precinct, however, with (diaries other injuries. He was transported to St. Mary Hospital by Township Rescue, Washburn. where he was treated and released. |Crier photo by Robert Cameron| o f 1.661 votejs. His strongest support came from the Mankn Rickard ot Canton, a < lo-<- Central, Isbi-ter. Allen. West, Miller and third with a total o! 1,280 vole-, carried Bird precincts, coupled with the majorilv virtualk evt-r\ Canton precinct except Canton overcharged of ab sentee voters. Mill er. w h leh went to Decker. Decker’s nearest competitor, in­ fdm oniv other candidate (of a total ot fo r rubbish collection cumbent Stephen Harper of Plymouth rant, on pg. 25

BY DAN BODENE when a "house cheek” with Detroit Farmers market to open 4 1981 l»v PU rmuithd :int*»n I < rur. Edison verified there was a difference of inc. 1,376 units between what was charged to Mavor Marv Childs. Citv Manager Hank G.raper and l S. Congressman Carl Pursell Due to accounting errors in Canton’s the township and what was actual!) will ride into town on a hav wagon to celebrate opening day u! the Pkrnouth farmers former administration, the town: hip was serviced. Market Junf 13. overcharged for rubbish collection by as Rubbish collection in Canton by a Official ribbor»(twinc) cutting ceremonies Wjdl open the mark'-t. A blue gr-s-harni wdl much as 5100,000 over the pas two to single eompanv was begun in 1975. provide the! entertainment, bee keepers, dog grooming, a rare horse, adoption pen tor three vears. according to Gorman, and was originally animals am a petting farm are among tin- attraction- ,;t ih<- m arket L’ntii tfiis vt-ar. ru bbish co[!e< ion was handled In jMumeipa! Disposal Company. Fresh pr xiucr. flow ers, bake good-, eggs and c h e e se - will he old a! the market charged to tile township based o n a unit When Municipal Disposal began their a ted on Penriiman -\vV. b e tw e e n the* enn "i h< a111- and the Masonic I emplc. rate on approximately 12.500 uni! service. tby\ were furnished the total The market open- at f> a.m. and clo-e it i p.m. cverv Saturdav until Sept 5. According to Finance Director Mike number of housing units m Canton, and Cost of renting a booth at the Farmer- Mark'-t i- SlU per Saturday or 5100 tor all 13 Gorman, that total number of units was supplied wjith nionthk lists of new oc- Saturdays, j lo reserve a booth at tin- market call Diane Dart at the Chamber office at found to! be in error in December, 1980, cont. on pg. 4 153-1540 2 PG. THE COM Ml A m CRIER: June 10. 1981 I 1 i ; IIMIQIIE TRS TODAY STARTS E L A ^ Layaway andExchange PrtvSagas EvafydiySavings 1WfrS0% at T~r WOVEN hr sev poly sleeve short SHIRTS et t contrast ith w ts se rm. trim sore plaids rted asso oo cmbo's com color vailable A Interlock n c ecks. ch and in shirts cotton n three in NOVELTY

/ n e i M


—rr —— M- ' \ \ 50-60% 50-60% off nt r te in W k c a J e Br s k o ro B ie b b o B Spring & Summer & Spring Colors Colors ppy s g e L y p ap H or ts n a P r io n u J 8 __ Coordinates 0 0 6 1 $ Assorted * & Styles and seven fashion seven and styles different oos rm six from se o ho C colors. TANK TOPS

/ m m


TERRY TANK SETS (Corner of Ann Arbor Road & Sheldon Sheldon & Road Arbor Ann of (Corner \ \ \ Plymouth Square Shopping Center Shopping Square Plymouth ■ ait of variety wide w A tls in styles tie and stripes solids. 41 n Abr Road Arbor Ann 44515 i ! >ii *■* lmot, ichigan M outh, Plym / i/ Phone: 459*1010 Phone:

j / NOVELTY n *

colors. pa4tel eight S elect fr elect S interlock d ar , rew C Placket I ront I Placket Vee, asic B




II [l tV i P* A X

Start thinking Fall Festival COMMUNITY THE CRIER: i j Summer j may not be officially h^re but Plymouth community organizations, churches and service clubs have received a reminder to start thinking fall—Fall Festival, that is. Applications have been mailed out to all clubs, service groups and churches fo r booth space and Fall Festival activities. Canton Jaycee fair time Any non-profit organization serving the Plymouth community not

If s fun time at the Canton Jaycee Fair. receiving one of the applications is urged to call 453-9292 to he put on the J c d u Tile seventh annual | fair opens____ Wed-___ application mailing list. Deadline for reservations is June 15.

nesday, June 10, and will run through Fall Festi val is scheduled for September 10, 11, 12 and 13. 10,1981 June 14 at the southwest corner of Fold and Lilley Roads. There will he all sorts of booths, games, food, and rides with activities planned for faiigoers of all Canton CETA snafu ages. A full schedule off the programs and bring! activities appears in a special section of The Crier this week starting on Page 17. threat of funds payback (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) elines put a B"IY DICK BROWN at §12,000 and federal guidi cap of S2.400 or he to w n sh ip ’s sup- Canton Township faces the possibility pigm ent. that it may h^ye to refund 514,000 to the !|Part of the township’s problem comes federal government because of possible from two of the cadets exceeding the pav abuses in pay and jobs performed by cap through working overtime or working township police cadets. out of job classification by doing patrol The township board has been wrestling work. with the problem in executive sessions for The Canton problem surfaced back in several months. CETA officials arc still February. CETA has withheld payments investigating the irregularities. of. 86,100 to cover the last 3 months of The problem stems from township cadet pay, pending the outcome of the practices whi ch occasionally put police investigation. cadets out »n patrol w ithout a n ex- There is a possibility that-Canton will perienced pal rolman in the car. Another have to come up with another 814,000 m problem is that police cadets received refunds to cover earlier payments and wages above! those established in the frimge benefits. federal CETA guidelines. Last August eight police cadets were Deadline is June 16 hired from a | list of over 150 candidates. Some had jjirevious patrol experience commission race while others had received criminal justice training. There are four seats open on the The Canton program calls for ad­ Plymouth Citv Commission. and five vancing cadets to police officer status candidates have filed petitions for them after 18 to24 months of cadet training. Commissioners David Pugh, Mark Chores performed during the training Wiehmever and Jack Kerivon along with period werej to include dispatching, Planning Commissioner William typing reports and familiarizing Robinson and local artist-designer themselves With police equipment and C regorv Creeri have filial thus far. I h r operations. They were not to be nut <>n f iriai t ding date m June 16 at 4 p.m.. patrol unless accompanied by a regular Jf no more than right candidates liir police officer. therr will not he a primarv m August, but Two of the cadets were reported!} paid if'there are more than right candidates from federal CETA funds administered for the posts a primary will hr necessary. bv W a v n e C ou n ty C E T A officials,. 1 he Candidates must provide a petition township supplemented a portion of their with at least 25 signatures ot registered salaries. CETA contribution limit wlas set voters and no more than 50 signatures. Art in Park set for Saturday

Local artists will have an opportunity to display their masterpieces at Plymouth’s first Art in the: Park, June 13, in Kellogg Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ^Arts and crafts already lined up include quilts, hand stenciling, oil paintings, water colors, stained glass, drawings, photography, wood craft, weather vanes, windmills and batiks. Art in the Park is sponsored by the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce. It was planned and organized bv local artists. For further information contact Diane Quinn or Phvllis Partain at the Cham ber office at 453-1540.

Plymouth Jaycees get ready

” Let’s Make America Great Again” is Javeees are sponsoring the 10,000 Meter the theme of the 1981 Plymouth Jaycee Run, the Children’s Bike Contest and the Fourth of July Parade, just one of the Fourth of Julv Fireworks. V the manv julv f festivities hosted b The budget for this year's parade and Main Street crossing repair starts Plymouth jaycees. fireworks is $5,000. Jaycees are en­ RELIEF IS ON THE HORIZON finally for motorist*, driving V Main St. F.ntrv forms ;or inis veaf s puraci may couraging hand sponsorships. Donations Railroad crews arc doing sonic repair work at the- railroad crossing. The C&O r>e 'kei! at Citv Hall. Duilming- mav lie -ent to the Plvmouth jawees, t- ...... vas ordered hv the Michigan '.Department of Transportation to Ho'utrh Librarv. First National Ba nk of P.O.Box 279, Plymouth. mich. 5-8170. Railroad w replace deteriorated railroad tiesi at the crossing which have been shaking up Pk’mouth the Plymouth Cd ro it Make ' liet-ks pavabje to the Pl\mouth n a b o motorists for sonic time.Alain '“tree! wiii.be closed to traffic for the rest of Edison Customer Office. Entries ea J •i'oee.-.. L s- , t i i;i d bv writing. Don g this week and into next week. Northbound traffic is being routed north on in- \ i■ ] r - i• ’! ■ 1111• ill e ?>ojk,.'ch'orn' . rar.no- Chairman. 698 1 heodore 1 0 banner, east on Parmer to \r.ieha anil se.uth on Amelia back to Shana Dme. L.i.uten, Mjch. 4818; i- • \p. ■ p ii i-i Main, file same route is recommended for southbound traffic <( >i«-r photo hi ■viong ,viii:■ ;ise parade, the f da’- ‘f-. Robert ( ;; .-to-rn"' r r i I ‘ h|' ( '/!’>: it \* i ^9ovCa7 J v i3. o^icicixl'm a n ( n <; ( 9 ) 6.VL-. . ' i I C i

.«/, ; V» i.'-T sn*--; 5 ;ySd(. .;• il-Jf, > V»£:t "■ P •■ ru-sut' . M :■ f. -to! '* of * jrru-r rfy.ivrfe i Jin per '.r M*»i lel'vefr.j *u- per ye(j' Family Medicine f Marled St ( . on* rolieef (,j r * ■ ij fmi) raf*-'-. Plymouth. Mu h 181 'fJi Serving the (.al!^V«)f) f(.r S VIa*n ,St , Plymouth An advertise- Office Hours T e le p h o n e : I-tK mynt * finai a/reptance by the publisher is condi­ Soroptomist winners announced t?; tioned onlv up^'fi its publication by Appointment 455 -29 7 0 YOl TH CITIZENSHIP AWARDS WERE PRESENTED to foilr area rrsidrnts Ylay 27. The Youth Awards are given to high school senio rs who have demonstrated responsible citizenship in home, school and conim unity'. I]li Presenting awards was (from left! Garnet Trowcr. Chairperson of tin Awards Committee, and receiving awards were Sharon Cornell of Saline, firit place YCA; Kelly Hubert of Salem High, second place: and Christine Beg nett of Canton High, third place. Fourth place went to Rick Hand (not pi cturedl. also from Canton High. The Plymouth Soroptomist Club has been offering All the the international awards for over 30 years. (Crier photo hv Robert Ca eron( Bank Services e e s You N eed C a n to n

cont. from pg. I However, Pooh’ sa\s township ; ltiorile\ - eupancv permits issued. In update hilling. belie\e Canton has no chance t< reeoxer That’s where the errors began. Gorman the o\ereharges. theorizes. Poole also said a preunu- au

He sa\s due to the housing boom and ministration, uiider tormer H i >erv1-01 amount ol paperwork handled hv the NoePCull icri. imestigated ;h,e o\ Building Department, incorrect number- hut did not ha\e the house count t of oecupanev permits issuetl mm ha\e \ eritv it. been supplied To Municipal Disposal. 3 was \er\ imii'li surprise*B." -act John i)f--iiski. al-o "t (.anion R i \ ei mo. When the current ' disposal compute-. about too (iiHerenr:- petv.e Canton Bee\chne. took "'i'T rubin-h ■' 1 C) na i hn;;-o- Ti ; !i-po-at appro\m ; a ft! \ [ w o . I ! i; 1 on ■ rjeifi , j . ;, t : . : • ' \ r . i T " vli:**. :‘i I I ! I r !' nperw- (r > * 1 ■ • the- i, fysv/A.s- Wv< If:’ o '< Z i 11 ■ ■ W m ® •■■S.S'- ' ' i f s & Y A 1 a V/'s,/\' f s'*■> /» •> - s* ' '' A ft, A Y '

i). •i ,-,i. )'o, .a ■ J ). . ' ■! (.anion Hi ,-w i-hng to . ; io | a >. ; > t < omp.im a j i; t S111 o ri-dtielioii, ai--' t..ns!.'ii si \ ‘*n V. .2- a-king Den-ki !■' wTil - ilo- unit count. owin' than M'arno’oai ll+o township and Canton Rci-olni; VIi;niripa' I)l-po^-d (... . : o.n. fiave now agreed on a urn! total oj | l.ldU. retiehed !m eomnu-nt i tn-~du\ © 9 0 f ■ 0 \

2nd Annivei-sary Snir

20% )ff A U . Fashion Fabric

V\ o -n,. • •Door Pnze Straw- i a . v-; ■ •Froo (idt tor fir-' Jo eu-1onii■ r- & jure i!•!2* Id II: e ' i ' ■ ’ 1 ■ \ . /■ •> . a ULFIRST NATIONAL BANK lENOER ■; -

llM9ialliiaiiliBM PG. S THE COMMUNITY 10,1981CRIER: THE June Hard Saltimore CLEANERS GIVEAWAY SALE! ★ Win Free Djy Cleaning

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* Drawings to be held on June 19th, Ju ne 26th, July 3rd and July 13th. You need not b present to win. Your entry form will be entered in all dra

Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m, Saturday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. m : j


‘ ‘ i ' '^* ♦4492 Available, TO Well B elow Prime Rate! Bank Financing *1995 *1995 QUALITY 13 M IL BUBBLE It is re q u ested that guests atte n d in g To further confuse the traffic situation by 7:45 p.m. to arrive earlv in order to be in their seats those driving to graduation will the find commencement exercises make plans Sheldon widening Road project closed from Joy Road because north. oi the FROM In-Ground Pools DONT BE FOOLED BY 8 M IL BRANDS COVERS 4 0 %OFF COVERS m

with or Fencing without Available Deck and $465 $465 3 to sell CLOSEOUT TRAFFIC PATTERS for Wednesday and Thursday night commencement ROUND POOL 1' 1' $575 to 1 sell r Oft leave early in order to be in theirWhen seats the programby 7:45 p.m. starts with theJoy processionalRoad at Canton Center set Road will beblocked off ceremonies for Canton and Salem high schoolsto start have at been8 p.m. set upBoth tomain malteto makeparking it it easier lotsfor driversat Canton toexit and theindividual Salem will parkingbe used. lots. . easier for those driving to Central Education Park. Motorists are urged to have been set up. Parking lots at both 24' 24' $665 7 to sell both nights, special parking regulations Canton CenterSalem lots Road off Jov and Road. access v\s C a soon n to to n C as the e n te the r will be blocked off. 27' 27' $771 t^seU 1 C a n to n a n d S alem will he used commencement both begins, Joy Road at .nights with access to the Canton lots off NORTH POOLS f FAMILY SIZE OVAL

H s i l r ic ja m s ex p e cted on p tu red . nding tiles funneled a[I, monitoring well linants. The trench iOVALS was excavated and CTANGLES POOL& PATIO CO. ROUNDS c PRICES STARTING AT $ 9 3 4 ,0 0 1 R VT,.?

* T H E e e yt’-r ■*. yt’-r ; Yes, sometimes whjen it rains, it stinks. Although the problem has been fixed "Around thV.(Meeting House) building, Scott Lorenz of the Mayflower also said On Thurstfayl^night it will be the turn of M M *» » - After the tank To handle the traf p.m. In case of bad weather the v , , v tor the most part,up when the heavy underground rains bring into water the Meeting table a House’s small sump pumps. amount of fuel oil apparently still seeps new fans and cold air vents were installed, N A T I O N A L j the fuel oil to the sum p pum p.” d am ag e s. inside to the Salem gymnasium. which is a historical structure,” sail! Canton seniors^football They will exercises stadium take with over the theprogram for set to commencementstart at and Standard Oi-I hals been sent a list of Schultz, "the surrou is now periodically pumped. replaced, Schultz sai ceremonies will auditorium.' move inside to the Salem service station had ru and intercept trench were installed to 8 collect excess contan I I J..

WINNER FO^ 196f GOLD M EDAL I '4 t M b p.m . In 8 2 0 % O F F GROUND OR INGI ) i CUSTOM REPLACEMENT ♦ ♦ f \ 100%WOLMANIZED LUMBER VIN YL LIN ERS ' f .»; 5 5 .»; f ' C OVER 12 TON STEEL REINFORCING POOLS FOR ONGROUND OR INGROUND A A BEAUTIFUL NATURALLY A ComplimentTo Your .Home ■■ ■ ■ : r ■ ■ ■■ A , T . THE ALL NATURAL POOfl Plymouth fuel oil odor An investigation According by to Dan Schultz the of the DNR’s state mystery finally solved A A call to the management resulted in a Some time ago, staff in the Plymouth As the saying goes. "W hen it rains, it On Wednesday, June i7, Salem seniors This is the week graduating seniors at tank used to supply fuel oil to heat the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), however, eventually turned up the culprit. small (500 gallon) underground fuel oil Oil and Hazardous Materials section, a Doug's Standard service station next Mayflower Meeting Hoyse. fumes. A likely door, suspect although seemed oil thecommercially. station to did henot sell fuel Newspapers noticed a powerful odor of search tor the cause of the offending branch of the Observerfuel oil and in their Eccentric offices, located in the pours.” But in one case, when it rains, it stinks. T raffic routes are set for graduations r-r ■/- r-r will take overcommencement CEP footballcase stadium exercises of commencement for poor at weather program conditions will be moved the Canton antibeen waiting Salem for. High Schools have .

p c * i t o t o r h :i i h :) u i k i w w o :> t h i . ' j ) . ' ■ ! THECOMMUNITY CJUER:10,1981June W e ’ r e p r o u d t o b e a p ari a# th e

% W s PARMER'S ^

For th e best in fresh produce* visit us th ere

S aturday m orninps from 8 am til I pm (across from K olloss P ark)


F ar “ F arm er’s M arket” shopping all w eak lang-visit us at au r stare!

Fresh N ectarines Topi op uuainyQuality q q Homogenized or c Boiled Hanv X >» Milk lb. Kowalski Peaches Hard $ 0 9 9 $ 1 6 9 lb. JL g al. Salami (limit 2 with purchase)

Snow White Pineapple 9 9 ea. Lipari Brand large size A m e r i c a n $ 1 9 9 M u s h r o o m s lb. C h e e s e X , b C lb. Fresh 9 9 C Cole Slaw 6 9 lb. ftVindmill Fruit Market 34800 Plymouth Road, Livonia 422-4144 m

^ Windmill Fruit Mkt. L

L THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 1®, 1981 « wide tax proposal. The fault lies clearly with the schools themslelves. schools the with clearly lies fault The proposal. tax wide Board should be blamed be should Board nship Tow IlkCanton action. little very but talk of lots is there s, farm orking w ams uh s h oe itrd bv ae hetnd atn Township j As Canton up threatened, country. eat are above I the highways and throughout pictured ent one and developm the as business Michigan such s and in farm ercial m com land farm residential, productive ucs b hw uh rwh hy could they growth much how by success the voters, but remember that our district turned down the recent state- state- recent the down turned district our that remember but voters, the over the last 15 to 20 years of a rapid rapid a of years 20 to 15 last the over preserved. be must and land farm that people concerned are more groups few and last more Now the until years. up is, That wentunheeded. thev part most the for but supplies, food future to done waswhatbeing about generate. their measured entities government other allowable millage. Let’s hope they make a better effort at explaining explaining at effort better a make they hope Let’s millage. allowable eieta, uies n industrial and business residential, hnsti ie j time. this things thousands of acres of productive land. of of productive acres thousands people. manytois of concern abroad, of millage issues with the poor explanation of the needs for tjhe miilages miilages tjhe for needs the of lost. issues the explanation wonder no poor it’s the and with issues millage of affairs. handling at effort poor district’s school h sm tm ti pors took progress this time same at whilethe progress of mark the been have developments residential giant and malls entire issue could have been avoided had the school board gotten its act act its gotten board school the had avoided been have the could issue thing... one entire only on blamed be can ballot Schools Piymouth-Canton highways, industrial parks, shopping shopping parks, industrial highways, and home at both population, increasing oehrwe tsol have. should it when together o sho mlae defeats millage school for There were a few cries in the wilderness werefewthe in a cries There (.anton Township, a prime example example prime a Township, (.anton shrinking the about concerned are INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS MANY Citv commissions, township boards and and boards townshipCitv commissions, aihn fr ln i te ae of face the in land farm Vanishing During the last couple of decades decades of couple last the During No doubt, the school officials will lay blame to the f'anti-ta|x mood” of of mood” f'anti-ta|x the to blame lay will officials school the doubt, No Monday’s on proposals millage two the of defeat overwhelming The Surely the schools will he hack for another try at increasing the the increasing at try another for hack he will schools the Surely the when votes schools the cost certainly botch change boundary The Couple the adverse effect of throwing such a volatile volatile a such throwing of effect adverse the Couple farms pose real threat a e r h t l a e r e s o p s m r a f g n i h s i n a V Super highways, industrial | and business business | industrial and highways, Super rp ad atr fle wt ctl and cattle with filled pasture and crops homes, ajcre of after acre and complexes hr ue t sad ce ad ce of acres [and acres stand to used there Where the!state. in operations farming productive most the was ^some with cf county filled Wayne western when recall now stands vast blacktopped parking lots, parking blacktopped vast nowstands j that follow should move. communities other preserve farm land before it isit too late. before land farm preserve rwh ra hs en tdig as to ways studying been has area, growth t os’ tk jo ln a eoy to memory a long jtoo take doesn’t It AH move. right the making is Canton THE COMMUNITY CRIER COMMUNITY THE issue into the path the into issue

Coloring It Brown It Coloring y c Brown ick D By trustees are doing m ore than talking. They com m issioned a . farm . farm a issioned m com They talking. than ore m doing are trustees i n o ae pa ray o rsn t te oes ih h pie U i, price the with r voters Brown) and the Dick to by Cant photo {Crief proposals board. present to township the y attached. alternate ready s b set farm plan some the a deadline saving with have August to up an ing aim Racing come to endations. m mittee com vation fred Yockev still lives in the city. Wouldn’t that he hoi? Yockevhe that livesstillcity.Wouldn’t the in fred are still with us.are which farm operations the to.preserve late too isn’t it but production farm into back os I i to ae o u te ot land lost the put to late too is It hogs. as e at t vi a 300piay ae hc ms b hl i ie r mi>re or ninecan­ if held be must which race primary $3,000 a avoid to wants he says wellnew as mayorshoo-in the virtual once of Martin the Bud commission as is sea ted. will probably remain Content to fill his watchdog role from the back row of ttye com­ of row back the from role watchdog his fill to Content remain probably will can­ lewso were a seat. gained there write-inaago candidate two didates, vears you that JJ recall but in), hats their throw didates Commission. City Hall tomorrow. Just return itbv p.m.4 Tuesday. return CityHalltomorrow. Just throw his hat in to test the question, "Is a Lorenz electable in our town?” inour Lorenz electable a "Is question, the to test in throw hishat Bill? Loren- Scottwould hope husband Some Bevher McAninchmayor or forhier Watt, too.in as ihere up face new one least at means that and term another seek can’t Childs Mary missionchambers. Then how about Greg Green (who tried last time too). Penny or Roger W righLorre righLorre W Roger or too).Penny time last (who tried Green Greg howabout Then let’s throw names:out some interest, up to drum of sake trying the for Just l hsrc ed svu aei t ' isit.inname Allvourneeds race this M City Former interesting? things make to just surprise one about howAnd Jack but Wilcox, Jack is affairs city about knowledgeable most the of one Certainly City the for petitions nominating your file to p.m. 4 at Tuesday until have You toserve is cityyour your chance This — if voter. you’reCity a registered of Plymouth CallHalltodav!Citv Will you have any competition toWill worry haveyou ? about competition any rlace, the (he in candidates of lot a want doesn’t Grapcr Henry Manager CityMaybe lnigCmisoe il oisn(h re n ald sawiei lastwrite-in a as failed and (who RobinsonBill tried Commissioner Planning again. running Kenyon are Jack and WehmeyerMark Pugh, Dave incumbents again. happen that Let’slet not It s simple. You only need 25 certifiable signatures on a petition you ean pick up at up pick ean you petition a on signatures certifiable 25 need only You simple. s It Toward None Toward W ith Malice W ith iis il olw h la ad t least at and explore wavsland lead farm lo preserve the township: follow will cities other Mavbe concern. ha. h pesr o te big b< to the will have developers of the by offered pressure The cheap. ace b sm fr o monetary land. of their form some by matched nueet o amr t keep to farmers to inducement t es Cno twsi i s is township Canton least At t o’ h es ad t won it and easy he won’t It

flowing time)is and s anager on Mayor bucks come mi THE COMMUNITY CRIER:June10,1981 c o m m o p i n i o n s

Salvation A rm y issue has 2 sides

Lt. William Harfoot of the Salvation Harfoot added that the greatest tear of Arim wanted to dear up a few (h e local residents seems to be, the rumor misrepresentations Thursday alternoon tfi;tt the Arim will stay in the budding tor about the Armv’s rezoning request ol a a tevy years and -then sell it to someone piece of Plymouth Township propt rtv else. which the Armv bought for the purpost > ol by KenVoyles ’ fbe Army has never done anything constructing a new church facility. 11k<- that,” fie said. "One ot the reason- rfarfool, a long chief of the Army, that neighborhood was selected i- that we said that the addition to the existing that benefit the community. Those in­ Harfoot. "II we were going to sell, just it. fell we could reach some people of that clude Bov Scouts, pre-nurserv programs, building would seat 12 0 people, which, he then whoever fought the property would neighborhood i tt our outreach added, adequately meets the crafts programs," said Harfoot. "Only have to seek rezonfmg anvwav. programs," he said. j requirements set by the township. with members of our organization do we "But we’re not interested in selling. Rv allow wedding receptions in the facility The Armv is currently planning a the time we’re done we will have worked and the army is. a very conservative parking lot to fit over 40 cars. Har oot five vi'ars on this project," he continued. church." added that a few minor changes in the Harfoot ad< ed that the Armv hopes to For two years the Army has been Board candidate original designs would provide sey ■ral break ground on the addition in August. organizing the fund drive to raise the more parking spaces and would give the Before it could start the project, however, 5600,000 needed to e'ontruet the proposed likes attention church an excess of spaces. the Armv nr eded the property to he addition and make the parking im­ The township's requirements call for rezoned from enmmerical to oil ice. A provements and other improvements one parking space per three peo Pie ' church buildi ng cannot be zoned com from Crier ad staff planned for. merical. Form al approval of the rezoning ' Right now on the average our park ing EDITOR. Monies came from over 170 local will probably come at the June 23 space requirements are 10 to 15 a dqy, I want to thank you for doing a superb businesses. Ply mouth Township meeting. said Harfoot. job with the campaign ad--d was "N o n m U t what happens with the "T he tvpc of building we’re putting in "I will wager the Salvation Army will distinctive and well-placed. j re/.oning we still have to meet all the there is a church building.' In conjunc ion be in our location long alter our You also made me feel as though rnv ad requirements ol the township. That with anv church are outreach programs neighbors on Ball Street move out," said was personally important to you. I just property was zoned commericui. the want sou to know that l appreciate the highest zoning possible. It we weren't time, thought and patience you ex­ going in there some developer would pended. come in and do virtually what he want's, ft Student Artfest officials MARILYN RICKARD could lie a mess.”

EDITOR: Mrs. Margaret Wilson, Penn Theatre, Student Artfest ’81 is now history. This Mrs. Janet Woodring, secretary, first, of what is planned to be an.annual Plvmouth-Canlon Community Schools, dav-long event of the Plymouth-Canton The Hammell Music Company , Community Schools showcasing student Mayor Mary Childs, bv Dan Hodcnc skill and talent in the visual and per­ City Manager Henry Graper, forming arts, was held Saturday, May 30, Superintendent of Schools Dr. John in Kellogg Park. More than 1.000 people Hoben, college m a mailer of .week-, and an end Last week I sat down in the came to view the displays and listen to, Artfest patrons, to the lu-wcekly ordeals. \lo-t people now Ply mouthroclj. Saloon anil had a beer and watch the performing groups. Vie Plymouth Community Arts Council, .ire pi-t beginning their ordeal. right about where I stood in line, year- thank them for their interest and support. Plymouth Christian Academy, Hut d there was onr thing, ! Ie.i r ni d . 11 ago, to collect unemployment cheeks. Artfest ’81 Was a success because ol the And certainly, the Artiest Planning w ,i - th.it being unemployed wa- a l>.i 'enthusiasm, dedication, commitment and Committee whose tireless efforts made it It sure was a pleasure to be able to sit wor-e than the lousiest pih I eye) had I outstanding contributions ol many possible to pul everything together. where I one*' stood, and spend par! ols MICHAEL J. HOMES and Dan Mingshine. director of building A friend ojf the family wa- just laid oil Artfest ’81 co-chairperson after 35 years with GM. According to the and grounds. Fife and Drum Corps The DPW ere w of the city of Plymouth MRS. CATHY SIBERT storv I heard, he is required to draw and Ken V ogras and Tom Wolfe, Artfest ’81 co-chairperson unemployment for a year before he i- eligible for hjis pension. thanks Kiwanis club I’m not sure he particularly wants to visit the MESG for a year, but apparently for sharing funds Dancers are appreciative CM thinks hi' should. There are quite a tew people who also EDITOR: do not want to visit the MESG but have* 1 he IMvmonlh Kde and Drum Corp- EDITOR: became part of the fun-filled evening w ith would like to thank the I’lvmouth Kiw.inl- The Centennial Dancers of Plymouth "handclapping and footstomping.” to, so\ they can eat «or make house |or oriee again -haring their annual -would like to thank the community for a This new and exciting organization is payments. A sad fact is that Michigan is , peanut -ale with u-. near-capacity crowd at their -first per­ under the fantastic leadership of Joanne beconfing a regular clearinghouse for, horror stories of lost jobs, hard times ami The Dorp- would also like to thank 1 Ti<• formance. Ygeal, who made this recital a huge people of Plymouth who came through Under the choreography of Miss Susan success. public assistance. Drawing "unenjovment” benelits are again with their generous eontrihutiuy-.; Maehowicz and Mr. Zachary Drewniak, THE CENTENNIAL DANCERS OF no great pleasure, either, lt wasn’t bad THE PLYMOUTH FIFE AND DKl M the various ethnic dances brought an PLYMOUTH CORPS appeal to all who attended. The audience for me, but back then I was looking at 10 PC. THE COMMUNITY CRIEH: June 10 1981 udvso ad oe f hs lt mav lots those of some im­ and seven with subdivision up end mav Township onhp or, oii Mer. ap­ Moeeri. Dominic Board, Township ofal!costSi. a for park-and and playground a for .beingdeveloped up end proved residential lot" in Pickwick \ illage \ Pickwick lot"in residential proved and an assistant and reported that that the in lots nine on taxes for billed not was reported he officials, Township Canton and and Countv assistant an attorney hisand with board the before peared through his error arid failure of Wavr.e Wavr.e of failure arid error his through Thank*- t<> a serif*" of errors'. Canton Canton errors'. of serif*" t<> Thank*- a At last week’s meeting of the Canton Canton the of meeting week’s last At : y a s o t s i h t s a h r e r e f f u s s i t i r h t r a n a , s o l u o P m i J n severe pain at the time. . . . . g n i s s e l b a s a w t n e m t s u j d a e h t . . . e m i t e h t t a n i a p e r e v e s in have experienced no discomfort from the adjustment even though I s a w I h g u o h t n e v e t n e m t s u j d a e h t m o r f t r o f m o c s i d o n d e c n e i r e p x e e v a h I the suffering is worse and worse and the patient is able to do to able is patient the and worse and worse is suffering the until year jeach away eat gradually disease dreadedonly relief this have toseeking year each dollar* of millions spend sufferers u ayn ogrhv ana l. j help all. at received pain only have not nolonger have many but patients Chiropractic less. and less ilos f epe r cipe ec ya b arthrijtis.j by These year each crippled are people of Millions have progressively gotten tetter. . r e t t e t n e t t o g y l e v i s s e r g o r p e v a h I t n e m t s u j d a c i t c a r p o r i h C t s r i f y m e c n i S Y IK BROWN DICK BY A R T H R I T I S / S I T I R H T R A N I A P E H T l f Appoi me t en tm in o p p A n a r fo y a d o T all C e Life le o h W r u o Y s t s o c r o r r e g n i l l i b Canton to pick up tax delinquent lots fo r park r fo lots delinquent tax up pick to Canton nvades s e d a * v In F O MICHIGAN 48170 7 1 8 4 N A G I H C I M , H T U O M Y L P of the total delinquent total the of told He subdivision. The other seven lots are nojw held bv the the bv nojw held are lots seven other The os ee bv acquired were lots township office to discuss other business. business. a other discuss to on office township accidentlv happened af out finding after lots the ad dvso o te eatet of Department tne of division lands oewes soito hv expressed have Association Homeowners of government. localunit the to I Resources. Natural D A O R H T U O M Y L P 0 9 1 e ad e a ad t rde to of two redeem to aide was he said He Officials of Pickwick Village Village Pickwick of Officials land such at eraek first D,NR offers The 5-53 ! 455-3593 CHIROPRACTIC j I h b the h sae because state the i hil out what had had what out the that >ard CHfl/E .f 34,200. al o the to call

re t hv te rmvd rm the from removed them have to order ih oei a hs tony Grl J. Gerald attorney, his was Moeeri with plain. flood S6j0,000 spent in township, the and countv with and summer last in stepped he it, of p riae n eoin rbes in problems erosion and drainage up lots' the clear to on the improvements the* making DNR, with the along irpm advice, permits, and necessarv help the was aware he before of taxes non-payment for state tothe reverted property the After an interest in the lots for park purposes. lotspark for the in interest an Appearing before the township board board township the before Appearing painful. more is even situation Moeeri’s wes f os w truh eighi through two mu Lots a of owners taxes not do rolls “tax Township property mistake.” the pav Pickwick Village subdivision. as Village Pickwick individual other any or Moeeri Carnago. property tax payments. tax from property builder the exempt not tie did rolls tax or name Moceri’s of absence the that There was no language in the motion, motion, the in language no was There ugsin a md m h dsuso of discussion the m made was suggestion voted to buy the lots for SI from the s the from for SIlots the buy to voted huh cligTr h rtr o a of am of return the Tor calling though, the iots to the builder, although although problem. the builder, the to iots the any firm request. firm any T'm question. v h property the bv lyrud at ak purpose park amt playground- n u wt tte o h it, there* iots, vv the to title with up end 315,000 and S12.000 between <>: caht . which ioeated i> subdivision the tt frdlnun txsae require to are taxes over delinquent for state -turned property obtaining ite rft o te onhp f thev if township the for profit little i R-o$b Ford of Nortti and Road Liiiev schooldistrict. resold. Under state law municipality municipality law state Under resold. intermediate school district and and district school intermediate the other taxing units such as the co unty. the as such units taxing other the ov land from, profits the oi sale return angjlbld h ule’ alr to failure builder’s the Carnagoj-labeled lr on ldn one u. the* out. pointed Flodin John Clerk After the discussion the township b township the discussion the After ut o mi of main how Just siae mre vle f h i< the of value market Estimated vn huh atn onhp njiight township Canton though Even M ich ael L o ck w o o d 433-5320 433-5320 d o o w ck o L ael ich M Residential & Commercial s t o l s i h cal sahet 9-3319 59 4 th e h a is k ichael M . Cah I.Vi-.ViKH ash C . B l.s r a h C •Brick»Block» Cmn Work•Cement •Aluminum Siding, •Wood Replacement •Aluminum Storm Windows •Wood Window Replacements WindowsBay•Custom •Recreation Rooms•Recreation Fml Rooms•Family •Baths •Kitchens MODEI G ELIN D O EM R LL A M S O O T rm Gutters Trim, n Doorsand Doorwalls BUILDER JOB O J O N CASH soain a nt nao not has issonation


h lot' the


i l be will


tual taic. Used ts igh. local er to er >aro 11 the iist to d be arc ior the in 4 k

c o m m u n i t y o p in io n s F in d th e1 “interest- ing w ay to traveL.and Canton parent takes exception

sawe m oney too. ^ ,nf .Uifc.lKMOD HdfH.) m l to letter stance - 1 *01 IRM IRM EDITOR: I The Classic In response In K. Robert"' letter l;i"t 11. Antique Auto Banks week. I think a leu tacts should h '! i a red up. Of the i 1 I student'- at F iegel. 586 are Canton resident'-; 125 Plvmoiith resident-. *

5 es, mam of the Canton "Indent" are " -■ »t i a |: i liiised. hut we jjaren!" an grateful that our ' : : .. 1!It’,!;. "lich a" FArcef. I lie (.anton par I vehrmenth opposed u F.S\ a"' 'hr Plymouth parent". 1 tie deelioirin enroiirnetit at F ieoe| i- "uh"'an.tml. 'ho' U hick "j arow t h m I he Can l.t m ;irea. \\ « n the tmard made a wise iteri'i.-t: o' keeI'ln;; F lejje! ■ ni TS> Mk CIMlIt's av e,| HUiimlBI help keep teaiduT |'d>". !>U\ ! e \ t !• K" Bio. Bo!di< Auntohi nCiohB >ri and 'U|'|>lie"--a:ivi keep <*ur eurriculu a i a fuel: ie\ ei. la I " "top mt-piekine as !<> "Iin ll \ t’s .'tM K,HB< >KI V (iM I' IS R t sf HU M)\ ' * \KUTOS INkSTf N < HI HKS M »Kf M V It M where! At F n eej ue work toeeUier ^ a I4VI » >H Ht| 1 11 u I ! Kl .*■ \i iN IX TK< ill Kt DtnHh Kit I N Kl ll <,f woMiinn.1 s umtied hod\ o i»areii!". "tudeiit- i; i < i Al i t S ... Ml LVtNOM I 1 ■ >h ■J H AT H< it k 1 INC < »| N K4NK Kit I Mttt vt i t 11 teacher". rrgardlc-." of w here ue li\ e • ANT< >N TOWNSHIP - ' Host lit - l 111" di\i"ion < t thought m the "c! eoi district bctwVen C anton and Plymouth parent" ran «mi\ hurt the students In the lon hoth Canton and Plymouth parent", he tin- hast-educational "V"icm tor all the "ludero-. regardless ot where Hammond the\ live f CLARICE KILLIAN Road Adas Ficgel Parent

Sports coverage is called important in holding interest

Dear Sports Editor: Last vear your publication gave our team weeklv coverage, a lact which helped us tremendously in establishing ourselves within the league and aider us in recruiting new players. To continue the interest in this tram (we are the onlv womenk soceer team in this area) and to make more people aware of the Great Lakes Women's Soccer League, we would appreciate the si me tvpe of coverage from your newspalper this season. In line with this request, please find, attached to this letter, a brief summary-of our first game, played (Sunday), along with a schedule and roster of our team. If I can he of any help to you,' pltjase feel free to contact me. Thank you vour time and cooperation in this matter JOHNSYNDER

Editor's note: It's that sim ple. All YOU hare to do is provide the sports de\,i n r t rnent zeith Che ti ‘ormalion about ; our team and; its upcom ing season, like M r .

Snvder. Fkat m akes better eoi erupt o n our pert possible , especially jor all t n e various sum m er teams. THE COM Ml'MTV CRIER: June 10,1981 display at the Plym outh H istorical Museum now through m id August. Joseph Joseph August. id m through now Museum istorical H outh Plym the at display rae yJh etri h 80. j 1840s. the in Belter John by created Meek and sons designed furniture in the m id 1868s, im itating a technique technique a itating im 1868s, id m the in furniture designed sons and Meek 4 VICTORIA* STYLE TABLE AND CHAIRS designed b^l Meek are on on are Meek b^l designed CHAIRS AND TABLE STYLE VICTORIA* 4 n weDnt even Don't e w And y f I ¥ f I carvings Meek used when m aking furniture. aking m when used Meek carvings qp watch watch qp n Out r 're e W y h w t u O ind F W Belter furniture displayed at displayed furniture Belter DETAILS OF A MEEK TABLE show the intricate patterns and hand hand and patterns intricate the show TABLE MEEK A OF DETAILS obabl ess costy! tly s o c s s le ly b a b ro p d n a B e tte r th a n a b a b y s itte r r itte s y b a b a n a th r tte e B RIG PARENTS ORKING W Conveniently located in a a in located Conveniently t 0 N Mi Plymouth, Main N. 104 at us& Kisses & Hugs ni er te n e C g in rn a e L 0 3 8 5 - 9 5 4 l a C hlrn Love Children storybook setting setting storybook l e & & re a C ild h C Crier photos b y Dan Bodene Dan y b photos Crier T.V.,

* * V * V * P I V * v ot Specialist Foot Mon.-Sat. and Evening Hours Evening and Mon.-Sat. All Insurance Accepted Accepted All Insurance Podiatrist -Foot Podiatrist i Child Foot Tre iFoot Child Medici i Sports Corre • Surgical > Podiatri Basic E. Of 1-275Of E. 455-1 . .James r. 39439 Joy Joy 39439 -0770 Victorian era furnishings era Victorian Canton ltd. atment ie ction :Care Surgeon Scheiber” August. valuable of display unique a present early 1840’s and started making furniture furniture making 1840’sstarted and early mid- John through hv now made (1804-1863) Belter furniture "Victorian” n 1844.in and floral decorations. and with walnut and rosewood in frameworks construction to that produced bvBelter. produced tothat construction fruit intricate and moldings rolled heavy loveseat bv Belter and a table hv Joseph hvJoseph table a and Belter bv loveseat fet f pnok avn i a curved a in carving openwork of effect frame The curvilinear. a to shaped and produced furniture in a similar style and style similar a in 1860s furniture the produced during who Sons, and Meeks was then pierced and carved to create the create to carved and used pierced was then He manufacture. steamed over, veneers with work pressed furniture in laminating of successfulhisapplication is vice president; Judy M organ, president; R uth McMahon, secretary and Liira Liira Cameron) and obert R by secretary photo McMahon, (Crier uth R year. this sell president; will organ, M Judy president; vice H anschu, treasurer holding note cards and packages of seasoning the League League the seasoning of packages and cards note holding treasurer anschu, H LS adi Brs Candlesticks rass B Baldwin PLUS lmuhs itrcl uem will Museum Historical Plymouth’s h friue etrs ihy carved richly features furniture The the in States United the to came Belter ndsly il esvrlcar n a and chairs will he.several display On Perhaps Belter’s greatest achievement achievement greatest Belter’s Perhaps SYMPHONY LEAGUE OFFICERS for 1981 are (from left) Mary Kt Kt Mary left) (from are 1981 for OFFICERS LEAGUE SYMPHONY N ew colors in C arolina pillars pillars arolina C in colors ew N Still lots of good buys good of lots Still Symphony League slate chosen slate League Symphony Hi! are startin g to a rriv e - - e rriv a to g startin are O u r new shipm ents ents shipm new r u O F ingertip tow els els tow ingertip F *d|?< L ittle fat birds birds fat ittle L nsl merchandise. sale on 453*3i?'«anTrai> n scenters and The girls The st\ cut ct ls, rd’ basket bride’s glass, pot.chocolate cut cruet, a butter such silver a spooner, items sugar silver decorative of display under lip hold would it like look doesn’t des Meek technique. the using and fufniture form that achieve th( machine the designed He plane. ots 12-17cent25 yopths and of age years 4 to I from Sunday and Saturday hlrnudr !2. under children cent^ 50 adults, for $1 is Admission calling the museum at 455-8940.museum at the calling for viewing. isr and completed been "Victor has bedroom a and museum the of level n lmuh n i oe .Thur? open is and Plymouth in 90 aeil fr hlrn n the on children for 1900 materials & hr wl as b a ipa of display a be also will There h msth.i lctd t 155S. musetfhi. at locatedThe is Along with the furniture exhibit exhibit furniture the with Along nte uiu eeet o Bel to element unique Another Special tours can he arranged arranged he can tours Special e s h tins o te furnitu the of thinness the is le weightof person. a eela me. om h at l e fe you ® elp N h O G A can W E ELCOM W w ddress? d ad ew N t LO WAO ~ "Am« ~ AGON W E ELCOM W ith w ihbohod a to ." ition T rad ood orh b eigh N ee git n greetngs from s g tin e e r g and ifts g t resen p t- nde busi Il alo p lso a I'll free. . iy s a e s s it's e in nd s A u b ed d in ity-m n u m nvt i youcah a c u o y s n tio vita in r "at . re y get e g e. and m ly d ll ca d st frien u ttle J se e. A g n t e rra e." a g m to o h sy a you e t a is " elp h ore m to treat etng w neghbor i a tr a is rs o b h eig n ew n g reetin G ' lke o vii y To ay " i "H y sa o T . u yo isit v to e lik I'd WECME GN st s a is isit v AGON W E ELCOM W A HOME P ly - & P ly - T w p . . p w T - ly P & - ly P Canton - 459-0243Canton

356-7720 ST

e e o more m for eem red

- 459-5949 p u t



eelng lin e fe : ipecial 1 r


Ma ea 3 rta's :r tea es t n re se s a $s ^adv ter ifts. g hoe. slor p.rrt. t er eth dav, com an" an" It \ s a is lish. ition and ned and for riv­ bv er er in to

THE2 COMMUNITY 18.1981 CRIEH*W W e frbcLizcl to announce llit ofizniny

o f a fam ilif fixaciioE cfinic on t. . .

Ford ft Lilley Rds. Wm. Ross. D.O., P.C. Jerome Rochiin, D.O. Herbert Wbisenthal, D.O. Mon.-Sat. 10-12 by Appt. It was a beautiful, bright Sunday morning. As 1 sat sipping tea and Mon.-Fri. 2-6 W alk In feeling lazy, I tried to convince myself that I really should do something CANTON CQMM. CUNIC constructive. But you know how it is when you’ve been out late the 3800 Lilley Rd.. Canton • 981 1104 previous night. Suddenly the phone rang. It was a friend calling to tell me the home of a mutual friend had flooded, something about a wa.ter pipe breaking, and tfe'cti fLe'nvanitnct they were recruiting volunteers. That wasn’t quite how I had envisioned Plymouth Comm. Clinic spending my day off, but what are friends for if they’re not around when , you need them? 1311 Ann Arbor Rd. Plymouth When we arrived, the floor was under an inch or two of water which was Office Hours by Appt. 453 8510 streaming in from the utility room. It didn’t take the crew long to get started. While someone turned off the water and rented a machine to soak the water out of the carpet, others moved furniture and grabbed mops and sponges and went to work. It’s amazing how much water a three bedroom ranch can hold. It was , BUSY BEE CRAFTS too bad the people living in the house were out of town at the time. What started as a small problem could have been taken care of quickly, if they were there to see it. Going Out of Business Once we had aired and cleaned what we could, part of the cleaning s o l e crew (with pant legs still rolled up) came over and enjoyed the last few rays of sunshine. After throwing dinner on the grill, it was great to sit and relax and enjoy each other’s company. After all, that’s what friends are 5 0 % O f f for. Next time I need a helping hand, you can guess who will be first {>n the entire stock list to call. * • • • of M erchandise A piano recital will be held this Sunday, June 14 at 2 p.m. at Gjeneva 455-8560 United Presbyterian Church on Sheldon Road in Canton. Are^ students 845 N. participating in the recital are; John Visnyak, Vicki Klaft, Andy Myhrum, Kelli Theard, Jeff Kling, Jennifer Croll, Jim Totten, Sue Decker, Cathy Grant, Janice Grant, Joey McLean, Kurt Bloomhoff, Melanie Farrow, Buckv Farrow, Jamie Olson, Rene Jordan, Suzanne Kohrs, Heather Berlin, Laura Powell, David Brornet, Marcia Rood, Megan Boyle, Jennifer Kajth, Carol Hamlin, Maggie Meissner, Mary Meissner, Laura Dahlke, Rene Pierson, Eric Pierson, Penny Hendricks, Joe Santorelli, Jennifer , and Elaine Willis. They are students of Sue Church. !

An experienced and knowledgeable Three Canton residents received degrees at Mercy College recently. professional to serve the consum er Cum laude honors went to Cheryl L. Martin who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Health Services and Mark B. Baidel who received Harold R. Cooper, M.C.N. as Associate of Science degree in Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Terrance M. Hallett received a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. owner of • • • -i Dale Schrader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Schrader of Plymouth c3fxi±tocza.t ^JlancLicufi Lng OiVLC v recently received a MBA degree from American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale Arizonia (Thunderbird Campjus). He Design Planting Construction and his new bride Patti will reside in W hittier, Calif. He is a '72 grjaduate of Salem High School and a '79 graduate of Central Michigan University. 455-3223 Redesign, Upldate or Add to your Present Landscaping I F T H E W O R K W E E K M AKES TOUR HEAD

MICHIGAN CERTIFIED AT THE PLYM OUTH HIUON IN N . 3 } You'll have plentv of room to stretch out and take it easy. With an indtxir pool NURSERYMAN and whirlpool. Live entertainment and happy hour in the jolly Miller Uiunge Excellent dining in the Jolly Miller Restaurant. A nd bicycles available to tour the ''-U . / * h -t- miles of woodland bike trails whicjh lie adjacent to the hotel. All only S4b (MJ lor one night. &X9.00 for two nights (both based on double'occupancy). Children are > free if thev sleep in the same roon with you. I he price also includes a complmien- tars- cocktail in the Jolly Miller unge as well as complimentary breakfast hv the pool or a leisurely Sunday brunch t So don't let sour head continue to spin this weekend. Wheel on out to the n. r *■ . Flvmomh Hilton Inn. It s the perl xl place to reacquami \oursclt with the good i:tc. £ f - ^ *• AS; ■4 - v y.-V-' Plymouth i Just 25-minutes from downtown Detroit, in Plvmouth. at 147(17 Northville Road i ii i ■ -|| r ■- - t r f * » J i£ P(,.!

THK COM Ml "NTH CKtt K .tunc D*. 1981 » o m CMih im w S y a lo o C FATHER’S DAY S^LE DAY FATHER’S OR:Mn,Tus, r. 09Te. e. a. 10-6 Sat. Wed., Tues., 10-9 Fri. Thurs., Mon., HOURS: R E K L A W SwimmingSeason Opens Sunday June 14, 2-4 p.m. 240 North Main Stroet - Plymouth - 459-1300 459-1300 - Plymouth - Stroet Main North 240 F - S E L A S E R U T I N R U F - FamilyOpen House SPECIAL PRICE SALE DELIVERED l t e $480 Reg et elv V iv Rg $440 Reg- VinvS (Next to Kroger’s - Near i-96 & 1-275)i-96 Near - Kroger’s to (Next .Join I n i o J . . . r e m m u S y o j n E June 13 & VERY R E IV L E D E T A I D E M M I G R p B N E Z U B •F ree Swimming Lessens Lessens Swimming ree •F •Variety of Memberships Memberships of •Variety Cu Hours •Club Bar •Snack •Social Gathering Gathering •Social Available ■; P J'“: n o i t a m r o f n I e r o M r o F 3 3 3 4 - 9 5 4 r o 9 9 7 9 - 5 5 4 J » -‘-1 V* -J *»fj S* *? B eck S ou th o f Joy f o th ou S eck B >; ; syi ever ry e v e v>:; sry-if t;. h o m e an d a lim ited ited lim a d an e m o h iy o ln wear­ a e w long or vinyl d ay." Style show n n show Style ay." d $329.95 $299.95 5> a gA M or sand in heavy heavy in sand or n puh velvet. plush ing avails bie in rust rust in bie avails Hurry-Shop-to­ "H tim e only value value only e tim price that says, says, that price L L A C

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ij New me m hersw it! he orientated, torreservations rail Mil in-Biaeklnrd al 453-3 < i . or 453-0416. 081-.(466 mi F.ekles M usie Rd. and darn ing will follow themeeting. Newcomers are welcome, tor moreinformal] whieh welcome. follows. Cue-t-are tfit-regular meeting at 8p.m. in the Oddfellows Hall. A ptKii/.aheth. Bring adi-h to pa-- at toe pollock Julv 24 Julv24 at to 2 For more informationp.m.7 call 455-6620. ! 18 Ieuesfeau CeraidCamphell a!46k-l 154. diseussion topic willOverview Presentation lie "An of the Noyi. Ljhrarv. \ Norfhvilleliters Women ■of League wiikl and P!vnom!h-Cunion.C.on . 1The hold Sclcoi its I. Bird p.m. general meeting :30-10 at June mnmtv lilt1 Pi amt Plymouth Bu-ine-- vsuie--innai Cluh - Women ttm 6;.i0 ali p.m. a! Hin-i i5 i: meet June weekfor Registrationlive weeks.fee (or Plv mniith-Cantnnschool districtresidents is S20. re-ideit:- non tee i- School Districts. S'-nr S'-nr | VM e e - t | I I g , J 1 1 II II.I I tI l i e( U l l i l o lH ; I - t o M la IM O - e i ; P Uo I I ( . . | M 1 o US . e ; | ■ , ;. ■|i r “ r■:ti Ur 2. Registration thelorfirst to five p.m.. week524. 7 2 the 19 al session lor -iroriil is live week -cs-ion June heJ line Inoon, 12 5.a!at Alv inhome m North UuflV v die. Formoreinforma Honabout I lie rout; DAB et \1 r- h Plv The inotith-Northv elo-.e will lddri-Kl Per-en- Association their Retired Ameriean the ot otille Chapter al iro Atu a (962. ikt ae ;.5 ah (u- sekr il e . Wlim atM of HarteM William I.r tickets S;>.25 will he speaker are (.ue-t each, (59-6125. at Arthur (iordon call ThePlvmnuih-Canton ParentsWithout Partners 1000 willChapter al8:30 12 meet.Junep.m. :n the l -ea-i>r: w it lu.iKjheoti ha at the Plv-mouth - ElkCluh June 24. I at Rr-erv2noon. at ion mti-t he made In Newcomer-and prospective member-ofthe Wol League ornrjti toVoter- 13. attend unitedare acoiteeJune I he first amiuai Kdueatomul (iratU the American irom CarmanCluh ot Plymouth (wanted will heJut (a Point. dar Boh-l.o. I-land. Lake, WKing- CeaugnSea Farm orld, the Di'troit Foothall ami tin liali• X'ie 'salvation Ticket-Arniv. arenot required lor -peaker alti'r \i-itor- 1 p.m. areweiemiie. firm Ke ie ha rd- will - how a ’ Plvinoiith’- Department Beereaion Park and now ha- on -ale discount ticket-tor injcludmg theme area park- 10-11:30 a.m. at the Plv Town-hipmouth Hall, onAnn Arbor R(l.near Everyone Milli- St.weleonfe. Ihe annual pieme Indict n| the AnnSarah CoehraneChapter ot the Daughters ot the American Revolution will t '■It M- Ihe Plv mouth Cultural (’enter will oilerspecial icesummer skating lessons tot-, lor teens and adults, twice a (55-6620. In'ket- niav he the poreha-ed a!Recreation office normalduring more Fur lui-tne-- mtnrmajji hour-. U ’ t a h w THf. -COWMLNFTA• CHiEH, I22f>5 Main S’... Plymouth, Information Mich 48!?0 reee h, \(H)\ MO.NIM^ wiii he usrii in thatWednesday ' s paper (space permuting t T.< iisi your group - evfn! in What “ Happening*'s merely send the information (:n writ -!>•' m. Piv o,nmg PI Y Ml H 'Hi I.EACl EOF WOMEN \ o I \o M K. WOMEN i- EOF s PI Y It-MHi Ml H k I.EACl 'HiH r : ^v EMNAEIA CU BO LMl H MEF.T1NC TH PLYMOl OF B U C AMERICAN OERMAN 1 1 m on com mentor a 1 APFNLLNHO' FR 1980-81 FOR LENCHEOj'i FINAL AARP SI SI COM M EM OB A! IV EST A M Fli Ml’ A NELPCI I FT ' FFFT BI PICNIC ANNEAL DAB MMER ICE I.VW NEWCOMERS COFFEE, I.VW NEWCOMERS I.VW CENERAL MFETINC MFETINC I.VW CENERAL . WPEEAMEETINC PCENERALM PW ...... DSO NTTICKETS .DISCO! PBPW CL! B MH'r.TS B CL! PBPW . j- . 1 v •. Rev oi at Wari uman -or ■ •■ ; (.auto;!.dh, H -‘amt’- i-: ■ - .! re 0 SKATING LESSONS SKATING -W ' ■ ■ , : i -a:-. \ i

<•:*-.-' • j - • Piv • j- u dj 1 - *1- V1t 7 ; j'. Ill I i _ u m- i . I Ih. ■- ioneai! \ a hailW ■ i.d; J pc. ’s happening is COMMUNITY CRIER: 10,1981THE June 1i l ? ,^ T F.*r

MAYFLOWER CARDEN CLUB CHUCK WELLS The Mayflower Carden Club will meet June 11 at 10 a.m. at the home of Margo Whiting on Orhan St. in •ADDITIONS Canton, for a potluck luncheon and wall hanging instructional program. Co-hoste ss will hr Lorraine* RaffWlv •KITCHENS •GARAGES JERRY LEWIS SKATE A THON •REPLACEMENT WINDOWS The annual Jerry Lewis Skate-A-Thon will be held from 3 p.m. June 24 to 7 a.m. June 25 at Riverside Arena, 36635 Plymouth Rd., Livonia. A minimum pledge of S10 per skater is required, pavable at registration at 2 •CUSTOM HOMES p.m. June24. Skate rental is SI. For more info: mation. rail 421-3542. •ROOFING •GUTTERS •ALUMINUM SIDING Er PARADE APPLICATIONS TRIMS Applications to participate in Canton’s first ^parade are available at: two branches of the Wavne Bank, at 6475 N. HAGGERTY RD. 44520 Michigan Aye. and 41652 Ford Rd.; Schwartz’s Greenhouse Shop, 8201 Lillev Rd.; Canton Public Library, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd.; and Canton Chamber of Commcrre, 5773 Canton Center Rd. Deadline CANTON for applications is July I. FREE ESTIMATES MIOSHA WORKSHOP The Michigan Department of Labor, Safety Education and Training and Allen Park will condurt a MIOSHA Recordkeeping Workshop June 17, at Allen Park’s City Hall, 16850 Southfield Rd. Starting at 9 a.m. the workshop is free. For further information call 923-1400. I L A A. A :-k\-k':k A I ■ * '■!' MM *}< + *+ , CANTON CORVETTE CLUB j Attention Corvette owners: the Canton Corvette Club is looking for new members who enjov IVetles and would like to share similar interests with others. For more information, call Denise at 459-2228 |or Jason at CMATIVf HOMECENTER 455-5783. i LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MEETING ALL Top Quaffty The League of Women Voters of Northville-Plymouth-Canton-Novi will have its next meeting June 10 at Woven Woods Bird School. Topic of discussion will be education. WALLPAPER i , BOOKS TRAINING FOR COUNSELORS . The Turning Point Crisis Center is planning a training program for new volunteer staff members. Persons (over 500 books) interested in working at the center can contact Nancy Topolewski. The center is located at 271 S. Main, ♦3.00 off Vertical Blinds Plymouth, telephone 455-4900. ALL Paint ALPHA XI DELTA POTLUCK PICNIC 28% °ff rag. $10.90 ft up 30%»« Western Wayne County Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity is having a polluck picnic June 10, at the home of Jean Sigmon, 46803 Danbridge, Plymouth. For reservations call M J. Willette at 453-6999. Be sure to Visit Our Unfinished f urniture Factory Outlet PLYMOUTH HIGH 1956 REUNION \ (Lower I^evel) ' The Plymouth High School Class of 1956 will hold its 25th reunion Aug. 15 at the Mayflower Meeting House at 7'p.m. An informal family picnic will be held Aug. 16 at Plymouth Township Park. Anyone not notified bv >5lc; * 1 . ; i: mail can contact general chairman Dale Houghton or Lynn Cantonor call 453-6357. nr. IS | iV Ye T iViY'i'i ; >%■! IRISH HILLS TRIP On June|9 the Plymouth Recreation Department will host a trip to Stagecoach Stop in the Irish Hills at a cost of $191.75 per person, included is admission to 30 different attractions, lunch at the Golden Nugget Saloon and transportation. Contact Traci Johnson at 455-6620 for reservations.

PARLIAMENTARIANS UNITE A parliamentary law club has been, formed in the Plymouth area and new members are welcome. Club members meet Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. at the home of John Welsher, 1799 Lexington, Plymouth. Prospective members or groups needing parliamentarians are urged to contact Welsher at 4534)569.

FIRST STEP First Step, the Western Wavne County project on domestic violence, offers counseling, shelter, legal and financial assistance, referrals and information. All services are eonfidentiaf, with no tees, for information, call 425-8000(24 hours). ' CL ASS OF 1931 l lie Plviiionlh High School (.la-- ot 1931 e planning a 50lh Animer-ari Celebration at the Plvmonlli Elk* Lodge mi June 27 beginning a I 5:30 p.m. I irkelv arc S8 per cniiplc. For more nrlormalion. call Jewel) Hengerl Casselman at 261-3756.

* TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly} group meets every Monday from 8 lo 9 p.m. at Central Middle School. ■ For more information, call Jan at 455-8332 or Shirley at 453-6593.

JR. FOOTBALL REGISTRATION Fall registration for the Pl\ mouth-Canloii Lions and Steelcrs will he held Mav 30. June 6 and June 13.1 non i 10 a in. lo I p.m. at the Canton High cafeteria. For tiirllier information call the Brands at 159-631, nr ifu- riimnertiiaiis at 455-8306

Our business is your eyes. Professional examinations • careful fitting • wide selection • personalized service. Your doctor's prescription and insurance pro­ grams are welcomed. Stop in, we're the ; pros who care! Mayflower Optical Sljcppe ltd. 817 W Ann Arbor Trail (Mayflower Hotel) 455 0210 "Your Complete Eye Care Stop" THK COMMUNITY'-CRIER:- Junrlfc 1981 t per ip n u J etz H r i ces. us cusom desgn f t e th r fo n sig e d m sto u c s lu P . s e ic v r e s g tin c tra si t or l your der and Land­ d n a L d n a ri e rd a G r u o y all r fo y a d to s u it is V . f f l andscape con­ n o c e p a c s d n la ll fu r ffe o e W s. d e e n e p a c s " 9 $2 W O N o t s f rs. lfe rse u o y it do es goig upright growing Dense vrre pret o privacy for perfect evergreen egs r s seia. Fast for. speciman. care to easy a growing as or hedges l ar n m olu C e. $7.95$16.95toReg. O 5 to " I H o t *5“ NOW s l a i c e p S e p a c s d n a L e. $45.00Reg. Off f O % 3 3 . *Z* V . fl S. V ■ ngt n to g in h s a W t5" 5 $t W O N fall color. Grows 12-15]. Grows color. infall flowers white of Clusters pig unn t rd orange red to turning spring berries in fall. Brilliant red-orange Brilliant fall. in berries oey arw rwn tree. growing narrow Lovely horn r o th w a H vr 2 aitej f ias to lilacs of varietiesj 12 Over g in r e w lo F hoe rm Mn i bloom. in Many from. choose Dwarfs, Common Varieties. and Common Hybrids, Canadian Hybrids,

acs c la U Reg. $25.001 Reg. tnad, French standards, : •' '

h gom s h sn l r ai Mrs. ami Mr. ol son the is groom The United Methodist Chureh of Pl\mouth. Pl\mouth. of Chureh Methodist United Miller r ad r. a Shrn l Florida. ol Saharan Sam Mrs. and Mr. lo s, ilr f mes Court. Amherst of mouth.Pk Miller Alfonso, ih eleri ri ad eeli iaee -ehellii and train ealhedrai a with ee h Rx Fak ya am Tin-1 Lyman Frank Rex. The vowswere wedding eounple’s the Witnessing rme te rs hde ai igr tip x linger amie hodiee i dress i. the trimmed Rex. Father Jagielski. Jim Rex.Father Ritter-M iller vows iller Ritter-M The new Mrs. Miller is the; daughter ol the; is Miller new Mrs. daughter The The hride wore a '•ilk organza 'gown, organza '•ilk a wore hride The Patrick Daniei ami Ritter Kalhx JoAnn e atnat- Dna en Miiier. Jean Donna attendant'-. Her hitc are Mx a te First the a) marriec 2 Max I '■ivy MR. AND MRS. DANIEL MILLER DANIEL MRS. AND MR. pn a odru Dy in Day Wonderful a Spend N A L Y S A T N A F rose xee a Wisn Mark Wilson. Dan xvere Cruomsmen mlte n Je Soe. ses were shers I Stokes. Jaee and Omdlette oeMie n ieRte. I MikeMiiier Ritter. Done and uan Sih oe Cia r t (Jiana lr< wore--t China Smith Suzanne .etrai hnxmoe m jrd. I honex(..enter Hj>rida.heanil m mooned akto Mum-.olbasket and exeiele nnrx wore and giri bahx wa-- Mil’issa t Ritter and houcfuels. ixx Mum-, carried jn< sheer matching with gowns willrc'side Lixonia. in e M. n M> Dne Pti Miilc-r Patrick Mr>. Daniel and Pix Cuiturai Mr.new mouth j the at reeeption are Hgn Lxnu Hogan. Maureen oet iir vs h bs man. best the xvas Miiier Robert e eui reie ter uM a a at gueMs their 1 reeeixed he- eoupie / r y r» r» y r / Children wsif bve bve wsif Children 'A.' - w r . ' f II rni t c

c a arried - breath breath - e fioxxerie and kets a an

: June June s e

11 1 ,1 1 1 4

0 1 1 th 7 Beer Booth o o B r e e B ☆ Concessi hs th o o B n io s s e rjce c a h n C o C f O ☆ s e m a G ☆ Moon Walk a W n o o M ☆ , 1 1 c f i r v i i i i i i , 2 1 Fri.~Sat.-Sun. , 4 1 & 3 1 i June e n u J . B E I R C Y T M U M M O C E H T ------Ann-— Arbor —p\ -.:------Rd. CANTON FAIR Joy Rd. W arren Rd. r- FORD RD. at LILLEY Ford a> JZ CO 10,1981

PAY Under The ONE Big Top

Filled with delicious food and great PRICE merchandise from your . . . Saturday Only Canton M erchants

Canton Jaycettes

11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. W orld Book Jaycettes

Ride ALL The Rides AS MANY Centennial C.B. TIM ES A S YOU WANT Peoples Church

Anderson M usic Co.

Special Thanks to: Canton Kiw anis Don M assey for the use Jew elry & Leather Hatbands of his property. Canton H istorical Society Canton Tow nship N ew X-Pressions

Coppercraft Guild

Teens 15-18 years & Adults Canton Police Crim e Tired of waiting for Driver Education? Approved by the Dept, of Education & the Secretary Prevention & Bike Safety of State :f Now 3 or 4 week Class Canton Fire Departm ent !| lylany M any M o r e ! ! ! CHECK OUR CALL LOW PRICE 455-4747 DRIVING SCHOOL INC. Plymouth Area React Team In Parking Lot 5948 Sheldon Rd. - Kroger's Harvard Square Classes Held in the H. & R. Block Income Tax Office THE COMMl'NITY CRIER: Juui Mi. 1981 § J Canton Jaycee Fair. Above kids enjoy a night ride on a photo by Robert Cameron) Robert by photo a on ride night a enjoy kids Above Fair. Jaycee Canton FUN IS HAD BOTH DAY AND NIGHT at last'years traditional fair attraction, the merry-go-round. (Crier (Crier merry-go-round. the attraction, fair traditional last'years at NIGHT AND DAY BOTH HAD IS FUN Jaycee Jt1 a ir—tun to r kids ot kids r to Jt1 ir—tun Jaycee a IS MATIRIAL A I R I T A M A S I I R I N T Ordinary stains don’t really protect Cupnnol Hollt r lllst« o ,H it as protects itwater only beautifies, repels brands, let water soak in and destroy wood in destroy letand soak water brands, wood against mildew, watermarking, mildew, watermarking, against wood Stain andWoodStain aigadrt

9 v s p p e r 9j n i n i N ■ f 2 2 • 5 3 7 0 - 2 U H Sll UM Mii RUCMM Sflklt iMT M i > — n r

1-275 F O T S E W A V E N U E J U S T A A T S U J E U N N E A V A IG H IC M N O NUTES S E T U IN M W E F Week Days Days 8-5:30 Week Sat. 8-Noon Sat. Hours

^fanton Police Crime Prevention Unit and Bike Safety, Canton Fire Fire Canton Safety, Bike and Unit Prevention Crime Police ^fanton coufitry fair are moving into Canton. into moving are fair coufitry something for the whole family will be there. be will family whole the for something runs it Saturday on p.m., 10p.m. 11 to at noon closes from and Sunday p.m. on 4 and 11, at to 11 opens from it Friday p.m. iealterdsfo 1 am o5pm | p.m. 5 to 11 a.m. from rides the all ride World Book Childcraft. Canton Jaycettes, Centennial CB. Peoples Peoples Hat­ CB. Leather & Centennial Jewelry Kiwanis, Jaycettes, Canton Co., Canton Music Anderson Childcraft. Loren Church, and Book Bodenmiller World Carol Larson, Stephen Padget, Robert trustees Bennett each take turns in the dunk tank. dunk the in turns take each Bennett bands, Canton Historical Society. New X-Pressions, Coppercrafi Guild, Guild, booths. Saleway Coppercrafi Picture and X-Pressions, New Department Society. Historical Canton bands, Roads. Lilley Ford-and of corner southwest the at located 14, dunk tank, which will allow fair-goers to immerse their favorite Canton Canton favorite their immerse to fair-goers allow will which tank, dunk trustee, j Here, two of last year's participants show the end result of a good good a of result Cameron) end the Robert show by photo participants (Crier year's thrOw. last of two j Here, trustee, h Fi,oes t pm Wdedy n Tusa,ad lss t 10 at closes Thursday,-and and Wednesday p.m. 4 at opens Fair, The the be will Sunday this Fair the at attractions PRIME THE OF ONE Throughout the fair will be a big top tent. Under the big top will he he will top big the Under tent. top big a be will fair the Throughout to 10 June Fair, Jaycee Canton old-fashioned annual good the a at of had be will staples fun of the all Loads and Top Big the food, Rides, hr’ pet t d ad e, o oe u ad ae go tm -- time good a have and out come so see, and do to plenty There’s and $5 pav can fair-goers whereby rate special a feature will Saturday "D unk Your Local Trustee Day” will he the Sunday feature, when when feature, Sunday the he will Day” Trustee Local Your unk "D Sunday. for out watch But ages - | PC,. j 21 Summer Program 10. 1981 Junr CKIEH: Tn LN M JM i THk t 7 ° O n I Special Rate Coupon O r r i ! Two Consecutive Court hours for the price of one AO Day

No Additional Coupons A ccepted with this Coupon

R om - S h o re s * * Racquetball \— 41677 Ford Rd. • Canton 981 3 0 8 0 2 f o r 1 2 f o r 1 . EXPIRES Sept. 1. 1981 -O ------Bordine's Farm Market


U -P tC K Strawberries Pumpkins String Beans Tomatoes Variety of Squash Cabbage Peas Sweet Spanish Onions Broccoli Pickles White Half Runner Peppers Flowers and Tendercrop We Are Now Picking Strawberries

N t%»<»en Road AH of the Above On the Stand tn Season i § Corner of Ford & Ridge Road i 5 Ford Reed Two Mites West of Meijers Thrifty Acres X » ■? AREA RESIDENTS JOIN THE FUN at last year's Canton Jaycee Fair with Phone: 495-1098 MirFil^e Aw a ride on the bump-um cars. (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) after 6 P.M. ddeis of Daiyce c%rk v f o r . *Summer Introduction To Dance

Summer Session Begins June 29 Presently taking enrollment •Ballet/Toe*Tap* Jazz* Pre-School • Hawaiian •Gymnastics* Baton •Singing* Drama

Phone: 455-0720 6034 Sheldon Rd. (Harvard Square Shopping Center) Canton

J f a s t f a s t free delivery fa s t, free delivery Domino's Pizza thinks that 30 min Free 30 minute delivery and 10 utes is as long as anyone should minute pick-up service have to wait for a pizza Our drivers carry less than S1Q Off a large, 2-item pizza! < £2 00 off a n y i f . 2 tten" o r m ore puta TWO FAIR GOERS TURN UPSIDE DOWN at last year's Canton Jayoec one -Oupon per p.?za Fast, F ree Delivery \ DOMINOS Fair, enjoying one of the many rides and other attractions. This year's fair is * Expires: 7252 Sheldon expected to be'bigger and better. (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) 6/24/81 4 5 3 -3 0 4 0 PIZZA I______THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 10,1981 B g Imported Beer & Wine. Party Trays, Giant Party Subs, Sandwiches Subs. Sandwiches Subs, Party Giant Trays, Party Wine. & Beer Imported A S I V Graduation Special Graduation Kowalski Meats. Homemade Salads £r Pierogies. Keg Beer, Liquor Liquor Beer, Keg Pierogies. £r Salads Homemade Meats. Kowalski % 0 1 a Subs b u S t ian G Expires 6-21-81 Expires ry ray T arty P (4 (Look over our extensive line of nursing apparel) nursing of line extensive our over (Look p c s . o f C h i c k e n , B r o o s t e d o r F .F . P o t a t o e s , S lo w & R o ll) ll) o R & w lo S , s e o t a t o P . .F F r o d e t s o o r B , n e k c i h C f o . s c p u to ratd hce Dinra Our innersat D Chicken Broasted two Buy y r r N R E T A M e h T p i h s n w o T n o t n a C d n a a e r a a i n o v i L e h t 9 y u B s or eua Pie Gt h Tid Dinner Third the Get Price, Regular _£ NewManagement Speciql g n i v r e S s n o i t a c o L t n e i n e v n o C 4 1 2181______Deli & Vtine Shoppe ff O a CWCXENRKS 8 T O ETR M T S E W K p o T "Your One Stop Shoppe" Stop One "Your AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY LENDER H a Stra Banking Saturday Day AH 7305 Lilley Rd. at Warren at Rd. Lilley 7305 Drive-In Hours. Hours. Drive-In NATIONAL BANK s e r i p x E n o p u o C ig Rw Canton Row, Kings FREE 421 -8200 421 e u g o V y t i n r e t a M ______off % 0 2 t a Counhy 459-5910 2 everything for the expectant m other ' other m expectant the for everything 459-0260 CHf% . q r R a t t a s t n a p ^ s r e n n i D MICHIGAN mit im L 3 ■ I Expires *21-81 *21-81 Expires ■I Locations i i 11 at our Regular Price, get the third the get Price, Regular our 11at i FREE i i !i 11 Buy Two Subjs or Sandwiches or Subjs Two Buy 11

8 m - m. a 6 e c i o h c R u o y f o P - 20-81 ie l If) l \i:es e c i r 8

p.m. p.m. n a

(J r r q 2 [Free2 Ijmit Ijmit I Expires 6/20/81 Expires Member FD1CMember

Kowalski t s 0 ° r 3 r0 Sausage ______

| 1 Kin; j _ _ f_ [ on io h s a f 7387 Lilley Road Lilley 7387 5 5811 459 5 6 11 -61 459 Way ToGo 2 5 2 % lt Bad Names Brand ality u Q “See mefor home, car, life, health Like a good nighbor, nighbor, a good Like A T AFFORDABLE PRICES AFFORDABLE T A State Farm is Farm there. State odche*Lee* c* J r u n Jo o * B ic h * C e e * L e h Jordac r e d r o g n i m o c n i h t i w d e t n e s e r p e b t s u m p o p u o C andbusiness insurance!’ 3 7 FOR FOR

: £sRow Cleaners 5 Lle d 459-8585 Rd.p5 Lilley with this Coupon this with lae & Pressed Cleaned i L . a u . 3 a G apes e p ra D 2 0 % off % 0 2 l Anchill h c n A ell N sses e s is m y l u J s e r i p x E atn M. 48187 Mi. Canton, f Dresses off 35 ily Rd. Lilley 7365 8810 1 8 -8 9 5 4 i e ric P . g e R & & 1 e g r a L - a r t x E H°°o , 1981 oeOfc: loigo, llliipois Bloomington, HomeOffice:

uni s r io n ju State Farm Insurance Compan Insurance Farme$ State

zza z iz P Expires ( r/25/81

1 ' 10,1981 June CRIER: COMMUNITY & THE £ J o y

in Irs.— W a r r e n r L ille y L ille y & 2 ! | | H a g g e r t y w arren F o r d

CHOICE A m erican Fam ily C hiropractic C enter MON. FRI.: 1 0 : 0 0 am to 7:00 pm ^M E A T I SATURDAY 9:00 am to 6 . 0 0 pm 11 Danger Signals To Your Good Health N o C h a r g e Initial C hiropractic Exam L ^ Pain in the Chesl (Reg. C harge $20.00) John's Butcher Block Stiffness or Pam in Lower Back All necessary X -rays will be billed 7233 LILLEY ROAD to your Insurance carrier CANTON. MICHIGAN 48187 T tied Hips and Legs t i i » For an A ppointm ent FRFF7.f r o r d e r s o u r s p e c i a l t y Call 459-8010 . -I ! 453-2771

J im Lough 7365 Lilley Rd. Canton, .Mi. 48187 Farmer Frank’s 4 5 9 -8 6 6 0 GRAND “See me for car, home, life, health OPENING

and business insurancer I a June 19th j U A II (ARM Fresh Produce Daily State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois 9 a . m . ‘ t o 6 p.m . M on.-Sot. Closed Sun.

(313) 453-4380 6 Days a W eek M o n . - S a t . 9 :30-7:00 Closed Sun.

(ftountnj (drafts Sc (Hurls BEAUTY SALON-GIFTS O riental F ood & G ifts

7357 Lilley Rd. Canton, Mi. 48187 Michelle Stewart

Professional Dog Grooming All m eeds M H t W i l c o x i J ! > ! ) & £ i J J > . Runners U nlim ited Complete Line of Pets and Supplies New Balance Shoes 420 S ale price 3 5 .9 5 r e g . $44 99 7349 N. Lilley Rd. 660 S ale price 4 2 .9 5 r e g $ 54 .9 5 Kings Row Strapping Center 730 S ale price r e g $ 70.00 i 459-8770 5 6 .9 5 B uy O ne Fish G et O ne All New Balance O N S A L E Clothing Nikes & Brooks of Equal V alue FR E E 20% off G uaranteed Low est Prices In M etro A rea THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 10,1981 £ In ju re d Lately? d re ju In W, 97 1- Across rom K- rt a -m K m o fr s s o r c A 11-5 . n u S 9-7 F , W . M with back with CHOPS PORK CENTER CUT RIB CUT CENTER Mon.-Sat. 9 am-9 pm am-9 9 Mon.-Sat. Sunday 10 am-5 pm am-5 10 Sunday TR HOURS STORE 3 5 Hget*Pyot* 455-7560 9325 Haggerty* Plymouth* RS FYR PARTS FRYER FRESH

uo cietS ecialist Sp Accident Auto re’ Compensation orker’s W ye f nuis a psil cause possibly can injuries of type ice nre. hrpatr correct nerves. Chiropractor pinched nerves. pinched Injuries to your spine no matter what matter no spine your to Injuries MARKET Al I ur esAcept d te p cce A s N ce n IO ra T A su T In L U ll S N •A O C E E R F • Famiy lan P t n e m y a P ily m a •F Personal f ng Needl y) ly s s le d e e N g in r ffe u S hrpatc elh Clmic Health Chiropractic Arbor Rd R r o b r A n n A MEATY FRyER MEATY BREAST with Wing with 464-0330 3 3 0 - 4 6 4 •


4 *

Birmingham theatre cast 75 Salem 75 graduate joins John M edrick of Plymouth. of edrick M John at St. Joseph M erry Hospital Hospital erry M Joseph St. at George LalYnta of Phneuit! Phneuit! of M LalYnta ami George Ausgrav of Scharicr at seven pounds, seven seven pounds, ounces. seven at weighing seven pounds, three ounces. three pounds, seven weighing was recently put on by on put recently was granddaughter e>i Mr. am I Mrs. Douglas Douglas Mrs. am e>i I Mr. granddaughter by Robert Cameron) Robert by rc Shee o Hs Tva, m the ami as, Tav Hast of Schaefer Bruce vlnMrhosfut n it rd lp tTne col (Crir School. Tanger at claps grade fifth and fourth Marchio's Evelyn the Little Profn-sor Bonk Gen|ter.Bonk Profn-sor theLittle h ad the role in Chicago bpt chose to go go to chose bpt Chicago in role the ad h n fu female. four and dram a scholarship when sfie graduated graduated sfie when scholarship a dram portrays. said she girl” character cheerleader-type show. yer\ w D to according school, Catholic a in up growing about he Ral Rfet a te Bir­ the at ” ? p U Reflect Really Shoes rm ae ad et n o Eastern to on went a and received Salem She from Plymouth. in up grew to of instead school to back with have students confrontations the and " is one of the principal principal the of one is " although Ralansky, the cast of " D o Black Patent L eather eather L - tre a e Patent h T Black ingham m o D " of cast the E ddie Ryan (Scotf\Ellis), ap d is his story story his on is d ap focuses stpry (Scotf\Ellis), he T Ryan ddie E priests.^ and nuns Dwyer, who plays Ralansky. plays who Dwyer, Plym outh Salem High School has joined joined has School High Salem outh Plym h i te agtr f r ad Mrs. and Mr. 2, of e daughter n Ju the is horn She was Schaefer Ann Julie lsa u Merc Ry mmeg th ergu m im N n ya R edrick M Sue elissa M She is the d au g h ter of of ter h g au d the is She Melissa Sue M edrick was was edrick M Sue Melissa THE ELECTRIC SUNSHINE a play on the life of Thomas of life the on play a SUNSHINE ELECTRIC THE There are eight eight are There A singer, actress and djancer, Dwyer Dwyer djancer, and actress singer, A Ralansky is a " d u m b , , b m u d " a is Ralansky who reen, G Leali replacing is Dwyer story a is Shoes” eather L t n te a P " 1975 a Dwyer, Linda ui n cafr u Mihe Grath cG M ichael M aul P Schaefer nn A Julie ne t e spee io ay la p dison E t presen ts den stu anger T community community part of Nancy Nancy of part cles, four male male four cles, Bob Johns and Gail Maloney’s fifth grade fifth Maloney’s Gail and Johns Bob e fem ale lead, lead, ale fem e ld one-half alnd iiring with the with iiring we o the of Dwyer iorn Mav 29 29 Mav iorn silly, pretty, pretty, silly, a t o Mihgn nvriy grdaig ih a with raduating g University, ichigan M of ate u rad g . wes o| owners i. Mrs. ami r. oe, said roles,” arca and 'atricia w eighing in in eighing w dram a major. She perform ed two two ed perform She major. a dram t pyad S i Nashville in USA Opryland at Actors Renaissance T h eatre in the the in eatre h T the in 1’ g in o G Renaissance Not m P the Actors But e had M Dwyer Calling Saugatuck. in pany om C G ianetti, is the m ale understudy for the the for understudy ale m the is ianetti, G T h e a te r according to Dwyer, and per per and Dwyer, to according r te a e h T m erstock at the Red Barn T h eatre eatre h T Barn Red the at ents plishm erstock m accom recent She says she d id n ’t have too manv manv Randv too husband, er H have it. with ’t iliar n id fam d was she says She week, two on Saturday, two on on two Saturday, on two week, lune night, opening her before days in the Attic T h eater in Detroit. in eater h T Attic the in uscaloosa’s "T in girl” e h T " of role three supporting male characters in the the in characters male play. supporting three she because role, the learning s problem and one each night Tuesday Tuesday night each one and Renaissance C enter, and has perform ed ed perform has and enter, C Renaissance Friday.! form ances have been extended to ,July to extended been have ances form o aaiy rws t h Br nhm ingham Birm the at crowds capacity to Canton. He* weighed eight poun poun ounce's. seven eight He* weighed Canton. aul t home-.at Samuel, Hospital Mercy Joseph St. at Arbor. He- Arbor. isthe- Ma of son second Michael J. Mc( >rath of Devons Devons of Mc( >rath J. Michael Ann in Hospial Mercy Joseph Cam elot Dr., Canton. He weigh weigh He pounds. eight Canton. Dr., elot Cam rnprnsaefo isconsin. W from are grandparents Linda and George NimmergU NimmergU George and Linda T here are eight perform an an perform eight are here T Dwyer was cast in the role only three three only role the in cast was Dwyer ' r al ihe la a 3-\ear-ol«l 1 a lias Michael Paul horn was Mcrath G ichael M Paul Rvan has one sister, H eathe eathe H sister, one has Rvan Mav born was George Ryan Patent Leather Shoes” is perform ed ed perform is Shoes” Leather Patent L a f r f r f nld sum- include

Cl I! t 30

Edison Arbor to to Arbor ss, and ss, Sunday, Sunday, per res rv through seasons seasons

s and ds ie in lire photo n Ann Ann n i at in d roth of th, June*4 O ther ther O S S at St. St. at and 5 6 H er. . . IS


SAVE Commercial Residential hours of backbreaking labor with high presure cleaning •screened! enclosures 15% O F F \ •pool decks *and much more, washing & waxing CALL NOW Mobile Homes & Siding HYDROBLAST 662-4312 Insured

PhjHtMiili TIME executive COIN INVESTMENTS Plans set for arts and crafts show Service MAKING PLANS for The Fall Festival Arts and Crafts Show held annually B id Bewtd A ucim at Central Middle School are Committee Chairpersons for the Plymouth Your Private Office Community Arts Council (from left front row} Joan Engl chart, Martha Ahern, turn in ebbed! Barbara Sprague, Pam Mincher, Doris Chatterley and Jan Gatoni, (badk row Space and Staff from left} Mary Elizabeth, Dea Schulte, Janet Repp, Toni King, Sherri Lewis, Cm e U and atk Donna Harwood, Therese Gall, Jan Carney, Sharon Rucinski, Pat Cen- This worry free, cost efficient method offers a tofanti, Nancy Cooper, Alice Chrenko and Jan Quick. (Crier photo by Phyllis abeuldebut*. successful business Redfern} like image instantly, Buying Silver Dollars

by providing . . . 1^35 and before \ and belter Voters reject millages 2-1 •Your Private Office $11.00 ua. cont. from pg. 1 •Your Reception Area double millage defeat in Monday’s •Your Permanent Staff SI I! TO MAUKKT eight certified for the race) to carry a election, Superintendent John Hoben •Modem Office Equipment Also B aring voting precinct was Washburn, who split said, "While if is' obviously disap­ •Phone Answering Service the Farrand precinct with Harper and pointing, ihe number of votes by which •Secretarial Service Sih'rr C oins (1964 and hr fora) won the Starkweather precinct. . the additional mill and • the Headlee a n d C o l d Washburn was fourth in the race with a rollback were defeated is clear indication PftjMiuiili Executive Semiice total of 903 votes. that we will have to make the best of the . „ 1 I >*. Above the Plymouth Landing 1 >.t, i N, v, Imr^ti ft if Voters followed a pattern set over the millage we now have. W e will do this, I !No;n;t. Ml t81.'>t last two school elections, by not reelecting using the cutback priorities as deter­ 340 N. Main. Plymouth an incumbent to the board. They did not, mined by the board. 4555353 ttvl -.VMtt Hil, lur^hi however, follow a long-standing tradition It wilj certainlv not be an easy year for ^ " r —r- \nd n.h | of passing a school millage request. us, but, like many others in these hard In a post mortem session following the economic times, we will do the best job we Plvmouth-Canton' Community Schools can with the funds we have.” Plymouth police chief N O W O P E N says he is feeling better FARM MARKET Complete Line Of Fresh

Plymouth Police Chief Tim Ford, failure. F R U I T & stricken vyith a debilitating illness that "It means that my heart is only working with 75 per cent efficiency even has kept him away from his post for over a VE GETABLES month, now savs he’s feelingbetter. with treatment,” said Ford. Ford added that he gets out and covers F re sh Bale ed Bread & Bakery Daily "I’m feeling fine,” he said Monday at least three miles daily in his exercise (No Preservatives) evening. "I’m pretty much under the routine. Other than that he’s doing a little Cloverdale Products Michigan Strawberries control of my doctors. I’m seeing two reading. . different people each week.” "I imagine if I’m hot back soon the city Ford’s leading health problem at this will have to make some kind of move,” he stage is "coronarv insufficiency. It is an said concerning his position with | PLANT SALE inability of the coronary arteries to Plymouth. "The important thing to be Mix or Match deliver an adequate blood supply to the watchful of is the inherent stresses in the A n n u a l Perennials & Rock Garden myocardium, which could result in heart job,” he added. Vegetables $ J V I P l a n t s v — 5 9 Shade Plants 18 plants to a flat Peltz 5 9 * Tray pots ■f N U R S E R Y ' S T O C K . r ...

% ; ■* t- l i s ; ({ f "Tte-S

■'-rr\ -,v W- *« ./• • ■ THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 10,1981 g J hi l l probobl ess s le e b ly b o b o r p ill w e g a ile m y a w h ig h l a u t c A ve, ti p l h. th g n t le s a f ip r t w o d h n h a o s n g io in it d d n n e o p c e d r e e h g t a a e ile w m , e e te iv r d r u e o f y if d t e g han the ghway Esti ." e t a im t s E y a w h ig H " A P E e h t n a th rr MPG of ces You may a m u o Y . s^ icle h e v r e h t o f o G P M d e M r ir t s E A P E Compare these esti o the h t to s e t a im t s e e s e h t e r a p m o C : r e b m e m e R ‘ • iTOYOTA 87Was enaw, ianti n siia p Y , w a n te sh a W 2867 j Was j Washtenaw Washtenaw County s Largest Import Dealer ] im w w Mie o S-23 U of t s a E ile M 1 O y W o w . d — l w * h a r g a a . i t w W n o - 'Up 10%to 'Up oH I F F O % 0 1 TRUCK! PRICE! RIGHT R U nArbor A nn A k rborland CornerWashtenawof & OS-23 | AnnArbor " G u id e d to u r s & E x p la n a tio n s s n tio a n la p x E & s r u to d e id u G Nowthrough Saturday, June 13 Pi ures on Diply lay isp D n o s e r tu ic P ‘ o Viua Slde w o h S e lid S al isu V io d u A - m m w Dealer || _ L

e Than n a h T re o M e e S 1 0 0 R ockw ell ell ockw R 0 0 1

1 4-Wheel Drive 14-Wheel 5-Speed Transmission 5-Speed 2-Wheel Drive 2-Wheel Long Beds Standard Beds Standard Immediate Delivery Immediate 13 Models Expires Jym Expires 13 Models ON ALL TRUCKS ALL ON


TRUCKS AVAILABLE DIESEL 1 N M 3 .have only two stations, stations, two only .have com puter language, nonclhijlcss have a a have nonclhijlcss language, univc ore m puter the com for equipped classes. up the for double and dem must and qipd ih an with equipped alo’]cmue class computer Carlson’s] etr aaiiy o gahc. n ad- In graphics. for capability reater g rem em bers with a sigh. a with bers em rem n nrdcin n flo-p "In n I " proh from follow-up. runs and struelion introduction an own com pany, D elta Software, elta D pany, com own also donated a lot of lime to u to lime of lot a donated also ayne W the with sharing grading. class for er th o an language, m anipulation of d of files." anipulation m language, tdnsi h rga . program the in students was instrum ental in getting start. getting which good in a to off Union, ental redit C instrum was Federal unity m Com hern has that one is written through flow charting,” expl expl charting,” flow through the district’s library system system library district’s the room puter com the past walked ple, exam j . awav. right them get can " a n d includes com m ands ands m com includes d n a " into it," he recalls. Now, Pinter runs his his runs Pinter Now, recalls. he it," into emeit col District,” School ediate lerm has he s program puter com any m the indeed, d an field, that in instruction offer point out the obvious successes of the the of successes obvious to the however, out quick, is He point seniors," ill to Carlson. limit ents uch lam m pretty to forced in his sophom ore vear. " I jsaw so manv manv so jsaw I " vear. ore sophom his in been has Carlson, n h Jo hv the of one arket, m job shrinking a d an have lim ited sp are and equ ip m en t we are are we t en m ip equ and are sp ited lim have people having fun that that fun having people classes the wants who everyone not that Plym outh-C anton’s C entennial Education Education entennial C anton’s outh-C Plym been industry. has fields ing boom few Park (CEP) does just that. just does (CEP) Park 31 students enrolled inj the computer program. The computer class is very is class computer The for iind aro go program. which computer terminals inj the computer enrolled seven only students has 31 CEP Carlson. John ure coe competition close curries Students above are worlung on a computer graphics project. (Crier pi loto by pi (Crier loto project. graphics computer a on worlung are above Students aBdn) , • DanBodene) enroll. to students from requests 400 had —Carlson year CEP at last popular " B u t G eorge Lawton at the the at Lawton eorge G t u B " ■ In an econom y long beset bv recession recession bv beset long y econom an ■ In T he Apple II units, al al units, II Apple he T uet wr a svn s seven at work tudents S porm cnit o to lse - - classes two of consists program e h T hr tdns o w now students ther O te l sse w system old the r e d n U " for [Pinter, David senior anton C at program puter com e h T " S o many kids want the class, since we we since class, the want kids many o S " It m akes sense, therefore therefore sense, akes m It STUDENTS WORK STUDENTS E N E D O B N A D Y B Apl II pple 'A 1 decided to look look to decided r fr the for ork C E P, headed headed P, E C o successful so puter com the tejr rain g [the jiro s. alo uses Carlson |em solving solving |em ^arlson savs. savs. ^arlson rdt union credit , and am ong being in som ething that’s joh-ori i*ntcd. joh-ori that’s ething som in being ong am and , lit ions, each each lit ions, time- ■ used f the basic basic the f County . In- .In- County ht schools that a n data and ta Carlson, ins hough not not hough adopted bv bv adopted a Fortran sal e used to to used e o puter. com ‘ APPLE II’' at the CEP computer class tai by light class computer CEP the at II’' ‘ APPLE Carlson f the of Park concerts planned concerts Park i i smehn ta gvs a gives that ething som is his T students.” t u h personal satisfaction." personal whenever they can get ten min >tes in in >tes min ten get can Slav *v h they T " whenever says. Carlson puters,” com wo here for hours after school, at lunchtim e, e, lunchtim hen*." at school, after hours for here xiig e pieces. new exciting agr helps me find some from his group of of group his from some *sJohn etim find om "S me Rakozy. helps savs people," donates not only time and expertise, expertise, and time only not donates Special Friehd; and July 30, T ha ha T 30, July and Friehd; Special rdtoa fvrts s el as well as favorites traditional ind as rts fa occasional^ hut savs, Carlson require not dept quite are do time*and puter they com dition, or Rita Kiefer De Santis at 227-0185. at Santis De Kiefer Rita or O ur H onored Sponsors; Julv 23 23 Julv Sponsors; onored H ur O dav Jui^e 25 beginning at at beginning 25 Jui^e Shinn W asalaski al 459-7797, 459-7797, al asalaski W Shinn h emories. M the Rakozy of C om puter Connection,^ Ine. Ine. Connection,^ puter Larrv o om C of goes savs, he Rakozy credit, the of uch M othk*r concerts will he July 2, Battle Battle 2, July he will othk*rconcerts Rakozy, d Plymouth Tow nship resident, resident, nship Tow Plymouth d Rakozy, class ol 1971. T he reunion will he he will reunion he T 1971. ol class B radhurn H aarz at 459-1949 or 459-5666, 459-5666, or 459-1949 at aarz H radhurn B e" miniscing. em "R he Freedom ; July 9, All T hat Jazz; Jazz; hat T All 9, July ; Freedom h Pyot Hlo, n te the the and Hilton, Plymouth the Hello Sum m er. Them es and dale dale and es Them er. m Sum Hello night,' hursday T Park Kellogg at wil^start reunion for the Pl\m outh High High outh Pl\m the for reunion T here seem s to he no shortage at C E P - P E C at shortage no he to s seem here T e ad a shdld plenty- scheduled has hand he T reciprocal a have men two Tii<- t 5 kd haig n the on heating kids 150 ith W " Class of ’71 to meset ’71 to of Class will concerts six of series he T For m ore inform ation contact contact ation inform ore m For series ronreijl hand park er m sum he T Last call announcing the the announcing call Last 1 ustrv is finding enough q ia!ified ia!ified q enough finding this in is problem e h T " ustrv sorts. of ent cem Som e of these kids are addi rtrd to to rtrd addi are kids these of e Som I’ srrsd" ags Carlson. laughs surprised," ’m I , epe hn Im on a gre a doing I’m think People ts h kd - ie’e inlere* ihev’re - kids the it’s 8 p.m.

opr 0 1 j j idable. idable. everv m td in sted k for nks at job, job, at buying buying e will me l 16, uly held a a I held Peggie School School \c a r r a \c f the of o of lot Crv of of Crv n with with n of the the of T o a a o T some Liz Liz

*- »#iljlfc'? | !■’ t » i( y k e « < i l u i C li i lu t f ') . S ic ft L- i j »*. • a. ' 'Pc,. ■•l<1:v 9-i^ttf^-S -A ..a£4 C oncert to feature

n £ u s ! P a r s c; v * f i c c i .<•

■ I ’ - I , ■ • V. - | i■ • . [-■ I i I ! . : I | ' ■ ■ ; i. I i > M Mil li l u to ’ \ e ! i a in I ■! I ■ a ( mi, ■ • , n a I be i'i \ u !■ m t! i ( .i a n i mi: i (t \ Band. : I 11 c ''a n il! . ~ i ■ I t *i . |. 11 I . 11 t | . m . « i i I .; ..swff , i r ■ i .nl! . i;r' a 11 11 - i i ' " i 11. i k' IB iw ilii t} i - p I .i \ a i.i !' I. pi OV •'!. d !'\ I ,.| a i "1 I \ ( ;--- ^nnf 01 JfH 186T H '.. x, x.&« In ' '. m • a I !111an' i - iI■ 11■ ■ s ,. j,, |.., . - .-' V ,. ■ - and I lie ' ,i i 'In i w I i ic:111 i~ \ "ii \ *■ t ■ 11; t r * x x f X- x * a -lame W ;i\ . liui'r'v • -.. v: f f f -% €K?ft $ ‘7'''' - - "■ ;V££e <- ^ javcees are seeking fireworks sponsors

Vh rn- hj !i .1 a\ i c v U «mid 1ike l. ) II1.1ki' flii' V i Ml i' "til I ii ni In \ In (•W i n k - New city emergency vehicle set to roll dispk l\ [OISSIId". 1 -|io iL"iir, t H e n »lip 11! IMA MOt'TH CITY FIRFMFN officially accepted the Vtehmeyer and Ralph J. Kenyon -and City Manager lint 1 tic\ [Iced . tielp 1 ftr x.ll" W "1 1,1' keys to a new, fully-equipped emergency vehicle last Henry Graper, .|r.. looked on. jFhe ,ncw emergent^ <»r-. lo 1 ll tid 1 i week. Mayor Mary Childs presented the keys to Fire vehicle cost $30,000. The altiiiiinuni hody is loaded with veat ' 1 i n •w uk' i 1 11 f pa! d\ miles. W<- dll 11 nr n [t rnr mil>S 1 llljl.’' Chief Roy Hall while City Commissioners Mark equipment to handle most any medieal eniergrno . Mik flank < i \ • \ 1 In■ ( or*-. ICrier photo hy Dick.ltrownf Sl\ " ■ 1 ! i h ■" u< i .hi 1 i lid Hm d. 'If H- . W 1 W| ' i II 1 i..- d> C 1" n 11 iHI 1 If 't j<"\ ^\rot Plymouth police to get new patrol car i i l ,i : d" : 1I 1 id it . U r woll ' l i,■ 1 ! .11 i li Phmmilh s Police Department will hr Ilir \rlnclr was purchased li\ the CurrentB 111<■ department m in need \ t ■ i j->() ( U M i i f 11111 11 and two I ’I v o i, i a 11; \londav night tor the pnreha-e ot a IdBJ Br.ipcr Jr., it the nt\ put out hid' jor a . Buick LaSahre from Dirk Scot! Bunk. m car ot tin' -a me ealiher the eo-1 would he that ha\ < co. i 1 |ie < il\ v ! .)! i; i in moi. e if! 1 h I’I\ rnou t it. I or SB i JB. clu-er to IcUWlirr work U 1 1 Ijie pa-1 *•> d i \ •

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L. ,' Ws‘v & V . O 0 | / PLYMOUTH ice Cones PRODUCE f r o m C l o v e r d a i e MARKET A tradition since r \:tii i iff': i This Week Special

i : I U i < f | ■! ■ 1 ’ C u c u m b e r s lou rmisf Bring fhfad 6 for ( atsh ortiv. Fresh Baby's Breath $ 1 . 0 0 $ 2 .7 5 3 bimih \ f !| re ' j i! j \ ID. if

Stop and see us at l KJ Cfi t open air market Ptym outh Ann Arbot T aii ■ Proctuce P l y m o u t h ...... M arket H i l t o n •o Q OPEN 365 DAYS A YEAR Ann Arbor R l •*SL^ I n n DAILY 7 30 10:00 SUr\i 8 :0 0 ’ 0 00 I r Jo y Rd 447 FOREST AVE 453-4333 The ChmsTMAs HAVE A GRAPE DAY! S t o r e Open 7 Days f - ore.o A v e n u f 9 GO am to 8:00 pm j Plymouth % 454-232 ? c- - 4 L i

Beautify Your Home ; j 2 S Fr#0 Deiign fir Estimate Call Canton Rec info S Shade Trees fir More c o m m t i Starting June l, the Canton Parks ami crimboii landscape Recreation Department initiated a new contractors, inc. service for tow'nship residents, the nity deaths 50145 ford road "Hotline” program. canton, mtchigan 48187 This recorded m essage will feature up Ju n e 6 at Si. John- Neumann Catholic 4 2 2 -2 0 2 2 to date information on recreation church. Arrangements wen m ade hv Sunday dapands Agosta programs, special events, softball field Lambert Funeral Home. She is survived hv her husband. conditions and other information. Henry Agosta, 79, of Greenview, Michael J.; sons, Stephen, Gregorv and The hotline will be available to call 24 Plymouth, died June 7 at Wayne County Kenneth; parents, Alger anid Pauline hours a dav. The number is 397-8205. General Hospital. Fune ral services were RCP&EUL Ruthig of Gladwin: five hrolhe •s'and four held June 9 at Schrade r FuneTal Home ch7i o ^ S . sisters. with The Rev. Philip Rodgers Magee ta P i m m A former homemaker, rs. Dani officiating. Burial was at Parkview (Pr e -s c h o o l educational p r o g r a m belonged to St. John Neumann •hurrh. ’State licensed Memorial Gardens. ‘Ages 2 £ thru 5 "Part time & Full Time Educational Program He is survived bv His wife, Velma "Call for brochure Bever; sons, Howard of Tulsa, Okla. and "Open 6:30 am to 6:00 pm All Year Wilfred of Des Plaines; 111.; daughter, Smith 44661 Arm Arbor Tfeii Jean Posner of Lapeeij; brother, William Lawrence H. Smith, 54, o Gladwin. addenda Agosta of Sterling Heights; sisters, died May 30 in Gladwin. Funeral services Josephine Castigone. and Margaret were held June 2 at Schrader Funeral & errata Agosta, both of Stefrlihg Heights; ll Home, with The Rev. Winfred A. Koelpin nmoumcAMomi grandchildren an

Gertrude Hobson. 79. of Westland, Forshee died Mav 30 in Wavne. Funerd services Come Worship were held June 3 at Schrader~Funeral Vern P. Forshee, 74, of Laurel Avenue Horn*' with Dr. Stan Jenkins officiating. Livonia, died June 5 jin Hospice of Burial was at Parkview cemctcn . Southeastern Michiga n. Funeral services She is survived hv lu-r sons. Aaron of With Us were held June 8 a Schrader Funeral Plvmouth and Albert; nine grar dehildrcn Home with The Rev. John N. Grenfell Jr. and 2 1 greal grandchildren. officiating. Burial wis at Oakland Hills Mrs. Hobson was a tormer homemaker. Memorial Gardens in \ovil. He is survived by hisj wife, Bertha; Your Guiqe to daughters, Joyce The msop of Northville and Joanne Hutson of Dearborn Heights; Nazarene Church to Local Churches sister, Avis Goodclle jof Kalkaska; Epiphany Lutheran First Baptist Church brothers, Vincent F■orshtje of Hemet, present religious film C h u rc h 45000 N. Territorial Rd. Calif, and Edsel Forsshee of Mesa, Ariz.:. Plymouth, 455-2300 four grandchildren and two great- ] ThcTlv mouth Church of the \azarene. 41390 Five Miie Rd. grandchildren. 41550 L. Ann Arbor Trail, will y« mile west of Haggerty Pastors:Dr. William Stahl present a Forshee was borfi and raised in 420-0877 Rev. John Elliptt film. "In Remembrance.” on Sunday. Pastor Fred Preztoso, 420-0568 Plymouth. He was formerly a heavy June 14, at 6 p.m. Sunday Services: equipment operator for a pniversitv and The Til m captures the unforgettable Sunday W orship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:49am farmed for 22 years on Ann Arbor Road, story of the men who chose t< Nurserv Provided follow a Morning Worship] 11 am four miles west of Plvmouth. He was a Evening Service 6j30 pm voting teacher from Nazareth a nd of the resident of Livonia for|26 vears. Memorial Plymouth Church of Wednesday: Family Night 6:45 pm night that would change thil1 ir world contributions can he sent t< the Michigan forever. the Nazarene People's -Church C ancer Society. The movie is called a film about real 41550 E. Ann Arbor Tr. people, fiercely Jewish, who felt the 453-1525 o f C a n to in doubts, loves, fears and loniincs that are Carl R. Allen, Pastor Reformed Church in America Dani the common bonds-of all humanity-. It is a Plymouth Canton High School recreation of the men and events which Sunday School 9:45 am Barbara Anne Dani, 37 of Canton, died Sunday Services 8:30 am, 11 am, 6 pm surrounded the Last Supper. Sunday School 11: JO am 1 at home June 2. Memorial m iss was held Midweek Service (Wed.) 7 pm Rev. Harvey Henevejd ,981-0499 I Lutheran Church Nursery Availa ale I of the Risen Christ Full Gospel Cjhurch 77 Missouri Synod 291 East Spring years ago Fred D. Scbraeder directed^ 46250 W. Ann Arbor Rd. 2 Blks. N. of M|ain 1 Mile W est of Sheldon 2 Blks E. of Mill St. his first funeral in Plymouth. 453-5252 Pastor: Frank Howard Church 453-0323 Today, three generations later, the Rev Kenneth E. Zielke Home 699-9909 Schrader family is contin aing to Sun. Bible School 10:00am follow those ' principl es p f Sunday Services 8:30 am & 11 am Sun. Worship 11:00am:&6:00 p.m. thoughtful, considerate a n d Sunday School 9:45 arr, Wed. Nite Bible Study 6:30 pm personal service that w ere First U nited G e n e v a Un ited 1 established so long ago. M ethodist Church Presbyterian Church 5 ± 5 2 0 ' Territorial 5835 Sheldon Rd -Canton I -.53 5280 459-0013 N-. 'Venreii. Jr i Worship Service and d -J-euriCK c. vosuurg Church Schoc FUNERAL HOME, !NC mas c "u.mwai' S.30 am & 11 :GC am i* z s o s o u t h Ma i n s t r e e t , P l y m o u t h , 4 5 3 - 3 3 3 3 - 7 Q .jr-. SH'V ice? - „„ % 1 Kenneth Cruebei rOSTOr P « Churcn SchCO: ft Edwin A. Schrader Edwin A. Sen rader, Jr. \ mu------

- - s i t = ■ PG. C >m CRIR: ue 0 1981 10. June : IER R C m > l M M CO E H T g Local realtors join forces

After 30 years in Plymouth, this week Dibble Realty will be joining forces witty the multi-office Schweitzer Real Estate Better Homes and Cardens. Originally known as Stark Realty, when it was located on Pehniman Avenue b\ <9 Schrader’s Furniture, the firm was founded by Howard and Frances Stark. Sam Dibble, Sr. joined the Starks in 1962 after developing the Plymouth Colony Subdivision. The firm continued as Dibble Realty upon the Starks’ retirement in 1965.

* The size of the firm’s original cub­ byhole office -- since 'destroyed bv the Pennim an Avenue fire -- supported its / slogan of "The Biggest Little Office in You Don't Have To Be 1 own. A Supreme Court Justice Dibble’s son, Sam, Jr. joined the firm in 1969. By 1974 he became broker, to make a manager and owner. During this period AL COFFIN AND SAM DIBBLE, Sam, Sr. continued with the firm. JR. In joining Schweitzer, Dibble will be Trail and Forest where it’s been located BURGER closing the present office at Ann Arbor since 1967. It is the second realtor offire (along with McKeon Real Estate) to join V. _ * * iiflgpsV'-V \ the Sterling Heights-based Schweitzer DECISION g g r Realty. I f * In affiliating with Schweitzer, Sam, Jr. will work in an associate broker capacity. His father will continue with another firm VS sc \ Jj specializing in commercial and industrial real estate.

. r r r - getting dow n ) t o rusiness Chamber directory to be released this month

The Plvinouth Community Chamber of Com m ercefs new community directory is almost ready lor printing anti will be available later this month, according to editor Margaret Wilson. "It’s a different tool than The Crier’s Guide to] the Plymouth-Canton . Com­ munity,” savs Wilson, owner of the Penn Theatre. f it will be a tool tor realtors ami industry. Industry will be.able to use SALE it a lot.” l She adds the directory will A ll include such items as a map of Plymouth and listingjs of activities, special functions and businesses. Ceiling Fans “THE BIGGEST LITTLE OF For more information on the directory, FICEINTOWN” call the Chamber at 453-1540. •5 \ r. W arranty •Variable Speed Control •Direct Drive Revrr-ihlc 35 % Off Motor N O W T II K rjn N K 2 7 A cut above. •Whisper Quiet •Saves Energy It's true. No'other mower offers the combin­ •Ma

sixth inning led to led inning sixth the along runner final. Pitcher Danu Pitcher final. RD l’MBE K FRED

hr bs ln drn tfi during line base third GR HSS down CHASES RGER

y Smith's throw to Rumbcrger in the in Rumbcrger to throw Smith's y a double play as Rumberger got the got Rumberger as play double a That story is on page one* (Crier photo by Jay Keenan) Jay by photo (Crier one* page on is story That h gm ta h tmd it a ige Cno played Canton single. a into tumed| he that game the ihp alge yse

Bedford a

regional e

e mt ad h Cif u o a. Cir ht bv photo (Crier jam. a of out Chiefs Keenan) Jay the and Smith get rig o ae hr bs. h nun pcof helped pickoffs ensuing The base. third take to trying unrot tre ad ald nte Bedford another nailed and turned out, runner

o sax rud m tie !< tailed ami ground shakx .on allowed his first hit. A ground ground A hit. first his allowed frame. iv Shmrir Jt Cons Jrtf Srhumariirr. Sieve ended the inning. the ended o ot o hm u o inujfil of out him got out pop s>*eon< the tin* nt in top dav the ige H went Hr single. akd ht srkot m a grjoumi <>i:i a ami strikeout a hut walked, n rn orn tra- thnu threat- souring run anv innings. p liis h firstup unbeaten Dan Smith again-; Th again-; n Smith lln' Dan unbeaten ami Center la', lor regum with the in Malck Dave from Muirs 6-2. Bedford. aiternm Saturday inning fourth thehoti in >-i\ tor runs ploded pitching performance- Satur Satur performance- pitching from Regional W\amiotlr A Class the how to win basebui! game-. tohowbasebui! win crown Chiefs win Sparkling! regional mt pce u hs first his up picked Smith .no aan cmni tw< i n rccm again (.anion In thr first frame, knlli Sto Sto knlli frame, first thr In l* hes 2- o trie on 28-2 Chiefs, Tlx* atn aealta prm< team baseball s Canton r hes lre te Bedh the -larted Chiefs 1 hr Y E YOYES YLE O Y KEN BY 1 f h ae uitrfkfotit

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H » tvM'T CIK u- 0 1981 10. CKIKK: Jum- » «t vJMl'MTV THh

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1981 D istrict am i R egional

Presented w ith Pride C. Cash the Builder Sir Speedy Printing Center P ly m o u th owned & operated by Mike Cassle 4 5 3 5388 41739 Joy Rd. by the follow ing m erchants: 455-2277 Sparrs Greenhouse & Flower Shop 45210 Joy Rd. Don Massey Cadillac P ly m o u th Ann Arbor Rd. at I-275 ! 4 5 3 426 8 A & W Plymouth 453-7500 Leo Calhoun Ford 41001 Plymouth Rd. 208 Ann Arbor Rd. Mayflower Hotef Plymouth Plym. 453-4886 First State Insurance 455 M ain St. 453-1100 905 Penniman, Plym. P ly m o u th LeGaults 459-3434 4 5 3 1620 John Smith 884 Penniman 336 S. Main St. Plym. 455-3650 Burger King Milt Wilcox Plymouth, 455-2040 45114 Ford Rd. Runners Unlimited Canton Big J's T V. 453-6480 Kings Row Shopping Center 560 Ann Arbor Rd. Schulte's Pharmacy 384 Starkweather Lilfey at W arren Plymouth 1307 S. Main Plymouth 4 5 3 -3 0 2 0 Plymouth Puckett Company 455-2880 m e & m r. jo n e s 412 Starkweather Hair Trends Mayflower Hotel Old Village f Hugh Jarvis Gifts 39475 Joy Rd P ly m o u th 1 453-0400 825 W. Ann Arbor Trail Canton, Mi 4 5 9 4900 Ply. 453-0656 459-0404 Red Holman Trading Post Ford Rd. at Wayne Rd. The Community Crier 1009 Ann Arbor Trail i Westland 1226 S. Main P ly m o u th ! 721-1144 Plymouth 453-6900 45 3 -0 0 2 2 ti THE COMMUNITY CIUEK: June 1 0 ,1 9 8 1 f c 'g Mon-Fri 10-9 Mon-Fri u. 12-4 Sun. a. 10-6 Sat. Hours 15 st is L $115 M m Ten Speed®Five Speed®Coaster Speed®Five Ten Shorts®Jackets®Sweaters®T-$Hirts opes Ddo hsseil day. special his on Dad please to wmib- 09 . d R r o b r A n n A 1009 i m m s r m re itu rn u F

Running#Golf#Tennis® Bowling Running#Golf#Tennis® TBAL AL IA C E P S R E P U S LL A B FT O S * n o e f M U

lPato tio a P ll A We have just the right gitt gitt right the just have We T VC >.'V'C r* on Sale on iming n PLYMOUTH . ■■■■ ** * v.. -00 al Glove A-2000 Ball .i ' ' V l v T j >.ii ' O '- ‘ P ost 5 0022 453 874 Ann Arbor Rd. Arbor Ann 874 459-7410 ! - Y f . ' . • ■ ' * * ■ & & :k'- Plymouth lon's n ilso W Brake Best

activities program throughout the week. the throughout planned a has eane of three games. <>ne three of winning week extra base hit for the team when he he scored when ennett B team uane D the triple. for a hit acked sm base extra Baseball League opened its season last last season its opened League Baseball to to th e team ’s lone run. lone ’s team e th R I. C om puw are had four hits as com pared pared com as hits four had are puw om C I. :3<) to 4:30 p.m. M-F. p.m. :3<)4:30 to t pagon program playground its ah lyrud is playground Each Som e of the special events this sum m er er m sum this events special the of e Som wide a offers program seven-week he T T h e playground will also be equipped equipped be also will playground e h T T he program is free of cost an d runs runs d an cost of free is program he T Kingswav Park. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. T, Th; Th; T, p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 Park. Kingswav C om pu w are drops 2 drops are w pu om C p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 -- East Park. indsor W Pickw ick Park. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. T, Th; Th; T, p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 Park. ick Pickw the in included parks Pljavground T Willows. Cottonwoods -- 1:30 to 5:30 5:30 to 1:30 -- Cottonwoods Willows. C arriage Hills. Raul Revere -- 1:30 to to 1:30 -- Revere Raul Hills. arriage C ufoe. :0 o :0 .. . ' F: W', M. p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 Sunflower. M-F; p.m. 12:30 to a.m. 9:50 f^onevtree. Franklin Palmer. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. M. M. p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 Palmer. Franklin iverview the with registration Soccer Fjall T| Biirth (-certificates are also, needed for for needed also, are (-certificates Biirth Ffor m ore inform ation call 455-6620. call 9 ation inform ore Fform nSna tesud efoWet7 19- 7, W'est felflo squad the Sunday On Plymouth- the are, puw om C outh Plym n audy h 'sud el to fell squad ' the Saturday On iranklin Square Park. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 Park. Square iranklin !i 7 \ y s , p_ y, (round program from Ju n e 22 22 e n Ju from program (round he cost for children horn in 1974-76 1974-76 in horn children for cost he to 5:30 p.m., T. Th; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. p.m. 8:30 to 6:30 Th; T. p.m., 5:30 to g g 1 h ot sSI7. I S is cost the 19 age ugh ) at the Plymouth Cultural Center, Center, Cultural Plymouth the ) at ’s 13 hits. Seott Bozvk had the only only the had Bozvk Seott hits. 13 ’s 'all soccer signup soccer 'all he $16, while for other players players other for while $16, he plaver and I.D. cards will be be will cards I.D. and plaver isve Supervised S u m m er er m m u S Supervised isve 13-2. qipd with equipped will offer a a offer will ks nd d an s rk a P 8 ( s.m. to 5 5 to s.m. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. M, W , F. , W M, p.m. 8:30 to 6:30 6:30 to 8:30 p.m . M, W , F. F. , W M, . p.m 8:30 to 6:30 W , F; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. T, Th Th T, p.m. 8:30 to 6:30 F; , W • Ruth Pem bleton, Dolores H olland, olland, H Dolores bleton, Pem • Ruth F; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m-.T, Th. p.m-.T, 8:30 to 6:30 F; ..T,T;63 o83 .. ,V, F. V/, M, p.m. 8:30 to 6:30 ,‘Th; T p.m. 28. C anton High tennis courts on Canton Canton on courts tennis High anton C C enter Road and will go all dav on both both on dav Sunday. all and go will Saturday and Road enter C ent. tournam soring a Doubles T ournam ent |for men, men, |for ent ournam T Doubles a soring three new tennis halls at the start of the the of start the at halls tennis new three women and mixed com petitors Ju n e 27- 27- e n Ju petitors com mixed and women C enter Road. C anton, 48188, 8:3) a.m. to to Friday. a.m. through 8:3) 48188, Monday p.m. anton, 5 C Road. enter C to person in or mail by register can Y ou the Canton Tow nship Parks and and Parks nship Tow Canton the erain prmet will ent epartm D Recreation Recreation D epartm ent. 1150 S Canton Canton S 1150 ent. epartm D Recreation are Silvia Dickinson, N adia AGimpich, AGimpich, adia N Dickinson, Silvia are sets with trophies going to the winners winners the division. to each in up going runners d an trophies with sets Tennis W eek the Canton Canton the eek W Tennis season thus far when she cardeld a a . 48. cardeld she 52. a in when turned far Skotzke thus season six have Taylor Nancy and esnaugh, V acher ssenm eirdre O D while points, seven and Skotzke Lou illiams, W Betty een betw League Golf en’s om W Recreation anton C Canton tennis tourney tennis Canton will play single elim ination, besl of three three of besl ination, elim single play will hre oung. Y Shirley there is a three-way tie for first place place first an. for hapm C tie Denise three-way a is there thus far. thus M argee Faber, M ildred Livingston and and Livingston ildred M Faber, argee M points. Estella Heidt, Barb Z antop, Betty Betty antop, Z Barb Heidt, Estella players from age 16 and up. Participants Participants up. and 16 age from players exchange student K atharina Seiler' won won Seiler' atharina K student exchange aw ards banquet last week and distance distance and week last banquet ards aw runner Kathy Brophy was voted Most Most voted *s. at m was team her bv Brophy Plaver Valuable Kathy runner most improved trackster and G erm an an erm G and trackster improved most the coaches award presented >v coach coach >v presented award coaches the Boh Richardson. Boh oiSued n Pty Rising. Patty and Shufeldt Lori Canterbury Mews. 1:30 to 5:3C p.m. M, M, p.m. 5:3C to 1:30 Mews. Canterbury Griffin Park. 1:30 to 5:30 p.trj. T, Th; Th; T, p.trj. 5:30 to 1:30 Park. Griffin W , M, p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 W'heel. W'agon al3710 o ute nomation. inform further for 397-1000 Call 5:30 to 1:30 Acres. Country Canton 'The registration deadline is June 25. 25. June is deadline registration 'The Forest brook. 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. T, Th; Th; T, p.m. 5:30 to 1:30 brook. Forest Cost is $4 per team plus on:' can of of can on:' plus team per $4 is Cost Com peiliton will take place at the the at place take will peiliton Com T he com petition is open to area'ten n is is n area'ten to open is petition com he T Tied for second place with eight points points eight with place second for Tied After three weeks of league ph y in the the in y ph league of weeks three After 397-1000. call urion inlorm further For As its own contribution to to contribution own its As W illiams shot the best round of the the of round best the shot illiams W Each golfer has collected nin> points points nin> collected has golfer Each Nancy Fant and Betty M urp iv have have iv urp M Betty and Fant Nancy no’ grs em sud ed its held squad team girls anton’s C Co-captians lor next years team will he he will team years next lor Co-captians Freshm an Ida W illiams was toted the the toted was illiams W Ida an Freshm no gik track irk g anton C 3-way tie in lea in tie 3-way N ational ational N Tow nship nship Tow >. spon­ i>c. inie

A £

8 Canton softball standings 10.1081 June CRIER: COMML1MTY THE CANTON TOWNSHIP PARKS C hue Chiropractic 3-2 AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Tayiord Weatherixation 2-3 SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL MIM’s 2-3 THROUGH 6/3/81 Dick Milder Sport* Medicine 2-3 W-L Denny’s Service/Globsi Mobile Home 1-4 MEN’S "A” Jock Shop 6-0 MEN’S "C” A & J Softball Club 6-1 Division One Canton S p oils 3-3 Stans Market 4-1 Canttm Party Store 1-6 - C A M Truck Collision 3-2 McMuiray Insurance 0-6 Oakview Party Store 3-2 Stables Lounge 2-2 MEN’S "B ” K & C Construction 2-3 D ivision One Roman Forum 2-3 Ail Star P to Shop 6-0 Adray o f Canton 2-3 Dana Aqusnest/Stabnick Ins. 4-2 Cherry Hill Chiropractic Clinic 1-3 Jakes Lounge 4-2 Rusty Nail 2-4 Division Two Ovidon 1-4 Canton Bowling & Trophy 4-0 Canton Sports Shop 0-5 Evans Corporation 44) •4 H.p. BRIGGS fir STRATTON Drapery Traditions 2-1 D ivision Two Construction C opters 2-2 ENGINE E.R-A. Trident Real Estate 44 C arinas 1-3 •22" Cu t t in g w id t h Super Bowl 3-2 Ed’s Sports Equipm ent S ales 1-3 Nads 3-2 Plymouth Rock Saloon 1-3 •CONSOLE CONTROLS Sports Page Lounge 2-2 Cartwright Van Lines 0-3 •7 CUTTING HEIGHTS Canton Big Boys 2-3 Cass Electric 0-5 Division Three 30 SELF PROPELLED Howell Industries 441 UNITS Division Three Canton Jaycees 4-0 B u lk -eye 5-0 MAACO 3-1 JUNE SPECIAL C lassy C hassis 2-2 Model 8648 Faison Electric 2-2 OTHER BOLENS Gill Farms 1-3 Saints soccer MODELS AVAILABLE Lynn’s Country Bar 1-4 $29 9 “ * Penny’s Pirates 0-5 AT COMPARABLE SAVINGS •FOR SET UP ft SERVICE ADD $10.00 team wins Division Four St. Michaek Lutheran Church (I) 3-1 The Sportventure Saints, Plymouth- Ventcon 3-1 Statew ide Aluminum 2-1 Canton’s entry in the Great Lakes Target party Store 2-2 BOLENS Women’s Soccer League, successfully AMOCO 2-2 The Lawn Machines Geneva Church 1-2 1981 F MC Corp opened its 1981 season with a 6 - 1 win St. Michaels Lutheran Church (II) 2-3 Sunday over the West Bloomfield W elduction 1-3 Avengers. WOMENS Charlene Mrekvicska led the way with SuperBowl Sluggers three goals, while Stephanie Hancock, SuperBowl T a i y n m n Cindy Hayes, and Ruth Kocab added Rusty Nail/McMurray Insurance Barts Animal Hospital single goals. M aternity Vogue Here's THE The Saints next game is this Sunday Do Rite Duds ULTIMATE paiaano’s Pisserin $ 1 7 “ WEAPON at a when they travel to Detroit to play the Dino’s trimmer price Silver Streaks. Reg. $19.95 Weed E ater* b ran d trimmer Model 307 Lightweight and easy Hudson to handle Trims grass INFLATION FIGHTING NEWS FROM.. . FAVORITE* and weeds on small lawns quickly and safely asprayer w d e n ] ^ , with nylon cutting line INDOO R COM FORT CO Extraordinary value 67209 HEATING. AIR CONDITIONING. VENTILATING on a quality sprayer! OUR LOW PLUMBING ! Hudson favorite PRICE Sprayer has over-size INSTALLATION AND SERVICE ! pump for fast pump- 97 Emcrick St. YpsilMti, Ml. up . extra-long hose $ 4 0 * and spray extension, LESS 35.00 easy to spray a|l parts FACTORY BUY A CARRIER of plants. Instant on- REBATE off—no drenching. YOUR NET HEAT PUMP NOW. Handy 2-gal size PR IC E ONLY EATERTRADEMARK Save now! | 4 A A 9 6 TDm inttnwiAvwm GET $100 FACTORY REBATE and other Father's Day Gifts to Save on cooling and heating costs with a Carrier Year- make Summer chores easier Round One Heat Pump. □ Chain Saws □ Riding Mower & Tractors Stihl fir Po ilan from $89.95 by Bolens ''

□ Bug Lights ! j Baftieque Grills IS YOURS IF YOU BUY ANOTHER BRAND AFTER HEARINGOUR OFFER. ‘ Limited one lebate per faintly [ m m *

CALL TODAY Liquid1 Chlorine $119- ^ 4« £ ‘ FOR A FREE ESTIMATE SEE ROW MUCH YOU ★ F ilt e r 1>owder ★ Muriatic Acid CAR SAVE! •Cools in summer like a high- ★ F ilte r! {and ★ Conditioners ★ Pool Cleaners efficiency air conditioner! •Heats for much less than con­ ventional heating systems! 4 8 2-170 1 •Top quolity construction SAXT0HS 587 W, ANN ARBOR TRAIL throughout! 663-9925 m " ° “ ™ (MfsWiiOT— 1CJU Sat 9 to 5 Offer good only through 8-7 81 at participating dealers. "Restricted to homeowners — not available to builders. Void where prohibited by law. MBteTirc THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 1#, 19«1 g J SAVE$4 op Qaiy Geaims eranium G Quality p To 69 .6 5 $ i d & ld o rig a M $ PLYMOUTH HILTON INN Northville Rd. at 5 Mile Rd. Mile 5 at Rd. Northville HILTON INN PLYMOUTH uni s ia n tu e P s. 9 9 4 $ 9 4 . 1 PE AL US CMC OK ARTIST BOOK COMIC GUEST L IA EC SP GERANIUMS ER ASI & K VOSBURG IKE M & AUSTIN TERRY Rat oisMve Mementos Comics-Movie diso $.0 r. 104 Hrs. $1.50 Admission

LARGE 4" clay pots clay 4" BUY-SELL JUNE 14 JUNE BUY-SELL 0 Pt Seia Plants Speciman Pots 10" 4534268 Mon-Sat 9 to 8, Sun 10 to 6 to 10 Sun 8, to 9 Mon-Sat 4534268 eenhous ad Shop o h S r e w o R and se u o h n e re G are fresher and better for you. for better and fresher are ego oro o they so n ow our grow We Pack

51 o Rd. Joy 45210 Cheaper by the by dozen

rdn otCagrPeiin 3-1 Precision Post-Craiger Trading sisaAgl 0-5 4-0 2-1 W-L Angels Ossics’a Supply Office Air-Tite-Ply. Chargers Daly Pitch Slow Women’s 12 0-1 0-2 1-1 Green The On lyehan's S 2-0 J A R 1-2 1-2 Honda Sunshine 1-2 Saloon Rock Cadillac Massey A - Div. Pitch Slow Men’s Hennells Pizza Gino’s Hill the of Bottom Pharmacy Heritage Association opened the season last week week last season games. of the pair a With opened Association scored five points in their rounds. their in points en’s five om W scored Recreation anton C the in place first ai 0-1 0-2 M 0-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 0-1 2-0 0-1 1-0 2-1 Spring Associated Magic Hannifin Parker Baylo/f Builders Cash Bar Box Pizza Vinnie’s Abrasive Metal Plymouth B - Div. Pitch Slow Men’s HAF Pizza Primo’s Finlanlns. MBM 0 -Ju n io r after one week with a pair of of pair a with week one after r io n -Ju 0 i the of League erican Am the ll a b lead se a B Lassies r io n u J n to n a -C th u o m ly P G innie Johnson with three, three, with Johnson innie G off knocked Bunnies The each. victories points, while Silvia Dickinson, Ruth Pem bleton, bleton, Pem Ruth Dickinson, Silvia while points, F aber an d B arb Z antop all have have all antop Z arb B d an aber F 9- Foxes the beat earlier and 3-1 Glads the gam es for a 1-1 record each. T he Clads Clads he T each. record 1-1 a for es gam Fitzpatrick have seven points. seven have Fitzpatrick Hjarwood have eight points. eight have Hjarwood the beat Lassies the while 10-2, Doves tjhe Doves 6-4 an d the Jays 4-3. Jays the d an 6-4 Doves Robert Wilson Wilson Robert etteLrs2- u el ote Bunnies the to fell but 20-3 Larks the beat Micheal Vaught Micheal Edward Thomas Thomas Edward Smith T. Pjillip Newton Sam Harrison Jeff FIRST FLIGHT FLIGHT FIRST Howard English Jr. English Howard Hartnett David Gaddey Roy Ryan Kevin Paul Deedler Paul Pollock „ Kevin Taweel Ramzy Francis Rich Wiley atthew M FLIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP cont. cont. og Dwo, Ply Dawson, eorge G carded and 87 and and 87 and carded uir em open teams Junior G H arden of W estlanc estlanc W of arden H \ and 16-4 Jays the defeated rens W e h T i 172, while Paul Mass Mass Paul while 172, » Dolores H olland, Betty M urphy, D eirdre Vesn Vesn eirdre D urphy, M Betty olland, H » Dolores \ T he Glads an d the Foxes split their two two their split Foxes the d an Glads he T j i Y oung and C hapm arr posted 53 and 59, respe 59, and 53 posted arr hapm C and ji oung Y Team s from the C Ju n io r League of the the of League r io n Ju C the from s Team 3-way tip in Womens’ golf leaj^ue golf Womens’ in tip 3-way Estelle H eidt, Nancy Taylor, Ginnie Attwood, Attwood, Ginnie Taylor, Nancy eidt, H Estelle ; Dennis C uerriero uerriero C ; Dennis T he four have 13 points after three weeks weeks three after points 13 have four he T T he Bunnies, the W rens, an d the the d an rens, W the Bunnies, he T M ildred Livingston,*Shirley Y oung, Lou Skol Skol Lou oung, Y Livingston,*Shirley ildred M Denise C hapm an has 12 points for second second for points 12 has an hapm C Denise R ounding out the field are Carol Fraver and and Fraver Carol are field the out ounding R 2 cmee n of open golf in compete 32 PLYMOUTH PARKS PARKS PLYMOUTH from from Plymouth Softball Standings Softball Plymouth SOFTBALL STANDINGS STANDINGS SOFTBALL Thru Games of June 4 of June Games Thru pg. 30 pg. of D earborn H eights eights H earborn D of ot hd playoff a had mouth & imilla, C anton, and and anton, C imilla, was second with a a with second was RECREATION RECREATION T ou rn am en t Scores t en am rn ou T 80 for 167. Bob Bob 167. for 80 0 1 78-withdrew points. 179-79158 82- 82- 80162 81- 77158 77158 81-80161 81- 81-76157 |77-81158 78- 80158 80158 78- 79-78157 79-78157 74- 82156 76153 76-80156 1S2 6 7 76-80156 77- 76- 3 73147 73- an d the Dolls 7-4. T he Rockettets Rockettets he T 7-4. Dolls the d an anid the Foxes beat the Larks Larks the Bunnies. beat the losjtto Foxes the anid while the Stars beat the Bees Bees the the beat and 17-9 Stars the es while Flam the off Bees, K ittens and Flam es are 0-. are es Flam and ittens K Bees, the Dolphins and Dolls are are Dolls and Dolphins the games. their Flam es 9-8. es Flam Dolls lose cam e from the Belles. the from Dol e cam the lose to lost Dolls they but Kittens, e 2-0 are Stars and Rcckettes Go for third spot. Massimillia won won Massimillia spot. third for Durcon Craiger Precision S &K Equipment Sports Illustrated Johnny K’s er” m um "H Thp Jim Ross Ross Jim day the of drive longest ' hole. extra first the on biidie rdn ot < Trading Post e cam win Dolphins he T , Sen (h< Lounge SECOND FLIGHT FLIGHT SECOND Spinella Anthony Water Beds bv DearbornLvnri FabricatingAH Phase Arkwright Modified Div.B Cjompuware A Div. Modified Vol-Tedi Machine Rock Tool Express Fast Gejne’s Norwest P Stores irtan Sp Service Tank Nunizo Marino Marino Nunizo 15. No. on anton C pin of the td Jr. English Howard Sainuel Popa Sainuel Lindley Wplliam Morton Mark Beard William Palmer Darveli Dawson George Harden Bob Guerriero Dennis Rieman Dtjn Bee-Jays Mercury Lincoln Park Hines Jaycees Plymouth Pump Wyrthington aster Wearm Boring Galaxy C -Div. Pitch Slow Men’s KenEck Whitworth Bijl Brian Radecki Radecki Brian of Tjiiiu H im m elburger with f with elburger m im H Tjiiiu Paul Mass ml Mass ills Paul oiin wie da lmih Margee M Alimpich, adia N while position, j (Itivelv for the best scors of th of scors best the for (Itivelv 4 T he Belles defeated the Ki Ki the defeated Belles he T Javs| and Dov es Larks, jThe [n the National League League National the [n nael re,Jn Nelso Jan arner, W \nnabelle nine have acher ssenm O Betty and augh m W illiam Beard of W W es of Beard illiam W zke and Betty W illiams are are illiams W Betty and zke ac Fn, aia ug ad ema helm T and Burgh Galina Fant, Nancy If If League. ege cin Livingston action. league on 6 tland ur ur 1 8 til - and Y oung oung Y and ^ch, while while ^ch, f. Ivas closest Ivas n and Olga Olga and n for tied all -.The T 8-5. s the and 5 points and and points Bees 6-2, 6-2, Bees over the the over es 13-5 tens e Belles,* Belles,* e a with at h 21-5, but but 21-5, week. o. o. dropped knocked knocked n the and 97-withdrew 94-withdrew i the hit 85- 81166 85- 81166 81-85166 89- 86175 89- 86175 87-87174 88- 86174 87- 167 8p 86- 89175 6 80-91171 8088168 81-86167 89-94183 93-86179 89-87176 93-79172 and and 0-4 0-3 2 4-0 5-0 3 2 3-1 4-1 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-4 2-2 3-1 3-2 2-0 2-0 14 1-1 1-3 1-1 1-1 1-0 1-0 1-0

2 rH E COMMUNITY CRIER: June 10.19*1 June CRIER: COMMUNITY E rH coni, from pg. 30 Transfers

Canton went down mic, two. three in shut down l av lor Center in the district Schumacher.; J av lor burler Fric W olo»/v k Lettering lh«“ second inning on a pair of strikeouts opener, while talking nine runs. Mulck then balked to bring in I fie third run. Numbers nnd'a tk hall. picked up eight strikeouts and gave up Canton scored its tinal four runs m the Silk Screens Smith allowed a walk in the second tour walks. bottom of the sixth inning. Broker inning and Bedford pitcher Steve Bow run I lie first of those runs came in tin1 started with a single. He stole second. allowed a walk in Canton's half of the bottom of the third inning when Rnrn- Smith then struck out but when the inning hot no runs were scored: herger singled. Harris.came in to run. He I avlor catcher went to finish the In Bedford's hall ol the fourth frame stole second base and went to third on I lie- strikeout, aflr r dropping the ball, with a Smith allowed a single hut got out of the wild throw at second. Schumacher then toss to first b ase, fie hit Smith who was inning on a pair of pop outs and a walked and stole second ami Cousino lut then awarded die base. wiiur wopkcS, f ielder’s choice. a grounder to the Taylor third baseman. 7 70 Penmmon Ave. Rumbergcr! then singled, scoring Jeff Stemhi-rger started Canton's game His throw went wild and hotlj Harris’ and Bricker. and jstonc bunt singled to load 4S9-3344 winning inning when he was safe on an Schumacher scored. till' bases. S< uimacher Then smacked a Next To Penn Theo’re infield hit. Tommie Harris came in to run. The Chiefs added three runs in the two-run singh . When Schumacher tried Brian Capnerhurst then walked and'Bill fifth inning when Rumbergcr singled and to steal second the throw went wild ami Hannis picked up a hunt single to load Stone was safe on a bunt. Schumacher Stone crossed the plate from third to the bases. then hit a bunt and Tavlor got a fielder's > account lor the lour runs. Smith then struck out and Scott choice at third base. Wc plaved good defense when we had Bricker was walked scoring Harris. Fred Cousino then singled to score Slone to do it. That! was. the key in the game. Rumbergcr then hit a shot to right field and Stemberger singled to score Malek had a great effort and Rumbergcr that was dropped b\ the Bedford fiad lliri tor us. said ( ,ris-.cv. rightfielder ami Capnerhurst scored. - Stone had the big blow of the inning wht'n he smacked a triple over the ceiilerfielder’s head which cleared Ih»' bases'of Canton runners. Schumacher came up and promptk hit COOUNG-HEAnNG a single scoring Stone ami Canton was ahead 6-0. R eplace your old Bedford rallied in the top of the sixth inning when a single and a pair of heating or cooling doubles brought in two runners. With system w ith a runners on first and third Smith got out of the jam when he tried to pick oft the new A m ana System runner at third base. He was cientuulk right now ... run down. While that was happening i Bedford’s runner at first took second base ami tried to go to third, but wasfJ)also lagged out ending the inning and Bedford’s last threat of the da\. "W e started the game verv verv tight.” -•aid Canton coach Fred Crissev. At no time m the game or during the season, however, did the team (plil on us or themselves, i "This is a verv together group. That team we plaved is a fine ball club, he continued. "T h e communilv has got to he verv proud of these kids.'They-are very dedicated. . . a n d ! "Keith (Stone) has lettered for-us for three Years and he and Schumacher reaik w e’ll sell you reallv wanted to so some things tor this t h i s i f i v n team. When Keith got into third base after the triple hi- literally had tears pouring from his eves. W'e are awfullv pleased with this team.’ ’ If tin* Chiefs win their Tuesday af­ ternoon semi-final game thev will travel to Central Michigan University for the state TOMMIE HARRIS barrels safely into third hjasc during the regional finals. j championship after coming in to run f«»r one of hi^ teammates. (Crier photo A * ;: lek and his teammates eorjipletely by Jay Keenan)

Mode1 nr ‘>H i t jy jc x L a u r e l X F V U m m E * \ Am azing Savings on j * AnHque Brass finishedisheo vj

H THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 10,1981fc Jj details call 683-5986 10-12 a.m . or 434- 434- or . For a.m 10-12 M-F. . necessary. 683-5986 1-4p.m Car 3053 call hr. per details $8.23 wk. per Income Second business. Duplicate Teach. 328-8539 evenings. equipment & 459-2849 e anytim transportation own College Students summer jobs. 20-40 hr. hr. 20-40 jobs. summer Students College 420-0054. Phone Learn, our Specialists. you show us Let - TEACHERS have ust M painters. experienced two Need tions being accepted a t 41216 Ford Rd.. Rd.. Ford 41216 t a Mi. accepted Applica­ Canton tools. being small with tions handy an gentlem M aintenance-Retired or semi-retired semi-retired or aintenance-Retired M Canton Rd., Ford 41216 at auditor night for Night auditor - applications being accepted accepted Mi. being applications - auditor Night Sell Avon. Great $4$, great people. Call Call people. great $4$, Great 291-7882. Avon. Sell 453-8540 or 4S3-0878 ash for Dottie Conn. Dottie for ash 4S3-0878 or 453-8540 Ann . 396W Home, Trail. Nursing Arbor Trail est W at Ply- in meeting presently congregation Salary commensurate with experience. experience. 425-9677. Ogden r. M with Contact plan. commensurate Salary person a t Dragonfly, 14 Forest Place. Place. Forest 14 in Dragonfly, Apply t hours. a flexible work person to able son salon busy for stylists hair e part-tim r o 981- at office church the 0499. phoning by view Excellent fringe benefits including pension pension including benefits fringe Excellent Plymouth. salesper­ retail for at applications Fashions Excepting Hair D. D. full Call only, Canton. experienced in - Female or Male person in Apply shift. day for Nurse Reg. inter­ up Set School. Church, High Peoples mouth'Canton young new a for America, of Church wantod Reformed Organist BANDS S D A D S, D N A SB U H fidence to: fidence one year of Heaf* Treating Experience Experience Heaf* Treating of year one would be a plus but not essential- essential- not but plus a be would al r epn wt rsm i con­ in resume with respond or Call o $25,000. to - ENGINEERING METALLURGICAL VES, HE S, ER TH O M , S E IV W • BS Degree in METALLURGY or or METALLURGY in Degree BS • Electronics Automotive in experience interested in either of these two career two these of positions? either in interested to $32,000. to with ENGINEERING ELECTRONIC be might who someone of know you Do • BS Degree in ELECTRICAL or or ELECTRICAL in Degree BS • 0 words,10 10c each S3.5Gthe tor first Associ es s te ia c o s s A e s o R d r o f n a S 9 0 6 S o u th M a in S tr e e t t e e tr S in a M th u o S 6 0 9 additional word ymout Ml48170 0 7 1 8 4 l M , th u o m ly P th u o m ly it-P tro e D f o BROTHE S ER H T O R B & NEED A SUMMER JOB? SUMMER A NEED NURSE ANESTHETIST ANESTHETIST NURSE l Wanted W elp H STERS, S R E T IS S l Wanted W elp H 8640 4 6 -8 5 5 4

■ er assii s d ifie s s la c r ie r C *838-3027. June 14. 9 a.m . to 5 p.m . Loads of house­ of Loads . p.m 5 of to . Corner a.m 9 14. Salel June Garage Street Irvin The wares, clothes and miscellaneous. and clothes wares, Farm er A Irvin. Thure., June 11 thru Sun. Sun. thru 11 June Thure., Irvin. A er Farm afford $200/month maximum. Free Criers Dan. Criers for ask and Free 453-8906 maximum. $200/month afford no Oina rg ad aetid Call old. tapestried and used and Arbor. for Ann 895-7597, price ruga 769-8555or top pay e Oriental W antod W Arbor. 995-7597Ann or 789-8556 for as long as I rant from you. Please call call Please you. from rant I can as and long as for reverent, and ean d bravo, thrifty, truck loads of branch & wood chips on my my on chips wood & branch of loads truck in Plymouth-Csnton area. I'm single, single, I'm area. Plymouth-Csnton in Buy-Sell-Cleaning and Repair-Appraising. Repair-Appraising. and Buy-Sell-Cleaning Wood 48x40 thousand, a G.M.A. or one $2.00. Way Paying 4 Palfotes! anted W dump to charge 349-3018. lot. No - Men Service Tree sitting in her Canton homo. Call 463-7138. Call homo. Canton her in sitting quarters living desires Newspaperman ul bsmet apine included. appliances ent. basem ll fu oig ohr ihs ultm baby­ full-time wishes mother Loving Custom -brick, 2 bedroom ranch, oak floors, oak ranch, bedroom 2 -brick, Custom Im m aculate $89,800- 463-5623. $89,800- location. aculate m Im Excellent owner. y B - outh Plym 8. refrigerator, stove, heater. Call 465- 465- Call heater. stove, sleeps 8733. Remade, refrigerator, {Apache Rant, 8. For Trailer ______starting $36. monthly. Call collect Bob Bob collect Call monthly. $36. Commons-rolling starting Grayling-Gaylord-Ross hardwoods & pine, large or small acreage 517-348-8703. acreage Realty hite small W or large pine, & hardwoods yard. 469-9349 yard. Double wide wide Double bl Hme or le a S r fo e Hom obile M ' Always Pays To, Pick A W inner." inner." W A To, Pick Pays Always Now staffing ] for out Wayne, It Wayne, " offices. out Belleville & for ] Westland staffing Now awaiting those! affiliated with the the with affiliated those! awaiting od ot rfsinl at CENTURY t a Professionals Coat Gold conversation; & coffee for by, Stop 21 COMMUNITY, (5 busy offices!) offices!) busy (5 COMMUNITY, 21 learn more about th e bright future future bright e th about more learn riig School Training ORIENTAL RUGS 6i TAPESTRIES 6i TAPESTRIES RUGS ORIENTAL t tons anted W s n atio itu S a Et te Esta eal R CALL FOR RESERVATIONS FREE 8077 N.j Wayne Rood Rood N.jWayne 8077 rge es le a S e arag G (N. of Wst. Center) Wst. of (N. a or le a S r fo d Lan 11 AM, JUNE 13 13 JUNE AM, 11 r ent R r o F anted W PN HOUSEOPEN 522-6415 j ______l Hm.2 aes nice aheds. Home.'2 ile or le a S r fo

■j Adults and Teens Drive to Learn j j MODERN | ! 325 0620 325 ! : Plymouth Cultural Center Cultural Plymouth : ls fweeyuprhsdte - Guaranteed' Satisfaction of less you where them purchased : j (Men's clothing and ladies tailored suits and slacks.! Regard Regard slacks.! and suits ladies tailored clothing and (Men's SALES-INSTALLATION WINDOWS WINDOWS lmuh•6-20 u w alrope ss | ises onprem tailor own our •463-5280. Plymouth Local Manufacturer Manufacturer Local School of Driving Driving of School D. J . Industries Industries . J D. Insulated Glass Glass Insulated E ’ UTM CLOTHING CUSTOM T’S LEN Classes held at at held Classes n > * t c e r i D e c i v r e S Replaced 453-1026 REPAIR REPAIR STORM A DOORS LEAI S N ALTERATIO Kitchens, Baths, Basements Basements Baths, Kitchens, BARRY WALLACE BARRY WALLACE Licensed A Insured Insured A Licensed Custom Carpentry Carpentry Custom Windows A Doors Doors A Windows Free Estimates Estimates Free 40 GAL HOT WATE HOT GAL 40 326-7571 Repairs-Remodelin{ Repairs-Remodelin{ M aster Plumber Li< Plumber aster M Hot W ater Tanl Tanl ater W Hot RALPH'S P RALPH'S 478-! c. #5103 A Insured Insured A c.#5103 ADisposals ks Construction |-New >237 LUMBING R TANK $210 INST $210 R TANK , est, most continual continual most est, , Licensed, Work Gi Gi Work Licensed, 2-59 Te Crii The 326-8539. Ra Repair. Wall Nina years in ar ar in years Nina PAINTING-Ceilini estimates-No job t t job estimates-No advertiser. Residential Work, Work, Residential Harold F. Stevens Stevens F. Harold Call 453-6900 Monday pm 5 Seal Coating It It Coating Seal Deadline: Free Estiira Estiira Free Paving Cc Paving 453-296G sa. Free Free sa. and I do Ferences. ; Asphalt long- ir's xtra) tes •ran teed, teed, •ran T Repairs. painting small, small, *3.50 for the first a * ■ p(, Deadline: 37 10 words, 10° each Monday 5 pm additional word C all 453-6900 E

G arage Sales S e rv ice s Lawn Services y Lost & Found I) s J YARD SALfc - Multi family yard & moving Lost mens prescription sunglasses in dark PAINTING -f Ceiling and Wail Repair. RA ILRO A D TIES new & usee cutttne - June 12, 9-7 & June 13, 10 3. 1022 case. Sun June 7 in downtown Plymouth References. Nine years in area. Free es­ & delivery available 283 5688 235t5l Penn Penniman, Ply., Backyard on Church St.: 8rea, rew £rd Days - 455-3670 or evenings timates - No Ijob too small. 326-8539. The sylvanie '/« mile east of Telegraph Open Children's clothes, toys, books. & house­ 459 4283 Crier’s longest, most continued painting Tues. Sat. 9 5 SPRING SPECIAL new 6 x hold items. advertiser. | by 8 treated timbers $9.50 while supply c last Canterbury Mews Townhouses 2nd annual S e rv ice s : j ...... , yard sale. Sat. & Sun. June 13 & 14, 10 6 Lawn Services DAN MARTIN S LANDSCAPE SERVICE p.m. Approximately 100’families involved Lawn cutting, edging, trimming. shruh cc (On Haggerty between Ford & Cherryhill.) Did you know you can. buy AUTO IN- planting, trimming. & etc Specializing in Care and Pruning of Fruit Garage Sale - 46073 Wesboro (near Ann First State Insurance. 459-3434. Trees, Ornamentals and Shrubbery. Custom wood fences, wood decks, steps Arbor Tr. & Sheldon Beacon Hillc Sub) Unique and pecorative Landscape Effects & rails, retaining walls, free estimates. June 11 & 12 9-5. Clothes different sizes, Im mortal iz e your wedding - with photo- Call 455-637^ 538 5174 after 6:00 toys, books, Scotts Spreader, household graphs. Phone 459-0780. items. Something for everyone. A &G PAINTING 1 Garage Sale - Multi family 9201 Caprice Dr. Interior, e: cterior - guaranteed work. Free K (E. of 1275 S. of Ann Arbor Rd.) Thurs.- estimates. 941-0494. Fri.-Sat. Twin boys clothes size 4-5 & 6. 10 Words-*3.50 I Everything. Alterations and Sewing: Men's or Women's I clothes. Call after 5 p.m. 721-4256. GARAGE SALE 936 Simpson, Plymouth: ier Extra Words- I June 11th: 11AM-5PM; June 12th: 10AM- Exterior^ & Interior Painting, Experienced, I Free Estimates, 459-3197. 10c each 5PM. Children ;s clothes, toys, lawnmower, I sm. appliances.; Remodeling, additions, kitchens, decks, I roofing,: ipisc. carpentry. ARchitectural Icliissifieds D e a d l i n e : Family Garage Sale - June 11. 12 and 13. I Take Danbury off of N. Territorial, just’ design Services — Challenge Construction Reach the people East of Beck. 13210 Drury Lane. Compartjy 397-3644. !: I in YOUR com m unity W ednesday’s Paper I Two Family Garage Sale - June 11, 12 Assistance for problem pregnancy -- free I from 9-5 PM. 609 and 611 Adams. Table- counseling services. Pregnancy testing, saw, 22 ft. travel-trailer, desks. Electric helping! women since 1972.. Womens' I Center, I476-2772. stove, refrigerator. X-country skis, chairs, I clothes, and misc. ACE RADIATOR SERVICE - open 7 days ; Call: 453-6900 & evenings. Certified Mechanic. Repairing. I Recoring, also gas tanks. 33509 Michigan or blip & mail this form today! Ave., Wayne. 326-6616. I Firew o o d r i I Write You I Ad Here: CUSTOM I CARPENTRY Paneling, rec Lear Firewood Sis. announcing summer rooms, rough & finished carpentry, repairs r sale. Split mixed hardwoods 4 ft by 8 ft by of any kind. Wood fences 8t decks. Free i 16-18 in $35.00 per face cord, 2 for $60.00 estimates 538-5174. free delivery. Phone 421-9084. L Sewing a nd alterations, specializing in I bridal wear Reasonable. 981-4239. t S t o r a g e T Y P E W R IT E R - cleaning and repair. AH I- modefs. Reasonable and guaranteed work Western. Wayne County's finest mini Call J :m 525-3633. 'i seif storage. Servicing the greeter Piy mouth-Canton ! area. Storage Urshrmod Rerpocf^l'hg ihis year call us for f-roe 45S 2200 f. s 1 ■_ rn a M'gor’ui er BAitinur - ,i; 44 1 It: j . paiHilmy. basement

I % w r. i'- r , id g ■_ i i r TfJ AO.'k g«liTr- 453 F Schr-er. r' ■ 1 P,- ?'• f- 3ptr ^ .5

fl S t U f< A- G.M ■■r >. •. Ca.-I 455-6375 >• k-- Does ye mi house cf-tid o : RCSH L CK-K Free .Kittens / weeks oid. litter trained .-Lowest'prices'in town G--s a nm-j’i new . - \ , O - .. 459 4347. tci sprinyj. Exterior u? imer :ur . Pam imy n \ Wallpapering, Carpentry, Roofing, vvfiai W elsh.Corgi (Pern) $250.00 4 mo & 6 mo ewer you need You supply the materials. A (id re -.s males. Health guarantee, reference, local I'll supply the muscle! Call today 459 breeder/exhibitor. 459=9044. 7425 KB a&7 8

io : i" *


Tel! all your friends and neighbors ^bout if wi th a CRIER CLASSIFIED--Just $3.50 for 10 words!

s ■ ' ■ . ■ - THE COMMUNITY CRIER: June 19,1981 g £ Questions? Free Bibls-Study course. course. Bibls-Study Free Questions? children & adults, 455-8466. &adults, children « 455-9597. Science of Bachelor Reading in tutoring also Licensed instructor. No denomination denomination No 455-4861. instructor. taught. Licensed Grad. 2 yrs. a t Interlochen. Now accepting accepting Now Interlochen. t a yrs. 2 Grad. HILTZ DAN University, State ayne W Piano theory and clarinet lessons U of M. M. of U lessons clarinet and theory Piano degree, music of — Bachelor lessons Piano cutting, edging, aerating, power raking raking power aerating, edging, cutting, yrds. 250 for yard 782-9681. a Arnold 75CGary mors. soil. or on grown 453-0723. and clean up. 453-9181. up. clean and Sod Daiivery — Grada A. Marion bland, bland, Marion A. Grada — Daiivery Sod deliver wa or up pick between You Rd. arran. W Haggerty and 7278 Joy t a sod Cutting Millars Lawn Service and Roto-tilling, Roto-tilling, and Service Lawn Millars Esther Hulsing, Clerk • 3 eto rmTrsesatrraoshdbe ie rato xlie nrsos oTutequestions. q Trustee to response in explained action or given been had reasons after rustees T from s jection Supervisor Breencalled the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and ted in the pledge of allegiance. All members were present. 5 9745 459 (heDPW department for services rendered was put over to the June 9,1981meeting. 459-9744 459-9744 budgetmemorandum file for later consideration. im J laig Bd Rpisad Service and Repairs Body Cleaning. Itwas moved byMrs. Hulsing, supported by Mr.West to adjourn the General Governmentmeeting chargeof against the at depreciation andDPW9:20for the the budgetto resolution rate A relating p.m. Ayes all. It was agreed the that Ordinance would be readyIt was formoved adoption by Mrs. atHulsing, the June supported9.1981 meeting.by Mr.West that the coat of Construction Water be tripled. Ayes all. Thecontractitemof theproposal for Norman DietrichL. Associateswas placedfeethe plannersretainerin for the 0 1 rpsd riac 9H ssrtnsd o orcin. netos dltosad diin r maewt n ob­ no with ade m ere w additions and deletions Insertions, corrections. for scrutinised as w 49-H Ordinance Proposed Aspecial workshop meeting t s r i f e h t r o f 0 3 . 3 ' ELITE "W e can handle A LL your Auto your LL A handle can e "W d r o w l a n o i t i d d a . s d r o w FREE Auto Mamtainence Service Mamtainence Auto a vi s e ic rv e S n Law interior & engine cleaning cleaning & engine interior Reconditioning & Waxing &Waxing Reconditioning WANTED! DEAD DEAD WANTED! Unique New One Stop Stop One New Unique /./ .M . iV ' U O U . ''i U . 4 j « V.-MH.W i?V mpn n Pantng g tin ain P and ping um B ns a e Esi es te a stim E ce ran su In O rsrf VOW 453-3639 770 Davis Davis 770 453-3639 USED AUTO PARTS BRING IN OS WE TOW • HIGH DOLLARS PAID DOLLARS HIGH • TOW WE OS IN BRING PARTS AUTO USED s s n sso e L o’ Custom' Tom’s odvlae Ply.) village. (old WILD AUTO SALVAGE CO. O C E G A V L A S O T U A D L I W L L I B 4 ig St Wing 744 A AUTO MAI E CE N A TEN IN A M O T U A ■At 3794 3 4 9 7 -3 9 5 4 COLLISION JN CARS JUNK . . . LOANERS SOD uo Inc. Auto, 0 1 R E T N E C N O I T P M E D E R R A C K N U J h c a e 936 A n n A rb o r R d . . d R r o rb A n n A 936

IIINo SL WL ETRRSS INC. ENTERPRISES, WILD SILLof DIVISION of the Board the ofCharter Township ofTrustees the 1981.Plymouth of 2, washeldJune Body Repair Repair Body inc. imports imports inc. lmouth Plym OR FTUTE-PCA ETN ! MEETING TRUSTEES-SPECIAL BOARD OF Painting Painting m ______CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH OF TOWNSHIP CHARTER and A O A A

June 2.1901 June C r ie r c r ie r C

or ’-? f I ??23 2 ? !? ! jects. Computer Science. Math, English, English, Math, Science. Computer jects. son Music. 453-01C|8 lead-sheets 453-01C|8 lead-sheets Music. son 455-8133. sub­ College or {School High - Tutoring ______i teacher with Doctors degree in Education, Education, in degree Doctors with teacher ments. Piano, organ, vocal. Mr. Ronnie Phillips Phillips Ander­ Ronnie with formally Mr. experiences, vocal. years 20 organ, Piano, French, Spanish. Experienced, qualified qualified Experienced, Spanish. French, stones in middle Of feather design — one — one design feather Of precious middle in semi j and stones including feathers from rgnl rc $7. al fe 6 .. 348- p.m. 6 after Call $875. price original _ of a kind for the right person, call after 6 6 after call person, right the for kind a of pee 5-82 j 455-3822. apiece, * S T R O P M I d n a N A C I R E M A • , hat, matching ' & 6728. Jacket Paw mink Silver rods stool plated Chrome . 4-78 j 348-6728. . p.m Unique necklace, | bracelet & belt made made belt & |bracelet necklace, Unique ALIVE ______«EEP OUR. W A P i FS.i t M I C H I G A N O ffH A N N O N W A Y N E N O I S I L L O C E T E L P M O C y Front End Alignment E T A D P U Y D O B - a E M A R F tces or le a S r fo s rticle A 31 Mihi Mie West f o t s e W ile M 1 n a ig ich M 43511 ; CUES ______FreeEstimates O T U A FrameWork s s n sso e L

JUNKFREE E C I V R E S E C I V R E S -7 on to n a C 1-275 i j ______" %

x 63" .500 .500 63" x

& arrange­ J* ______L tation. 427-7689. tation. Judi - I didn't forget! Happy Birthday, Birthday, Happy forget! didn't I - Judi Ju st Walk Beside Me Me Beside Walk st Ju Love, Nan Love, three? makes baby And &RD: CD Tharlks for dinner. for Tharlks . a ic s s Je ." s t n a the Fred) & Super Ross to Congratulations transpor­ Good $400. Valiant, Plymouth '66 ev, ie r , bu tnl bd size. bed tingle 459-4930. about s, arm wide weave, old, liko now, original price $600.00 Cali Cali $600.00 price 455-2573. . 8 p.m original aft^r now, liko old, ---- excellent DON W. BIDWELL mean chop's. chop's. mean barbecues BIDWELL W. DON Me Wal^c Not Do Behind Me of Wal^cNot Front Do in con­ excellent start, p.m. 5 ,453-0346 after $1500.00, electric dition equipment, 971- boulevardier. real — a 3934. beauty a one’s top | and ragtop, sidepipes, new brakes, brakes, new sidepipes, ragtop, | and top 453-0346 $3,100.00 condition. excellent " ! L IK E 7JO R ID E m y bike and squash squash and bike y m E ID R 7JO E IK L ! " ski tiros, new brand lights, new traitor, 981 $850. Yamaha 78 AM-FM stereo '8 track, cloth interior, interior, cloth p.m. 5 track, after '8 stereo AM-FM High curvojd back wicker day bad. Tight Tight bad. day wicker back curvojd High 14 ft. fiberglass boat, V-hull. 45 HP Teenee Teenee HP 45 V-hull. boat, fiberglass ft. 14 utility many the - to 453-3430. answer P.S.P.B. perfect The A.C.. extras. drive, 4-wheel _ exhaust. 32 MPG $2550 or best offer. offer. best or $2550 MPG 32 455-0849. exhaust. W asher and Dryer, almond color, 1)4 yr. yr. 1)4 color, almond Dryer, and asher W Center, 8 am-Daily 4950565. 8 am-Daily Center, loaded. 66,000 miles. New tires, brakes, brakes, tires, New miles. 66,000 loaded. loaded, excellent condition 25.000 miles, miles, 25.000 condition 459-0366. $4950.00 excellent loaded, W arren 2 mi. S. of Plym. open 8 am-? am-? 8 open Plym. of S. mi. 2 arren W ’79 305 engine (no pollution), $6500. This This $6500. pollution), (no engine hard­ 305 ’79 black/bjack, Stingray, Corvette 1966 PS, auto, V-6. — Phoenix Pontiac 1979 Centon of w. mi. 2 Rd. (between Denton Canton, & Rd. Beck Proctor 49060 Farm evenings 349-5328. evenings am 75 Lle R. bten o & Joy between 453-6|084. Daily, Rd., Lilley 7854 Farm, U PICK STRAWBERRIES D & A Berry Berry A & D STRAWBERRIES PICK U & sportsman. Like new — $5,999. Call Call $5,999. — new Like sportsman. & a pick-up i truck full delivered. Checks Checks delivered. full truck i pick-up a U-PICK STRAWBERRIES Roy Schultz Schultz Roy STRAWBERRIES U-PICK '79 Dodge Ram Charger, 18,000 miles. miles. 18,000 Charger, Ram Dodge '79 Wood chips for summer mulching. $40 $40 mulching. 3149-3018. accepted, summer for 453- chips firm. Wood $250.00 projector & 2679. camera 1978 Chrysler La Barron Station-wagon, Station-wagon, La Barron Chrysler 1978 Drexel Modern 8 piece dining sat, $550.00 $550.00 sat, dining piece 8 Modern Drexel ~T7 odk kaon 8 m on ifiovio sound mm 8 Ektasound Kojdak ______And Be Ikjly Be And Friend I May Not Lead Lead Not IMay Follow Not IMay i ! ----- Plymouth Arrow GT, Auto-trans. Auto-trans. GT, Arrow Plymouth ! Happy Birthday John Birthday Happy ! tces or le a S r fo s rticle A cl f Sale a S r fo s le ic h e V - ---- r res rrie e b w tra S 2366 after I after 2366 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo odto, ue ht. $500 white. pure condition, j -- i ii s sitie rio u C ______j

250 Enduro, good condition condition good Enduro, 250 6:30. ------Love Gloria - JON ALBERT is scared of fire^brea thing thing fire^brea of scared is ALBERT JON enhanced by his travels. his by enhanced friends. Gracias. ants. the SALLIE staggers up Penniman, Penniman, Trail? up the staggers Their SALLIE again! Henns the SEE TO GOOD despite dishes washes REDFERN DEBBIE tall white flowers a t, the front porch. porch. front the t, a flowers white tall offer. job the and graduation O.C.C. for pale, pink dragons. pink pale, tha-hill club. pho tha-hill wedding tl your add to to more much touch so and image! and South, the in born quality A Debonajr. Donna Lomas is 30. Welcome to to Welcome 30. is Lomas Donna envirQi candlelights, Misties, .. grew lie e it t b year his hair small one From For-Get-Me-Nots. Rawlinaon Photography, 453-8873. Photography, Rawlinaon Mary is trying to tell us something with the the with something us tell to trying is Mary congratulations our gets FLEET VAN ERIC Till he ran out of bullets bullets of out ran he Till Mary your jubilant song was was song jubilant your Mary Bravo! Good luck you Young Amdr Young you luck Good Bravo! your autbgraph. your m. to But values. all in take to try folk. Crier ask Just recorder. video a of concert, but thanks anyway. thanks but concert, s o ae jdmn. Judi judgment. a make r to the as is treasure we whjich (that Jest Wundrin her? REALLY need you when it? get to back be you will sou! but - relaxing? (Hal) it was was it (Hal) b» may relaxing? - suffering but little sou! A - JAF JAF negativism? my in tive nai officer police a was There Juan Thanks! salesman. buy to the WhoNCSE has for POVERTY OF drinks PRINCE THE as much fun as golfing? as fun much as Sugar?! Brown Mike. negative app I because values rjo have I front in yourself hear can't you d sa Who Ift tion. Woods Rosemjary here.is W Friends: Video pai ty? the to camera the invited Who Who thought his gun was quite quite was gun his thought Who rm a from Hugo — now that your a star star a your that — now Hugo later maybe So stage. am thjs I at nowr. but you pressed with very be to want I know H Mike trip? ferry the was how Ron, Now his gun w asn't so handy. so asn't w gun his Now Happy Birthday Li! Raff. Birthday Happy again. talk can we miner st the in — when plant another found i Ithink Becky, re fi Green Happy flirthday Greta Poole, is is Poole, Greta flirthday Happy you'll then mean I what know |you if Beth Hall, Hall, "So you you "So Jajo i el" ih o Were You Wish veil." ntlig a ult of quality ‘a Instilling eld from a Cold steel r r steel Cold a from eld t like a kid again kid a like t 'The Raiders' was a gr^at sugges- sugges- gr^at a was Raiders' 'The ie skies from Pain, Car Car Pain, from skies ie n I o' ug. So judge. don't I and hn yu a tl -H tell can you think i ii s sitie rio u C EYE CATCHERS CATCHERS EYE 0 0 9 C - 3 5 4 l l a C m p 5 y a d n o M . e n i l d a e D Tl^e Old Man Tl^e Old hu Igmei CJI it h ee Pink. Here, i ipke a value value ipkea reciate and and reciate pan I have have I pan confidence it I, a Smile Smile it a I, Andy pied m posi- I am r s that is or to a new new a to n mentals, n mentals, ire of self) self) of ire ndy gardening tography. iven from from iven you tell a a tell you ican. h over- the uplifting: good for for good Old Man Old boring a nts are are nts special special Crew -C Ken Ken X66 ^R:June 10. 1981 ^R:June


COLONIAL HEATING & GENEVA'S OF PLYMOUTH LAUREL FURNITURE PLYMOUTH LAWN SPRAYING EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS SV 165 W. Pearl. Plymouth COOLING 17 Forest Place Complete home furnishings 595 Forest Avenue 464 N. Main Plymouth 455 7358 Plymouth. Plymouth Laige selection of baby furniture j Liquid Fertilizer • Crabgrass 459 5666 455 4445 and clocks Quality furniture i 455-6500 'Wi Control • Weed Control • Fun Complete Professional edding Gowns • Accessories moderately priced Free delivery j Air Conditioning # Heating # Dosigner Dresses by Albert gus (Fuseruim Blight) Control • Secretarial Service Air Cleaners • Power Humid­ 584 W Ann Arbor Trail Free Estimates • Licensed N pon and Prom Gowns. • Business Typing • Corres­ ifiers * Vent Dampers •Sales Plymouth #82174Office Hours9-4 • Family pondence # Legal * Resumes * • Night & Day Service • Mon., Wed. & Fri. 493 4700 Owned & Operated. Billing • Mailings • Phone for • Licensed • Master Charge 10-6 pm Dictation # Telephone Answer- • Visa Tues. &Thurs Service. 10-8:30 pm LOCKSMITH 8 am-6 pm AIR CONDITIONING Sat. 10-5 pm FURNITURE REFIN. THE TOWN LOCKSMITH PUCKETTCO. 1270 S. Main 412 Starkweather FURNITURE REJUVENATION Plymouth SEWER CLEANING Plymouth, Mi. UNLIMITED 455-5440 453-0400 C H IL D C A R E Old Village - Plymouth Locks repaired and installed. • Air Conditioning • Heating 882 Holbrook 459 4930 Keys made for residential • Com­ PUCKETTCO • Plumbing • Sewer Cleaning • HUGS AND KISSES CHILD Natural & Painted Finishes * mercial* Cars (American & 412 Starkweather Visa • Master Charge • Night & CARE & LEARNING CENTER Wood Repair * Woven Seats * Foreign) • Combinations Changed Plymouth 453-0400 Day Service • Licensed • All 104 N. Main St. Hand Stripping * Wicker Repair. house, auto, safes. Areas Sewer Cleaning # Air Condition Plymouth • Locking Gas Caps • Heating • Plumbing • Visa 459 5830 • Master Cherge * Night & ALARMS rear round Pre-School • Ages Day Service • Licensed • All 2.’/?-9 yrs • Full-time. Part- MATERNITY APPAREL Areas. MIDWEST ELECTRONIC time, Drop-in, E.S.Y. Programs GARAGE BUILDERS SECURITY Licensed, Certified • Field MATERNITY VOGUE * 36343 Ford Rd. Trips • Summer Camp 7 am - RAYR. STELLA, 7353 Lilley Rd. Westland pm. Kings Row Shopping Center STAMP& COINS CONTRACTING INC. < 721-3894 747 S. Main Plymouth Canton, Ml Commercial and residential 459 7111 459 0260 PILGRIM STAMP and COINS Security Systems installed Each of our garages built to your Fashion for the price conscious 729 W. Ann Arbor Trail Auto Alarms • Keyless push particular need and home style. "mother to be." Great selection Plymouth button alarm systems. • "We're CHIMNEY CLEANING in all departments. Mastercharge 459 5275 the Fussy Ones" • Attached or free standing • Free Estimates • Financing. & Visa Top prices paid for ofd jewelry OLDE COUNTRY Gold & Silver coins. Type & Proof AUTO REPAIR CHIMNEYSWEEPS Coins, U S. & Foreign Stamps. "Guaranteed No Mess MEAT MARKET Mon. - Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9 2. DENNY'S SERVICE 459-7191 PORTERHOUSE 1008 Starkweather Fireplace, Woodstove and oil HALL FOR RENT Plymouth Furnace Chimney Cleaning MEAT MARKET 4538115 • Increase Fuel Efficiency 1058 S. Main VFW 6695 PLYMOUTH Plymouth 455-6770 TAXI Front end work * Tune Ups * • Eliminate Fire Hazards $40 Will Do It! 1426 S. Mill St. Specializing In: General repair * Certified Mech­ Plym outh • Fresh USDA Choice Meat STAR CAB anics * $28.00 Computer Hook-up 455-8950 • Pork • Veal * Lamb 453 2223 plus 4 minor adjustments. Wedding. Graduations, Anni • Freezer Specials •Fresh • 24 Hr Service • Airport Ser Seafood • Homemade Fresh vice * Package Pick-up & DANCE INSTRUCTION versaries. . Meetings, Fund & Smoked Sausage p Deli BAKERY R a ise rs, Delivery. Ride a Star its MARIA'S ITALIAN BAKERY MASTERS OF DANCE ARTS Better By Far 115 Haggerty-981-1200 6034 Sheldon Rd. (at Ford) Serving Plymouth & Harvard Square 38411 Joy Rd.-455-0780 JOHN J CUMMING surrounding areas 41652 W. 10 Mile-348-0540 455-0720 <, Ballet# Tap • Jazz • Gym­ PLUMBING, Square Pizza * Hot Italian 1425 Goldsmith nastics* Pre-School • Hawaiian HOME IMPROVEMENT Bread * Sausage * Baked Goods * Plymouth • Baton • Modeling * Singing Cannoles * Cake * Italian Lunch - 453 4622 TOWING • Drama RAY R STELLA. Meat * Beer * Wine. t CONTRACTING INC Kohler plumbing fixtures 747 S . Main • Plymouth Residential * Commercial . B & B TOWING BATH BOUTIQUE 4 5 9 r7 1 1 1 Repairs * Modernization * Rheem 934 Ann Arbor Rd . Complete Remodeling Service water heaters Plymouth, Mi FAMILY BATH BOUTIQUE ,# Kitchen planning & Design 453 3860 DECKS • 24!Hour Service 895 Wing St • Additions • Family Rooms • Local • Long Distance • Ex Plymouth • Sun & Garden Rooms • Por RESALE SHOP pressway Serv. 459 1680 JOSEPH ROSENBERGH ches • Free Planning & Estimates Storage Facilities • Radio Dis­ ! • Remodeling • Repairs • BUILDING CO. • FulLFinancing HIDDEN TREASURERS patched Bath Accessories • Medicine 453-4671 778 S Main St! Owner Bud Vest Cabinets •■ Vanities • Bath Specializing in Wolmanized Plymouth Carpeting • Shower Curtains Wooden Decks 459 9222 Free Estimates • Wicker & Wood Accessories Built to Any Size • Your Plans Good previously owned Furnish­ ings • Childrens Toyjs, Needs Or Mine • Fences, Patios INSULATION T.V. REPAIR BEAUTY SALON # Sporting Goods • Lot* More. Monday-Saturday 10:00 6 00 DD HAIR FASHIONS AIR TITE INSULATION Friday till 8:00 RICK'S T V. 44706 Ford Rd. 882 N. Holbrook 42412 Ford Rd. ELECTRICAL CONT. Corner of Lilley Canton Plymouth 453 0250 Fast Service on RCA • Philco • 455 9330-453 6540 SEAFOOD MARKET SAMSONOW ELECTRIC Save on the cost of heating- • Zenith • Sony • Magnovox 455 9331 453 6640 • Admiral • Panasonic • GE • Specializingin ' 455 1166 cooling Fast, professional in­ • Fuse boxes • Meters Installed PLYMOUTH FISH • Wards • Sylvania • Quasar • Perms • Precision & Pere- stallation . . "your comfojrt • MGA. • Plugs • Switches • Dryers is our business. ” 578 Starkweather metric Hair Cuts • Manicures • Ranges • Violations & Repairs. Old Village • 455 2830 Antennas Installed Total Redken Hair Salon • Beat Selection • Jet Fresh • Weekly Specials • Professional Instructions $ Personal BOOKSTORE Attention • Unique Party Ideas WALLPAPER & PAINT FIREPLACE SHOP # Catering with a Flair I PLYMOUTH BOOK WORLD KITCHENS PEASE PAINT & 2 Forest Place VILLAGE FIREPLACE WALLPAPER CO 455-8787 ' The Alternate Energy Center" 570 S. Main 844 Penniman * ROSE DALE KITCHENS 6074 Sheldon Rd. . Plymouth 455-6600 459 3120 459 2186 LIST YOUR • Unique Childrens Selections • Custom Designed Kitchens i & 453 5100 • Discriminating Magazine • . Complete home fireplace Wallpaper • Paint, Custom Mix-, center • Zero clearance fire­ Baths • Wood & Formica Cab- BUSINESS I^ERE Corner • Refreshingly Different nets I*1i Vanities • Corian Tops ing.* Floor Coverings • Oly­ Cards & Gifts place units • Inserts • Airtite mpic Stains* Art Supplies* Win­ • Stimulating new Pickwick Club wood stoves • Furnace add-ons • cjoulunter top. replacements • Freei Designl & Estimates. j 4 5 3 6 9 0 0 dow Shades * Complete De­ Rental Library 11 Best Sellers! • Complete line of accessories. corating needs. l Licensed , Builders

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£ 5 THE COMMUNITY CR1 EK : June 10. 1981