out of state in BY KEN VOYLES baseman Scott Bricker fielded a ground The Chiefs would have been m I Canton when he Billowed Bricker s It was an ironic but sad wav for the ball and threw to second. The ball deeper trouble in the eartv going it it 'ground out with a two-run single pist Canton baseball squad to lose to Harper skidded out of Steve Schumacher’s hadn't been for a pair of running past the- reach ot Gallagher s second Woods Bishop Gallagher in state Class glove when he tried to make the tag. catches by centerfielder Keith Stone. hase*man. A semi-final action vesterdav. Tom Ostrowski was the next Stone also started the Chiefs lone T m proud ot these* kids. We- were A pickoff attempt at third base bv Gallagher batter and he smacked a rail) in the sixth inning. It was Canton's down h\ three runs and had nothing Chief hurler Danny Smith - that bad home run over the rightfield fence to first hit ot the game and came on a going for us and we came back,” s(jid worked ail season -- went wild allowing put Gallagher ahead 3-0. hunt back :<> 'he pitcher. Fred Kum- j (,riss<*\. Gallagher to go ahead 4-3 and even­ The home run was Smith’s oniv ether berger then walked and Smith hit a two- tually win 4-3. mistake in the seven innings he pitched. strike single* to load the bases; ; Canton's last opportumtv came* in the The other key play in the ball game, The loss was his first of the vear in 14 Bricker then hit a grounder to second seventh, hut three* ground outs told the according to Canton coach Fred Crissey, outings. and was thrown out allowing Stone to k to rv . was a failed attempt to turn a double "Danny came, back with two davs rest score and the other runners to move to {The Chieds finish the se*ason at 2B-3 with a V^cstern Six League title-, distriet play ball. and pitched with a lot of guts,” said second and third base. land regional titfe-s to rheir name. With a runner on first, second Crissey. Schumacher got the tving runs tor j June TO, 1981 ! ' 1 The Newspaper | with Its Heart in the j i Plymouth-Canton j j Community j Vol. 8 No. 18 Both millage issues fail, Decker is board winner BY DAN BODENE Plvrnouth-Canton voters rejected both millage proposals, on Monday night - ballot and elected a new member to the school board - William H. Decker. B\ a m ardin of m ore than two to one* voters defeated millage proposals which sought to raise one mill for operating purposes ana lew the authorized millage without regard to Headier rollback. The defeat of both proposals w ill mean the total sjrhoo! m illage will rem ain unchanged from last year, at 35.26 mills However, the tax levy assessed on residential propertv will roll back to approximated 34.9 mills flue to the Car-train crash claims life Headlee legislation, according to THIS IS ALL THAT WAS left of a Volkswagon driven by Robert Barnett. assistant superintendent tor business 22, of 9025 Northern, Plymouth Township, after it struck the side of a C&O Raymond Hoedel. Exact rollback figures train passing through the Sheldon Road crossing at 2 a.m. Saturday morning. are unavailable. According^* Plymouth Police there is no evidence that Barnett even tried to It will also m ean a schools’- funding stop for ’tie train. After crashing through the gate at an undeterminable deficit of approximately 53.1 million, WILLIAM H. IILCKKK speed the Volkswagon rammed into the end of the sixth car of the fivc-mile- according toiHoedel. Decker, (a resident of Pk mouth ] "Township, came ill second with a total of an-hour moving train, slipped 'in between two cars and was dragged along the 1.320 votes tint did not carrv a -ingle track 150 feet before the train {halted, said police. Barnett’s wife Cynthia, 24. Township and the nevvi-st member of the Board of Education, carried six of the I \ I precinct. H<* -hared the high voii m the was killed, and Barnett received multiple cuts, a broken arm and nose and voting precincts in the distriet w ith a total farrand precinct, however, with (diaries other injuries. He was transported to St. Mary Hospital by Township Rescue, Washburn. where he was treated and released. |Crier photo by Robert Cameron| o f 1.661 votejs. His strongest support came from the Mankn Rickard ot Canton, a < lo-<- Central, Isbi-ter. Allen. West, Miller and third with a total o! 1,280 vole-, carried Bird precincts, coupled with the majorilv virtualk evt-r\ Canton precinct except Canton overcharged of ab sentee voters. Mill er. w h leh went to Decker. Decker’s nearest competitor, in­ fdm oniv other candidate (of a total ot fo r rubbish collection cumbent Stephen Harper of Plymouth rant, on pg. 25 BY DAN BODENE when a "house cheek” with Detroit Farmers market to open 4 1981 l»v PU rmuithd :int*»n I < rur. Edison verified there was a difference of inc. 1,376 units between what was charged to Mavor Marv Childs. Citv Manager Hank G.raper and l S. Congressman Carl Pursell Due to accounting errors in Canton’s the township and what was actual!) will ride into town on a hav wagon to celebrate opening day u! the Pkrnouth farmers former administration, the town: hip was serviced. Market Junf 13. overcharged for rubbish collection by as Rubbish collection in Canton by a Official ribbor»(twinc) cutting ceremonies Wjdl open the mark'-t. A blue gr-s-harni wdl much as 5100,000 over the pas two to single eompanv was begun in 1975. provide the! entertainment, bee keepers, dog grooming, a rare horse, adoption pen tor three vears. according to Gorman, and was originally animals am a petting farm are among tin- attraction- ,;t ih<- m arket L’ntii tfiis vt-ar. ru bbish co[!e< ion was handled In jMumeipa! Disposal Company. Fresh pr xiucr. flow ers, bake good-, eggs and c h e e se - will he old a! the market charged to tile township based o n a unit When Municipal Disposal began their a ted on Penriiman -\vV. b e tw e e n the* enn "i h< a111- and the Masonic I emplc. rate on approximately 12.500 uni! service. tby\ were furnished the total The market open- at f> a.m. and clo-e it i p.m. cverv Saturdav until Sept 5. According to Finance Director Mike number of housing units m Canton, and Cost of renting a booth at the Farmer- Mark'-t i- SlU per Saturday or 5100 tor all 13 Gorman, that total number of units was supplied wjith nionthk lists of new oc- Saturdays, j lo reserve a booth at tin- market call Diane Dart at the Chamber office at found to! be in error in December, 1980, cont. on pg. 4 153-1540 T~r —— rr 8__* PG. 2 SUMMER II ; i CLEARANCE 1 I [l IIMIQIIEM i e n / ^ALE STARTS TODAY SALE THE COM Ml AMl THECOM m June1981 CRIER: 10. Bobbie Brooks Jack Winter Spring & Summer >ii ! Coordinates / i/ Interlock *■* sets with contrast 50-60% off TERRY tVi P* trim . A vailable TANK in three A w ide 1 color combo's SETS variety of / styles in NOVELTY stripes and KN lj solids. H ap p y L e g s n SETS Junior Pants v $ 1 6 0 0 * Assorted Colors & Styles NOVELTY TOPS WOVEN B asic Vee, C rew , ar d Placket I ront SHIRTS TANK interlock S elect fr short sleeve poly M- TOPS eight pa4tel cotton shirts in colors. assorted plaids ' \ Choose from six and checks. \ different styles and seven fashion colors. \ \ ■ j m m / Plymouth Square Shopping Center (Corner of Ann Arbor Road & Sheldon Rd.) 44515 Ann Arbor Road Evafydiy Savings at 1WfrS0% Plymouth, Michigan Layaway and Exchange PrtvSagas Phone: 459*1010 A X Start thinking Fall Festival CRIER: THE COMMUNITY i j Summer j may not be officially h^re but Plymouth community organizations, churches and service clubs have received a reminder to start thinking fall—Fall Festival, that is. Applications have been mailed out to all clubs, service groups and churches fo r booth space and Fall Festival activities. Canton Jaycee fair time Any non-profit organization serving the Plymouth community not If s fun time at the Canton Jaycee Fair. receiving one of the applications is urged to call 453-9292 to he put on the J u d c Tile seventh annual | fair opens____ Wed-___ application mailing list. Deadline for reservations is June 15. nesday, June 10, and will run through Fall Festi val is scheduled for September 10, 11, 12 and 13. 10,1981 June 14 at the southwest corner of Fold and Lilley Roads. There will he all sorts of booths, games, food, and rides with activities planned for faiigoers of all Canton CETA snafu ages. A full schedule off the programs and bring! activities appears in a special section of The Crier this week starting on Page 17. threat of funds payback (Crier photo by Robert Cameron) elines put a B"IY DICK BROWN at §12,000 and federal guidi cap of S2.400 or he to w n sh ip ’s sup- Canton Township faces the possibility pigm ent. that it may h^ye to refund 514,000 to the !|Part of the township’s problem comes federal government because of possible from two of the cadets exceeding the pav abuses in pay and jobs performed by cap through working overtime or working township police cadets.
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