

g>>»>»>>»>*>»>>***>>>*>>>>*»>>>>***>*»>>* The sewing circle of the WOTM Paleontology Exhibit *1 8 will meet at the home of Mrs. S Chet Smith the afternoon of No- Given State for Fair 1/ 2 vember 30. // * St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild will „Major Darwin Harbricht of Fort * 2.hold a food sale at the Kootenai *ec^’ nationally known paleontolo- SANTA CLAUS 8 Mercantile Saturday p. m. Decern- 8J-55 ia? ^1.ven, Montana a remark- * ber 10. Sale starts at 1 p. m. with alde exhibit of dinosaur fossil, pine will be at : For Your Thanksgiving Dinner no orders taken before that time. It Çones- fossil figs and similar geo- « ,, t u- ^°r ~ exhibitlogical materiallodge at for the use San in theFrancisco state s : tano, Calif last Thursday evening. worjfj fajr 1939. The display will « : Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. de incorporated in other exhibits PENNEY'S : ROUNDUP FRUIT COCKTAIL 5 Ba/r> haw, recelved a card of her that will tell the story of Montana's « No. I’s, 2 for 29c 5 5316 arnval history and recreational resources. : 2 Ed. Hewitt, Ted Baeth and Mrs. FRANCO AMERICAN SPAGHETTI S George Baeth motored to Spokane 4Four s a Crowd Crowded Tin 10c 2 Sunday to take Katherine Baeth to ™ Ciwaea SATURDAY 2 that city for a mastoid operation. With Stars and Comedy DEL MONTE GRAPEFRUIT * The child’s condition was reported Afternoon, 2 to 4 o'clock No. 2’s, 2 for 23c 2 today to be critical and George Errol Flynn. , « w Baeth, her father left this after- Rosalind Russell and Patrie Knowles noon to be with her. share starring honors in the new : Warner Bros, comedy, “Four’s a All children invited to A REAL BAKING BARGAIN L 49 lbs. : Entertains Pinochle Club. Crowd ” which opens Sunday at the shake hands with Santa. » The R. C. C, Pinochle club of Kootenai theatre. M^ Rainy creek was entertained by Mrs. "Four’s a Crowd” has only one ob- ^ John Bromfield Thursday afternoon, jective, and that’s to make the audi- OCCIDENT FLOUR • High score was won by Mrs. Blake, ence laugn. It is an up-to-the-mm- ÛïaAeA CB&tteA CRajuu/ V JJ Delicious refreshments were served uie comedy ot the American scene. 8 $1.75 8 by the hostess at the close of the The story moves along at a breath- PENNEY'S afternoon. The next meeting will less pace, with a rapid-fire succès- J.C.PENNEY COMPANY , Inc. be held at Mrs. Ade Courtright’s on sjon of novel and humorous twists. CHRISTMAS CANDIES ARE HERE » December 1. The four persons with whose for­ Libby, Mont. tunes it is mainly concerned are: PLAIN MIX «: Are Hostesses at Shower. A Bright and fascinating newspa­ Pound 12c perman, played by Errol Fyinn; a Mrs, Jack Swarens and Mrs. spoiled but charming heiress, piayed CITY BOWLING LEAGUE ; Wayne Kemper entertained a group by Olivia de Havilland; a clever JUMBO BUMS * °J ladies Saturday night at the home smoothie of a girl reporter, played STANDINGS. 2 pounds for 25c 2 I -M«rS; ^warfnsù tbe P|^asar^f a^air by Rosalind Russell; and a rich piay- 5 ! Erickso6nVenThe0 evening wls devoid boy ’ played by Palnc Knowles. wno Gilt Tops Won Lost 1 48 15 ^ tncKson. xne evening was devoted inherits a newspaper. Wpcfprn Npivc And Many Others to Choose From J ^ con^’ *our P^les being in Also prominent in the proceedings Richard & Miller 44 19 2 Play- High score prize was won by : Walter Connollv as a ranacious ; ÎV • d , t Mll‘er ' ...... 39™ 24! Kootenai Theatre i Mrs. C. W Gildea, theconsolation bUCcan«£ ofthebasinlssworMwho InS‘ C°...... 38 25 5 by Mrs. J. W. Farris and a travel- “oîSSi Lrandfathe?55 world wh0 I Ubby Creamery . 30 33 * ine prize bv Mrs Erickson The s . . ,via.s granaiatner. ,Snowhite Market 7 56 , Aside from the principals named, Thursday, Friday, Saturday * nd °tJt other contributors to the infectious I High singles, one game, H. Slei- .f p hl n cl l Z Dainty merriment of "Four’s a Crowd ” m-!zer- 256- November 24, 25, 26 United Purity Stores : refreshments were served. c]ude Hugh Herbert, Melville Coop- High three games, one man, R. A Reunion to Shout About! er and Franklin Pangborn. Roberts 675. Stars of “Captain Courageous” in Marriage Licenses. another exciting adventure on the ! High team, actual pins, one game. sea of life October 17 Nathanial L. Saunders J0b Insurance Fund Universal Ins. Co., 1096. and Elvirah C. Murray, both of Lib­ Freddie Bartholomew High team, three games, actual by. The ceremony was given by Nearing Half Million pins, Universal Ins. Co., 2954. J. W. Haigler. in High team, one game with Hd’cp., “LORD JEFF” DON'T NEGLECT COLDS Montana’s unemployment com­ Universal Ins. Co. 1189. CAPITOL QUIPS. pensation fund paid by employers, with wilt-total more than £4,750,000 by High team, three games with Capitol News in Brief by United Charles Coburn, Gale Sondergaard, Complete stock McKesson's Cold and the end of this month, according to Hd’cp., Gilt Tops, 3283._____ Herbert Mundin Cough Remedies. Use Hough’s chest Press. Barclay Craighead, chairman of the Two five-men teams journeyed to ------oil or albatum for that chest cold. Emmett Shandy, Deer Lodge, was bureau. When the unemployed Kalispell Sunday, competing in Sunday, Monday, November 27 28 pardoned for a crime that never le- compensation law becomes effective tournament held there with teams Sunday: Matinee 3:00 Complete assortment of sick room gaily happened and was released next July 1, covered workers will from Missoula, Whitefish, Libby and É needs. from the state penitentiary after receive benefits when they are un­ Kalispell in play. Evening 7:30 and 9:00 serving one year of a seven year employed, according to provisions Team No, 1, Libby vs. Kalispell. Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHavilland sentence which was passed on him of the law. won four and lost two. The thrilling lovers of ROBIN HOOD when he pleaded guilty. After Team No. 2 won two and lost together in a merry, mad, modern Shandy pleaded guilty, Thomas TO THE VOTERS OF LINCOLN four, playing against Whitefish, romance! HOUGH'S Ryan, Powell county rancher, could COUNTY. High scorer for Libby, H. Han- “FOUR’S A CROWD Phone 55-J. Prescriptions not identify two calves allegedly I wish to take this opportunity of son, 215. stolen by Shandy, as his. extending by thanks to the voters Because of Thanksgiving, next with of Lincoln County who gave me League games will be set for Fri Rosalind Russell, Patricia Knowles, Sam Runyan of the Yaak attend- '«C^C*C^DC*C*C4C^«C»^e^«C«C«C«C^aGDC«t*CtC«C*C« their support at the general elec- day, Nov. 25 at regular hours. Walter Connolly, Hugh Herbert and ed the sessionJ of court here Tues­ non. 1 wish to assure you that I------meivme Cooper. day. I appreciate that support. The Broadwater county welfare ~ ... ,__ . Kt „„ ... LESLIE C. KENSLER. board warned that itinerant work- ‘ Wednesday Nov. „9, 30 Mrs. A1 Measure left for Spokane ers could not be put on relief rolls ! “LITTLE TOUGH GUY Sunday evening. She plans to stay Church News RANGES UNDERSTOCKED. already taxed to the breaking point I mcAi with the M for some time. when they wefe alarmed by a flood | V. F. Bushnell of Troy was a busi­ of unemployed pouring into the j “Dead End Kids ness visitor in this city Tuesday. Kirkpatrick Bros. Construction In the “best condition in years,” Co. are starting to move some of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Montana’s cattle are entering the county in search of work on the | There will be no play school or their machinery to Kalispell. J winter season on ranges under­ Broad water-Missouri reclamation i kindergarten Saturday due to the “The Friendly Church stocked at the present time, accord­ project. holiday. Ralph Larson of Columbia Falls Sunday, Nov. 27 ing to a statement by Dr. W. J. But­ Kalispell visitors in Libby on spent Tuesday in Libby visiting Regular morning worship begin­ ler, state veterinarian, A heavy Tuesday were W. C. Barnard, How­ friends and attending to business. ning at 11 a, m. grass crop this year accounts for the ard Bischoff, Riley Cole. Mr. and Mrs. George Fortier of Sunday school 9:45 a. m. excellent condition of the cattle, C. D. Christianson and J. L. Ronan visited with Patrolman and The Ladies’ Aid will meet in the while larger than normal shipments Stephens of Whitefish attended to Mrs. George Mourar Sunday and church basement on Thursday af­ out of the state during the recent business in Libby Tuesday. Monday. ternoon, Dec. 1, Mrs. John Finland, dry years brought about the under­ * Paul Church left last Thursday for hostess. Miss Dorothy Markus will leave If you have no church affiliations stocked condition. £ Great Falls where he attended to this evening to spend the Thanks­ Dr. Butler said “it is a blessing” business. Mr. Church returned you are invited to worship with us! the ranges are understocked as they j Monday. giving holidays with her parents in H. L. PFOTNHAUER, Whitefish. Pastor. will have a chance to come back ! Delbert Hudlow and Coleridge after years of overgrazing. Mon-1 tDefrosting VGrill #Skid McDougal of Troy attended court Mr. and Mrs. George Stoltz ar­ tana’s cattle rank with those of a : Fans Covers Chains here Tuesday in connection with a rived home last Wednesday from Christian Science Church. few other states in being the most i juvenile case. Cheney, Wash., where they had vis­ The subject for the Lesson-Ser­ disease free in the country, he said, j ited with relatives. mon Sunday, Nov. 27, “Ancient and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oberts of Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmer­ WE HAVE THEM ALL! Miles City spent the week-end vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Manion left ism and Hypnotism, Denounced." NOTICE OF COUNTY iting at the Russell Whitefield home. Libby Sunday for Seattle to deliver Wednesday evening meeting at TREASURER. Mrs. Oberts is Mr. Whitefield’s ! a new Pontiac coupe which will be 8:00 o’clock. I One-half of ail taxes levied and We also stock other accessories for winter driving, sister. I shipped to W. F. Kienitz in Hawaii. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. assessed for 1938 will be due and George A. Harbor, Spokane coun-,, Mr. and Mrs. Manion returned to payable before five o’clock P. M. including Prestone and other anti-freeze, heaters ty deputy sheriff and J. L. Sullivan ; Libby Tuesday. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. on the 30th day of November, next, and frost shields. In time of need during the com­ Spokane county commissioner were | Miss Gwen Brock arrived home First Sunday in Advent, Nov. 27. |and UI}less p?‘d pi!i?r. tbfrv*°’ in Libby to attend the trial of the last Saturday from her studies at 10 a. m. Church school. Mr. Wil- amount then due will be delinquent ing winter months these accessories will mean a Runyan burglary case. the northern Montana Teachers’ liam Anderson, Supt. 1 ?n<* IP jdraT )nteres^ at the rate of A meeting of the Prospector’s College at Great Falls, to spend the! 11 a. m. Morning prayer and 1 two-thirds of one per centum per thousand dollars to you and yet they can be pur­ Club was held Tuesday afternoon Thanksgiving vacation with her par- sermon by the Rev. À. B. Ward. | month from an$ after such delin- chased and installed for so little. Drive in now to with Mrs. Don Leach as hostess, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. AI Brock. ! 3:30 p. m. Young People’s meet-1 cj^ncy, and two per centum will be , . ., , , t ... ing. An interesting discussion has added to the amount thereof as a Leach served a dessert luncheon, Old time residents of Libby will * Visitors and new'Penalty- have your car Winterized. after which the young women spent be interested in the news that came members ?re'cordially invited Signed: DON E, ORR, the afternoon in sewing. this week to Floyd Bowen to the members are coraiauy mviiea. 6 County Treasurer. Mr. Alex St. Arnaud of Devils effect that his uncle, Wesley Bowen j Service Lake, N. D., is visiting with his died last Thursday in Seattle. The First Lutheran Church. daughter, Mrs. George B. Johnson deceased was a resident of Libby a Confirmation class, Saturday, 10: C.&H • Station and family. This is the gentleman’s number of years ago, at which time o’clock. WHOLESALE first visit to the west and he is very he built the house now occupied by Sunday school 9:45 a. m. impressed with the beauties to be Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rodgers. Mr. Sunday worship 11 o’clock. found here. Bible study Thursday, Dec. 1, 8 Bowen died from old age, being 79, p. m. at the home of John Knutson. ! Factory Prices Ladies’ Aid Thursday, Dec. 1, 2:30 j at the P, Peterson home. Welcome to worship with us HAROLD OLSON, ------S Student Pastor. Jjtfc First Presbyterian Church. Diamond Tires CHILDREN Sunday, Nov. 27 Regular Sunday .morning service; DUPLEX BRAND - *oun photocbaph | See the Gaines, Mechanical Toys, Trucks, Bails, Dolls and many lat 11 o’clock, with the Rev. Frank; other beautiful toys. : B. Hillis of Kalispell in charge. You LIFETIME GUARANTEE PARENTS j are cordially invited to attend. Use Our Lay-Away Plan . . , Merely make a small deposit and The Methodist Church. 1.50-21, 4 ply 5.82 we will lay any article away for you! H. W. Woods, Pastor SEE OUR WINDOWS, Sabbath School 10:00. Subject j for discussion “Thou shall not steal. ’ ; 1.75-19, 4 ply 5.99 Morning Worship 11:00. Com-1 ELECTRIC STORE munion service. Special m>fsic by! the chorus. 3,50-17, 4 ply .... 7.69 c®: Epworth League 6:30. Mr. Jack; Lancaster will lead the discussion. ; 3.00-16, 4 ply %61 {• The 4L Study club will meet \\ Wednesday Nov. 30, at the Ramlo : AND OLD TIRE home. Miss Stella Britenbaugh hostess. ✓ (i4 1 e '• The Junior Aid wil meet Friday, 39 c Dec. 2, with Mrs. Grove Denman SAVE hostess, Mrs. Sadie McKane, as- i MONEY ON a sisting. c TRUCK TIRES St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, AND BATTERIES HAVE THOSE TIRES REPAIRED NOW— Sunday Masses 8 and 10 a. m. Baptism after 10 a. m. Mass. Sun­ day School after 10 o’clock Mass. then you will be able to drive with greater peace of Confessions Saturday evening See Us First Picture a gift like this! Somedne wants your mind, knowing that you are safe from blow-outs and at 7:30. photo — someone will think it’s the grandest other accidents due to faulty tires. The cost is nom­ Christmas gift possible—someone will know it’s i inal and the results are enormous. Church of God. H. Earl Clack Co. 10 a. m. Sunday School. the most personal gift you could get—the one 11 o’clock morning worship. SERVICE STATIONS gift that can’t be duplicated. 0. K. Tl R E SHOP 7 p. m. young people’s meeting. 8 o’ clock evening services. Ill-Power Gasoline 8 p. m. Wednesday evening, mid PARKER STUDIO week prayer meeting. Heccolene Motor Oils 1 W. W. De BOLT, Pastor.