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Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 16, February 7, 1940

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 16, February 7, 1940" (1940). The Rollins Sandspur. 574. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/574 Florida's Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper Eo lUnSiiSsaniispur Advertisers "VOLUME 45 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1940 (Complete Campus Coverage) FEATURED IN CAST MacGowan Speaks at FAMOUS MONOLOGIST ^Annie Russell OF MT RDKR MYSTERY Morning Meditation Organ Vespers Knickerbocker ON RUSSELL SKRIES Finnish]! Reliief Wednesday, February 7 Lecturer Discusses Four 7:30 P. M. SGroup Presents Essentials of Humans Gatty Sellars, Guest Organist Says Hitler to Meeting To Be 1. Toccata—Confuga in D Min­ Dr. Robert MacGowan, noted au­ or, J. S. Bach ' ^Mystery Drama thor and lecturer, spoke in the 2. Sunset at the Abbey, Gatty Blame for War Held Tomorrow Knowles Memorial Chapel last Sun­ Sellars )V,"" Directed day. The subject of his sermon was 3. 'Agnus Dei' from L'Arlesi- "Human Essentials." Dr. Mac­ Famous Correspondent Tells •\ By Miss Lockhart, to Be enne Suite, Bizet Arr Sellars Internationally Known Men Gowan pointed out that there are 4. Tone-Poem . . . Finlandia, Of Meeting With German ^ Given Friday, Saturday Support Hoover's Plea in four essentials in a normal human Sibelius Dictator During His Rise Knowles Memorial Chapel being. First, cosmic sense, which 5. Nuptial Song, Friml ^Psychological Basis means being true to the humblest 6. Tone Picture . . . "An '\ Of Play Emphasized things in nature and the mightiest Ocean Tempest", Gatty Sel­ Feuhrer Impresses Collection Will Be things in God, a cultivation of the lars Foreigners As Silly right responses of human beings to 7. Rhapsody on the Reforma­ Taken to Aid Finns ^ The first mystery drama to be their environment. tion Hymn, "Ein Feste Burg", By ALDEN MANCHESTER !ii|)roduced in the Annie Kussell Second, proper perspective by Gatty Sellars it^jTheatre since Miss Russell per- H. R. Knickerbocker, famous for­ National "Help Finland Week," which each succeding generation 8. March . . . "Crown Imper­ ft^gonally appeared in a revival of eign correspondent and lecturer, sponsored by ex-president Herbert should profit by the errors com ial", William Walton v^fTHe Thirteenth Chair" several spoke on "The Ringside of Europe" Hoover, will be observed here to- mitted by previous generations 9. a)Felicity, Gatty Sellars Ej^years ago will be staged on Fri- RHEA MARSH SMITH in the Annie Russell Series, Fri­ morow night with a mass meeting However, Dr. MacGowan added, wt b)"In Old Thibet", Gatty Sel­ H^ay and Saturday, Feb. 9 and 10, day, February 2, in the Winter in the Knowles Memorial Chapel at have not yet learned from history, lars tli.when the Annie Russell Company Park High School Auditorium. His 8:15. This date corrects the error Howard Bailey Directs but continue making the same bli 10. "Pomp and Circumstance", ;jjpresents "Night Must Fall", by talk was very informative and in­ which appeared in last week's ders. "To possess all the wisdom Edward Elgar ijmlyn Williams. Founders' Week Play teresting to those who were lucky "Sandspur". President Holt called that has come through the ages i; enough to hear him. Mr. Knicker­ I jL Under the direction of Dorothy this meeting for the Rollins faculty one of the necessities of human ex bocker has been on the scene in g^Lockhart, the play will be pro- and students, and residents of Win­ Kaufman and Hart's Comedy istence. The success or failure of Europe since 1923 and has observed [jduced as a feature of the Annie ter Park as an immediate answer Features Morgan, Buckwalter civilization depends on how much Economic Problems most of the important events of Ojj RusseU Series at 8:15 on Friday to Mr. Hoover's appeal for support man is willing to submit to author­ history during that period at first uftnd Saturday evenings, and at 2:30 Cornelia Otis Skinner, whose for the Finnish nation which has ity." hand. Nine years of his time was j^Saturday afternoon. Director Howard Bailey Discussed Here at phenorainal success in the theatre been defending itself so heroically Third, a disciplined mind is the spent in Germany as a correspond­ u A psychological thriller, "Night ced Thursday the casting of the has brought her fame on two con­ against seemingly overwhelming necessity of every human being. ent and his knowledge of Germany i?Must Fall" is a study of a cold- Rollins Student Players' third pro­ tinents, will bring her program of odds. Without a disciplined mind, man Annual Conference and Hitler surpasses that of most , wooded murderer whose deliberate duction of the 1939-40 season, "Modern Monologues" to the An­ With Dr. Holt as chairman and falls prey to propaganda. "If peo­ Germans. 'ind incredibly arrogant machina- "You Can't Take It With You". nie Rusell Theatre at Rollins Col­ Dean Nance of the Chapel as his ple could only think it would be a lions fascinated audie The Kaufman and Hart hit play of Commons, Galloway Speak on Mr. Knickerbocker's lecture was lege on Friday evening, February assistant, the following committee grander world to live in." Jesus, ior a year and seven months, and several years ago was a Pulitzer Cycles of Depressions and delightfully informal in character 16, as an attraction of the Annie of civic leaders was formed: who had the best balanced mind iri ''juplicated the triumph later Prize Winner and ran for two years and was interspersed with interest­ Russell Series. In her original mon­ Mayor J. F. Moody; W. E. Win­ history, was given to us by God as a Planning for Future 'PJjew York. Emlyn Williams wrote on Broadway. Try-outs were held ing anecdotes from his own ex­ ologues, the gifted actress not on­ derweedle, president of the Kiwanis supreme and eternal guide. Tuesday and Wednesday, January perience that high-lighted his ly assumes a half dozen or more Club; Dr. Helen W. Cole, president '"^he play, directed it, and played Rollins College's Fifth Annual 30 and 31, and the cast was an­ Fourth, a progressive spirit of points. His knowledge of Hitler has parts: she surrounds herself with of the Woman's Club; George Grim, ^.ts leading part. Economic Conference was held here nounced Thursday morning as fol­ the sort that was possessed by the come in a large part from personal any number of an^esting figures— president of the Lions Club; Dr. According to Theatre maga' last Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri lows : founders of our democracy is the experience, having had some ten now comic, now tragic, always Victor B. Chicoine, pastor of the ^1li"Night Must Fair becomes an un- day, January 31, and February 1 Grandpa Vanderhof—John Buck- last essential for a human being. or more interviews with Hitler at alive and exciting. Playwright, Congregational Church; Rev. W. *^sual and original melodrama by and 2. Various distinguished econ^ waiter "The whole duty of man," Dr. Mac­ different times since he began his producer and actress, Miss Skin­ Keith Chidester, pastor of the Epis­ 8*iieemphasizing the grisly and omists and business leaders ad' Penny Sycamore—Vicky Morgan Gowan concluded, "is to live with rise to power. Knickerbocker first ner is also the author of two pop­ copal Church; Rev. John H. Hanger, '*''•''liressing the mental and psycholo­ dressed the conference in seven dif­ Alice Sycamore—Helen Darling his God, to learn to live with his fel saw Hitler during his attempted ular books, "Excuse It Please!" of the Methodist Church; Rev. Loys gical bases of the play", and " A ferent sessions, each one devoted Tony Kirby — Bob Whiston low-men and fellow-women, and to putsch in 1923, when be tried to and "Dithers and Jitters." Frink of the Baptist Church; Hal­ ^lay with its full share of shivers, to a different topic. After the Mr. Kirby — Bob Ward learn to live with yesterday, today take over the Bavarian govern­ stead W. Caldwell; Dr. John Mar­ • l^hrewdly lightened by comedy' speeches, discussion was held with Boris Kohlenkhov—Don Murphy and tomorrow." ment by force and was driven back tin; Lewis A. Dexter; and Miss mljthe description of the New York members of the conference ques­ Freshman Players Countess Olga — Deedee Hoenig The Chapel Choir, under the d: by machine-gun fire. He has inter­ Clara Adolfs, who was elected sec­ B! Sun. tioning the speakers from the floor. Gay Wellington — Anne Clark rection of Christopher O. Honaas, viewed him several times since Give Plays Feb. 14 retary. flbJE The complete cast is announced sang "Lord, We Will Be Glad," The first session, Wednesday Henderson, Income Tax Collec­ then at different stages on his President Holt will give a short igws follows: Mrs. Bramson, Jose tor — Jack Liberman from "Litany in B Flat" by Mozart. morning, had as its topic "Market­ rise to power and has seen Hitler Jack Buckwalter Directs Two •at^h Rose Dresser; Oliver Crayne, ing and Pricing Problems", and was talk, followed by speeches by Gen­ Ed Carmiehael — Robin Rae The offertory, "Larghetto" by in many different moods. tiiBarbara Brown; Hubert Laurie, addressed by Mr. J. C. Robinson, One-Act Productions eral John M. Carson, who served Essie Carmiehael — Margo Col- Handel-Hubay was played by Betty Mr. Knickerbocker said that the (ilhea Marsh Smith; Nurse Libby manager of the Yowell-Drew De­ the American Army in the Spanish- Yokel, violinist. The student read, impression that Hitler makes on a The Freshman Players, under the Ha/irginia Shaw; Mrs. Terence, Hel- partment Store, on the subject "Is American war, the Philippine in­ ings were given by Louis Bills, German when the German meets direction of Jack Buckwalter, will iiin Bailey; Dora Parkow, Jean Hoi- Rheba — Carolyn Lewis the Customer Always Right?" Mr surrection, the occupation of Porto Harriet Begole, Hoenig, and Herr Hitler or hears him speak is present two one-act plays, to the yl^en; Inspector Belsize, Henry Ja. Donald — Jim Dean Robinson concluded that the custo^ Rico, and in the World War; Dr. James Niver. a great and deep one, but that on student body during the assembly Jii^obs; Dan, Dudley Darling. Mr. DePinna — Ed Levy mer was always right because the Arthur M. Harris; Irving Bachel­ a foreigner Hitler gives the im­ period. The first play will star J. 5 The box office at the theatre will The Three G-Men: Chief — Alden primary purpose of the store WE ler; Dr. John R. Mott, chairman Sellars Plays at Vespers pression—a superficial one, to be Bud Waddell, Eugenie Van de Wa­ K open each afternoon from fo Manchester; Jim — Eddie Waite; serve the customer; therefore, if World's Com. Y.M.C.A., former Mr. Herman F. Siewert will pre­ sure—of being "just plain silly." ter, and Alice Newcomer and the Mac— Bud Waddell. the store was serving properly, chairman World's Student Chris­ sent Gatty Sellars at Organ Ves­ Ninety- eight percent of all Ger­ second will introduce to you Peggy Rehearsals started Thursday eve­ the customer would never have tian Ass'n and member of the Spe­ pers this Wednesday evening, Feb- mans who have heard him speak Conklin, James Niver, Jane Anne ning and will continue every day cause for complaint; therefore, if cial Diplomatic Mission to Russia •y 7, in the Knowles Memorial have become ardent Nazis after the Sholley, Paul Haley, Alma Vander i^Toy Skinner Places until the production. The play will the customer complained, there w in 1917; Tracy Lay, who attended Chapel, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Sellar experience, so powerful is his ora­ Velde, and Douglas Bills. "Second in Tournament be presented February 22nd and an improper service and the ci the George Washington School of is an English descriptive organist tory— he seems to have a sort of The first play was written by 24th in the Annie Russell Theatre. tomer must be right. He told Political Science and Diplomacy, and has given concerts in tht mystical power over them. George Kelly and the second by As has been the case in the past, good deal about the troubles and and has been stationed as consul ''Veneer Defeats Experienced Queen's Hall and Alexandra Pal- Thornton Wilder. In Thornton Wil­ there will be a matinee Saturday problems of a department store After a discussion of Hitler him­ in London, Paris, Dublin, Munich, ijji, Opponents at New Orleans der's play no scnenery is required. afternoon. and illustrated his talk with several self, Mr. Knickerbocker went on to and Buenos Aires, was detailed to The stage manager not only moves anecdotes about women customers talk of the War in more general the Conference on Limitation of * Toy Skinner, captain of the girl forward and withdraws the few and the troubles that the store has terms. There are four driving forc­ Armaments in 1921, and was a /arsity fencing team placed se( properties that are required, but he had with them. He listed two main es motivating this war: Hitler and member of the American Foreign )nd in the Mardi Gras fencing Ted Shawn's dancers present distinguished reads from a typescript the lines causes of trouble in the depart­ Germany, who are aiming at Service Ass'n.; Dr. Thomas Chal­ ;ournament held in New Orh of all the minor characters. He ment store: (1) Broken promises. WORLD DOMINATION, believing mers; Dr. John Martin; and Mayor .ast Saturday and Sunday. Against program; solo nwnhers prove outstanding reads with little attempt at charac­ Salespeople, in their anxiety to that they are a master race called Moody. Miss Mabel Ritch, Gretch­ i fiel dof far more experienced op­ terization, scarcely troubling -him­ make a sale, will sometimes prom­ by God to bring German culture en Cox, A. Kunrad Kvam, and the ponents entered from all parts of By BUD WADDELL "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," na­ self to alter his voice, even when ise more than can be given. When to the world; Stalin and Russia, Rollins Chapel Choir will provide f.he south from California to Flor­ Ted Shawn and his international­ turally religious in tone: the "Three he responds in the person of a wo­ the promised service or special con­ who are aiming to communize the music. ida, the Rollins entry did far more ly known group of men dancers Part Invention" which was created whole world; Imperial Japan, who man or a child. • ;han was expected of her, backed presented "The Dome" for Rollins by Shawn in 1917 and was one of sideration is not forthcoming, the There will be no charge of admis­ customer comes flying back with a is aiming at not only a new or­ sion, and the meeting will be open is she is by only two years of College and the surrounding com­ the first dances ever done in pure der in Asia, but also domination Kappas Plan Valentine Dance counterpoint; and last but certain­ grievance against the store. (2) to all. A collection will be taken, twordplay and entering her first ity Saturday evening, Feb. 3rd. of as much of the world as they The Dubsdread Country Club :ournament. as an evening of rare and un­ ly not the least, Barton Mumaw's Incorrect selling. This may include full proceeds of which will go to either high or low-pressure selling. control; Britain and France, will again take on a festive spirit aid the Finnish people. With this achievement Captai excelled pleasure for all those who own creation to the "Bourree, from who are defending their very na­ the Second Violin Sonata." High-pressui'e selling occurs when this Saturday evening at an all Skinner, has taken her first step privileged to see this well- tional existence, and who happen college dance given by Kappa Kap­ Tentative Program Following a brief intermission, a salesperson induces someone to award fulfilling the prophecy of trained and highly talented troupe at the same time to be defending pa Gamma. This time the program perform once more before they dis­ the second portion of the program, take "on trial" something that she MASS MEETING FOR FINNISH Intonion Greco and Joseph Vince, knows she shall not keep. Low- (Continued on Page 2, Col, 1) will be in the Valentine mood. *Jew York fencing masters, that band at the conclusion of this sea­ "Remembrance of Things Past: RELIEF FUND son. Formed in 1933, Shawn and (New Dances from Past Times and pressure selling occurs when the ihe would someday be numbered Knowles Memorial Chapel Men Dancers will have been to­ Old Dances from Previous Pro­ salesperson tells the customer to imong the greatest of women par­ February 8, 1940 — 8:15 P. M. gether seven consecutive seasons grams), began with another superb take both articles home and look ticipants in the sport. them over. If the sale can not be Lyman Beecher Stowe, Lecturer and Writer at the end of this year. During this dance by Barton Mumaw, "Remem­ ORGAN PRELUDE— . New Orleans is the center of ed in the favorable atmosphere ^iouthern fencing. There is found period, they have given at least brance of the Childhood of the Visits Rollins; Talks of Experience Abroad May Night Palmgren one hundred and twenty-five per­ Race: The God of Lightning (Al­ of the store, how can it ever be .he greatest organization between closed in the hostile atmosphere of INVOCATION— formances per year, before over a legro Barbaro-Bartok) and being By JEAN DENSMORE very nice custom. A few people in *'^iere and the west coast. Tourna- e home? Rabbi Morris A. Skop million people in all forty-eight primitive in nature and yet quite As Lyman Beecher Stowe said the audience usually come for­ '"^nents held there draw entries from CHOIR— ill over the United States and states, Cuba, Canada and , colorful, was a welcome change ^ At the second session, Wednes­ at the end of our interview, some ward after the lecture, shake the O Morn of Beatuy Sibelius nany parts of South America. Ex­ jcord that cannot be equaled by from the Dances to the Music of day afternoon, Prof. John R. Com­ had given him a compliment by speaker's hand, and tell him what­ ADDRESSES— tensive trophies are supplied by any other American group and by Bach. Immediately following this mons, of the University of Wiscon­ saying he was a real friend of ever is on their mind." President Hamilton Holt, pre­ he counsuls of these South Ameri- only one foreign troupe. dance, the Delmar Twins presented sin, spoke on "Collective Cycle Eco­ faith. He is just that and a very After that lecture, twenty-five siding *n governments for the first and the most easily interpreted number nomics". Professor Commons told charming friend, too. people came hesitatingly forward. 'The Dome' a program suggest­ Mayor J. F. Moody econd place winners in the foil, of the whole program, "Remem­ of the eight cycles of prosperity When Mr. Stowe was told that One woman remarked that she had ing life's limiteless variety was General John M. Carson pee, and sabre divisions. conceived by Shawn as a program brance of Chaironea: The Theban and depression that this country I would like to ask him a few ques­ always wanted to speak to the of divertissments which could con­ Brothers" which was descriptice of has had since 1829, when it first tions, he was rather amused, part­ speaker, but had never dared be­ Dr. Arthur M. Harris And so recognition in fencing is two Greek warrior brothers. "The .gain brought to Rollins, this time tain those creative works which had began to be an industrialized coun­ ly because he probably realized I fore. A tall, powerfully built min­ SOLO— failed to fit into his two previous Free Fantasia for Capes (Taren­ try. He showed, mostly by infer­ was definitely new at the game and er said, "I've never spoken to a The Black Roses Sibelius ly a girl, which should show the ghi)" part of the dance. "Remem­ major productions, "0, Libertad!" ence, that these had been getting partly because he didn't think he truly great man before." These are Mabel Ritch, contralto uthorities that a girl's team, and brances of Old Spain" was certain­ id "Dance of the Ages." worse and worse and that, if the deserved a place in the Sandspur. only a few instances of his educat­ ADDRESSES— somen's intercollegiate competi- ly the most colorful of the evening ions are worthwhile. "Life, like a dome of many-col­ Capitalist System were to survive, Mr. Stowe is primarily a lectur­ ing his foreign audiences to the Dr. John Martin taking the traditional cape move­ American ways. ored glass, some new methods of dealing with er and a writer of biographies. He Dr. Irving Bacheller ments of the bull-fighters as a these cycles would have to be Lambda Chis Initiate Stains the white radiance of Eter­ the grandson of Harriet Beecher Lyman Beecher Stowe is a strik­ Hon. Tracy Lay nity." foundation. This was followed by adopted. The whole problem re­ Stowe and when I asked him about ingly gray man with an alert, in­ "Remembrance of Childhood Fa­ Dr. John R. Mott Adonais—Shelley volves around over-production of her and her book, he answered that teresting face. He holds himself Theta Gamma Zeta of Lambda bles: The Green Imp" which was Dr. Thomas Chalmers (appeal for Thus we see how these two lines nearly all the goods and services of he hadn't spoken on or had a re­ erect as if he were the product of a Bii Alpha announces the formal both created and danced by Sam funds) of Adonais describe as beatuifully the country. He concluded that the quest for "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for military school. However he was nitiation of Robert Matthews, Steen. It was perhaps the most en­ OFFERTORY— „. they do adequately the many only possible method of saving the three years. He was in England at educated at Harvard, but even so, Kenneth Scudder, Boyd France, thusiastically received number of Valse Triste ___ Sibelius colored program which Shawn and capitalist system was through ad­ the time. he has no trace of an accent to be­ toderick MacArthur , Frank the program, and in our opinion, is [is Men Dancers presented to us. ministrative supervision towards Concerning England, Mr. Stowe tray him. Gretchen Cox, violin *owes, Donald Hayford, William due as much if not more praise The first portion of the program monopolies (the N.R.A. theory). went on to say that he was very He is noted for his lectures, ran­ A. Kunrad Kvam, violoncello toyall, and Edward Weinberg at than it was accorded. Barton Mu­ consisted of "Dances to the Music The businesses of America cannot much perturbed by the way the au­ dom articles, biographies, and his RESPONSE—The Doxology he University of Miami on Satur- maw immediately followed "The Johann Sebastian Bach" and survive with destructive competi­ diences in England and Scotland interest in civil student govern­ BENEDICTION— ay, February 8. Green Imp" with nearly as effec­ seemed to be performed in an at- tion — they must have a monopo­ "bolted" for the door the minute ment, but he will be remembered Dean Ellwood C. Nance tive a dance, "Remembrance of a President Dick Kelly, Vice-Pres- ..losphere of "white radiance." Of listic system of controls to keep up the lecture was over. At the end by those who came in contact with RECESSIONAL Lost Legend: Pierrot in the Dead ient Can-ow Tolson, and Dean particular beauty were the proces­ prices and wages and to keep down of his lectures, he made this little him at Rollins for his interest, en­ ORGAN POSTLUDE— Anderson accompanied the initi- sional dance to Bach's chorale, (Continued on Page 2, Col. 7) (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) speech, "In America, we have a thusiasm and dynamic personality. Prelude Elegiaque Jongen tes to Miami. TWO ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19in Stokowski Gathers Sandspur Reporters Invades Economic Sessions Reviewer Applauds Prove Interesting The Inquiring Reporter Shawn's Dancers Orchestra of Youth Chapel; Discovers Siewert (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4) (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3i production within a reasonable lev­ City (Korngold);" it was, to quote For Foreign Tour Finds Organist Friendly, el. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF FOREGOING THE STUDENT UNION from the audience's murmurs of appreciation that followed it. "tni'^^- Talented; Not a Mystery The fourth and fifth sessions BUILDING PLANS AND IMPROVING "REC HALL"? were devoted to the Citrus Situa­ quite artistic." The conduii; Man Hidden Behind Organ Symphony Musicians to Be tion and Citrus Problems. Speak­ ELSA JENSEN "I don't think there's such a call for a building. group in this second portion of : Paid Professional Group ers were Prof. C. V. Noble of the Why not spend the money on equipment, and trips away for the teams, program were a group of "Renu On Latin-American Trip By SALLY McCASUN University of Florida, Mr. Marvin various organizations and the debating club. In this way we can adver­ brances of Vanished Fronti- Four Dances Based on Ameri.. Herman Siewert is the i H. Walker, of the Florida Citrus tise Rollins through our abilities and abolish this country club idea." Folk Music"; they were all dan., which is found on the bottom of Producers' Trade Association, Mr. The All-American Youth Orches- BUD ALBERT "Good idea". solo by Shawn and in direct con­ the Chapel programs, seen in th( L. W. Marvin of the Florida Citrus • tra of 109 persons being recruited trast to the rest of the progran^ Vesper announcements, and occa^ Commission, and Mr. James J. JANET JONES "We need the firewood from "Rec HaH"for Lucy through the Nationl Youth Ad­ proved rather boring and poorK- sionally appearing on recital pro Banks of the Florida Citrus Grow­ Cross right now. By all means," ministration's State offices for Leo­ executed to us. In fact, all of : grams. The name is followed by tht ers, Inc. Mr. Noble showed the in­ pold Stokowski's Latin-American MARCIA STODDARD "Sure it's a good idea." solo dances with possibly one . word organist. Oh, he's the mar creasing over-pi'oduction of citrus trip next summer, will be a paid ception, "Nobody Knows the T; who plays the organ. We always fruits and the continually lowering CONNIE CAREY "I think "Rec Hall" should be tended to right professional, union organization, ble I've Seen", could not comi\ wondered. Oh sure, we know prices throughout the last ten or away. It needs attention badly." according to a message received to­ with those solo numbers by V-.. about the organ. It's the source of twenty years. Mr. Walker point­ day from Mr. Stokowski. Proper VERGES VAN WINKLE "No" ton Mumaw, Sam Steen, and : that inspiring music we hear at ed out that the recent cold-wave arrangements will be made for MEL CLANTON "No" Delmar T\vins whose grace and .. Vespers and at Chapel. The Man? had some good effects in that it those who are not members of the parent case never ceased eau,';; Well, we don't know. We've never wiped out the great surplus this union. RUTH SCHOENEMAN "$10,000 would certainly make a noticea­ us to marvel. But it must bo bo seen him. Ask some of the con­ year, but that on a long-term basis The 51 State offices of the NYA ble change in "Rec HaU' for any purpose the college might want to use in mind that Ted Shawn is nv: servatory students. Maybe some the situation was just as bad as are still receiving applications in •^ERM^N T. ^ie.W£lZT it for. Practical use of the building is much more important than its older than any of the rest of : of them know. We've just heard ever. Mr. Marvin didn't say much large numbers, and preliminary au­ looks." troupe and should bo admired no: the organ and there's his name. of anything. Mr. Banks pointed ditions have already begun in sev­ out the great need for coop­ STELLA GREGG "You can't improve that building. A new one is much for his dancing but for ' era] States to select the best musi­ Perhaps that is why the Editor eration among the citrus growers the only way." man'elous choreography in 'I cians. Applications will be LETTERS TO THE of the Sandspur said in his not to of Florida. He showed that one big Dome," and over and above this, LOLLY PHILUPS "Best idea yet." ed up to February 15, fron, be disobeyed tones, "Go over and citrus growers' association which courage and foresight in briiicr people, NYA or non-NYA, about EDITOR interview Mr. Siewert and get a could regulate production to rea­ his dancers to their present promi­ feature story for the next paper." 15 to 25 years of age. Many thous sonable levels in order to keep up POEM TO MRS. CASS nent postion in the world of enter­ ands of applications have already Mr. Siewert! Oh, the man who Winter Park, Florida prices is the most sensible and tainment. been received. plays the organ. So he really ex­ February 3, 1940 workable answer to the problem of COMMENTS on Copy of telegram sent to Mrs. Mr. Stokowski emphasizes the ists. Well, where does he stay? over-production. Following the main intermissi Editor Rolli is Sandspur: Emolie B. Cass on her seventy-fifth opinion that with the high profes­ This reporter would have been no Today's NEWS Shawn presented "Excursions ;• Dear Sir: At the Friday morning session birthday. January 24, 1940 sional standards being set, the more bewildered or shocked if the Visible Song", the outstanti I read with interest and amaze­ business and finance, Mr. L. youthful musicians' group will be Editor had said, "Go over and in­ By JACK LIBERMAN Mrs. Emelie B. Cass numbers being the first of this ,- ment the article by Robin Rae in Dickie of the Chamber of Com­ the equal of any symphony orches­ terview Pinehurst steps, we need Doylestown tion "Pyrrhic Dance: Frngnir your issue of January 31st. I have merce of the United States spoki tra in the country. feature story." For the most part, the news from Ohio from the Spartan Poet, T>-rtai. been connected with the theatre for according to the program, on th Europe is the same as it has been danced by the Ensemble, and thp "Both the musical and technical However, there was another sur­ Let every Rollins lad and lass a long time, and it has seemed to "New and Changing Responsibil fo ra long time now. In the Fin- last, "Studies in Rhythmic Form standards of this orchestra will be prise in store. The interview turn­ Give nine big cheers for Mrs. Cass me that the Rollins Student Play­ ties of Business", although ther nisb-Russo affair, the Finns report (Meeker)" which was likewise per­ equal to that of the Philadelphia ed out to be a delightful experience, She is without a stain or taint— ers are conspicuous for the good wasn't a great deal about business that they have defeated the Rus­ formed by the Ensemble. These Orchestra," said Mr. Stokowski, preceded by the soft, sweet tones Our Sullivan beloved saint. direction, the fine lighting, the in it. The greater part of his at­ sians in every engagement and are dances represent the culmination of conductor of the Philadelphia Sym­ n organ in an empty chapel and Our hearts are with you ever­ charming sets, as much as for the tention was devoted to government tuming back the Soviets every­ Shawn's experimentation in usin» ' phony Orchestra for the last 21 ending with a friendly conversation more— specific talent of any individual and, by inference mostly, the New where. Finland's president, Kyosti the dancer's own unnccompniii.'.l years. "No player will be accepted I one of Rollins' most interest­ May you live on for forty score. among the actors. To call the Deal. He presented a seventeen Kallio, extended an olive branch to voice as the musical backgrounii • who would not be a accepted for ing men. So let the azure welkin ring lighting makeshift and the sets point program for recovery whose Russia and suggested that an hon­ his dance. Eva Sikclianou, wil", the Philadelphia Orchestra, if there Mr. Herman Siewert was very As we your happy birthday sing, ponderous is to prove that the critic effectiveness is very doubtful. On orable peaace could be concluded Greece's greatest poet, closely r< were a vacancy in it. In addition to disappointing as Rollins' number has a great deal to learn. I have a such controversial and vague points Stalin's answer to this was a re­ laboratod with Shawn in perfectiiijj , these standards, the enthusiasm one Mystery Man. Instead, he was Signed: Hamilton Holt suspicion that this particular critic as "Economy in Government" he newing of the attack on the Man­ this vocal accompaniment which of youth will provide the most vi­ friendly, disarming, and a little Lida Woods has learned just enough to make couldn't seem to make up his mind nerheim line. Moscow, during the proved quite effective. The "Stuil- tal factor in the performances of hy; and he began his career in Viona Wise m think he has learned all. where the economies should come. last week, gave out some tall tah ies in Rhythmic Form" introdu,' this group." the common-place American city of Winslow Anderson It gives me pleasure to say that He didn't believe in cutting relief concerning Finland's plans. They Anna Treat Jess Meeker, the group's talcr • Mr. Williams disclosed that Mr. first organ instruction at Kal­ r. Allen is not to be included and farmers'-aid expenditures, nor clam ithe Finns wish to restore the Cynthia Eastwood pianist-composer, as an excclir Stokowski has made arrangements amazoo, he later went to New among those at the production end did he believe in cutting substan­ Romanoff dynasty, annex part of Mary McQuaters choreographer as well as composer. to make a tour of 14 American cit­ York, studying organ, piano, and whose lack of attention to Eugene tially the expenditures for the reg­ Norway and Sweden, and have Laura Neville ies this spring to conduct the final theory; and graduating from the Tho program was concluded with O'Neill stamps him as one regard­ ular government offices. His only cuted thousands of sympathizers of Barbara Patterson auditions, in which he will choose Guilmont Organ School. Seven the dance, "Jacob's Pillow Concerto ing O'Neill as the proprietor of a point of cutting was "bureaucracy", the Soviet puppet government Frances Ritzi the 109 to be employed. hot dog concession at the Polo years ago, he spent the summer d excellent place for cutting if Finland. We who know the facts (Meeker)" and was executed by France studing organ and im- Arthur Enyart Shawn and the Ensemble. H is the There will be three separate au­ Grounds. Mr. Rae should make e can only find it. The other can see how silly these accusations Mazzie Wilson ditions, the first to be conducted self familiar with Mr. Allen's provization with Marcel Dupres points on the program were typical are and can see that this report last major work upon which both has been at Rollins ten years, William Yust Shawn, the choreographer, and by expert musicians chosen by arkable thesis which has O'Neill Chamber of Commerce charges and only a desperate attempt (or a sil­ Winifred Herron Stokowski, which include the fol­ for its subject. It is a thorough leaving the position of organist at counter-charges and are too lengthy ly one) to try to shift some of the Meeker, the composer, collaborated, the Pennsylvania Hotel in New Ervin Brown and is intended to give a composite I lowing: Hans Kindler, Conductor and admirable piece of research. to go into here. However, the world's sympathy towards Russia. Fred Ward of the National Symphony Orches­ York to come here. "economy" point was typical of a picture of the many mornings spent \ as it occurred to Mr. Rae that In every war there are always such Harold Mutispaugh tra, Washington, D. C; Karl Krue- lack of exactness. by tho group in practice at Jacob's if any dramatic department or any In 1923, Mr. Siewert won reports, but hardly as stupid as Ruby Marshall ger. Conductor of the Kansas City high degree of Fellow in the Ar these. As each reported victory Pillow, Shawn's studio in the Berk- | professional box-office ceased to Mr. A. M. Harris, President of Chloe Lyle Symphony Orchestra; Jacques Guild of Organists. He had of the Finns is announced, the re­ shires, and is in part, .symbolic of ; as a consideration the matte: the Florida Bank at Winter Park, Helen Ward Singer, Conductor of the Dallas spect and fear of Russia's power the history of the group. of pleasing "the aged, infirm, deaf S,'"i^^°"''V^,_''':l'^'r_'',_*^t.-*'^°l'!*,^ spoke on the "Governmental War Helen Willard Symphony Orchestra; John Ritter, and rating as a world power dimin­ inmates of resort hotels who cling Degree, his marks in theory work Debts". He gave a history of the Helen Meason Conductor of the Florida WPA ishes. This coming Thursday, we THE BALLAD OF "JARRIN" tenaciously to the standards of being the highest of all contest war debts replete with figures and Helen Sprague Symphony Orchestra; Peter M at Rollins are holding a rally for JOHN" the 80's as they do to the remain­ ants in the United States. concluded with the statement that enblum, Conductor and teacher, the relief of stricken Finland. Let ing months of their lives," the When asked why he picked the the United States should discharge By MERLIN MITCHELL Los Angeles; Dwight Anderson, us all help in any way we can this chance of having an audience able organ to bear the brunt of his tal­ the inter-allied war debts because HER REPLY Dean of Music, University of Lou true defender of democracy, FIN­ John Kimbrough knew what he to afford theatre-tickets would be ents, he answered, "Because the or­ the Allies had fought the war for isville; Tor Hylbom, formerly of gan is the most comprehensive of LAND. January 28, 1940 could do the Stockholm Symphony Orches­ rather more slim than when these us dring the year from April, 1917 In football's famous study. dreadfully useless and contemptible all instruments, and therefore the to April, 1918. tra, Denver; Saul Caston, of the most satisfying. It is possible to The war on the Western front To my dear friend: Rollii He knew the course was dhvlnf Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra members of society (who after all At the closing session Friday has developed into a battle of College force— have been both young and old where draw many tone colors from the Joseph E. Maddy, Dean of Music organ and it is the instrument clos­ afternoon the topic was Ecoonmic speeches among the rulers of the (That seat of culture, art and To blast them blue and bloody. Department, University of Mich Mr. Rae has been only young) are Planning. Dr. George B. Galloway belligerents, each warning the oth­ knowledge): regarded as an important audience est to the symphony orchestra. In­ And so you bet that Big John let igan and others to be announced deed, it is the only instrument on Field Representative of the Nation er to beware, that they are fight­ I salutations send and greetings later. The third audition will be element ? No real theatre man al Economic and Social Planning ing for the right, and that they are With hopes for pleasant future Them know what he was worth would dream of aiming at an au­ which it is possible to play or­ He'd rock and shock the burly flock conducted by Mr. Stokowski in per chestral music with any semblance Association, addressed the confer­ protecting the neutral nations while meetings. son. dience composed wholly of ambi­ ence on "National Planning in Peace the other side is trying to destroy And mangle them for mirth. tious young. of the original tone effects." and War". Dr. Galloway described all neutrals. Take your pick, three Your telegram was quite delightful His plunging pride he specified Mr. Rae praises the student ac­ The organ programs include or­ picks for anickel. the causes of our present economic With prexy's name first, as was And if he had the time, tors; his attack would seem to be gan literature from Bach to the ills and discussed the New Deal. Knickerbocker Talks In the East, Japan is having her rightful. Around he turned and stomped and levelled at the drama department more modern composers such as He then laid out four types of ac­ On European Scene troubles, not only one but a plague The thoughts expressed, the rhymes churned j of the college. When he has seen Vierne and Franch: and piano and tion that we could take for the full orchestral transcriptions includ­ of them. First, the Nipponese are and meter— And ground them in the grime. ' (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) as many college drama depart use of resources. These were fin­ having difficulties with their for­ No other token could be sweeter. ! 1 ments as I have seen, he will real­ ing such lovely symphonic works as ancial, a compensatory fiscal poli­ Tchaikowski's "Overture to Romeo eign policies. They are having con­ ' John would play his own fierce way. j most of the rest of the countries ize that these plays are well pro­ cy that would make use of the fin­ flicts with the British over some I thank you all, and if alive Teammates: he didn't need them. J duced, well directed, well timed; and Juliet" w;hich Mr. Siewert will of the world. ancial powers of government and Chinese supposedly hiding in Brit­ When each of you is seventy-five, An opponent's wail was no avail, that the sets have unusual subtlety play on the Vesper Program to­ Summing up what will happen business to make up the deficiencies ish concessions, and with the United I'll send you birthday greetings, For Big John wouldn't heed th' when and if the war is finally fin­ and appeal..,, that the timing is fa; night. of the national income; investment, States because of ou rabrogration of too, ished, Mr. Knickerbocker said: nearer to that of professional per Why don't we go over and hear the production of new capital facili­ If one of the boys, forgetting,' the trade treaty and the demand With lots of love to each of you. If the Allies win: there will bi formances than is the case in most him, and give credit where credit ties to make up for the lack in in­ here that an embargo be placed or poise, one group who will say, "Do not college theatres. It is true Winter is due ? dustry; industrial, expansion in the In the second half revolted; goods slated for Japan. Not onij Best wishes to you, everyone, make the mistakes of the Versailles Park is a place where there key industries through government You'd know, if wise, 'twas oni do these troubles beset the Japa^ And may you all have lots of fun, Treaty again; be nice to Germany many people who are approaching tly private action; and an­ the guys Paul Muni Stars in nese, but the economic structure Health and success as the full and Germany will be nice to us." the end of very useful and cultured ti-monopoly activity, the use of ef­ That Jarrin' John had jolted. of Japan is beginning to show thf weeks pass. There will be a second group that lives, people with a long acquaint­ "Juarez"; Shown at fective measures for protection of strain of their futile war against Yours very cordially, Emelie Cass. Gigantic John drove on and on will say, "Don't repeat the mis­ ance with the development of the small competitive enterprise. These All-College Movie the Chinese. And as a climax, the Till in his thrashing thunder, takes of Versailles; the Germans American theatre; it is rather too four types of action can be carried Russo-Nipponese boundary commit­ He buried his skull in a goal-po«t are the best war-makers in the mo­ bad that free speech at Rollins Col­ "Juarez," was presented at the on within the capitalist system. As tee has disbanded because of "total hull dern world; don't let them have lege allows a note of contempt and Annie Russell Theatre last night, future development of the capitalist divergence of viewpoints." We are And both were split asunder. any weapons." Somewhere in be­ cruelty to creep into references to , Paul Muni and Marian system, Dr. Galloway sees a de­ apt to forget about this struggle CAMPUS tween there will be a compromise. a considerable portion of the intelli­ Aherne took the leading" roles. cline of competition, and extension because of the European affairs, I'll wager yet, and back my bet, If Hitler wins: there won't be gent threatre-audience that assem- The story was that of the Empor- of public control over the economic but, as I said some time ago, we NEWS The stars discharged on high, any treaty of peace; in fact, there in the interest of Rollins Col­ er Maxmillian in Mexico, and the life, the growth of large industries, : must not forget that China needs Dotty Bryn, Carolyn Sandlin, Those sputtering sparks are Big won't be any Britain or France; lege and displays good taste and uprising led by Juarez. Although and the extension of state control our aid almost as much as Fin­ Pat Pritchard, Bert Hadley, and John's marks they will be exterminated as Po­ good feeling . , . and good manners. the picture is exciting, the true over investment, credit, and the land. They too are struggling Clax Krause were the guests of While plunging through the sky.] land has been and is being exter­ Youth must be served; but I doubt story is even more theatrical- basic industries. against despotic form of govern­ Nin Bond in St. Pete during the minated. In Poland the Poles are f even youth is served to its own much so that even the movies did ment. Perhaps he heads for Heav- The last speaker of the confer­ week-end. being moved out of their homes idvantage in a display of rudeness not dare to tell the melodramatic meads ence was Mr. John E. Webster, gen­ Here in the United States a overnight and not being allowed uch as this reference to "the aged, truth about the death of Maxmill­ Bob McFall spent Saturday and For maybe the devil will swaf ; eral works engineer retired from great advance in television was an­ to take anything but the clothes he infirm, the deaf." ian. Bette Davis was not at her Sunday with his parents in St. him, j the Westinghouse Electric Compa­ nounced by R.C.A. when David on their backs and food for three best, though she gave an excellent Pete. But wherever he goes the athlete | Very truly yours, ny. His subject was "Industry Samoff, president, announced that days with them. They are then performance. It was, however, al­ Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Montgomery, knows GALEROCH URQUHART Must Take the Lead," and he pre­ relay stations are to be built so put on box-cars and transported most as good thud and blunder as the parents of Frances Montgom­ There's nothing that can '•' sented a plan for a National Trade that in the near future people in to the middle of Poland where saw last week in "Dodge ery, are spending the month of him. Association to control industry vol­ California will be able to see broad­ they are let out to shift for them­ French soldeirs stood about look­ City." February in Orlando. untarily with the purpose of lower­ casts originating in New York. selves in the middle of the Polish ing at them, one young Frenchman Wilm Heath Lauterbach, '39, left ing prices and increasing produc­ For the present, Washington and Studio Club Meets Weekb winter. This is essentially what summed it all up, saying, "It was for Delaware, Friday. tion and consumption. Lower prices Boston are to be the trial distances The Studio Club of Rolling.^ ' would happen to France and Eng­ Adolph Hitler killed them." Anne Roper, '39, arrived Satur­ Notice and higher production would bring from New York. What effect this lege, led by Bob Bums, has : land, if Hitler won. day to visit the Gamma Phis at meeting every Wednesday even- The Editor of the Flamingo, about full employment and there­ will have on radio is difficult to Strong Hall and left Teusday for Mr. Knickerbocker summed up The Hendrix College news bur- fore better and bigger national pur­ say, for we have seen that nobody at the Art Studio. The Club • the whole present European situa­ Louis Bills, would like students New York where she is doing grad­ eludes artists from Winter Pair; u last year sent out 850 stories who have stories, articles, or chasing power. There was some had any idea back in 1921, when uate work at Columbia University, tion with a story. He told of one about the school's activities and question among the members of station KDKA was first opened ill as students from the can' of his last visits to the Front in poetry to submit them either d the various mediums used > personalities. to him or to some member of the conference as to whether the what a great effect radio itself France before he came home. While plan was not a bit too Utopian in would have on the world. We will not officially announced his feel­ meeting has built up the popu!:^ visiting the French in the Forest the editorial staff this week. ings on a third term, but prefers of the gathering. New contributors are especially ts ideal of voluntary cooperation. just have to wait and see. of Warndt, two German soldiers, Forty thousand Ohio high school to play games with everybody and The student models are chose: urged to submit material. The As the time for the national con­ the first dead that the French had students attended the annual high leave everybody wondering and r. Bums for the subjects, • next issue of the Flamingo will Temple University has offered ventions draws nigh, the air is filled seen, were brought in. As they lay school day at Ohio State Univer­ afraid to go forward for fear they help keep up the interest of the • be published Founders Week. its stadium as the site for the 1940 with speches, petitions, and mud. on the ground and a group of sity. will have to change everything much as the refreshments se­ Olympics. Up to now, President Roosevelt has when he makes his decision. at the end of each meeting. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1940 ROLLINS SANDSPUR THREE Collegiate Press Music Festival Will WINGS over Be Held Next Month QUOTABLE QUOTES Sponsors Contest ROLLINS The Spice of Type By GEORGE EHRLICH High School Musicians Will A job well done is one that is done with honesty and integrity. Set­ forPhotographers By NIN BOND Participate At RoUins ting a goal for ourselves and accomplishing it can mean nothing if we do At Carnegie: } any charming young lady — I want not infuse the age-old virtues of honesty into our methods. Dishonor in You can tell a girl's character by to dance with you." Annual Salon Edition Will Be While observing aviation and The eighth annual high school trivia] things soon leads to deceitful action in major issues, and we sud­ "Wings Over Rollins" this week Music Festival to be held at Eol­ her clothes. denly awaken to the fact that we have been steeped in the ignominy of a Entirely Devoted to Prize- Nonsense; I'm sure girls have At Beanery: Winning Pictures here are some of the things that lins College will bring to Winter corrupt set of morals." Lawrence College's Pres. Barrows urges colle­ were seen . . . Jeff Kennedy, who Park on March 27, 28, and 29 a more character than that. Northern Frosh Co-ed: "What's gians to maintain honor above all else. a grapefruit?" flies very well in spite of his bad group of the most outstanding high For the moment the attitude of our academic youth seems to be so At Harper's: Southern Sophisticated Senior: Photography for art's sake — leg, bouncing down the field like school singers and instrumentalists largely self-centered that one doubts whether the form in which pacifism Stranger: "What do you do for a "Strictly speaking, it's a lemon and human interest, too! "Smiling Jack's" student Eabbit. in the state of Florida, according to brought to them during these years was the best for their spiritual living?" that's been given a chance and tak­ Those are the chief requirements . . . Imagine Kerwin Awams' sur­ an announcement by Professor health. The young men today seem to be largely concerned with safety Rollinsite: "I write." en advantage of it." for the pictures that all students of prise when, in a spin, the wind­ Christopher O. Honaas, director of first and the old men with $30 every Thursday. Peace that is not the Stranger: "And what do you Eollins are invited to submit for shield blew off. Not being satis­ the Rollins College Conservatory crown of justice and liberty is a peace that cannot last, and it would have write?" I'll never forget those two sen­ the third annual Collegiate Digest fied with aviation for a thrill, Ker­ of Music, and chairman of the Mu­ 1 more inspiring if our young men and women today had been more Rollinsite: "I write to my father." iors I overheard one night last year Salon Edition competition, rules for win has purchased a motorcycle — sic Festival. concerned with justice and liberty than with their own safety." Presi­ at the lake front the last week of which were announced last week by Tsk—Tsk . . . That new "Spartan An All-State Selective High school. dent-emeritus William Allan Neilson of Smith College chides collegians the editors of the national college Executive" of the Hickok's is giv­ At Phi Delt House: for their stand on the affairs of the day. School Chorus, under the direction "Sweeheart, you're the most newspicture section. ing Ray his thrills lately. (Too bad of Mr, William P. Twaddell, of Dur­ "I've been, in almost every state in the Union." beautiful creature in the world. This amateur photo contest is girls) —I seriously think that ham, North Carolina, and an All- his bad play during a game of "Have you seen Virginia %" You are the object of my dreams, conducted each year to select the we should have a ride in it, State Selective High School Or­ bridge. though. —All of us . . . Not seen at "No, but I've got her phone num­ the light of my life, the hope of my prize-winning photos to be featured chestra, conducted by Dr. Joseph E. You are my inspiration, If we are ever killed that way, Cotton Gabardine the airport lately are Betty Phil­ ber." in the annual Salon Edition — an Maddy, of the University of Michi­ my only ambition. I'm ready to we should like to be buried with lips, Frank Bowes, Merlin Mitchell, edition that is a special "showing" gan, again will pro»e of incalcula­ work for you — to die for you. Will simple honors. BUSH-JACKETS John Albert, and Fred Hasten— of the best work done by collegiate ble inspiration ana educational At the Lake Front: you be my wife?" You know, you can't learn to fly She: "That was terrible! You $4.50 photographers during the year. value to both participants and mu­ She: '*Do you love me, Harry?" Barnard College has received a This special edition demonstrates if you don't go up in a plane! sic directors throughout the state. shouldn't have kissed me!" gift of $100,000 to be used in estab­ the great progress made by stu­ Hilbert Hagnauer just can't quit That their influence may be wider He: "Let's try again, maybe I'll lishing a health education program. do better!" We visited the court last week ,4*c:=\ dent and faculty shutter-snappers, talking about that new Cub "65" than ever this year is evidenced by and heard a case involving two ne­ The only Gaelic college in North and rewards the winners with cash trainer. Not that we blame him, the fact that one or both will ap­ groes : America is located at St. Anna's, At Strong Hall: prizes ,the publication of their pho­ because it will go up like Al Wil­ pear on the program of the Annual Judge — "Here is the poor wo­ Nova Scotia. First Co-ed: "Why did you break tos, and participation in a travel­ liams' "Gulf Hawk" ... We can Convention of the Florida Educa­ man you stabbed fourteen times off with him?" ing pohto salon that is exhibited at see that the boys are beginning tion Association, meeting in Orlan­ with your knife, and was still able Second ditto: "He's the biggest leading college art centers in all to get wander-itis. Every time do the same week. Both will be e to court. What have you imbecile on two feet!" sections of the U. S. they circle the field they make that heard also in grand concert at the to say?" First: "What did he do to you?" This largest and most widely turn a little wider. . . . The two Winter Park High School Auditori­ Prisoner — "I say that she must BABY GRAND Second: "He came over one night, known of all college camera con­ favorite wandering places are ov­ um on Friday evening, March 29. have a marvelous constitution." and you know, he put his arms THEATRE tests is open to both students and er our campus and Dubsdread. The personnel of the Chorus and around me and all. And when I faculty members. Although the Ralph Harrington prefers Dubs­ Orchestra will be drawn from the Week of Feb. 8th cried, 'stop it', he DID." At the Freshman Dance: experienced amateur is aided by the dread where you don't have to be most talented young musicians in "I'll never talk to her again. She Thursday - Friday use of special equipment, ordinary so high . . . Tommy Knight and the high schools of the state, after nsulted me." The finest actor of our time : cameras very often take the prize- Frank Keller are way out in front competitive try-outs in their own At Sigma Nu: "What did she say?" his most magnficent role! winning pictures, as previous Salon in logging solo hours. At this rate schools. Now in its second year, Bo: "I have insomnia; can't She asked me if I could dance." heart-stirring story . . . Edition contests have proven. It's they ought to be licensed pilots by this feature of the Rollins Music sleep a wink." "There's nothing insulting in the picture — not the equipment — the middle of April. Festival has the enthusiastic ap­ Ho: "I know a good remedy; a that." CHARLES LAUGHTON that counts, and both experienced proval of the music directors of glass of whiskey an hour. Won't But she asked it while I was and inexperienced photographers We interviewed both the Na­ Florida, who welcome the change put you to sleep, but makes it a dancing with her." "" may participate in the contest. tional Airline and Eastern Airline from group competition to this pleasure to stay awake." to find some interesting things on Here are the complete rules for highly specialized and instructive We read in the papers that a Saturday - Sunday - Monday safety . . . Did you know that after plan of the Festival. The new ar­ At Class: Kansas City woman is reported to the competition: "GULLIVER'S TRAVELS" each flight all of the movable parts rangements provides opportunity New Prof: "This is the last lec­ have shot her husband because of 1. All material must be sent not of the plane are checked ? . . . That later than April 1, to: Salon Editor, for schools in remote parts of the ture of my course. The six-hour A Full-Length Feature Cartoon after a motor has run 450 hours state to participate at small ex­ examination papers are already ADDED — TRAVELOGUE Loosely fitting; plenty of Collegiate Digest Section, 323 it is taken completely apart and pense and to receive the inspiration made out and have been sent to the "QUAINT ST. AUGUSTINE" pockets. The smart cam­ Fawkes Building, Minneapolis, Min­ overhauled or renewed? It is this nesota. of singing or playing under nation­ printer. Is there any question any pus jacket. Colors: smoke, conscientious work that makes ally known conductors. of you students would like to ask?" AMERICAN 2. Send technical data about their remarkable records possible. Tuesday - Wednesday mocha, maroon Solo contests for voices and in­ Tall Soph: "What's the address each photo submitted. Give college In the last year there was only one Launderers Drycleaners "" struments form an important part of the printer?" year or faculty standing of the death in airline operation. That of the Music Festival, also, and are photographer. Information about is an average of 106,429,000 pas­ • open to high school seniors through­ At Open House: Rosalind Russell R.C. BAKER the subject of the photo will be senger miles per fatality. Records out Florida. Application blanks She: "I'm sorry I can't have this CAMPUS AGENTS helpful. Any size of photo is ac­ prove that it is safer to fly than for the All-State Selective High dance with you, but really, I prom­ ceptable, but pictures larger than ride a mile. 3 by 5 inches are preferred. School Chorus and Orchestra and ised somebody else. I'll be glad, Joe Justice 3. Enter your photo in one of Twenty boys have soloed now. entry blanks for the solo contests however, to introduce you to a very the following divisions: a) still life; They are averaging just 8 hours will be mailed upon request. Ap­ charming young lady." Sam Hardman b) scenes; c) action and candid and 5 minutes of instruction be­ plication should be made immedi­ He: "I don't want to dance with Plaid and photos; d) portraits; e) "college fore they pull the wings aloft ately to Professor Honaas, and BUICK OFFERS life." alone. In all of the 16,000 students must bear the recommendation of 4. First place winners in each in the program there hasn't been the principal and music director Ombre Sport division will receive a cash award one death. That, my friends, is a of the high school. Rollins Press Store record! 1939 Packard. of $5; second and third place win­ Conv. Coupe $945 ners, $3 and $2. Well that's all for this week, and Matt Ely: "Dr. Holt, I have to go Valentines 5. There is no entry fee, and for next week we're going to in­ to a Gilbert and Sullivan rehear­ COATS 1939 Buick Sedan .. 89.5 each individual may submit as terview a few of the girls. —So sal, you know how it is." many photos as he wishes. Photos long 1938 Buick Sedan .. 695 will be returned if postage accom­ panies entries. Orlando Linen & Towel Supply Co. $9.95 1936.Buick Sedan .. 395 INCORPORATED Jack Hoar: "Do you really think Notice A FLORIDA INSTITUTION What do you think?" was and up 1935 Buick Sedan . 295 I talk too much?" The second communion of the Specializing in Quality Merchandise Well Laundered question popped to twenty-; college year will be held next J. Walter Dickson, Manager 69 West Concord Ave. college gals . . . and here ar< the • Phone 5861 Orlando, Florida Sunday morning, February 10th, I for one was tickled "cameo at 8 a. m., injhe Frances Cha­ pink" when the vast majority said, The ANDY'S GARAGE pel of the Knowles Memorial "We like more colorful chambray ORANGE-BUICK Chapel. Dean E. C. Nance will WASHING, POLISHING, SIMONIZING dresses . . . gay stripes for us." So Church St. off I flew to see if we could supply conduct the ceremony. Everyone GREASING — 75c ANY CAR demand, and sure nuff ... a R.F. Leedy Co. DAY PHONE 75 —students, faculty, staff, and itable rainbow had colored a Hamilton Hotel Building COMPANY NIGHT PHONE 319W friends—is welcome. goodly supply of new chambray 333 No. Orange BAGGETT'S STANDARD SERVICE ' esses. Goodie for us! Phone 5410 E. Park & Fairbanks To the question, "What do you Winter Park think of the vogue for pants ?" they • • • in one voice, "We agree with you. Nifty," (which made me feel SOUTHERN DAIRIES good I tripped). "We approve of culottes, shorts and slacks . . . they are our favorite play clothes, SE4LTEST ICE CREAM "re going to wear trousers everywhere and anywhere this is served exclusive in the Beanery year!" The girls said they ordor plain SPECIAL SALE lopes" nine times out of ten and loudly proclaim they still love • Smart Gabardine ' lie oxfords, but don't feel well of dressed unless they own at least Slacks one pair of bright play shoes. Rhett Butler Gable was their orite in "Gone With the Wind" • Seersucker dress­ and each and every woman thought BRAEMAR STOCK better dress buyer was mighty es, with divided smart to stock copies of the dresse; worn in the picture . . . Such "oh- (for one week only) skirts in's" and "ahin's" over Scarlett- wedding dress as you have neve • Blouses — 3-4 heard before. Every girl said she was crazy We are offering a Imiited number of length or full about coin silver jewelry made by the Indians ... But I had them New Silk Jerseys sleeve stumped when I asked if they knew Sweaters and Skirts at what the different marks on ' bracelets and rings meant. Play­ reduced prices for • Striped cham­ ing teacher, I pointed out that a horse means a journey ... an arrow brays— with will protect you from all evil . . . Street and Evening the sun symbol warrants happiness snap-on hood ahead. Almost every piece of In­ Cardigans... $14.50 now $10.95 Wear dian jewelry has a rain drop design somewhere . . . that stands for an • New materials, abundance of food. The symbolism As featured in Mademoiselle of the thunderbolt is the bearer of Pullovers ... $12.50 now 8.95 styles and colors happiness. "You see," says I, con­ in bathing suits cluding my lecture with dignity, GLORIOUS NEW TYPE "Injun jewelry is not only attrac­ tive, but also boasts of protection Skirts... $14.50 now 10.95 for the wearer from evil and want." DRESSES Oh yes . . . the girls also said they like sunshine; there is no place like featured at Florida, and that lots of pockets on dresses, and dozens of breaks or The Little Gown Shop Frances Slater cuts at dances are wonderful. 785 N. Orange Ave. TOWN and COUNTRY SHOP SAN JUAN BLDG. ORLANDO Angebilt Hotel BIdg. ORLANDO TlifC^ ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1940 Campus Camera Published Weekly by Undergraduate Students of Rollins THE SET OF THE SOUL

Member 'One skip drives east and the other drive With the self-same uinds that blow Associated CoOeSiole Press 'Tis the set of the sails, and not the gale: Distributor of Things We Knew but never said Whick tells us the way they go." Much About Till Now: Jimmy GDlle6iate Di6est Dean has landed the darkie part in rk Chamber of Commerce; Florida Intercollegiat Press Association the Student Players' production of ; DEAN E. C. NANCE people in town for they are revered for their wisdom and more perfect TELEPHONE 187 "You Can't Take It With You", I The History of Happytown soon to be presented ... St. Peters­ emancipation; the young folks look burg means excitement with a cap­ Have you heard of Happytown? upon them as their leaders and National Advertising Service, Inc. ital to Pat Pritchard . . . Bob Scheu I It is one of the most delightful liberators. College Publishers Representative has pledged X Club . . . Jack Myers • places on earth, and of course, you The founders of Happytown is back at school squiring June want to know all about that town. drew up a few simple principles of Reinhold as per usual . . . Mary Happytown is on Imagination living. "God made us to be happy," I the United States $1.50 i Margaret McGregor is the new Bay, in the state of Mind. It was said the more mature leaders of r $3.00 for the full college y blonde addition to the Rollins cam­ founded by a small group of brave the movement, "and the Kingdom and emancipated souls who came . the post office at Winter Park, pus . . . she is Prof. Honaas' niece of God is within us.*' Others re­ Florida, under the act ot March 3, 18 . . . John Rae was the hero last there from miserable states called membered that Jesus said: Bless­ week when he put a fire out in the Gloom, Fear, Confusion, and Dis­ ed are the pure in heart, for they EDITORIAL STAFF THE AVERASE PARADE BAND MEMBER MARCHES chem lab . . . wish he'd keep out of (60 \MLES IM FORTAWION DURING RUIWUI. SEA33*/ content. By sheer courage of heart shall see God." Some one else re­ JOHN H. BUCKWALTER, III Editor ity's way, for he almost burn­ HARVARD H/^S HAD THE and head they left their erstwhile called that wonderful truth set DEJAY SHRINER News Editor ed his leg off! . . . new but hardly MOST RERRESENTATIVES homes and moved to the shores of forth in the Scriptures: "As a man JEFFERSON KENNEDY, JR., TED PITMAN Sforts Editors strange . . . Shirley Bassett and IN fWE PRESIDENTIAL Imagination Bay. which place is thinketh in his heart, so is he.*' CHAIR, KXJR, BOT not far from anyone who reads A child among them repeated the JANET JONES Feature Editor Bob McFall have been neighbors 7>^Ey HfiVE REPRESENTED NORINE FARR Cofy Editor for 8 years, if you can feature it ONLY TWO FATAILIES- this. ds of Christ, "Blessed are the ALDINE BAKER, BETTY DE GIERS , Society Editors . . . off again, on again is the mid­ ACAW\S *^i> ROOSEVELT/ The early settlers of Happytown peace makers, for they shall be TOY SKINNER, GLORIA YOUNG Girls Sforts dle name of Marilee Twist as far as were not superhuman: they were called the sons of God." ALDEN MANCHESTER, GLADYS EVOY Headlines Pres Wetherell's pin is concerned just average men and women. The people of Happytown keep PAUL HALEY, BETTY WINTON Proof Editors Ted Shawn-lookers last Sattidy THE FIRST ^vor OF When the leaders of the exodus eir thoughts pure and their NEWS REPORTERS nite were Jack Buckwalter, Paul THE CIVIL WAR WAS from the above states first began minds vigorous. They think of them­ Frank Bowes, Betty Carson, Wesley Davis, Norine Farr, N; Haley, Jim Niver, Bud Waddell FIRED By CADETS to talk of their new venture, the: ick Goodspeed, Betty Hall, Paul Haley, Dick KeUy, Aid. selves as freemen, but they do not -. , ••r-^.^i ^ „ j.y^ Lynn Naught, DonalManchd Ogie l Jess Gregg, all stag . . . Deedee FROWTHE CITADEL. were many among them who wei confuse freedom with license. Each Robert _Matthews, Frances Montg-oi - Ogi MIUTARY OXLEGE CF S.C Ripley, Ruth Schoenama'iT, Jane' Anne Sholley,' Hei Hoenig . . . Lynn Naught . . . Babe skeptical. Some said, "Impossibli one attends to his own business William Terhune, Bud Waddell, Rae escortin' Helen Darling . . . There never can be such a place which makes it less difficult for Luverne Phillips and Georgia Tech I as Happytown." A few declared. the other fellow to do the same. Greeg, Sherry Greg,^, —. man Bill Coe looking happy togeth­ "This is another silly dream." But There are no snipers among them McCasslin, Jane Mirier, Mary . er .. . Helen Rae beaming because is that Cloverleaf is planning an Life photographer is definitely back the enthusiasm of the many over­ to shoot at some one from the bush­ Charles Arnolcl, Cecil the recital was such a success, and Open House. again, and is making things spin came the fear of the few, andes . They all turn out at the funerals because Ted and his men were so What's-all-this ? Department: for fran Jenelle . . . what with pic­ Happytown was founded, every of the gossipers (whose funerals superb. May we compliment espe­ What or who is the Morgue, and is tures of her room, inventory of her one who lives there now is happy. are always pre-arranged) and make Shirley Bow cially Barton Mumaw whose Thun­ it coming back, and if so, when? clothes, etc., etc., etc. . . the poor The citizens find their greatest joy public examples of them. There BUSINESS STAFF der-god dance was the hit of the ,d why would it be simpler if gal doesn*t know what she's doing in the happiness of each other. are very few funerals of this kind! JOHN GIANTONIO Business evening ? Fran and Shirley Smith each had a . . . glad the climate is a little more Wherever one goes in Happytown In Happytown no one asks for M. K. HARMON, JR Advertising Co, car? . . . and why did Freeland temperate for these northern peo­ one finds harmony, beauty, and more than his share. Every one re­ We are anxious to know what RITA COSTELLO Circulation Babcock drop his psych course ? ple .. . laughter. joices in the good fortune of his the Annie Russell Company will JANE RITTENHOUSE Assistant Circulation . . . and don't you also think that We kinda wonder if any of the fellows. Immediately after he make out of "Night Must Fall" The people of Happytown go Dud Darling is the dark carbon of Rollinstudes are gonna get down leanrs to say, "Mama," and "Dad­ which will be here this Friday and about their trade and commerce as ESTABLISHED IN 1894 WITH THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL Leslie Howard? . . . why were Don for the Tampa fair, and did any dy," every child memorizes the Sattidy . . . Robert Montgomery all other normal human beings, Unassuming yet mighty, sharf and fointed, well-rounded yet many Riddle and Nat Felder thrown in lucky ones see the Gasparilla, which words of the Apostle Paul: "What- made his career in the role of the with this exception: trade and com­ sided, assiduously tenacious, yet as gritty and energetic as its name the lake? . . . Why all the tears was supposed to be a honey th; sever things are just, whatsoever murderer, so why not one of this merce serve them—they are not imflies, victorious in single combat and therefore without a feer, from Alyce Jane Stuckie last week ? year . . . and we also wonder who things are pure, whatsoever things brilliant group? Other notable slaves to their work or their pro­ wonderfully attractive and extensive in circulation', all these will be . . . What's this about Richard Bob Feller is visiting? and we w lovely, whatsoever things true, things happening soon: Grace fessions. Their main efforts are found ufon investigation to be atnong the extraordinary qualities of Howes, Delta Tau Delta from G'­ der too if College Confusions hatsoever things are honest, Moore will appear here (in Orlando, not expended in making a living, the Sandsfur. ville and a Jane somebody whose right when he say that gal who has whatsoever things are of good re­ that is) soon . . . ditto Gladys but in making living worthwhile. name was withheld? . . . Speaking line will only catch fish . . . port; if there be any virtue, and if Swarthout . . . Cornelia Otis Skin­ They are all masters of the fine of Sally McCaslin, why isn't she T. DUSTER art of living. Life is always be­ ' be any praise, think on these ner, as one of the Annie Russell one of America's youngest success­ things." Do you wonder that the Rollins Spirit?? presentations, will wit-icize next ginning for the inhabitants of Hap­ ful short story writers about this pytown. The aged are the happiest people of Happytown are HAPPY? week at the theatre . . . and the An­ time? Her "Pink, and Trimmed Wonderful spirit at the football games—but where is it imated Mag plus Founder's Week now ? The basketball games are exciting and the team has won in White" is superbly done, if we OVERHEARD is almost upon us! may turn critic . . . every game except one! They need support! To top it off, last By THE EARIE ONE week one side of the gym was covered with Rollins boys. No Have any of you studes seen the College Vignette of the Week: He FOOTNOTES new Open Air Theatre? It should noise—no yells—and no whistling were heard! What about is a student of dramatic ability who By LYNN NAUGHT that? Now there is one game with Tampa on Thursday and be quite a place according to all re­ wooed and won a gal with brains Ed Waite: "Just because I'm five next week. Let's all help support our team. port . . . The important thing, tho', and beauty, too . . . She was com­ young and innocent, it's no rea- HELLO! — perhaps one might ed conception of justice; ever con­ have a clean wind-shield on your pletely enthralled, and grew pos­ n for you-all to pick on me." write a dutiful dissertation on dog­ scious that the universe is headed auto! . . . sessive, so he gave her the g.b., Dick Wesson: "I'm having trou- wood and honeysuckle to take our for ultimate doom; and replacing Faculty Funnie: Mr. Wattles cut which broke her heart and drove e with your wife." minds off these northerly breezes. responsibilities with ignominy, is "Women Are Trouble" — Alden Manchester his flame vine back too late . . . her to over-work plus over-worry George Estes: "You even get But,—winter in Florida has its hardly a way to genuine security gypped when you buy a wife now­ Women are trouble. We know. We've tried all sorts, kinds Mr. Dexter, the firm believer in ef­ . . . the villain in question has no advantages as a means to an end, ficiency, lost his key ring and hence conscience, for he is cavortin' with adays.". —that end, getting work done, (0). We can't all set the world on and varieties of 'em, and we know. Of course, there are var­ Dean Nance (on hearing the ious grades and levels of trouble. As long as we just stood off all his keys at once ... Dr. Steel another bi-unette! Shame on him! Then again, just about the time fire,—no need to anyway. Nor ia took the best seat in the place at The best defense of swing we've phone ring): "If that's my wife, you think you can make ends meet, there any apparent percentage in and looked at 'em, it was fine. They were beautiful—some ot tell her I just died". 'em—and the rest of them we could ignore. We used to get a the Fla. Poetry Society meeting a read in a while is "Swing Set", an somebody moves the ends. In any wasting years being sorry that Howard Bailey: "Remember lot of joy out of jus't looking at a pretty girl: it gave us a big week or so back . . . Dean Wise has article running in Cosmopolitan case, statistics show that more peo­ you are not what you might have you're in love." thrill—right here. But not any more. You see, we went and a special calling . . . writing . . . and written by Dorothy Kilgallen, ple use the library during the win­ been. In order that poppies shall Con Carey: "I just have to b( fell in love. That's where all the trouble started. Nowadays, Mrs. Scollard can recite ballads like who sounds like Loch-Lomand-Bon- ter than at any other time. The not bloom forever in Flanders,— near you". we can't just look at a pretty woman—it has to be that special "Edward, Edward" with such feel­ nie-BIue-Bell and 0-Dear-What- library deduces that winter's the and in order that we may be one Jack Liberman: "The h-1 wit? one. And the trouble is when we want to look at her, there us­ ing as to make your blood run cold! Can-the-Matter-Be? all thrown to­ only time we work! day freed from littlCTie.ss, let's Lull-busters this week were: ually are about seven other males who are a lot stronger and gether ... in this month's mag she Somebody long ago implied that remember what's gone before, and Boyd France and Rod MacArthur, Ruth Schoeneman: "Well, we a lot handsomer and who have a lot bigger chests than we do, give a list of the swing set's pet a young man's fancy withers with so perfect our own lives and inter­ whose respective hair-cuts are rare can't all be smooth". standing between us and her. It's the darnedest nuisance. hot wax . . . the polar gales. Yet we know the pretations, before we start rem­ . . . Virginia Cash, who's still won­ I'm going to have to prenez Mistake of the week was us say­ footballians and would-be heroes edying the ills of the world. It's And then every now and then we work up courage enough dering what's happened to her fam­ yours with you". to speak to her. And what happens ? Not a thing: we're too ing that the Finnish Relief mass don't "bury their sRuHs in a goal­ not a simple life,— what with all ily since she's gotten some funny Phil Herman: "But I don't know embarrassed to say a word—^we just stand there with our bare meeting was a thing of the past, on post hulls" indefinitely. What real­ the tyranny,—but what matters is letters from her sister-in-law! . . . how to be drunk—if only my mo­ face hanging out and don't say nawthin'. Women certainly accounts of it isn't until tomorrow ly matters though, is not the bruis­ living up to what we really think G with the W, which was all it was ther were down here ..." are trouble. Once we worked up courage enough to ask her . . . please be there, because it's im­ es we all get—but how much or is right, according to our own ex­ cracked up to be, with Olivia de Ed Waite: "His chest has slipped rather timidly to be sure—for a date. What a ghastly exper­ portant . . . and Prexy would like how little we make of them, isn't periences,— and heritage. Havilland as the biggest surprise, —it's in his drawers." ience ! We thought that we would sink through the floor, we for us all to be on hand. it? (And if we do seem incoher­ 'Bye Now. because she all but walked away Gladys Evoy: "Sandy, where were so embarrassed. First of all, she just stared at us, as if Announcements have gone up . . . ent at times, is it to be a real is with the picture . . . Vivian Leigh have you been? You look as though she couldn't believe that such an awful thing could come to and very attractive ones they are !—theoretically ?) was all Scarlett, and of course no you had an awfully good time, but pass; then she hid her face in her handkerchief and either for the Kappa dance, a valen- t is possible to toy with th^ one but Gable could have it was rough." wept with joy or nearly died laughing of hysterics—we were ade' tine affair which is to be this Sat- thought that people come under OFF CAMPUS—I Rhett as devastating Laura May Ripley: "I'm so never able to make up our mind which it was. After that we the Artie. tidy night . . . and next week is the two rather comic classifications. tired I can't keep my ears open." didn't remember what did happen, but we know we didn't get Shaw dance which was good ugh I femme's chance, a leap year dance Introvert, and the Expert. r the date. to be framed under gl; ews by the Chi O's . . . We hear that the Norine Farr: "I think the Sand­ Just answer these questions, and spur is just an instrument for Al Fast and Dick Yard went to That was the first time we were in love. The next time we decide which "type" you are breaking up happy marriages now." Miami. were more careful: we picked a girl who wasn't quite so beau­ according to your own prejudices. course,,the flower shop. Just call 'em up and teirem we want­ Dr. Burton: "Ah, the girl has Marelle Haley went home to tiful or quite so popular—in fact we have heard some people ed a corsage, eh?—Just as simple as that. Well, that was easy her moments." 1. Do you delight in giving a Wildwood for the week-end. call her downright ugly, but that's only because they're —even we could do that. Dick Rodda: "How about pitch­ beggar a biscuit? Betty Knowlton invited Barbara jealous. This time we were more experienced. We didn't stick So we called up the flower shop, and some woman wanted ing a little woo?" Do you prefer to dote on max­ Brock to St. Pete as her guest. our neck out again, like we had the first time. We were more to know what kind of dress our date was wearing. Well, that Jenelle Wilhite: "You may stay ims or the price of rice? Marion Russ spent the week­ wily and diplomatic about it. For the first few weeks, we just stopped us. How were we supposed to know? After all, we there: you won't interfere with my 3. a) Do you enjoy Eddie Guest end in Tampa seeing the Gasparilla hung around, looked kind of ornamental on the landscape and didn't go prying about into her private affairs, did we? Oh, picture, I don't think." more than Shelley? Festival. , didn't say much. Then we began the build-up. We got so that they wanted to know what color dress so they could tell what b) Chopin more than Cab Callo­ Dolly Winther, Mary Gore, Dejay we would say Hi, or maybe even Hello, when we met on the color flowers to send! Well, that explained it. But we still way? Shriner went to the Mardi Gras walks. It was really quite chummy we can assure you. Then didn't know what color dress she was wearing, so we just told Noted Archeologist 4. Do you think you get more in New Orleans. we decided that the time had come for some definite and posi­ them to send up whatever they thought best. How much did To Speak in Adult out of college being attentive in Betty Carson had Paddy Moodie tive action. So we acted: we asked for another date—only this we want to pay. Oh, we said grandiosely, we'll leave that up to class, or inattentive to the point of as her guest for the week-end. tmie, we were real smart about it. We didn't let ourselves into Education Program you. Whatever you think best. wishful thinking? Elizabeth Kennedy and her mo­ a trap by coming right out with it the first thing, but we built- Weil sir, outside of the fact that thev sent red roses to go Dr. Doris Stone, noted archeolo­ 5. Would you rather be a mas­ ther were in St. Pete. up to it with finesse and diplomacy. with the dark green dress she was wearing and made her look gist, who has directed many ex­ ter logician or cherish insight and Laura Ripley, Arax Ehramjian, Well, sir, believe it or not, we got our date that time. That like the spirit of Christmas, and outside of the fact that they peditions to Central America to impracticality ? Betty Winton, and M. A. Martin was our second mistake—getting that date. The first one was charged us $5 for that darned corsage, everything went fine explore the ruins of Mayan cities In any case, if you can think visited Betty Winton's aunt in Sani- falling in love. You see, we hadn't figured on the little item of on that date. That is, we thought at the time that everything in order to reconstruct the pre-without going mad, you're on thebcl . expense—which turned out to be not so little at that. This had gone fine. But it seems that when the SANDSPUR came Spanish civilization of America, road to relief. If you can chug Anne Clark was in Miami for the date that we had gotten was for one of those Rollins formal out next week there was a letter to Miss Lonelv Hearts from will speak Monday evening, Feb­ along and catch up with your past week-end. All-College Dances, where Prexy dances with the co-eds and our roommate asking advice about us. Imagine'that! the dir­ ruary 12, at 8:15 o'clock, in the before it is too late, you will legi­ Alma Vander Velde spent the we USED to stand in the stag-line and wish. But we weren't ty rat wrote in and spread our name all over the paper hitched Annie Russell Theatre. timately be a victim of the chat­ week-end with her sister in Mel­ going to stand in the stag-line any longer—no sir! we had a up with hers, and got us talked about all over the campus. We Dr. Stone is on the staff of the ter chamber. bourne. date. didn t object so much, being rather publicity-minded, but our Middle American Research Insti­ Recently someone said that the Frances Whittaker and Dot Cic­ Oh yes, as we were saying, about the expense. At first date certamly didn't think a lot of it. In fact, that was what tute of Tulane University and is way to do was to read every other carelli visited the Ciccarellis in thought, the expenses didn't look bad to us. We could borrow a broke up our second romance. the author of "Masters in Mar­ page in a text, or whatever. If one St. Pete. tux from our roommate, bum a ride with our fraternity play­ After that there wasn't much joy left in life. We weren't ble", "Some Spanish Entradas", had a photographic mind and a su­ Jayne Rittenhouse went to Lake boy in his nice new Buick, and the dance wouldn't cost us a talking to our roommate; we didn't dare talk to our two Lost "The Black Christ", "New South­ persensitive Subconscious, that Worth to visit her sister. cent. That's what we thought in our ignorance. But it wasn't Loves; we were too mad to talk to any of the SANDSPUR ern-most Maya City", "A Mound would be one way to get rid of like that at all, at all. Came the Saturday afternoon before Ruth Ehrenkrantz and Marilyn stall; our fraternity brothers all teased us; the sorority sis­ and a House Site", and "The Land conscientiousness. Another state­ Unger were in Miami during the the dance and we were dreaming sweet dreams of the night- ters of our Lost Loves looked at us askance; and every time of the Quiche". ment heard was "Take things for to-come, when our roommate asked us what we were doing week-end. the Dean went by we had an uncomfortable feeling that he The subject will be "The Rela­ what they're worth,—and then for­ about a corsage. 'Corsage?" we said to ourself, wondering Janet Jones and Ted Pitman read JIiss Lonely Hearts too. Altogether it was a rather silent tionship of Middle America" to get them." Would such a person's what that crackpot roommate of ours had thought up now. Oh visited Polly and Gloria Young in and unpleasant world. Florida Archeology". The lecture mind be filled with nothing but yes, corsage: those flower things that girls wear. Well, what Sarasota. We started out to say that women are trouble. They are will be illustrated an,d should be "things forgotten"? To carry on, about it? WE'RE supposed to buy it? Well, why didn't some­ Bill Chick, Bob Whiston and Jack W e have a fund of knowledge and experience to prove it Thev very interesting to the public since living by a clock, adhering to some body tell us these things? How were we supposed to know?— Hoar spent the week-end in Mi­ this subject, not only educational riotuous regimentation that weav­ this was our first date and we didn't know anything about are fine as long as you just look at 'em from a distance, but ami. but romantic, will be novel in the es wooden rods in and out the ei­ dates anyway. What was that? Oh, the flower shop. Yes, of t d^t ^^"^"^^*^ ^^ ^^°^®^ ^^^" ^^" feet. We know We've Danny Speyers and Jeff Kenne­ Adult Education Program. derdown of life; endorsing a warp­ dy visited in Clearwater. .l!" (VEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1940 ROLLINS SANDSPUR ROLLINS TAKES STETSON 41-37; MEET TAMPA TOMORROW TINY PHILLIPS STARS Rollins Tars Win, Rollins College Basketball Squad CO-EDS AGAINST ERSKINE Rollins Defeats i\iy Four Points in| IN Erskine Seceders 5Game With Stetson! SPORTS Wednesday 40-32 . Justice, Jones, and Phillips The girls' basketball squad went ^ Star in Close Contest; to t)ver to the Orlando Armory and Phillips and Justice Star in ipj, Play Tampa Thursday played a practice game with the Nip-an-Tuck Game; Third Purcell Co., basketball team last Thursday evening. Although we SIAA Win Recorded 4 The Rollins Tars, led by high­ were beaten, we got the much need­ ly (coring Joe Justice and Clyde ed practice and hope to give them The Rollins College basketball L Tones, came through in a whirlwind a trouncing when we play them to­ quintet trimmed Erskine College |L !inish last Friday night to defeat night, at Rec Hall. ^ he Stetson Hatters, 41-37. The The tennis intramurals started to the tune of 40-32 on the Rollins ;wo winning goals were dropped thi*; week. It is very important court last Wednesday. - ihrough the basket by Phillips, Rol- that every player abide by the Tiny Phillips, towering 6 foot, 6 i „ ins' gigantic center, in the last rules or else she may find her sor- u ninute of play, after Center Har- inch Rollins center, took the honors I ority without any points. for the night, dropping seven field ,, )Id Vann had tied up the game, This Saturday a few of the ten­ * 17-37 on a foul shot. nis players are going to play Mrs. goals and six foul shots to amass a ^ The Tars got off to a slow start Bowen, Orlando County Champion, total of 20 points for high-point md trailed the entire first half, and Miss Johnson, runner-up to . Joe Justice, Blue and Gold * jxcept for a brief moment when Mrs. Bowen. Good luck to them! forward, also played a brilliant fustice dropped in a field goal to Swimming Team Hard Toy Skinner is participating in game sinking four field goals in cnot the count, G-G, in the opening the Mardi Gras Fencing tourna­ Hit By S.LA.A. Rules the last half scoring 10 points. At ^ ninutes. However, the Hatters, ALONG THE SIDELINES ment. Here's hoping she returns ^ jaced by Vann and Jimmie Golden, halftime, the score read Rollins 22, Practice Meet With Stetson will all the laurels. ** let Stetson out in front, leading By Jefferson Kennedy, Jr. Here's a bird's-eye view of Wo­ Erskine 19. ^^ it the half time 21-16. Considered for Training men's Physical Education for the The next half was nip-and-tuck "*' Behind the sharp-shooting of Winter Term: '^"^ Fustice, Jones and Phillips, who all the way until the last minutes There dawned a dark day for The Rollins College basketeers less of opinion, they make the out- of the game, with Justice showing ^^ iccounted for 15, 13 and 9 points the swimming team last Thursday are in the spotlight this week as TEAM SPORTS "* respectively, the Tars were able to the way that started Rollins to roll when it was officially learned that they broke into the win column Hockey—Tuesday and Friday, up a consistent lead over the hard "S ;ome up in the second half to forge swimming had to come under the with three straight victories. 4:00-6:00—Sandspur Bowl. 't« ihead. There has been considerable playing Carolinians. Phillips, al­ ruling of the S. I. A. A. at Rollins. Paced by the giant Phillips, they Basketball—Varsity Squad prac­ though he was high-scorer, also ^ts Golden then found the range and worry over exactly what kind of a This is hard enough to overcome show ever increasing improvement. tice, Wednesday evening, 8:00 and showed in his beautiful defensive ^' lontributed 10 points to the Hatter tennis team Coach Trowbridge is in the major sports, but in the min­ It is gratifying to see this suc­ Saturday afternoon, 4:00—Rec' play underneath the basket that ftt ;ause to put them within two points going to be able to put on the or sports such as swimming where cess in a sport long considered Hall. topped the numerous Erskine ff- jf the Tars. Vann then evened the courts this year. If, by hook or the source of material is very lim­ dear here. Coach Adams, due to basketeers* threats. Time and time ^ score as the game became almost crook it could be arranged for INDIVIDUAL SPORTS ited to begin with; it's a very ser­ their recent improvement, ex­ again, he would bat the opposing lit too fast for the spectators to fol­ freshmen and transfers to play, Archery—Monday and Thursday, ious blow. This will mean that the pects the remainder of the season players' shots away from the bas­ li [ow. Phillips, after putting the the college would have a presenta­ 4:00—Back of Cloverleaf. chances of scheduling a meet with to be satisfactory. So far this sea­ ket. tie Tars ahead, added another basket Miami and Florida are definitely ble outfit. Things however look Tennis—Wednesday and Friday, "TINY:: PHIIIJIPS/ son Philips has average over twen­ Erskine, fresh from two victories at in the last few seconds to put the out for this year. The freshmen mighty dark in this respect. With 4:00-6:00; Monday and Thursday, ty points per game, which is not over Stetson, trotted out an im­ fet game on ice. can not swim without the help of the netmen having to play with 10:15-12:45—Rollins Courts. to be sneezed at in any league. Be­ posing array of sharpshooting cag- the varsity and the varsity cer­ what they have to date, I'm afraid Golf—Monday and Wednesday, !g! Golden captured scoring honors sides his ability to score almost at The vastly improved defen- tainly cannot swim without the the future looks pretty black. The 4:00-6:00; Tuesday and Friday, le, with 16 points, followed closely by will, he plays a fair floor game and play of the Tars shackled help of the freshmen. But next one spot of light that helps dis­ 10:45-12:45—Dubsdred. FENCING NOTES 1st, Justice with 15. Only six men saw can be a defensive genius when he their effectiveness well enough to year Rollins will really have a first perse the gloom is the possibility Fencing—Monday, Wednesday re- service on either team during the has a mind to. Joe Justice does al­ merit the decision. ! if contest. class swimming team that will right from his forward position. of a trip to Cuba in the Spring. and Friday, 4:00 to 6:00—Rec' We are looking forward expect­ The victory for Rollins was their really be a power house, just wait The two boys who really make the The fact that we have Bob Davis Hall. antly to the boys' and girls' intra­ !se The Tars* next game will be with third straight SIAA basketball win. and see. outfit click however are June Lin­ also makes things look a shade Riding—Monday through Fri­ mural fencing meets in the Spring. ;liE the University of Tampa Spartans, Over the past weekend, they trim­ gerfelt and Manny Brankert. Their brighter. day, 4:00 to 6:00; Tuesday and Plans are being made to insure an n here on the Rollins campus, Thurs- In order to overcome this ser­ med Miami's Hurricanes in a brace passing has been the key to offen­ Friday, 10:45-12:45 — Orlando interesting and successful climax 3 day night, Feb. 8, beginning sharp­ ious set-back that the team has of games. Tuesday night, they sive success throughout the court Country Club Stables. to the long, hard hours of drill and ly at 8:15 p. m. Come on, everyone, suffered with this ruling, we are I have heard from some source took St. Petersburg Junior College wars. When it comes time for the Dancing: Modern—Monday and practice that the non-varsity fenc­ -j and let's get a little of the old trying to schedule a practice swim that there is a challenge in the air on the Rollins home court. school spirit and help the boys defense, it is this pair that get the Thursday, 4:00-5:00—Rec' Hall; ers are putting in to learn some­ meet with Stetson this Friday in respect to the basketball team. Edwards, Erskine center went J along by showing up for their ev­ ball from the backboard. They are Tap—Tuesday and Friday, 11:45 thing about the aristocrat of sports. night in the Orange Pool at eight It runs something like this: As a good for the Seceders dropping in ery game! a great pair of guards and regard- 12:45—Rec' Hall; Folk—Monday o'clock. This practice swim meet, post season attraction the X Club 13 points. 'J" The attendance of the student which will be on the most informal quintet will attempt to give Coach and Thursday, 5:00-6:00—Rec' The murals in the Fencing Wing ROLLINS, 40 ERSKINE 32 body in the past has been very poor basis, should prove to be of great Adams boys a lesson in the game. Hall. (Theta Wing) are nearing comple­ Name po. fg f tpName po. fg f tp "f and it is pretty heart-breaking for value to both teams. By having X Club, Independents I believe that the originator of the Aquatics: Canoeing—Tuesday tion, and we wish to direct a vote Jones f 1 1 3|H Long f 1 0 2 ^ the players, who get out and play this practice swim meet, which is plan is genial Jack Mye<*s of Scar­ and Friday, 4:00-6:00; Wednesday of thanks toward Mr. Johnson, in­ Justice f 5 OlOJP'rk'ns'n fO 1 1 ^ their hearts out ,for not even a not final yet, we will be able to In First-Place Tie let Fever fame. No matter how it and Saturday, 10:45-12:45—Rollins structor in mural painting at Rol­ PhilHps c 7 6 20[Nesbit f 1 1 3 handful of the students show up. combine both of our teams which works out it should be fun. To you Swimming Course. lins, who directed the work, and Brank't g 2 0 4|Jones f --1 0 2 °" Box scores: of course would be impossible to boys of the varsity squad I have Intramural board representa­ to Charlie Rauscher and Enid Gil­ Ling-f't g 1 1 SjEdw'ds c 6 113 •^ Rollins Points do if it were a regular swimming Club Defeats Independents; a message from Jack directly from tives have turned in their entries bert, his assistants, for a swell job. Overby g 1 0 2 i" Justice 15 meet. Phi Delts Beat K.A.'s his training headquarters at Har­ for the Fencing, Tennis, Golf and It is certainly one of the most at­ Gotten g 3 1 1 ^* Jones 13 The Stetson Mermen are in about pers: "For the winners, a keg of Riding Intramurals, so competi­ tractive, and appropriately decor­ M Long g 1 0 2 " Phillips _,__ 9 the same shape as our men. Stet­ beer". tion will soon be under way. Here ate sections of the Commons. As A crippled but accurate shoot­ ili Brankert 0 son hopes to get in at least one are the rules: our brain-child, carried about since ing X Club basketball team man­ Totals 16 8 40ltotals 14 4 32 - Lingerfelt 4 practice before this coming Friday. 1938, it is gratifying to see it in aged to edge out the undefeated FENCING: If Stetson Points They will probably bring dovm fact, almost exactly as we imag­ Halftime score: Rollins 22, Er- Independents and thereby gained Each organization may enter ^ Golden 16 from five to ten men. The events INTRAMURAL CREW ined it should be done. This is one skii 19. a two way tie for the first half from one to three fencers. tJ Smith ,_,_ _,._. 2 that will be run off between the SCHEDULE 1940 set of murals which won't be Free throws missed: Rollins— championship. Each entrant must have at least changed in a hurry. r Parmley „_ 2 two teams will all be pretty short Justice 3, Phillips 4, Lingerfelt. The Clubbers got the edge from FEB. 16—Friday two practices to be eligible. 1- Vann ._._ 11 due to lack of practice and the Erskine—Nesbit, Edwards 2, Cot- the very beginning and although Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Five points awarded if all rounds 'i Mathis 2 size of the pool. The pool is so Something should be done about ten, Jones. they were seriously endangered a Sigma Nu are fenced. I Schaeffer 2 narrow that probably not more the conflicting classes in Recrea­ Personal fouls; Rollins — Jones, great many times by the beautiful X Club vs Independents Five points awarded for each tion Hall. Miss Hoenig complains Justice 3, Phillips, Lingerfelt, than two men will swim at a time. bout won. However, it should be very inter­ shooting and team play of McKen­ that the fencers make too much Brankert 2. Erskine— H. Long 2, i Racket-buster Thomas E. Dew- nan and Arnold, they always man­ FEB. 17—Saturday [• ey majored in niusic while a Uni­ esting and a lot of fun for every­ Independents vs Phi TENNIS: noise during her modern dance Nesbit 2, Edwards 3, Overby, Jones aged to get the points when they classes, and we know positively M. Long. versity of Michigan student. body. We are hoping for a good Delta Theta Play 2 out of 3 sets. were most needed. that we can't even hear ourselves turn-out and anybody that is in­ X Club vs Lambda Chi Play on Pugsley Courts. Officials—Gillespie and Levy. Led by Speyer, Kennedy, and think, let alone have anyone else A Drew University student has terested in seeing a good team in Alpha Play entire match at one time. the making had better come to this Rodda, the Clubbers attack func­ Play 2 matches in 2 weeks. hear our voices when we try to brary, which are there for the bene­ traveled in 30 states (12,000 miles) tioned throughout the first half, K. A. vs Sigma Nu "by the thumb." first informal practice. Play as a team 3 matches, all 3 give lessons, because of the up' fit of novices at the sport, rather but early in the second half, the In­ FEB. 20—Tuesday roar made by the basketball teams than the team members. Numbered dependents began to click and car­ Phi Delta Theta vs Brings scores to Phiz. Ed. Office. practicing. This condition is the among them are "The Art of the ried the battle to the Club. Back Sigma Nu The best 2 out of 3 matches wins fault of no one involved in these Foil", and "The Art of the Sabre on their heels for a while, the Independents vs X Club 5 points. groups, but is due to the lack of and Epee", by Luigi Barbasetti, The Inquiring Reporter Clubbers had to call in their shock Lambda Chi Alpha vs Fifteen points for each organ­ proper facilities for such clasS( probably the two most important troops in the form of Nixon and K. A. ization entering 3 players and all For our part, we would like to see a volumes on Italian fencing ever Bill Justice. Although the Inde­ 3 playing all of their matches. concrete platform, about 60 ft. x written. There are also Julio Mar­ pendents kept on their merry way FEB. 23—Friday HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR LEISURE TIME? Five points for each round won, 35 ft. erected outside "Rec" hall tinez Castello's "Theory and Prac­ for sometime, they were stopped at Phi Delta Theta vs X BARBARA BABB: "I haven't any such". as a sorority. where we could practice without tice of Fencing", and Olympic each crucial moment. Finally with Club A group not entering a team crowding, during good weather, • Coach Joseph Vince's "Fundament­ ROD MacARTHUR: "All of my time is leisure time". only seconds to play Justice and Independents vs Lamb­ forfeits 5 points to the other ing the present indoor quarters d als of Fencing", two excellent books TOM WILLIAMS: "What is leisure time"? Speyers scored and the Club had da Chi Alpha groups. ing rainy or cold weather, or : for beginners. They are well ar­ VIRGINIA CASH: "Sleeping". the game on ice by the very tight Fifty points for championship. the occasional night practices held ranged, simplified to the extreme, score of 31 to 26. Fouls in this FEB. 24—Saturday CECIL BUTT: "Sleeping". GOLF: by the varsity teams. Let's hopi and Castello's work does away en­ game were very costly to the In­ Phi Delta Theta vs K. JESS GREGG: "Sleeping". Round-Robin as a sorority team. something will be done about this tirely with the conglomeration of dependents as they had a great A. LOLO JOHNSON: "Sleeping". Sigma Nu vs Indepen­ Play at Dubsdread. in the near future. French, Italian, and Spanish words many called and the Club baske­ and phrases typical of fencing par­ TOMMY KNIGHT: "Sleeping". teers managed to make the shots dents. Play 9 holes, either nine. There is a growing collection of lance—using all English equiva­ MAJORITY OF PI PHIS: "Knitting". count. Use preferred lies except in FEB. 27—Tuesday rough. books on fencing in the college 1 lents instead. We think this takes GRACE RAYMOND: "Untangling Smokey's Knitting". In the only other game schedul­ X Club vs Sigma Nu Do not play stymies. away some of the sport's glamor, ed during the week the Phi Delt Lambda Chi Alpha vs TINY LANGFORD: "Try to find something to do". Match play. events—beginning, intermediate, but it makes it tremendously easier corporation of fleet footed Wendy Phi Delta Theta RUTH EATON: "Playing bridge". Do not heel club in trap. advanced. to learn. Davis and the clever playing John­ K. A. vs Independents Play 2 matches in 2 weeks. Each group will enter only one Another volume, Hammond's JEANNIE HOLDEN: "Doing art work, reading, learning typing, ny Fleeger took the measure of a Bring scores to Phiz, Ed. Office. person in jumping. Sword and the Century" is not a and walking". (SUCH ambition) weakened K. A. team to the tune of Rules as drawn in Intramu­ The best 2 out of 3 matches wins 15 points for each group enter­ text book, but a history full of the 22 to 16. The Phi Delts took the ral Handbook will govern. 5 points. ing one or more. most vivid anecdotes on swordplay initiative from the start and in Twelve practices prior to 6:00 15 points for each sorority enter­ 15 points for each group enter­ through the last thousand years. spite of the efforts of Felder and P. M., Feb. 16, to qualify for ing 3 players, all 3 playing all of ing one or more. The source of fencing customs, Waddell, the Kappa Alphas were entry points. After practice, QUOTABLE QUOTES their matches. 5 points for first place. weapons, rules, and many other no match for the high scoring Da­ crew should check in chart pro­ 5 points for each round won as a pertinent items are explained fully vis and Fleeger. These two between vided on boat house wall. 3 points for second place. sorority. and profusely illustrated by Major "Qualitative education as it starts upon its mission is not them counted for sixteen of the If any of the above crews fail 1 point for third place. A group not entering a team Hammond, who is known the world interested merely in perfecting the body of knowledge or the Phi Delts' 22 points. This game to qualify, a new schedule will 50 points for championship. forfeits 5 points to the other over not only as an author and his­ processes by which that knowledge may be obtained, but be­ places the K. A.'s in a tie for sec­ be drawn up to include all those Listen to this! Rollins is enter­ groups. torian, but also as an able swords­ ing social, thinks in terms of life and how it may adjust itself ond place with the Phi Delts which that do qualify. In any case, ing 2 girls teams in the All-State If a team entered does not com­ man and possessor of one of the to the age and environment in which it lives." But, maintains makes the whole first half quite races will begin on Feb. 16. Telegraphic archery tournament to plete matches, group loses en­ finest collections of arms and ar­ Cornell College's Pres. John B. Magee, there is something complicated with ties for first and STARTING TIMES: Tues­ be held February 12 to 17. The trance points. mor in Europe or America. lacking in this quality when it allows the present world situ­ second places. days and Friday—first race at headquarters for the Meet, Stetson ation to develop. 4:15, and next as soon as pos­ 50 points for championship. University, will receive the tele So, with these few words as an "Education will not change a person's basic personality; sible thereafter. Please coop­ RIDING: graphic results from the different introduction, let's see more of the you cannot educate a person out of the life he is bom to live." knox College, the original "Old erate by being on time. On Sat­ Each group may enter one or schools, and the highest scorers students delving into fencing not Dr. Paul Popenoe, University of Southern California, believes, Siwash," has been selected as the urdays first race will start at will be chosen for the Florida All- only as a sport, but as an ancient however, that education can broaden a person's outlook on location for a series of "Old Si- 3:00 and others as soon as pos­ Each group may enter as many State Archery team. Good luck. art, cloaked with a rich tradition of life and help him to appreciate the world he lives in. wash" motion pictures. sible thereafter. as desired in the horsemanship Co-eds! honor, fellowship, and romance. SIX ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1940 Religious Leaders to Miss Lonely Hearts Tosses Pearls of Wisdom be the car or my unusual moj *^'"'^"^ iRollins Graduate looks? Please help me solve th^ Assemble at Rollins problem so once more I can go u Despite the fact that collegiate writers on foreign affairs To Adolescent Memhers of Rollins \Family the happy bachelor I used to be have all the sympathy in the world for the cause of the plucky Sends First Book Peace Conference is Sched­ Sincerely, Finns in their fight against Russian aggression, the great ma­ Dear Miss Lonely Hearts, but that's just because I don't Forgetful Fred uled For March jority of the college newspaper editorialists do not favor the Before I met a certain gal, I drink alcoholic beverages like I To Alumni Office was considered quite normal. No know some of them do. I don't Dear Forgetful Fred, proposed government loan to Finland. An Institute on International Re­ I wink at her picture, smile wit smoke tobacco either. They do, Put your car in the garage for The almost-unanimous opinion of the collegians is that Rebecca Caldwell, '25, Writes lations, sponsored jointly by the out provocation, my heart skips though. I'm not a rowdy like some week, you happy bachelor. such a loan would be a violation of U. S. neutrality and would of Travels and Adventures Church Peace Union of New York beat at the thought of her and I people I know and I like to read Miss L. H. have many other idiosyncrasies not good books too. I'm not very mer­ tend to draw us into the conflict. In addition, they maintain, in Europe and Orient City and Rollins College, will be attributed to a normal being. What ry maybe, but I bet I could be if this money should be used in this country for relief funds. held on the Rollins campus from Dear Miss Lonely Hearts, do you recommend ? I were asked to go to the movies book writ- March 4 through March 6, vi I am in love with a boy but he is There is a suggestion, too, that the people of the U. S. should I "Ticket to Manila", with some fellows, or even asked to 11, of Lake many well-known religious leaders A Bashful Boy from New Jersey and I am a rabid think first of their own fellow-citizens before they contribute, ten by Rebecca Cald go on a double date with some Wales, graduate of Rollins College will conduct round-table discussions Rebel. We fight the Civil War er. to Finnish relief funds raised by private groups. fellow and a girl. Gosh, I'd like in the class of 1925, has just been on the relation of the churches tc Dear Bashful Boy, ery time we're together. Shall I The Santa Barbara State College El Gaucho argues the the present international situation, You'll find, if you do something to do that. On Saturday nights tell him my great aunt's middlti .,.,,. (TvT i Ti 1-1 i-r • • t u *. released by the Christopher - it would be most fun 'cause then Co-Chairman for the event will about it, instead of enjoying your name is Union, or shall I let html point m this manner: 'Neutrality, like life, is just what you],. .. u;^„ D *« j I wouldn't worry about my home­ be Dr. Henry A. Atkinson, Secre­ bashfulness, amazing things will suffer? 'what'1 s•!. goo dA foJ r j_ theT goosj!if e *.•is good foLr thTJ.e »gander. _; ii ' -VTha. i t ui s lishmg House in Boston, and a work for the next day. I could do make it. And to be effective, neutrahty s motto must be '„„„*.Alumn. i Office..^ „,.,, _ ...^ „, tary of the Church Peace Union, happen. Pertoibed why this tendency to look the other way when it comes to deal­ it all on Sunday if I worked real ^.,i,.f'o ^^^^ f^. fl,« „^^.^ J. ^r.r.A fr^r- fV,! .ron^ov ' TV.a+ ,*. ^^PTh^ e^ou stort byy othf e"Ticke authotr tto thManilae Rol"- and President Hamilton Holt of Miss L. H. Dear Pertoibed, ing with Finland in the current conflict with Russia is a dan­ hard. Gee, what can a fellow do is woven from the innumerable ad­ Rollins. Heading the committee on The Civil War is over and gerous practice. It is an open breach of true neutrality, . . . ? Please write me soon. ventures encountered by the author local arrangements is Dr. E. C. Dear Miss Lonely Hearts, would probably do most of the i whether it assumes the guise of humanitarianism, democracy M. I. Moody on travels to Europe and the Ori Nance, dean of Knowles Memorial I am now a sophomore. It's very fering. or what-have-you It is a road to war, deeply worn by the ent. All the characters in the book Chapel, chairman, and Lewis A. nice to be a sophomore, but don't travel of would-be neutrals." Miss L. H. are real, from the ship captains to Dexter, instructor in sociology and you think it would be nice if I Dear M. I. Moody. But, says the Brown University Daily Herald, "while 'neu­ the Silliman University students. government at Rollins, secretary. had a date once in a while ? Where See Jeff Kennedy, He's your Portuguese has been added trality' is a sure-fire slogan at the present time, this question Although the book is Miss Cald­ While the general topic for are all those gay times I heard so advisor, not me. e long list of foreign lan^a should be divorced from any lines of politics that may exist. well's first publication, it has been discussion will be "The Churches' much about before I came to Rol­ Miss L. H. taught at the University of Te If war were imminent or even possible from loans to the hard- favorably received by critics. "Ex­ Responsibility and Opportunity in lins? I haven't had any gay times. pressed Finns, our every step should be wary, but this aid ceedingly interesting!" was Roger the Present War Situation", sub­ Why not ? I can't understand why Dear Miss Lonely Hearts, Catholic Labor CoUege doesn't preclude disaster. As long as the loans are for non- W. Babson's comment. "I have read topics will also include "The Pres­ not. I have worked hard to make I used to get along swell around been established in Buffalo, N. military purposes, as is proposed, Roosevelt, Senator Wheeler many books of travel in the Orient ent Wars in Europe and Asia and my years at college a success. I is place *til I got a new car. You to teach the "rightful position" and ex-President Hoover seem correct in their belief that in­ but never found so many facts pre­ the Relationship of the Churches to got honors in all my studies last e I never had a car before and the working man. volvement wouldn't follow." sented in such a readable manner." Them", "Forms of World Organiza­ \ and even passed my Art e women didn't annoy me any. Citing our needs for the money here in the U.S., the Uni-j The copy received by Rollins Col­ tion for Permanent Peace", and Seminar. But all I do is sit in my Now there is no peace in my life. Milton Horn, noted sculpitor, versity of Michigan Daily says: "It is difficult not to admire lege will be placed on the Alumni "Moral Value as the Basis of a New 11 and sulk. The fellows here at Girls by the hundreds call me up resident instructor at Oltvet the fight the Finns are putting up in defense of their home­ Shelf which is reserved for the International Order". the house call me "Old-Sulk-Hulk", at all hours to go riding. Could it lege this year. land. It is difficult not to respect their courage and persever- publications of graduates of the ence. But it is far more difficult to close our eyes to the College. According to Mrs. Kath­ The University of Chicago has needs of the American People when the cry goes up for aid erine L. Lehman, alumni secretary, offered full tuition scholarships to to Finland" the collection is being completed as rapidly as possible, in order that all Rhodes scholars forced from Eng­ Speaking of the recent loan to Finland by two government land by the current war. lending agencies, the Syracuse University Daily Orange said: books written by Rollins graduates "The loan violates the spirit of neutrality framed by the over­ may be on display during Founders' whelming 'keep out of war' desire of Americans. Neutrality Week this year. for the United States is already a shaky house of cards. More Miss Caldwell has been connected false moves like this loan may cause the whole structure to with the Lake Wales Highlander as RAY GREENE topple down on American heads." a reporter for several years, and —Rollins Alumnus— There you have a cross-section of collegiate editorial opin­ also serves as secretary to the Ex­ ecutive Secretary of the Southern REAL ESTATE BROKER ion on the Finnish loan question. Most observers believe that Te/. 400 100 Park Av. collegians will not swing to favoring the loan because of their Intercollegiate Conference. strong and earnest belief that nothing should be done that would tend to draw the U.S. (and themselves) into another European conflict.—Associated Collegiate Press. Royal Typewriters Sales and Service AU Makes Used Typewriters HOUGH'S Davis Office Supply FOOD SHOP Company 29 E. 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