University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-7-1940 Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 16, February 7, 1940 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 16, February 7, 1940" (1940). The Rollins Sandspur. 574. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/574 Florida's Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper Eo lUnSiiSsaniispur Advertisers "VOLUME 45 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1940 (Complete Campus Coverage) FEATURED IN CAST MacGowan Speaks at FAMOUS MONOLOGIST ^Annie Russell OF MT RDKR MYSTERY Morning Meditation Organ Vespers Knickerbocker ON RUSSELL SKRIES Finnish]! Reliief Wednesday, February 7 Lecturer Discusses Four 7:30 P. M. SGroup Presents Essentials of Humans Gatty Sellars, Guest Organist Says Hitler to Meeting To Be 1. Toccata—Confuga in D Min­ Dr. Robert MacGowan, noted au­ or, J. S. Bach ' ^Mystery Drama thor and lecturer, spoke in the 2. Sunset at the Abbey, Gatty Blame for War Held Tomorrow Knowles Memorial Chapel last Sun­ Sellars )V,"Night Must Fall" Directed day. The subject of his sermon was 3. 'Agnus Dei' from L'Arlesi- "Human Essentials." Dr. Mac­ Famous Correspondent Tells •\ By Miss Lockhart, to Be enne Suite, Bizet Arr Sellars Internationally Known Men Gowan pointed out that there are 4. Tone-Poem . Finlandia, Of Meeting With German ^ Given Friday, Saturday Support Hoover's Plea in four essentials in a normal human Sibelius Dictator During His Rise Knowles Memorial Chapel being. First, cosmic sense, which 5. Nuptial Song, Friml ^Psychological Basis means being true to the humblest 6. Tone Picture . "An '\ Of Play Emphasized things in nature and the mightiest Ocean Tempest", Gatty Sel­ Feuhrer Impresses Collection Will Be things in God, a cultivation of the lars Foreigners As Silly right responses of human beings to 7. Rhapsody on the Reforma­ Taken to Aid Finns ^ The first mystery drama to be their environment. tion Hymn, "Ein Feste Burg", By ALDEN MANCHESTER !ii|)roduced in the Annie Kussell Second, proper perspective by Gatty Sellars it^jTheatre since Miss Russell per- H. R. Knickerbocker, famous for­ National "Help Finland Week," which each succeding generation 8. March . "Crown Imper­ ft^gonally appeared in a revival of eign correspondent and lecturer, sponsored by ex-president Herbert should profit by the errors com ial", William Walton v^fTHe Thirteenth Chair" several spoke on "The Ringside of Europe" Hoover, will be observed here to- mitted by previous generations 9. a)Felicity, Gatty Sellars Ej^years ago will be staged on Fri- RHEA MARSH SMITH in the Annie Russell Series, Fri­ morow night with a mass meeting However, Dr. MacGowan added, wt b)"In Old Thibet", Gatty Sel­ H^ay and Saturday, Feb. 9 and 10, day, February 2, in the Winter in the Knowles Memorial Chapel at have not yet learned from history, lars tli.when the Annie Russell Company Park High School Auditorium. His 8:15. This date corrects the error Howard Bailey Directs but continue making the same bli 10. "Pomp and Circumstance", ;jjpresents "Night Must Fall", by talk was very informative and in­ which appeared in last week's ders. "To possess all the wisdom Edward Elgar ijmlyn Williams. Founders' Week Play teresting to those who were lucky "Sandspur". President Holt called that has come through the ages i; enough to hear him. Mr. Knicker­ I jL Under the direction of Dorothy this meeting for the Rollins faculty one of the necessities of human ex bocker has been on the scene in g^Lockhart, the play will be pro- and students, and residents of Win­ Kaufman and Hart's Comedy istence. The success or failure of Europe since 1923 and has observed [jduced as a feature of the Annie ter Park as an immediate answer Features Morgan, Buckwalter civilization depends on how much Economic Problems most of the important events of Ojj RusseU Series at 8:15 on Friday to Mr. Hoover's appeal for support man is willing to submit to author­ history during that period at first uftnd Saturday evenings, and at 2:30 Cornelia Otis Skinner, whose for the Finnish nation which has ity." hand. Nine years of his time was j^Saturday afternoon. Director Howard Bailey Discussed Here at phenorainal success in the theatre been defending itself so heroically Third, a disciplined mind is the spent in Germany as a correspond­ u A psychological thriller, "Night ced Thursday the casting of the has brought her fame on two con­ against seemingly overwhelming necessity of every human being. ent and his knowledge of Germany i?Must Fall" is a study of a cold- Rollins Student Players' third pro­ tinents, will bring her program of odds. Without a disciplined mind, man Annual Conference and Hitler surpasses that of most , wooded murderer whose deliberate duction of the 1939-40 season, "Modern Monologues" to the An­ With Dr. Holt as chairman and falls prey to propaganda. "If peo­ Germans. 'ind incredibly arrogant machina- "You Can't Take It With You". nie Rusell Theatre at Rollins Col­ Dean Nance of the Chapel as his ple could only think it would be a lions fascinated London audie The Kaufman and Hart hit play of Commons, Galloway Speak on Mr. Knickerbocker's lecture was lege on Friday evening, February assistant, the following committee grander world to live in." Jesus, ior a year and seven months, and several years ago was a Pulitzer Cycles of Depressions and delightfully informal in character 16, as an attraction of the Annie of civic leaders was formed: who had the best balanced mind iri ''juplicated the triumph later Prize Winner and ran for two years and was interspersed with interest­ Russell Series. In her original mon­ Mayor J. F. Moody; W. E. Win­ history, was given to us by God as a Planning for Future 'PJjew York. Emlyn Williams wrote on Broadway. Try-outs were held ing anecdotes from his own ex­ ologues, the gifted actress not on­ derweedle, president of the Kiwanis supreme and eternal guide. Tuesday and Wednesday, January perience that high-lighted his ly assumes a half dozen or more Club; Dr. Helen W. Cole, president '"^he play, directed it, and played Rollins College's Fifth Annual 30 and 31, and the cast was an­ Fourth, a progressive spirit of points. His knowledge of Hitler has parts: she surrounds herself with of the Woman's Club; George Grim, ^.ts leading part. Economic Conference was held here nounced Thursday morning as fol­ the sort that was possessed by the come in a large part from personal any number of an^esting figures— president of the Lions Club; Dr. According to Theatre maga' last Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri lows : founders of our democracy is the experience, having had some ten now comic, now tragic, always Victor B. Chicoine, pastor of the ^1li"Night Must Fair becomes an un- day, January 31, and February 1 Grandpa Vanderhof—John Buck- last essential for a human being. or more interviews with Hitler at alive and exciting. Playwright, Congregational Church; Rev. W. *^sual and original melodrama by and 2. Various distinguished econ^ waiter "The whole duty of man," Dr. Mac­ different times since he began his producer and actress, Miss Skin­ Keith Chidester, pastor of the Epis­ 8*iieemphasizing the grisly and omists and business leaders ad' Penny Sycamore—Vicky Morgan Gowan concluded, "is to live with rise to power. Knickerbocker first ner is also the author of two pop­ copal Church; Rev. John H. Hanger, '*''•''liressing the mental and psycholo­ dressed the conference in seven dif­ Alice Sycamore—Helen Darling his God, to learn to live with his fel saw Hitler during his attempted ular books, "Excuse It Please!" of the Methodist Church; Rev. Loys gical bases of the play", and " A ferent sessions, each one devoted Tony Kirby — Bob Whiston low-men and fellow-women, and to putsch in 1923, when be tried to and "Dithers and Jitters." Frink of the Baptist Church; Hal­ ^lay with its full share of shivers, to a different topic. After the Mr. Kirby — Bob Ward learn to live with yesterday, today take over the Bavarian govern­ stead W. Caldwell; Dr. John Mar­ • l^hrewdly lightened by comedy' speeches, discussion was held with Boris Kohlenkhov—Don Murphy and tomorrow." ment by force and was driven back tin; Lewis A. Dexter; and Miss mljthe description of the New York members of the conference ques­ Freshman Players Countess Olga — Deedee Hoenig The Chapel Choir, under the d: by machine-gun fire. He has inter­ Clara Adolfs, who was elected sec­ B! Sun. tioning the speakers from the floor. Gay Wellington — Anne Clark rection of Christopher O. Honaas, viewed him several times since Give Plays Feb. 14 retary. flbJE The complete cast is announced sang "Lord, We Will Be Glad," The first session, Wednesday Henderson, Income Tax Collec­ then at different stages on his President Holt will give a short igws follows: Mrs. Bramson, Jose tor — Jack Liberman from "Litany in B Flat" by Mozart. morning, had as its topic "Market­ rise to power and has seen Hitler Jack Buckwalter Directs Two •at^h Rose Dresser; Oliver Crayne, ing and Pricing Problems", and was talk, followed by speeches by Gen­ Ed Carmiehael — Robin Rae The offertory, "Larghetto" by in many different moods.
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