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MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: the National Week Ly of Personalities and Programs

MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: the National Week Ly of Personalities and Programs



A[A87BC1D5Y43 The Madcap Antics of Rosalind Russell, p.2 Story of Radio's Most Dramatic Broadcast, p.35 MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: The National Week ly of Personalities and Programs

• Motion Pictures will Help to Weld Us Into a Nation Supreme

E VEN before :he last votes were counted, " out hoving checked WIth Ihe editorilll opinion of significo!Int thing wes hlllppening on the screens our reviewer. We ~now only thai we sot amused of thi~ notion's theaters. People by the millions. lind deliqhted for eppro(;mo!lteiy eighty minutes still flushed with election victory Of dejected by while goose· pimples ond smiles chllsed each defeat. were facing strong. mUiculor words in " other ecross our feetures. Equelly as importont rnessllga that came to them in letters three feet o~ the plot ond the octing of Mr. Kyser lind his high. The doy was November b. The words were: crew is e new invention which eMbles sow· "A PIe" for N"tiontlf Unity." phones. tubes ond trumpets to tolk. Adually, os "The democratic process hPaulette Goddard and Along the Airialtos (new .) ...... 38 Fred Aatai re picture hos demon· :lancing hod been strllted its greot vol· On Short Waves (a depa rtm ent) ... .40 oretty well confined ue to this nation. Programs to pOriners <'Ind Eleonor Powell , ond "Unite, Americo!" Week of No v. 30·Dec. 6 ...... 18-31 while Asteire hod no doubt but th"t Miss God· H. M. Warner dord would be "1'1 ideo I leoding lody, he wasn't POLITICAL HI­ Curtis Mitchell, Editor too cerloin of how 0 dMce number might turn JINKS ore over Md the people in the bro<'ld· Vo l. 10, No.8 Nov. 30· Dec. 6.1940 out. Add to this doubt the foci thot Astoire is casting business are sleepinq eosier. So ore we. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. financio!ly inlerested in "Second Chorus" himself No post compoign hos disrupted progrom sched· (the picture is being releosed by Poromount, but J .....,." /;.,1... ~J."'" I ..~'h: M.".~I •• ~,~j,.". R~U, ules os this one hos. You reoders hove been Ill ...U: / .. ,.." ....., /,:.". ,,: 0ci;dut.Uoo: ' ·h..... A . ltIoni.... , ShOrt w.... : for your understonding thot the very best ond \"II'. U lIn •. }Iu,!,_ ':~H.,ld M ....t ..'" JoIIro C.,L_. Astoire hesitllted, however, PouieHe didn't. She ,',·.. " ..1. ('~_. ~(. n." ...... d H.n"", 01.,1.. I.(ooo!, .... most importont progrom of entedoinment might Art ..... MI''"''. (1.,-. It... ,,,_ M.I,·ln Sol ...l. hired herself 0 dancing teocher. She donced. ll,,". II .. ,,,... O,-,,,~ IT ' .... M ..... 1I.&I.,.rto.l U. ~ Yonish abruptly from the <'Iirwoves, le<'lving in I'.. ,1ItI<.lv'-' ,_ld ... ..,."." much a5 her dMcing, ond the result is they dance columns do not henceforth hove the situation ~."IO010 GUilE done it ago in . His new picture, "You'll Find (... " ...... ~ .. ,~""'.1 ... '·. '''to 1'10,..... ,_ r"", __ , gether is something to look ot, "Second Chorus" I,~ 'b..... of ..1<1,.... II. 'u,. 10 "'.~ ""'h old and ~ Out," is good entertainment. Mind you, we don't .<1<1, ... , ~RI .....O ", u .•. " . will be 0 picture to welch for! Noturol·color say it is 0 greot movie. ond we write this with· photograph is by Jock Albin.-C. M.

IIfl J -- "/ wish I could say I was sorry ..." SENSIBLE sere Rosalind Ru ssell sincerely objects to being called a practical joker, and possibly she isn't at heart, but-

OSALIND RUSSELL wa. namf'd Hollywood, So are her friends, for the ,lumped down into the chair oppoai:tto after a Mi ...... lppl River steam­ moet part non-professionab, and In him and .tarted, In a heavy. nasal Rboat, the Rotatlnd, which cau,ht Hollywood, where friends are taken on drawl, to tell him how "unhappy ahe ber mother's fancy at a time wh('n It and cast ofT at a territle rate, this I. w ..... wu a perfectly refllpectable carrlH' of Robert Ripley material. Mr. Laemmle w •• lOrry that ahe cotton car,o and p8uenlCrs. Mrs. The Irish devilment and wit that wa. unhappy in Hollywood. was de­ RU!OSeIi could hardly have fcrewen sparkles from the Russell eye is In­ lilh~ to do what be could to n:medy how the ravalt'S of tune would anert herited from parentap halt lrlsb, half the situation by forthwjlh Ji&ninl: .. the magni6cent backwhef!ler which En,lim. Htt quick, but never barbl!d, complete rclealle from her contract. became, in rapid succession, a .how­ wit and hf'r yen for the ridiculous A rew houn later. Rosalind..:...... tlerseU. boat, a gambhna-vepel and, when lut have earned her a reputation as a thla Ume--wa. sianin, • new CODtnct heard 0(, a mud-KOw workln& on the practical joker. She heatedly denies at M-G-M Which it; what we meIIn levees a lew miles IOUth of LoUlavllle. the charp. when we uy that she', 8 IerewbaU Rocalind is more like the river. She "Really, I'm not like that." ahe say •. with. purpGee. just keeps rollin&' aJooa in her own .. It would bf' ..-ery dull to be COlli, We mtervll!'W~ Miu R~ll on the somellmes lackadawcal, 1Omet.lmeII around aU the time pla)'ln& practJCal .let where she w.. malt'inc "11WI pu.rpow:ful way. jokes, wouldn't it'!'" Thln, Called Lc)Vc'· With Melvyn Ask anyone-male or female-who And when she pula it that way, Dou,Ia., and it seemed an appropriate is the best-dreaed woman in Holly­ what can you say? Even when you time to JO mto the much-discussed wuod and the answer is Invariably know the truth is that she doe. tike but lillie-known tactl of h~ alfaln "Rosalind Russell." And th .. despite cute little .ap and laughs that hurt of the heart. She had Jutil returned ber hats. £Uily the mOlt stflk~ nobocl.y and can laU&h just a. heartily from lM marri,,~ of her wtN, Mary thinl about the pl who's known far wben t.fHo joke \I on tM!-r. HeT favorite Jean, to Kenneth BHom, an .dverti'l~ and wide and alfechonately u "Roz" people are .crew-ball•. That'. wby .be man, where me had I)eeon maid of is her hats, The Russell chapeaux are like. to portray them on the ICreen, honor. AIIO ahe had caught the bridal the ,oofIest In Hollywood. While work­ AI a matter of fact, Rosalind ba. bouquet at that weddln,. which ,ives in, on "The Citadel" in London, she IOmcthin. or a reputation about town her, traditionally, a year in which tu surUed stald Englisb maidens with a a. a ICrewbali hf'r!lf'1t (and not witb­ become either 8 bride or forever alter weird creation studio executives had out jU'ititlcatlon) But it's wron, to remain an old maid, ditIlculty \ractn, to its BOuret'. It hap­ .Imply say, "Roz Russell's a .crew­ pened that Roalind bou&ht d-rilhl ball," You've hit the nail on the head INASMUCH all no Hollywood names 01'1' the head of a Hungarian pea.. nt when you say, "Roz Russell'. a .crew­ are connected with ber in a romantiC -in the main .treet of Budapest while ball with a purpiMe," way, I asked IIlyly, "When are yOU she was on a vacation there. "It was For example, we've already pointed ,oine east aeain, Mu. RUSSl'II'!''' irresistible," the purred. out how she turned down movie ol'l'en "Soon, I hope," she Finned, "to .ee Miss RuaeU is umque In Hollywood wh("n she felt that she wasn't yet my family and my boy friends-lots for a number 01 reaaoru., not the least, read.1 for them_ When she felt that she of them." of course, beln& her allf'llPd acrew­ wa. adequately prepared and Unl­ And that'a the wlY it is with her. balllishness, of whkh we ,haU treat venal wanted ber to come out to Hol­ Her failure to malT)' thus tar has been later. She wasn't poverty-strleken, to lywood and do a picture, they wouldn't from no lack of opportunity. She's had begin with. In tact. althou.h her fa­ pay her what she fell she was worth. plenty of proposala, one rrom a man ther, James E. Russell, had seven chil­ So she made them a counter-proposi­ who told ber that he'd only want to dren, he managed to pay a pmty tion. She'd corne out for a two-week see her t~nty minutn a year. "He­ sizable income tax on his annual take period at their salary and, during thl. meant that as a compliment, and if. as one of the really brilliant attomcy. two weeks, they could make all the really a very nice one," Rosalind ex­ in the state of Connecticut. Rosalind teslI they wanted. It they decided to plained. But that !10M of marrlAge could just as well bave lived Q/JI her use her in the picture, they'd pay her Isn't tor la Russell At tbe moment days in a grand idleness back in her her Alary. Universal agreed to thi. she'. play in. the tleld, with Fr&d Bris­ native Waterbury if ambition and the and Rosalind went west.. son the nearest thine 10 a steady escort stage bug hadn't bitten her. Followed two week!!; 01 sittin. on her horiUln. When she doe5 marry. around waiting to see the Important the chances ant it'll be ror keeps and S HE'S uniQue in that she planned people, getting brushed off by secre­ the real, honest-to-eoodness thing. her life's course from the be,innin. taries, feelin. the Irish ire, which she She's too warm and buman- -and level­ and relused to be hurried along Ule usually keeps well under control, headed-for anything else. path to stardom before she felt that she creep to the surface. Then came 8 Meantime, ahe lives alone- in nn was ready, At the very moment when memo from Carl Laemmle, Jr., studio Enellsh-typc bouse which r('mlnd~ her she was talkin. the tent-show mao­ chief at the time, summoning her to of her Connecticut home. It·s furnished ager 01 a cheap barnltormln, troupe bls omce for appraisal. in early colonial style, Her mft con­ deaf, dumb and blind to land a job She dug down in her trunk and Bisll of a cook and a hou:seman. Sbe with the outfit, she was carry in, found a horrible dress she used to has a big convertible cabriolet which around in her purse an ofter to appear wear to tacky parties back home in she drives ber"8l'll. One of her bi, in a Broadway show. She feU-and Waterbury, She took an eyebrow thrllt. Is to put down the top of her what other ambitious youngster pencil and accentuated every line In car and drive along the California would?-that she wasn't ready for her face, a lipstick and smeared it roads when the orange trees are in Broadway yet. The same thing hap­ liberally and messily over her lips. bloom. She also read, a lot, most of pened later when, &I an already estab­ She wrinkled her stockiDlS and tM!-r books being serious tomes havin, lished stage star, she refused a motion­ bushed up her hair until Bhe looked to do witb world al'l'airs. She seldom picture offer beca~ abe thoucht she like the three witches in "Macbeth." reads ftctkln. She ~ a Iicht eater, al­ moeded more .usollin, in the le.iti­ Then, ttufftn, a whole package of most always und~'r weight, and her mate theater. chewine cum into her mouth, she favorite roods ("Don·t jud,e me by She has no boy friends, and studio went to call on Mr. Laemmle. these," she begs) are cheese, lobster. chest-thumpers run Into plenty or When the scarecrow that was Roaa­ popcorn and diml"-store candy. trouble in cookin, up new5paper ro­ lind appeared. in his olft~, youna: M* RUDell has an aversion to ,G­ mances. HeT employes - house aer­ Laemmle must have thought that hlr inc to beet "I always feel that III vanta, secretary and stand-in-are the talent-scouts had gone .suddenly mad, miss lOmethl", while I'm sleeping," same ones who 5tarted with her In He wa. convinced of this wtM!-n abe (Continued on. Page of!) THE MUSICAL or OUR EXCITING TIMES! ,. - " BIG AS ITS STARS! GREAT AS ITS SONGS! A. " ~ "\ ..... ""('I\~ '" V .. -~ ~ Alicel'AY~ , h .. Alexander & rpassing e t , S U . B d" success. \. • RagtIme an B / ,~


. ~~"r!~Lly Orell , "'o~ e ay" star e daaa" ""!I!

• iackOAKIE The comic who'. just into hi. own ! Allen Jen i .-. O TiD PaD Alley' s Nlellol.s BrotSlI tstller S.'ston O... at •• t So.... ! ers ° Be C t.-::,~~:~':::.~_hY IVOlterLo~ ar'e, New- ~ ~E!I --...... g ....,.. p ....,. H 18 oQId H ..... r .::-VO..... Be. " You SaytheS_'''' Th.nqoo I &by I" ...... ~-.a...c...... ,. by MACk Gordon and Hany Wa..... "-ged .b,. s..".'- ••..,. _ F.... Old- ··Jt . K-K-ltaty", " When You Wore A Tulip And I Wo •• A Big Red Ro_", " Moonlivht Bay". " Go<>~: • by. 8road.&y. H.lIo runce . '-Tha Sh.... 01 Alaby", " Am • .,ea I Lo'O'. You"!

3 ) /

ABOVE, left. l..&na Turner, Tony Martin "nd lano's mother at Hollywood moth­ ers' dinner donee for Christmt" relief

lEFT: The proudest ABOVE: Mary PicHord, "Queen BELOW: Spencer Tracy. in od­ mother of tho "ff"ir of Hollywood Cherities," mothers dition to winning Academy -given to raise funds youngsters {rom the Children's Awords for his <'!cting, won e for needy at Christ­ Home Finding Society at outing new sort of aw(t(d for this mas-was Mrs. Nell given them by Mary lind husband. originol end dt.lring "creotion" P"n~ey. dancing with Buddy Rogers. The y01.lngsters­ he designed end wore in tlie son, heard on the redio show "No­ millinery contest stoged ot the body's Children"---enjoyed an .,11- Cocoonut Grove os port of tho doy outing ot Miner's Field Air­ J"ck-o'-lontern Hollowe'en 8,,11, BELOW, left. JMe pori. They hod lunch. pillne fides proceeds of which went to cht.lrity Withers attended with her steadr. d"te. Joe Brown. eovinq Mother Withers to attend_."ft affair __ _"lone


Draftees to be trained with . specially made movies; is making divorce plans!

M OVIE fans will have to enlist or lev." Interesting is the iact that !\ Iiss be drafted to sec the new series H'enie spurned Scanlon's ori!!'ina! over­ of military training motion pictures tures to settle the case for $20,000, Movie - Radio Guide which Hollrwood agreed (~ov. 12) to make for Uncle Sam's nel" Army dur­ Portentful Potpourri ing the next 52 weeks. ,Vith a pro­ 'Tis said that ). Ietro's new family Award For duction goal set at a weekly minimum series, "Keeping Compnnr," starring of eighTeen reels of warrior-making Ann Rutherford, John Shelton, Distinguished Acting films. shooting j" expected to start im­ Rich and Frank ~ L urgan. is tbip:ned mediately upon the assignment of U. S. to take the place of the "Andy Ilardy" Army general staff officers to work series in order tit release the talentll of M OVIE-RADIO GUIDE'S Awords for Distin- with the movie industrr's prod union­ 1I J icke\' Rooney for hi!,!;lIrr-budget Ilie­ defense coordinating committee. )wildcd tures;' at any rate, the sccund uf tIl/' guished Acting have been ewardad this month bv Y. Frank Freeman and hi~ ~uhcnm· "Keeping Cnmp:lI1}" pictures, titl(·~ to and Clouda R9ins by Jimmie ·~ittee, indudiilg Sam IhL,kin, of Co­ "K~cpinJ; J\brried," is ll!lder way even Fidler, who each month names the stars whose lumbia PiC\Ufr.'S: Darr~'1 Z;lI1IICk. 20th before the first hn~ hit the Sl'rCtll performances are brillilHlt enough to w-Orronr the Century-Fox, and l\ l ajor ~i1than Lev­ Paramount reflorts that Cecil B, De­ honor. ison. According to \:V;jT Department J\lille-'s "!\!lrth \Vest MOl!l1tcd Police" . "Years ago," Mr. Fidler said. "in such pictures experts, visual training of [("cruils by is his mo~t stJl'ccssful film pmJuetion os 'A Tower of Lies' and 'A Free Soul,' Miss means of pictures since "The Ten Shel'lrer was one of my favorite 'dremetic st"rs. is the InO,[ rapid Command men15," This wos not because she was 0 technicolly skilled and advanced sr~­ :lI;cordin~ to box­ actress, but bec':lUse of the w"rmth end sincerity tern ret devised. and offict Tl."por(';, . A of her performances, Later, os she become the i~ far in advance of ~ntak prene\\' of any method utilized 20th, Fox's "Golden queen of her studio. I began to wover in my loyolty, bv foreil!ll annil'S. HEARTBEAT Hoofs" has revealed for it seemed to me that those very qUlllities which \'OUlll! actor Buddy hod made her 50 believable and IIppeeling had Sonja Henie PtJlper n~ ~uch a been sacrificed to her desire for technicel perfec. l oses Suit M YRNA l OY, for years "click" thnt the lot tion, She became "cold" and her work corried no called the screen's "per. Sonja Henie, i~ building him Ufl conviction. I know that my freely expressed opinion .. kating-cinema ~tar, fed wife," and her producer b) ~huuting two was shared by many erstwhile Shellrer fans. lost a jurr venlict to husband. Arthur Hornblow, added sequences for "In 'Esca-pe: however." he continued, "she is Dennis Sc~nlnn, hdve admitted a year of fail_ the picture before ogo;n the sincere, unaffected Sheerer of II dozen sporrs promuter, last iT i~ released Itener­ ure at trying to plug the lea~ years ago. She quite obviously FEELS fhis role, ond week Ilt Sf. Paul, in their matrimonial bark; alh , . , l\l iliz:! Kor' ;\I inncsotn, and os e result she succeeds in moking her audience they will divorce shortly, .. jus, II ho had her must flay $77,­ feel it also, Connie Benn ett was awarded leg crushed horribly J 13A.j. til him and ill all autO accident Claude Rains, whose performonce as .oevid her t hird divorce November her iall'yer\ fl'es. month~ ago, is over­ Beillsco in "The Lady With Red Heir," won him the 14; Gitbert Roland is said Scanlon clairneu the jored by her doctllr\ Actors' Award, is a veterlln of st9ge lind screen. cfeuit ior Intruduc· to be her current heart ... report thnt she will He first endeared himself to movie-goers es ing l\Jiss iJenie to Broderick Crawford and Kay be nble to walk the fether in the film "Four Americnl1 lludiellct'!;, Griffin were wed Nov, 21. nj!alll. ,Greta Doughters." nnd that he wn~ un­ Garbo and her boy "I doubt that Mr, Rains der oral contract fn friend, Garelord ever gave a bad perfor. her as her manager frum the time she Hau.·'et. will not visit the Duke and mance in his life," Mr, Fidler came to thi, COUnlfY from ,;\orway in Duches" of \\'indsor in Bermuda until seid in making this month's 193b. Jury "IJ,rainl."d Scanlon's verbal after the Christma_ holidays, , , The arranp;emenl. and in addition to the­ Lon}! Beach test preview of 20th-Fox'. Ilwerd. "and I'm very sure -judgment rende-red orderw i\Jis, mu"ical ftlm "Tin Pan Alley" broURht that in this role he hos Henie to pa} Scanlon a percentage of such spontaneou~ applau~e for John topped en previous efforts," her earnings frum her next picture, Pa)ne, who plays the ~inging lend op- which tentativrly I'; titled "Sun Val- (Plt·ou Turn 10 11,'0:1 Pag,) Judged By Jimmie Fidler N If/I 5 "Bitter Sweetll "Lady With Red Hair"

Jt>lClt. ..,,(D... , N. WII Cut: e,." '"' J/'I H'i"1K, etl\!" tel.,. C."".. »"'t", 1111 H.. Ifr. R.,ni. R r~ AI '1. ~n, HOI ftlix S.fturt, [d ..,.. A.... let. eff"";. Htl~n WnUf1, Jalln UI~I, Ltnn. earn•• D ... n, Lr"'i. Curl ,",on.. a,,.,.. VICWI' Jory. C«it SOU. f't Holde., Sit RtUI'oIo"n. lter~. Jane \V itht'r~, Garland and Dan! RO!'r arr ~till a ;1 few month~, be<:aust: Paramount 6 JI,I " "You'll Find Out" liThe Letter"

CISI: KIt Kywr, Peler l arrf, Cut: Bille Onil, Htrbefl Mu_ Boris Kulaif. Btl, l\l90~. Hflcn Shill, Jamll Sltphlnll1~, r riedl P'rr,~h. Ot"nis O' Ked.. Aim' Innellr\. Gill SGnder.urd. Codl Kruter, JOSliph EUfnlon. 'nd K" KtIlIWIY, Stn Vwng, Willlt r .. n•• KYHr's B'nd, fU\lIrin, Gonny II .1. Pr04uud Ilir Warlltr B ro~> Simms, Hlrl)' Babbitt, h h K,bib· by Robert Lord; di,etted by Wil· bl. ,nd Sully MnJon. An RKO lilm WYltr. who Ilso directed "'Th pictllrt. produced ,n~ dirHud by WHiff""" .nd "'ClIII\e nd Gtt DUid Butler. '""0 .. I~ d"fct.d It." From tht nonl by SomerHI " Thlh RII"\. You're Wr0!09'" Mlyghlm.

rVEN a much better story ETTE DAV I S dominates G than he had in his first Banother love melodrama picture. Kay Kyser clicks as In "The Letter." But there a top box-office draw in were those In the lobby at the "You'll Find Out," a blend of preview showing who said action and , with the _._ e."oy she wall not up to the original accent on laugh-provoking DANCING AT elRO'S recently were Cobino Wright, Jr., the 11 1m version of Maugham's mystery. It's Kyser's second sociolite songstress, lind Reginotd G"rdiner. whose performonca classic work, In which her film for RKO, and It's hi! in "The Doctor Tokes 0 Wife" proved" boost up the stor lodder role was portrayed by J eanne best. Eagels, and there were others Engaged to play at the who commented that despite picture co-~tan; Charle-~ BO\er and Tra<:\". Burns anel Alltn, :"\orman birthday celebration of a Miss Davis' conviction that beauteous heiress. Kyser and l\1a rgare-t Sullavan . " . C()n~tance T aurllR. Jade. Btnny. j ohn Considint this Is a superior picture for his band travel en masse to \ l oorC'. who. it i~ re-porte-d, sh(ll\~ up and Frank \\'hitbttk. -'or have- thel her, she did not surpass her h er home on a lonel y penin­ e-\cdle-ntl~ in Paramount'~ " I \ranted tallrn down till tht job. T ht other "going blind" scene In " Dark sula. They arrive on a stormy Victory." \ Ving"." ha~ won a "inginV role- in " Las d:tl" riltl _il!ntd new plrdg:es to con­ night. and find the mansion Nt'verthele!l5, is a veritable museum, its \'t'J!-a~ 'il!hb." tinue tltC' arranj!tmrnt for another ,"ear. makes her role ('ome alive walls crammed with explor­ with One actin,. as do Jametll er's trophies. Then the storm Roy,,1 Air Force Inspires Pictures Pr"nk Th "t S"cHired Stephenson III attornt'y How­ breaks up the party and IIrd J oyce. Gale Sondergaard EX]lloit~ of the /!allant Royal -" IT Crne II :I;t~. ~uitar·plal ing mtmber strands everyone in the weird as the Eurasian ~lr11. Ham­ house. Trouble beeins imme­ Fon:e has in"lIired H nlhll(l(,J ',.:ree-n of thr "Rhnhm Ranl!e~." ha.~ broken mond. and St'n YUIl' os On, diately when an attempt Is writt'f"", and produn'f'o to get bu~~' on hilll-.c:lf ui Ihr had hahit of anSllC'rinl! Chi St'ng. made on the heiress' life. ilt It'a~t thr~ war-Rie-r pil·turr~. Don hi .. phillie ,:II in!! ""elly'~ Uridr:\ard," Story CClLtt'rt about the Kay Kyser romps through Amrchr and Ilenn Fonda II ill be rast all heclu,t' f{rpuhli..: l:l)witur Ro) ROil"' C r osbie rubber plantation the ::-lcture n~ a !!elf-ap­ near Sin,ap')I"t'. Mn. CrOl'lbie tnl!rtllrr 11\ 20th Centun· Fox in "The tr~ r:lllrd him rrrentlr Iu offer him a pointed detrcUve trying to (Bett£' Davis) IIhnttefli the IOlv('" the aUeml)ted murder, Eag/t' Flie-"" j\ j!ain," the ,tor1 of Ame-r­ jnit. \\'hen l't'nr l-';:t lIammond (David Newell). WHAT THEV THOUGHT OF n: an,l , V,.lter \\'an/!C'r i, rlannin/! 10 pro­ \\rt'!r._" \ \"i,h tlul R(lI!('r~, wlto knrw Ut'r husband who was away \lar'oly ... ,,~, dOOlbt n to tho 'Uft~ duct' .. r he Ea,:le S,luadrun."' IIhieh thl'" J:aj.!. irtlC'ntl"nall~ hung 1111, Ha~ fur thr- nl,ht, the Crown's In-­ INlUiWototi .,1 K.y K)"W; .. ' I "' like" i-e de-al~ II ith the- d:-.rin,e- of tht' \Ia- It't'\ IInhn, ",hile- \\atch'n I, l~tr1fll1",.' plains the trURl,>dy. Her story a projC'l:lioll 01 Par:LmOLtnt' lIar ~It"rt. Odds and Ends llet.'mll plausible, nevertheless Til \\'orld in FI.un!"'," 5.111 th( m· ·\.ttl II> IIv \'aprr< of Fr:lnk Capn: IIht' Is held for murder_ At wrr to hiS rffnrt oi rnanl mUfltl1, to Wjlll \fnll ~OO.OO(J ftt! ut film hut Inr her trial In Singapore all looks well (or ht'r ucqulttal "on'l rl ~ Ihr scrft11 rolli, In produc· Irarn tilt' bte of an Droartll1t"lI~ houS(' hi iutthcominlC J'i~1urt', \Iter jvhn until a slmn,lI!' letter'. exis­ 'I~,n hrlo~ l"tC' III tht' fall ul 19~ I ht' o"n ... 1 in Pari •. Frillll"!". Thrre nn DOt', ' the dirfi;tor h,t' d«"idtd to aJd tt'nee is made known to the 'ailhirds.n nu" SC'\'"ond g\It'~'int: Clark the "'nt"l'1l ht -.aw it-ruined hI humD<.! M'\C'rai SCt"nt~, and Marted ~hn"lin;: defense attorney. Howard G3h1C' ur (,;u l uuper In tht; top ~I'()t aJ.:;uII I,,~t II «k! , .• I fl'"nt Dunnr will Joyce, by Ona: Chi Seng, act­ inl lUI an Int('rmedlary of tht' S[lt"n,-er Tun rl('\f aftt'r "'Ien Nice People Dep"rtment 11'1't'.lf in a h;uhinJ.:·,uit on tht' 'rten Eurasian widow of Hammond. \If BOI}s T,m n' II ill br "The Yt'ar­ Dt'ann;1 Durhin IIlalt·-5tar in RITA HAYWORTH be· t'manaH' A It':tr nraJ'flt'd up, lIllil \1 ill net all of his e_pcU'~, t~OU9~ .n 11:1 rurkm." Sam Hts..'huffs '\"Ild ;ago group Holly Hctll' ...... Af,..-ttr. "no, .wditund~ fur hi .. part ....11.'11 m'1 .,,,~ INI" Mr " eo~te"dtr lor " cdtm, " "".,4:' Second male lead in Univtrsal '.;. "Ihdt lIumbrr of l'ounJ;::sttf"", :1.1 110\'1 Town, as "St'atter~ood Haines," i ~ e:lting Od­ Strtth" (fl)t'!; to Ri,' hard Car/son: tht "'rbr. Tht grf>\lp indudrJ SpC'n<:er hal(,l1\ ('>;:tra'rich c:tramC'l .. undaC'

• " ", 7 •


'fI,lI! i, lilt' lfecond oj 111:0 nrHc If" The e'II'nll h'lTf'OIltlci when Frank atx.lIIt Brian Aht'nlf' and Joa" f'o"~ JiCOled an llgreC',lble victory. (How Here are the qualities that mean hap- oint'. who mig'" optlll' bl!' d ...rribftl that IlUIkf"S ... like people~) On q UOUllwood, hoppi... , ... u:lllwerU ,loan' 'w~nty·SC' nd blnhrlay she • • • Till!' .IO'll oj lh .. il" t'ourhl

8 • lit stars, "that we have no twin beds." Ir Joan ha~ added verve to Brian's "Well, really!" protested Brian. Joan life, all who know them s;ens(' a com­ continued, [ace lolemn and earnest, plementary contl'ibution by the hus­ "What was good enough for King band. When the two went aloft the George and Queen Mary is good first time in Brian's plane, Joan was enough for us." Brian walked down threatened with air-sickness. She the garden path to examine a Hower! w::Ilned Brian. He said, "Here, take The Aherne hobbies are few. Brian the stick and fly it," Joan turned from and Joan do not affect the more stren­ green to pale. "r COUldn't" But Brian UOWI sports, because "they require in!aune, or Clos good Spode. de Vogeet, or R Rood Chambertin, The vari('(l yet conS(lnant .!Ii1v~r on




the dining-room's warm wood, appeal­ of six, a hieb percentage, ill poetry. ing pictures and small objects in the One is reminded that Brian's mother, living-room, the Hogarth prints on with an insurance salesman nam ~d the stair wall began to disturb thil John Drinkwater and another neigh· chronicler. Was he falbng mto Honey· bor named Barry B. Jac~n (l'in.e bee's habit of blindly endorsi.na: Joan' knighted) founded the mld-En:hlOd For check, there was introduced into Pilgnm Players and helped that ven­ the house an expert who combined ture evolve into the Birmingham Rlf"p­ Paris and New York study with natu· ertory Theater-a laboratory which ral sensitivity. The expert gave the emitted !>ueh diverse players all Sir private verdict: "It is the fl.rst home Cedric Hardwicke, , I have e\'er seen that is perfec!lll Not'l Coward and Madeleine Carroll. furnished and decorated. In no particu· (Brian made his t1rst theatrical en· Jar could it be improved. For 8 twe-nty­ trance at four, on John Drinkwater'~ two-year-old girl to have created thl. back. Va lues established early in lilt' home argues more than taste. It evl· arc why, though one moment he may dcnces intelligence of a high order frown, "I didn't want an actress wife," ... perhaps the first order." (The he next moment whispers, conspira­ tribute reminded, irreverently, of a torially, "She seems to have II great story told by Mrs. Fontaine. When talent, doesn·t she?") One recalls, too, Joan was four, her mother, scenting Mrs, }>'ontaine'l word-picture of Joan, ~r~~~; ,,-foc pre<:ociou:;ness, subjected young Long· at eight, wrapped in a sheet, stalking incume. nose to a Stanford Unh·enity Te-r­ through the house declaiming Kt>alt' of any mann test, The rating was gen'-.".. No "Ode to a Grecian Urn." .he one knows whether this rank was ac­ Reading is daily fare tor these two, corded because of O£ in spite of the who dwell in excitement of mind and four-year-old's answer to the Ilnal Ipirit, not merely of events. A,(am!ll question. "What," asked the &avanu, their double-career trial.. they hold "do you do in bed at niabt?" Josn for guerdon a comradeship in tinlf'"less said "I wet it") riches. The chief key to the Ahernea' lIlller life can be found in the bookca!;CI wt me 1IOt to the marriage of that are set, here and there, in walla trW" mind.! throughout the house. One volume out Admit impediment•. 9 THE CAST, RIGHT: SttHk terror Ole Olsen . . John W"yne comes to Wayne, Quolen Mike Driscoll ThomtJs Mitchell ond crew when the botIt Smitty len Hunter is bombed lind mllchine· The Captain Wilfrid LlIwson gunned almost within Cocky BlIrry Fitzger"ld sight of Englcnd's shore Old Tom. Arthur Shields Axel c.~rlson John QUillen Johnny c"rlson Jock Pennick BELOW: Thomlls Mitchell Da .... is Joe Sawyer Md John Wllyne promise Yllnk Evans Werd Bond to carry out the wishes of Scotty Ollvid Hughes the Yonk. !:vMS (Word Bumboet Girl. Carmen Morales Bond), who dies from the (A Walter Wenger production. > lod of medicol Ulfe released by United Artists Nov. 22.)

THE story of a tramp steamer and its trip to war-torn England with a cargo of munilions, "The Long Voyage Home" is a "grand hotel" of the sea. As the freighter wallows across the Atlantic, the story of the lives of its crew unfolds. A mystery man is found to be a disgraced English officer who cannot leave the booze alone, the lone American in the crew dies a hero, the ship is attacked by bombers. To a man, the crew aids one of their members to escape from the sea, to return to his mother and the hirm where he was born. Then, drunk, broken and pitilul, they return to the seafaring life, (rom which they cannot escape. There is powerful drama here, and emotional con1licl. There is pathos and humor. bravery and cowardice. Strong, salty stull, "The Long Voyage Home" is truthful film-picture of one class of men who go down to the sea in ships. Because of its artistry, its power and naked realism, MOVIE-RADIO GUIDE se­ lects John Ford's "The Long Voyage Home" as the Picture of the Week.

LEFT TO RIGHT, Hllrry Tenbrooke, Bob Perry, John OUlllen, BMry Fitz, gerllJd, Thomlls Mit­ chell, Joe Sawyer, Illn Hunter, JlIck Pen­ nick-the crew thot mllkes "The Long Voyoge Home" II hit The Private Papers 0/ Detective McGinnis Here is our secret operative's confidential, uncensored report on Producer Cecil B. DeMille! By Gordon Swarthout

DAY LnTu--COLLECT cl o Hollywood. police station for post­ In darn sweU shape), takes a bath, relics, aneiHlt armor, ftrearms. rare Curt" Mitchell, Editor, ace DeMille t1!:port. dresses. books, manuscripts, etc., which was on Mouw~Radio Guide, McGinnu, 8 a.m. Breakfast with Mn. DeMille. tree exhibition. (Instructions ,iven Chic4go.. III Operatioe No.9. (This has been loing on since August lor return of COUectiOD to Hollywood Screwball named McGinnis claiming 16, 1902, when Constance Adams of from San Francbco.) he II private investiptor on special CurliJ Mitchell, Editor, Orange, N. J., became Mrs. Cecil B . II: 30 a.m. Radlo~writers Ted Bon­ asslgnment for Movt£~RADlo GUIDE Movie~R.adio Guide. DeMille, and certainly deserves men­ net, Harry Kerr arrive to discuu has been in office three Urnes today Deo.r Mr. Mitchell: tion, considering Hollywood.) followin, week's script tor "Lux Radio tryin, to borrow money. He also an­ Herewith the report on Cecil B. De­ 9 a.m. Traverses ,lass con-idor to Theater.'" swers to description of suspicious MUle. If you will sign the enclosed M!COnd house, which is his "at home" 12:00 noon. The Mind loel to lunch character ",ported. han,ing around bond and return it immediately, I will omce. Two secretaries, Miss Gladys in Paramount commissary, s.its down Alice Faye', house. Caused uproar in be able to ,et out on bail and make Rosson and Miss Rose Finne,an, wait­ In special chair with sldeanns reserved prominent ni,ht~spot lart ni&ht by the Investigation on Cesar Romero. inl. The Mind attends to personal tor him at third table to left from en~ tryln, to swipe silverware from Cesar Don't pay any attention to aU the business, dictates for an hour. trance. He orden lamb chopa, a salad, Romero', table, claimed he was caly charges on the complaint. All 1 did 10 a.m. Door opens and RCt1!:taries a creen vegetable and plUDlei into a trylnl to let Romero', finger-prints was hit a policeman. escort The Mind down the steps to a discussion of "Reap the Wild Wind" when nabbed. Shall I lend him. money? RespeclfuU" "our,. creen Lincoln roadster (1936 model) with writers Alan LeMay and Jesse Set police on him? Shoot bim? For McGinrlois, which hal been driven Up from the Lasky. Jr., research director" Frank E. cryin' out loud, what (OI!S on? ~alive No. 9. gan,e lOme time before. He gets be­ Calvin and secretary - stenocrapher Eve,.. Plummrr, Western P.S. I have a very Interesting cell­ hind whCf!l, puts on yellow-leather CUtton Clay. allot whom have ac­ Rep., Mooie~Rodio Guide, mate here. He says he II a di.l'fl:tor in ,loves and starts down driveway. Sec­ companied him to lunch. HoU"wood. jail for nonpayment of alimony. M retaries, on steps, wave ,oed-by. I: 29 p.m. Check arrives. Lunch ~ 300n as he lets out (and when 1 do) 10: 15 a_m. Starr of ftve (William H.. "Dutch," and everybody pay. for their DAY l.nTu:- PuP.un he Is COin, to ,ive me a screen lHt. ?:Ine, a.uociate producer; Frank E. O~ C"rt" Mitchell, Editor, He says I'm a "type," whateVer that Calvin, reaeatch djrector; secretaries 1: 30 p.m . Gan, moves over to pro~ Moule~R.adio a"tde. means. Florence Cole, CUlton Clay and Dor­ jection-room to look at numerous M

Satu rday, November 30 t'RI!:D BATE. Olle of AIIlt.'riean AMERICAN AGRICULTURE PUL>! radi()'S best-known war flews report­ on its biggest show this week. Tin.' er:;, whl) has just returned to the (orty-fu"St annual International l.i\e Unill'(( States from London ror a vaca­ Stock Exposition will be held in Chi­ tion =rom the catal'lylllll abroad. will cago's Union Stock Yards_ The' NIl­ tell bchind-the-seenes facts uboul tional Fann and Home ROUI'," as it how he puIs on ~hc overS<.'as bl'oad­ has for the past dozen years. "\fill l'lIsts when he appears on "Behind the bring listeners comprehensivL' de­ Mike" this Sunday. Lce Brl~tol. spon­ scriptions and reports of the prOCCl'd­ sor of and "Mr. District lngs on the programs of NO'H'mber Attorney," and dialecHeian Henry 30 and December 2, 3. 4. 5 and 6. The Surbig will also be guests. NBC. h ...... ~ ..... ,. nalion's number one farm announcer, ...... ~ ...... EvcrcU Mitchell. and other an­ nouncers will be on hand to Ullk . a hit in the filnl­ about exhiblU. interview vil,ilors. ing \If "Pride and Prejudice" and the judgc~. 4-H boys and girh; and ,datcd to displ .. y her red hah' and the exhibitors o( the 13.500 CAttle. green ('yes in Tcchnic(.Illlr in M-G-M'" horse9. sheep and swine. r-.BC ·BluiUWm~ ill the DUJSt." will display ...... ~ e.~ ..., _ ....'n hN vocal ucting abillt~· this Sunday '~."" ...... 0 ..... 0.'" ,)11 "Silver Theater." CBS. THE ARMY-NAVY foolb<11l grulle. h ...." .~ .. " ...... m ,,00.," which invllrlobly develops into OIlC of the most cxcltlng games of the scason, "SCREEN GUILD THEATER" will will be "escrilled on all major nets. present Marlene Didri('h In a radiu Even when the service tcam~ arc lIot adaptation of "Destry Rides Again," among the ireatest. this game Is al­ the film in which Dietrich got a nc" ways a classic or color, The intcnse PERCY FAITH, young. dork and hMd!.Ome. i, fM mu~jcl!li l('ase on dramatic renown as Ihe tough but sportinlll rivalry and the pic­ conduc.!or of Cl!lrnatior Contented Progrl!lm" INBC, Mon.1 dunce-hall ,al. in contrast to her turesque cercmonies that attcnd the u!'ual sophisticatE'd siren rol(.'S. CBS. game never fail to attract huge " ~. ,'­ ~ .... ., •.. _. 4 ...... watching and listening audiences to - - the pigskin batttie. And don't forget "Carnation Contented Program" that thIs scallon both s('rvicc teams Monday. December 2 havc hcid vaunted Notl·c Dame to I~AT O'BRIEN will rc-create lor close scores, NBC. CBS. MBS, This show peddles contentment­ radio listeners his greut portnlyal all ...... ""."., _ ••ta,ft _"'" Knute Rocklle In th~ reeent film. '...... '2,,...... u,n...... 0 ...... in cows' moos and America's music 'Kilute Rockne. All-Amcricun." when "COUNTESS MARITZA," starring he apl>cars in a radio udnptatlon of Marion Claire and Igor Gorin, will be the film on "Lux Radio Th~loIt('r" thlll this week's Ol>eretta offering in thc UR[ unt,,,lmlnl ., In, ... ,lch ... o.1I ...)' up In CI"ld, bfl". ,.tll,n,", \0 Monday CBS. "Chicago Theater of the Air" scries. Pof "[,.... 1.. " C."It~lf~ Prot •• ",' h." ".mf cll)' .t Chl(l,o Alo • ""tWOrl< _. which is altr.lcting widespread in­ '­ ...... ~ nn; I /NIt teNI .~d I feM,llot ...... tM...... MBC). 11 II ••ulC.b .....1! .. II,Ch """ - terest and applause on Saturda) ~U1rl.l; RI,nh.ldl 5<.h."dL .t thl hu .1"011,11\ luhUM .. 1 Iliuno canl... · Tuesday, December] olahu. MBS. \/\lUll)' 1"'(1 J." .... " ~. 19l2. ... nfll Uw Ch,u,. ['Iy Opt'" hn sol.,,1 llld . p.ot.~ lNt,n. Thl C,rll.llJO" C.... ,.,nt. dlrKIo' .1 Ih. cho ..... Ithlt ""Ie nUl • WE. THE PEOPL};" will present ...... ,ns. R..... rt C~.III ....llfl~ mus,nl If· ...... - - .-­ .. hie" S""nl4lfS thf ~ho .. ,n lhl ."Ufftl a. two of the guests Connie Rus.-.ell. (lntf' , .. ~ p~~"I. Brll Mo.'~n il 1M Sunday, December 01 Its Irrdi'ltd Ca"'II"" Nllk. ~u ae,"cnteell-}'ear-old slnJ,l~r just slined IIlff.lor 01 WOld·Cllo. bICkgl,ullds 10. E:\l1L LUDWIG. Gennan bioil'll­ Ion, laid I'" Mtlel" Ihn 'Onlfnt" by :\I-G-M. and Edgar J. Boggs. who moos 01 conlf"tld U ... P'IUtt' pUrl. thl ""Iutn to "'",f.iull Cil'l'S Ind on· pher and dramull .. t who has achieved will tcll about the KaRS h(' used re­ hUllhlul c... ntel ,",I~ tOf lI.b,ts In~ ~uunu. V,nCl"t Ptllfl'lr dti'Viri 1M unu~UIII emincnce through his studies cently In an unsuceessful campaign frown·ups. And I., ,,'''1 yu" Ihl ""Ik commf"lal 1.lkJ, ..hl(~ Ifl in ,aN of IO-calleod slronll men like [lis­ umpanJ and lIS Id.lfloUn, agl"'7. lUll a~' wl\hOli1 arllf,c ..1 tllVotin" (or election. CBS. _... , marek and tl;apoleon and for his [rw;n WI ..y " C... Inc hUI Itllck Fot Ih,s P'otram ..hich orig;n.ln in ' ...... understandin« biographies olIO of to Ihtlr hhtl IhU I rad .. pu~hc nn· slud", .... IIf,UI .1 Choc.,.·o NBC - America', man of destiny, Abraham IInltd W,lh rich. ~u ... mUlic ....uld sludoao. thl .rtn" ~rt•• In luuda. lnd Lincoln. and of Jesus. will drive u be nalu ..lI, Ind\ICtd 10 .uy ""Ik trom ... ninl lo .. ns ... ,th lilt mUi'UIIIS 'lrbfd Thursday, December 5 nail of aulllf in "'"f ctats In' ... h;l. t""st~. Tilt 'MUSICAL AMERICANA' will ,0nlfMld--l!l_~"d'mullt almosphl .. 01 1•• m.1 bUI ,..., ilill form of JibeI'll when he appear. lili lo,",ul,. d.· lpOlII,ht as this week', iuest artist.;; op.lt Ih .... n,., .. o It tldoll. hU "'" Rt~U' ..ls art coflt'UI,n,ly 1,,10"""1. ,uest or "I'mc_ an.. Ameriean."__ "BC_ ...... ardtd .... lh ,""ulilly I/.d comm.,· D,rl(to. FI.th .... ;"" Iht f.ur·.nd-on, R mary Lane. or the beauteous slng­ ~ u ... _ " ...... c~II)' hlll·ho~, ,,",CI.,,,,I nlll\r Ind lull), In" acting Lane sillters. and Tommy .... ~ .. . lbf "Co"II"lld p.ot"m·' h ...... ,M a d,... tcI, S90In hil COIl" off. Ihtn hi, HilUts. who with his double-\'olee act NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. his lotn;I'c,nl chanll .tc."Il" hI hI .. V"1. Ht .0U, u, 0 ... shorHIMU. lhtn wllh little Betty Lou wa. II radio life and his lupreme work ali 1111 a"'n il ... as ,n adtrtllS," Uti" ,nlt,,,ahoUI ,Md·w;ft ""dll .f Ihf Ihf ..... I4In,. ~vt ..1 ...... the prc:;~nct' or the maliter 1('II('r of YOUR BIRTHDAY rna) be it Ih ,ho .. ,.nfnll ch",lIy rtp,twnUI, •• Milo .t lilt _It Kltt hold IoUII ,ad""" .. tortes IIkl' The SClirlel Letter.' S[lC rnol,t'),-maker ("r you if you lbten to "''''''IU" ""usic. but ,I,n ," Ih' kll)' .1 1"'1 ,_,n ., CI","iellI ",ilk~a"" u __ .....~ ...... • new Friday prugrltm called 'Your ~ .­..... -.. 'o.(hnlU anI! ¥I'''" """,lel... n,. rnounltd I" "'"dln a"~ thaI took l'kI It iI inUtll1 ",. I .... In Ih' hU 01 M.... VOIr'! [u 1I0,y·makl'S. The, Happy Birthday'· ..... hich tK>lan on ML'SIC THAT REFRESHES' II II Ihf ,rntn\ iI'Ii' .n Wul"" H.m,· ilmpJ~ hold IlItH nO~tltiu nUf Ihl Novcmber 22, If your birth date is big musical "how making iL~ debut this Iphtrt ,DOII·n"Ulhb .. l,nra-C()ia. The l)fIIf!:rllln Fi,lh, tm,ntnl C.nd,," nndlll('nts Alldn' Koste\anelz and his Ih ••t

FORECAST OF THE WEEK and sad. Manfred Is wandcring In the 11I1d J1Iliet" (Tschaikowsky). Sym­ VIIO FenllO (Canteiuube). Gladys Alps. tortured by the memories of phony NO.5 (Beethoven). Swarthout; SI"Iecrio1l8 from "Caprice Saturday, November 30 his lost love, ASUH'te. The second Only two unfamiliar numbers arc E.!Ipngl!ole" (Rlmsky-Korsakoff), Ccr­ movemcnt is lively, picHll'lng thc listed by Barbirolli, the Foote Suite "rica ViemiOls (Krcisler), the Or­ THE CINCINNA'rl CONSE;nVA'rOHY OF Mu­ Fairy of the Alps (lppeuring to Man­ and the Bach picce. a lovely choral chestra; You're EIJcrywltere (You­ fred. The third movement, pcace!ul SIC. CBS. Conservatory Symphony Or­ prelude which Barbirolli transcribed mans), Miranda (Hagt'man). Glnclys chestra, Alexander von Kreisler, con­ and quiet. is tilled "Pastorale," and Is for orchestra. Arthur Foote (1853- an exquisitc musical picture of 1937) W:IS an American from Salem, Swarthout; inler7ltt!.!.!li to "The Jewel, ductor. Symphony No . ., (Beethoven), Nature. The tourlh, wild and bril­ of the " (Wolf-Ferrari), the "From Holberg'. Time" (Crieg). Massachusetts. and like Arthur Shcp­ Hant. thcn solemn and trU. PO E .....~ """to., .... "... ," ~..,.~. fTom .• PetrOllchka" ".,00 ..... ~'OO •. ~ ...... N.., .""'." (Stravinsky), y"'''''_ Tm: NEW FRIENDS OF MUSIC, NBC. CIIICAGO CIT ... OV£RA. MBS. Valse Caprice (RubinsteIn). RAOIO CIT'" MusIC HALL 0.' TilE: Adolph Busch, violinist; Rudolph Ser­ ... ,.,~ AIR, ~-')6 p.o, 7,)0''''~. p.",. This pr(")gr~l1'l, (IS alwnys, Is subject NBC. Symphony Orchestra. Erno Itin. pil1niat. Sonaia [11 A Major, Opus to Toscnn'ini's whims, so don't be SUI'­ 12, No.2; SouILla in A Major, Opus 47 prised if it turns out tl) be an nll­ Rapcc, conductor: Jan Peerce, tenor'. Thursday, December 5 OvertrHe to "Semircl1nide" (Rossini), "Kreutzer" (Beethoven). French or

GLADYS SWARTHOUT will sing ARTUROTOSCANINI will offer an all· Russian program Saturday on his PAUL ROBESON, Negroboritone. on Ford Sund!lY Hour. over CBS second broadcast in a new series with the NBC Symphony Orchestra guest on "Design for Happiness" 14 It/I N Your Home Station ~ Music highlights featured by station WQXR this week BEETHOVEN'S "PASTORAL" inspired this scene from Walt Disney's "FantClsia," a cinematic innovation which one critic called a symphonic STATION WQXR, (l),'orsd. In the AI. vaudeville show. Stokowski's Philadelphia Symphony did sound-tracks NEW YORK hal~,bl'" (Brcton), 7 r}.nl,-Stri"~ Clas,;." All MUi;~ Programs It£. IVQxn E"semble. Ed· corded Unless O,hrwl'" dy Brown, conductor, Indicated Suite in C ~!itlor (Hon,jel), Piano Qui". Sunday, Oecember 1 Ie! in f. F1at (0,,10· Walt Disney's "Fantasia" 8;30 a.m.-Breakla.! n"i,yi), Suite (Scon), SymphOllY. 1"" r e" t (Not recordW). Murmurs from 5i"'l:­ 8,hm,-Symphonv Hall. friffi (lVa~n.r), Suile Prelud('! to Aets I It.d Movie-RadiG Gijide revltw~ "FJnl~si.," I flakes. so enchantingly lovely it makes :-.'0. 3 in 0, Aria II "La Traviata" Walt Disney pr .. duction, Wilh the Phil.· one gasp. The "Sorcerer's Appren~ (Bach), r .... r Gynl (Vudi). Pi~"o C"n­ delphi. OHhestrl condijded by Lo;opold tice" is the only piece that follows a ~uite (GriCIl:). Gyp,y cnto No. 2 in A Siokowski. D"ms Taylor, narrUor. Ai .. /Sara-ale). Pari3 (Lint), "l,l~ of the consecutive story, as the music was (Ihliu.). Symphofll' Dead" (flachmani­ No. 7 (Biu~kn •• ). originally written around an ancient EDDY BROWN­ noff), Pilno COllc~r") THE most sensaUonal event in music fairy-tale. Mickey Mouse is the star, Pri"c~ Iwr (B.... nclin). in F, 1.( mo,-erneni since NBC hired Toscanini is un­ 10 a.m.-)!i>sichord alld Philadelphia Orchestra under Leopold tion of the earth in the dinosaur age. .30 I•. m,-Toccat. (Scarlatti) Mnal" Orga" Concerlo in G ISoler). Stokowski, and Deems Taylor as nar­ \"irgitli.ne"IU~, UIIU. 7 ,Pow.!l). Beethoven's "Pastoral" gives us an 2 p." .. --(}pera. "'rri~lall and 1;"ld." W!d~udIY, OHtmllf;, 4 rator, "Fantasia" does more for the insight into the Uves of mythological (lI".lt""')' 11 ~_'"_--( '''''P''UH 11"",. I\'olr~.n~ musical layman lhan anything yet characters such as the flying horse, 4 ;45 p.m.-Akin. :illite llbll.lel). .\m~,I~u! :'I"url, I\)ri~ from ~!J_, in 5p.m.--Conc~rt.pie.f I" Mi."". invented. MUllic appreciation, com­ Pegasus. and all the little PegBsuses, ;n C 'lin"""Y' T';'" tures," which is about 1 ,3(1 a_n,.-8~~k'~'l 5pnrh"n.-. S~'m­ S)-mphl>n)' III~),J,,), CUlIi •• 1 u> Plri. as close a description as F OR this reviewer, tbe phon>' in D MiwIr (rr-an~k), 1tuJ Hu f'''''~"d rn). "\IU!tn '1..1," ~h ...... one can find. However, bighpoints of the film ~.h" Rhp'''''_'- (I.;,nl, Pr~lude In from '"R',R"'" 3n" JulieI" (8,rli"t), let m "Si~riffl" (Wa~n~r), A \[]<1- Intr.. d"",,,," 10 ''TIlt FJir at S<>r"t. it falls far short of tell­ were Tschaikowsky's ""nme, S",hl', Dream. ::;~h~rzt> Plen­ .hin,ki" (~PU""n;.kl'l. Tnn.fnnrol· ing the entire story. ··Nutcracker Suite" and d<>! ....hn), Th. E<>th~n"d lakt (li. tioo !:;(!n~ 1t1>m "1"'3nJhl" (Walm~), Briefly, Disney has Beethoven's "PastoraL" do,-). Di"PI"limtnl" "n. 11 in 0 (Mn. Pi~no ('.. nr~.11I ;>\0. 2~ in C M,nor urll. "The C.own Di-.mond,-- Ovfr­ l),ln.. rI). taken eigh t classical Here Disney used not lUre (Auberl_ 5:30,,_flI_--Grfat Ma'I.,.._ R~mi"I'CPM~ compositions. plnyed only his marvelous II a.m.--Compo,"r<' HIf\I.f. K ~. t I; a nf Yi~nlU tStrau,.). 1I""o",;ln Rh31" superbly by the Phila­ technical genius but Suil~ Enorpt< Ir"'" Tapio!.. '>'"In .ad)· No. 1 (li >1). Kanu,inska)'. delphia Orchestra, and also bis whimsical sense pilon\" So, 5 in E Flal (Si"""u!). (Gliuka), • p.n,.-FI.. t~ CO'prUIII in G. Rond. 7,30 ".m.-Trea.u,y Qf 'f"'i~. Ovulur.. illustrated Ulem accord­ of humor which is al­ (\I,,>art), Piano C.. nrerl., Nn. I in F I" "'Orph.,.. ill th U"d.'''''.. rr./'' (Of ing to the reactionll ways as much a part of Flat O.is,,), SJmph .. ny So. 3 r."bleh). "n'f YGUn( Prine." f,om they produced in him­ FROM Ponchielli's a Disney movie as the (R.~hm.), "Sch~hf,a:.ldf" (Rin,.k, K" ••d:nln, self and his staff. The 7;30p,m,-Trea ...ry of " .. ,ic. (h'erture '1om.'hl., C~I'ri~ei,,"" nlf".I~.whn), "Dance of the Hours" drawing a'1d the sound. 10 "The Uarber 01 s.:viJl~" (RJJyn,phot>l' /in_ 7 (B~ ""rl), ~Iu .. rka (ell"JoIn). P"mIJ sod Toccata lind Fugue in ooly turn over in his Iho"en), ,\ril!.a (B~clt), Mal.!:lIen~ Circum~Uoc~ (~I~an D Minor, Tschalkowsky's "Nutcracker gl'ave iI he could see Disney's version (Al!.>oni.), \JI Wien rCo.l ..,,,,ky). Frid,y, Outmber 6 Suite," Dukas' "Sol'cerer's Appren­ of his symphony hc would whiz R.<.lelZky \tanh (Str.II'<). 9:15 p.m,-IYQXR £nsemhlf. Son!!, With 7,)0 ~.m.-Hrukr ..t S~-mph""y. SlIllf tice," Stravinsky's "Rites or Spring," around In pUI'e joy. (T,"haik,",-I'~'). 0,,1 Word. \linu.1 I<)J" Stri"~s 'Purc~lll. r ~ u e R ~ i III Beethoven's "Pastoral" Symphony Occasional imperfections in the film (Ran,.'u). Humo,~"'lu. fO"\>,akL Sbl~hf<, ElIC..rph "I'11"htnv·h.nov), Sinonic D."ce '10, 3 (Ov",.. k) (No.6), Ponchlelli's "Dance of the are minor sour Dotes in a long list of (ullh'al o.'t,llI't tlh~n"l. "0,," Hours," Moussorgsky's "Night on Bald thrills. After experiencing "Fantasia" Juu" (Ri~hu" ~I"'U")' "!ill ...... ". Tuo~day, O.cfrnb.t 3 Ro... ' ((;"mQ). Sb"",ic [bUCf ~ .. , 7 Mountain," and Schubert's "Ave I have reached the solemn conclusion 7 J() a.m.-Brt~kr.in~.; I ·n." t 8,,,,,,lill), s"heno ft(llll "A tasj~' is ~imp!y urrifir .•.'" Wilh~m B... hnel podium, he lifts his arms, and the Q.,arl.1 N... 13 ill .\ "inor, ()pu. 29 'fid"tmllrp '1inor Toccata, interpreted by Disney in a ing u:ptrimtnt •• ," M~sic tritits: Olin Oownn S:30p.m.--G,al '1a.u'r~_ Tmja" ",rch (R~rhm.n>nolf). " ...eh alld f'roee.­ series of swirling and colorful abstract (N, V. TImn), ". • Will cert.inly Gpf" pUhs rBnJiDd. SI."oni, Rh3~",h '1 .. _ 3 ,in" of B rth,," fDdlbe ). lor other cruthe .fforts in piclurn and music." designs. Next is Tschnlkowsky's "Nut­ Pilts Sanborn (N. V. World·T.le

"To,,, \Voss' \\flrld if it huuld RAmo SCRAPfIOOK." I~. poetr\ r('ading and He rt'adt th~ phil(l~ophic raner h) ~amt' killd of poems TonI \Vons. ;lbout romance, natUTe, Illllnan Sunday, TUHd.y ",,6 \,himsy. lind !>rnti­ Th'Hsd.y, HBC.Red net· melll-tiut he read worJo.-Sun6ay. 4:15 ,.rn. ha\:k in tilt' t\,l'nlies EST, 3:15 ,.m. CST, nOt uall.ble to W~t: Tues· whtl1 r;tdifl was day Jnd Thursday. 1:15 Tony Wonl VOlllll! all!1 \UUIlf,: p.m. (ST, 12:15 ,.m. CST. not aYail"ble to \\' un~ \\:1" wIse West. S~nlorll'll by H.Ilm... 1>; Gritton; ~nlltll!'h 10 rl"Coj!niu Qpll{)ftlmin CUdl; ,'"Utll'ii 'y Henri, HI"'! .. Mt/)onJJd, Iftc.: OtiglNta. In CIIIU90 knu,~kil1~ in i:lmhic !ICmalncter NBC .lud'lIi. BrllJd(ul rn,~d lIOn rhqhm. IIr chat', inlimaIei} hurd Nonmlltr 17. anti humhh, ahout fhe ~.lIl1C old philll-()phil Truth, thM most of A TRADE PAPER of the u, llIiJ!hT think allUllt ;llld talk ~hCl\\ business recently pub­ abuut if \\e "cn·n·, too lazy, li~hed ;l paragraph n~Yiew of too hu~, or 100 timid In dn so. Too\ \\'on~' new }iRC poetry­ Ton\ \\'mh ha~ prmtd Ihat IlhilO! came back to "Kraft tion. Please" moved to Friday night In fact, from an orthodox viewpoint, Music Hall" (Thurs., NBC) after his (NBC) for a new sponsor. The only R.unioll a. " Templetoll TI",." everything they do is wrong. Most long vacation with a couple ot wel­ noticeable differences were. however, An old radio friendship was re­ quartets have a balance or high and come presents tor the listeners----one, such minor ones as the commercial newed recently when the Merry Macs low voices, but all four Merry Maes more music in proportion to the plugs (still strictly timed), the Lucky -three singing Romeos and their sing in the same register. Well, any­ amount of palaver, and two, Connie Strike tobncco auctioneer (a good foil beautiful girl friel\d-were guests of thing can happen, you know, in radio Boswell. Bing and Connie did, sep­ for Kieran and Adams). and bigger "Alec Templeton Time" (NBC, FrI.). ---and tbat makes it interesting. There arately and together, such musical prizes (said Fadiman, "If we gave The novelty Quartet-made up of were the Merry Macs, who couldn't goodies as "Blueberry Hill," "Basin away any more, we'd put Santa C1aus 16 11/1 • "Town Meeting of the Air"

• , A \1 I: RIC i\ '<; board, and a \Ir . Tow, :\Iurr:-:GOF Rr('wsleT. Yal(' l'ni· TifF AIR," a publi.: VI'I'-it; m,lIl. Annt' forum hm.1d(a~t bt-­ O'Hart' \lcCor­ fOTe an OIudirm:(' in midI: 1(",1111'11 to p(>­ t.i~tnric Tuwl1 lIall. liti.:a1 intrnentiun; .'cw York. Wifh not mili';lr\ inteT­ GruT!!:!' V I)enm , vention. /I rew~ter mndrratuT, and hdd OIl! for l'ra<:1." at j.!ue,t spl'ahrc any pricc ,hort Of George V. Denny ;\(tual 111\ :I,i .. lI. TI!l." Thur~d~J. N8C -BI~. ~.' ..oTk. 9,30 ,.m. EST po,it iun III ('aeh 8:10 p.m, CST; 130 p.m. MST. 6:10 'pl'"ler II;lS far 1'llOll>!h rt"mOled p.m. PST. Ii. lUS.iI,"III, broildUi\ ,r~' senl~ by the Town Hilil. Hew Yo,•. from Ihr uthn' 1o mak" a J.!'ood In (OOp~.,tlon with Ihl "hllan.' Brold aTI!Unlt'nl; the affirm;tli"n~ of ultin~ Com uny. Srnon,' ffVi.wed WIS hurd Nllvembu 14 raeh I\'rrr ,incelr rlullI;.:h to gin Ilwaninl! to the .Ii ,'lh.i'JII. T O\\':". \IIIT1'C; r('tIlTnn/ tn the ai r lin '\ uH'mkr H for 'ncidemall~, T,,,, 11 \It'/:'tinj! thi, ,ear ,\-ili U('I"ll' ..... n·ral it<. .. i\lh ~ea"lm II j,h a fllII,illl! four-cornt'rrd di .. ru,.ion ul tll(' l11t"t'tinj.!~ tu a ~illj.!l(' thrll1r in drslim ·I:!,kll IllLt"lioll, " h T lli, ordrr In do full jU~licl' III all of Iht' prubh'I11" ill\nhl'd. Our " 'ad" It II~' a frrr·for· all contrO\t'r"~ II ilh plent~ uf \Vhill' "ne wuuld nut npecr ba.:k.-talk: from an alnt audio thl' mt'Chanics flf a I'r'JI!"fam lill' enct', all rcferrt'u h) J!enial Dr. '1'0\\ II :'.ffi'tinl! tn \;tr~ i!r('atl~ MURIEL BREMNER prefel'$ r~dio to the movies. She came to Chic~90 from Hollywood f,lm studios in 1(13S, now pl~y5 Geor;,:e \' I )el1ll1 , A ,etcran frum "/:,,, ... 111 to 'l'a'un, the cum- leed. ~s Helen Sfephenson, In Ro~d of life (NBC, CBS) Town :'.1l't'tinl! li.tener II"fllLlrI 111111('111 .. uf the hn.lalk:bt j;Crmed havr liked it nH othl'r wal". til tOarrh b, I\-ilh 11"'0' clda~ and Thr four ~tll"t', 1"01..11 "I 1\'1I1'r 1'\ b';lro mUI1l('llh than I, hom had Ill:n i"u~h htrn al­ 1'\ l'r \It'fort. ' I lmi!ll! :11111 pro­ the notable feat recenUy of playh'i James d{'clares Ihe trouble In tcneh- ,111<"111111 II a.. Ihat nf a r('ht"ar>;t'd four separate rotes In "Worle! With­ 111' Is that too ,reat a "division" u. lotted a delillilt' numlll"r oi min­ (lut End." a "Silver Theater" produc­ created belw('t>n IrlJltl"Uetor and pupil. ·,.mm('n:ial hr<1ad,,:~.. t-t"t'1l Ule-. t,. tau' hi. \ it'"" p;KlrJ lion (Sun .. cas). As might be ex­ 'AU who are elliaged in educational a real pundt inlu tlt'n- \\~TlI ,lurine tht' 4111' .. 11"" prri.. d. pected. talented MIa: Scott made all pursuit. are .tudent., The teacher tht'l 1'.l,id Tu IIpJ'un Ih.. tlUI The '1111"'otlll\1 ['en,)!j rOOlinu(":i four parts dramatically alive , Jack who can t.alk to a "ludent al a fellow lnd-Illil inlt'Tlrnllllni., ar!.!11 I.. ht- rllt, 1110't dnunati..: part Baker san, the beautiful lOng "Be­ Itudent and enlillt htl sympathy il eau~" on II r('Cent "'Breakfast Club" more suct'el/irul th'1I1 the older type ml"nt, in hlum, Inrtllridll I"n .. I TIlII n :'.frrlin).!. 1'.,~-ito;mt'OI prOlram (NBC, M,m, through Sat.), of professor a. we kne.... him. ~ual!(', GUll,' l'lIll1nt'1 II .. nn "I,'n\- frum IIIKtrtailltj aoout The listener cuuld have imagined the 'Contrary to the IlItua\ion in prc~ B rrclinriul!t'. f'lrlllt'r ;1,,,i,t;I!1I tlU" ']1I1">liol'll'l' ;11\,1 Ihrir qut',­ musIc traveling aruund the world and vious ienerat lons, the child of today baek to hili loudspeaker ..... hen that regards his parentI! as his eldcrs but M'erctan .,1 1\ :IT '1'" ~IIPII .. t1 li"n~ " mm·h ;1" frum um:er night the same I,mll ..... a8 sung by 1I0t as his bettCTII. He IIhnuld therefore thr all-tlllt·I.;e,I;,Ij"ni.1 ,h.m 1;linl\ a tply uut of busineSll"), lubt;lantial amount of money IDSI, throughoul the ('(Jur~t' of radiu history Oi!'Cms Tarlor once macle when allked The first shu..... Un.-l('r tht' flt'W ban­ Allen admitted alaln without baf.iJ --e~cept In ... olume for his advice Uri huw to 10 about rwr was one or th~ !!lost ,parklin, 'That', becaWle or me. Keep me on teaching music tu children in schools. ever heard on the Information. hert' and I'll brin, back prolperity If ld. ,4,.. CI• ., ... 'There are two thlll" to d .. , Mr_ Please' ~ies--thllnb tu cuest Fred t" the peopte.. They might well have Philip James, American composer­ Taylur answ~red, 'nnt, 5tudy mwic. AJlen. a comedian who c natural IUt him biu.. a~{lin, bul not fur that C(lnductor ane! t"ducator ....·ho ill music and then. study chll(1r('o . ror humor tralla('cne!s ,alt boJook.t, "ea!Hln enmmentatvr of Columbia's "Ameri­ James, who I.s nllw hran (>f the mu­ canlled applause IWe! IIhuw-stoppinl can Schoot of thfO Air." considers his .Ic department at New York Univefll­ Itooges. At the be,innlng or the prd·', Dlltin,uished actrelll "Children are more sophisticated bandmaster of th(' General Head

A.fternoon Programs Affernoon Programs WEAF WOR WJZ WABC WMCA WINS WHN WNEW .... 0011 1'4 0011 MJ"fttGnn ,/I 11>1 Hi, MI .. on the F'HII *AlllWk." J,!'"'I "0011 I CIIriltiln SCICne,. ulk *Htws IZI .. ' M~n"ttl: IMlrv· E"'UIlonICow~~ 12 ,15 12:15 tory 01 Mu,le .. .. f"lrwrn; Hlws 12:15 *N~ iTlln,lul T.I .. I*N~Pooulll MIlsle ",,"lIl Qui"tll 12:]0 Cln 10 Vtl/Ih * Htwt. Mark H.wlf)' H.I·' Farm Home NrU M",k', len Pre- U :lO A'y,1 H, .... ,,", AII,III", T,,... FLit'''' Stfltt~es Old F'WOrllH nolO • 12:45 12:45 *Ht"Ws: Mil'"" ,. Ch,rHlteefl Hw, .... 12:45 :Ftrdl ,.ot.·, Of(~ . iSCfattha;; M.. ", How_lw" Pr_ l~NIWS; Millie 1 :00 -- --- Rllylllm TIIi, WOlldm,,1 Worl~ Spt.krnj DrdI.. Of Mtft Bookl 1 :00 ITloPlul M_b Mw'~'L MOO4I, Aft G,_ M. C IElto" Britt, Knt" 1,00 1:15 ., ~ ~ ifooiNll C..... fotthll C_ .. roolb,1l •,,- 1 :1S Front P.,. O.~ml Btt .. ee .. Round, .. nHH M.... on MIke 1:15 1 :l0 ., ~'~J A~, .. SA') Lun(/!_ 'I \Ioe W,I. .-\rlll) .. "IVy 1 :lo Hllthetlo/l·, Or. Opport"",,y ,,' lomhr40', Ol(~. F.lller Loutr. Ulk 1:l0 1:45 ...... Bob Cr.,bJ·1 0n:1I. n, M.I~I'tB: N_ " .. " 1 :45 *H~.'" VUlw '"ue". $On,1 t:45 2:00 ...... Fooo,ll ,~. .. .. 2:00 FLt" .... 1iIVY .. .. 2 :15 R.~e,d.d O,nU HIII'Y Sylu.n. of,ln ..~ 1'''''''1 .... )tuo# 2:15 2:30 ...... Sw,n, $enio,,", Byron ~ 2:]0 • • 2:]0 \luow Hw, .. 2:45 · ...... ·...... B).--, Mati ..... MI,"i .. 2:.U • • 2:45 ... -. l:oo ...... l:oo .. . HIIK to V.II .. .. IIIh"I'( Hall ):00 l:15 · • • .. ·.. .. • • l :15 .. .. 11 ..1")' Kn",... .. • Popular Dance l:15 l :lO · • • .. • .. • l :lo * Htwi L. Roy. pi,nilt Don AI~rt'J Oreh. Mu.~ l :lO l :45 ·...... · ...... 3:45 • • • • l:4S Kuelln'. arch. HOIII to Vou .. · 4:00 ...... CtII - " Romlnu .. .. 4:00 *N~ T. .. annou .. 4:00 Sh,d,o Plllt Alte.tI_ Frol,c MUlle • 1 4:15 ·" .. DUll Huds.o .. ·• Orcll...... 4:1S ...... O.nu otcll . .. .. 4:15 4:l0 · .. .. ConCII' Mu,lc Jtm",~ DorHY', Of (h. Club M.llnu Ktyboard CoolOle 4:30 " * Htw, Opporlunlty .. 4:l0 4:45 ...... " \'lti"~ P.em HI,"wIY' •,. Hull" 4:45 Travel T,lk Rhylhm • RO ... lnu Don Alberl·1 Orch . • 4:45 . ----- 00- ... 5:00 .------Tho Worl4 .. Voun Sl","'~ KaYI·, Onh. ·ITomm1 D.",y·, Onh. Bultdo PrtlfnlS 5:00 * Nt"" Swtt! • Hot h'hLonl In MUlk Listu W Th•• 5:00 5:1 5 II, • .. .. I .. .. 5:15 E·Z-B.,·O Rlntll Ru,n,: Tunl'l Vo.u 01 SuCCt" *NtM;. 8,iI'" Me'"lh 5:15 5:]0 Curb, InsUlutt: Foot· .. .. (oothtt S"!"O'I: Tom. Eddy Ouch:n', Onh. 5:]0 CIII.tll BlfnC!"1 Orell. Din" TIm, Sport, Rnume jMlkl.Btlint BI\1r_ 5:]0 5:45 hll StOll' .. " my Do'u,-, MUllc " " 5:45 LII B.o",n·, O.cn. Mttody Ti .... * Htwt i'0pU1 .. d~u rt 5:45

Evening Programs hening Programs W EAF W OR WJZ WABC WMCA WINS W HN WNEW - --- 6:00 Chico Spanhh luncle Don I*NtWS: O,nu Onll.;'* Sports; AI Wltner 6 :00 (* NtW' iRUJn9 RtsII"'t Inlll"nct T.llt co, !;. .. ~ 6:00 6:15 '"Ruue; HIWI th,I.I'.II·' P'I'" HtW, Conet.1 Onh. 6 :15 Tilt; AI OOllihut', Or. SporU. Don Ounph, D,ck 111-"·, Dn~. ti...... ,11. 6:15 6:l0 Relition I, ~. HIWS * H,.s l islent'" PI.ylloUH. " ~ 6:l0 T01I.y·, Sports ,In lilt Croo., *S,...ts: Htws I " 6 :l0 6 :45 Football Scortl: f "n· H.n·, Mor,an Orilm, * TIIt Wo.ld Today 6 :45 Xlvit, Cug"·' o rell. AVII\.on TII~ 'Dicit ris~tn. ,,,,rts .. .. 6:45 ------7:00 kit MISI",' arch. 1St." Lomax. ,ports Mcn'I' 01 hritl Peoplt·, Plltlorm 7:00 Tilt Old R"."n, Ihe Air Unlll fLYlt Tllilol. ,OU;;- .. .. 7:00 7:15 * Joll" W. Vlndtrcook JOt R.lchmon·, Orell. Gu ... !;poak•• L BI")' ...... ~ond. 7:15 .. .. '" Mornill9 Sporl r.nl". .. .. 7 :15 7:]0 V.tll•. sonll ConlldenuIUy Vou", Jimmy DO'Hy·S Orell. CIY Hinnitl FLuue 7 ;30 h~1 Shilkrtt"s Oreh. *'"'11 Comk. J •. ,... Mln .... n· ,,'" 7:30 7 :45 * H. V. Kalttnkr. 111,;4. 01 Sports " .. ,. ori~tl r.gm. 7 :45 * Joh,nllu Sttel. newt Ev'I"}'b04, D~II" Ail" M"ltlt. lporb 7:45 - - --- B:OO Knkh.bocklf Play. Don ArtH. In •. Footb.1I : arch. Vour M~rri'1I1 Club 8:00 Just Donet Art Cr«o', Music Ltt"s Danu 8:00 8 :15 IIou .... ~ .. ml E d~lt Ooolty. sporl, Ma &. tht WDrid Ih~el\ \r..("Qua".~ 8:15 "u'iu! PrJm.; .. .. High Scllool SpO.b 1 :15 8:]0 T.IIIII or Con ... qucncc, * Bo.kt Cnltt Little 01' Hollywood *Waynl Kin,', arch.: l :lO )I~\If;tt lI,rI. HDllywood Souo4 SUle·Charlie.. Sp,n_',.. arch. l:l O 1:45 R.I::. Barf)· \\"uod; 'U ' :15 * War New, Swing Lightly ' :15 9:l0 .. .. Conllet ". *Htw': NBC 5ym- Wain ' :lO .. .. To be ~nnounctd Zekt MaMers ' :lO 9:4S I " Dau Elman. m.c. phont Drch. Hall of Son, ' :45 ...... lel's W,II! ':45 · .. 10:00 Unclt Ezra·s SlItion *Htw': Chlngo Til"· Arturo TooClnini. .. .. 10:00 ,. wilh ... Oonct .. DlnCt P,udt 10:00 10:15 EZRA ler of Ihe AI •. (ond Publle A!I,lrs 10:15 ...... 10:1 S ...... 10:] 0 10;lO CII~rlit Spink', Ortll. .. " Juk Leonard. JOngs 10:]0 *Htw, . " Instrumenl,l OUI"\ll 10:45 .. .. " .. .. *Hews • 1 ~. World . 10:45 ,.m Brown·, Mllsl( *N~ *Htwt 10:45 · --- - 11 :00 *Ntws *Htw, *Hrws: O'IIU o.(h. Sports Time 11 :00 Just Oantt CI.. dtrell, Hour Dan .. Parde 11 :00 ...... 11 ;15 11 :1 5 oilntt Orch. Hlw ..1 C.lls E. HOiIgland'l Oreh. 11 :15 Mu.lc.l.. .. Pr"" PopIIl.r.. .. Musi. . " 11 :l0 Em,! .. Coltman·1.. Orcll. Calilornl, Mtlodle. Mil ..H allett', Orell. Sammy.. KlY··, Orcll. 11 :lO ...... · 11:30 11:45 V.wali.t; Orell. • " 11:45 " · 11:45 Mid. * Nlws: Fob W.II .. '''1 Lombilrdo·, o.ell_ * Hcwl: C. MiII ..·1 0, . *Htw,; JlCk C,lfty Mid. *Hrw, *Musle: N~ * Hrws: O.MI P.. I4 e Mid. 18 Programs for Saturday, November 30

MORNING ---M--O-R-N~I-N-G-----W-Q-X-'-·'-"-'-"'--'-"'-" -" -· -----O~T~"'~E-R---S-T--~-T--I-O--H-S------'-W-Q-X-'-.M-"-'i'--'-' -'-'-. --.-W-'-OM--.,.-,-..- .-'-.-..... lOn, .'t,n'st mem"'; News * WOV- N ewl: Undo 10:00 Lincoln H ighway, WEAF. Tom's R.e1;\ 01 S'x VIOII: Srll~· WJZ . uir; Ourture; Hoy411. 10:30 1:15 * WAAT-NtWI; Mu,k Ptotr.m .11 conlll(l1011 wllh Iht oplnln, Symphony No. 76 In WARD·lrl'Sh K,dd,n' Hr. 6 ;45 "'1. QUirt", No. 15 WAAT·Muli, In C. O,UI llil of Ihe Inlernuoonil L,Ylllock hposl' F Mltor; Schubert. WBNX·Ctrm.n HOUN' WAAT-TrtnIOn Tren_, W[ VD.K I IWI r, II k" WOV-VO(I' Vlfldln tlon. htld In Iht lin.on Stock Yor4s, Cello Concerto In A .. ,f. Hour WB NX·Ot'lnil OUi(.ts Prgm. M.nor; StflilU. J .• WHOM·Pontrtan Cho.· ' :15 ChlUgo. IIhnois. W(APR.qunt Seren.d. WCAP-Slturdl, Mlluntt 7 :00 [m~for Wllu WOV- lblg-Amerl"l\ Rt, * W(VDNlws islers 1:00 Of Me n ' I"t d Sook" W A SCo WOV·Good Morning Rt· ."w WOV,MuslclI' WNVC-Pol,(t Otpltt· WEVOWh,,1 Ame .. ti WIN)'·The R.nIlSl-inCt Robtrt Nilh,n's "W,ntertldt"' will h VItW WQXR.Sllon Concert mtnl 10 1", ( Iub MUns 10 Me WCAP·Roun d To ... n fnltwcd lod,y. AUlhor Nithl" wIll h * WQXR· Prelulfts : Htwi 1:30 * WOV· Nt ... s WHO M. JUh"n VUlily WHOM· It"h... n Prom locI.,·s gue,l. 10:45 WQX R·Wtbu. Ptler * WOV, Hlws: S win, 7;1 5 WAAT,Oonild 8nolnl Sn und 1 ~ldr: * WMTH ...... : Tllk WBNX Potosh Stlls Sltluu. Htw V'tnn. W[VO-You Ask - WI WOV,LU,n Rhyt"ms To~ilhl's 4r"m,: '"Th. Boll '" Ih. Act III WCAP·PoU·Srll~n Foal· WEVO·Poli.h V .... Ilts Stf(hio.' W II t z; B ttt~o .. tn. WHYC-P.ls of P. A. L. An,wer Yorkshire M.. 1 ..... _ ...... \ Toll ••• To.r' Cit, DilllItfll'l)' * WMT·News: toIlI"nl, .0' to ...U(, , ... _ Iho"i •• tl...... If~ .. Y.,.1< Cit .. W[ VO-VotCt 01 Lee.,,, WINX·Y ... , V'ICI "-,_ '"m If.w T .. , C,,~ WHO M·Jew Sb H... , MI"~"tf M.il C •• po. .-no If...... ' If 1 I WHVC·K_ "'... r How * WCAI'-He.os UN If.w Yor' Ch, T.... y I ~.- tf~. T.,~ cu, Y.~ "WI:YO-~,_, Rt

* Stor 1.41coto. IIOW, or '''.9rOM' ,... ,,.."'. .f .tlle • • t.tiou ctor1119 w .. TeII. IIOWI " braoclco.t Leading New York Stations or. lI,t,1I •••"o,it. p.,. WJZ WHEW ,u.. _ W~! -:F --::-_JI=_w-:-71:'k_,R-:-_lt. 760 kt J~s!~(~~. M .1 W S~e~_~ l~~C S I ~I~k~ 12SO ke .. , .... ':00 *loIt.. s; OffJn " Xy- oNlws: SItU! SUI,n> oN.ws; ,.,ltU TIM oN",,,, 1b1l,nlU ' :00 Rid,. RG~~_u~ 'Sun,h'''' Hour -- Nit S~,lk'.I·$ OI~"C,-I------1 ':00 ';15 I.ph...... (10"1o!' BtUI .. 0. j ' :15 'r.o", p,~ Dflml 51", S~., ':15 ':10 'C ...... Gllnn UMI, Don Rud. 'hIITon. Piety,n L..... Wllchlr ....""., ' :)0 J~IH llb,,,,I, Mw ..' Thl H,,,,,, 5,,,.u PIopoob. \1_ ':]0 ':45 ~h" I "toI".k ( ....,n ,"0. ' It. P, ••,,,, G."nr~1CI (hi,.,! ' :45 ONlws Sunh'"t Hour M~llcll C."II h, ':45 ,;oo l*NCW' i"'I""," Hou~ .[vropUII NtWS 'oN,ws ' :00 Morn'''' Md,ul,.", iJC.C.c,,-..--=,c ..-.-.-,,---rfOn' PI" 0 ,.",. ' .'0 ' :1 $ Foy, Sh .... "'... J.... ,'I I' '" ICO>I'I to CN,I .n .,,' Cly" 8u"~ N' ' :1S E, I ('1_ M~ .. t Mttod ,~ *H • ..., ' :15 ' :)0 *SII"day O".tll; ",'h &II 1:; ..,.., 0.,1,', ..... P,.... W,n,1 O.tr Jot"" ' :30 V.,u 01 T_... '.... 'hadi", I.... runll'" 1",,,,,,,« (OYIII.IOt ' :]0 ' :45 ':<45 Ht ... , .... R H I "",u." {, .... , ':<45 Reli,ICIY' HootS ~~ W.,"tr H1:.nOlIH''''1''''~1''~''' 10:00 10:00 1H.U'Aldlo I'\IIp11 *N ... , Wlldtn SUI", Quatttt,Church 01 \h.;;;-- 1o:00 1*H."" SundlY ~r.n'd. Vo«, 01 SUCet.". lttt M.n~.tI' GI~' 10:1S ~I'" hi, tho,. Th. LIt",,,,ht'...... r "I-"'dh,. 10:15 Houtlm. I.... ,Otch,; Footb.1I Mum'l Mol04~5 10:15 10:)O ,Ho, " .. HI,4nl,Th. 5""'1 Stl S.ulh.... I.," IH. V A. $,,,,~hon, 10:30 Gooci Ht"" H.. ,''''''u .Howo 10:l0 10:<4 5 CllII4~1I" Hili' ITo k .~_~(t4 '01." Quu... Of(~, 10:45 loin"', S,"te', Ltft.,. '''''''1 IoIY';C .. HtI !t~ I_"nc. Talk 10:45

11 :00 --;t;;i~h E.G...... 11*""" M""I. 101." .N.....,. ; 101" .. : ftn"~ .. H..., " A:,-,:"c.::---"I ~':'~'::OO Chr-.-~-" $".n-,,-- S~"~'t Mo",. C.Mo'l C,ly ••, 8,pl,,1 S.... 1"7 Cl~' 11 :00 11:15 Me. A..- ,.. ,,,, SUn, ,Lultl. r.u,,,,.,, 51",0" \... ! 11:15 ~'~I 1' •• ", 11 :<45 .... " H I I.h \1 .. , 11:45

A't~rlfoOIf Programs Afterlfoolf Programs WEAF WOR WJZ WABe WMCA WINS WHN WNEW .. Hool l" Go,'on ', Of(~ . 1 0'~ "AfI" (n,. AAdlO Clly Mw li< H'II " " 1'10011 .. .H ...... " r:-- Ht ... Noo. 12:15 " 01 lilt Air 1 " " 11:15 tH~ ... M.un" Mw"ult I " " oui"lontJ 12:15 12:]0 WI"I' Ow., Am"lca, So". ,I S.ftl1 Chi' ~)"I>II Grel, , S.lt Lab (II, ... 12:)0 G,tt,,', S",", Go", 80_'f, M".~ Iht Ait u"w 12:]0 12:45 D, , • IrH",," ~""'''I. (b " " Oro,. 12:45 '" Set."" JH'" 81. i.no, .no.d"" 5tn.u 'JO 12 :45 -- I ." --- 1;00 1 :00 Sund.y 0 ... " South Sm"", C1"1f'~ ". .. ""'ttl",n (hwtth 01 l~. Ai. 1 :00 IN .. rtw Vork 5tal' fo,um A... tllUn JtwlSh How. 1 :15 H .. 1:15 1:15 \, .. <11"", O.elo Rtnd.uo 0> , VI" FI"'ily ~I""'~." .. ~ I'.. ' " ti., 1 :30 On Vour Jo', drlm. hltl Mar in. '0"1': M~nh of G.... ., 1 :30 F.aturtlttJ; Hovolly L,Ro,. ,linIn "W" k'~ H.".n,"" 1:30 1 :<4 5 " T"", " Tunes Otth. \,1, , 1:45 ,.. G.etll', MU1lt II Was ~ Wo ... ~" Jo .. ,.h FOlk MUlk 1:45 1 --- -- " '" 1--- -- 2:00 "-"-"-'"""'-.-'-"011, ,,- A"'triu~ Pil,,,,,,.,t To Itt ,,,no~nud, 2:00 18 11rJonH A.. w, jChll'! tll" Atvut '""UII G'In

Hutth " M""c 010 r uh,o,," Auiv.1 .Sports Rtliulllt Hou r I,.... ,"'''' -1-,",.--,",.---1 Spo.h F .nl,,~ "H Jo.ry Bike •. IOn" Chili, h '''u's Of(h Mo ••;, H, S'ft'l *JolI.n"" 51"1 ntws Inlu,.n t ~ Cownltlor .. N.... Altr" ROlh', O.ch , -I------I:c I tv, t r BI,thl,Mad'lOn Avtn-.-.-- .. H ... , Ch"'th S.tV'c.. 8'pti,1 Church Ame.iun. Qub U H !::d"I,d Drew, r:: .. 8." kin ~ H p.,tor , ':OO ,M.nll.tllll Mtfry·'.' *S.,rld SCIlUlll. ntws tWItter Wlnthll Fo.d Sunda, (nnn., A.dio BU ill O t~ r"hion" RUiv.,I-:.c":-:"C.-"C,-,CUC,,c,c,:-1 ' :15 RQUIIII CltM M,l1or', O"h, P"ktr f,mily How. Forum 01 Iht AIr Rrl,;;DIII ~rv"t Mot hln . ':30 Am,.;t." Album of 8aUIt ollht Borough' I.ent Rich Sllllr>h""y Drch. i " " ':45 FAmiliar Mu,ie QuOJ 1' .. Ill, SjlGrtJ Nt ..,,"1 Gur !O " .

10:00 Hour 01 Charm *Hlw,; AI¥ino Ae1" Goo4 Will Hu. T~kt II Of Lu •• It 10:ts Stoil.· ') . O.~h. 0 ,,11, JobQ J. A. til".>. S"" II. ,'l. m.C. 10:]0 O.nct Orch. AocII"d H,mlltr·s Or, (OQd. CO lum~" Worklho, 10:45

11:00 *Nt.. ' *Ht... "H.ws: /sh.II'I Jonu' *HUdlinn " 8tUn" 11:15 M.I Hi lltit's O.th. Jot R. iehman·s 0,,11 , Orch. Ln B.... n·s Orch . 11:)0 rranco, C'I'''~ s.,t, FINd, Marl,n', Orell. Hf"r, BWSit's Orth, 11:45 ".4e J,mmr OO'H, ', Ofth.

~Id . • Hew s: Jo~""y 12:15 Gte ', O'th, 12:]0 *0,"," O.th,: N.w, "'Hlwl; Art K'I$II', 12:4S O.tll. 20 Programs for Sunday, December 1 --M-O-R-H-'H-G-----l1-,'-O-----o-r-H-E-R-s-r-A-r-IO-N-S-----,-,'-'----WH-'-M-.S-.. -H-'-.'- ..,FTERNOON -.i-.. WAAT.Rudolph·s Music; *WBNX·How to Read *WoV·News; UnCle 12:00 Radio City Music Hall. WJZ. C the Nlws Tom', Request Clbln ...0.< ...... ' a~ _ ,. oncert WEYD.Mullc WQXR-Optrtlt.l Music 8:00 WHVC·ManhUlin Cho· WOY.Melody M~t1nu NIGHT 9:00 10:15 1:00 I'm an Americiln, WJZ. *WAAT-Ntws; MlIslnle GUU\: EmU L~dwin Prgm. WOV·Song Varittles ]:00 Terry Long WCAp·Govnnrntnt R.- 2:00 American Pilgrimage, WJZ. WHVC·Muterwork Hr. 11 :45 ItWAAT ·News; MUllnl 6:00 WCAP.Mnck'l Trouba- ports 2:00 Profeulonal Football Game. Popular Symphony Prgm. WBNX-BlIn .., Forest WMT-Joseph Patrie.. WAAT-Oon.Jd BI.dln. WQXfI.JuiI Muslt WBNX-Town Cut·Up, WEVO-l. Q. U. Qul~ 11:]0 5:00 Metropolitiln Opera Audition. Murmurs from Sieg· lee. talk WOV·T.lk Show of the Air, WEAF. fmd; Bach, Suile No. WQXR-Schelling, A Vle- 4:00 WBNX·8,1I Bern's Show lIfWAAT ·News: MUSIC 6:30 9:45 Shop Guests: Arlhur Kent. ba~s·blr'tont. luI 3 In 0: Arii: Grieg. lor Bill WBNX·Amerluns All. Peer Gynl Suitt; Sa· WHoM·5pl;nl5h Prgm. WHoM·1( Mundo WCAP,Clndlellght Songs year's audition winner, ind Alke How· WNYC.New York CII1 ImmigrinLS All WQXR·Tilelouze, Fuguo WHOM-Popular Music r ...ne. Cypsy Airs: 12:]0 WOV·Viennest C.prlce land. unlnllo. 5y",p"oni~ Blnd in C; AVI M.ri5 5~1. ..WOY·NIW!; Rhythm Dellu5. Puis: Bruck· WJ.AT·Star Oust Intu. WQXR-Gluck. Bill e I 6:00 Musical Sleeimakers. WOR. ner, Symphont No.7: WOV-Vogue!; ,n Rhythm II; Bitll. Fugue In G RendtlYous views Suite: li:U1, Dince of Minor 5:00 Dellgn for Happiness, WABC. Bo(04'/I, Prinu 190r; 4:15 Dulh 11 :45 News WBNX.German Rldl .. 1():00 Gunt: hul Robeson. b"rilone. RUut WAAT_F.be N"hollan', 7:00 WHOM·Gllmorous Sidt Orch. WCAP·Mus!c for Oinc, 12:00 15:30 Your Dreilm Has Come True, 8:45 WEYD·lnbel Willen, WARD·lris~ Prgm. WEAF. sop. WQXR·Ftrroud, Thru WHOM·Greek HQur i•• *WEYO·Jlmboret and WAAT·Mornlng Muslul. WH OM·Pollsh-Amerlcan Pietes lur Flute: E-. WEVo·Muslcal V~rlttif"i News 6:30 Behind the Mike, WJZ, *WNVC.News WOV.orama of Food Prqm. Turner. $OPflno: Ver, WQXR-Songs by Rienard Cuesu: Lee BrI~tal. spoMor 01 radio WaV·Ad"lnture 01 the vi. Aldi: 0 Pilrl. MI,; programs: Henry Burbig. dialectician, lillie nn Soldirr WNYC·Mlnlng Per50n~; StraU~5: Zutlgnung: Symphonic V.ritties "Rllorni YlntlIO''"; NI~ht: Staend­ Wh ••llOI1 S, •• I Ind Fl1!d Bite. I1Idio ta tor fi.WlP/(}yt. ""lIIi/y /Jro.rdult of tM BroadwiY pl>y "Wnhi~gto~ Slept 4:]0 Rune. mt,ne SC'I!le: WHVC-MUlerwork HOIl'. Ctllo ind Bi5.00n WAAT·Concert Halt 01 Heimlich. Aulfordtr. I SYSTEM H~"." Populif Symphonies lilt Air ung; Ciecili. ~ries. Dvorak. Sym· HIGHT 12:45 WIINX-8ultng o~ Ut. 7:15 phony No.4 1" G Mi· B".dU.nd WOY-Hits Through II,. 6:00 Sliver Theater. WABC. jor; Oltenbuh. Glile *WCAP·Nows Guut: 'rtc, Gir..,n, '~fun ittren. WEVD-Lalltl. Waldman, WNYC·N Y.... Sym. Yurs P";sl,"ne phony Oreh. 7:]0 6:S0 Gene Autry's Melody R.nch. WOY.HI,hw,y I, Huv. ,onqs WASCo 4:45 WOY·B.nd. In Revl." 1 ;()o WQl(R·H,ndfl, Aleln. WQXR-Duo Sonltl Re. 6:30 Show of Ihe Week. WOR '" clui. Eddy Brown, vi· GUtsts: HU¥iUd lnd S~ellon, camedi,nl. 9:15 *WA"T.N,ws: Talk SUite 5:00 olinist: Clarenet Ad· 6:30 But the Band, WEAF. WAAT.Musle.1 Plgm. WBNl(·lnsur"nce Couo· ler, pionlst. SonllJ 1~ 7:00 Jack Senny, Comedllln, WEAF. wall·Muslcal. nllor *WAAT_New$; MUIICI' D. DPU5 12. No. I WC"P·Sundoy Momo Prgm. (not r.curded) 7;30 Screen Guild Theater, WASCo 9:30 WEVD·Hnman Vab!.· Mlrltne Olttrkh in "Deuly R,dH WBNle·Sunday YUleliU 8;00 WAAT-MoSIeJj 'rt... Ito!!. son~s WNV(·Tnutu Str"t WCAP-Church WV'" Agl," "WOV·Hews; Wu\llu; wall·Sunfit (o"em WOY·Gold,n Mtlodoe$ W£"D-lri~ Mtrnof>H 7:30 Fitch Bilndwagon. WEAF. RuJ Estale Tilk; C"II WOXR.We!ler, Contetl· WHOM-ltaliiln "U,tt, Gln'sts: Fnon~ie MIliUS ""~ ~"O!thH. 10:00 Cont,nentlle p'let In F M,nor; Prgf!\. *WAAT-Nlws: United WOXR-LfOn R .. I h;. r Striv,nlky. Fln..orb: ..WOV-Newt 8;00 "'.Helen Hilyes Theater. WABC. Dlllhtrm, Presents MeycrHu. Two Arou WOXR·Sy"'phony Hilt. Tonight·s drlm.· "The Ouulder." WaV·VitallZlng Democ· f tOm "L'AfrK.lnt'·. flurt, 81i1.1It, Opus 1:15 Reyer. TIIrH Arlu 8:00 Chase and Sanborn Program, ra" Re­ WAAT.Donald Btsdlnt WIINX·SoIOvOJ: Rullll, WASCo quiom WARD Amtriun Hun_ WAJ."":".Muslcal Pr,lII...... Ie ..... , .. _ ••• Cordon Stin"n ,a",,~ Yuietles 5:45 9:00 , Columnist. to:15 WBHX Gr.n Radio Pa' WOY-MII!!u! Cometly ullin· OWENS' FORD GLASS COM'ANY WAAT·lns. CounitllOI R.~Uoe 1000EDO . 0 1+1 0 WJZ. WAAT·Donilld BHdiroe "de 9:30 Amerlc:an Album of Familiar WDV·Sketdl WCAP·Chnltmu TlY Mu,le. WEAF. Oro.., 9:45 Sports Newsreel, WJZ. 10:]0 W[YO Mtl=>4it Ceml WAAT-ftillk Alhn~. WNYCNtw York CiVK Gu~t: Met.yn Douglas. S(fHn lur. WBNX'Q~estion Box arch. 10:00 Good Will HOUr, WJ2.. WMCA. WlI,' Gino Calml & 10:00 Hour of Charm, WEAF. 1():45 A'll1tl 10:00 Take It or Leave H. WASCo WAAT·MI\lI ... Ale.z: WOXR,Sclrlalt;. TIKel­ 10:00 Hockey Game. WHN. Or~h, II: Powell. Sonata Yir_ Nrw Vork A!I'1ttiQns vs_ B01IOn lI,ulnl. WOV-OrillliUc Sketch ~'n'"nn.u •• Opus 7 10:30 Columbia Workshop. WASCo 11 :00 1;45 Tonight's drlmi, "And 10 Th,nk I SiW *WAAT.News; U"I~ed WUT·FoJ: Fur Trippors It on Mul~rry Sltfl'\.'" SUrs Juk,e Diathumy WCAP·Meet Our Vi,ito!'i Grimes Ind House Jimison. WEVD·Forward Hour WEYD·Ye,. Ro ..... nka WHOM.Uallan Varitty IN Prgm_ 2:00 LOG OF STATIONS WNYC·Young Amtf(u~ *W,u,T·NoW1: Mu~ou.Jo ArllSts ~rob. M."· LIsted In Edition 3--New York W8NX'YU'/llfIi Orch balt~~ Trio; Ed,Ib "THE OUTSIDER" • ~!I KII ..· WEYD·C~ut .. Cool , , .-. ,,, Ih Schiller. pja~ist: Eu· . ,-, .... 1<>" ."r~ WHDM·C."mer Jinll The enthralling love story of a qirl who was miracu· WA"T---_ '" n,ce S~apiro. .ialin· lenn- City. H 1. ist; Yi.,I"i" Peluo;on. \tows~1 Prgm. WAlia ... If~ .. Yort. CIt)' WOYAllrod Wahl', 50' lousty cured by a man outside the medicol prof.nion WAR.D N~w York Cit)' .....". , ulh't. B"hms. Trio WlINX ,- thW" York Ci .... Local in C Miljor ph,n.catel WCAP lUG A.bn.,. :P~rk. N --" WQXRDper~. W~gn ... '''' '-', WaY-New York Scbool, WONW .... N... Toek CII, ,-, of Music Ptgm. "Trl'I~~ ind 15Uldl" SUNDAY at 8 P.M. WAle W[AI' .. , Ho .. York CIty NBC·R WEVa New Yor" CIt, Lo•• 1 WQXR-8i1ch, Toccill in 2;15 • WHN 1010'''' Ho.. YDrk C't.. Lo •• i , THE HE l E H HAY E S THEATRE ~,. .. .. loRt)' Cily. N J L"'.I WAAT_Pony Boy Calhn' WINS N ... YDe" Cit)' ~" 11:1S WCAP-Canvtnl.On H.1I Starrin, Min Hay•• In plcy. ,h. 10".' ", .. :N"~. Yort. Clt7 NBC·B W" .. COMlfl WAAT·Flbt N,cholMn, th. best - l"¥try Sy.4oy Itt ':00 " .M. WIIICA ... No .. Yark Cl!, ~" ~EW aM w... Ynk Ct.)' arch. WOVCorn '" Gr.vy WIfTO N ... Yuk Cit, ~" WOY·Hum"toUi Cllm 2:30 'lISINTIO ay LIPTON'S TI" WOR mn' N ...... N.J. ~" mon" WAAT·lm~restlons 0" W,. UOO N~w Tork Cit, ~'H' WQXll .... Nt.. YOTk Ctt)' .. WQXR.Hew York Socl­ W.. ~" tty fa. Eth,ul Cullure WIINX·Gruk Hour , .. 21 Programs for Monday, December 2

* St",. !"elle-o'" nO"'1 or pr09roln. ,,.o,,ornl of o.hor I'CI.lo", dll"I"9 wltleh IIOWI h IIroadcal' Leading New York Stations or. '"tod 00 0ppollt. po•• • A.M W.!~ ~ ~100• ." I. v:"/.~ I_W~~~ C __A _.M_') W ~: A I ~ I~~'S fol~k~ Wl::O~:-" A.M. 1 :00 Morn;~9 In ""nha!tI" Wuthff T~nH *lr~lltb,t III Btl· Morlllni Almanac 7:00 .... Nt.. , '.'.C,C.C,', O,C,«cc.----i:,c,C,.C':,-.C.,:,'--"----i:.:.-'C.',..--': , -'-..-'- "-M---i 1:00 ~ ~ ~! *N'~' '01) PII'" IMU"~,:<~~~.).. , La~ =~ ... C !:t.J; (~ .• c. ~ ; ~! II, .. J~ W~;:dl *Ht:," ~~~WlI'r'l !~:Jnk~'~~::' ~ ; j! 7 :45 Mw,kll YJri~ 0.<11 .... ~H'WS _____,--_-l_o7_";S Rnu' "" l",lullfI, Mu.iul CIocIt ""fie" T_: 0 J ...... c.. 7:45

' :00 *N",I *Nr-t . *Ht'WS *Hews , .... [u • .,. ' :00 - M .... Clo •• MtCwtllJl SUr1 tM O'J II"lIt ' :00 1 ;15 '00 Y... Rtmem"',? '01 ..·.'., I,y,n, M ler',Onh . • ho.,,1H Ntoo' ' :15 101.,,,111, 1"..,.,.Ii...... IMOI.I"'t Ttlk ....1., .... ' :15 1 :30 'Ct..... CI,~", ""~ :GIK,.,I S'"~ IRa1 ~r_'"1., ,."II'tI Mo,nin. AI"",,,,,( 1']0 . Htw, MIIS'u) Cleek *Htwt; .... 1:30 1 :45 IYolI, Trtll ,Kitty KHII' .Nt.... K,I

Afternoon Programs WABC WMCA WINS WHN WNEW

.. V ...ItHII .HIWI *NI .., llh M,n"ln, In,tru· 1'10011 MUfI<,1 Mo",,"11 LUIIk.I~h 7:45 *Joh,nn•• SIeel, new. PGWI'" Powlrhou .." He ..s 7:45 .. ThDH w, Lou---I-;,c,;;;oo " Chltc,,-,--I------.- 1:00 Tllt,hotlt Hou. IPI., B,oldtnl Lovt , My.tery Mu~;c Grelll'l MUli( Olllh Ai, Until 8 :00 1 :15 M~Il<>n & Wh,lt Q.", P'lm O,.m. Ih • B:15 FoolIIghl fo.~", '"VoiCH 01 Vtsllrd" lIHlO P. •• 1 :15 1:]0 VOICI 01 ri.nolo"1 , * 80i1kt Ciltlll T.u ••r FaIst *P,PI Smokin, T''''I; 8:]0 PI,,, Il~,,~ ... HDlly ..ood Sound SUllO 1:10 1:45 "" , 1 o.~IScIl9 Sp,"I1", O. Harry 11.",,- He.... 1;45 *N,,,,, *He..-, 8 :45 ':00 *N ...,------i------I: ' :00 0""1,, Q *N.WI -----'yOu·,. ill Ihl A,,,,,Lul II,di, Thu",,-,--1 Bo"'e', M","oll Su, ',00 ':15 Qo". p Glt"n M,Il.,', Drch No.. I Or.,n•. Ct

WHY(·Mlu.,w-o,k HI. M,nor A,~p MORNING MORNING 5:1S nm.. ut Com,ours OTHER ST A nONS WO"'-Or Gulino An Il"n~ 01 Aame Sones. Br,hms. Vuil dron.to. hnient 9:15 AmerlClin Sehool of the Air, 2:00 8:15 7;00 lIOn> On I Theme by 11 :45 WQXR-Meloliiu Ifom WASCo Hly6n: er.hms. Sy..,­ I.AATBlng Crosby Gilbtrl ~nd Sulli~.n WBNX·Muilc for h ." .WAAT-No .. ,; T,lk body Too.y', prol,,,,m dull with tilt t*,-tu pho~y No. I in C WCAP.Melady Cfulll Dpfrtlils WMT-MuslClI Mornin. WBHX·Tawn Trotter WOV-l100 Rtv~ .. jnd~llfY· WE ... O·M .. rn. Minialurn MinOr; Hunqa"" WHYC -... ou .nd Vour WCAP-Mo¥to Chut O,M" Hullh 9:30 STukl.. , Club, WJZ. WHOM-Polilh Pr9m. W[VO·Je.,sh P~llo, 5:]0 V,"Ut prOt""', willi on:II,,51', ... .,.. WNVC-Sunri~ Sympho- WQXAAtquIII Pr,"I WO"'-Ptppino Manni .c. opher ':10 WBHleMu~" ,I UloSIS, Olin Mtth. M. C, ny. Buh. Brln~en. T,. ...WHV(-H. w s: Oprr. WEVD_W. O'nco ,.. ':15 tid, 11:00 Short. Short Stories, WABC. buro COMerlO No.2; M. I. n t e_ Pucc.n,. WHVC-Nu,on.1 O,'onle Kodlly. Hlry Jl~O!. WMT·HoUywOOll Mlisle AFTERNOON --Tosu" Stron ' :45 AFTUHOOH Su,"" Tschi,ko.. ,ky. WEVO-M~"ul Ge"lli WO ... ·Ain.kI, flmll, .,. OV-Skplch W8NX-Win~ MUle• C~nccoo It.J'lno WQX .. ·Gnu MUIUS. * WOV Ne .., WOV·GOOd Morn,n, Ae­ ' :30 2:30 Roche,ter Civic Orchutr', WJz. 12:00 2:15 Aoss,"', IIII"nl ,n AI· 9:00 Guy Frue, HorniG". (O"dll(lo" "n WAAT·WhU·s Hew *WAAT-H'ws; T,'. WAAT·Hrllb"jy MusIC ~.tr,: L,ut. SpanISh . WOXR-Prclu6es: Ne ... W[VOOnu Upoft W8HX-L all, h I n 9 3:45 Lecture HillI, WASCo VlBHX.Pohsh Hour .WBNX-N ....' 01 Iht Rh,plody. Ha"dfl. T~. • G.~nd M",h ftom AI ­ Hullhy S,do"", Gr.unb.rg, di'f(\OT 01 III, Child WCAP·Hom, Hobb.n Wor.d 7:30 ':45 *W[VD-Tht Worl_ To W[ ... D-!nl.r. ....s .. Ith ct~lt .WHOM-l\lliln H ...~ Study A'SO;:Ililon, .. ,II 'ilk on "Chll1lr.n HOlluw-ivt5 * WOV-H. w~; UftCit Ut Poople," . WMT-Vlt Frank. WAAT Mu~".1 Prim.; Jusl Abaut T,m. W H OM·poh,h·Am"iun WOV-M.d,i.lio"s 5:45 Tom's A'Q"ul Clb,n 4:15 Club Malinee, WJZ. bruklul "porltr '"PrQm __ WQXA N'''I *W(VO-Z. H. Auhin· W[V D·Slng ..ilh PM W[VD,[ Know th. "'n' V,rltly prolrlm, .. ,th orchutr, ,n. v/I, WOV·Sk.leh WHVC·M,dd.y 5ym~ho 2:30 il~'n 9:15 ny. Aubtr. O~erture WBHX·I"sh P"m "hit!. "If'Y Moo,e. M. C. WOV-T,mu SqUirt M,~· I"" WBNX·The Ren,",u', I 10:00 to 'MUlnitllo"; Aa­ W[VD·Mu~iClI, s,on WHOW H,hln Prjm. HIGHT . .... AAT·N ... I; Uniled W!1. Tombuu de Co~· WOV-ltlla·AmtriCln Re .WQXA-B.uklut Sym O"lhtrmy penn; Mtndclllohn. NIGHT WQX ",[nsombl •. se"" phony_ F<,nck, Sym­ ko .. ,ky. So"~ W,lhoul WHOM·Je .. ,,~ Hour V,o"n Con,"rlo ,n [ 7:00 F red W.rlng In P lea.ure Time. pllony ,n 0 M,nor: 2:4S Word>: Almuu. Poll n· WHVC·Huold M.nor; S,bthu~. V.I~ WEAF. L'UI. Srtond HUn­ Moull. W(VO-p'UI Ultll. sontl "el: O.orlk, Humor p"'nlot Tr,U, SI,.un. [m. ':00 7:00 Famoul Jury Trials; Or.m •• t ...... R~.p~ody; Wlt­ n,,,e O•• ,~~. $11 .... OV·Wo"'tn s PrIm. perot W.lu 3;00 WARO·Vo,u 01 Ukrl,n~ Prelude 10 "'I VOft,( 0,,,," No, ) WJZ. "er. .... QX .. ·Lt1;, S t 's *WO ... ·MuslC.le Nt .., .WO ... ·Nt.. $; M"~,ule 7:1S Lanny Ro .., Tenor, WASCo III. '·S,etr".d··; Mu­ r, .• .WAAl Ne..-s; MU~'~IJ ·C .. I~mn of Iht Ai." *WQXFI ·Hew~ Prgm. .WQXR·M"sic 10 Ae ':]0 7:30 Sto .. dle; Com e d y S k etc h, dduohn. A M'dsum­ mtmbtr: Ne .., WOXR-Muitul Per,on mer N'9ht"l Drum. 10:15 12:15 WBHX·John Biker alll,n. P'III AllhOu >lt WASCo S,h.rlO, li.ldov. The W["'O·Con(ert Min., (omo.y s~e\cll uuring Ponny S,",luon WAAT-Joleph PllrlCl 6 :]0 9:4S [nchlnt.d Llk.: Mo· WAAT,ln\u,"nu Call'" lot. IIlk lures ,n. Arth\l, l.Jh. urt, O,ver"mento No_ nllar WOV-Musiul~ NO¥ .:llu WQX R·lnvltlt,on t" Ih WAAO-Vultt) Pr9m. WOV·Tom Sp~~ .. ro. Wiltz 7:30 8urn, and Allen, WEAF. 17 in D: AUMr. Th. WHVC Amn.. d• ..,Slrinl W[VO·je.. "h Melod,u WQXII·MuSl< 01 tho Mo· G.or,. Burns 'nd (;.uit AII~n; Jolin Cra .. n Oiamond~ OHr. [ n$lmbl. m.nt sports 12:30 WQXA·O,nnor COnterl 10:00 H" U.~d, 'n"o~nctr; Arl,e Shn.... or, lur., Hew, WO"',TII, Son, Shop 1:1S WAAT·L'b~1 Hlle. Jlrt, WMT-Oon,td Bndl". eh~'l.u A.llalt, Orth . WHOM·Sp,,",sh Ho", 7:45 10:]0 W8HX-N_ ... , Tukrc .. 6 :4S 8:00 I Love a Mysl.ery; Drama. WJZ, WAIIO-H"lhuPftl MIIS.ch,u,O C.I, 0", I __ Coon,.fty (Set WOR It 11 :15 .n WAAT·MI,I,m, Fh., 8:30 True or False. WJ Z. ....HOMMr'1 S'mt,,'l ",111. WMT-St.od,. Puty WBHX·G"",u HOII .... WOleR·The GoUtft p.m.) O~1l ,.",um. w.th Or. W.. ry H.ttn. (arly Itrds S.. 12:45 W8HX·St,,".s and lb. WQX",[nn",blt 11« n,. _.hI Ho.,o. H.U'llo~, 0010",,". M U ..kn U .. c. WN ... C-p .1, C. Oeplrt­ WMT·MIISOC 'U f"lIroU" 11o ... en. T"o 'n 0 8:30 The Voice of F irestone, WEAF .WIII"'C-V.twi of Ult mtnt Sdtly Pr.on, WEVO,Je ... sl\ Mtl""'1 W[VO-Mel"" G,ml Og .. ~ 70. 1'10. I WHOM·p",,,,, AmUlu" Ai(h.,~ Crook1. ten .. r: A'''" W.II,~ H~ .... OV,Ros"" .. 0 on t II 1 :00 7 :]0 .WHOM·WpA. Hu a m " WO ... Neoos Oum".c Co. "JIt WAAT-Htws; MullUIe "~,, 01 I'" Wnll *W"1 ....• N . ..s . ~., WQIe"·Wom.n Wor Ih WARD-Sy ... ph. [chon WIIHX-AJlr.d. M.ndtz WOV Hoc,,­ I ~fI.", your own home "vl,lIIng" • OIl(),OOO nark. WAAT ... J._y cit"-"-i ~., 4:45 with you "tone. Enjoy her WABC Nt... Ton CII, WARD H ... TOT. Cit. t",.1". neIghborly talk. at Amerlc.'. WBNX UN ~., • Band·l("uder HORACE III'JOT h8!l II uniQul' "Columnl" of the AIr." ::h~op~:tt,lt I weAP ,m- '-, hubby--nC! <:tJll~'di 1l1lnnlul(' band inqruments ". N.", weNw "M YOTk C,ly 1. ..,.1 5:00 T.... In WEAr ... N ... York City /fBC·R ;lna each IInc of tlWIIl IH:tually play~. Each yt"llr WEVD UM N~w York CII,. I¥UY OAY - MOHP AY TH~U 'IIIPA' WHH IDIO ....~ .", at ChristnHloj his un'hl'~tra ('atures n number WBHIe·} .... ish Women's WHO)! UM f.·;;erC,~,.Ciil J t ••• COlUMIIA NtTWORk played elltlrt'iy un Ih('s(' !I\ trtimenb Hour WINS IU~ H .... Y.,k car 1.... 1 WE"'O-M/"ro\U .. Com 3 P,M. wn N ...· Vor. CII. IfBC·B p,ny, dr .. ",,, WlleA ".m N .... Yoe. Cil7 ~ ., WNEW OOM H.." Vo.k Cit, , • DR. WALTER UA~lROSCH. cllndUl"tOf of WHOM·Poh~h . Amerou" STATION WABe WlfTt No.. Yo •• C'" ...L",.I ... NBC'~ 'Mu ic APl'f('(:Ultl

* St a r j"dJe atu n. wI Dr progroms Progroms .f other I tation durlnlJ w hich neWI II broadcast Leading New York Stations o r. Ih t.d ., opposite pog.

WEAF WaR WJZ WA 8 C WMCA WINS WHN WHEW ' .M '" " I 110 k' 160 Itc I '" " .... M. 510 Itt 1180 kt 1010 Itt 12.S0 It, A.M. 7 :00 Mornin, in Minh",ttl" Wuthtr: Swing * Bru~rln In Be~· Morning "hTlinae 7;00 . Ntwi Mu.ical Clock Opportunlt~ Mornjn~ Dnotlon, 7:00 1 :15 V;r,ritlJ Pr" , MusicJ' Clock lim; H,~ Phil r""lt, "'_Co 7;15 RiK & Whille " " . Ntws SUliriu SUenJdt 7 :15 1 :30 ",New<; Vinetnt SOr~'1 Ed E.. t, M, c. " " 7:30 Jim Groucb * New$ Eirly Bird Btukfi~t Vuietil!'S 7 :30 7 :45 Musical Varieties Oroh. " " . Ntws 7:45 R~WHd ,,, Listening Musical ClOCk Mu!;, Tillie 0, Jame" no,t. 7:45 --- .. B:OO . News . Hews . News .Nul'S 01 Eu,o~t 8 :00 " " " Ch•. MeC.rlhy Slart the Day Right 8:00 8 :15 0 0 You Remember? The Goldbergl Irving Miller's Orch. * J~ck Rer,h; NeWt 8:15 Morning lnsplr,UoM .. .. lnsur~nct Coynlelo. Popular Music 8 ;15 8 :30 Gene &: Glenn, nngs Gosp~ Singer Dlek Liebert. olganis! Morning AI"'~n,c 8:30 *NeW'l Myslcil Clock * Newl .. .. 8:30 8:4 5 Shieh & Mutic Kitty Keene * News; Kitchen Quiz Adel.hlt H~wley, talk 8:45 Mood. In Melody .. .. Morning Mtlodlu .. .. 8:45

9 :00 * News; H~ppy Jlck Jim for B!1iiklnt Woman 01 Tomorrow * New5 ---9:00 O rg~n Re~eriu Le Ro)" plilni.t Danu Or~h. Ml(hnl Wayne 9:011 9 :15 Bind G~ to Town Martha Mlnnln. Nln~)' B. Cr •• Amef. S~hool ., ,,« 9:15 Mysie In the Mornlnll MU51cili Clodl. Blue Barron's Oleh, * Ntws: Mysie 9:15 9:30 iHbel M. Hewlon * Ntwi Brut!ast Club AI. 9:30 Dr, Shlrlt~ Wynnt'S Jack Ne;lty's Plilttu MUllcil Prllm. Dun A, Jenkin, 9 ;30 9 :45 The Gospel Sipter Music; Mo\'lelan' \'ooali515; On:h. Biehelor'. Childrtn 9:45 Food forum '/lalter * Ntl¥'l Mornin, Meloelies 9:45 --- 10:00 This Small Town Arthyr W. McCann JOlh HiggIns, skelch By Kalhl«n Norris 10:00 * News GOI~I Hour WIl., to [,I Mlke·Believe B~lIr'm 10:00 10 :15 To be announced Food Talk Vic &: Side Myr! &: Mug! 10:15 Bob Cute,'s l'<1 u,l, Rev. Elmo Baleman C. II. COII!!I", Pop~Ial D~nu 10115 10:30 Ellen RiinGolp" " " Stol)' of MIl)' MiI,lIn SIepmother 10 :30 Plitter Tunts Music of Today Rtcorded Music RUD,din!'l, witb 10:30 .. .. 10:45 10:45 Guiding Lighl " " Pepper Y~ung') f"ilmUy Womiln ~I '~uril;e 10:45 Whit's 'h. Answer? Populu O. n (e Mutio Block --- ,. 11:00 Min I M;IrIld * New! lIndi Dille To be ilnnounced 11 :00 Ed. Ballt~ Allen'l Viliety Show Bal1d) & J>onul~r .. 11 :00 11 :15 Againlt Ihe Storm Womiln's Hour CI'lrk Dtnnls, In r. M,rtl1. Webster 11:15 Homemakers Song Conll"1 Yocollil. .. .. 11 :15 11 :30 RaId 01 Life Mgrth. Du.n. Tht Wile Silver Big Siner 11 :30 * Ntws rac.g S(fi\ches: Mllsie " .. Plano FilCls &. l'antlu 11 :)0 11 :45 DHid HilUm " .. TMynder Over Paradlst Aunl J.Mfs SIOrifJ 11 ;45 Good Hulth to ,,, I Wonder .. .. * Bing Crosby; News 11 :45

Afternoon Programs Afternoon Programs WEAF WOR WJZ WABC WMCA W INS WHN WNEW 1'10011 Wh~ltnil Ployhouse Jun Ab~.y Dtell River Boys * Klle Sm,th Spukl "oon Know Yourself * News j*News Izekt Mllflnus; Inslru· ~oon 12;15 The O'Neliis SertnJtltr$ * Glenn Ouwin; Newl W~tn J (;1.1 Muricl 12:15 * N.W5 MU51CJI Pr9m_ lunCheon M~$le Menul Tlfo 12:15 12:30 Howord ROPi, blf. *News 101,,'1 Farm Home HtJen Tn~t 12:30 T,lk: M.I~~'n 001 Gone Rating 5cfJOlI;;~es Old Fi.Orotes 12:30 12,4 5 *Newl: Mkts.wulhu COnlumtl'l'Qult ShOW HM • Our G,I SUnd'J 12:45 In G"nl's Olch. * SCfOlches:Mus.;News Hounwj~"' Prom ." Nt .... ,: M~,k 12:45 - --- . 1:00 Roth ""ters, ~ongl Dun Hud1On's O"h. SpUkm; Mune Lift C'n Be 8 tl1oUIuI 1 :00 * News: Music; Tllk On the Cuff Gt ... n, " C. EflOn Brltl, Sunfs 1:00 1:1 5 Tony WOIIS' Scr,~book Ed Fitl.glf,ld, L1lk 8f\ween Iht Bookends Wom,n in Whit. 1 :t5 EoUr Aen Mnry NldOllie, ..'" .. Thre. Mtn on , Mlkt 1 :15 1 :3 • Friendly NeighbOrs Rhythm Roll C,II Our Splrlly,l UI. RIVhl 10 H,ppincss 1 :30 ~wllttSl Love Songs OPlIorlunity Melodic Momenll Inly"nct T,!~ 1 :30 1 :4 5 * No?l¥'I; Mist.rs' Allee Bllir * Ne~; Blfllont ROJd of lUe 1 :45 of TottiY MUliul Momenls MYliul Prgm. * Z.ke·1 Glnl; Journal 1 :45 ••• .. .. 2 ;0 • Hymru DI Church .. Meet Min Julia Slrumlin. JOUln,' Young Or, Mllont 2:00 * Ntws Dall(e Orch fuh/ons In Rhythm 2:00 2:1 5 Grimm's Dilugh~r Hulth nlk; M\lslt Alau KilchtU Joyce Jardin 2:15 " " Jivt Session *New, P<>pulor 'Iu.le 2:15 2:30 V,llanl udy Zckt M,nners' Ganll A""1 B,ntl Fletcher Will)' 2:30 .. .. MIlIiul Contrnl5 Byron Hou! * Ntws 2:30 2 :4 5 lighl 01 lhe World * News Capt. Dirty, tond. My Son &: I 2:45 Our G,I Sundly Kal1.rn,n', Or .... Bob /frcoo, SOl'll' M,\;n« MeJ<'I~;" 2:45

3:0 0 Siory of Miry MArlin DAnnliod Orph~ns ot DI¥ottt Mary M. MCBrIde 3 :00 Heltn Trent Noles to Y~u & ,,>Her MUIie H.1l 3:00 3:1 , 3:15 Kram~r .. .. Mu.l, 3:15 M, Pukin5 .. .. Honeymoon Hill Tropic Tunu Mela~y Time Harry r"I'"I., .. .. 3!30 3 :3 0 Pepper V'ounfs F",mily Betty &: Buddy. ,on~s John'l Other WU. A friend In D.t-d 3:30 *Ne.... s L, Roy, ,luju Don ,lJbul',.. Orch, 3:4 5 Y.e & S.d. Pegeen Fiuger,ld Juu Pliln Bill * Lecturc Hill: News 3:45 Record RoY~dup Notes t~ YOY " .. .. 3;45

4 :0 0 Bltkstoge Wil. *Ntws; Prof. Snit MOlher 0' MIne Port'. Fu" LUt 4:00 frlend~hlp Bridge Ahernoon Fro)it MUlie of Romance .. .. 4:00 4 ;1 5 SitU, Dill,s Sidewalk Cilft * Club M,lIn ... : I'hws We the AbbollS 4 :15 T~lk; Mtlottitl Tuhme MU5icai Dick Billoy's Orch. .. .. 4:15 4 :3 0 Lorenza Jon", rOL,li '5: Ol'cb Vari~ty Prem Hlll!op House 4 :]0 Jerry Baker, ~on9S Co~ydesk Opponunity Tilk .. .. 4:)0 4:4 5 YOung Widder Brown JohMon Family " .. Kate Hopkins 4 :45 E-Z·Bar·O R,nth .. .. Counl BOIit'l Oreh. " .. 4:45 5:0 0 Gil I Alonc Charlie Agnew's OrcM. King Arlnur J •. Tht GoldbergS 5:00 * News Swnl & HOI fa5hions In Music Instrumental Qulnlet 5:00 5;1 5 Lone Journey Olck Kunn's Or(h. iret"e Wltker Th O'Nel!b 5:15 Tunes &, Needles Ratong Resume; Tunts To be i<'lnounced *N,W5, Bill McGrllh 5:15 Blllr'm 5:30 Jut ArmSlrong .. .. lBYd 8i11ton A<'ent on MUSIC 5:30 Arl Green's MUlk Manhattan Serenade 5porlS RelUmf M ~ke·Belllve 5:30 5 :4 5 Lile CiO Be BUlltllul Ci~t. Midntght Tom MIK Sc~lIergcoa Bainn 5:45 leke MaMlf~' G~ng Shul!lin' the Blues *New, Popular O.n •• 5:45 I Evening Programs Evening Programs W EAF W OR WJZ WABC WMCA W INS WHN W NEW

6 :00 Ciiarlie SpiVak', Orch'rnCle Dcn *New.; Dinning Sj,.'* Spor ts: Edw;n HIIiI 6;00 ' Goea N..... ~ AdV"r· Racing Resume; Musk Spcrts Pow.wo .... R'"eofdl .. ~s, witb 6 :00 6:15 ... Reveriu; News Cbild,.n'" Prlm. Sporl~; Xm" Club St ••le. nonehord 6:15 * Ntw, '" , sports Don Winslow MaTlin .. Block 6 :15 6 :30 Charlie Spi"~k's Orch. * Ne .... ' G\lldeo Seftnaders '"* Paul Sullivan 6 :30 Sports Weldon Reviews * Sporls; News .." 6:30 6 ;45 Li'l Almer H... ~·, Morgan *Lowell ThQm~; * The World T od~y 6 :45 Lu Granl', Orch. *News Dick Fish.II, sporb " 6 :45 .. 7 ;00 1 :00 Fred Wiring'S Orch. ,." LomaK, sporll E~S1 Ace, Amol n' Andy 7 ;00 HJ"Y Horll'k'~ Or~h. Sign .11 Unlll (lYle Talbol, gossIp " 7 :15 H W. Vandercook Chlrioteu$ M •• Keen L ~nny Ress, tnr. 7 :15 *News Morning 15Portl hnl.,. .. .. 7:15 7:30 So You Think VDU Confidentially Yours Song Spinners Second HWlb.nd 7:30 Swing Time * Geo. H. Comb~, J •• * Zeke Manncrl' G~ng: 7:30 7:45 Know Mus;c Inllde 01 Sporl. H. Linds.ay • Guosls Dram~ 7:45 * Johaones SI.el, n..... ' Evening Serenade News 7:45 8:00 Johnny Preunts *Wythe Williams Ben 8ernle'l Mu,,,al Caurt of Missing Heirs 8:00 Molly Piton Art Green's Mustc l el'l D'nte 8:00 8 :15 Oratl1a; Orch. Se~timental Concerl Qui. Dramt 8:15 .. " " " High 5

9 :00 Bailie 01 SfX~S *News Grand Cenlral Stil lion, We, the Peo~le 9:00 *News SmQgth Rhythms Morris Seigel 9 :00 9:1S CrYmit, S,nder..,o * Fulton lewis, Jr. drama Gabriel Ih,aller 9:15 l ~bor Arbll!"lItion 1c W" N ew~ Alltn Stu.rt Quinlet 9:15 9:30 FI~ber MeGM & Molly M~r l 0n Goul~·. Orch . * Ne .... s; 8is~op Prol~"or QU[l 9:30 " .. To be announ,e~ Z.ke MannllS 9:30 9 :45 Comed,' & Music J. Shield •. {",. G,rgoyle • Bob TrOllt 9:45 " " " " Let's Wall. 9:45

10:00 Bob Hop~ Variety * Ray Grim Swing Slory Dramas Glenn Miller's Ot{h. 10:00 O 'n~e MuSiC " " Dance Parade 10:00 10:15 Show * News O.nee Orch. InvitHion to Learning 10:15 .. " .. .. " " 10;15 10:30 Untie Waller's Dog· lIle Can 8e 8uytil,,1 Meel Edward Weeks Di;cu~.ion 10:30 *New, " " Ducing in Iht Ouk 10:30 10:45 hou,. E'l Mayeholl: Orch. G,,"I, * News of the War 10:45 Sam Brown', Muste ,.News *New$ 10;45

11 :00 * New, *New, *N.ws; Tommy Oar. Sport. Time 11 :00 Recorded Music Cinderella Hour O,nc. Parllde 11 :011 11 :15 H"m.n Nature Sheep & Goat. Club sty's Orch. ,,, Brown's Or.h, 11 :15 .. " POpular Musi. Ihoorded Mu.ie 11:15 11 ;30 M" Hallett's Orch. D,ek Hue,., ,,, .•. Emil Coleman's Orch. Sammy Kiye'! Orch. 11 :30 " " " " " " 11 :30 ...... Drllm, ...... " 11:45 11 :45 " " Jimmy Dorsey·s Orch. " 11 :45 Movies • Mid. * N~ws; Arlie Shaw Alvino Rey"$ Orclt· * N!w~; Jimmy Dorsey * New5; Joey Kearns Mid. *N ~ .... s *Music; News *New.; Oane2 Par,de Mid.

24 Programs for Tuesday, December 3

MORNING --M:O~R~N~IN~G~--~O~T~H~ER~S~T~A~T~IO~~;S----r======,- 8:15 American School of the Air. WASCo 7:00 WHOM Jt"",,, Hou. WNVC·MI\lln, Perlon~ 9:30 Sreakf ..t Club, WJ Z. WAAT ·MU$lc.1 Mo.nlng WNVC·Tr .. tl Hou, AI"mi: En,d Htll· WOII·Wom,"·1 Prom m~n. lonos * WEVO·Poli,h Ntw~ .... FTERNOON WQXR (olumn 01 Iht WDII Lew O~nil. Ikll'h 1:16 Tony Wona' Radio Scrapbook, WHOM-Pol"h Prgm. WHY(·Sunr;lt Sympho· A" 1 :15 WEAF, ny. Avb.,. (rown 0", 10:15 WAATOtnll! Socllty 3:46 Lecture Hall, WASCo "'ond, O'trture. M.· WAAT·M.,y LH T.. ,IO' W(Ap·Chfl.lmu Tn. Dr. Btnl"lIln R Sp!I(k 01 Ih~ Ht'" VOlk Uko.l.Y. S,nfoll'tlli. WHVC·Am,lt,d,,,, St"n, WHY(·To .. n HIli Clu~ HOlp,UI .... ,. ul. on CrUI O-ok, from Opu~ ll. No.2. Cho· Enltm~le L,,"t""n LJtllt A(o'nl. pIn. La Sylph,dt. WOV·The Son, Shop WOV Mv .."lt 4:15 Club r-htlnee. WJ Z. 8'lItt 1:]0 wOy·c,,," Marnin, Rt 10:]0 WAAT·Donlld IKdl1ll HIGHT YltW WA ... 1 Mu"c WBNX-Tht M.... k '.m 7:00 F red Waring In Pleaaure Time, *WQXRPrtl~d": Nt .. , 00, WEAF. W8NX n. Hymn Boo. 7 :15 WCAP·Mo,nln, Scrtn,dt W[IID·S.lon M~li( 7 :1 5 LlIn .. y RoliS. Tenor, WABC. WOII· lulo·Amtflun Rt WHOM·C,~rm~n PrOm. WEVD·Pol"h S(.elldt 7:30 Second HU lband, WABC. ,,~ WOII·Glllo C.,ml J, ... r· 7:30 So VOl' T hi n k VOl' K now Mu.ic, II~II. Ik.t~h 1:30 WQXR·S,lon COMtrl W EA F. 1:45 FIIiK Knlthl. Iinor; tho,"s; AI ROlh'1 * WAAT II ,I f r .nk. 10:45 WAAT·FoK Fllr Tfilpper. ar(hKlri; gunh. BrUU.5t RtlHl,ler WAAT Mly""" Prom. W B N.k· O rg~nolo9J 8:00 Ben Bernie's MUSIcal Quiz, WEIID·Z. H. Rubinll.'n W8 NX·Glrm'n Houu· . WEIIO·Nt.. , WOII·T,mn Sqvue Mil WHV( BGI'~ 01 Eduu WJZ. ,"on w,ft Hou. 0 B.;I,y S.. I~ro .nd (uol Br~ BubUJ 1220 It, BUlhoYtn. Qunlel III phonIC M.. lln.. WHOM·II,"." lIu~ty WOII ·R,n",ldl F;lmil, K[X Po.lI.. nd. Ofe. 1180kt F. Ad",o. Ailltniz. * WHYC·HI"S: Falher Seleclion~ f,o", " Ibt 2:15 4:]0 6:]0 WCAP·F,ont P' qe O,J' KFS D S,n Di'90, (111 ..,., ...... : H ..., Knltktfootkt r SUI' WAAT·HlllblUy MUi" WOII·Tom SP I ~' r o. ., KJR Suttle, w~.h. 910 Itt glSh W AA T· R t~UeSl Clv b . WB H X· N . w ~ SpO'I~ R.. ;t... WEIIO·F'1t Sptt

* Star Illdle.tel ".WI or pr.,rCllft. ' r09ro",. .f oth.r .... tlon dllrl., which n O WI ,. broadcast Leading New York Stations .r. IIIt.d •• 0ppolit. p09. WJZ WABe WMCA WI HS WHH WHEW WEA~660 kt ~ WOR710 kt 160 k' ".1>4 . S70 kt 11110 kt 1010 kc 1150 kc A.M. ._" - '" k' ------7 :00 -Mornln9 in M.nhUt.ln Wr.t~": l ight Optrl * Bru~I," I td- Mornln, Alm,nlC 7 :00 *Htw, Muslul Cloc~ Opportunity Morning Dnotlonl 7:00 7 :15 " MU'OI:,I Clock \''''; Iff'" " Pi,l (" .... k. C 1:15 R'M. Wlti". " " * H•• , SlInriH Sutndt 7 :15 7 :30 * N..,q I \'''''~I "or'1" C, Ea.L C. " " " 1 :30 J'ID GI'OII~~ *H e.., [uly Ilf~ 8.ukf.u V.ritlJlH 7 :)0 7 :45 IMullnl V,,"III' o.ch. " " " * HtWI 7:45 R,wud lor ti,,,",", Mu,"ul CIOtk M·,·,,· & Tim. O. J.m•• , m~. 7:45 -- I ;OD * H,.., *Hr.., * H'," *H..., 01 [11'0,. ' :00 " " 0 .. "

1 :00 'p" 0 RtCiUI IZ.kllll,nn," C,n, '" .k". &tu M' LII. C.n 81 l uuI.II,,1 1 :00 * N.w,. Mu"t, T.lk "''''y M,lod'H t'""b, )1",0.: [lion Britt, son" 1 :DO 1 :15 F •• nko. MI'ltrs' O,(h. E4 F'''tt''ld. III~ .,Iw"n Ih, 8oohnd. Wo"'.~ '" WI,,(I! 1:15 [ .... y Aces MIIS;ul MollltnU M,IocI,( M.m.llts Thr" IIItn Oil & M,k. 1 :15 1 :30 F•• 'tfy H~"II"," Frail,., C",,'I O"l'I. H~,un R't"t to H.U'''ts1 ' :]0 S'II'NIHI Llu kn,l O~,...lUn'ly Av. Mit" Ho ••!l.I. I"... ,.ne. Talk 1: ]0 1 :45 e NI"" ,.. ...11'.· Orch. A'''I II. * Ht'll'" M 'u', Orell. RNi 01 L,f. 1 :4S _'_IOT_"_"--:: ___ ~MVl'CI1 Mood, SlIy'''----:____ _ Zu.t·s C.n,; Jou,,,,1 1 :4 5

Z:OO Bttl, C,,,kI, Mttl M,n ) .. 10. R"s,n, ,P'es.d,"\ V... ~, 0 1. "',·onl 2 :00 * Hc ... , ID,"(,O',,,. FnhlO"l I" RIo,th", 2 :00 2 :15 C"m",'1 O,u,hln HUlih T,lk: M",IC l tl', T .I~ It 00" IJ01" Jordall 2:15 J"I5I:1s,0" _ HtW'S I I'·;· • ,... 2 :15 2 :30 IV'I"nl l.dy IHom.m'ker .. Fory", NJVY Bind FI •• eh" W.tty 2 :]0 MUJlul Co~lrUII 'I'lyron Hou. . HI"" . 2 :30 2 :45 l,thl 0/ Iht Wo.ld *Nno, I. .. ", B~"'r' , II MI Son .. I 2 :45 Our Clf Sund.y ",I.. n.n·,Ortll U"h lJ)'IH\.... ,." M,Untt Mtlod,u 2 ;45 _ _ ; 3 :00 IMJ.Y MJ,Jin 10,"(:I.nd H O'P"'n~ ,f O,.orct Miry M M

4 ;00 I.

Htw [thols 01 N V. M.. I Mr. Mttk 7:30 Sw,nt Ti m. * Cto. H. Combs, J r' l * Zlh Mlnn ..$' C. n, ; 7:]0 7 :4S IJ •• ,,,~ \'arlrl1 " "m. I (.. ",.11), dram. 7:4S *Joh,nnu 5lttl: Htws Po.., trs' Powtrhoult Nl ws 7:45 --I -1-----1 -~---I 8 :00 Holly wood P I.yh~yst Whlfl Arl Vo~ From? Quil K id~ Bi9 Town, dram. 8:00 M ~lIc &r Ch , tlt' An Crtln'l M ~,ic Olnec Musi( 1 :00 8:15 P ••• &: A'H'ch. I>" II I. ~",,!h J, Jce 1\~lIy, M. C. r,lI, I/"I,;",on 1:15 On with Ih. O.ntl Vnl.. d. y·s Voic" Five Shodfl 01 I luI 1:15 1 :30 PI,nllllOn Party *Boake Cartlf M,n~.ttan . 1 Midnitt _D r. Chrilti.n. dra· 1 :30 Holl,wood Soun d SII ~' C ~ ..1i. 5piuk', Orch. 8:30 8 :45 \., .. ,~ p'('" J ,mmy 00'''y'1 Orth. 8:45 .. Hto" .Hewl .. .. 1:45

' :00 TIII'I 10 5m,l, Roy Shiie 11:30 11 :45 H.n.y Jlfoml'! Orch. 11:45 11:45 looIi ... *H'wl; O.nu Orch. I51"''''y K'yt', O,(h ..1IIN ,wI; C~ n Spivak * t;tw>; T.,.y :':"':':''-'---'"=;':'_ 'N ~ Mi4. 16 It/. * Programs for Wednesday, December 4

WQXR·Grnl MlSttU. WHOM·llIll.1I Ntws MORNING ------"'ORNING "., Next Week's Cover Iflhms, Ae'lltmit Fn· WMTMIIslc Jusl ,*WOV·N e ... ,; Unci. Uni Ourlure; Lisrt, Tom's Rt!luest C,~," 9:1!. American School of the Air, 7:00 AbaUI Timt • A picture of Gerard Darrow, Orphtus: SIt.un, R,· WEVO·Sint With Mt *WQXR·NtWl, Q~jnt, WABC. eight-year-old Chicago boy who d.lzJr.y """ch How. S~b~cl: "Explllrltillns of Cutle' Ind WAAT-Music.1 Morning WO .... ·Sk.lch *WE .... O·Polish Nt ... s has become famous as a member 5:45 CII,mpl"in." be WHOM·Polish Prgm. 10:00 of NBC's "QuIz Kids," will WEVD·I Know 11M An­ 9:15 9:30 Breakfa,t Club, WJZ. WHYC,SlInrist 5ympho· carried on the cover of next week's ..u "r. Boyce, Symphony ,*WMT·NtwS; Unit" W8NX·Th. Renllsunu VI'iet)' p,og"m, with Of chIS In 'nd YD. Oillhermr. lIlk Movn:-RADtO GUIDE. On sale at ulosU, Don McNc.lI, M. C. Ko. ~ 'n F; Ovar,k, all newsstands today. WCAP·Round Tow~ Cfllo COllcerlo In 8 WHOM·JI ... is.h Hour HIGHT WHOM·IUI;'n Prl-' 11:00 Short Short Story, WABC. M'nor; Inion. En La WHYC·You 'nd Your WOXR·Ensembll. KII". AlhlJl'lbr.a; Suk. Much Child kowskr, M'fluel: Hoi· AFTEIINOON WO .... ·GoocI' Morninl Rc· WOV·WOmcn'l Pr,,,, lander. Spinn,nl Sont; WQItR·Uu SIr ,I o's 6:00 , OTHER STATIONS 011 8ull. ~liwdt in .. "C"II",n 01 the AIr" 2:00 Rai,lng a Prl!lldent, WJZ, *WQXR·Prtludes: Nnr1 .... WOV·Htws: Muslcall tilt MOUnu,",; V.,,· 2:15 Let', Talk It Over, WJZ. WARO.HortheU' Sere WOV·Musi"l, Nonltits *WQXR·Mllslc to Rt­ c;nl, Guolll; 8"hms. W.llilm Fie.mu ... ill lolk on "look 10:15 nade WQXR·Mus.;c of th. Mo· lIIembe,: HtwI Hunilt.,n O,nn Ne. I 7:15 WCAP.Wu P~rld. m.nt Ends ind Odds." WAAT·ln,urlnu Coun· WE .... O·Pohsh Serenld, WEVD·On, Wem'" to 6:)0 HHor Anolher 3:15 9:30 3:45 Lecture Hall, WABC. WHVC·Gflmlrcy Chi",· WMT·Donlld 8ndlnt CII,rlottl Ad,ml. lood editor 01 PM, WHOM·Culmlr Jan.... WOV·Tom Spldar o, 7:30 Hr Trio bOWikl Hour W[VO·l..abo, Hour ... ill blk on "Menus for n'ldren." WOV·Tllt Son, Shop 3:)0 Sportl Revle ... WQXR·Musical Penon· *WMT·V, I Fr.nk, WOV·Sttrnl Orlmatk WOXR·Dlnner Concert Comp,ny WAAT'Sludio Put)' ,Iillis. Glov'Mi Mar· 4:15 Club Matinee, WJZ, 8rtaklut Reporler 10:10 tinllil Vlfiet)' pfgogrlm, ... ill! of(hestra ,nd vo· W8NX-Sttlngs Ind thl WEVO·Z. H. Rubin,leln Uk. 6:45 ulisU. G,,,), Moore, M. C. WOV·Tim" SQulle Mis· WAAT·MlIsk WIHX·Thl Hymn look 12:45 WEVo·Me!odic GlmS WOV,Wlltl Time SlOn WHOM·Polish ·A.... tlun 9:45 *WQXR·8rukfnl Sym· WO .... ·IUJo·Amtrlun RI' NIGHT WAAT -Musk,1 PIlIII. Prim. phony. V"di, Onr. Y"'" WEVD·Jtwish Mu,ie. WKYC·EduUlioll Forum 7:00 WCAp·Mofie "'reYItt llire to "Thf Mnked WQXR·S,lon COllc.n WQXR·lnYllilion 10 tn. 7:00 Fred Waring In Plea,ure Time, *WOV·Hnn, SIlntoro WEAF. B'II"; fflnck, Third WHOM.II,Ii.n Vltilt)' W,lu 10:45 1:00 M. P'no _WOV·H ....s; S.lnl Maw.""nt. Symphony *WQXR·Ne.,: Amtrl. 7:15 Lanny Ro .., Tenor, WABC. '" 0 M,nor: Gnllbl;. FUe! 10:00 WMT·Mlyl,m. Prgm. un Concert WOXR·V ..I,n Concttl. 7:30 Meet Mr. Meek, WABC. Bru.hn F.nt.. )' for W8HX·German Hous. ,*WAAT.Nt ... ,; Mllslult Pi,n, 'lid orchHtra; E~dy 8ro... " ,1'Id Ro· WCAp·OI V,ta Drc~ 7:30 Cavalcade of America, WEAF. ... 111 Hallr WARO·DpKItI, Int,,· 1:45 Franck, Symphonic lu4ts min TaclllhrO. ~iolln· WEVD·D,nn Tim. "8,1111 Hymn of Ih, Rlpubli(," ... Ith WOV.ROSitiO Rom. 0 Koll. Blth, C'''(ftlO Vln,tioM; R.ytl. P.· Oramatlc Co. ffW8NX.Tht WU To· WHOM,Splni$h Hour Allundu Woollcolt. MUSIC "0'1 by V'nt pour Une Infanle d,y; pollih Airs WBNX'''''ychoIOO)' tor '" 0 lor t ... o ~Ia!ins: *WOV.H c w s: Uncll WOXR·Gyp,y Mu,lc [nryon, Moor, Su,te lor Two Dffms T,ylor. Oduntt; H,ydn. Sym. *WCAp·Nt... 1 Tom's Request C~b'n phony Ho. 102; Smt· WEV O,Slymollr R.chl· WEVO·StuduS!, moyi. Violinl WQXR·Musle,1 Inltr· 7:30 New Echol!l of New York, WJZ. \.1.111, OVlrtur, 10 "The 11:00 nt ...s Josepll Bonima's orchutfl; Edisonurs, zeit Wi..... Roberl CISld'· 8artered I rid I"; WHVC·Miulng PtrlOnl: *WNYC·Ntws 7 :30 sus, pi'nlll voul IfOU,. Hews ,* WMT·Nlw,: Unlte4 WOV·COnctrl G,ml Olath.rmy. lIlk Econamles 01 Ottens. 8:00 Holtywood Playhoule, WEAF. WOV·L .... D,nis WARO·M,dwttk I r I s a. 7:45 WARO·YI.~ilh Vlfittks 4,00 10:15 0",,,;1., l\lfrin, Jim Am«h. '"4 G,1a WHOM ltah,,, Vltitly Prtm• W8HX·A. M,ndez' Orth. ' .... WMT-Mornl", IIkdiU * WNYC·Ntws; FUher 1:15 *WMT·Nn5: Musl( WOV,Wold, ANut Mu. WOXR-Masoll, T h r, t lions Knickerbocker Su,· 8:00 Quiz Klda, WJZ. WBNX·Your Hut Door 0< Pi«n lot Flu ... H,," QUIZ ,fgog',m; J~ Kell)" M. C. *WEVD-Mor"ln, Mel· 'ftU WMT·Govlfnmtllt ",. Ht'llhbor WQXR-Masterworkl o. ."~ SI"nl Oll'rtl' lMI;a WOV·Anttlo Glori. .. WEVD·KaI"'''rp.kt Pr. 8:00 Big Town, WABC. Co.; Ofl.ndo ,I Fllrloso MIINC. CorlUi, SuiU WCAP·Chri'ltlnlS Tftt I"m lor Sir.... Orchtstr., Ton"h1", dram" 'Nlght FrtoOht," 1$ , WOXR·Com,oHrs Hour. "'" 10:3 0 8:00 * WEVO·Ntws WHOM·Conurt ClassiCi IHlhoun, E t 101 0 II I slo,), ,bout tnklttt:ring tfuck·lrflghtlrs. WolfO."t Am,deul WOV·MIISIUI. WNVC,Connrt Orch. Monti. Kyric fro", L,r,htllo; 8rlhms. WCAP·Dflm. 01 FKG 8:30 Dr. Chrlatlani Drama, WABC. WAAT ·8tlt Ih Bind *WOV·Nlws. Arm'ndo Symphony No. 4 WEVO·HomH on lhe Mn, in C Minor: Rosli In 10nioh1"s drlm,. '"Rival 10' Ro)',~ WEVO·Je ... ish Compo,· 1:)0 Ctllo ,nd Busoon ~. WQXR·Symphon, Con· ..... • Dr. Chrlsti,n helps his stertllty In ,n nil,: Afi, from "Don 1:00 WHOM·O""" II FOOf WHOM·E."lr 8 1r~I WMT.Don,ld Budlno urL 8erlioz, O.. rtuII, ,mo\lonll ullols. '" Glow'nni". OUHlet WOV·Hoclll,n, S... ttp,lIkH W8NX·Th. M,r.k F,m· "Til. Coruit": Mo· W8HX·AII 11 Mm, WOXR MOllOln. Sym No. 2S In F; Sympho­ Hr, shkh urt, Conctrllnle Sin· 8:30 Plantation Part)', WEAF. * WHYC·Viot ... s o' U.I lIy Na. 28 In C WCAP·P."~ fo.t"n"o phon, ,I M"II'nts: .~, WEVO·S.lon Mu,le Lolliw MustYlnd Iht WHttrlltfl; To",. ton!l; Btriiol. Qllltll H'" Scu.bln, Fanllill In * WOVNI"WS WHOM-GHlIIIII "'(fill. Md Scllerzo f,o", WEVO·lmh M._fMs I M,nor O,ck ,nd Har!"),: Whitt)' Fo,d, M. C.: WNYC·M,tropohlin Rt· 11 :15 "R_ In. JUllt1.": *~OV·N .... Oo"n, Sillers. f ..... Berliol. W.Ur Malic 1:15 WQXR·S,,,,,nen, H.'~ 8:30 Manhattan at Midnight, WJZ. WAATStrlll" ',,' Th,n,s WOV·Clno Cllml lid Su,U 8tttllan'l. COIII«'" 10:45 WHVC·[mplo)'TT!tllt Ser· WNYC·MuliCiI Comtdy Artis" Oflm,Hc "otfllll. ntt; Music Moods; \lOll of ~ HOOjH Mtmofles 4:15 Ovmll": S,mjlllofl, WCAP"'"", Ya. W,nl. 11:00 Te.aeo Star Theater, WASCo Conwmcrs' Guidi! WOV·MII"ull Mnilfl A....:itt_ F,l!d AlI,n. camed,n; Kenny Bakt!, WOV·IUI!.n Mar n i n I Ha. 2 '" 0 Copland. WEVOT", .n WMT..f,bt NlChoilOn's EI 5.1 .... Multa "'_0(,.. Itnor: Portl'nd Hofl,. ~omtd'lnlll; V,nell,,; Cily COli' WMT·FOlI rur TrIOpers Grch. WHOM·P.,.. I'1 M.. \k sumer's Guide 11 :30 ,* WQXR·Hcw. Jlmmr Wllf,nt'on, ,nnounnr; M'Ihly W8NX..(Ir,anoloty WBNX·Vokl of Czedoe. 1:15 All ... An PI,y'rs; AI Good..,..,,', .,... WOP·Dolnts IHI Db« * WEVONe... s; Draml: lioukia WOVR,I,h Ptdl .. Trlt chalra. ' :)0 MU11e WOV·Dt. 8f\1norl, 11'" WBIIX.Homt!ionG HOII' 11 :00 WHVC·Boud of Edu(i· WCAp·WPA Heidhncs 11:00 Time to Smile, WEAF. 11 :45 W8NX-S~nish Htri,e WAAT.Jos. P'trlck LN 4:)0 WOV·l100 R..... itw (dll .. C'nllr, com~lln: 1)'~lh Short. WEVo·Se,movr Rechl. WAAT·BI", Crosby "" WEVOS,m,honic Ho ... wO(lhSl: Hlrty McNau,hlo .. , c_d~n: ze,l, son,s WCAP·MtIHy CrulH 2 :00 WMT·RIQuest Clu' WHOM·Hlrlem on p, ':30 lid. HUty Win Zdl.• nnouncu: 80b Sher· WHOM-Mofnln, M~"· WNYC·You .. Vllllr ,* WMT·Ntws; Talk WINX...... i111 Btl" 'hMCA·A""ltur 1>j'9M wood'l Itchuno. tilt Hullh WBKX·HolMI 0" tilt WEVD·Polisll V,n,"" WBHX·MuNC " Even WHYC·G"",,,,, CIuI", WOV·Pt,p,na Ma[lft, .. WHOM.Popull( MII"( In Hlrltm 11:30 Mr. Dlatrlet Attorney, WEAF ..... tid, . WOV·H .... : Rb,".... IIIr Trio To;, WEVD.JtWisl\ Phllese­ WOV·DralOll!k Sklld: WCaP·Connot''''' Hd Cf ...... b""4111 drUlI. WOV·IUI, ... M I r" I •• ~.blk R'''.''rfOllI; H,," Contut WOXR·JuSl MUll( 10:00 Glenn Mlller'a 0 r e h e It r •. Vlriltles *WHYC·N t ... , ~ Opel"l "u"uk WABC. M .... nto!. BOlio, ...... 4:45 fi5loflll" Rlr Elllne I~d ~rio" HU\lItfl, ¥t",lhu. ':45 AFTERNOON ':"5 11 :)0 WOV·flinll.1 Famil, WEVO·!llh" Muk WAAT·Htt:ditpo,nl Re WBNX,W'"I Mu~ 10:00 Kay Kyaer', Pr-ogr.am, WEAF WNYC·BOIr~ of Edll(l· * WOV·R. Sh ..... com ... W8NXO,nu p"," Mulicil ~uic ,,,,,nom. Gilllly S,"'''',. ' .. 2 :15 tion Prim. *WHOMNtW1; G, .... SuUy ~son ,nd Hlrtr 8,b"I1. ~ouhtlS WEVD The S,""nq PMt 12:00 McCoy. 'n1tf~""" WMT.H,llb,lI, M~,I( 9:00 10:111 Public Affalro, WABC * WHYC·HtwS; Arou". WCAp·o,,,,, T..... "II ... York * WMT·Hnn: UnlUd *W8NX·N"'n 5:00 10:30 Doctors at Work, WJZ. Olllh.,,,,, W[VI)·inUrvll... S wl1~ W8HX·0 I. fislllCHlet Ted,),', ir.a"'ltlution. "p",", Of W8HX·Poh,h HOVf Houstw'ifn W8NX·Jc... lloh Womtn', G",",n Meloctia 12:00 Ortw." (Onn'"t hflplul Ind IH,dul 9:00 WCAp·Ho"'t HUIU WOV-MetI,ullo/l HOllr WCAP'Scllool Gift Clu. doctors. *WEVO·Th. World I. WEVO·Mlnc:iclttJ 10 C.... WEVO· FOftl," Alfllrs *W(VOJ,mborft I. I *WAAT.Htws; MUilc dram. ROlllld TI~I. NfOI1 , 1:00 H.rlem Amateur Night, WMCA. WBNX·u , ..,ta del To,lIIr', HudTlIItI 2 :)g WHOM Palilh Pr,m. M,ttlno WNYC·Mod •• y Sympho· WEVD.LtI TIItr. It W8HX'!lIsh Pr,... W~=~Polish ·A~rtu" r---::::;;iii.;:~---:::;;;:;;:. nr. II'Ch. C. P. E.., WNYC·NYA Tilent Silo, LOG OF STATIONS S~, WEVO·h"tI lucker· WQXR·Quft!l 0' \hI Connrto tor Orches· berl, IOnts Llated in Edition 3--New York WHOM·Poll,h Pf,,,,, It.; Schulitrt. Sym· T.nbrs frorn Thl Will W"IYC·MUltr_rII Hr. WoV·ltiIo-AmK,un Rt­ o· 1M W.tld'$ End br "'""i"ii"r , ...... , Ha. 4 ill C M,· Ylt. t .,~ ... Modtrn Mwt.i.c MUlln S I U mas MacMlnus. 5

* Star illdil:o.el neWI or pro'1rams 'rograml .f other .tatlo", dllrill9 whlc:h ".10'1 ;. broadcad Leading New York Stations ore lI.ted ., opposlt. pog• WEA~ WOO W JZ WADe WMCA WIHS WHH WHEW '.M ,,"', 710 ke 760 kt ".M. 570 Itt llSO kt 1010 kt 1250 kt A.M . "'" --- 7:00 Morning In M,nh~lun Wuther; Accordl,," *Brn\l;.bslln Bedlam; Morning AlmanlC 7:00 *N,Wi Music.1 Clock Opportunity Morning O!votion, 7:00 7:15 Vati~t.y l't~1U Musicsl Clock News Phil Cook.., nI,~ 7:15 Rist & Whine 1" " *New5 Sunrise Seren~de 7:15 7;30 *NfWS Vincent s....ty·1 Ed Ea>l. C " 7:30 Jim Grou~h *News E.orly Bird Br... kf;o.st VuleUQ 7:30 7:45 Musicil Variltlit1 Orch. " " *Ntw. 7:45 ·Ruurd for Listening MUII,,,I (I"k Tim~ " Mu.i( D. James. M. C 7:4S --- 8 :00 .News *Hews .Nows *Hews of Europi 8:00 ...... C,,~ •. MfCartlly Sbrt the DIY RighT B:OO , 8:15 Do Vou Rlmembtr7 Tht Goldbugs Votal Vogue. .. Jlf1l a.rch; Nowl 8:15 Morning Insplrillo"! Insurlnu CouMelo, Pop"JllT Mull. B:15 8:30 Gene &. Gltnn Gospel Singer Dick LI.bert, a'glnls! Morning Alm;1n1C 8:]0 *News MUSICII Cloclt *News .. .. 8;]0 8:45 Sket~h «. My,ie Kitty Knnt *Ntws; Kltch.n Quil Ad.llide Hlwley 8:45 MOOGS In MIlady .. .. MornIng Melodies .. .. 8:45 --- 9:00 .'hws; H.ppy Jack Seleclive S.r~ICf: Wom." of Tomorrow *Nows 9:00 Orgiln Reveries L, Roy, ~finlst Pianist Miehnl Wlyn. 9 :00 9 :15 Mu)' AlcOI1., $Onls Music NaII..,- S, Crai, Americin SchOOl 01 9:15 Music in lilt Morning Mus,cll Clock Lu.renct Welk', Ordl. *Hews: Music 9 :15 9:30 l\,lb.! M. Hewson *Hu.s 8ruklut Club the Air 9:30 Dr. Shlrll>y Wynnt'S Juk Hegley 's Plillff Art Gnen's Musk Dun A, Jenkins 9 :30 9:45 Gosp.1 SInger MU5it: Movlelilnd Don ~kNeil!. M,C, Subeler" C~lIdr.n 9 :45 Food Forum C~iI\ter *Ntws Morning Mtlodm 9:45 --- 10:00 10:00 Thl$ Smilll TOl'/n Alfrtd W, McC"n" Josh Higgins By Kllhleen Norris 10:00 *News GosP'llI Hour What to E~t & Why Makt·Selieve Biliroom 10:15 To be ilnnounnd F.. ,.I Talk Vic &. SIde Myrt &. Mug. 10:15 Bob Cir~r'5 Musit Rtv, Elmo BUemln .. .. Popular DiUlU 10:15 10:30 Ellen Rilndolpll .. .. Miry MnHn St.pmoth.r 10:30 Vou. Ntlghbor l,1usit 01 To4iY RKordu Mus le Ruordin~, lIith 10:30 10:45 Culdlng light .. .. PeplM' Voung's hmily Woman of Courolge 10;45 Plilter Tllnel; What·s tho Ms.... r Poptll~. Dinte Martin Block 10:45

11 :00 The Min 1 Milfrled *N ....s lindi Dlle To be .nnounced 11 :00 Idl B.iloy AII.n's Musiell Momenl, Band &. Popular .. . 11:00 11 :15 Against the Storm Womin', Hour CI"rk Dennl" tnr. MIrth. W.bner 11:15 Homemakers Song Contest Vovali.ts .. .. 11:15 11 :30 ROlid of Lire 'I ..tha De",,~ The Wife Saver Big Sister 11 :30 *News flac"g Stralchn: Musk .. .. Plano Facts &. F~ndn 11;30 11 :45 ...... 1:45 Duld H"um Thunder Over P~rdiSt! Aunt Jenny's Stor!n 11 :45 Tllk: MalJrIft Mely,jje) HGmu Gn

Nooll WhealCn. Playhouu Tune Time Frank Ron, bar, *Kale Smllll S/lfaks Noon Know Vour~elf *Ne ... s *N ~ ... s Zeh MaMers; l"ltru· Noon 12:15 The O·Htllis Serenaders *Southernalru: Hews When i Girl Marrl.s 12:15 *Hlws The Books~elt lundleon InlerJud, mental Tria 12:15 12: 30 Major, Minor &. Manon *N ....s Natlonll Farm Helen Tr.nt 12:30 Talk : MtJodlt'l Dog Gone Rating Scr.tehel; Old Favorltu 12:30 12:45 *News; Mktl: W'ther Consumer,' Quiz Club Homt Hour • Our Gil Sund,y 12:45 LH G"nt's O"h. * StritC~.S :Mus. :Hewl Hou5ewives' Prom *News: Music 12:45 --- 1 :00 Texas Jim, long. Herbie Holme,' Orch, Spnbn: Mlltic l ife Can Be Beaul.llul 1:00 *Nrws; Music; Talk ~rry Melodies Popubr \luli. Elton Brill, son!!, 1 :00 1:15 Tony Wonl' Scraplloek Ed. FItzgerald, talk Between the Bookends Wom",n In Willi. 1:15 Easy AC.I, sketth Mal;nu Muslcit, . .. Three Men on a Mike 1:15 1 :]0 Frllndl~ Helghbo", To b. ,nnounted Renglous Talk Right to Happinul 1:30 sw"~'1 l OYI Song. Opportunity Melod!t Moments liTwrance Talk 1:30 1 :45 *Hewt: MilSt~rs' Orch, Allu Blllr *N.w,: H, Hudlng R..... " of lIf. 1:45 of Tod.y Mtfl"), M~lod ,u Danot Or.h. * Zeke·. Cang: Journ.1 1:45 --- 2 :00 Hymn, 01 All Ch·rchti Meet Min Julia It looks ,~. Here Young Or. M,lon, 2 :00 .. • *Newi Danct Oreh , Fuhions In Rhyt~m 2 :00 2 :15 Grimm·, Daughler M~slc 2 :15 . Jive Session Popul.r MUJir 2:15 Heallh Talk; Tr.v./ing Coo~ Joyc. Jordln .. · .. *N ....s 2:30 Veliln! Lilly Zeke Minn,rs' Gang Marine Band Flttcher WlJe~ 2:30 MusiciI! ConlruU; Byron Hoyr *Nel'/' 2:30 2:45 L19~t of the World *Htw, Cap. LI"~nIO", dir. MySon&1 2:45 Our Gal Sunday Katz",""'. Oroh Bob Byron, ..,nJ~ Matinee Mtlodlu 2:45 --- 3:00 Miry Mulln Dinnland Drphus 01 Diva", Mary M. McBride 3 :00 Helen Trent Notes 10 You & patt"" Music Hill ]:00 3:15 M. Perk'ns .. .. Houymoan Hili Drifting MelacUe, 3:15 MeJoojy Tim. Hun I\rame, .. .. Popular Musi • 3:15 3:30 PePlMr Voynt's Fimily Allen Halt. bit. John', Other Wli' A Fritnd In Died 3 :30 *Nlws lI! Ro),. p;'nln Don Albert', Oreh. .. .. 3:30 3:45 Vic .. S.de PtgMn FitzgtnJd *Ad, In Sclene.: News 3:45 Talk; RKord Roundup Notu 10 Vou ...... 3:4S Jus1 Plain Bill --- 4:00 Buk,Ugt Wife *New1; Prof. Snlz Mother 0' Mine Portii Facts Lift 4 :00 Frllndt~lp Brldg. ,Afternoon Frollc Music ,I Roma"c. .. .. 4:00 4:15 Slell, Dillin Lel'/ L~yal *Club Matinee: News We tloe Abbolll 4:15 T'I~; M" I~dles Tulime Tunes Among My Souvenirs .. .. 4:15 4:30 Loren~o Janes DraJna Vadety Prgm Hilltop HoyJt 4:30 Jerry Baker, songs Copydes~ Opporlunlty Talk .. .. 4 :30 4 :45 Young Widder Brown Johnson Famil), .. .. Kale Hopkin' 4:45 E·Z·Sar·O Ranch .. .. X.vier Cugal's Or~~. .. .. 4:45 --- 5 :00 Cirl Alon. Tiny Hill's Orch. King Arthur Jr. The Goldb~rgs 5:00 *N~ws Sweet Fashions In Mijsic Lislen to .-, Th.m~ 5:00 lone Journey • 5 :15 M.d,1 ,;,,1,", 'lob I~"" Wk." Th. O'Neills 5:15 Tun.~ &. Ne.d~s Racing Resum.;"" Tune-s To be announced *News 5:15 5:30 Ja~k Armstrong Ditk Kuhn's Orch . Bud Barton Pop Concert 5:30 Art Green's Music \ Oanre Time Sports Resume Make·Believe Ballroom 5:30 5 :45 Lire Ciln B~ Buutilu I Capl. Midnight Tgm Mix Scattergood Baines 5:45 Zeke Manners' Gang Shufflin' the Blues *News Populor Daneo 5:45

Evening Programs Evening Programs WEAF WOR WJZ WABC WMCA WINS WHN WNEW 6:00 Jimmy Dorsey's Oreh. UMle Oon; Metropo!!· *News; Estorts *SporU: Edwin Hill 6:00 Cood News ;" Adver. Racing Resume: Music Sports Pow·wow Recordi"g" ,..ilh 6:00 ,., Winslow Martin 1.Il000k 6:15 ~R.verles: News ", TravelO!lu~ Sports; Xmas Clu~ Edg~ 6:15 *News Do~ Dunphy, sporls "'" 6:15 6:30 The Guest Sook *News Gulden Serenaden *Paul Sullivan 6:30 Sporls M. W£ldon Reviews *Sports: News .. .. 6:30 6 :45 Li'l Abn.r H!r.'s Morgan *lowell Thomils *Th. World Today 6;45 Lo, Gran!"s Orch, *News Did. Fishell, sporU .. .. 6:45 --- 7:00 Fred Wuinfs Orch, S .... n Lomu, spnrb EiSY Aces Amos 'n> Andy 7:00 Harry Horf ick'~ Orch, Off th. Air Untl Lyl. Talbot, go~sip .. .. 7:00 7:15 w. Yandercook Rosit. Rios: Orch. Mr. Keen Lanny Ross, ,",. 7:15 *Now, Morning Sports Fanfare .. .. 7:15 7:30 *'Bob Crosby's Oreh. Confidentially Yours Song Spinners Vox Pop 7 :30 Swing Time *Ceo. H. Combs, Jr. * Zeke Mannns' Gang; 7:30 7:45 Varali .j.• Inside of Sports Met. Opera Guild Parks &, Wully 7:45 *Joh'nnes Steel; Ne ... , Evening Serenade News 7:45 --- 8:00 Muwell Hou .. Coffee *Wylhe Williams Po< Gold: Horate A.. Basket 8:00 M~sk & CMattor Arl Green's Musi, Oan tt MusIc 8:00 .. 8:15 8:1 , Tlmt Eddie Dooley , sports Heidt's" Oreh, Qui," progum 8;15 0, wilh ,", Dan~e .. High School Sports .. .. Hollywood Sound Stage Charles Spivak's Orch. 8:30 8:30 Aldrich Fimily Sh.rlock Holm~1 Film~ &. Fortl/ne Strange As Seems; B:30 .. .. 8:45 Com~.Jl" Skelch Mpter)' Drama Quiz Show *News " 8:45 *He... ~ *HeW:5 B:45 --- 9 :00 Kraft Music Hall Voice of Liberty Ph i Btta Kappa prgm, Major Bowes' Amateur 9:00 *New~ Dick Ballou'~ Orch. Morris STevel, talk 9:00 9:15 Billl( CrMby; Con· *Fulton lewis, Jr, Rochester Phil, Orch. Hour 9:15 Russ Morgan's Orch. *War Hews Striclly Ad Lib 9:15 9:30 "i~ B",woll; ,,,' Alfred Wallenstein's *News; Amer, Town .. . 9:30 16th Infantry Army To be announced Z~ke Manne" 9:30 9:4 , ]j,,",,": Onh. Sinfanietta Mtet1n~ ,f .-, AI, .. .. 9:45 Band " .. Favorite Waltzes 9:45

10:00 Stallest Rudy Vall •• *RilY Gram Swing G~o. V. D~nny, Glenn Miller's Orch. 10:00 leI's Playwright .. .. Dance Parade 10:00 10:1 , Dram. *Nt... s m.,de,alo, Choose Up Side, 10:15 ...... 10:15 10:30 Musical Americana Life Can Se Beautiful Magnolll Blossoms Sport. Quiz 10:30 *Nel'/' .. . Danting In the Dark 10:30 10:4 , /lay Poige'. Orch, Ed M.yehoff ; Orch, Chair *News of the Wa. 10:45 ". Brown's MusiC *News *NewJ 10:45 11 :0 , *Hew5 *Ne.... *News: Ray Kinney's Sports Time 11:00 011 'h, Re,ord Cinderella Hour O~nce Parade 11 :00 11 :1 , Charles Bilum's Oreh. ,.. Reichman', Orch. Orth. 8111 MtCune's Oreh, 11;15 .. .. Popular Mutk Populn Dance 11:15 Abe Lymiln', Orch...... Music 11:30 .. Johnny McGee's Dr(/I. K,y Kyser's Orch. 11 :30 · ...... 11:30 11:45 Jimmy Oorsey's OrCh...... 11:45 PI.~Yles .. Drimi .. 11:45 Mid, *News; Spivak's O"h , Oun Hudson's Orth. *Ne... s; "" WaJl~r *Hews: Jo",y Kurns Mid, *N ..... s *Music; He'/l'S *Hews: Danu PiTade t.lld. 28 10/! I Programs for Thursday, December 5

MORNING --=MO~R~N~IN;'G~--~O~T;'H~E;'R~S~T~A~T~IO~H;S~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9:15 American School of the Air. 7:00 WEVD·S1nll With MI *WBNX-Th, Wlr To- WABC. WOV·Or.m,!lc Sketch "Winlcrbound," by B,"neo, wlll diY; Pollsl! Alrl M.r~ry WAAT-Musicil Morning *WCAP·Ntws be the lubje.c\ 01 tadllY's IUIGn. *WEVO·Polisll Nlws '0:00 WEVD·J""lih Musk 9:30 Breakfa&t Club, WJZ. WHOM·Poli~~ Prgm. *WA/oT.Ntws; Unitu WNVC-Mluing l'i!rson,; WHYC,SunriH Sym~ho. Ollthlrm~, tllk Or"n Music AFTERNOON ny. Adam, O.ertur. WHOM·Jewish Prgm. WOV-UW o,"'S. shlch to "II I Were Kin.": WNVC-Bond of [duel­ 1:1~ Tony WOf"" Radio Serapbook. Rhtl, Piano Concerto lion: forum on Cur. 1:15 WEAF. for Iht Ldt H,nd: nnt Aff'Jr'S I'm, !Olen. ,."nist. Prokofieff, CI,nlt'l WOV,WOf''''''S P'gm. .... AAT·'Iy Gou to Town Symphony: O'[rlanl' WQXR-liu S, flli o's WCAP·(hrislmll Tret 4:'5 Club Matinee, WJZ. *WEVO-He... s tr, Hundred Kines "Column of the Alr" V"idy PrDtram. w,lh ordltst" ,,,4 vo­ WHYC·rolt·SOnt' of 1I'lltl c,lisU. RlnSII"! Shum"n, M_ C. WOV·Good Morning Rt, 10:15 AlM,icl. (not mord· WAAT·M.,y Ln Tlylor: .., NIGHT ••• WOV·MusIUlt *WQXR·Pre1udo: Hnl Hounwil, Adv;ser 6:30 Ouest Book, WEAF, WOV.The Son. Shop 1:30 Mrs. Cluener DIy, ... i/t 01 lhe luthor 7:15 01 "L1le With hlher," will talk on 10:30 WAAT-Don,ld Budlne WEVO-Pol"h Sennld. WBNX·Mntk F,mlly "Ameri"n HOlo,illls." WMT,MusK.1 Prgm. WEVO·S,fon Music 7:00 Fred Waring In Ple.uure Time, 7:30 WBHX·Hymn Book WHOM·Germln Prgm. WCAP.Mo,nlnt Sfltn,de WHVC.Mttropalil'/I Rt, WEAF. *WAAT,Val Fran k, WNVC·(;,rlmefCV Ch,,,,· Vif ... 7:15 Lal'tny Ro... Tenor, WABC, Brut"sl Reporler btr Trio *WOV·Hns: Gino Cal· 7:30 Bob Cro,by', Orche.tr•• WEAF. *WEVO·Z, H. RubIn· WOV·II.la·Amtrlun R•• mi .. ArtISb-. ,ktlch "I thought you said the radio was here to stay!" Bonn~ Kin" vocllisl: Bob-O·Ljn~, QUlr· Iltlll .,~ lei. WOV·Timn SlIUUt M,S' WOXR·SoIlon COnUM 1:45 s'on 10:45 WAAT-Fox rur TrapfIIfS 7:30 Vox Pop, WABC. .WQXR·Br"t'lSl Sym· P.,b Jo,",",on Ind W,lIy Bulltrv;orlh. WBHX·O'91"olog, Rich,rd, Burl.,t.: WOXA·COnctMa Series. WQXR·Clndlllithl Con· phony. H'ydn, Toy WAAT-MJ.yl,m. Prim. *WEVO·H, ... s: Orlml.: HI. n, 0 n, Symphony Clntnet Adltr. ,il~' Ctlt. Mourt, Oi ...r­ 8:00 A.k·!t·B •• ket. WABC. Symphony: S .."dHn, WBHX-Gtrml.n HOI/sa­ MUSic Ho.2 (Romlntie) In; Rom'n ToUnNr~. limlnlo Ho_ 17 In D Qub: program, ... ith Ed EUI. M. C. CarnIval in PariS: ... ift Hou, WHYC·H. V. TuhtrcUlo· WOV·ROJ.IIrlo Rom,. v;ollnOlI; Ens~mble. 8:00 Pot 0' Gold, WJZ. Bertoo,. "QuHn Mlb" sis .. Htlllh An'n 4:15 Dr~lJc Ca condutltd 'y Edd, 9:15 Horlc. HeidI Ind his Musicil Knlll'lls_ Scht1'lO Irom "Romeo WAAT·Mulojcll Pr,m. 'nd Julitl": Mous· WQXR·W,11l. Melodies BfO ... n. MOllrl, Pi,no W8NX.The R.n,lnant. B:OO M.xwell Houle Coffee Time, 2;00 WDV·Dr. Brunotl, lilt ConUrlo in F: Bu­ sor~sky. Introduclion WCAP·A,ollo Club * WAAT-He ... t; nlk 4:30 Ihoytn, Romlnee WEAF, 10 '"The r"ir .1 Sorot· 11 :00 WBNX-SPNth MUlel WHOM·It.1Uln Prim. Olck Po ... tll. Muy Martin, FInny Brl". ehinloki"; Wl.,ntr, W... AT.Rtqutsl Club *W"'AT·He... s: Unlled WCAP-Mo¥1t Chut WBHX·Polish Bells 7 :30 ':]0 Hlnlty SUfford, Don Wilson, Mtrdilh Translorm",on Seine Dillhtrmy, Ulk WEVOJnbh Philoso- Iram "Parsilal": Mo­ WEVD·Palisb Vlfldl.. WBNX"'''redo Mtndu' WCAP.!" To ... n Tonll. Willson', oretw5tra, WCAp·Lllli'n Elliott her. t.lt WHVC·Thnler 01 the Orch. uri. Pilno Conurlo WHOM·IUlran Varltly .WHYC·Ht... s: Sym. WEVO.Coa(hes Club 8:30 Sherlock Holmel, WOR. SI~... , drlml WOV,Wolds Aboul Mu WQXR.Musical Per","- Mystel)' draml. st.trrin, Buil Rathbon. Ho. 24 in C MInor: *WHVC-Htws: F,thu phony M'lI"N WHOM·Santa (I.u' .k H.~ KnIckerbocker Sill' WOV·R.naldl Flmli, .hlltS, GNrll" Llu· and Hl,tl Bru,,· Warksllo, WQXR·Trnsury 01 Mu·

* StCOf ind ie.:.t •• newl or program_ ' ro9raml .f other statlonl dllr/ng which neWI I. broadcast Leading New York Stations are listed ., oppo.lh p a ge

WEAF WOO WJZ WABC WMCA W I WS WHW WWEW A." 710 lot 760 kc "Ok, .... 1-4. 570 k( 1180 lot 1010 kt 1250 kt A, M , · '" k' I I --- 7 :00 Morning In M,nhattln Wf~thr: M."hl *Brtil~l~st I, Btd- Mornin, Atm.nu 7:00 *Hew, Musical Clock O~portunity Mornln, Devollons 7:00 ., 7 :15 Vadfly Pram. Muslcl' Clock lam; News Phil Cook. m.e 7 :1 5 Rist &: Whine . *NtwS Sunrise Suen,de 7:15 7;30 *Nfln Vlne.,,1 So,.,.. Ell E:rul. M. C. .. .. 7:30 'im C.""ch *NtWi urly Bird Brukflst Vlrlttla 7;30 7 ;45 MUllc.' VuItU" Orch. .. " *HeW! 7:45 RewArd I .. Ll.ttnrn~ Muslcill (lock Music & W~alhor. D. Jamtl, m.t. 1;45

8;00 *Ntws *Ntws *Ht... s *Hews at the WI, .,00 ...... Chu. McCarthy Stlrl lilt Olf R1tllt 8:00 8:15 00 YOII RememberJ Th Goldberg' AI &: L« Rt'str *FHorlt!'l;; NtWI 8:1 5 Morning 10s,Irilloni Insurlnce Counnlcr Pupular Mu.io 8:15 8:3 0 Gen. &. Glenn Gospel Si~gel Ray Perkin" pl"nl11 MornIng Alm~n't 8:30 *New. MUII,,"I Clock *Newl .. " 8:30 B: 45 'four Trut Kilty Knne ___ News; Kitchen Qui Adebid. Hawley 8:45 MOOds 'n Melody .. " Morning Meladht, 8:45 --- · · 9:00 wNews; H.ppy Juk ArlMur Godfrey, sonvs Wom.n of Tomorrow *News 9:00 Songs of V,.terdn L, Roy, pIanist Tony Pastor'. Orch, Michul WaYha 9:00 9:15 Mary "'Icoti, songs Heart 01 Julia Blake :O:~ney B. Croig Am_riu" School 01 9:15 MU51c in th Morning Mu.lc.! Clock Insurince Counnllor "Hew.; Musical. 9:15 9:30 Thlle Romeo, "Ntwl; Melodies BreakliSt Club Ihe All 9: 30 Shirley Wynne' • Jack Negley', Platte, Polly the Shopper Dun A, Jenkins 9:30 9:45 Gospel Singtr Muslc.le; Movleland 00" MeN.ill, M,C, Bachelor'l Chlldrln 9:45 •••Food Forum Chatter " News Voice of Health 9:45 --- 10:00 ThIs Smilll Town Mtd. Info, Buruu Josh Higgins By Kalhleen NOff" 10:00 "News Dorolhy W;(cock Whit to Elt ind Why Make Bellen Ballroom 10:00 10:15 To be announeed Music Irom A 10 Z Vic &: Sade Myrt &. MHg! 10:15 Roy~1 Hlwaiians TunefUl Tales .. " POllUlar D~ucc 10:1 5 10:30 Ellen Randolph In Chicago Tonight Story of Mary Millin Slepmolhtr 10:30 Vour Nelgh~ol Musle of Today RNorded Music Recordi"I" with 10:30 10:45 Guiding Llg~1 .. .. Peppf:r Voung's family Womln of Cou"9' 10:45 Platltr Tunes What's the Answer Popular D3nCl MuLln 8!ocl< 10:45

11 :00 The Man I Murled .. New, Lind. " ile Short, ShUI Storlll ---11 :00 Id. Bailly Allen's Rhythm Time Bond, &. I'opulu ,. .. 11 :00 11 :15 Agalnit the Siorm Wornrn's Hour Clark Denn;s. Marthl WtbSler 11 :15 Homemaktrs Song COntEn ,"""alisl. .. " 11 :15 11 :30 Road of l'ft Ahrth. Dl'lln~ He Wife SaI'tr'" Big Sister 11 :30 * News IRac'g Scratches: Music " " Plano Facts" F.nclu 11 :30 11 :45 DavId H.rum .. .. Thunder Over Paradln Aunt J lnny', SIO'les 11 ;45 Talk; Mllln« MrlOdlt.i MUslcal Moments .. .. 11 ;45 I "Dick Todd: News Afternoon Programs Afternoon Programs W EAF WOR WJZ WABC WMCA WINS W HN WNEW Moo. Wheaten, Pllyhoun \VICIOr H. Lindti!!r; Mary McHlIgh. contr, * Kate Smilh Speaks Noaa Kno .... VourstJl *NeWl * News Zrltt Minner" Instr\l· Nooll 12:15 The O'Ntll1s HudllnH In Hulth * Nancy Crai'!:: News When I GIrl Muries 12;15 "Ne"" Musk.l Moods luncheon Interlud. menlll Trio 12:1 5 12:30 IkIMlr Stew.,l, $ling' *Nrws Nalion;d Filrm ind Helrn Trllli 12;30 T.I.: Melodies Legion 01 Kindness Rnlng Sc"tcha Old Favorotn 12:30 12:4 • " Ntwl; Milk!t5: Con'IUmel'$' QuIz Sh"", H~m~ Hour Our Gat Sunday 12:45 Lee Crlnt's Oreh. * St"lches:Mus, ;Ne"" House"'lvu' Prom " NIWS; Musicilr 12:45 1:00 Jeno BuU!', Oreh. Mlnhattlrs Spaker"'l; ~Iu,je Lifl C;an S_ Buuliful 1:00 * News; M~$it; Tllk ... Ounphy, s!>Grlll Popular MUlle Elton Britt. songs 1:00 1:1 Frinklt MUltlS' Orch, Ed Fitzgln.ld, .,. a.t.... een the Bookends Womiln in WhIte 1:15 Euy Atts, lkrtch Musinl Momenu Ra~ Scott's Orch, ThrN Min on • Mike 1 :15 1:30• FrIendly Neighbors ,Itozure Opportunity Right to Hipplnl!:!s 1;30 SWHtnl un Songs Opportunlly MelodIc Moments Insurlne. Tilk 1:30 1:4 • " Ntws; M"tlfS' ". Aliet Blilr *Hews; H. H;arding Raid of Lift 1:45 of T~dlY MUSical Moods Don Albert's Oreh, * MIMtr,; ", Jour, 1:45 1;00 Belly Croehr Meu Min Julii MUSic Appr",iatio~ Voung Or, Malonf 2:00 " .. "Nt"'l OlnCl Orch, FiShlon. In Rhythm 2:00 1:1 GrImm', DaugMer Hellth nlk; Preview Hour Joyci Jardin 2;15 .. .. JIve Su,len * News Popular Mu"lc 2:15 1:30• Vllllni l.dy Ridlo G.llden Club D •• WaltH O.m Flelthu Wllty 2;30 " .. Musical Contn..!ts Byron Hour "News 2:30 2:4 • Llghl of the World "News fOtith, condo MySon" l 2:45 Our Gal Sundiy Kattman'IOtcb, Bob Byron, Son,1 Mulnu Melodies 2,4" 3:0 • Muy Mlrlln Dancel.nd Orphans of Divorce Mary M. McBrIde 3:00 Helen Trent NO\IS to Vou ..Inol Paller.. Music Hall 3:00 3 :1 • M~ Ptrklns Phllidtlphll Oreh, Honeymoon Hill Musle Without Words 3:15 M el~d~ Tlmt Hatt)' Krall"r Popular.. .. Mu~lc 3:15 3:3• Pepper Voung', Flmll~ L,'~!>ol" ~tokow· John', Other Wift A Friend I, Derd 3:30 * New, Le Roy, pl,nlst Oick .. Ballou's.. Orell, .. .. 3:30 3:4 • VIC & S.de liki, cund, Just Plain BiU * Expl'g Spate: News 3:45 Record Roundup Nottl 10 Vou 3:45 4:0 B;ackslige Wlf. .. .. Mother D' Mine Portia Fices life 4;00 .. .. Aflfr~oon Froli, Musk of Romahce .. ,. 4:00 4:1 • Sielia DalllS .. News; Prof. S~'l *C I~b Malinu; News We the Abbotu 4:15 nlk: Mtlodlt~ Tutlme Musical Rhumba Rhythms " .. 4:15 4 :30 • Lorenzo Janet HerbIe Holmls' Orch, Orch. & VQ(;ali,[s Hlillop House 4 :30 Jerry BI~u, long, Copydesk Opportunity • • 4:30 4:4 Voung Widder Brown Johnson Family .. .. Kite Hopkins 4:45 t·Z·BiI·O Ranch .. .. FashIons In MusIc • • 4,45 • --- 5:0 0 Girl Alone Music King A rlh~r J.. Tht Goldberg$ 5:00 " Hews Sw ..t &. Hot Sports R ... umr Listen 10 tht Themt 5:00 5 :1 lone Journe) Supermin lreent Wicke' The O'Neilis 5:15 Fun Scull, orglnist Rating Rewme: Tunes T~plt Emanuel *New$ 5:15 5:3• J ack Armstrong Mandrake the Migldan Bud Barton David Elwyn, bu, 5:30 Arl Green's Music Pr.irie Ser2naders Servie"" Mike Believe BllIrlHlm 5:30 • Llle Can Be Buutiful C.pt, MidnIght Tom M i~ Scattergood Biln... .leke Manntts' Gan9 Shu fflin' tht Blues .. .. POJ7ubr Daoe. 5:4 • 5:45 5:45 Evening Programs Evening Programs WEAF WOR WJZ WABC WMCA WINS WHN WNEW 6 :00 Cimplire Emben UnCle Don *N.ws; Almil Kitchen *News:

WEYD-TIIe SI"9lng I'wl 4;45 *WOV·Hews MORNIHG ------~------MORNING OTHER STATIONS *WHYC·He.s: Aroun~ W[VDO. Y,nCl SChNI WQXR·Symphon~ Hall, 9:15 American School of the All', Hew York WHVC.(ecil Cow I e I, W.tller, Prelyde alld 1 :00 WHOM·ltall.n Y""I, WD ... ·Comm. Sierni .. Love De'lh from WASCo ' :00 Hour Dr"".lic Co. compostr-pl'ni,1 WAAT~ullC'l Mornlnl "TrIlUn Ind holde--: TopIc: "Who Is RHponslble for ConH" * WAAT·Htw,; Mus;, .WHYC·He"",; 12:4 5 5;00 Schum,nn, Symphony Vlllon - Llfldow~tf or Governm,n17" *WEVD-PoII,h Hewl WHOM·Polish Prom. WBHX·\.a Parab del Kniekerbock" WAAT·Music~! Prim. WBNX,Jew"h Wom'n's Ho, 4; Brucht" Sym· 9:30 Sreakfa.t C fu b , W J Z. WHYC,5unr;H Sympho, Mattino WEVD·Jtwish M.lodlt:S Hour phony Ho. 3: SlraulI, ny. Itrliol. "But"u WDV-Angelo Glori • ., 1 :00 WEYO·M,nciottl Ir Co~ Ntw Y"nnl W.!U 10:30 In C hicago Tonight, WO R . WEVD,ltl Thtre Be '""Co.: OrlandO il Furloso diflma Ind Bellf!di<.I" Onr, Son, *WMT-HtwS: Muslult ':15 11:00 S hor t Short Story, WASCo tu,.,: MacOoweli. P" WQXR-Composers Hour. WARD·5ympb. Echoes WHOM·Poli,h ·Allleritan Inll Concerto Ho. 2: WHOM-Polish Pr,lII. Anlonl" Dvoflk. Thr« *WBHX-T1!t Wat T .. Prim, WBHX·MII'ic for E."y A FTfINOOH lbert, Dlnrlls$tllltnt; WHVC·Masterwork Hr. SI.vonic D,ncel; Sym. day; !'fIlish AIrs WHVC .... unlor Inspectors Dvorak, SI,yonic Mllkrplltos III Cham· phony Ho. S "From . WCAp·H", eN' *WCAP·Htwt"" 2;00 M usic Aooreciation Hour, WJZ. btl' Mu,;(. H,ydn, Ih. N.w World": Iy WEVD·R,~bl S. RubIn *WOV,JournaJ of the WDV.llOO Rn_ D.nels tht Wal,er, 01 B.by, Or. WaittI' OamroKh, conduclor. WOY-Good Morni", RI' Ollartet In 0, Opus 50, WHVC·Minin, Ptrwnl; ~, Ho_ 6; B"h, B"n· ,,, 1:30 3:15 Philadelphia Orchestra, WOR, ,,~ IntHuUegllU Dt~1t WQXR·Rossilli. The Bar· K"bur, Concerlo Ho. ber 01 SevIIII: OYI1' WBHX·M\lsl(: II Enn· LeollOl~ SlCIkowski, tonduclor. .WOXfI·Prtlu~n: He"" 11:15 WOV-Lew Danis, Ihlell 4 in G. FranClix. tllr.: W'lner, Lohtn­ lide ...... ,,-_ .. 1:15 Trio In C WAAT·Stflngs 'n' Thin,s 1:15 WCAI'-Gtor" How"" t'in; Thl SWln, Son, 4:15 Club MaUn.ee, WJZ, WEVD-Pol"h St"n,de WQXfI.Your Requal WHYC·Musiul Comedy WAAT,BOlr4 of Htalth or,lnlit Memories T~lk 5:15 NIGHT 7 :10 ':15 WOY·EchlltS .rom \II, WCAP-Cnristmn Tft. WOV-Or. GHU". AD, ' :4 5 .WAAT·Bruklasl RI' WAAT'Music Optra * WEYD,Hews drOlllco WBHX,Wlno Mut" 7:00 Fred Waring In P le ..u re T ime, porle.- WEYD·Musl(:al Gt/ft1 11 :10 WOV-Mulitale WOXR·MusICiI V.,jc­ WCAp-Tbln,s TD Do WEVD_Z. H. Ru blniltin 1:]0 tits; 01'1111 Stlutlllni I' WEAF, ' :10 WCAP-Ooln,1 on Discs * WOV-R 0 " Shu WOY·Timn Squl,t MIS· WAAT·DDn,l~ Budl". comlll4!nUIDr 7:15 Lanny Ro.. , Tenor, WASCo WAAT-Wh.I's Hew WOV-R,lph ,,"I ., T"o 1$: 30 lion WBNX·M~rtk Flmll~ WEVO·Utllt Bit 01 *WQXfI·Bruklan S~m. ':00 7:30 Alec Templeton Time, WEAF. u,,' • 11 :45 WEVD-~Ion MUllc Enrylhint: Musk R.y Hoble's orchHlrlI: Pit O'Malley, phony. Purcell. Suite WHDM·Gumln Pr,m. WBHX·Lau,hln, II WAAT. BI". Crosbr,. WHYC_Robtrl B r inn, Healthy for Sinn,s: Ippohtov. ' ;45 WNYC-Unitt~ Parents' co_di,n. WCAP·Mtlody CN ttnor WEVD,Melodic Gems hanoy. Caucalian WAAT·Mllllc: JIlSt WHYC·Vlu all4l V... r o\$'n. WOV-Shleh Ir MlHikalt 7:30 AI Pearce'. G.ng, WASC, Sk,lch .. Exurpls: WOV-GillO C&lml 'nd _ WHOM_ ltal" .. Ht •• Arlle AnrNth (Mr. Kiudl; Dkk A""I TirM: Hul~ WQXR·Crul Muttrs, *WOY·H t w I; Unclt Dvorak, Carniul Ou,. WEVO-5in, wilh Me WOY·h,,!ne Muna .. Artisb Albeniz, Jola: Bich. Lant: Marl'~1 Brayton: Arlhllr O· ture: Slrall'" Rich­ TriO 1:45 Tom'l RlHjlleu C,b", WOV·O .."""ti, Sketck C, 1', [" S~mphony " WQXR·Htwl Bryan; Carl Hoff's orchnlr.. Guut: ar~. 0011 Jllan; COo· WAAT-Fo7. fIIr Trapl)ers Ha. 3 In C: W,inkt,· Mary Jin, Doebler. voutist Irom IiU' mn. Sal.,dor RoSl; 10:00 WB NX-JlOntle Jim ' :15 Dvorak, SI,vonic tr, Polk ••nd FUlue Ilon WMBD. Peoria, illinois. * WAAT.Htwl: United AFTERNOON * WEV D·Htws; Dram,; 'rom "Schw,nd," WBHlC-The Aenal"'n" D'nce HII. 7; Hews WHOM.II.lIan Prllll 8:00 Kate Smith P rogram, WASCo Dllthermy, tllk Music 1 :45 WHYC· Board 01 Eduu.. 5:45 WQXFI· Enttmblt. Ma· Rn lind Davis, comedieMu: Ttd Collins. WHOM·Jlw"h Hour WAAT·Mornln, Medlta. WHVC_Ludllt Vogi . pi· 12:00 lion W[VD·I KlIOw the A.· urt, ImpresariD Over· M. C.: Tod Straeter Cllorus: Jltk MII­ tlons ,nlst * WAAT-H.wl: United %:00 I"'''' ture: CIII"ldll·T.ylor, Itr's orchtstn.. WEVO·Mllrnln, Mt" WOY.Women', Prim. Olalhermy, talk * WAAT·NeWi; M~sl(ll, Sonn.1 d'Amour: Sit­ 8:00 Cltiel Service Concert, WEAF. diu WOXR.U" Str,III', CIII­ WARD·Talk of the Week WB HX-Wbat', In lhl uate, S,.nllh Oall(t Lucille Manntfs, soprlno: Rns Cr.hlm, ' :00 UIII" II 1M Air WBNX·PoIIs/I HOItr Worl~ NIGHT WCAp-H_ Ho.bla ' :]0 barilollt; COrlntlalHl Rice, sports: frlnk WAAT-TI luI rIM 10:15 WCAp-Movlt COukil Band *WEVD.T,,- We,'" In WEV D-h.isll ph,ICllO­ WEVD-Morlty 5In"" BI~k, con~lIctor. WEVD,J""-;,k COII'I)OS. WAAT.lnsulinu C""n' Tod,y', HNdlillti pher 6:00 WQXR·Muucil '-rton· 8:30 I nformation. Ple ..e, WEAF. seI,O' WHUM'POhsh'~"" * WNYC-liI'.I; Optt • WARD'Rodlon Slip" at ahtin. John Charlts ... W H V C.AIIIIIH~alll Slr,n, Clifton fadiman, M. C.: Jobn Kleru: f. WHDM·E a r I, IIrft Prim. M, lin e t. Wallner, Co. Thomas 1'. Adams, Ind ,uuu. Swftpsukt:S EnHmblt WHVC·Mlddly Symp'" "T,nnhltUHr" .WOV·H.... s; Mu,kale WOV-TIIe Son, She, ny. Wa,nf(. A faust ' :45 8:30 Laugh 'n° Swing Club, WOR. .WHYC·VltwS lit Ih, WOV-Rill.l.ldl F.mily .WOXR'Mllllc to RIJ­ WOlCR·lnwu'tJlI" Hews 10:]0 On1tUrt: B r I II m I, 2:15 ,"ember: Hews MOrty Amsterdam, M. C.; Dd Casillo. Violin Conetrlo In D WalU ••• vlluhst; Mabel Todd; Van Altundtr'1 .WOV·H"", WAAT,Musle WMT·Hillbilly MUlle 10:00 WBNX·ChriUian Science * WOV·Muslu!l, Nnl ' ;]0 orch,stra. B:15 . WBNX-Htws WEYD-MII~" M,It'"' WOY·II.lo·Amer!un Rt- *WOXR·Htws WEVD·lnterv",,,,, .,UI WOV-S .... II ",.iew , B:30 Duth Valley Days, WJZ. WNVC·Employment Ser· vilw WOXfI-D!nlltt Concert .. 12:15 HOI/sewl ..., WHDM,S .... ""h Hour " I've Bttn Working on Ih R,lIroad," Ylce: Music Moods; WQXR_hlon Concert WOY·M,d,talionl WAAT'J", I'Jlrlck Lee 6:45 .WOV-H e w s; UnCi, • slory of Ih. fighl belwHn r,llro,d and Consumtrs' Guidt %:]0 WARD-VI44lth Varlttlts WOY, llaliln Y,rldln: 10:45 WEYO·lilllle W.I~ma/l Tom', RIHjUttl C.bln SU9'·coach In Iht days of Ihe Old WeU. WOVW.IU Tlll'le Cil~ Consllm,rs' COull" WO"',Ann. .. Rolllrto WBHX·II!1h Prim, WQlCR·HI,h . fHl'"ty 9:00 Glng BUltera, WJZ, WAAT·Maytimt Pr,m. WEYO.Jaub M.son ell" c ,r t. Slbehus, ' :30 WBNX-GHm.n Houllt­ CII."""II. Dr,m.llution of Ihe Ult ., th, COiner. WOV·IUlo·Am'rlcan R.. 1:00 ummlnkllnen's Home WAAT-JO$_ p.trlck Let .,f, Hour 12;]0 ,~ WHH·JunlOt (O·M, n• war~ Jlu,,,,y: Spehf, P'leuon ,a",. WEVD-Stymour II«hl' WHVC-hh(f OIPt. WAAT,L1bbr Hlle. Jlrry . 1:00 WalU Time, WEAF, %:45 "nil Ita? y ..lln COnC,lIo 1010_ • .,L MII"S WO~'-l'Il1W1r'. R 0 .. , I Abllott, Orch. WHOM.IU" ... V'flltt, ;n A M,MI' fr.nk Mllnn. I~; ,rdlntn.; Ih"", WHDM"orn. MlISitalt WEVD-Ylflt!Y Sbtw O"M.t,e CI. WARD-N.,lhUI)e Serl­ ]:00 .WDV-lilews; MUll, 1:00 Johnny Present., WASCo WHYC ·""',Ierd,," Sino, WOXI'IGn'y M.. ,,, , 10:]0 ... n; ""'SlUI "'.lI$IItts· Wtrk ShoJ *WAAT.N .. I'lffKt Crilnot Dn.l\'lu; S..,n, fIIurttofll; WCAI'-WIII I'".~t WOXR·TIII Golhn W[VD.T, be ,n".. "," WOY-Ital""E_'" VIrWI", 11:00 WEVD·Ofte Womu II 't,III. WHOM,frtnl 1'191 Ora ...."11; ilia, Ilfth'l onheslr._ WBHX-After 5ehlllli Hltltlll,... Bert",%, ' :45 *WAAT,Htws: U,,!I,e~ Anether "D,,"olllon of Fall,I·· 9:30 Your Happy BIr-thdlY, WJZ, WAAT-Htt4ltlHtl.1 If, Olllhtrmy, taUt WHOM.(ulmir Jar •• SWln, SnSlon WDV·HO(.lurllll.•• CllnC"l Guesl stan_ Harry S.lIer's orchestrl. WEVD-SI~bllll Mtlocllu 7 :]0 WARD-VI~dilll V,neti" bowskl Hour O"h. ... WOY-Mllsln! Honftlel WBHXAllt,4o Mln4,,' 1:30 I Wanl a Divorce, Or,ml, WOR. WQXA MOIIUarllky, Th, TDnl,hl's dr,m., slllrrln, JOIn Blondell. WQXR·Musl(: of the M.. Oreh. rllt at 50rotchlnskl IhoWI what h,ppus when , lirl Jilts ment WDY·Wor4i A~OUI Mu Excerpl. ] ;15 her ,loddin9, sludy lIoy Irl,nd to n""', 10:45 WAAT-Oonald IItI4II1t WOlCR-Tr"sllr~." of M~· I rom,"t1, chap with the .aIlKr'u,l. WEVDThtiltr ., loo~s ] :]0 IIC. Verdi, Prtl~~t ta I:SO Campbell Playhouse, Drama, 'La Traw"U" Wolf. WHOM-Po",l.,. Mu", WAAT·SladIO Parly Farrarl, TIl, Jrwtb III * WQXR Hews WABC. WBHX·PerHluaJ H ,I, 1:30 Evervman's The.hr, WEAF. the M.donn, Inler' 11 ;00 H~, muzo. B"""II. I'tas· Arch Oboler 'ftHnU "A Visitor frwm WEVD·Mt:lodl(: Glm' Inl ChOir Iro", "PTlllet WBHX·S"nl,n H"". H.dn," starrln, H.len M'ck, WHDM·POI,s/I ·ArMrlUII Igor". M,ndtluohn...... EVDSympholllc HOII' Prim. 10:00 Wlnl' of Outlny, WEAF. Schena fr ..... "A M04- WHOM-Hute", uP.· 10:00 Believe It or Not Rip'ey, WABC, WHVC·TIIt: Hum,n 5,de SUIIIMer HI,h!'1 tide of Art Dre.",·-. RIC"m.n, "WDY Ht..,,: Rhylll ... lin~, Lu vou'iS!: I A_ Rolfe', or· .WOY-Hewt R,n.du • H..." ehntlll. nell. P'elu', in C ..,s *WQXR-Nt.,: Amlfl. Shltp "',"0<. D.I,btI. WQXRJu,1 M~IIC 11:30 Unlimited Morlzonl. WJZ_ an Conun Mlrch and I'r .. tn,.. loI_bt,., of 51anfol'1l Un[.tn.lty'l [k. ]:45 If laHhus 11:]0 ,artme", of MKh.nlnl RtSt"ch witt .WNVC·Hlws 1:00 WIINXDlllct p""d, WOV,CllnClrl Glml dlSeu" urlhqu.h rtsurch. WBHlC-M t mol' "1 Dt .WHOM 1011.1; (0"'9. 11:30 Salute 10 the Byrd EKpedltlon. 4:00 Lo~O. Lon, Ago McCoy. 'nltr ...... , WEAF, ~100 ...... ,1_ ', ~ ..I *WAAT·He"'$: Mu,lu.! WCAP-JOIn Clrlwrltht. 11:00 SI. Lou"'. M,uourt will "lui. tho IJ'~ ,.rgm. so~I' Anbrc!' bptlllihon, COMICS ••• ..... BHX,Th' YIIIC. 01 WEYD-Irilh "'emoflts WEVDJ.mbore, C_hostovatll FEATURES WEVD·K ,lfI,ry I'k'- I LOG OF STATIONS p(,.. WHDM,To TiM, Tu .... Listed In Edllion 3-New York ~ _ , FoIKlMliJ, WNVC-Collun Or(1l. -- '!if', *WOV-He"" I •to, .. . ~ •• 1_1\_ .. HOME LIFE WQXR-S1mphollr Co " .. AT M' J~T"~Clt', If 1. ~., nrl. MOlIrt, 51mpho· WABC Ne .. or. C'11' ,.. n, In 0; S(hum.~n . W .... D ..~ If... Vo,k C• ..,. SECTION , Y,oUn Concerlo In 0 .. ~.,.... WBlfJ[ UN WC ...... :::'~'P~~I.IIr I, ....., Minar WCNW ,- lI,. V.,.k C'17 ~., 4:15 wl! ..... r )1..- Tork City NBC·. WE1'D .. Nt w Y.,k Cit, , WAAT·f.1It Hlcholson', ,- .... Oreh. WHW 1010 No!J/es Orchestra WHOM UN ::::.J~~7C1V J ~,--., WOV-Or. Brunorl, UI. U .. WI"S ,y lit.. York Clt7 --., 4:]0 It,... Y.,.k Cib "JJC .• WMT·Rt,IIUI Ctu~ "'"' Pal O'Malle)' W"w.e ...... ~ No. Yo,k C!t7 ..... , W"EW .... ".... y.,.. Cit, -, W8NX,l'oIl$h leU, """YO Nt. Yorkel'7 WEAF )I ••uk.)I, --., WEVD·Pph,h Vir"",, W" I. WO< ,,,.'" Ne .. ',,"til Cit, .....,... 'H'S~PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER WHOM·V.,ltty Pr9"" ,~'" )I... YerI!: CI..,. WOV-Dramalk ShUll 7:30 P.'" '-' ... " ... _ bo"1 >_ ., ..... ~ '_"" r ... ~ ...._ _ . W""" 'lid MUlIUl, • I', • 31 WEDNESDAY ..... O.H.NA 1:00 WAAT ':00 WMCA ,,30 WMCA WQXR 7:1$ WHN 3:45 WN'YC 7 :SO WEAP WAAT 3:55 WABC WINS 4:00 WAAT WOV 7:4.5 WABC WOR "n WJt 4:5$ WJZ ':GO WOR WJZ 5:00 WNCA WARC WHYC 5:U WNE-W WEAF WOV S:U WliN ':I!I WINS ':U WAse NIGHT ':30 WHN WMCA 6:00 WJZ WABC ':U WNYC WJZ WOY ':55 WOXR 6:1S WlfCA 9:00 WF!AF WAAT 6:25 WgXR WRAP WARC 6,SO W R WABC ':IS WNEW 6,15 WHN 0;'0 WOR 6:45 WJZ WADe 9:45 WHN 7:00 WbV 10:00 WAAT WMCA 7:15 WEAP WMCA 11;00 WOR WAAT 7:30 WHN WHYC 7 :45 WMCA 11,'0 WNCA 7:55 WNEW 11:55 WNEW ':00 WOV "'0 WOR AFTERNooH 1:45 WHN WMCA ':55 WABC 11:00 WAAT WEVD D;OO WOR WQXR WHN WINS WMCA WABC WQXR 9:1S WOR 12:15 WMCA ':30 WJZ I2:U WJZ 10:00 WOII wall 12:'0 WOR WH. 12:45 WEAP WHEW 10:15 WOR 12:55 WINS 10:30 WMCA 1:00 WAAT WCAP 10:45 WliN WHP.W WNCA WBNX WABC WQXR 1:15 WEVD II :00 WEAP WOR 1:45 WEAF WJZ WJZ WOV SATURDAY l:oO WAAT WNYC 11:30 Wf.!OM WINS 11:55 WOV r.4011'41HG 2:50 WHEW 2"5 WHN WDNX 12:00 WjZ WKCA 1:00 WYCA I:OD WAAT 2:30 WNEW wEAl" WN'EW ':IS WHN J ,so WgXR wIlle" 2'45 WOR WABC ':SO WRAP 4:00 W V WAAT 7:45 WADe WOR 7,SS WjZ 4 :10 WINS ':00 WOR WJZ 5:00 WAAT WNCA WADe WEAP $;15 WHEW TH URSDAY WHYC S:U WHN ':25 WADe 1040llNIMG S:30 WMCA WQXR ':10 WJlN WMCA HIGHT 3:45 WNYC 1:45 WHYC 7 :00 WNCA 3:5$ WADC 6;00 WOV WMCA 1:15 WHN 4 :00 WAAT WOV ':U WJZ WQXR WI' ':00 WRAF WADe "as WAse 1:10 WEAl" WAAT WOR WAAT W£VD WINS 4:55 WJZ 6:2$ WQXR WRAP 7:45 WABC 5,00 WIIICA "IS WHEW WINS WI' 1:55 WJZ 9:S0 WOR G:IO WOR S:\S WHEW 11:45 WllN 5:U WHN ':00 WOR W1Z SoH WAN 10:00 WAAT WMCA 6:45 WADe WABC WNYC 11:00 WOR WAlle WOV WEAP' HIGHT 1:1$ WEAl" ':25 WAse WHYC 7:'0 WHN 1I:1S WCAP ',U WMCA WRAP .:so WHN WlfCA ,,00 WJt wov 11:$$ WHEW ':45 WNYC Wjt 11'1$ WNCA ':00 wav 6:25 WgXR WRAP' 8:10 WOR WAAT I:SO W R WABC AFTUHOOH ':H WHN ::~~ ~~f: 12:00 WAAT WIIN H. V. KALTENBORN is heo!lrd So!It.. Sun .. Tues .. Thurs. oller NBC WABC I:U WHH ':55 WAse 9:15 WNEW 6:45 WJt WADC WEVD WINS 9:15 WAN 9:SO WOR WINS WQXR ':10 WJZ 12:15 wye ... 10:00 wav WOR 9:4$ WHN ':00 WOV I'LlS WjZ 10:10 WMCA A USTERE. scholarly Mr. Kaltenborn speaks in a voice .... hich bears the 10:00 WAAT WMCA 7:15 WEAl" WMCA 12:10 WOR 10:45 WOXR WAN II :00 WAAT WHye 7:)0 WHN U:45 WEAP WHEW WOR ':U WMCA W~EW WADe mark of pdtient cultivation. Patience .... ith him. ho .... ever. has rather II :30 WMCA 1:U WNEW 1:00 wav weAl' 11:00 WEAP WOR 11:55 WN'£W WAAT WOV W]Z narrowly confined limits. Having never permitted a "middle" commer­ ':00 WOR WOV 1:15 WEVD II :SO WHOM ';4$ WHN WalCA AfTERHooH ':55 WABC 1:45 WMCA 11:55 wav 12:00 WHN WAAT 1:55 WNEW 12:00 WI';AF WM:CA cial on any of his broadcash, he precipitotely w"l.ed out of 0 substitute 9:00 WMCA 2:00 WAAT WINS WjZ WHEW WABC WQXR 9:15 WaR WAN WINS 9:10 WJZ 2:15 WHN WABC spot for W"lter Winchell lad summer when he realized that the sponsor U:l$ WNCA 9,45 WI':VD U:2S WJZ 10:00 WOV WOR .... ould interrupt his comments. He mold. short shrift of his CBS com­ 12:30 WOR 10:15 WOR SUNDAY U:45 WEAl" WHEW 10,SO WMCA mentoltor connections when he returned from Europe to find that Elmer I2:U WINS 10;45 WliN WHEW IooIORNIHG 3:15 WEAP 1:00 WAAT WCAf' WAHC wgXR ':00 WEAP WJl. .:00 WAAT Davis had taken over his position as top commentator. But characteristic­ WMCA II :00 WEAF W R WARC WAAT 5:00 WAAT 1:45 WEAF WJt WJt WOV WOR 5:15 WHN 1:00 WHYC WINS 11 :so WHOM ':45 WMCA WNYC any, too, Kaltenborn stuck it out and landed an enviable sponsored spot 2;15 WHH WBNX 11:55WOV D:OD WABC WAAT NIGHT 2,)0 WNEW 12:00 WjZ WKCA WJZ WEAl' 6:00 WJt wov on NBC. Granddaddy of the news analysts. Kaltenborn .... ent on the air 2:45 WOR WEAF WN'£W D:15 WHN 6:25 WOXR 1:00 WAAT WABC 9:55 WKAP 7:00 WABC WJt 10:00 WOR WMCA 7 :30 WOR in 1923 and his broadcasting habits haven't changed much since then. WAAT 7 :45 WMCA WOR 10:'0 WNEW WNEW He stiU carefully writes notes instead of ol script. often goes on the air 11:00 WJZ WABC 1:00 WOV FRIDAY WOR 8:15 WMCA .... ithout any prepared material. He scorns imitation. He is a calculating MO.HING 11 :so WEAP ':45 WBNX U~ ~r:~~ WQXR 11:45 WJZ 8:55 WABC observer who seldom has time for mirth. Although most observers agree 7:00 WMCA 9:00 WJZ WOII ?:IS WHH 3:55 WABC AFTUNOOi'l WOR 1:30 WEAP WAAT 4:00 WAAT WOV 12:00 WNEW WAAT 10:00 WOR that Kaltenborn's outstanding .... ork was his interpretation of the Czecho­ WINS 4:15 WOR WEVD WINS 10:45 WHN WQXR ? :45 WABC 4:55 WJZ 12:15 WMCA 11 :00 WEAl> WOR slovakian crisis in 1938. he still hold~ his own .... ith the best. He is sixty­ 7:55 WjZ 5:00 WMCA 12:45 WOR WCAP WJZ WABC ':00 WOR WJZ 5:15 WNEW 1:00 WOV WAAT WMCA WOV two years old, is married to a baroness, hds two married children. WADC WNYC HIGHT l:lO WHN II:SOWOV WOV WEAP' 6:00 WJZ WADC 2:00 WAAT 1l:00 WMCA WJZ 8:H WABC WOY 2:30 WAHC WEAl' 1:30 WHN WMCA 6:15 WMCA 3:00 WAAT 12 :so WOR ':45 WNYC WJt 6:Z5 WgXR WEAP' ';S5 WQXR 6:10 W R WABC 6:35 WIIN WQXR AFTUNOOM 6:15 WMCA 9:00 W~Al" WABC 6:35 WHN MONDAY 6:45 WJ2 WABC P:30 WJZ 12:00 WHN WAHC 6:25 WgXR WEAP 9:15 WNEW 6:45 WJt WABC WINS 9:45 WMCA WINS 6:30 W R WABC g:so WOR WINS IooIORMING 12:25 WJZ 7:15 WEAP WMCA 10:00 WOR WHN U:15 WMCA 6:35 WHN 0:45 WHH 7 :00 WOV 1:00 WMCA 12:30 WOR 7:30 WHN 10:45 WHN WABC 12:25 WJZ 6:45 WJt WASC 10:00 WAAT WNCA 7:15 WEAF WMCA ',IS WHN 12,45 WEAP WNEW 7:45 WMCA WOR WNEW 12:30 wbR WINS II :00 WOR WNYC 7 :30 WHN ':30 WKAp WEVD 11:55 WINS 7:55 WNEW II ,00 WEAl" WJt 12:4S WEAF WHEW 1:15 WEAP WMCA 11:30 WMCA 7:45 WMCA WINS 1:00 WAAT WMCA S :30 WOR WOR 12:55 WINS 7 '30 WHN 11:55 WNEW 8:15 WCAP ':4$ WABC 1:45 WEAF WI' 8:45 WHN WMCA 12:00 WjZ WEAF 1:00 WAAT WMCA 7:45 WMCA B:4S WHN WOY 7,55 WJZ 2:00 WNYC W NS 1:55 WABC WABC WMCA 1:45 WEAF WJZ 7:55 WHEW AnERHoOH WMCA .,00 WOR WJt WAAT 9:00 WOR WMCA WNEW 2:00 WAAT wElyC 8:00 WOR WOV 12:00 WHN WINS 8:55 WABC WAHC WEAF 2:15 WHN WBNX WINS ':45 WHN WABC WAAT 0:00 WOR WOV 1:25 WABC 2:45 WOR 2:15 WHN WBNX 8:55 WASC WEVD WQXR WMCA .:30 WIlN WMCA S:30 WMCA WQXR 2:30 WNEW 9,00 WOV WMCA 12 IS WMCA 0:30 WJZ 1,45 WNYC WJZ 3:45 WNYC TUESDAY 2:45 WOR WOR 12 25 WJZ 10:00 WOV WOR 9,00 WI':Ap WABC 3:55 WABC 3:30 WMCA WQXR 9,1$ WOR WfiN U 30 WOR WHN 9:15 WNEW 4 :00 WAAT WOR 1040.HIHG 8 30 WIIN WMCA 3:4.5 WHYC 9:30 WJZ 12 H WEAl" WNE:W 10,15 WOR 9:30 WOR 4:55 WJt 1 :00 WMCA .45 WNYC WJZ 3;U WAHC 9,45 WEVD 12 55 WINS 10:30 WMCA 9:45 WHN 5:00 WMCA 7 :IS WIIN .55 WOXR 4;00 WOV WOR 10:00 WOII WOR 1 eo WMCA 10:45 WHN WNEW 10:00 WAAT WMCA 5:15 WNEW 1:30 WEAF WAAT 9 00 W~AF WADC 4:H WJZ 10:30 WMCA 1 15 WEVD WABC wgXR 11,00 WOR soU WHN WINS 9 1$ WNEW 5:00 WMCA 10:45 WADe WQXR I 45 WEAF WJZ tl :00 WEAF W R II:SO WMCA 7:45 WABC 910 WOR 5:15 WNP.W WNEW zoo WAAT WNYC WJZ WOV 11:55 WNEW HIGHT 1:55 WJZ 945 WHN S :45 WHN 11:00 WEAP WOR WINS 11:30 WHOM AFTERNOOH 6:00 WJt WABC 1:00 WbR WjZ 1000 WAAT WMCA WtZ WOV 2 15 WHN WDNX 11:5$ WOV 12:00 WABC WHH 6:15 WMCA WADC WHYC II 00 WOR WNYC MIGHT 12:00 W t WMCA 2 30 WNEW 12:00 WJZ WMCA WINS 6:15 WgXR WEAF WEAl" WOV 1130 WMCA 0:00 WJt wov W Al" WASC 245 WOR WEAli' WNKW 12:1.5 WMCA 6:l0 W R WABC ';25 WADC 11 55 WHEW 6,o5 WASC WNEW 1 00 WAAT WASC 32 irst Families of Radio

H UMAN, tnsplrin, .lory of an elder live to men. She was their big sister. of girlhood and only her stlter's go6d sister who tri" passionately to The lives of all three Evans children sense and ,ood humor saved her from berome both mother and father to her have been deeply atre<:ted since by a many embarrasain, predicaments. Ned orphan!"d cisler and brother, "SiI; young doctor, John Wayne (Martin continued to be dependent upon h:!r in Sister" has been a favorite Monday. Gabel), who was called in to care for many way.. Comes the day when Sue throu,h Friday. over CBS Since 1$138 Ned, and whose skill and care resulted marries newspaperman Jerry Miller Ruth Evallll Wayne (Alice Frost) laCH in the boy's release into a life of nor­ (Ned Wever) and Rtlles down in her hfe realistically. When listeners orst mal actIVity. In the meantime, a r0- own home. At last Ruth is fret! to made her acquaintance four yean .,0, mance developed between Ruth and consider her own perKInal happiness she was Ruth Evans, a charmln, Jolin Wayne, a romance which Ruth and aile marries Or, Wayne, ~ • young etfl whose brother Ned (Junior decided wouJd have to wait until her youn& matron, Ruth Evans Wayne's O'Day)' was, unfortunately. a cripple, lamily no longer needed her care. altruism tI dut'C:ted to strangers and and whose sister Sue (Pcc&y Conk­ Gay, impulsive Sue was passing (nends, but it her brother and sister lin) was just beginning to be attrac- through the highly sentimental stage need her, she i4 sliD their "B/.a: Sister," 33 Goor,e and I have never concealed our occupation from the children, never kept from them the fact that we are a comedy team. We do not lpell out words connected with radio or whiSper about our prov-am be­ hind the bac.ks of our hands, workin, our eyebrows like . The children watch us rehearse, luten to - our program, see our pictures. We've been honest about the whole Bet-up. Fortunately It hu never occurred - to the children that we we~ in the least funny. It R('fIlS to be their opm­ ioo that broadcutmc: over the radlo iJ a stock phase ot adult life, lOme­ thin, that eVt'rybod,y h.. to 10 throu,h, like adolescence. It would be as odd not to have one's parents on the radio each week as It would Dot to have a hand-lotion, cereal, or ,elatlne-deuert sponsor in the family. Sandra came home (rom visiting a lI10e friend of hen the other day. "Mother," she conftded in a shocked voice, "BettY'1 parents aren't on the radio." I found myself trying to ex­ plain this distressi", phenomena. "Lots of people aren't on the radio," I said airily. But I"m afraid that it dLdn't sound convlncln, enou,h. I milht jwt as well have tried to tell her that Ihe'll outarow breathin, or eatin,. Though the day has not arrived when the children consider us in a class with the funny papers, stU! I can see the insidious Geor,c Burns­ Gracie Allen inftuence at work undcr­ minin&: our home. Most children, I understand, kJlI their parents good­ night, then march uPStairl like little men. Oun kiss us all right, but aftet"­ wards each has to run up the stair landing, make a tunny remark, then exit up to bed on the lauch.

R ONNrE loves books. In tact, from the way he cuts them to pieces I feel "I NEVER. EXPECTED to double in bross for" modonne," that therc II lOme hope that he might says Gracie Allen, seen of the Beverly Hills Brown Der­ grow up to be a ee~ r . Then again, by with Sandre. one of her adopted children (Ronnie is I'm doubtful. He can take the finish line right out of your open mouth. not shown). All Gr"ci. osh is to be " good mother, but Something that Georle has never she's beginning to wonder. half humorousl y. n&Jf wist· managed to do in all our professional fu lly. how long her own children will ta~o her Wtrioudy lile together. 1 realize thiS is smart of Ronnie, but at the same time I should like to report him to Equity. Even his conversation is beg"inning to smack of radio repartee. He has joined us at dinner only twice. Once at Thanksgiving and once at Christ­ mas. At Thanksgiving he said, "Oh, what a lovely turkey. May I pet it?" At Christmas he &aid in a bored VERY time I think about bein, a Sandra and Ronnie are the nicest­ voice, "What, turkey again?" mother it _somehow never faLb to children on the strip. They don't stay I can see that My Day is not rar Eleave me just a little wistful. out lale nights, chew bubble gwn, 01T. Only the other night I went to You see, as a mother I never know open other people's mail, play chinker kiss Sandra good night before I left from year to year wheth~ my option check, or show Fascist leanings. They for a party. "How do I look?" I asked. will be taken up. Though it may not know how to acknowledge an intro­ "Oh, you look wonderful," she said be apparent superficially, in some duction, work a radio dial, say Uleir dreamily. "Just like a clown." I know ways I am like the President. I don't prayers, play London Bridge, and that the time will come when I call know what my chances are for reelec­ swim. They don't stick their heads the children in to dinner only to have t ion, too tar out of street-car windows. them shout back, "Quiet, Gracie, When we adopted Sandr a and Ron­ They don't even put their elbows on Quiet." Some day, too, I shall have to nie, I never expected to double in the table. explain my peculiar family tree and brass lor a madonna. I just wanted to account for all ot those slrange rela­ be a plain mother, the kind that wears BUT now that the children are getting tives I keep mentioning as part of the all-over aprol).S, can operate a rocklng­ on in years, now that Sandra is radio comedy routine. chair, and keep up a conversation five and a halt and Ronn ie is four, I As I see it, there Is just one thing with safety-pins in her mouth. I wonder how long it will be before tor George and me to do to preserve learned the routine without a hitch. bittB reality shatters this Utopian our happy home. We will have to As long as the children were little, idyll of ours. How long before my change our act. I will have to become everything went flne. I could pat a career as a mother, built up with in­ noble. In fact, I am already practising baby on the back for gas like an old­ finite care over the years, begins to to be Dorothy Thompson. Unless, of guard Rotarian. My lullabies were the totter? How long before my children course, 1 get railroaded into the White best this side of Cahuenga Pass--never find out that their idol has teet of House. Already Ronnie and Sandra a talse note, and my timing was per­ clay and sawdust stumng and a lal­ keep saying to me, "Mama, if you be­ fecl When the babies screamed, I setto giggle? t n short, that she is have yourself and keep eating all of early learned that I didn't need to caU Gracie Allen, a comic valentine w hom our spinach, you may grow up to be the police. nobody takes seriously. When lliey do President." Today George and I couJd qualify tlnd out-and the day is as inevitable as first-rate nurses in any home. In as death and taxes---I expect m1 au­ G racie AU e n may be heard MondaYI fact, even as a mother I feel that I thority as a mother to collapse like on Bur nl a nd Allen over an NBC net· am entitled to my union card. Bar­ an old bridge-table and my own chil­ w ork at: ring interplanetary space, children dren to turn againt me. I even ex­ EST 7:30 p. m. CST 9:30 p.m . and beings out ot Buck Rogen, my pect to be black -balled at the P.-T. A. MST 8:30 p.m. PST 7:30 p.m. Don't miss• this story of the • supreme emotional thrill In all of broadcasting history

By Don Moore

/I H ERE is yOut' IOn •.•" The world remade In four little words. "Here he comes, Mn. Sticken-the son that you have never seen since he was a baby fol1y years .iO. May I wish you hearUelt happiness. Here it 1I0ur .on ..... The words. climbing to a dramatic peak, tumbled over the edge Into an abyss 01 breathless silence. What fol­ lowed Is true radio history, on~ of the rarest episode. in the broadcastina saga. h was • Kene which will ~ long remembered by those listeners who Most dramatic Dicture ever to~en in a broodcodinQ studio is this of mother lind son on Robert L Ripley's show heard the second program, Friday. September 20, in Ute current series of had that Arne dream -the dream that And believe it or not, another man, the real parenl!l he had never seen to Robett L. Ripley's "Believe It or Not" your mother came to me. She told me liStening to that broadcast, was in· remember Had they died? When? over CBS. Memorable it was becau.e she was alive." spired to be(in a chain of unusual Were they still alive? Where? it etched as few programs have ever '"But you know Mother has been incidents, similar to those in the Elihu How could he find out? The Ripley done a supreme emotional experience. dead for twenty-nine yean," Elihu Mace ca.te, culminatmg in the rare program had set these thoughts tor· An experience so transcendent that protested. broadca.t of September 20, 1940. menUn( him again, but offered DO radio'. lupertechnical mechanism "You don't have proof," countered clew to solution. Months pasaed. Then broke down at the crucial momellt.-­ Mrs. Mace. "You only know that your INBISMARCK, North Dakota, C. H. Laemmle received amon, other Christ­ and by Its very failure succeeded In rather told you .he was dead. I tell Laemmle, a for\y.year--old husband mas cards one from Gardena, Cali­ recording a priceless picture. you, Elihu, your mother is alive." and lather, turned off his radio, sat fornia. It was covered with changes To tully appreciate the potenc)' of At his wile'. insiStence Elihu began back In his chair and It.arted thinkin,. of addrHS and "please forward" nola­ the incident, even for those who heard an inYf'Sligation that lasted for months. They wue the same thoughts that had tions. It had four X's at the bottom it, it is necessary to go back of the Finally, on Chri..slmas Eve, he received haunted hun thousands of times be· -and his mother's .ignalure. She scenes of the broadcast, and even news that his wife'. dream was reality. fore-but this time with a vague force asked him, it he lOt the card, to con· further back to a preceding "Believe His mother WaJ living in New York whirlin( them around in his head. tact her. She had tried thl..s method It or Not" presentation. On his pro· state. His own case was strikingly like each year, addressing the card. to the gram or May 12, 1939, Ripley dra· In cel,...bration of 1939 Mother's Day, tJi.al he had just heard. His mother town where she had lelt him on the matiz.ed a true story that had hap· Ripley brou,ht the son and mother to· and father had separated, and hi. remote chance that it would reach her pened several years before: ,ether for the ftfllt time In twenty­ mother had been forced to '0 to Cali­ son. Thla Christmas ber card had Elihu Mace and his wife were at nine years. A.s the two joyfuUy swore fornia to work for a living. Under the found him. breakfast one morning in their home that nothing could separate them a,ain, unfortunate circumstances, the .ix­ There followed a frantically en· at Tacoma, Washington. Elihu noted Ripley said: "I hope every mother month-old baby was ,iven to a youn, thusiastic exchange of lelten; and his wife's unusual preoceupatlon and will share your joy. I'm .ure lhat the childleu couple for adoption. They photographs. There was no mistake. aaked the reason. touching story of your reunion will reared him well and gave him an edu· Mother and son had located one an· "Elihu," his wife said impulsively, make Mother'. Dayan unforcettable cation. But alway. in his mind was other. But there remained obstacles "for the fourth night in succession I day, believe it or not." the preaure of his wondering about (Continued. on PGQe fZ) 35 IN HASTE-HEDDA PICTURES ALONG THE AIRIALTOS Flashes into the busy day of a Hollywood gossip gal

AT WORK by 9 a.m., Hedda Hopper dictates to secretary, in­ sists she Co!In't type, much less spell

" THE GREAT BARRYMORE PROFilE suffers grove disfigurement here as Rudy • Vallee gives forth in his best crooning style. Of course, it's just part of the fun which has rn.!lde this peir of ledy-killers the comedy rave of the moment. As guest star and as " near sttlr bOllrder on Rudy's Thursday night Sealtest show on NBC, the irrepressible John clowns and hams to his hetlrt's content

HEDDA GETS A BANG out of the items she puts in her news­ paper column and tells on the air

BANDMAN BOB CROSBY, as guest of honor at a cocktail Ptlrty given by 20th Century-Fox movie starlet (right), selects hors-d'oeuvres with his lovely young hostess. tlnd Lynn Bari, also of 20th Century-FoK. Playing at San Froncisco's ftlmed Mark Hopkins. Bob broadcasts over NBC Thursdays. is currently making a picture-his first-with Miss Rogers for RKO studios

"GOOD AFTERNOON to some of you, good evening to more of you" - Mon., Wed., Fri., CBS

BOON TO RADIO PRODUCERS. thinks producer William N. Robson. is his new four-button COtlt, admired above by principals of "Hollywood Playhouse" (NBC, Wed.). which Robson produces (I. to r.): Gale Pag~. Robson. Jim AT HOME, with mother, Mrs. Ameche, TrumM Bradley. Object of coat: To keep Robson tie from falling out Furray, son B;U end dachshund Wolfie, Hedda dicta phones gossip UST as Virginia Is fe· BAND OF THE WEEK is garded as the "Mother Johnr'ly Long's crew, neerd J of Presie]cnts," so may on NBC, Johr'lny is o!I Duke North Carolina be said to be Universiiy product (lnd the mother of bOlldleaderll, ON m(lny of his men starred for the "Tar Heel" slate has with ,him, line·up is below produced such noted arches- tl"3 pilots as Jan Garber, Hal Kemp, Kay Kyser, John Scolt the guy who composed "Lillie Girl." Trotter, Skinnay Ennis, etc. Latest The song starts "Liltle git'I, you're North Carolinian \0 make his mark Another load of romance rumors, record the one girl for me" " Horace Heidt in the baton-waving fleld is Johnny Is remodeling the former King Char­ Long. a graduate of Duke University. reviews, news of your favorite maestros ney nmch In the San Fernando Vai­ While there, Johnny gathered to­ le), that he recenUy purchased. He's gether a hand-crew, most of whom building a guest cotl~ge and hos made arc still with him today. It was the a g)'lIlnasium oul of ~he slables. first orchestra 10 start as a group of tra is "Songs by Long," The theme now that he has signed to make a Vocalistlngs freshmen at Duke, and was soon to song is "Just Like That," an original second movie. His first picture, "Let's Janet Bhalr, songstres~ of the Hal become the favorite of not only the opus written by Long and a couple Make Music," has not been released Kemp musical crew, is preny enough campus but of near-by dance-spoc, of the boys in the band, For their as yet, but when you see it you're for pictures, which may be the reason So successful were they that the Long signature the band chose "Street of going to hear "Big Noise From Win­ why a movie talent-seout was around band dedded to continue playing Dreams." Currently they are record­ netka," olle of thc best tunes the band to watch her work rccently , , , Marion after their graduation In 1935. Like all ing for Decca, with "Sbanty in Old has ever done , .. By the way, we Holmes, \'ocalist with Art Kas.scl, now unknown bands, however, they went Shanty Town" their latest. For its happcnC'd to be tuned in to a Tommy through the usual pre-suc<:css tribu­ sweet music rendered in the "Long Dorsey airing from the Palladium in at the Bismarck Hot<:'1 in Chicago, looks plcnty like Hl'dy LamalT and lations-long, exhausting road tours manner," Movu:-RADIO GUIDE nomi­ Hollywood the other Saturday after­ that's no kidding, The gal says she through the South and Middle West, nates the Johnny Long orchestra as noon aud heard the band playing hears thal alt'Ol/!lt e\'cry night from which involved jumping froll"l one the BAND OF "Quiet Please," the dancers Dick Todd missed a one-night stond to another, But the THE WEEK! Next featuring Buddy recording elate in New York because Long bond persevered uno munoged week: Garwood 'Rich at the drums, he couldn't get (t 1'101\(' out uj' Chicago to slowly but surely incJ'(~ .. se Ihcil' Van's Orchestra, By With all due re­ the day t]IC Windy Cit.y Jived up to r eputation as an up-und-eoming or­ spect to Genc its name a'nd rcputot!on. ganization. Tops in their coreeI' was Bandata Krupa, whose reached recently when they concluded Bobby Byrne MARTIN LEWIS work we admire, Rl!cordml!IIded a 6uceessful three-month engagement and his band have our hat went alI Hal Kemp's "The ]o,'100n .Fell in the at the RO.Iieland Ballroom in New been hired for a to Buddy for his Rivet''' from the mltslcal production York, The orchestra, which, with the new radio series to make Its debut in expert and best bit of hide-beating " It Happens on Ice" (Victor 27203): exception of the feminine vGCulist, Is a few weeks, During the program the otlr cal's c\'er heard, If T, D, has not Dick Jurgens' "M~' Mothel' Would composed entirely of bachelors (a orchestra wiIJ play a few new songs made a recurding of this number he Love You" from "Panama Hattie" (Okeh 5871), Bing Crosby's "You Are standing rule), lines up above as fol­ nnd the listeners will be asked to sub­ should do so immediately " Inci~ lows : Standing in foreground: Johnny mil a title. The winning tille will dentally. Krupa is heading west Ot\ a the One" (Dcccu 34.';0): Raymond S<'ott's thcme song, "PI'Cit), Little Long and vocalist Helen Young, t'ront t'eward its originator with a $250 cash lotlr of thealcrs and dance-spots, and Petticoat" (Columbia 35803): Bob row, Idt to right: Oggie Davies, gui­ prize and a percentage of the royalties mny wind up in Hollywood to make Crosby's "Drummer Boy" from the tarist; Zeke Walker, Kirby Campbell, from the song, . , Jimmie Lunceford a plctUl'C foJ' Paramount. film "Strike Up the Bandu_also Cy Woistman and Paul Harmon, sold his New Era Music Publishing "Ain't Goin' Nowhere," featuring Jess saxes. Standing, extreme left: Greg­ Company catalog to BAli, thereby ,.",.1., ".nonal Stacey at the piano (De-cca 2451): or)' Pearce. pianist. Back row, left to assuring himself of the right to broad­ Paula Kell)'. former singer with Al Ginny Simms' "Oearest Darest I" [rom right: Ray Couch, bassist; Hughie cast the music he plays best. Lunce­ Donahue', band, ga\'e birth to a the movie "You'll Find Out," in Kelleher, drummer; Waller Benson ford was recenUy taken of!' the air daughter, The father is Harold Oick­ which Ginny and Kay Kyser are fea­ tured (Okeh 5877); Wayne King's and Ed Bulner, trombonists: Swede because of his refusal to play BMI Inson, one of Paul Whiteman's e,,­ "He's My Uncle" (Victor 27201): Nielson and Jack Edmondson, cor­ tunes during his bl'Oildcasts. claiming King's Men ,. The only member o{ Woody Herman's "There I Go" (Decca netists. they were not his type. , . Bob Crosby Guy LombaJ'do's orchestra who is still 34.54), and Lanny Ross' singing of Musical tagline of the Long orclles- will remain on the Coast indefinitely a buchelor is guitarist Francis Henry, "Crosstown" (Victor 27202), N H/. 37 ALONG THE

Radio ready to defend America; Bing Crosby and Ginny Simms to

"Hit Parade," rumor persists -Mo...... EVEl YN lYNNE is sWHt-qin s·nq· ESTHER RALSTON. silent.screen er of the N8C ~hcws Srelll fllvor"te. portrays Mllde yn in­ fllst Club lind Club Matinee 'We, the Abbotts" ICSS serial)

So in Wa,hlnston the work ,oes and then, when the line was flnally on. The Defenlle CommunlcatlolU straightened out, the riGht number Board with Jam(>S L. Fly, chairman was busy-probably friends, who of the Federal Communications Com­ heard the name mentioned on the mission. at the head !J at work, Lalit wrong number call. phoninl the win­ week this new board look its fll'Sl ner to congratulate her .• CBS hall definite action, h appointed a coordi­ a plan for giving its forcign cur­ nating committce to aulst the Dcfen!iC respondents and their families a r(>S­ Board In plannin, and coordlnatln, plte from the hell that Is Europe By work. It appointed a law committee About two weekI! after Eric Sevareld By to furnish legal advice. to draft final arrh'ed in New York. Edwin Hart­ repurts and r«

more lhan sevcn years; Kathleen Filt or 'One ~ l an's Family,' Charlie Mc­ muster ror the 0('1:11511111 They pinch-hit for her . Carthy and Baby Snooks, Burn5 and laughed him dllwn ~aU"le, he later Allen, and Rudy Vallee were amolll leamed, the ..ml .... all ijn outmoded ".r.'y ".r$ .. ".. 1 the radio celebrities who participated old-timer. Strike one' Pat I!I"tilJ liked Freeman Gvsdcn. Alldy's pKrtncr ~."ember 22 in the Santa Claus Lane the IOnl. But thf' first tlmt' he did It Amos, was sued for divorce NO\'f'mbc-r opt'ninl-mght parade down Holly· on a broadc1lJlt III America the mlk~ 14 by his wife of thirteen yean, ",hI} wocld Boule\"ard III tok~n of the be­ went dead lind 1I1l!} ihe .tutlio Hudj. charged cruelty. the lime consumed ainninx of the holiday seallOn. 11 .... as enee heard It. Strike two' RC<.'ently by his radIO work was clh.od as (Joe lhe bille&t para(le of broadca!fl slars Pat made !lnl' ITU)rl' try. tchedulml o( the reaMlIU the couple found a ever aucmbled. Andy Devine and Dun By the piece for Alec Tf'lnpleton Time." normal home life imsx-1ble New Wlblln, dres.~ed as cowboY.!i, appeared Just as he belwn tl, rehearse it the York ni,hl-dub songlilr('lls Nan Wynn U.!itride their horse'S. Jack Benny, drummer', chmr bruke dQ ..... n and and tunclImith Jimmy Van H cu ~ell ~'h;lufrcured by Ro<-'hester, rode In his drummer ann (Irull)s rrashL'C.i amid an will annOunce their engagement soon IIndent Maxw('11 McCarthy wore his DON MOORE UI)roaf that ul)!!et tnC' 1)n>ceClllnp. . Ff) rmer radio m~nuracturc r A. new Air Corl):'! uniform lIun­ Strike thr('('! lind tti(' sonl II out or Atwater Kent. Sr., and actres~ Laurll dreds nr thousands of H oU)'wood Pat's repertnlr(', lI ope Crews are romancing Don natives gawked , .. And this reminds Military 11('111 1\1;1j PaschAl N, ("Nu pictures, pleaseT") Wilson, the ynu there a rc but twenty-one shop· Stron~, prrSl'nt lIuthnr of "Jack Arm­ avoIrdupois champ o f t he mjkeman ping dllY! remaining until Christmas! ALEC TEMPLETO~, in strong," kllIIW!! flrMI hand the current profession who OOlC!S out lh05e Juicy Washington, O. C., for a locale or tlU' ~kctch, the Philippine!!, Gr•• , G.rsOil Hit /R f,. ml.,. adjeclives to ~ell that dC!l,'c rl and conc.rt. decid.d to return from hi!! afmy tnnell, 11 /;' cruiM'd colT('(', WII5 wed November 19 to ScrC('n ac tr C'S.~ Greer Garson broad· ilfl)und the [!!Iaun" nnc(' In It twellty­ Peggy Ann Kent. dau,hter (lr the co:;t ten years ago In London. England. to Chicago with his wlfe by six-root ~[onp !,;ddie and Fannie preMidenl or 20th Century-Fux Studio,.. And, unlil !!he was cast oPpolnte plane. His color.d chauf­ Cavanaugh, l)h'l1e('r radio tClim with Charle-s Boyer in -History Is Made at f.ur, Elb.rt Birge. was their chatter ;lbnut r>ullCi lind mn,,'ie OIlC'" G.t 'od I. til. Groo ... :-'ieht" nn the November II) "Screen dri't'ing AI.c's car back to pe~na1itlell. ha\e made another Guild Theater." she had not done wmeback. Tht'\ 'rr con a fuJI Mutual 011 a ret:('nt Monday evening, Artie Chicago whu h. was killed Shaw and Gertrude l'o"iesen w{'n~' leav­ another. To prepare herselr for her Il('twork Tuesday Wednesday and ing the nev. Palladium Ballroom American radio debut. !\tiss Ga .....n in a highwoy collision near ThuMay .lftrrl\o/lNl • Virginia where Tommy Ool'$ey 18 pla}'jng took ~J>t"l"lal It'S$On. to coach her in La Port., Ind.. Hov. 14. -Helt'n Tr('ltl"' ('lark was ~t for a when they mel ex-:\II"!!, Sha.... Lana radin t<'Chnique. That they helped was COIn.1da varallon She and her hus. T\lrl1er~nlerlng the j;pot un tht.' arm obvious to all listeners She wu a band wcre pac'kl'd .1n<:l ready to go (lr Tony Marhn, Said Artie to Lana, smash 'U«'CSI. Radio ofTen have wh('n thf.\' remenlb<'rro they had fllr­ III'y8 Harv· (Harv bein, InU!!le "".. ded her mail. Incidentally, hUlle N THE "torm that cut a wide !;wath gutten their birth c('rtilleates, 1lC('(.... ,lana for 'smart IUY"), And lHid oouqueL~ or American Beauty ro.~CII Ior death and destruction acro!i!i the ,ary tn 1("\ iwn..., the border, Arran. l.ana to ArtIe, "50--you'\"e been are presented to all leading ladl('l! t't/untry Oil Armistice Day the vicious tjc .!'('r _ Edg .. r Bergen wa. squce:ted Into a broac1ca~l_ Reason; Sh("s all('rglc to mitter tower; but WI ND was able tu tificat('l. "demand" p('1{urmanee with Charlie ruses, lind ,he allllost snee:tcd herselr remain 011 Ihe ail" In spite of the wind McCarthy at Warner Bros, e"mmls­ into con\'ulslons when the /lowen In Ihe nir, Crou roGldl Alb_m ury lost w('ck ""hen he lunched with wefe handed to her by Boyer! Narfnw('~t escape amollg radio pea. III1PP)' Jack Turner Is one of the Bette Davis, with whom he hlld been piC' here was announcer Bob Bfown's, radio Institution!! that have survIVed lie harl JUllt walked out of his apart­ pullin, fur RL-d Cross broadcast pub­ Fllchr CUds the dl'luJ(e uf qui~ ~hows serials, and licity pictures, Selting his M("ClI.rthy Squeaky-vniced Minerva Piou!", vet· nlC'nt bedruom when a hemlock limb coml'(h ('UIOIllIl. And th(' forty-I\\o· hurt1l'd throu,h the window and f;ullcase In a corner, Berlcn tried to eran comedienne of the Fred Allen )-'('8r-old ~In,c:-r-planist is !IotHl a pop­ lIcrolf the mom. In the Merchandise duek the IihouL"! abo... t him of "We pru(trams, ha~ taken a leaH!: of ab~ ulnr air fl("Tl'IlIIalil)o' on his early­ want Charlie Finally he la,,'e in :;ence to jolO Bing Crosby and Bob tart Ct)fTC(' 'hop a number of air art­ mornlnl( NDe pre.gram Monday i~ts amcon, others had to take to and put Oil lin ('xceedinaly funny ad­ HOlle in Paramount's "Road to Zallli~ throuJlh fo'rida~ and on a local WLS lib shnw, But the movie actors, dl­ bar" Rud>' Vailee is being tested helter under the tables when a huge mow, where he drink, cofTee while rectOl1J and writer. wouldn't let him b!<, Towne and Baker at RKO for a windllw Wi!" ~hatl('red. That's once on the air fol' tht" dvublC' purpose Or stop, Aftl'r countless encorK, Charlie part in "How to !\Ieet a Man". The tht,\ all had air Jitters. pepping hlms('jf up and ad,,'ertisin, was heArd to ask. "Js that the belt Andrew:'! Sisters will join wilh Abbott hill llpon.ur', pruduct. Jack ha." bc.-en material )onu have?" "Yes," Berlen and Costello to make ·'Buck Privates" O'MoU.r $'rl"'l Od married eh:htcen )'ears and in radio repllNl -Well/' said McCarthy, ,, ' at Universal. Pat O'Malley is through s ingin, just about that lvnl. His home town don't like It. Put ml:! back In my lult­ hEliwbeth. Don't Cry," an old H un· II La C roll1lC, Wi!!.. where he fint CtlS("" Bl:!rgell did. rotli... Ilirian -anl_ Sevcral years ago Pat learned to pilly the piano by simply Elaine Barrie (estranged MI"!!. John wa, tuurlll, Europe with Jack Hyl­ watching lhe keyboard or a player· C.I.b. Assist 5 • .,. CIGI •• Barrymore) is newcomer Viola Shane ton', orchestra, Al Buda pest, capital plano for huur, at a time. He hal Jllck Benny and h is lang. Bob In the Sunday NBC :serial "Dear or Hunlary, he made th~ magnific('nt never had a music: lesson, but has Hope'" crew, Fibber McGee and John," but the title does not mean _esture of ,inXing "Eliubeth, Don't written 8 number of popular tunes, Molly, Irene Rich, Bob Bums, th~ calit J ohn Barrymorel Cry" In the b6t H ungarian he could indudln, the curfent "Dusty TTaU," ... I •• 39 EYropeall Hews I. English Dally Mon/II, EST CIT< STATION DIAL 6:3011./11. I.dit! 15.20 On Short Waves ':IXII.m. L,,'" ". 11Jl ,:)CI;..,II. 1"lill '"'JO 15.20 1:1Ch.m. Rom. 2ROI n.., 9:301.1'" Am'WrUIII Pc) 15.22 Edited by Charles A. Morrison PC' IU16S 10 15J./ft. Romt 2110' n ... f), " ox .. A ,cp 11:00 J.m. London 21$5 P rogr.m. from 'oreign coun trlu 1.,I,n 15.20 IUOUQ. 'JO .ubJecl to ehange without noUee 0.11)' Aft.r ••• o '" 12JOp.lII. AI~lIlne. 1~llnd [IRt n .. 12:30 p."'. I.tlin 15.20 1:00 ,.111. londOft ". 15.14 VOICES OF THE GERMAN SHORT·WAVE STATION lJO' ..... l.rtLII 15.20 I '"'"~ 1~ ~ :SO,...... _. £RLJ~ now bru. dc",1 to North country a native of Iowa and a ):)0 ,.m. 8trlln .U, 1:30 p.m. ""'" ISlO Arnerica according to the fol· Ph. D, of the University of Berlln. "-, 2R04 11.81 B lowing schedule (lime il East­ ill the .on of a German immigrant l:U,.",. londo~ ""'SO 11.75 ern Standard) and M"rvcd 85 a lieutenant io the 4;)0 p.lll. ltd", 10.SH 5:30,./1"1. Itrlin OXM'" In 6'00 to 9'00 a.m. oJS IS.W United Stalt!S Coastal Artillery oz, 10.50 II :30 to II :45 lI.m. oJB 15.20 during the ls!!t war He can be 5:3Op./II. ROnle 2R04 11.81 12:30 to 12:45 p.m. OJ. 1~.20 heard un Mondays and SaturdaYIi. ' '45,./11. l ondon 'SO IUS I '30 to I :45 p.m. OJ" 15.20 at 8 01.'1 p.m. EST, over DJD (1177), Ollily f ..n lll, 3:30 to '1'00 p.m. oJZ 11.80 DZO (10,541 or Y (9.52), 6:00,.111. Be,lin 11.71 4:30 to 4''15 p.Ol. DZo 10.54 E. D. W AltO is lhe radio name of 10.54 ,.,,, '" 9.52 5:30 to 5 45 p.m. OZO 10.54 Edward Leopold Delaney. I rl~h­ 6:15,.111. flnllnd •DIE'" 15.19 Am('rican a('tt)r and author of 1:00 p.m. Budlpnl HAT4 9,llS 4:50 to 11:00 p.m. DJD 11.77 eheap fiction, AttOrding to mtor­ London 11.15 1:00 ,."'. '"m 95. 4.50 to 11:00 p.m. V 9,52 mation obtained by CBS. Ward was UIO ,.m. 15.11 6'15 to 11:00 p.Ol. DZD 10.54 in the United States Ihortly after .~- """ 9,52 9'15 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. DJC 6,02 the outbreak of the war. His talk.. IIX 1:00 , ..... StockholM 58T IS.lS5 Standard Englbh neWI periods are br(l8dcB!5t on Mondays. Wednes­ " 11.11 " ':IS,.m. Bulin OZ, ,,5< are broadcast DI follows (time Is day. and Fridoys at 9'20 p.m. EST. Sunday, December 1 '" ~ ~ ..... ,~-- "rit Ea!item Standard I over DJD {l1.771. OZD 00.5011...... ' ." -c '·111· Loo- •m • sa 6:30. 8'30. 11:30 a.m .. 12 30 and Y (9.~2) and DJC (602). He alllO 12"'5".,. ':45 Tl \\ \ (I .... IUS 1:30 p.m. over DJB (HUll I. 3 :30 doublell as an actor In the "PI/bti­ 7:15pm, <- 9:30 "fII. M.suw '" .... "'" 9.52 p.m. over DJZ (11.80), 4: 30 lind cal Cabaret," aired over the /lame 1So..-1 , .... , u" P..... n," \ 9:45, ... ,."2RO) 5:30 p.m, O\'er DZD (10.54<: 600 statLOru. SaturdaYI at 9:30 p.m. 1.30,.1!I. lInl, 1'10 -l '" h!~ "- lUI9.6' p.m. over DJD (1l.i7) Bnd V EST. "_,, lIJO 111", " ,9~21 10;30,./11. 8ert,,, " n,n 1:30,.", Lo 80_ "". ... k J B '"oz,.. ,,5< (9.52). S'15 p.m. over DJD (II i7J. DR. 0110 KOISCHWITZ. usual­ f'_ r.:;UIOI7'i !.~{95@, 'J( , Y (9.52. and DZD (10.54); 10:30 ly mtroduced by his initials as 9, .... H-oor P r I~ h R.~, \ ..... , ••f lui .. IIJ \ 'uit p.m. uver DJD (11 i7). Y (9.52). '0. K .. wall a fonner member of ." 10,.111. <~. t-. !,,, II:JO ,.ft!. LOftdon •m 95' oZD (lO.~41 and DJC (6.02) 12:00 the faculty of Hunter College in GSL '.11 II I,W III ,1,,<.1 I~ -)G'l (6,02) 12:00 ml~. B.rh~ ,J( 6,02 mid. over DJC Nl'w York City He can be heard '17 1;151./11. London m .sa Berlin il using sixteen commen­ in n Ii('rl(:1L of talks known as "0. K. ~onday, Oecember 2 I :)Ol.m. Rom. 2RO} ... tators or propagandists in Its Spenkln." dully except Saturdays ~ ... _ ...... _ •• "". _ .....,'. ~_ ... _. ,e ... '1 2A06 15.30 bruadcast.s to North AmerIca. The and Sumhl",5. at 9'00 p.m. EST, 8:30 p.m.-I.", ,: 'IIriL., "'.""" .. nh LM ba~ic aim of these commentators is o\'er DJD (1L77), DZD (10.54) Ii,· 11"".",1 (;~JJ (11 751 (0-.(" (9,58) in V 8;45 p.m. I."",;" Ik"II,,,,· ".... Ii.· Vt'l"no,. Daily Programs, Sat,. Nov. 30. to present the Nazi cause such a and (9.52). B."II~1l "~IJ n1.7~) (, ... r t9,SS) through Fri .• Dec, 6 reasonable and logical light that to H ANS FRITSCH E. the only Ber­ 9p.m.·-Lon,j"" V";.,,, (;!"o(' /958, GS]. (6."1 9:20p.m n.·tI,,, p,,,; "·"d,.h \ .. Ik bv E n T bo ...... ,."...... _ .._,_, "" ••, ,ft. accept its vicwpnints would IIccm lin commentator who addrcsscs .."'" f ...... the natural thing to do. An infor­ German-speaking listeners in the W,nl nJJl tl1771 y,9.52) 10 p,m. 1.,,,<1. '\\';Ih;" j~ r"rl .... :· G«lr EST City Program Station mal, friendly atmo~phcre to put United Slates in their mother IIi • IOH) ( ,j /;~, 19581 ""L (6.111 7:15.1.rn. Ihla' < • Ja,'., 1'" j. ~.,,'l, h critical listeners at ease is charac­ tongue. gives a "Press Review" Ii,li n",. I .... \. ,110 A, .... , \C,\I\' (9.63) I am indebted to the Princeton Gcrman-American origin. plays the (;~n ," ;II;~ (9 ) 10J$I.m.----<'S)Iar­ well treated. f Il 751 ....(1958) hl'l_'n, .. I \, I, y.t.. ",.", ,94C51 4:30 & 5:30 p.m. - tI •.,.Im- ·1""P.r,,,," r.lk '" Ln castic and eloquent. was first heard CONSTANCE DREXEL. accord~ 1:30 p.m, l."n<1 "II, I. in <;!,~ah "or Philip .r. I r"fl ,117';1 G~I' /9581 .10 h I')' L been to tcll cul­ Thursday, December 5 6;30p.rn.··P.""",a--\,·wl IFnrbh) HPS.\ DZD (10.54) or Y (9.52). turally inclined Americans that ~., " ..." .. , _ """.- w , D.". ~ ...... ,Cot. 11 n 1.70) FRED KALTENBACH. said to opera, conccrt music and the thca­ 7 p.m.- -M,,...,,,,, \" "', 1,,110. nd In" 1.· IN'" -;". 4 p,m. -I ,!" '''!'' ". I". II,i!ain" GSO vi.t flu,.;. I", " •..-\10 ,\",t'l",n 11\,% (15,18) be in charge of broadcasts to this ter are thriving In Germany. ~ II 7Sj 7 p.m.-I'.n.m4 -t;~M« \\,illi~m.· 1::,,~Ji ), "H.od ... 7:15 p,m, ·1,." ,I" E "J,.h "~,, I.u..- tOT Cen· ",·w I>J(W," 111')(; (11.18) ,d. (; .. 11 111.75) (,~(" (958) 7:15p,m.(ex. S~n.) ·Londo .... -·'(a',.da Call 7:)0 p.m. Jl"ol,!>~ t----<·",,,,,,unical,,m. of Ih~ f",,~ I/",,f,,n" (,~n (lUS) (;..,(' (9,58) FROM THE WAR ARENA Mosco ... ·s stcon~ Nations' IrJnsmilttr: HBQ (6.675). HBl w".IoJ '\''''''''JI;", "f I"'n.. "'i~"., ""'" ,,, 7:30 p.'''.-Be,liu J'.,rl~·"T,~J.'I' iu (;Nm4"\ Engli5h J>CtiCHI lot Norlh AmtriCI. hu,d (9.3451 or HBO f11.4021 HBQ is .I1mos1 f:",li.h II \T4 191251 (S"u",II'I"dnn JI~ ,II",~ :'1; ••'. by V~rn (9.1251 ntlwo'k pick·ups I.om 't"'c~, Bul,.atil, Rou, United SUits dittcl, brIng MOl out OYt, tht B (fLIfoLt (,,1) I)' 75) r;~c (958) B p.m.-T,>lty,,- -1"fWTam I • t> I .... ,. \.,.Ih A, __ m! Ih~nu b, sho,l Wa_t 10 l~i1 CDunlry .,.il one C~)to commercial trAnsrnitters. SUX (1.161 or 10:50 p.m. -8, I' --Ji, J. n\' DJO (11 '7, \" (' '_1 1.. 1.',.... )'" :'I;,ltlh \'''...-1<1' ~UT (15155) of 110. foll0"';n9 Ir~qu.nciC1 01 Ihr LUQu, of 5UV (10.OSI. 8:15 p.m.--I.o '", -~Iar'< '" \'a,,"'v "" loft Friday, December 6 DOIth B,i,L"III.rh It G'II (l17S) {;'>!' ,9581 , ....__ • _ "'" _ .... ,. __• t.e., . ' 1:]0 p.m. -I.o."l"n-Tollr.. ·8,it. "'pnko (;"0 fl17S) (.~(' (9581 11 :15 p.m.-Londo!. - ··BTlh,II. ~I'fa" (; ... f) I :1S p.m. -Il Q. I 0 n-F""tball WRl·1.. (15.2S, S:30 p."'. Bt, '", P ... , \' .. <~ gO. 9 p.m.-(,lou(11' (1'75) G~e 19,!1 (;~L IE 17 1119) I".·, OJD 1::77" 1'521 IIna (1246) 12 m'd.' -T, ~,_I'.. 10 1 J ,I~d 2;45p",. ("'''~'"'L3!r- }""",b.1I \\,LWO fl17l) 6:IOp.",.-·<;"h-.--, + ".\" A.,. 9;30 p.m, 'I •• ,,,.. b,cti h I""...... m for "'J(!b ~t~l. nd r Jll 19' 5) 1;45p.m.-II",1 P ...... I K.h."b30:h'l '''b· t,ah.' \'I.~ (968) A,IIII'fi •• : 11\'96 (952) 11\" (9.60) " Lary R.".... OJ!) (11.77) Y 19,52) IJOp.m._B",I",l'ui... ':',1, h L.. lk by Lorn 9:45,.111. -l.oIUl P- 'Toor,pt W. I'r_ol ee· Saturday, November 30 10p.m.--I..,,!dob- "\I.lhin Ihp rorl ...... :· Htrbo-i. Mdo;." Y",k e,,·h A, v. TGW~ (9685) 10~.m.-----G"aL.mal .. -R.d;u T1Le.l~r: TGWA e roSD {11.75) G..,r ,g S) r."L (I ') \", \naX ("131 12 mid. (SU, Sun.)· ,",pi tll.... "·-~~ I .IIIa (9W, 40 Sensible Screwball HOW 00 YOU

(Conti.nued from Page 2) KNOW YOU she confesses. Incidentally, shc's a light sleeper. She likes to go to fires CAN'T WRITE? lind catastrophes so long as no One is hurt. She cannot bear to sce anyone Have you eller tried? Halle you eller attempted even the or anything injured. least bit of training, under competent She earns In the neighborhood of a guidance? thousand dollars a week for lorty Or ha~'e you been sltt:ng bact as It weeks ot the year and adds an ap­ 1& M) easy to do, waiting ror the day to come when you will awaten aU of proximate ten thousand dollars per a sudden to tile discovery, "I am a annum for radio and other engage­ wrltl!r"? ments. She isn't arty and she thinks If t.he latter course 1& the one of motion pictures do a swell job. '" your chOO6lng. you probably fteOff think it's wonderful that so many will write. Lawyers mus~ be law clerks. Doctors must be internes. En­ people can contribute to a single film gineers must be draftsmen. We all and have it come out so wen," she know that. in our times, tbe egg does told me. She also said something that come before the chicken. few other actresses would say. "The It Is seldom that anyone becomes a writer until he (or she) has been other peopl~thc electricians, the wrlUng for some time. That is why so cnmeramen, the writers, the property many authors and writers spring up men, even the hair-dressers and the out of the newspaper buslnesa. The designcrs---don't get nearly the credit day-to-day necessity of writin&"--()f lathering material about. which to lor what they contribute. They CAROL BRUCE. Ben Bernie songstress write--dellelops their talent. their In­ should." NBC), solves beouty problems of "shut·in" months sight, their background and their Unlike most actresses, she doesn't confidence a.s nothing else could. have a pet play or story in which That 1& why the Newspaper Insti­ tute of America bases I~ writing in­ she'd like to be featured. The part struction on Joumalism-oonUnuoUG she'd like to play hasn't been written STARLIGHT wrltln,-the training that has pro­ yet. duced so many successful authOrs. "The l-eal heroine who should be H ... Hu... Wrl..... 0 brought to the screen," she feels, "is U-s.II. Artld. a.­ the modcrn woman. She hasn't been on Your Fashion Problems for. eo.pI ...... , c_ •• really captured yet. Only certain N.l.lo..''!WON __ _IOIlft. . , ,,,d . , ..lho• twists and facets of her charactel' ...... to _lUI'OU tbe power 10 o.. lr. ,.ou. lullnl' BULLS & BONERS "Louisiana Purchase" or weavin, her (Lelong's Tailspin.) Irtlcullte. hU5ky-lhroat.ed enchantmenll in a Less ,iamorow but more in keej)inl M.n,. PI'Opl ••ho ....,4 be ••illn. IN­ come I.'u.n,elr b, I.bulaul noriu .bout ni,ht-club (at present she is at the with the practicalities of everyday million.lu IU.ho... nd Ihe.cfo.. tin Ih,le Bulla: 4nd bonns Clrc CI part of broo.d­ Waldorf) she is out of doors, walking living is a new triple-action cream Ihoulhl to ,he US, ISO Inti SIOO or more No 1114lter how experie-nct'd briskly for miles at a Itretch, drinking made of lanolin, one of the oldest Ihot con ohen I>e ...... d 10. mlt"ilt that clUting. IIkn li"le lim~ 10 wri .....-_atoriu. auld.. the perfontwr or how lamotu th4! .tar, in vast qUantities of and beauty prcparations In ex.istence. This On bu,lnl". fldl, t •• uts, 'porls, 'e~ip ... lunshine, and incidentally add in, just rich, silky, fra,rant cream will do elc.-Ihines til. .. Un euily be IU'ned out d~ a~ that he will m4ke aIL OC(M­ in lei." •• hours, a...a often On Ih. impul.. I10ft4L .tip or a .Lal.emem "With twisted so much more vitality to the stream­ practically every thin, to keep your of Ihent_.. 1. lined figure and j)iquant face that form [ace and th" lurlaces 01 your body ~lti''f1 which is e.:ttrrmel\l lunrall. A drance fo telt yourself See houI good JIOUr eors are. Try to such a noticeable part of her charm. -smooth and protc-ctrd against winter ('G1.ch broa.doD.stn-. in. ~ e-rror-fhe ··In addilion to my daily walking, I chaps (no pun intended!). (Botany WI hue ,'ep.. ed a .....qoe W.n'. A .... llA.raraic 1M belkr'---c1nd send JIOUr manage somehow to squeeze In three Lanolin.) "tlotte Tnt. Thi. teU. Noli« 10 tfltTl/ to MOvr&-RAD10 GOlDE, 731 hours a week tor a physical and men­ It will be love first sight when ,.... wbethe, ,.0.. c.~ ...... t po,,,,. 1M f ...... • PIVmouth Court, Chicago. TM molt hu­ lal tune-up," she told me with that you meet the newest. "tuck-away" ,",utal qUlhlln .... c· _·._,011_1."_1.11 morous nliril'. wilt be printed ira this ealer, young look that makel her make-up container fashioned of cordu­ ....., 10 ."cu.. f,,1 writin, le.. Ie ob· _(' ...... ",tllf~." .... column. Watch lor your colltrlbudon! seem more like a schoolgirl than a roy in your choice of three dashing ... r ~'IIon. dramallc llo:n .:..t.." ... 1'<-... brilliant artist. "1 start nrst with a colors, blue, tawny tan, vivid red. InliinCI, e r e. Ii .. e InII I ....'~ ....~ '" im'llnation, He. fodll ..... all ftn.n Don McNeill on "The BreaklaB1 dose of roof-garden sunshine (wearing Tuck-away holds powder, compact i ... .tal " ...... 1...... Vo,,·1t en;o, .... ·~.I ,...... ho, Club": "He has a couple of cocker slacks and a sweater so that I can rouge and a hUI(e hunk at lipstick. tbi. tUI. The co,,· _ .._ '0 pon will brilll il. _I. __ ... ,~ spaniels like Evelyn Lynne."-Mn. rt'lax as much as poMible) and I tal­ Give it to your ,irl friend for Christ­ wltaO"1 abhl.d.... "'I"_.n_ NlDa Burnham, 425 N. Foster Ave., low it up with 'Ipeeia! breath ina: and mas if you can bc,fjr to part with it NewspI"' In"h"ll of Alller;ca. 0 ... P..-Ir -_. Lansing. Mich. (Nov. 4 over NBC.) nerve-relaxing exercises. You might (Tanget'.) Awelll'e, If.... Vo.k. tell your readers that exercise. for Another ,ift set with quantities 01 - • tired nerves should be a part of every "oomph" and at the same time con­ woman's schedule." sideration for one's pocketbook holds Bill Stcrn (announcing Penn-Michi­ /II ...... I_lltutoo.r ... _rlo.o I was much interested in watch In, a weU-known lipstick, "Angelus" II gan football ,arne): "Reagan refWied I 0------~ .. p.n .... , ..... tt•• T ••1r to allow his end to be tumed."-Karl Miss CarollO throu,h her splnal-rord cologne and a generous box of powder ~ exercises on a special wooden frame­ -- .-1.- - .. oWltrol .... _.,,.. I J. Eggimann, Belmar, N. J. (Oct. 26 all emblaronNi with the characteris­ I .',,, ... ~,...... 7'011 _ f • ...- 10,'...... I work, where, ahe puts it, she re­ 1...... _.- too II...... over NBC.) o.s tic ~r-de-lis of the manufacturer. -.... ,,"".001 ...... &110. «'Ives a ten-minute "workout" lhat is (Louis Phillpp('.) I • equivalent to an hour's massage. (Fail­ An adorable Christmas presentation I .,}... II Annoufl(.'er: "Use Musterole when ing in havin, such equipment, the of a favorite mal('hed make-up (keyed I your child I~ luffering due to a chelt next best thin, would be floor exer­ to the color ot your eyes, made­ I .~ I cold madl' especially for children."­ cil;es, a description of which I shall moiselle!) holds face powder. lipstick "" ,al...... • _Ill Robert Schuder. 734 Reed St., Colum­ be glad to mail to any who are inter­ and rouge in a gay, crimson settln,. I ..~:::~ 11 __ , ___tl~ .IWI" I, bus. Ind. (Oct 28 over Station WLW.) ested in bringing smoothness and IIC- Inexpensive and appealing. (Hudnut.) ------41 HERE IS YOUR SON VOICE OF THE LISTENER (Continued from Page 35) The CBS master control engineer. hearing no sounds from the studio. (ranllcBlly phoned Bill Peanon, the to therr reunion. The mother had re­ Expf"eu your opinionr. Write V. O. L., studIO control opeator, that the show matTied, had the responsibility ot 731 Plvmouch Court, ChicaUO, III. other children, and could not afford to was otT the air. Pear"SOn yeUed back, "They're crying!" and slammed the go to Bismarck. Nor could Laemmle, listenen Don't Get It With a wife and Six children, aftord phone down in d.isgu.st as hl.a own a caJJJ:omia trip. But both made plans voice broke with the tension. Dear V_ O. L.: to save money tor some kind of meet­ The mother had thrown her anns Why do most oomediaru think they Ing the following summer. around her son's neck and started are sHIl in vaudeville? We sit down The son, however, became impati\"nl weepin, almost hysterically. The SOD beside the radio prepared for some tor the reunion, and in March, )940, choked up and could not speak The entertainment and hope that some­ happened to think again 01 the Ripley spe-ctatol"l &ilt. wide-eyed and wide­ thing funny will happen. It does, but show. So he wrote his story to the mouthed, in a hushed trance, many only the studiO audience and the DeT­ Ripley office, where it came to the dabbing at their eyes. tormen know what it is. While every­ attention of busines.s agcnl Don Mc­ Finally both son and mother con­ one in the studio roan, the unseen Clure. He saw the potentiality of the trolled themselves and began to speak audience, tor whom the program is situation aod immediately wrote to to each other, obUvious 01 the sur­ supposedly being broadcast, must sit both Laemmle and his mother, now roundings, as McClure worked them and fidget unUl the laue:hter of the Mrs. Sticken, inviting them to meet gradually toward the microphone. And studio audience has subsided. Of on "Believe It or Not" Ilt the program'. then Ripley, struggling to recover his course, what happened was funny­ expense on the second showalter the poise, began to speak. His words were to them. 1940 summer vacation. Both mother hard to understand because Ripley, Roger E. Warner, Chester DePOt, VI. and aon prombed. to wan until thVl, who has been everywhere and seen almO&t everything, was choked with since there wall litUe they could do to • Y~t frn»t J])OnIOrS, produce.... and get together otherwise. emotion. comedkl.1U tenodou.rlll belie-ue lh4c This brief dramatic episode en­ Alter that the trick was to keep was tM iQu"hcer of the studio audie-nce, Laemmle and Mn. Sticken from meel­ tirely ~ntaneous and the worda Im­ wheCher It's sponca11COw or coa.red, promptu. No script could capture its in, at any stace oC the proceedmp moke. the li.fteneTl chink Che comedll intensity ot feeling. And no reprodue­ until the moment they would face eadl " funnier, etlen thou"h the listener, other at the on-the-alr microphone. tlon ot the dialOC could adequately re­ mall MC kno", ",hat I1w studio a.!&dl­ capt~ it. But as near as possible, The son was routed by train throuah en« " 1a,ugni"n9 (lC. 1m', ra.dw mar­ Chicago, the mother through St. Louis, here 11 an approximation ot the dia­ velou.r?-V. O. L. so they could not meet en route. Upon log from the moment the mother and their arrival in New York September son be,an to speak: Mother: My boy . My boy. Showmen 16 Laemmle wall taken the Hotel Sports ~~I.l"":'-'':'~Ij( 1 to Son' Mother. . Mother .. - Talt. Mrs. SUcken to the Astor. And Dear V. O. L.: neither was told wh~ the other was_ Mother: Oh, Son, this is grand! Son: You're lOme great looking I think we have somethin& unique Separately they talked WIth th~ script­ and noteworthy In radio. It·s the team writer, took mike testa. and reh~arsed mother. Mother: I can·l believe It! I can't ot Thurston &nnett and Bob Blanch­ what mUe in such a situation there ard. Bennett is a very popular sports believe it! could be to reh~a.rse. All thi.s pro­ announcer in this section ot the coun­ cedure reqUired several dayL Son: Would you recognize: me? Mother: There's one way I could try. Durin, the baseball season his Wh~n Frida,)' nicht and th~ time of accounts of games from out of town tbe broadcast came, Mr •. SUcken was reco&olze you. Son: Remember this birthmark? were made realistic and eXciting". by taken into the studio for her prelim­ hla own ima&lnative description and inary nir interview with Ripley. (Note: He pointed to his fingers.) Mother: This is some remembrance, by a complete set of special sound­ Laemmle waited outside the studio effects invented by Blanchard. Ben­ door with a page-boy. Both mother my son. It's so good to have you with me atter all these years. Mr. Ripley, nell also did a series of humor-sport and .lIOn were by this time keyed up Pl'OlP'ams written by Blanchard. We almon to the breaking-point with their this wouldn't have bappened If you hadn't brought us to New York to meet in these parts think this novel team anxiety to meet. And performen and on WRDW, Augusta, Ga., is distinc­ spectators were tense with the dra­ on your program. Ripley (choking)' I'm sure that tively outstanding. matic suspense of the situation. James Allen, Augusta, Ga When Mrs. Sticken's turn at the there's nothing 10 my li1e that I've mike came, she told the story of ever done which has given me greatcr ITCH separation; how she had tried to keep happlneu than seeing the happines<: in touch with her .on but had lost you two have now. track of him becau.!le bis name had Son: Now that Motber and 1 are MR. FAIRFAX been cbanged and he had been moved back together she'll have nothing to aw8J' to another town; and how her worry about. Christmall card finally reached him, Mother: Bless your hearl, Son. Mr. Fairfax toilt give peTsonal an.­ probably because someone in the home Son: And Mother .. You're a "De.... to all reeders who send self-ad­ town had happened to see the card grandmother now, you know. A grand­ dTased stamped envelope•. Remember and knew where the .lIOn had moved mother six times over. that h~ mwt confine hiffl$t'lf exclu­ ...... "' ...... w_ .....,_ Mother: That's marvelous. •'.. ,c,o _--..,.. UO ..... O ...... __ '.. _"""'..... __ . originally. rivelll to network perllOna.Uties and Son: And I'm going to devote my ::':'C!':Ir=,.=-.;,.,~--= Then Ripley said: "NOW, for the programl. Addreu Arthur Fairfax, ... ,...... ,.. _ ...... -- . first time in forty years, Mrs. Sticken time to making up for what we've MOVIE_RADIO GUIDE, 731 Pll/fflOUth ,-_...... , ...... missed in the past, Mother. Court, ChicaQO, ..... will meet her son right here on this II/. -f"jt •• =--_-'__...... ,...... nu:c-- _ Mother: BleSI; you, my son...... -_ ...-1 ..... - program. He bas just arrived and Is M ....~_ .... ,_ ."''0'- waiting outside the studio, ready lor Ripley (returning to script): And I Mr. F. H. Cox, Arlin"ton, Va.-JAv this happy reunion. Mrs. Sticken, I 8f1\ know that in this moment your cup of J OSTYN was born December 13, 1905, going to call your son in now . . . happiness is filled to overtlowing. And In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He studied Page-boy! Will you bring Mrs. Stick­ so, ladies and gentiemen, it has been for two years at Marquette University, en's son in?" my pleasure to bring about a reunion then lcIt to take dramatics at Wiscon­ Through the slightly open door the between a mother and a son, neither sin University. Jay made his profes_ page answered, "Yes, sir!" and ushered of whom has seen the other for forty sional debut in MUwaukee at the age Laemmle into the studio. years. or even knew the other was of 19, continued with stock in Spo­ Ripley continued, "Here he comes, alive-believe it or not! kane, Phoenix.. Vancouve:r and San Mrs. Sticken-the son that you have Such is a supreme example of how Jose. He began radio in Los Ang?I(>S_ never seen since he was a baby forty radio, wit!, all its planning, rehears­ Jay married Ruth HUl, October 17. yean; ago. May I wish you heartfelt ing, exact timing, voice technique and 1928. They have two lIOns, Jean Charles happiness? Here is your son!" mechanical perfection, and with all its and John George. Jay weighs 150 Mrs. Sticken, instead of remaining simulated emotion and excitement, can pounds, is flve feet eleven inches tall, at the microphone, rushed forward to touch the zenith of drama by its very has brown hair and blue eyes. Many meet her son. McCIUN! had gone to inability to hold within technical of Jay's triends will recall his stage meet Laemmle and couldn't therefore bounds such a real human experience. name ot Jean Josten. It caused great keep the mother at the microphone. confusion in advance theatrical bill­ Even Ripley got excited and drifted R"'bert L. Ripley milly be heard Fri. ings when a "Miss" frequently was away from the mike. Directors forgot dillY, over III CBS network ilt: added. After he had changed his first their signals and their stop-watches, EST 10:00 p.m. - -- CST 9:00 p.m. name to Jay a perslstenl typographical Rehearsal plans went overboard. MST 8:00 p.m. ___ P ST 7:00 p.m. error changed the Josten to Jostyn_ 42 The Private Papers of BRA TERS Detective McGinnis

(Con.tintU'd from Page IZ)

(Jotn radio'. quiz uamel TTtI tIOUT 2. How many short white stripes Lasky and a glove s.a.lesman named .kill at UlUWerino Ihe.e radio bmin­ are there in the American nag? Sam Goldwyn. Because it was raining bwt('T'. FfTT' correct Un8Wer, .ree be­ when The Mind and his troupe hit low.) From "Ask-It. Ba,ket" Flagstaff, they continued to Holly­ (CBS, Thu ...... 8 p.m. EST ) wood, rented hal1 a barn and fathered From "Take It or Le.ve It" the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Com­ 1. When a person dies intestate he (CBS, Sun., 10 p.m. EST) pany, which, with many mergers, dOt's which of the following: Dies changes and ups and downs now is I Robert E. Lee was born in what with rea] estate, dies in his own state, Paramount Pictures, Inc. state! dies without making a will? Al! the business of making moviC5 2. When Rogzr Williams was ex­ 2. Which of the follOwing has cus­ grew into an important industry, there pelled from Massachusetts, to what tody of the Seal of the United States: was The Mind right in the lead. "The state did he go? Secretary or the Treasury, Secretary Squaw Man," his nut effort, was the ot State, Postmaster General? first feature-length picture made in 3. In what stale did Custer make America. He was the first to use shad­ his Inst stand? 3. Which of the follOWing consti­ tutes a quorum in the U. S. Senate: ow-lighting to get effects. He was the 4 Who wrote "My Captain, My One-third, JIUljorlty, two-thirds, or developer of the camera-boom, which enables the camera to swing from Captain"? three-fourths? place to place during a scene. He in­ S. The clavichord and harpsichord 4. It you had a peruke would you troduced the first color in feature pic­ were the forerunner! of what popular playa game with it, fish with it, put tures (some scenes In "Joan, the Wo­ musLcal instrument? it on your head, or eat it? man" in 1917 contained scenes that were hand-colored). He was the first 6. What is a sea chantey? 5. In thealer parlance, what is an Annie Oakley? to use religion as a theme for pictures ("The Ten Commandments"). This From "True or False" 6. Each of the following words re­ picture was released in 1923, is sUJI (NBC, Man .. 8:30 p.m. EST) fcrs to what number: (a) Score, (b) playing, and holds the world's box­ brace, (c) decade, (d) gross? I. No star is larger than the sun. office record. He originat~ the "blimp" -a device which enables the camera 2. Stephen Foster wrote of rus birth­ From " Info rmation, Please" to be moved about in the making of place when he wrote "My Old Ken­ ( NBC, Fri., 8:30 p.m. eST) talking pictures. tucky Home." 1. Give the names of the first A MONG the stars he has developed 3. It was James J. Walker who French, Dutch, Danish and Scotch were , WaDace Reid. a!;kl'd, lyrically. "Will you love me in kings of England? D:-ttmbcr as you do in May!" Thomas Meighan, Elliot Dexter, Agnes 2. The following dates occur in what Ayres, Jack Holt, Rod LaRoque. Dus,,: 4. The body of Abraham Lincoln is famous works of literature: (a) April tin Famum, Richard Dix, Leatrice entombed in the Lincoln Memorial in 18, 1775, (b) March 15, 44 B. C., (c) Joy, H. B. Warner, Theodore Roberts, Wa~hington, D. C. November 1. 1855? Charles Bickford, Bill Boyd and others, • 5. Paul Whiteman is known as "The 3. What two states docs each of the At one time or another he has Kin" of Jazz." following rivers separate: (a) Dela­ turned down offers to head every ':".'f'~"'= ~'.:' .,;;.:',:::.~,: ~~ ...... ::: major studio in Hollywood, preferring • 'fl' I _ ,.. _", ... I. In...... '- "'ow. 6, Clinton's Ditch was dug in New wart' River, (b) Colorado River? : ..·It_ ...11 ... ,•. ,,1_. _ .. ,.... ~ __ -.... : to produce his own pictures in his own • 'An , ... ~f..... , ...... , • York. 4 What does each of the following way. He has a complete set of scripts ...... creatures grow up to be: (a) Maggot, on all of his sixty-four pictures, a : - From "ProfeMOr Quiz" (b) grub, (c) caterpillar, (d) wrlg­ library of over six thousand volum~s, : - (CBS. Tues~ 9:30 p.m. EST) ler? was asked to moderni7.e and revise the E.':? •• •• •• ••••• •• ...... ~-:::: : ..... ~ I. If all the animall that entered the 5 What part of a lady is adorned Encyclopedia Britannica's &ection of ark weI"(' ar.... nged 10 alphabetical by NlCh 01 the folloWlllj::

WIN THIS FOOTBAlL Easy as Pie! Boy,) Here's your chance to win this rootball-It's easy as pie-wher-n you know how: Win this and any of over 200 other bl, prizes includin, football ~uip­ ment, campln, ~uipmenl. IUns. cam­ etaS--Cl:e'1l"lhtl1 Yl.Ou can think of' Make MO!'JEY, too! EnJOY the thrill Of having your own spending money and start a saving. account! Start at once, by wrltlnl to AI Jones. AI Jones. Bo)' Sales Manager MOVIE.RADIO OUIDE, Dlpt. 311 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago. "I.

HORIZONTAL 54 A Itllh~. 7 Sorfj-Q", lI~dtuidrr 11 s, .... '" Ih. pOr1.ail. ,. '" -- """.11. /III r., ·YOOI • ...-...... "('\1, r..- ( ...... 1"" Ort.. 'b. r_ Trvt~ .9 ",'lflO)fd ..- 6. h~11I d' ...... ' 58, 0... 01 1M ltobe of Sioall 10 Inti... II), tn'---"'-'-n.,." ...... ""'_...... __ ~~ 1_..-. 9, ('_~f .t tb. opt•• l..d.... . 11~" ...1 ..... ,Inorio ...... -. . K, ...... Gi.r' 61. G...... 0( 12. t ..drW., II.... 8rood 14 8.rr,_. (OT Gil 62 'oty.t •• ,,' 'Ur ",Ild.. <~ • ...... -.,.-. .. ..-.. ,...... I.- pot) 65, T... mploy 15. "".on" - -. '" 'r"".~" ------11. ~",.11 ...... ff 66 An:hod r •• 1 ... 1M f ..... I~ IS R.-th ,....<", "'--"__ 18, la.. ". lWI!.Gllt ...... - ,....."0111 f .... ' 01 .... k'" ,..IH 16, 1'I';.t~. lt4rphon,. 6B ~fd "" .... ",Iy 20 c;'" .... K.~~" .Ia. 19 !;1.1<' ... . 70 <:,_ ..i' 2S flo1,u...d f_ 21 lot ...... u. n '!4~ry ·"S.ot n _ "0&. ,... ..-Un. ..rII. f1~"", 31 r""fp";...... (hi"" ucli.. IUd 'll Ht'JlOlh 12 r .... h. f.dioQ 4fi n.c. ... ~Inlll"l" 31~i".fIf~~ Solution to Puule 47 Gt~t. It-itu 15 F'! ...... II 48 o.,,;.,h 111.. bUd GIven Last Wlek n, G~II. II. '·",,,t;p 49. Ourolhw --.'~ \hOR t .....pon

,~ ·Ve •• - ,. 44 • tnt p.lrlld" of n ...Md 51. Cl~ .. '" --, '

Dear Sir.. You've pub~ ! ... Dear Sirt. Liked yOl< ' lished 111(11111 picture.! oj T T Helen Hallet siOTI/. How Le-,Ieu Wood". but never about a pit-ture of her a candid. Please dQ!­ with Mr. Mac.Arlhur?-J. F rank Pa ll. Cairo, illinois Simmt, Nf!w YQTk, N. Y. H AVE FU N at the moYie~ ~ n ow wh at happens b e hind Needless to SfJy. Miss Here s Hubby-tln tlrdent fM of her progr<'lms.-ED. the scenes ! For exam ple, J "nu" ry • Woods didn't pose fo r SCREEN GUIDE shows not o n:y this one. She's seen with Gi ng e r Ro g ers' greatest love Bret Morrison. who is rl!­ Dear Sir,: A piCTure 0/ scene, but the bacbtage stuff th"t d;o's 'Mr. FirST Nighter. m"de it gre"t. Get "inside" Hoi· Lesley plays Carol Mllrtin Jame. Meltoll and FrOIr­ elll While, pletlaE'. - J Iywood wit h SCRE EN GUIDE, n The Road of Life" NOlie.. COllldl'n, N J !NBC. CBS). frequently hes supporting ro'~ on Te1cphooe Hour (NBC. OTHER FEATURES the Tueld"y evening 'First MondllY) stars test grllpes Nighler (over CBS).-ED. from Jimmy's farm.-EO FIFTEEN FAVORITES are photo· . tor le d In January SCREEN GU I DE. Among the u:e1uIIYe ICOO p' are:

" What Hal C hanto d Mick o y Rao.oy 7" ( See for your.elf whethe,· was, although there are tho usands of lion insisl.l that Its members adn·rtise the screen'. " Little King" can do CALL AN honest and reliable radio aervicemen lrlIthfully, adhcrinl to their estimates no wrong!) througho ut the country, there are also and promlsct on coats and time of " Jlldy Garto.d: Til. Girt Silo I. RSA MAN fa r too many so~ca ll ed "Krew-driver delivery of each job. belnl careful of Today" ( E ..Ier to loye!) mechanics" and ",yp artists," The the customer'. property, using re~ HE other day my ialler are men who prey upon the placement material BJI ilood or better " KI .... C.", • • ock!" ( By cenlo",' Tradio suddenly went average radio~sct owner's lack or than that beinJ replaced, and guar~ grace, loye llyn ag.1nl) o n the blink, Whic:h of knowledge eoncerlllnil the construc­ anteeing work for a period of ninety course meant that I had tion of a radio. They churKe him ex­ days, " Fa.lliollA fro'" FiI",IGlld" (See how to call in a serviceman, orbitant fees for unnecessary re­ However, should the member's to look really ,tar . like,) fO l' like most radio~se t placements and imoginnry troubles. It work fail in qu"llty or should tric owners, my knowledge was partly to combot these two types customer's se t be domoged ;lnd the F Ul l · Color P hoto,: Gable , L .. marr, RSA of the internal work- w ho rencet adversely upon the char­ member fall to make the damage Altalre, Goddard, Grablel P lul insignia ings of a radio is ex­ acter of their more honest brethren good, the customer has an insurance pagel of Intimate gonlp, beauty tremely limited, that the Radio Servicemen of America agains t loss. A "iuaranteed service advice, film reviewal The most interesting experience in was organized. plan" conducted by the organization connection with thi. incident came, Although this non~proftl national is provided whereby upon proper FA,EE_ U )'oa " aw o.', .... 0 copy however, when the repairman called association of radio repairmen began complaint the local chapter will re~ r ou d ')', wrlto fo SCREE'" GU,DE, for the Jel in order to lest it. While hat three years alO with only HI pair any damaae caused by one of its Dopf. Jro4 · RG . fI,Moa'. Coari. he wu examinin, the radio, I noticed members, it boasts today more than members and o therwise satisfy the 71' C.icG'o, 'or a roc." 1.11'0. a gold pin in hi. cap signifying that 3.500 enrollees in sixty chapten customer. he was a member of the Radio Ser­ throughout the country. Its purpol(' as Because this o r,llnization is the only vicemen of Americ:a. Raving heard is stated in its code of ethics and by~ one of its kind e xisting for the pro­ something about thi, organiz.ation, but laws is to elevate the standards of tection of radio-act owners whose sets no t knowing the real reason for Its competition and to Instil in the public are in need of repair, we suggest that Screen Guide existence, I decided to a~k a rew a feeling of confidence by gU8l'Bntce­ you make a note tu ascertain whether questions about it. T he answers were ing the work of its members, In o rder your radio re])llirman is a member. It so interesting and significant that 1 to make the lalter part of Its program costs nothin, Dnd may be the means JANUARY ISSUE am going to pa51 them along to you work, the R. S, A. has set up s trict of saving you from the experience NOW ON SALE They a re, I believe. important to requirements for admillSion. He must which many have had by having their every owner of a radio set. qualify to do first-rate repair work radios repaired by irresponsible ser- AT All NEW SST ANPS One of the things that I learned The code of ethics of this o rganila- vicemen. - Marti n Lew! •.

;. u,~ If you can".-e a future In lour pr('Sl'nt.lOb. feel portunitK'a for whiCh I "he lOU the requlrtd ~'ou'lI never make much more mone)', 11 YOU'TIl knowledge of Radio at homr 111 )'our spare time In a &u.'j()ruU field. sub)ect to lay otTs. ITS Yes, lhe rew hundred $30. "'0. $51) a week Jobs TIME NOW to lnv&;tlgate Hndio. Tramed Radio of 20 years aqo ha\'e grown to thousnnds. T echnicians make good money, and )'OU don't Many Make $5 to $10 a Week Extra ila\'C to gh'c up \our prc»£'1"l jQb or leave home to learn Rad:o. I tram lOU at home niahL!i In in Spare Time While Learning The day )OU enroll. In addition to my regular ~our spare LlllC O""'O'n "'0101 . .. Cour5e. I start sendln" you Extra Money Job $,.''''.,.",ic Jobs Like These Go To Men Sheet&--Stnrt showllll/:' YOII how to do actual J ' ...... Radio rCI}air Jobs. Throughout your coun;c I ~''''''''' ' ..1 .. "I· .... I Who Know Radio I "",II.' ""!r ... M ' .. ' "'. Ih. send plans nnd directlollll which have helped 11011 ..., 11.\1 '-,,,1'" ,,'. Radio broadC1lslll1l1' &tatlons employ nadlo tech· many make $5 to $10 a w!ek In spn'N! time while _h It II' .... t, , ••• mcians lUi operntors, mnuuell!\t\ce men alld pay , -It. I '"'' , I well lor tmmed men. Radio mallufacLUren em· learning. Oy t ..sters. lIlspc:t'tors. sen'lcemen In good pay Here's How You Get Practical bs with op rttmltles for advancement. Radlo Experience While Learning Eabbers and ~alcrl5 employ installation and se}" ­ I send you special Radio equipillent; show )'OU \'icernl:n. Man\- Radio Tcchnlclans open their how to condu<'t experhnents. build drcults illus­ 0"',11 Radio sales and repair busm('Me8 and make trating important pnnclples Ullt'Q tn modem Radio $3Q, ;WO. $50 • WN'k. Others hold their regular rect'ivers. broadcast ItallOns and 10lldspeaker tn­ jobs and make IS to SIO a \\'tl'k fixing RadiOS ln stnllations. ndl 50-50 method of tralmni-w1th. spare lime. Automobile. poil~. anatlon. com­ printed instructions and worklni ..ith RadiO J. E. Smith. President. Dept. ONT6A mercial Radio. loudspeaker ?,stems. electronic parts and clrcults--mnkeslearninlt at home mter­ 0 de\·lces. are newer Held5 opportunity for estln~. fascinating. pra('Ucai. YOU ALSO GET A Notional Radio In stitute. Washington, D. C. which N_ R. I gh'es the rrqulred knowledge of MODERN. PROFESSIONAL. ALL-WAVE. ALL­ Radio, And my Cou~ lI1c1uie\'lslon. the use of RadIo "ul Radio'•• p,r~ lime and h.1 .ime principles In Industry, F'rPQuency Modulation oppOnuni,iu and IhoN comlne in Tole· Name. are but a few of the many recl'nt Radio de\'elop­ ~,.ion; Ihowl mo.e .h.n 100 lett ... men1.'1, More than 28.000.000 homes have one or from men I I •• ;n.d. telllne what 'he,. "'e doinJ: u\d •• rninl. Pi .... 0,,1 whl! more Radios. 111(,fe are mort' Radl~ than tele­ R,dio. Tdul.ion oll'e. YOU I MAIL phones_ E\t'rI' \'C'Sr milliON of Radl~ ,,0 out of COUPON in .n envelope, o. p .... On Address ..• date and are replact'd. Millions more n('('d new • ponca.d· NOWI tUbeR. repairs. etC'. O\'rr 5.000,000 auto Radios J . I . St.4I TH , , ... ld . ~ 1 are In u~r and thousandH more a re b;>lnq sold O. pt. OHn .... Hatloftol h dl. I ft . liI ~ t . every day. tn e\'('fy brallch Radio offf'rs 01'- W ... M"9 t Oft , O. C. City This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival and research purposes. This file may be freely distributed. but not sold on ebay or on any commercial sites. catalogs. booths or kiosks. either as reprints or by electronic methods. This file may be downloaded without charge from the Radio Researchers Group website at http://www.otrr.org/

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