- TEN CENTS • CANADA -12c: ~l~ PROGRAMS FOR NOV. 30-DEC. 6 A[A87BC1D5Y43 The Madcap Antics of Rosalind Russell, p.2 Story of Radio's Most Dramatic Broadcast, p.35 MOVIE· RADIO GUIDE: The National Week ly of Personalities and Programs • Motion Pictures will Help to Weld Us Into a Nation Supreme E VEN before :he last votes were counted, " out hoving checked WIth Ihe editorilll opinion of significo!Int thing wes hlllppening on the screens our reviewer. We ~now only thai we sot amused of thi~ notion's theaters. People by the millions. lind deliqhted for eppro(;mo!lteiy eighty minutes still flushed with election victory Of dejected by while goose· pimples ond smiles chllsed each defeat. were facing strong. mUiculor words in " other ecross our feetures. Equelly as importont rnessllga that came to them in letters three feet o~ the plot ond the octing of Mr. Kyser lind his high. The doy was November b. The words were: crew is e new invention which eMbles sow· "A PIe" for N"tiontlf Unity." phones. tubes ond trumpets to tolk. Adually, os "The democratic process h<!ls functioned," soid they p oy, you Clln understend the words they this straight-thinking story in light and sh"dow ere soying, The effect is eery, frightening, or "We heva just concluded months devoted to comic, liS the plot directs. We heortily recom· free and un trammeled discussion lind debllte 01 mend 'You'll Find Out."' the problems confronting the ntltion <'Ind th e qUlllifications of the respective clIndid"tes for the "I'M AN AMERICAN," soid Judge Pecora, presidency to meet end effectively deol with OJf the New York Supreme Court, born in Nicasio, them. After the fullest consideration" majorit)' 111I1y. of our citizens have solemnly e:w:pressed their KAY KYSER m.ke ... not her plcture~.nd "10m filled with pride ot being on Americen:' choice of the Chief E:w:ecutive 10 lead the nlliion It'. good! With K.y, Bori. Ksrlotf .nd Bela slIid lui!te Rainer, born in Fronce. during the ned four yellrs. Lugo.!. "You'U Find Out" I. eery, comic '" wi'l sloy in 1I country only where politicoi "The election cllmpllign hilS tll~en pillce during liberty, tOleration. end equotity of ol! citizens o period of recurring crjficol MlioMI lind world before the low is the rule," soid Albert Einstein. problem,. It WIIS inevitllble that during the period All those things were soid on 0 splendid pro· of discussion lind debllte n<'ltionlll unit)' would CONTENTS grom coiled ''1"m on Americon," broodcost on suffer. The grellt price which we hllve pllid for NBCs B:ue network. Tune in Sunday oftornoons our democratic right mll~es the choice of our Movies ond heor how imporlant this precious freedom leader a sacred one. Sensible Screwb.11 (an .rticle) 2 <s to distingui!ohed Americans who hove adopted "Whatever the differences IImong us before Th l. Week In Hollywood (news) " this <'IS their homeland. You will hellr: election, there should remllin no doubt th,,! there Award for DI.tlngulshed Acting (a Emil ludwig (born in Germony) on Dec. I. are 1'10 differences IImong us today. We my:;t department) ., .. , ......... , 5 Giuseppe BellanclI (born in Italy) on Dec. 8. 15. stllnd "5 one behind the man of the people's Th i. Week on the Screen (reviews) 6 lynn Fontonne {born in Englond) on Dec. Walter Oomrosc:h (born in Prussia) on Dec. 22. choice. We must not f,,11 prey to the plan of Rom.nce Run. In Thi. Family I.n 'divide and conquer: The Gre"t liberetor hIlS article) . 8 given us our rule of n"tionlll life-'United We "The Long Voy.ge Home" (Picture STARS ON THE COVER: Usuolly Ihe pic· Stllnd, Divided We Fell.'" of the Week).. 10 ture on the cover of 0 publicotion is just th", Thet WIIS the messo!Ige we fMd. Since then we The Prlv.te Papers of Detective -0 pidure---but there's 0 story behind the pose hove heord ond reod other stlltemenis of similar McGinnis (an article).. .., .. 12 of Fred Astoire ond Poulette Goddord repro· import elsewhere. To the motion pictures must duced on this week's go credit first, however, for giving tremendous Radio Movie·R<!Idio Guide impetus to thot spirit of national unity. Th l. Week'S Radi o Events . .13 Frankly, Fred Astaire We believe the birth of such lin ideo os this The March of Music (a department) .14 who's just obout the is interesting. Credit should go to H. M. Warner, Sound. In the Night; Program Re· best doncer ever to president of Werner views .. ................. 16 hil the screen, wasn't Bros. He presented it New. BroadCasts .. 32 parliculorly keen to the Associotion of First Families of Ra dio ("Big Sia· obout doing 0 dano:e Motion Picture Pro· ter") .......... ..33 with Miss Goddord in ducers ond they My Mother Complex (a n article) ... 34 their new picture, fiMnced it. Now more Here I. Your Son (a n article) ...... 35 "Second Chorus," th,," eighty million Pictures Al ong the Alri altos, ...... 36 when the ideo wos first presented to him. Americons hove seen On the Bandwagon (. department) .37 it. Agoin the motion To date his screen Paulette Goddard and Along the Airialtos (new .) ........ 38 Fred Aatai re picture hos demon· :lancing hod been strllted its greot vol· On Short Waves (a depa rtm ent) ... .40 oretty well confined ue to this nation. Programs to pOriners Ginger Rogers <'Ind Eleonor Powell , ond "Unite, Americo!" Week of No v. 30·Dec. 6 ........ 18-31 while Asteire hod no doubt but th"t Miss God· H. M. Warner dord would be "1'1 ideo I leoding lody, he wasn't POLITICAL HI­ Curtis Mitchell, Editor too cerloin of how 0 dMce number might turn JINKS ore over Md the people in the bro<'ld· Vo l. 10, No.8 Nov. 30· Dec. 6.1940 out. Add to this doubt the foci thot Astoire is casting business are sleepinq eosier. So ore we. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Ill. financio!ly inlerested in "Second Chorus" himself No post compoign hos disrupted progrom sched· (the picture is being releosed by Poromount, but J .....,." /;.,1... ~J."'" I ..~'h: M.".~I •• ~,~j,.". R~U, ules os this one hos. You reoders hove been Ill ...U: / .. ,.." ....., /,:.". ,,: 0ci<d<0I S"'''_'. }Iod.. ; wos mode by Boris Motros independently) ond WI ..... Hn.om. "MOl' l',,~; t:nn. 1·lu ...... lIo11,.rood: 1_ extremely generous ond we wont to thllnk you ~l-", }1I<1><o'\: JlI"',.'~ Ku"'''..... I' .... '.m': J._ there wos just Clluse for his hesitation. While It ....... , >;dut.Uoo: ' ·h..... A . ltIoni.... , ShOrt w.... : for your understonding thot the very best ond \"II'. U <I>lIn •. }Iu,!,_ ':~H.,ld M ....t ..'" JoIIro C.,L_. Astoire hesitllted, however, PouieHe didn't. She ,',·.. " ..1. ('~_. ~(. n." ...... d H.n"", 01.,1.. I.(ooo!, .... most importont progrom of entedoinment might Art ..... MI''"''. (1.,-. It... ,,,_ M.I,·ln Sol ...l. hired herself 0 dancing teocher. She donced. ll,,". II .. ,,,... O,-,,,~ IT ' .... M ..... 1I.&I.,.rto.l U. ~ Yonish abruptly from the <'Iirwoves, le<'lving in I'.. ,1ItI<o~, \'oIu_ X . •"ulDh<. I. W .... of X",. If· She donced some more. She donced until her lI«', I. n.', I .. bll .h,d ~ .. kly I» ,ho C ... II. ""'VOIa its ploce 0 rousing verbal bllttle, perhops. but .. ' I'_'~ r ..,,,I. Chl ..u •. 1111",,1 .. t:.,~I'<-d .. _· feet were so swollen she couldn't get her shoes 01 ... ",.u• • • , II .. 1'0" u m.. , eM....... 111'001 •• """",.. cert<'linly not the progrom called for in our col· 11. I~n, u,"Io. U.. "'" <if M ..m 1. Ifll, A~'Mt-'''''1 b. off. She donced until they bled. Finolly, she I'".. 0111"" l ..p.", •• ftl. 0" . ... , C.... d .... _-<I ... ouditioned for Astoire. He odmired her grit os umns. Plell$e jog us immediotely if our program ...... ,. (·o",-,l,h'. "U. br 'ho {'"""II, ('<,... , ..", ••'11 ,la'~ • ..,w...... " .,011<1.<\1 ..."u><.lv'-' ,_ld ... ..,."." much a5 her dMcing, ond the result is they dance columns do not henceforth hove the situation ~."IO<I b. ",,,p«:I ...u·.oIJ ....... ""'.• _ roo .<tum. T<n completely in hondo O"e"" ..... _y In II.. 1,."Iu.l 8,.,... IIo.Ib_1l"l"" r.'.' In together in "Second Chorus." According to tJoo L 8. __.~.0<1 _"tr~ of;..., / ...........n ... & 1', ..,.1 Lnl"'" .1. _"b•• U.H; .... , .... ' ....... !!<Ib gropevine rumors, their work in the pichtre is ... ,\,,,1 .... .. ,,. In 1""",1 ........olr ... : .1. ,""",'ho, U,U; ..... FEVERISH MR. KAY KYSER seems to h<'lve ,,"' . 51 .... Ite"," b, _1.&1 ....-. O«Iff, .""'... -.... tops. So, just os the cover photo of them to­ ",<10, '" <hod< ~ .."n 1<0 ""I,,, of ) 10.,.·11>010 GUilE done it ago in . His new picture, "You'll Find (... " .......... ~ .. ,~""'.1 ... '·. '''to 1'10,..... ,_ r"", __ , gether is something to look ot, "Second Chorus" I,~ 'b..... of ..1<1,.... II. 'u,. 10 "'.~ ""'h old and ~ Out," is good entertainment. Mind you, we don't .<1<1, ... , ~RI .....O ", u .•. " . will be 0 picture to welch for! Noturol·color say it is 0 greot movie. ond we write this with· photograph is by Jock Albin.-C. M. IIfl J -- "/ wish I could say I was sorry ..." SENSIBLE sere Rosalind Ru ssell sincerely objects to being called a practical joker, and possibly she isn't at heart, but- OSALIND RUSSELL wa. namf'd Hollywood, So are her friends, for the ,lumped down into the chair oppoai:tto after a Mi ......lppl River steam­ moet part non-professionab, and In him and .tarted, In a heavy.
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