Mythology and Legend, by JEAN- LOIC LE QUELLEC, Transla
RockArt Research 2007 h,me 24, Nurnbcr 2, 261 RAR REVIEW Rock art in Africa: mythology and legend, by JEAN- basis in ethnology? LOIC LE QUELLEC, translated Paul Bahn. 2004. Le Quellcc's magisterial command of knowledge by in Editions Flammarion, Paris, 212 pages, 272 plates, about ' rock art is amply reflected the book's in colour, 30 x 24 cm, hardcover, first chaph'r. There is some over-interpretation of motifs mostly bibliography, where a liberal use of marks would have been of US$6500, ISBN 9-782080-304445. quotation benefit. For instance, the several superb lycanthropic (not of the Messak Peintures et d'avant les du Sahara 'lycaon-headed') images Libyan (pp. 26-29) gravures pharaons: may well have been intended to depict theriantropes with au Nil, by JEAN-1.0IC LE QUELLEC, PAULINE canine heads - or crocodilian, or whatever else - we DE FLERS and PHILIPPE DE FLERS. 2005. Libraire simply cannot know. Le Quellec quite rightly emphasises Arthème Fayard/ Editions Soleb, 382 pages, several the strong presence of sexual subject matters in the Sahara, hundred colour plates, bibliography, 36 x 28 cm, particularly in the petroglyphs, and he dismantles the hardcover, ¬100,00, ISBN 2-213-62488-7. popular interpretation of de Almásy's 'swimmers'. The section on the 'intertropical zone' focuses on spec Jean-Loïc Le Quellec's one dozen or so booksare among tacular painting sites in southern Mali, the apparently the most valuable additions to the study ofrock artin recent sparse rock art of Gabon, Zaire and Congo, and the pre decades, and also among the most handsome.
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