

Palliative Medicine 25(5) 525–552 ! The Author(s) 2011 A systematic review of the use of Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav for those with moderate to DOI: 10.1177/0269216311406313 severe and renal impairment: pmj.sagepub.com A European Palliative Care Research Collaborative opioid guidelines project

S King Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre, UK K Forbes Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre, UK GW Hanks Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre, UK CJ Ferro University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust, UK EJ Chambers North Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Abstract Background: Opioid use in patients with renal impairment can lead to increased adverse effects. differ in their effect in renal impairment in both efficacy and tolerability. This systematic literature review forms the basis of guidelines for opioid use in renal impairment and cancer pain as part of the European Palliative Care Research Collaborative’s opioid guidelines project. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify and assess the quality of evidence for the safe and effective use of opioids for the relief of cancer pain in patients with renal impairment and to produce guidelines. Search strategy: The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MedLine, EMBASE and CINAHL were systematically searched in addition to hand searching of relevant journals. Selection criteria: Studies were included if they reported a clinical outcome relevant to the use of selected opioids in cancer-related pain and renal impairment. The selected opioids were , diamorphine, , dextropropox- yphene, , , , , , , , , remifen- tanil, and . No direct comparator was required for inclusion. Studies assessing the long-term efficacy of opioids during dialysis were excluded. Data collection and analysis: This is a narrative systematic review and no meta-analysis was performed. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to assess the quality of the studies and to formulate guidelines. Main results: Fifteen original articles were identified. Eight prospective and seven retrospective clinical studies were identified but no randomized controlled trials. No results were found for diamorphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine, buprenorphine, tramadol, , methadone or . Conclusions: All of the studies identified have a significant risk of bias inherent in the study methodology and there is additional significant risk of publication bias. Overall evidence is of very low quality. The direct clinical evidence in cancer- related pain and renal impairment is insufficient to allow formulation of guidelines but is suggestive of significant differ- ences in risk between opioids. Recommendations: Recommendations regarding opioid use in renal impairment and cancer pain are made on the basis of pharmacokinetic data, extrapolation from non-cancer pain studies and from clinical experience. The risk of opioid use in renal impairment is stratified according to the activity of opioid metabolites, potential for accumulation and reports of successful or harmful use. Fentanyl, alfentanil and methadone are identified, with caveats, as the least likely to cause harm when used appropriately. Morphine may be associated with toxicity in patients with renal impairment.

Corresponding author: S King, Department of Palliative Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol Oncology and Haematology Centre, Bristol BS2 8ED, UK Email: [email protected] 526 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

Unwanted side effects with morphine may be satisfactorily dealt with by either increasing the dosing interval or reducing the 24 hour dose or by switching to an alternative opioid.

Keyword kidney failure, neoplasms, opioids, pain

Background or parent , can accumulate and cause toxicity. However, not all opioids behave in the same way. The Approximately 60% of cancer patients have a creati- literature on prescribers’ awareness of renal function in nine clearance (CrCl) of less than 90 ml/min but less relation to prescription is minimal, but there are than 10% will have a raised serum creatinine.1 A reports of inadequate awareness of a patient’s renal study has indicated that approximately 20% of cancer function, poor awareness of its importance in relation patients (excluding patients with myeloma) have a CrCl to opioid prescription and variability in choice of opioids of less than 60 ml/min, four times the prevalence in the for the renally impaired and in recommendations for general population.1,2 doses of opioid in renal impairment.5–7 Asurveyof Renal function is increasingly stratified according to renal and palliative care physicians showed great varia- internationally accepted criteria for chronic kidney tion in the choice of opioid, dose and method of assess- disease (CKD), which classifies the degree of function ment of renal function.5 Palliative care physicians were according to estimated glomerular filtration rate more likely to use creatinine than the eGFR in their (eGFR) (see Table 1).3,4 This classification system was assessment. Knowledge of which opioids, at what dose, not specifically designed for cancer patients, or for acute to use in different levels of renal impairment could renal impairment, but it is widely used. GFR or CrCl contribute significantly to effective and safe pain control measurements are superior to serum creatinine alone in in those with cancer. assessing the degree of renal impairment. The accuracy The opioids included in this review are morphine, of formulae to derive eGFR or CrCl measurements is diamorphine, codeine, dextropropoxyphene, dihydro- less in the presence of oedema, cachexia, low protein codeine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, states and for acute renal failure, all seen frequently in tramadol, alfentanil, fentanyl, sufentanil, remifentanil, cancer patients. Adverse effects secondary to opioids pethidine and methadone. Drugs were included if they can have a significant impact on patients and families were commonly used, if they had been advocated for and there have also been concerns that opioid toxicity use in patients with renal impairment or if there was can be mistaken for an irreversible terminal decline. any suggestion that they were more likely to cause Over recent decades there has been a significant change problems than other opioids in renal impairment. in understanding of the impact of renal function on The objectives of this systematic review are to identify opioid use with increasing recognition that metabolites, and critically appraise the literature relevant to opioid use in renal failure and cancer-related pain and formu- late guidelines for their use. Table 1. Stratification of glomerular filtration rate (GFR; stage of chronic kidney disease) Methods Stage GFR Notes and description The systematic review was conducted according to a 1 >90 ml/min Normal renal function predefined, unregistered protocol. A deliberately inclu- sive approach was taken due to the perceived paucity of 2 60–89 Mild renal impairment ml/min (if other evidence of chronic literature available on the subject and the variability in kidney damage) the way in which it is reported, making a very specific 3 30–59 Moderate renal impairment database search insensitive for relevant studies. ml/min 4 15–29 Severe renal impairment Eligibility ml/min 5 <15 End-stage renal failure We included studies that reported a clinical outcome ml/min related to renal impairment in adult patients with cancer-related pain. A proportion of the participants King et al. 527

Table 2. MedLine search strategy (MESH and text search) and Symptom Management, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Supportive Care in Cancer, American 1. Opioid*.mp 30. Sufentanil.mp Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and the 2. *.mp 31. Meperidine/ European Journal of Palliative Care (from 2002 to 3. Opiate alkaloids/ 32. Meperidine.mp July 2009). Grey literature was sought from ‘opensigle.- 4. opioid/ 33. Pethidine.mp insist.fr.’, ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis Database 5. / 34. 1 or 2 or 3...... 33 and a hand search of international conference proceed- 6. Morphine/ 35. Renal insufficiency/ ings in the hand-searched journals. 7. Morphine.mp 36. Renal impairment.mp The search strategy for Medline is shown in Table 2 8. Oxycodone/ 37. Renal failure.mp and adapted appropriately for other databases. The 9. Oxycodone.mp 38. Renal disease.mp strategy combines free text and MESH terms. 10. Methadone/ 39. Acute renal impairment.mp 11. Methadone.mp 40. Chronic Kidney disease.mp Data collection and analysis 12. Hydromorphone/ 41. Kidney failure, Chronic/ The titles and abstracts of identified papers were ... 13. Hydromorphone.mp 42. 35 or 36 or 41 screened and if it was unclear whether they met the 14. / 43. Cancer* inclusion criteria then full text articles were obtained 15. Heroin.mp 44. Tumor* or tumour* and reviewed. Duplicate publications were identified 16. Diamorphine.mp 45. Malignancy.mp from reviewing the study details. 17. Fentanyl/ 46. Neoplasms/ All included studies were independently assessed for 18. Fentanyl.mp 47. Carcinoma/ quality and predefined data collection forms were used 19. Buprenorphine/ 48. Neoplasm*.mp for data extraction. The form recorded publication 20. Buprenorphine.mp 49. 43 or 44 or....48 details, interventions, duration of study, outcome 21. Tramadol/ 50. Pain/ measures used and information relevant to trial quality, 22. Tramadol.mp 51. Pain.mp such as allocation concealment and blinding. If there was disagreement on whether to include studies then 23. Alfentanil/ 52. 50 or 51 inclusion was discussed between SK, KF and GH. 24. Alfentanil.mp 53. 34 and 42 (opioids and Results from the systematic review were presented as renal disease) a narrative analysis, since meta-analysis was not 25. Codeine/ 54. 34 and 42 and 49 (opioids possible from the published data. and renal and cancer) 26. Codeine.mp 55. 34 and 42 and 49 and 53 The assessment of the quality (opioids and renal and cancer pain) Quality assessment. of included papers and subsequent guideline 27. Dihydrocodeine.mp formation was undertaken using the Grading of 28. Remifentanil.mp Recommendations Assessment, Development and 29. Sufentanil/ Evaluation (GRADE) approach.8,9 This method bal- ances the intrinsic strengths and weaknesses of the study methodology with any study limitations, and within the trials had to have renal impairment defined the directness, precision, consistency and any strength- as a serum creatinine above the normal range for the ening factors across all of the studies and within each study, CrCl or GFR measurements less than 90 ml/min, study. The quality of the available evidence and judge- or as per the study definition. ments made in the guideline formation process are We excluded studies assessing the longer-term clearly stated, with an explanation of how the strength efficacy of opioids during dialysis and trials not of the guidelines is determined. reported in English. Results Search strategy Searches of electronic databases obtained 1780 refer- The following databases were systematically searched ences with 187 additional references from searching of from databases set up to 31 July 2009: Cochrane reference lists, hand searching of journals and grey Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central literature searching. There were 292 full text articles Register of Controlled Trials, MedLine, EMBASE obtained for detailed analysis, of which 15 met the and CINAHL. The reference lists of relevant screened inclusion criteria. The included studies were eight full text articles were searched in addition to hand prospective observational studies and seven retrospec- searching of Palliative Medicine, Journal of Pain tive studies. No randomized, controlled trials were 528 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart. identified. Details of the study screening and identifi- Narrative summary of the evidence for each In the following, mg/dl units are converted to cation process are shown in the Preferred Reporting opioid. mmol/l by multiplying by 88.4 throughout. Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)10 flowchart in Figure 1. There were 16 studies excluded due to difficulties Morphine. Five prospective studies and two retrospec- linking the outcome described directly with renal tive reviews were identified with relevance to morphine. impairment.11–26 The studies were predominantly case Eighteen non-consecutive hospice cancer patients, reports. Exclusion of these studies does not change the who were receiving morphine for pain, were recruited final conclusions of the systematic review. by Wood et al.27 Seven of the patients experienced The included studies are described in Table 3. nausea and vomiting believed to be caused by Table 3. Included studies

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

Wood et al.27 Assessment of the 18 patients, 9 had oral National Audit Reading 7 patients with nausea Funded by Mary (Prospective study) morphine and 9 had Test, Williams Delayed and vomiting likely to be Potter Foundation and neuropsychological subcutaneous morphine Recall Test, Immediate due to morphine The and University effects of morphine All receiving morphine memory for Digits, group with nausea had of Adelaide Same research in hospice inpatients. on regular basis for more Training Making Test, a statistically significant, group as Ashby study Average morphine dose than 3 days Hospice Recall of the Williams higher serum creatinine below No clear assessment for all patients was patients, all with advanced Delayed Recall Test concentration (80 30 mmol/l of extent of disease 100 mg/24 hours incurable cancer Also and Digit Symbol compared with 100 in patients with and (range 15–600 mg) Oral receiving other drugs Substitution Test Also 20 mmol/l) The group without renal impairment (9) or subcutaneous (9) No withdrawals standard reporting of with nausea also had worse adverse events neuropsychological performance (p < 0.05) Serum creatinine did not differ between the two routes Seven patients with nausea and vomiting who had renal impairment also had elevated M3G concentrations Ashby et al.28 Assessment of morphine 36 patients (7 had No formal Serum creatinine Hepatic and renal failure (Prospective study) and metabolite levels biochemical evidence outcome measures. concentration significantly did not coexist in in hospice inpatients of renal impairment). Reported side effects higher in the group with any patient No clear 17 patients received morphine Mean creatinine side effects p ¼ 0.031 assessment of extent of orally every 4 hours 120 mmol/l (range (as was disease in patients with and (median dose 110 mg, range 40–620 mmol/l) Hospice dose corrected M3G and without renal impairment 20–600 mg), 19 received inpatients, all with advanced M6G levels, p ¼ 0.029 and morphine by CSCI (median incurable cancer Patients 0.042) All patients with dose 50 mg (range 20–830 mg) with severe renal failure raised creatinine had of multi-organ failure were symptoms of nausea/vomiting excluded or organic brain dysfunction No difference in age between normal and abnormal creatinine group Mean creatinine in no symptoms group 80 20 mmol/l, N ¼ 17 Mean creatinine in symptomatic group 160 140 mmol/l, N ¼ 19 (continued) Table 3. Continued

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

Tiseo et al.29 Assessment of the Convenience sample present or Renal function was not National institute of (Prospective study) relationship between 109 patients. Referrals absent Cognitive associated with severe Health Grant (USA) morphine-6-glucuronide to a New York impairment present toxicity(but only 9 episodes concentrations and opioid pain service Patients or absent of severe side effects side effects in cancer with severe renal failure No statistically significant patients 48 hr total of multi-organ failure difference between the morphine dose 486 mg were excluded creatinine of the group with (40–4800 mg) symptoms and those without in oral group and 931 mg despite mean creatinine being (10–9062 mg) in parenteral 114 and 164 mmol/l in the group non-symptomatic and symptomatic groups, respectively. Moderate but significant correlation between M6G:M ratio and serum creatinine. Very large variation in M6G:M ratio. Trend towards a higher morphine and M6G values in the side effect group Somogyi et al.30 Assessment of any 11 patients (CrCl 52–180 ml/ 101-point numerical No statistically significant The study excludes patients (Prospective study) relationship between min) Receiving oral rating scale relationship between plasma with significant renal plasma concentrations morphine on a regular basis concentrations of morphine impairment Funded of morphine and its 4 hourly for 3 days All and its metabolites (M3G by the Anticancer Foundation metabolites and pain cancer patients, location and M6G) to creatinine of the Universities scores Dose range not directly stated, clearance. No apparent of South and of 10–100 mg every ethical approval from relationship between drug the Royal Adelaide 4 hours Royal Adelaide concentrations and pain Hospitals Research Fund Hospital, Australia scores (but from visual inspection of the data only) Side effects were not specifically assessed or reported Klepstad et al.31 An assessment of whether 300 patients. 12 patients European Organisation No correlation between Funding from the (Prospective study) routine monitoring for (3.7%) had a creatinine for Research and Treatment morphine or metabolite Norwegian Research morphine and morphine of greater than 15 mmol/l of Cancer Core Quality levels and pain intensity. Council metabolite concentrations All patients admitted of Life questionnaire No correlation between (continued) Table 3. Continued

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

helped predict clinical to Trondheim University (EORTC QLQ-C30) serum concentrations observations in cancer Hospital due to malignant Brief Pain Inventory of morphine and its patients Median time disease and who (BPI) Mini-mental State metabolites from start of morphine received chronic treatment examination Karnofsky No specific assessment therapy was 1 month with morphine (stable perfor mance score of correlation between dose for at least 3 days renal function and pre admission) Median clinical state. time from establishing diagnosis of cancer was 19 months Median creatinine 77 (39–485) mmol/l Riley et al. 200432 Assessment of biochemical 77 opioid switchers and Need to switch Serum creatinine was For switchers, blood (Retrospective study) and haematological factors 100 controls Non- from morphine found not to differ results within that might influence the need responders to morphine due to uncontrolled pain significantly between the 2 weeks of the need to switch from morphine were either those with with side effects groups of responders to switch could due to intolerable side effects morphine-related side and non-responders be used thus potentially effects not responsive Switchers creatinine missing resolved renal to adjuvant medication concentration mean impairment as the or poor pain control. 79.5 (37–816) mmol/l precipitant This was a subjective Controls creatinine for switching assessment by a clinician concentration mean 81 Controls had been taking (49–246) mmol/l morphine for at least 3 consecutive months with no problems 1 patient had end-stage renal failure with a creatinine of 849 mmol/l who was removed from the analysis Riley et al.33 Assessment of biochemical 186 patients taking Brief pain inventory, Serum creatinine Excluded patients with (Prospective study) and haematological factors morphine Responders need to switch, was found not to differ a creatinine of greater that might influence the had been taking morphine toxicity scores significantly between than 1.5 normal need to switch from for at least 4 weeks with the groups of responders morphine due clear benefit. Non- and non-responders. Note to intolerable side effects responders to morphine that excluded if creatinine Non-responders switched were either those with greater than 1.5 times to oxycodone morphine-related side normal range as first line, second line effects not responsive to switch fentanyl or methadone adjuvant medication or (continued) Table 3. Continued

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

poor pain control. This was a subjective assessment by a clinician Excluded if creatinine concentration greater than 1.5 times the normal range Mean creatinine in responders 69 mmol/l (40–170) and in non-responders 71 mmol/l (44–152) Kirkham and Pugh34 Retrospective assessment 4 patients intolerant of No formal Agitation improved Published as letter (Retrospective study) of the use of alfentanil diamorphine. Described outcome measures on a change to alfentanil as having renal impairment but extent of impairment not stated Urch et al.35 A retrospective 48 (51% reported to have No formal scoring Most patients converted Audit of guidelines (Retrospective study) assessment of the use renal impairment) for efficacy to alfentanil because on the use of alfentanil of alfentanil inpatients in Royal or side effects of opioid toxicity. No direct statement Marsden Hospital, UK Six of 16 patients converted of number of patients with back to oral opioids cancer (presumed on basis developed toxicity of high chance of involving predominantly cancer patients) Kaiko et al.36 Assessment of factors 67 patients, 19 of whom No formal outcome Those with CNS symptoms Funded in part by (Prospective study) associated with pethidine had cancer Referrals measures were described had a higher US Public toxicity in patients to cancer pain centre other than reported plasma level and a higher Health Service referred due to in New York All patients side effects norpethidine to pethidine neurological symptoms received pethidine Mean plasma ratio (p < 0.001). dose per day of pethidine 14 out 48 symptomatic was 170 (75–380) mg in patients had elevated blood asymptomatic patients, urea nitrogen 350 (59–1080) mg in patients with shaky feelings, 370 (46–1100) mg in patients with tremor/twitch and 420 (260–540) mg in patients with myoclonus or tonic clonic (continued) Table 3. Continued

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

Mean blood urea nitrogen 12 mg/dl in 12 of 19 asymptomatic patients Mean blood urea nitrogen 27 mg/dl in 41 of 48 symptomatic patients (14 had level greater the 20 mg/dl) Mazzacato et al.37 Retrospective assessment 53 patients with a GFR No formal Pain control was complete Myoclonus still occurred (Retrospective study) of the use of fentanyl of less than 60 ml/min. outcome measures in 59% and partial in in three patients. in severely ill patients and Median GFR was 26%. Of those with Published as conference renal failure 25 ml/min. 62% had neurotoxicity prior to abstract cancer Tertiary a change to fentanyl, Hospital Palliative 31% completely improved, Care patients, 26% partially improved Switzerland White et al.38 Retrospective assessment 48 participants with No formal Informal description of a Published as letter (Retrospective study) of the use of sufentanil due the majority described outcome measures ‘generally favourable result’ xto difficulties in using as having some degree other opioids Median final of renal impairment dose 130 mgrams per 24 All patients with advanced hours Median duration of malignancy in hospital sufentanil infusion was palliative care setting 4 days (1–14 days range) Narabayashi et al.39 Assessment of the effect 9 with renal impairment Adequate pain control Report of ‘high adequate Funding by Shionogi (Prospective study) of rotation from oral (CrCl < 60 ml/min) rate using categorical pain control’ in both & Co, Japan Pre-selects morphine to oxycodone 18 cancer patients with scale and no formal groups (‘normal’ and a group that are intolerant in patients with intolerable no renal impairment measure for side effects abnormal renal function). to morphine side effects. Primarily Serum creatinine Data presented as 84% designed to assess 62 18 mmol/l compared with adequate pain pharmacokinetic to 114 62 mmol/l control across all groups. parameters Patients from 14 medical Informal report of improved institutions across Japan side effects in all but one patient but did not define the group of this patient Lee et al.40 Retrospective assessment 29 patients with impaired No formal outcome No statistically significant Pre-selects a group (Retrospective study) of the use of hydromorphone renal function compared measures used difference between patients that are intolerant to in with 26 with normal with and without renal morphine (continued) Table 3. Continued

Study and design Objectives/intervention Patients Outcome measure Results Notes

patients with normal renal function mean impairment for drowsiness and abnormal creatinine concentrations or creatinine were 127.5 mmol/ Improvement in side effect l (90–756) and 81.5 mmol/l profile for >80% (53–96) The reason for of patients. Following a a switch to hydromorphone change to hydromorphone, was cognitive impairment, confusion improved in 77% drowsiness or nausea (10/13) of the renal group Previous treatment compared with 90% of the was morphine (46), non-renal group coproxamol (3), fentanyl Hallucinations (2) and diamorphine (1). improved in 100% Twomey et al.41 Retrospective 40 patients with CKD No formal 13 of 40 patients (33%) Conference abstract (Retrospective study) assessment of the identified. 34 patients outcome measures. developed toxicity occurrence of prescribed opioids. 11 had Assessment of reported toxicity in hospice CKD stage 3, 22 had CKD toxicity from case inpatients with CKD stage 4 and 7 CKD stage notes only 5. 53% received codeine, morphine or diamorphine, 26% oxycodone and 21% a combination of opioids. All patients had cancer with 82.5% having metastatic disease

M3G: morphine-3-glucuronide, M6G: morphine-6-glucuronide, CSCI: continuous subcutaneous infusion, CrCl: creatinine clearance, BPI: brief pain inventory, CNS: central , GFR: glomerular filtration rate, CKD: chronic kidney disease Note: The units for serum creatinine concentration have been converted to mmol/l when expressed in studies as mg/dl (mg/dl multiplied by 88.4). Units were changed for Narabayashi et al.39 and Tiseo et al.29 King et al. 535 morphine. This symptomatic group was found to have the normal range and the statistical significance of a a higher creatinine concentration than the asymptom- connection between creatinine and risk of needing to atic patients (100 þ/ 20 mmol/l and 80 þ/ 20 mmol/l, switch was lost with the removal of one patient with p < 0.05) and elevated morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) end-stage renal failure in the retrospective study. but not morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G). There was Although excluding patients with a creatinine concen- also a significant difference in neuropsychological per- tration of 1.5 times normal is likely to remove most formance as assessed by a variety of formal measures, with severe renal impairment, it is useful to include for example, Williams Delayed Recall Test and a Digit such studies in this review. A serum creatinine concen- Symbol Substitution Test. The same authors (as Ashby tration of 1.5 times the normal range may still reflect a et al.28) had previously published a similar study of 36 significantly reduced GFR. Any information on what hospice inpatients on morphine in which serum creati- level of GFR relates to an increased risk of toxicity or nine levels were significantly higher in the group with side effects are useful data. The absence of an apparent side effects, as were M3G and M6G levels. All of the effect at mildly or moderately reduced GFR has poten- patients with elevated serum creatinine levels had tial significance. nausea and vomiting or delirium (160 mmol/l compared to 80 mmol/l). Alfentanil. Kirkham and Pugh34 described a retrospec- A further prospective study by Tiseo et al.29 did not tive series of four patients with impaired renal function show any significant association between renal function who were agitated on a continuous subcutaneous infu- and toxicity. It should be noted, however, that there sion (CSCI) of diamorphine. All four cases settled on was a trend towards an association with creatinine, changing to alfentanil. Urch et al.,35 in a retrospective with the mean creatinine concentration in the group review of alfentanil use in a hospital palliative care set- with no side effects being 114 mmol/l compared to ting, described 41 patients with renal impairment (out 164 mmol/l for the group with side effects. This was, of 81 using alfentanil). Alfentanil was routinely used as however, in just nine episodes of critical adverse an alternative to morphine if serum creatinine was over events. There was no significant difference between 105 mmol/l. Approximately half of the patients who those with and without side effects and any morphine were subsequently converted back to oral opioids devel- related variable, such as M6G concentration (M3G oped opioid toxicity within 48 hours. levels were not measured). Tiseo et al. studied patients in a cancer centre, whilst Ashby et al. studied patients Pethidine. Kaiko et al.36 reported 67 patients within a in a hospice who were likely to be more unwell. prospective study who were referred to a neurological Somogyi et al.30 found no significant relationship service for shaky feelings, tremors and myoclonus between metabolite (M3G and M6G) to morphine whilst on pethidine. Nineteen of the patients had ratios and serum creatinine concentration in 11 cancer cancer and at the time of study all the cancer patients patients receiving morphine. All patients had a CrCl were symptomatic. Fourteen of the 48 symptomatic measurement between 52 and 180 ml/min. There was patients had elevated blood urea nitrogen. Ten patients also no evidence of a relationship between morphine, with myoclonus and seizures improved on stopping metabolite levels and pain scores. No statistical analysis pethidine. It was unclear, however, how many of the was performed for a relationship between the pain cancer patients had renal impairment. There was a scores and renal function; the authors merely comment higher norpethidine level in symptomatic patients, on no apparent relationship from visual inspection. which was statistically significant. Klepstad et al.31 describe a prospective observational study of 300 cancer patients aimed at determining if Fentanyl. A retrospective review by Mazzacato et al.37 routine measurement of serum concentration of mor- described 53 patients in a palliative care unit, all of phine and its metabolites could predict clinical out- whom had a CrCl measurement of less than 60 ml/ comes. Only 3.7% of the patients had a serum min (median 25) and were all treated with subcutaneous creatinine concentration of greater than 150 mmol/l fentanyl. Pain control was complete or partial in 85% and no specific analysis was reported for those with and, of those with opioid-related neurotoxicity (26) impaired renal function. No clear correlation was as the reason for using fentanyl, an improvement was detected between morphine, M3G and M6G concentra- seen in 57%. Myoclonus occurred in three of these tions and pain intensity or treatment failure. patients. Two studies by Riley et al.32,33 investigating possible factors that might predict a need to switch opioids did Sufentanil. White et al.38 outlined a retrospective study not show any evidence of renal function as a risk factor. of 48 patients in a hospice setting who were treated with The prospective study deliberately excluded patients sufentanil for pain. The majority of the patients had with a serum creatinine concentration over 1.5 times some degree of renal impairment, although this was 536 Palliative Medicine 25(5) not made explicit. The overall outcome was described types, sparseness of data and a high chance of publica- as favourable but with no formal outcome measure. tion bias. Although the grade of evidence is the same for each opioid listed, there is clearly more evidence Oxycodone. A prospective observational study by available on morphine use compared with other opi- Narabayashi et al.39 showed that in nine patients, oids. This evidence is suggestive of an increased with renal impairment (CrCl < 60 ml/min) who had dif- chance of toxicity when morphine is used in patients ficulty using morphine, a switch to oxycodone resulted with renal impairment. in ‘high adequate pain control’ (authors’ description with no additional information). Discussion and guideline development Hydromorphone. Lee et al.40 retrospectively assessed The overall level of direct clinical evidence for opioid groups of patients with and without renal impairment use in renal failure is very poor or absent for the opioids using hydromorphone. For those with renal impair- chosen for this review. There were no studies identified ment, 26/29 were on morphine prior to being switched to clearly indicate the relative risk of toxicity of opioids to hydromorphone because of cognitive impairment, in patients with renal impairment compared to those drowsiness or nausea. There was no statistically signif- with normal renal function or to compare different icant difference between the groups for drowsiness or opioids. hallucinations. The mean serum creatinine concentra- Within any systematic review there is potential for tion in the group with renal impairment was bias in the retrieval of appropriate studies. Although an 127.5 mmol/l (range 90–756). inclusive approach was chosen, not all studies may have A conference abstract by Twomey et al.41 reported been retrieved. This is in part because of language lim- that 13 out of 40 patients with stage 3, 4 or 5 CKD itations in the search for papers and not directly prescribed opioids for cancer-related pain developed approaching known investigators and drug companies toxicity. The patients were given a variety of opioids for additional data. A number of studies were excluded and detailed results were not presented for each indi- from the review at the final discussion stage because of vidual medication. Little can be concluded directly difficulties in linking renal failure with a direct clinical from this study other than renal failure may be a risk outcome. They were predominantly case studies in factor for toxicity when prescribing opioids. which there were many reported or potential confound- No studies were identified that met the inclusion cri- ing factors that could have explained the clinical out- teria for diamorphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine, bupre- come. Whilst there was some degree of subjectivity in norphine, tramadol, dextropropoxyphene, methadone whether to include these reviews or not, inclusion of or remifentanil. any of these papers into the formal review would not have influenced the final conclusion as to the evidence Quality assessment base available on this subject. The addition of studies on non-cancer pain is unli- There is a significant risk of bias within all the studies kely to have changed the results of this review dramat- identified for this review because of the design method- ically, as assessed by an informal evaluation of the ologies used (uncontrolled prospective and retrospec- literature during the literature search. tive studies only). There are also many potential Progressing from the evidence to guidelines requires confounding factors within the studies, such as the pos- judgements about the evidence and other factors that sible effect of renal failure in causing symptoms or renal might influence any recommendation. This is clearly failure being a marker for greater disease burden. There described within the GRADE guideline development were no factors in any of the studies identified that process. There were a number of important judgements would increase the quality of the evidence according made during the development of the guideline. to the GRADE criteria. The populations chosen for It is important to be clear about the level of evidence study were relevant to palliative cancer care, although used to make any recommendations and to show con- the heterogeneous nature of these populations may pre- sistency in approach to all of the opioids. In the guide- sent some difficulty in comparing results. Many of the line development process consideration was given to studies were very small in scale. making weak recommendations against the use of mor- Using the GRADE criteria to assess the quality of phine on the basis of this presented evidence. It was felt, the studies, and the evidence across all the identified however, that there is significant potential bias across literature, results in a grading of very low quality relat- all of the evidence and that the evidence was so limited ing to the use of morphine, alfentanil, pethidine, fenta- in quality and quantity that it was more appropriate to nyl, sufentanil, oxycodone and hydromorphone. This make no recommendation on this evidence alone. grade is determined because of the nature of the study Given the very low quality of clinical evidence we do King et al. 537 not feel there is sufficient evidence to make a formal levels of renal impairment, drug recommendations guideline for any one opioid from the research pre- and recommendations on dose and frequency of partic- sented. There is, however, a danger in producing no ular drugs. However, some of these differences are recommendations at all. Anecdotally there is significant accounted for by changing attitudes over time. The variation in practice and variable awareness of the rel- target patient population for the guidance is also evance of renal function to opioid use and to appropri- variable, with some aimed at dialysis patients, some ate ways of improving efficacy and tolerability for dying patients and some for cancer patients specifi- by taking this into consideration. We therefore propose cally, but the majority are general guidelines for opioid making recommendations for opioid use in renal use in renal impairment. There are also varying degrees impairment based on clinical experience and pharma- of clarity as to how the recommendations were derived cological data, congruent with the foundations of from the available literature. This is particularly true evidence-based medicine, which recognize the impor- for dose recommendations and why one opioid was tance of integrating clinical expertise with the best avail- chosen over another. This is emphasized by a system- able research evidence, pending further investigations.42 atic review of recommendations about drug dosage in A systematic review of the pharmacological data renal impairment in which there was significant varia- about opioid use in renal impairment would be useful tion in recommendations and methods for stratifying because there are inconsistencies and controversies that renal impairment. In none of the reference sources still exist. Although every effort has been made to was the evidence base for the dose recommendations include and discuss conflicting results this is not a described.6 systematic review of the pharmacology and there is potential for bias. Attempts to test recommendations

Currently available guidance The WHO analgesic ladder has been adapted for use in patients with renal impairment by a number of During the course of this systematic review guidance groups.50,61,79 Two studies have investigated the and a number of guidelines were identified on the efficacy of such guidance in haemodialysis patients issue of opioid use in renal impairment. The articles over two- and four-week periods.50,79 Both indicated varied from formal guidelines from national or interna- an improvement in pain ratings, one from baseline in tional bodies43–45 to reviews and guidance from experts a single cohort of patients and another in two separate and interested professionals.5,46–69 cohorts, pre and post implementation of the guidance. Formal guidelines on the use of opioids differ in their No opioid toxicity was noted in either study and inclusion of renal failure as a topic of specific impor- there were only three adverse events reported. tance. The World Health Organization (WHO) cancer However, it is difficult to extrapolate from these studies pain guidelines of 1996 make no clear reference to the to non-dialysis patients and the studies differed in their use of opioids in renal impairment.70 The European recommendations for suitable opioids. Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) guidelines of 2001 make brief reference to the potential of Pharmacokinetics of opioids morphine metabolites to accumulate in renal impair- ment, whereas there is a section devoted to this topic Minor structural differences between opioids appear to in the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network result in significant differences in many pharmacoki- (SIGN) guidelines of 2008.43,44 Consensus-based guide- netic parameters and may influence their pharmacody- lines for the adult patient dying with advanced CKD namic effects in renal failure. and the Laboratory of Cancer Prevention (LCP) renal In renal failure, alterations in the response to a given pathway are examples of guidance specifically designed dose of opioid may result from impaired elimination for those dying with advanced renal disease and make and accumulation of the parent drug or metabolites, specific recommendations for opioid use in end-stage acid base changes, changes in protein levels, volume renal impairment.55,71 This guidance partly reflects of distribution and changes in absorption. an increasing awareness of the issue over time and Processes involved in opioid metabolism include an increased number of alternative drugs from which to glucuronidation, N- and 0-demethylation. choose. There have also been many pharmacological These occur mainly via the action of uridine dipho- reviews on the topic with or without recommendations sphate-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes made for clinical practice.53,72–78 CYP3A4 and CYP2D6, although many other enzymes There is significant variation between these publica- from the same groups can be involved to a lesser extent. tions with regard to the assessment of renal impair- Non-specific tissue esterases are also involved in the ment, the degree of caution needed with varying metabolism of some opioids. 538 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

111,118,119 Morphine rodents, but no evidence of significant toxicity attributable to M3G in man.116,117 Morphine is almost completely absorbed in the upper M6G has confirmed affinity at opioid recep- small bowel and is also well absorbed across the rectal tors.112,113,115 It has been shown to have analgesic activ- mucosa.80,81 Extensive presystemic elimination of the ity in healthy volunteers and peri-operative patients drug occurs during its passage across the small bowel with randomized controlled trial evidence to support wall and .80 About 90% is converted to metabolites, similar efficacy to morphine.116,120–125 principally M3G, M6G and minor metabolites, includ- is produced in relatively small quanti- ing normorphine and morphine ethereal sulphate.73,82 In ties in patients with normal renal function. There is man the liver appears to be the predominant site for evidence of analgesic activity when given parenterally metabolism, although extra hepatic metabolism has in man but there are very few data.108 Case reports of been demonstrated.83–85 elevated levels in association with renal impairment and In recent years there has been speculation about the myoclonus have been reported.15 role of M6G in the of oral mor- The evidence relating morphine metabolite concen- phine, both in its therapeutic effects and in toxicity trations to clinical effects in patients with renal impair- associated with renal impairment.28,73,86,87 ment is conflicting. There are numerous small series and Investigation of morphine kinetics prior to the mid case reports showing elevated plasma metabolite levels 1980 s was confounded by cross-reacting antibodies in patients with side effects attributable to morphine. used in ‘standard’ radio-immuno-assay (RIA) antisera. Sjogren et al.126 and Osborne et al.101 describe cases In one study, 15 patients with end-stage renal failure where significant levels of metabolites and low levels were given a single dose of morphine sulphate after of morphine are associated with adverse reactions. renal transplantation and it appeared that morphine Other studies in renal impairment have shown elevated elimination was affected by renal function.88 There levels of M3G, M6G and normorphine associated with were many conflicting results around this time.89–91 myoclonus, sedation and respiratory depres- Subsequently, RIAs were developed that could reliably sion.15,18,93,94,127 There is also some indication of a differentiate between morphine and its main metabo- time lag between onset of symptoms post dose and a lites and new studies did not suggest a role for the delay in resolution of symptoms that parallels metabo- kidney in morphine metabolism. There is, however, lite levels, despite clearance of the parent drug.93 accumulation of the major metabolites of morphine in Larger prospective studies vary in the detection of renal impairment and this has been confirmed in a wide any relationship between morphine, metabolite levels variety of studies and patient groups.27–29,86,90,92–107 and clinical effects.27–31,128–131 It seems unlikely that These studies represent a wide range of creatinine the levels of renal impairment described in these studies values for which accumulation has been demonstrated, should cause nausea and other symptoms directly, but not just end-stage renal failure. Somogyi et al.30 did not one difficulty in interpreting these data is distinguishing identify any relationship between metabolite levels and between opioid-related side effects and symptoms renal function in a group of patients with a CrCl mea- directly due to renal failure. surement between 52 and 180 ml/min, but suggested In spite of much conflicting data it is possible to draw possible confounding from concomitant . some broad conclusions to guide current practice. Despite M6G being slow to cross the blood brain bar- Morphine is associated with an increased risk of adverse rier, a number of studies have confirmed cerebrospinal effects in patients with renal impairment. Several of the fluid (CSF) accumulation of M6G in renal impairment metabolites of morphine are active and the most likely that persists longer than plasma and CSF morphine candidate to cause problems in patients with renal concentrations.86,87,94 impairment is M6G. M6G in rodents has analgesic activ- Several of the metabolites of morphine have been ity 20%–45% greater than morphine when injected demonstrated in animal models to have analgesic activ- directly into the central nervous system (CNS) and ity, in particular M6G and normorphine.108,109 There there is some evidence of analgesic activity in man. has been some speculation that M3G has an anti- M6G accumulates in patients with renal impairment analgesic effect and blocks the analgesic action of and anecdotal experience suggests that reducing the morphine and M6G.110,111 M3G had always been frequency of administration or the dose will ameliorate assumed to be inert on the basis of animal studies adverse effects in a substantial proportion of patients. and opioid binding studies.112–115 Recent evi- dence suggests that it does not have a role in the phar- Codeine macodynamics of morphine.116,117 There is some evidence of neuro-excitatory effects associated with Codeine (methylmorphine) produces its analgesic subarachnoid or intrathecal administration of M3G in effects partly through biotransformation to morphine King et al. 539 by cytochrome E450CYP2D6. Codeine phosphate is to be a rate-limiting step in the elimination of diamor- absorbed well from the gastrointestinal tract and the phine. Data on the accumulation of metabolites and main metabolites are codeine-6-glucuronide with greater toxic effects in renal impairment are limited but can amounts of , morphine and M3G also be presumed to be similar to that of morphine. produced.132,133 The 0-demthylation of codeine to morphine is cata- Dextropropoxyphene lysed by CYP2D6 and is influenced by relatively common genetic polymorphisms. Approximately 8% Dextropropoxyphene is eliminated by transformation to of the European population are poor metabolizers, pro- , the major metabolite, by a CYP3A4 ducing minimal morphine, with resulting diminished catalysed reaction. Norpropoxyphene is physiologically analgesic efficacy134 There appears, however, to be active, excreted by renal mechanisms and elevated levels great interindividual variation in the amount and are closely associated with toxic effects in the CNS and ratios of metabolite production that are not all heart.145–148 In one study seven healthy and seven dialy- accounted for by known polymorphisms. CNS adverse sis patients were compared with regard to dextropropox- effects have been shown to occur even in the absence of yphene plasma concentrations.149 This study showed significant CYP2D6 activity, suggesting a potential role elevated levels of both dextropropoxyphene and norpro- for metabolites other than morphine in toxicity.135–137 poxyphene in the dialysis patients that were statistically Morphine and its metabolites are discussed earlier and significant and showed a prolonged elimination half have been shown to be active. life for norpropoxyphene. This accumulation is fur- Codeine is not generally given as a single agent when ther supported by another study in dialysis patients.150 used orally as an analgesic; it is usually combined with Dextropropoxyphene has been withdrawn from use by a non-opioid, typically . the European Medicines Evaluation Agency due to concerns over toxicity, particularly in overdose. Dihydrocodeine Pethidine (meperidine) The metabolism of dihydrocodeine is similar to that of morphine (glucuronidation, 0-demethylation Pethidine is metabolized to , norpethi- and N-demethylation), producing nordihydrocodeine, dine and norpethidinic acid. Norpethidine has been dihydrocodeine-6-glucuronide, , dihy- shown to have analgesic and effects.151–154 dromorphine-3-glucuronide and dihydromorphine- Pethidine elimination does not appear to be unduly 6-glucuronide.73,138 Many of these metabolites are affected by renal impairment, but norpethidine is renally active at opioid receptors and excreted by renal mech- excreted and accumulates in renal impairment.154–157 anisms.138 Dihydromorphine has a m receptor affinity of Many case reports have been published of CNS toxicity close to 100 times greater than dihydrocodeine. in association with elevated norpethidine concentrations The relative contribution to analgesia and potential in patients with renal failure.154,158–160 The adverse side effects from each metabolite are not clear. effects included myoclonic jerks, confusion, seizures Investigations have suggested that dihydrocodeine and death. In one study a high proportion of patients levels are sustained in renal dialysis patients for over noted to have CNS adverse effects with pethidine had 24 hours after a single dose, longer than in con- renal impairment and the severity of CNS toxicity was trols.139–141 There are also case reports of respiratory significantly related to the plasma concentration of nor- depression and decreased consciousness associated with pethidine.36 Other reports of toxicity in renal failure, dihydrocodeine use and renal impairment.142,143 without direct evidence of elevated metabolites, include those of Hochman152 and Stock et al.161 Toxicity associ- Diamorphine ated with elevated norpethidine has also occurred in the absence of renal impairment.162 Cases of norpethidine- After intravenous (IV) injection, 70% of a diamorphine associated toxicity have been treated successfully with dose is found in the urine in the form of metabolites, haemodialysis with a decrease in norpethidine levels including morphine, M3G, M6G, normorphine glucu- accompanying a clinical improvement.155 The CNS tox- ronide, codeine, morphine-3-6-diglucuronide and icity of pethidine/norpethidine is relatively resistant to morphine-3-ethereal sulphate. Diamorphine is rapidly reversal by .36 hydrolysed to 6-monacetylmorphine following injection and thereafter to morphine and other metabolites. The Tramadol process is catalysed by abundant tissue esterases and appears to occur rapidly after injection.144 As conver- Tramadol inhibits noradrenaline and sion to morphine occurs rapidly, this does not appear uptake in addition to its weak activity. 540 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

This highlights the potential for serotonin-type side Hydromorphone effects in addition to opioid adverse effects, both with and without renal impairment. There is a case The metabolites of hydromorphone include report of seizures, confusion and a possible serotonin hydromorphone-3-glucuronide (H3G), dihydromor- syndrome in a subject who took an overdose of phone, dihydroisomorphine, norhydroisomorphone, tramadol.163 hydromorphone-3-sulfate and norhydromorphone.181–183 Unchanged tramadol and its metabolites are H3G is the most abundant metabolite and in contrast predominantly excreted in the urine.164 In renal impair- to morphine there is negligible production of the 6- glu- ment there are reports of decreased clearance and curonide, H6G.181–183 a two-fold increase in half life for both tramadol Dihydromorphone and dihydroisomorphone are and the main metabolite O-desmethyl-tramadol.165 active but produced in very small amounts and there However, a single patient undergoing dialysis was shown is no evidence that they accumulate in renal failure.184 to have a terminal elimination half life for tramadol that H3G accumulates in renal impairment and is active in was similar to that expected in normal subjects, but rats.11,185,186 decreased volume of distribution led to decreased total Toxicity in association with hydromorphone use and body clearance and elevated plasma levels.166 No side renal impairment has been reported in a number of effects were noted in this patient. As 0-demethylation cases.11,13 However, hydromorphone is used in many occurs via CYP2D6, genetic polymorphisms can lead to units that deal with renal impairment frequently and alterations in response to tramadol in a similar way to there are many reports of its successful use in such codeine.167 O-desmethyltramadol is active and has a patients when titrated carefully.40,57,187 A retrospective higher affinity at the m-opioid receptor than the parent study in cancer patients with mild renal impairment drug.168 Despite an that accumulates, (mean creatinine 127.5 mmol/l) has reported safe in vivo, production seems to be slow with minimal clini- use in 29 people.40 A further study of 140 patients cally relevant accumulation.164,169 with renal failure (mean creatinine measurement There are some case reports of toxicity with trama- 424.3 mmol/l), the majority of whom were on morphine, dol associated with renal impairment.167,170 Conversely, suggested that a change to hydromorphone resulted in the cautious use of tramadol in patients with greater analgesia and reduced adverse effects.187 renal impairment has been advocated by a number of authors who report successful use of tramadol in Buprenorphine modified doses in these circumstances.57,64,171 Studies using radio-labelled buprenorphine indicate Oxycodone that the majority of the dose, approximately 70%, is excreted in the faeces as unchanged buprenorphine. Oxycodone can be excreted in conjugated and uncon- Metabolism occurs via N-dealkylation (catalysed by jugated (8%–14%) form with the main metabolites CYP3A4) to and, to a minor and also found in extent, glucuronidation to B3G.188 Some urinary excre- urine.172 The production of noroxycodone, the most tion of metabolites occurs, predominantly as norbupre- abundant metabolite, is catalysed by CYP3A4, whilst norphine and B3G.189,190 oxymorphone results from the action of CYP2D6. Norbuprenorphine is known to have a weak analge- Oxycodone itself exhibits a prolongation of its elimina- sic effect.191,192 The metabolite can produce dose- tion half life when used in renal failure173 and the related respiratory depression in rats but is less potent metabolites may also have delayed elimination and than the parent drug with limited ability to cross the increased blood levels.173,174 blood brain barrier (although the blood brain barrier Oxymorphone is active as an opioid receptor may be impaired in uraemia).193 It has been suggested, and as an analgesic in humans.175–177 Noroxycodone however, that buprenorphine can be protective against has some analgesic properties in animal models but is the respiratory effects of norbuprenorphine, thought to have minimal clinical effect in humans under again in rats.194 B3G appears to be inactive.191 normal conditions.178 The role of active metabolites in Hand et al.191 showed that buprenorphine does not mediating either the therapeutic or toxic effects of accumulate in renal failure in surgical patients com- oxycodone is unclear. pared with controls with normal kidney function. There are case reports of toxicity in association Summerfield et al.195 showed that there was no statis- with oxycodone use in renal impairment, and tically significant difference between postoperative increased sedation and accumulation of oxycodone patients in buprenorphine disposition compared to and its metabolites in renal failure has been patients with and without altered renal function. The reported.174,179,180 study period was only 3 hours, however, and King et al. 541 metabolites were not measured. No clinical adverse transdermal administration. Although at lower doses effects were noted. A study by Filitz et al.196 of 10 there is rapid distribution, at higher doses and in patients showed levels of buprenorphine and norbupre- chronic use, redistribution is limited by saturation of norphine in patients pre dialysis were not elevated after other tissues. Hence the duration of action may be pro- titration to pain with a transdermal patch. Three longed at high doses. patients experienced either nausea or sweating. Any patient who could not tolerate buprenorphine had, Alfentanil however, been excluded from the study. In contrast, in the study by Hand et al.,191 eight patients with Alfentanil has a rapid onset of action and a relatively renal impairment had dose-corrected levels for norbu- short half life. It is metabolized to a large number of prenorphine and buprenorphine-3-glucuronide that metabolites, with noralfentanil and N-(4-hydroxyphe- were increased compared to the group without renal nyl) propanamide being the most abundant in humans. failure. This statistically significant difference was four Unchanged alfentanil in the urine over the first 24 fold for norbuprenorphine and 15 fold for B3G. This hours accounts for less than 0.5% of the total dose.201 did not correlate with any symptoms. The apparent The metabolites of alfentanil are widely reported as differences may relate to higher doses and IV adminis- inactive, but evidence for this is very limited, as is evi- tration by Hand et al.191 compared with transdermal dence for any accumulation of alfentanil metabolites in buprenorphine at roughly half the dose. patients with impaired renal function. Published evi- A number of reviews have recommended buprenor- dence for safe use in renal impairment is limited to phine as safe in renal impairment. However, there is retrospective reports of adequate analgesia and relatively little experience with this drug in cancer improved symptoms in patients with renal impairment pain, which limits its potential in this specific switched from other opioids due to poor tolerabil- indication.188,197 ity.34,35 It is used as an opioid of second choice for renal patients in some centres.57 There is some contro- Fentanyl versy as to whether tolerance to the analgesic effects of alfentanil occurs more rapidly than with other opioids, Elimination of fentanyl occurs by initial rapid redistri- although this has not been demonstrated in a palliative bution followed by biotransformation to metabolites care population.34,35,202,203 and subsequent renal . Metabolites include Because of its shorter duration of action, its use as norfentanyl (major metabolite via CYP3A4), despro- an as required opioid is best limited to breakthrough pionylfentanyl, hydroxyfentanyl and hydroxynorfenta- pain or for procedures. Titration of dose or rescue nyl.198 Both fentanyl and norfentanyl can be found in doses requires an alternative opioid to avoid multiple human urine after IV administration and represent doses and poorly controlled pain. Alfentanil can be use- 0.3%–4% and 26%–55% of the dose, respectively.199 ful as an alternative continuous infusion when high None of the metabolites of fentanyl appear to have doses and therefore volumes of fentanyl create practi- significant pharmacological activity. cal difficulties in giving it via a syringe driver. This is There are case reports of the successful use of fenta- because higher concentrations of alfentanil are nyl in patients with renal failure and it is used as the available. opioid of first choice in renal failure by many cen- 21,37,57 tres. Subcutaneous fentanyl has been used suc- Methadone cessfully by many centres in cancer patients intolerant to morphine. However, there are reports of substantial Methadone is primarily excreted in the faeces and inter-patient variability in the pharmacokinetics of fen- although a proportion (20% of unchanged drug) is tanyl when given subcutaneously in palliative care excreted in the urine it does not seem to be dependent patients and normal volunteers.200 When converting on the kidney for its elimination or that of its metabo- from sc morphine to sc fentanyl a widely used conver- lites. Renal excretion is known to be influenced by sion ratio is 25 mg fentanyl to 2 mg of sc morphine.71 urinary pH, but the significance of this for excretion Newer intranasal, buccal or sublingual preparations of when renal function is impaired is unclear.204,205 The fentanyl may offer more patient-friendly alternatives to main metabolites are 1,5,-dimethyl-2-ethyl3,3-diphenyl- subcutaneous fentanyl for pro re nata (PRN) use, 1-pyrroline (EDDP), methadol and 2-ethyl-5-methyl- although there is limited direct evidence for their effi- 3,3-dipenylpyrrolidine (EMDP). EDDP is the primary cacy in renal failure. metabolite, produced by N-dealklation catalysed by The duration of the action of fentanyl is an impor- CYP3A4 and is inactive.204,206,207 Other metabolites tant consideration as PRN doses may need to be have also been shown to have minimal affinity for given in addition to continuous subcutaneous or recombinant human m opioid receptors.208 Although 542 Palliative Medicine 25(5) there is some evidence of activity of minor metabo- Naloxone lites they are felt to be produced in such small quantities that they are unlikely to be clinically Naloxone is a potent with a relatively significant.73 short half life. Multiple doses or prolonged infusion Methadone tends to accumulate in tissues with may be required to counter respiratory depression chronic use, has a long half life and is highly protein after overdose of many opioids and this may be more bound. These factors make methadone use for analge- prolonged in cases of renal impairment. It is important sia potentially complex even in the absence of renal to use or titrate naloxone to the degree of respiratory failure. It has been recommended that methadone depression rather than conscious level alone. Care is should only be used under experienced specialist needed to avoid precipitating withdrawal or a return supervision because of the risks of accumulation and of pain. Toxic effects of opioids and their metabolites toxicity. There seems to be a disparity between the suc- are not always mediated by opioid receptors and hence cessful, confident use of methadone in some European naloxone will not necessarily resolve all side effects. countries and the concern and mistrust over its use Incomplete reversal may also occur with tramadol, in other countries. Advantages of methadone do buprenorphine and methadone at conventional doses. include a relatively low cost and it being synthetically A case study has shown that the effects of naloxone derived. may be prolonged in renal impairment, but due to the potentially prolonged effect of opioids in this situation 217 Remifentanil repeat doses or infusions may still be required.

Remifentanil has been used for analgesia during induc- Summary of evidence tion of anaesthesia for a number of years and has been approved for analgesia in ventilated intensive treatment Overall there are gaps in the pharmacokinetic data for unit (ITU) patients by the European Medicines Agency many of the opioids and some inconsistencies. There since 2002. Its short half life and mechanism of metab- are few randomized trials, no long-term studies and olism have led to speculation about its potential use in many confounding factors in the studies, such as the patients with renal failure. It has a terminal half life of effects of renal impairment itself. There is no clear, pro- 10–20 minutes. Remifentanil is metabolized to remifen- spective evidence for the safe use of any opioid in renal tanil acid (RA) by non-specific esterases in blood and impairment so all should be used with a degree of cau- tissues. This main metabolite is excreted by renal tion. There are no studies giving a clear relative risk for mechanisms.209 one opioid compared to another. It also remains No increased incidence of respiratory depression has unclear from direct evidence at what level of renal been shown in association with elevated RA impairment caution is needed. Given the lack of rele- levels.210–212 RA has been shown to be 4600 times less vant clinical data, stratification of risk needs to be potent than remifentanil in dogs.213 Prior estimates based largely on the activity of metabolites and the using the motility of guinea pig ileum had suggested a potential of the metabolite to accumulate. There is of 1/300–1/1000.214 If used for analgesia in clear evidence for the activity of morphine metabolites cancer patients, the short half life could present prob- and their accumulation in renal impairment. Whilst the lems for as-required use. direct clinical evidence for the association of adverse effects and renal impairment for morphine is rated as Sufentanil very low quality, the association is significantly strengthened by consistent pharmacological data and Sufentanil is an analogue of fentanyl. There are limited clinical experience. Assumptions are made for a similar published data on the metabolism of sufentanil, but potential for toxicity with diamorphine and codeine, in animal models (dogs) metabolism is by N-dealkyla- because the same metabolic pathways are involved. tion and 0-demethylation. Approximately 1% of a dose Whilst there is still a relative paucity of published is excreted unchanged in the urine. The exact role of the data on dextropropoxyphene and pethidine, there are kidney in sufentanil elimination is unclear. Desmethyl sufficient data on the toxicity of the metabolites to give sufentanil has 10% of the activity of sufentanil.215 great cause for concern. Active metabolites of dihydro- Sufentanil has been used successfully for cancer- codeine and their dependence on renal mechanisms for related breakthrough pain in an intranasal preparation elimination put the drug in a similar category to and in palliative care as a CSCI.38,216 The majority of codeine. There is evidence that oxycodone, tramadol the patients receiving sufentanil as a CSCI had some and hydromorphone all have active metabolites, but degree of renal impairment, although the level was not there is inconsistency on the significance of any accu- specified.38 mulation. There is clinical experience and some King et al. 543 published retrospective data suggesting that hydromor- Table 4. Metabolite activity and risk stratification phone and tramadol may be safer than morphine in Group 1 (No clinically significant active metabolites) renal impairment. Fentanyl, alfentanil and methadone Opioids for which there are thought to be no clini- Group 2 (Active or probably active metabolites-stratified cally significant metabolites include fentanyl, alfentanil according to degree of toxicity or risk of accumulation) and methadone. For fentanyl and alfentanil the a) Tramadol and hydromorphone (possible reduced risk of assumption of no relevant activity is largely based on toxicity) animal experiments or the absence of opioid receptor b) Morphine, diamorphine, codeine, dihydrocodeine and mediated effects. The absence of opioid activity does oxycodone not mean there is no physiological activity. However, c) Pethidine and dextropropoxyphene (high risk of toxicity the absence of clinically significant metabolites is con- recommend against use) gruent with clinical experience and significant toxic Group 3 (Insufficient evidence or experience to make a recom- effects are unlikely. mendation for chronic use) Buprenorphine and sufentanil (active metabolites). Remifentanil For buprenorphine, remifentanil and sufentanil (inactive metabolites) there are either inconsistencies or insufficient evidence or experience to make a firm conclusion as to their safety, but further research may help clarify Table 5. Mild to moderate renal impairment their role. Recommendations for the use of opioids in cancer related pain: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Stratifying risk 30–89 ml/min (mild to moderate renal impairment) The opioids considered here have been divided into The presence of renal failure should not be a reason to delay the use of an opioid for those with cancer pain when needed three broad groups on the basis of their potential risk All opioids that are appropriate for cancer pain can in renal failure. These groups are indicated in Table 4 be used with consideration of reduced dose or frequency and are divided on the basis of those with no active at a lower eGFR metabolites (at least in clinically significant quantities), Monitor for changes in renal function and consider those with active metabolites and those for whom there a pre-emptive change of opioid in rapidly deteriorating is insufficient experience to make a recommendation. renal function The group with active metabolites can be further Assess for any reversible factors divided according to potential risk. This is on the Be aware that estimations of GFR may be less accurate basis of the degree of toxicity of the metabolite and in the presence of cachexia, low protein states, oedema its potential for accumulation. There is no direct clini- and with acute renal failure. An estimated GFR at the cal or pharmacological evidence for this comparison lower end of the moderate renal impairment range should therefore prompt consideration of a change of and this is largely based on clinical experience. opioid to one considered safer in renal impairment. Toxicity in this review has been defined broadly, but it appears that the metabolites of pethidine and dextro- propoxyphene have toxic effects that are not limited to problems are likely to occur frequently in a cancer pop- typical opioid toxicity. ulation, a pragmatic decision to use 30 ml/min has been taken to allow for errors in eGFR, as well as the pro- Other important considerations gressive nature of many cancers. Some clinicians will also use additional caution at a CrCl concentration of The use of CrCl or eGFR rather than creatinine con- less than 59 ml/min. centration is more likely to identify those with renal Adjuvant analgesic medications, appropriately impairment and allow stratification of risk. Many adjusted for renal impairment as needed, should still guidelines and clinicians use an eGFR of 15 ml/min as be used to maximize the control of cancer pain. the point at which most caution should be exercised Opioids remain the key to relieving cancer pain and with opioid use. This is partly pragmatic, but also iden- the presence of renal failure should not be allowed to tifies the point at which excretory function is most delay the appropriate use of an opioid analgesic. likely to affect drug elimination. There is minimal evi- dence to quantify the risk of toxicity from opioids at Recommendations this or higher levels of GFR. There are potential diffi- culties in assessing or estimating GFR in patients with These recommendations are based on clinical experi- cachexia, oedema, low protein states and with acute ence guided by relevant pharmacological studies and renal failure. These are frequently associated with clinical data where available. The use of clinical data cancer, and more advanced disease. Given these alone is not sufficient to formulate comprehensive 544 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

Table 6. Severe and end stage renal impairment

Recommendations for the use of opioids in cancer related pain: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <30 ml/min (end-stage renal failure and severe renal impairment) The presence of renal failure should not be a reason to delay the use of an opioid for those with cancer pain when needed Drug Dose and route Notes Fentanyl 1st Line Opioid naı¨ve patient -If using more than 2 ml for PRN dose, 25 mg subcutaneously (SC) is equivalent injection may be painful. to morphine 2 mg SC (at lower doses) 12.5–25 mg SC PRN -If the volume of fentanyl required 100–300 mg/24 hours as SC infusion is too great for a syringe driver then convert to alfentanil If converting from another opioid -Buccal/sublingual or intranasal fentanyl may be used but are not appropriate for titration of dose Standard conversion tables can be used -Monitor closely for toxicity but a reduction of 20% is suggested Alfentanil 2nd Line Used subcutaneously. ¼ as potent as fentanyl Due to the shorter duration of analgesia (i.e. 100 mg alfentanil is approximately equivalent with alfentanil, fentanyl is recommended to 25 mg fentanyl) unless the volume required is prohibitive Short duration of action can limit its effectiveness as PRN medication Tramadol Use with care 50 mg, 12 hourly Hydromorphone Use with care In opioid naive 0.5–1.3 mg 6 hourly and PRN The range of 0.5–1.3 mg is given to reflect If tolerated increase to 4 hourly as needed. variation in the availability of different If higher doses required convert doses across countries. to an alfentanil syringe driver as appropriate and titrate to pain/side effects Due to the delay in the onset and offset of action, the transdermal route should be avoided if stable pain control has not been achieved. Even with stable pain control careful consideration is needed due to potential for delayed toxicity. Methadone may be useful if used by those experienced in its use for , but due to the risk of accumulation, even in the absence of renal impairment, it is not otherwise recommended. Buprenorphine, remifentanil and sufentanil need further assessment as to their suitability for use in cancer pain and renal impairment but may be of use following further investigation. If fentanyl or alfentanil is not available alternative opioids may be used at reduced doses and frequency and with careful monitoring. If it is not appropriate or practical to use injectable, buccal, sublingual or nasal preparations for PRNs then alternative opioids may need to be used (at reduced doses and frequencies). However this is likely to represent a risk of toxicity. PRN: pro re nata guidelines. The recommendations are detailed accord- . Choice of appropriate opioid, route and preparation ing to the degree of renal impairment in Tables 5 and 6. (based on pharmacological and clinical evidence). Although not the main focus of this review, informa- Opioids thought to have no clinically significant tion relevant to the use of opioids in dialysis patients is active metabolites should be used as first line (see described in Table 7. Table 4). The key points are as follows. . Other opioids should only be used if those with no significant metabolites are not available or . Recognition that all opioids have a risk of toxicity in appropriate. renal failure, but some may cause fewer problems . Use of regular medication, not just as required. than others. . Inform the patient and/or family to be observant for . Assessment of renal function should use eGFR or signs of toxicity and what these are. CrCl, not serum creatinine concentration. . Renal impairment should not delay the use of opi- Scope of recommendations oids for cancer pain. . Close monitoring of pain severity and for signs of The target audience for these recommendations is all toxicity is needed. physicians and health professionals in hospital, hospice . Titration from low dose and decreasing frequency and community settings, whether or not experienced in for some drugs. palliative medicine or cancer care. The aim is that they King et al. 545

Table 7. Opioid use in dialysis patients

Based on clinical experience and a non-formalized review of available evidence Drug Dialysable?a Safe and effective use in dialysis patients?b,c Fentanyl Nod Yes (with caution) Alfentanil No Limited evidence Methadone No Yes (with caution, only by clinicians experienced in its use for pain relief) Tramadol Yes Yes (with caution, max 200 mg/24 hours) Hydromorphone Yes (metabolite Yes (with caution) but not parent drug) Morphine Yes Avoid if possible Codeine Yes Avoid if possible Oxycodone Conflicting evidence Limited evidence Buprenorphine No Yes (with caution) Remifentanil Limited evidence Limited evidence Sufentanil Limited evidence Limited evidence aWhether an opioid is dialysable is a more complex issue that the yes/no answer implies and needs to take into account whether metabolites are also removed (amongst other factors). The term is used here to indicate if potentially significant amounts of the drug or its metabolites can be removed by dialysis. The indication given here of whether an opioid can be dialysed is a generalization that may vary with patient and dialysis related factors. bCaution should be used with all opioids in renal impairment and consideration given to reducing dose and frequency of administration cThe evidence base consists largely of case reports and clinical experience and has not been systematically reviewed in this publication. Clinical practice varies amongst nephrologists. dSome dialysis membranes may partially remove fentanyl. General notes. Additional analgesia may be needed around the time of dialysis. Dosing schedules do not automatically need adjustment but breakthrough doses may be needed around the time of dialysis Any dose changes need regular and close monitoring for efficacy and tolerability Pethidine and dextropropoxyphene are not recommended for use in chronic cancer pain irrespective of renal function should be relevant in any country regardless of resources information on opioid use in renal impairment and or opioid availability. There are potential cost implica- associated clinical parameters. Qualitative data on tions of these recommendations and limitations in some patients’ views, concerns or perceptions of toxicity areas due to lack of availability of opioids. and opioid use may also be useful.

Unanswered questions: The future Funding There are many potential difficulties with research SK was funded by the European Palliative Care Research Collaboration (EPCRC) within the EC 6th Framework into opioid use in patients with renal failure. These Programme and by the Department of Palliative Medicine include distinguishing symptoms due to renal failure, of the University of Bristol, UK co-morbidities and opioid use from each other, attrition in an un-well population, and wide interindividual Conflicts of interest variability in pharmacological parameters. Large-scale randomized controlled trials are possible None declared. but potentially complex. Not only are there practical design difficulties, but also ethical considerations, References concerning which opioid should be tested at what level of renal impairment. Patients with GFR levels of 1. Launay-Vacher V, Oudard S, Janus N, Gligorov J, Pourrat between 15 and 59 ml may be the most feasible to take X, Rixe O, et al. Prevalence of Renal Insufficiency in cancer patients and implications for anticancer drug management: part in such research. Other options to gain more data the renal insufficiency and anticancer medications (IRMA) are encouraging researchers not to exclude patients study. Cancer 2007; 110: 1376–1384. with renal impairment from trials of opioids in general. 2. de Lusignan S, Chan T, Stevens P, O’Donoghue D, Hague Given the difficulties of conducting research in many N, Dzregah B, et al. Identifying patients with chronic kidney areas of palliative medicine, an attractive option is the disease from general practice computer records. Fam Pract use of shared, multi-centre databases to collect 2005; 22: 234–241. 546 Palliative Medicine 25(5)

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