Facility Requirements Chapter Three
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Chapter Three Facility Requirements Chapter Three Facility H. A. CLARK MEMORIAL FIELD Requirements To properly plan for the future of H.A. accommodate forecast demands. Having Clark Memorial Field, it is necessary to established these facility requirements, translate forecast aviation demand into alternatives for providing these facilities the specific types and quantities of will be evaluated in Chapter Four to facilities that can adequately serve determine the most cost-effective and projected demand levels. This chapter efficient means for implementation. uses the results of the forecasts prepared in Chapter Two, as well as established planning criteria, to determine the PLANNING HORIZONS airfield (i.e., runways, taxiways, navigational aids, marking and lighting) The cost-effective, safe, efficient, and and landside (i.e., hangars, general orderly development of an airport aviation terminal, aircraft parking apron, should rely more upon actual demand at fueling, automobile parking and access) an airport than a time-based forecast facility requirements. figure. Thus, in order to develop a master plan that is demand-based rather The objective of this effort is to identify, than time-based, a series of planning in general terms, the adequacy of the horizon milestones have been existing airport facilities and outline established that take into consideration what new facilities may be needed as the reasonable range of aviation demand well as when they may be needed to projections. 3-1 Over time, the actual activity at the dited according to actual demand at airport may be higher or lower than any given time over the planning pe- the annualized forecast portrays. By riod. The resultant plan provides air- planning according to activity mile- port officials with a financially- stones, the resultant plan can accom- responsible and needs-based program. modate unexpected shifts or changes Table 3A presents the planning hori- in the aviation demand in a timely zon milestones for each activity de- fashion. The demand-based schedule mand category. These planning hori- provides flexibility in development, as zons assume the air tour operator sce- the schedule can be slowed or expe- nario presented in Chapter Two. TABLE 3A Aviation Demand Planning Horizons H.A. Clark Memorial Field Short Term Intermediate Long Term 2005 (± 5 Years) Term (± 10 Years) (± 20 Years) ANNUAL OPERATIONS Itinerant 3,840 9,200 12,800 18,900 Local 360 800 1,800 2,900 TOTAL OPERATIONS 4,200 10,000 14,600 21,800 Based Aircraft 13 19 25 34 PEAKING general aviation transient ramp space CHARACTERISTICS requirements. Airport capacity and facility needs • Design Hour - The peak hour within analyses typically relate to the levels the design day. of activity during a peak or design pe- riod. The periods used in developing It is important to note that only the the capacity analyses and facility re- peak month is an absolute peak within quirements in this study are as fol- a given year. All other peak periods lows: will be exceeded at various times dur- ing the year. However, they do repre- • Peak Month - The calendar month sent reasonable planning standards when peak volumes of aircraft opera- that can be applied without overbuild- tions occur. ing or being too restrictive. • Design Day - The average day in the peak month. This indicator is easily Itinerant Operations derived by dividing the peak month Peak Periods operations by the number of days in a month. Without an airport traffic control tower, adequate operational informa- • Busy Day - The busy day of a typical tion is not available to directly deter- week in the peak month. This de- mine peak operational activity at the scriptor is used primarily to determine airport. Therefore, peak period fore- 3-2 casts have been determined according This ratio can be expected to decline to trends experienced at similar air- as activity increases and becomes ports. Typically, the peak month for more balanced throughout the week. activity at general aviation airports Design hour operations were esti- approximates 10 to 15 percent of the mated at 30 percent of design day op- airport’s annual operations. Peak erations in 2005. This percentage can month itinerant operations and total also be expected to decline slightly as operations were estimated at 12 per- activity increases over the long term. cent of total annual operations. Cur- Table 3B summarizes the peak opera- rent busy day operations were calcu- tions forecast for the airport. lated as 1.5 times design day activity. TABLE 3B Peaking Characteristics H.A. Clark Memorial Field Short Intermediate Long 2005 Term (± 5 Years) Term (± 10 Years) Term (± 20 Years) OPERATIONS Itinerant Annual 3,840 9,200 12,800 18,900 Peak Month 461 1,104 1,536 2,268 Design Day 15 36 50 73 Busy Day 22 50 67 95 Design Hour 4 10 13 18 Total Airport Annual 4,200 10,000 14,600 21,800 Peak Month 504 1,200 1,752 2,616 Design Day 16 39 57 84 Design Hour 5 11 15 20 AIRFIELD CAPACITY mum level of aircraft operations that can be accommodated in a year. A demand/capacity analysis measures the capacity of the airfield facilities Pursuant to FAA guidelines detailed (i.e., runways and taxiways) in order in the FAA Advisory Circular (AC to identify a plan for additional devel- 150/5060-5, Airport Capacity and De- opment needs. The capacity of the air- lay, the annual service volume of a field is affected by several factors, in- single runway configuration is ap- cluding airfield layout, meteorological proximately 230,000 operations at conditions, aircraft mix, runway use, general aviation airports similar to aircraft arrivals, aircraft touch-and-go H.A. Clark Memorial Field. Since the activity, and exit taxiway locations. forecasts for the airport indicate that An airport’s airfield capacity is ex- activity throughout the planning pe- pressed in terms of its annual service riod will remain well below 230,000 volume (ASV). Annual service volume annual operations, the capacity of the is a reasonable estimate of the maxi- existing airfield system will not be 3-3 reached, and the airfield is expected to related facilities, while airplane wing- accommodate the forecasted opera- span primarily relates to separation tional demands. Therefore, no addi- criteria involving taxiways, taxilanes, tional runways or taxiways are needed and landside facilities. for capacity reasons. According to FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5300-13, Airport Design, an CRITICAL AIRCRAFT aircraft's approach category is based upon 1.3 times its stall speed in land- The selection of appropriate FAA de- ing configuration at that aircraft's sign standards for the development maximum certificated weight. The and location of airport facilities is five approach categories used in air- based primarily upon the characteris- port planning are as follows: tics of the aircraft which are currently using or are expected to use the air- Category A: Speed less than 91 knots. port. The critical design aircraft is de- fined as the most demanding category Category B: Speed 91 knots or more, of aircraft, or family of aircraft, which but less than 121 knots. conducts at least 500 itinerant opera- tions per year at the airport. Planning Category C: Speed 121 knots or more, for future aircraft use is of particular but less than 141 knots. importance since design standards are used to plan separation distances be- Category D: Speed 141 knots or more, tween facilities. These future stan- but less than 166 knots. dards must be considered now to en- sure that short term development does Category E: Speed greater than 166 not preclude the long term potential knots. needs of the airport. The airplane design group (ADG) is The FAA has established a coding sys- based upon the aircraft’s wingspan. tem to relate airport design criteria to The six ADGs used in airport planning the operational and physical charac- are as follows: teristics of aircraft expected to use the airport. This airport reference code Group I: Up to but not including 49 (ARC) has two components: the first feet. component, depicted by a letter, is the aircraft approach category and relates Group II: 49 feet up to but not in- to aircraft approach speed (operational cluding 79 feet. characteristic); the second component, depicted by a Roman numeral, is the Group III: 79 feet up to but not in- airplane design group and relates to cluding 118 feet. aircraft wingspan (physical character- istic). Generally, aircraft approach Group IV: 118 feet up to but not in- speed applies to runways and runway- cluding 171 feet. 3-4 Group V: 171 feet up to but not in- Cessna aircraft, although numerous cluding 214 feet. other aircraft makes and models are based at the airport. Group VI: 214 feet or greater. The aviation demand forecasts pro- Exhibit 3A summarizes representa- jected the mix of aircraft to use the tive aircraft by ARC. airport to consist of mainly the single- engine and multi-engine piston- The FAA advises designing airfield powered aircraft which fall within Ap- facilities to meet the requirements of proach Categories A and B and ADGs the airport’s most demanding aircraft, I and II. The turboprop aircraft pro- or critical aircraft. An aircraft or jected to base at the airport in the fu- group of aircraft within a particular ture would also fall within similar Approach Category or ADG must con- categories. While two turbojet aircraft duct more than 500 operations annu- are projected to base at the airport by ally to be considered the critical design the end of the planning period, busi- aircraft. In order to determine facility ness jet aircraft can include a wide requirements, an ARC should first be range of Approach Categories and determined, and then appropriate air- ADGs.