J U N E 1 9M, A2Y0 280, |2 0S2H0E |L AECMHO |R P A G E 1 Congregation Beth Sholom TORAH W EEKLY Learning Initiative ז"ל A Project of the Linda Mitgang To sponsor, please click here The Spies & Pete Seeger ZMANIM Candle-lighting 8:10 pm BY RABBI KENNETH HAIN Mincha 7:00 pm
[email protected] 8:18 pm Shacharit Hashkama 7:45 am Apparently one the the consequences of the Coved 19 pandemic Shacharit Sephardic 8:45 am has been the dramatic increase in American Jews wanting to make Shacharit Joel Shiff/Main 9:15 am Aliyah. According to the Jerusalem Post more American Jews have Teen Minyan 9:45 am applied to immigrate to Israel in May than any single month over 8:15 pm the last two decades. In fact the Jewish Agency has been receiving Mincha some 1000 calls a week to provide assistance for new immigrants. Shiur with R. Miller 8:30 pm Maariv 9:15 pm The term – “Aliyah” - is clearly derived from this week’s parsha. Shabbos Ends 9:20 pm The word appears repeatedly as the descriptive term for travel to Israel, e.g. “They ascended (vayaalu) and searched the land”. IN THIS ISSUE That is tragically followed by: “But the men who had ascended 1 The Spies & Pete Seeger, R. Hain (alu) with him said: we cannot ascend (laalot)…” This word appears throughout the entire Tanach as the primary expression of the 2 Standing On The Fringes: Where desire to return to Israel and has been the dream that animated The True Power Is, R.