Sixteen Inchesdeep
BROWNSVILLE THE TOWN AND THE FARMER. filled this tiny horseshoe chapel. Mill HERALS First came the strains of the noblest of hymn tunes, the one sung to “O Brownsville Herald Co. The Little Indiana community de- Publishing and mands a short road to Brownsville. God, our help in ages past.” FRONTIER LUMBER CO. then a flew setting of "Lead, Kindly Jesse The demand should be granted. Mrs. O. Wheeler * Editor Brownsville merchants should see Light.” Martin J. Slattery * * Manager that this is done. Good roads lead- Then came Sullivan's hymn, now MICHELINl ing from the farm to the town un- surely immortal, "Nearer, my God, to it. Offilcal Organ of are one Thee.” Many could not sing DeVOE PAINT Cameron County doubtedly of the best tow*) Detachable , 1 Those sweet girl sim- builders, as well as one of the best voices, fresh, Quick Consolidated ple, reverant, gave one all encour- In 1893 with the Daily country developers. to could not Let us xthe commis- agement sing, yet many Cosmopolitan, which was publish- urge county Their minds went Clincher ed tn sioners to build the good roads. The respond. away, Brownsville for 16 years. local Merchants' Association might perhaps to mid-Atlantic, to breath- heart broken to si- b Terms oi tubscription very appropriately undertake this less, “goodbyes,” lence and deathly suspense, broken ®ally Published matter. A strong resolution, urging every morning music and filterings light and the construction of good county only by THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK except Sunday, by mall to postpaid distant the / [< roads As- through companionways any point In adopted by the Merchants’ the United States, Mex.
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