Dominican Life-Joret
DOMINICAN LIFE By F.-D. JORET, O.P. With a Foreword by Father Bernard Delany, O.P. Provincial LONDON SANDS & GO. (PUBLISHERS) LIMITED 15 KING STREET, GOVENT GARDEN, W.C.2 AND AT GLASGOW Private Use Only AUTHORISED TRANSLATION OF NOTRE VIE DOMIMCAWE BY F.-D. JORET, O.P. FIRST PUBLISHED NOVEMBER, 1937 BY SANDS & co (PUBLISHERS) LTD. FROM 15 KING ST., COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C.2 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE WHITEFRIARS PRESS LTD. LONDON AND TONBRIDGE NIHIL OBSTAT I FR. HILARIUS CARPENTER, O.P., S.T.L., B.LITT. IMPRIMATUR I FR. BERNARDUS DELANY, O.P., Prior Provincialis NIHIL OBSTAT I EDUARDUS CAN. MAHONEY, S.Tb.D., Censor deputatus IMPRIMATUR : LEONELLUS CAN. EVANS, Vic. Gem Westmonasterii, die 133 Octobris, 1937 '"tf LIBRARIES All rights reserved More Free Items at 1236438 Private Use Only FOREWORD " A RELIGIOUS Order is assuredly not one of the Creeds," as is sometimes imagined by those not of our " " is it a in a restricted mean- faith > nor Religion except " ing of the word, as St. Thomas explains thus : Every Christian at baptism when he renounces Satan and all his pomps is made a partaker of the true religion. But religion has a second meaning, namely the obligation whereby a man binds himself to serve God in a peculiar manner by specified works of charity and by renunciation of the world." Only inithis secondary sense of the word " can the Religious Orders be ever described as Religions." A Religious is first a Christian and a Catholic; but secondly he is a Catholic who has taken his Catholicism and Christianity a step further and renounced not only sin but also the world, and by the three vows strives to live solely for God in the work in which he has dedicated himself to God's service.
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