Mr. Riaz Fatyana, MNA Contd...P/2 ( L6) Mr
N,{TIONAL ASSEMBI,Y S!]CRE'I'ARtA'I' \o.1,.14 (21120 I 9-l,egis. Islamabad, thc 1 1'r' Seplembcr, 2019 NOTICtr The meeting of the Busincss Advisory Committee will be held, under the Chairmanship of the Honourable Speaker, on Friday, thc 13o September,20lg at 09.30 a.m. in Speaker's Lounge, Parliamcnt House, Islamabad to discuss/consider the following agenda:- (i) duration ofthe Session; (ii) business ofthe House to be conducted; and (iii) any other item with permission ofthe Chair. 2. The following Membcrs are rcqucstcil 1o kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting:- (l) Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Hussain Qurcshi, Minister for Foreign Alfairs (.2) Mr. Pervez Khattak, Minister for Defence (l) Mr. Glrularn Sarwrr Khrn, Minister for Aviation Division (4) Mr. Shafqat Mahmood, Minister for Federal Education, Prolessional Training, Nalional History and Literary Heritage (5) Dr. Shireen M. Mazari, Minister lor Human Rights (6) Dr. Fehmida Mirza Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (7) Ch. Tariq Bashir Cheema, Minist€r for Housing and Works (8) Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Minister for Railwavs (e) Mr. Ijaz Ahmad Shah, Minister for Interior ( l0) Mr. Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (11) Mr. Ali Muhammad Khan, Minister ofState for Parliamentary Affairs (t 2) Mr. Asad Umer, MNA (r3) Sardar Nasrullah Khan Dreshak MNA (14) Malik Muhammad Aarnir Dogar, MNA (15) Mr. Riaz Fatyana, MNA Contd...P/2 ( l6) Mr. tqbal Nluham,nad Alj Khan, MNA ( l7) Mr. Ghous Elux Kh n Mahar, MNA (18) Mr. Khalid Hussain Magsi, MNA (1e) Ms. Rubina irfan. MNA (20) Agha Hassirn Baloch, MNA (21) Mr.
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