Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R
Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R. Pauketat Index More information Index abandonment, 11 Bennett, John, 18 Adair, James, 14, 49, 63 Big Bang, 65, 126 Adams, Robert, 18, 57, 100 bison, 35, 36, 37 adaptationism, 23, 43, 68 Black, Glenn, 18 Adena burial mounds, 7 Blackhawk, 16 adze blades, Dalton, 36 Blanton, Richard, 179 Africa, 3 bodies, 145. See also men, women agency, 24, 163. See also practices Bodmer, Karl, 15 agriculture, 38 bow and arrow, 8, 52 Algonkians, 43, 156 Brackenridge, Henry, 15, 17, 37, 73, 163, Alt, Susan, 99, 100, 109, 180 174 American Bottom, 9, 26, 31, 33, 37 Braden style, 6 tree clearance, 41 Bradley site, 159 Angel site, 11, 138 Brown, James, 6, 141, 144 Apalachee, 162 Brumfiel, Elizabeth, 179 Apple River, 127 Bureau of American Ethnology, 16, archaeomagnetism, 5 104 Archaic period, 6 Butler, Brian, 139 arrowheads, 10, 91, 104, 172 Cahokia-style, 113, 124, 125, 129, 137, Caddoans, 43, 72, 133, 156, 173 170 Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, 69 foreign, 113, 120 Cairo Lowlands phase, 155 lodged in rib cage, 92 Calumet ceremony, 116 axe heads, 41, 84, 100–1, 121 Cambria phase, 125, 131 ceremonial, 149 Carneiro, Robert, 178 manufacturing, 101 Castile Landing, 160 traded north, 125 Central Lowlands, 30, 31 Aztalan, 16, 17, 121, 129, 174 central political-administrative complex, controlling the gaze, 181 71, 106, 164, 166. See also East St. Louis, St. Louis Bareis, Charles, 19, 21, 176 ceremonial center, 3, 8 Barker, Alex, 132 Chapman, Carl, 18 Barrett, Samuel, 17, 129, 178–9 Chav´ınde Huantar, 4 Bartram, William, 14, 63 Cherry Valley phase, 133 beaded burial, 88, 111, 115.
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