Mr. & Mrs. R~C. Bon S61gneur 5941 Baysbore oad Sarasota, 33580

Volume III, Number 10 Published by Students of New College, Sarasota, Florida November 11, 1966 Trustees Elect 2 To Board NameS Honorary Fellows The Board of Trustees yes­ The election of Butterfield :~nr! three-year terms. Those elected terday elected Arthur C. Al­ Allyn brings the number of trestees yesterday are the initial members to 33. of a group which may number up lyn, investment banker and At their spring meeting, the­ sportsman, and Dr. Victor L. to 36. tees created the post of Honorary Allyn, investment banker from Butterfield, President ofW es­ Fellow to bring together outstanding Chicago, Ill., is a partner of Fran­ leyan University, to the board. figures in many fields, as an advi­ cis I. du Pont & Co. , president o1 Named at the same meeting as sory group to the board and to tbe the Artnell Corp., and serves as Honorary Fellows of New College president of the college. president and director c:i several were LeRoy Collins, former gov­ Dallas W. Dort, chairman of the other corporations and a foundation ernor of Florida; writer and editor board, said eacb Honorary Fellow which bears his name. Thomas Dreier; Sir William Hay­ would "through his particular ex­ He is also well known through his ter, Warden (President) of Oxford perience and knowledge assist in offices as president and director of University's New College; Mrs. Es­ the long range planning, develop­ the Chicago White Sox. ln addi­ ther Raushenbush, President ot ment, operation and management tion, he is a trustee of the National Sarah Lawrence College; and David of the College. " College of Education. Riesman, professor at Harvard Uni­ Honorary Fellows, like members versity. Butterfield, president of Wesleyan of the Board of Trustees, will serve University in Middletown, Conn. , since 1943, recently announced he w i 11 retire from that position in June. A graduate of Cornell and Harvard Universities, Butterfield Pei Architect has 12 honorary degrees. He has be en pres i dent of the National Council on Religion in Higher Edu­ To Tallc Tonight cation, and a member of the Ford and Danforth foundations' advisory Shelton Peed, design architect committees. with L M. Pei and Associates will A leading spokesman for the small speak tonight at the forum. Peed, liberal arts college, Butterfield vis­ who has been associated with the ited New College for three days in. design and construction of all East the week of Feb. 7. Commenting Campus buildings, will show slides on unrest on the campus at that anddiscussthe development of the time, he said, "I have found in building as well as architecture in speaking to students that there is a general. general tendency to talk first about Dinner will be served on the reg­ what' s wrong with New College. ular Friday schedule at 6 pm and StudeDts are often self-conscious the forum will begin at 7. and hyper-critical of the institu­ tion." Guest for Nov. 18 will be 1-aul "Upon digging deeper, " he con­ Goodman, who ha5 been called the MembetS ofthe full board oftrustees arrived on cam­ Trustees on the t.aucatJLOJ:la.l pus yesterday. About 25 of the college's 33 trustees Committee have been on campus Wednesday. tinued, "I've also found that stu­ "utopian agent provocateur." deiJts realize how good an educa­ Goodman is the a:rthor of "Crowing are expected to be present at today's semi- annua 1 Above, board members consult with college officials meeting. at a briefing session in College Hall's patio room. tional opportunity this place real­ Up Absurd, " listed on the first year ly affords. There are assets here rea:hnglist, "Compulsory Misedu­ which are hard for students to ap­ cation, "People or Personnel," and Students Compete praise. I think students who will " Utopim Es>a y~. " stay by will realize that they got a Writet· Mi<.h.l !l Harrington, in a Construction Workers very good education. " discussion of Goodman in the Aug. In Speech Meet Collins, of Tampa, was governor 1965 Atlantic, said Gt'Orivile2e that can be that the most important ways in allowed by the administration, the inauguration of President El­ which all students can help the mendorf. this :.t.ssumes that the students win Collegeare to work seriously at XSSPXCY stricti y and conscientiousiy observe The committee also completed the business of learning and to set revisions in the Modes of Proce- and enforce the rule. their own social house in order. ln other words, the situation has already reached the level of "no compromise" as far as the admin­ istration is concerned. The wide­ spread and persistent violation of of the rule that became apparent Spice up your wardrobe with cinnamon sport this fall forced the administration • into an untenable position in deal­ shirts from our Advance Guard Collection. A ing with the various publics that it must deal with and increased the wise variety of textures are yours in luxurious vulnerability of the College to the Enro fabrics. Naturally, authentic detailing is danger point. The fact of this vulnerability has also here ... tapered body, button-down collar, already been brought to the atten­ locker loop and box pleat in back. Select your tion of the students, and they have been challenged to demonstrate favorite soon. $9 their willingness and ability to con­ duct the social affairs of their com­ munity according to standards that the administration can defend with some degree of plausibility. They have been further informed that if they do not respond affirm - to this challenge, the administra­ tion will be forced to assume a re­ sponsibility that the students are unwilling to accept. The science lab building was officially dedicated this week to William and Marie Selby, whose gift made the labs possible. The studem: government has ta­ The main entrance to the labs now bears the title, "William G. and ken the position that it will seek Marie Selby Science Building. " to enforce the student rules, in- November 11, 1966 The Catalyst Page 3 Little Angels Will Return Contests Open In Drama, Film The Little Angels, a company of 27 young folk dancers from Korea will return to Sarasota Jan. 15 ~mder the sponsorship of the Friends of Ne~ Contests in drama-writing and College to give a performance in the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium. film-making sponsored by the So­ In the com.Rany are 26 girls and one boy, all between the ages of seven ciety of Fine Arts for the Tampa and 14, who petform folk dances selected from more than 2,000 years of Bay area are cw:rently tmder way. Korean cultural history. Students are eligible to enter in Students will conduct public sales represents part of tlie folk tradition both the International Competition of tickets for the show in both Ma- of the Koreans and a narrator ex- for Plays and/ or Musicals, and the natee and Sarasota Counties. AU plains the significance of each. Intem ational Florida S uncoast Film proceeds above e:lq)enses for the All of them, such as the Festival Competition. perl'ormance will be divided be- of the Weavers, the Sword Dance, All entries should be sent to the tween the United Ftmd of Manatee and the WeddingDay, tell their BeauxAJ.ts Gallery, 7711 60th St., Cotmty and· the United Appeal of own stories through costumes, the Pinellas Park, Fla. Sarasota County. dance, and the music. Entry deadlines for the drama and Student Executive Committee Members of the troupe were se- the film competitions are March 1 chairman Mike Cassellsaidhe lected in a Korea-wide talent and Feb. 8, respectively. hq>edbymeansofthispresentation search and then trained under the According to Tom Reese, mana­ the students could help to m~ direction of that nation 1s foremost ger ot the Beaux AJ.ts Gallery and rmanins;ct"ulcontributionstotheNew choreographer and most distin- Coffeehouse, there are no restric­ College commtmity which includes guished ballerina. tions on number, length, or style on entries in the drama contest, both CO'Imties. . Accompanying the dancers is a except that they "be suitable for The perlormance of T h e Little court music orchestra made up of production on a small coffeehouse Angels is cololful, excitinll and distinguished adult f~culty mem­ stage or at one end of a living bers of the Korean National Court room." Music Academy in Seoul. The Little Angels from Korea were guests of New College last year and Top entries will be staged. In stayed in the residence courts. addition, there will be cash awards. This is the second American tour Above, part of the group pose for this picture in the third court. In the film contest, all eight or 16 for the troupe that last year won millimeter films of any length or the heart of millions of Americans theme will be considered. in appearances all over the cotm­ try and also through a special ap­ Mrs. Elmendorf pearance of the Ed Sullivan Show. They last performed in Sarasota GOLDEN HOST on Nov. 7, 1965, 'lm.der the spon­ To Travel in Feb. 80 Beautiful Rooms- '50-Foot Pool sorship of the Friends of New Col­ Putting Green-Bahi Hut Cocktail Lounge lege. Mrs. John Elmendorf will not 4675 N. Tamiami Trail 355·5141 travel to the Dominican Republic as spec i a 1 emissary for the u.S. Cimino Wins State DepaJ.tment tmtil February. The president's wife told The Catalyst the State DepaJ.tment has Poem Prize notified her political conclitions in the island republic prohibit her Third-year student Glenda Cimi­ going at the end of this month, as no has won third prize in the Short she had offered. Poem Division of the Fifteenth An­ The purpose of her visit, as out­ L. W. Homing, president of the nual Poetry Month Competition for lined by the government, will be Friends of New College, with one her poem, "Circle of Death. " to "consult with women leaders Chinese food that' r exotic of the Little Angels. Winners in the competition were and explore ways of assisting or­ honored at a public program and ganizations in the fields of citizen­ Steaks- Ch~ps- Cocktails swift-paced. They perlorm fifteen reading Sunday in Pinellas Palk. ship, education, and voltmtary Golden Buddha Restaurant different numbers, each with The competition, sponsored by community services" in that coun­ changes of costume. Every dance the Society of Fine AJ.ts for the trv. 7113 N. Tamiami Trail 355-6~66 Tampa Bay area, was open to all Florida residents, with no restric­ Mrs. Elmendorf, who has had ex­ tions on theme or style. tensive personal experience with Exhibit Set Dr. Albert Howard Carter, pub- Latin American affairs, was award- lished poet and Dean of Humanities an · pe i ists gr to pay for the trip by the Bureau of For Student at Florida Presbyterian College, Educat!onal and Cultural Affairs. served as judge. Photographs

An exhibition of the work of New YOUTH FARE College's many indi'ridual student photographers has been set for sometime in the near future. Save a half Proposed by Miss Cris Hassold, AssistantProfessorof Art, the show for tickets and information, see may be scheduled in conjtmction Gerlt lleflloMr, Mgr. with the opening of Hamilton Court and may be housed in the new building. BAY AREA TRAVEL Students who wish to enter their just north of's work should put all their good prints in Miss Hassold's mailbox in the Humanities office by Tuesday at 755-3775 noon. (It costs no more to work through an agent) According to Bud Holder, whose photographs have appeared in the United Church of Christ Cotmcil for Higher Education Journal and The Catalyst Literary Supplement, Miss Hassold will make an initial selec­ tion from the prints submitted and There are now 5 branches of then all the entering students will decide which pictures will be ex­ hibited. Holders aid photographers submit­ ting their prints should arrange REP CLEANERS, ln·c. them with the 10 best on top. He said, "It is not at all necessary to have all the pictures of show qual­ formerly Perfedion Cleaners ity, but it is important that much of an artist's work be turned in to TO SERVE YOU: allow for an over-all feel for what the individual is wodcing toward. 11

Second lntervi ew MAIN PLANT: 7327 N. TAMIAMI TRAIL -355-4818 Set for Sunday WARD PLAZA: 4221 14th St. W. (Br4denton} The second in a series of inter­ views from the New College cam­ puswill be heard Sunday on Radio BEE RIDGE PLAZA: 4116 Bee Ridge Road StationWSd~, 1450kc at 5:05pm. -924-6415 The program features an inter­ view of third-year student Tim NEW TOWN: 2712 N. Osprey Avenue Dunsworth by Tom Todd and is a followup to the Florida Philosophy Association meeting which Duns­ and other students and facul­ GULF GATE: 2103 Stickney Point Road ty attended. Interviews are regularly scheduled by the station each Sunday. November 11, 1966 Page4 The Catalyst Editorials MORE? Evaluating the Faculty All through the history of New College, students have ex­ " pressed some desire to have a degree of influence in the hir­ ing and firing of faculty members. As an example, we quote from a letter to the editor in The Catalyst of Dec. 17, 1965, from then first-year student Mike Cassell: "The sad­ dest part is that I can't put your (the faculty's) head on the block. You can throw comprehensive knives at me in Au­ gust, but I can't do anything in return. If only we had a line-up at the end of the year and all the profs would walk in front of the students, and we could say, 'You pass, swing­ er. You don't make it, loser•••• '"

Certainly students cannot expect to have a direct vote in choosing their faculty; they are simply not qualified to choose, and it is neither their responsibility northeirrightto do so. On the other hand, the administration, we would think, has a responsibility to weigh student opinion of the faculty's performance in making its re-hiring decisions.

We are certain student opinion has in the past had some slight, very informal effect on the administration's hiring, if not firing, of professors. Students have expressed the need for professors in particular fields, for example, and the college has gone out and hired them. Letters vate murmurings of disillusion. It are now being) taken to correct Of Trash and Tiles will be a source of personal com­ this malediction. Many members But the students, we think, have something more formal mentary on the New College ex­ of the f i r st and second Charter Classes have finally begun to take in mind. To the Editor: perience that will not evaporate It seems reasonable to assume that the morning after the "bull session." an active interest in the affairs of people with average intelligence As a tool for those who read them, the college--not just the student We are aware that several questionnaires have been sent and perception can differentiate it will assist in gauging the degrees affairs but also administrative, out in the past asking for student evaluation of their courses between trash cans and courty.ud of success and failure of the insti­ faculty, andpublic affairs. Some tution. and teachers, and that these have provoked disappointing tiles, yet ~omewhere on the New students are engaging in commun­ College campus, there exist some Signed, ity social wod<, some are planning response. But the theory is sound, nevertheless. Richard Waller ten to fifteen idiots who cannot significaii: fund-raising campaigns, make this differentiation. and others are becoming involved Students--at least those who attend classes--should know Look next time, and differentiate Something Roolly New in wod< donations to the school best how good or bad a teacher is. If the Student Academic before you discard. To the Editor: (e. g. 1 revitalisation of the Crane Committee would serve as a communication link between property). Whether such moves students and administration, and if the faculty and admini­ (signed) Something really new is happen­ stem from a new Student Execu­ A disgruntled Court Sweeper ing at New College. Seemingly tive Committee, President Elmen­ stration would acknowledge the validity of a formal evalua­ for the first time, students have be­ dorf's address to the student body, tion of professors by students through that committee, then, come concerned with the affairs, or merely a sudden change in stu­ we predict, student response to such questionnaires would both public and private, of the col­ dent opinion, is immaterial. At perk up, and the entire college community would benefit. A Time of Retrospect lege--we have begun to realize that least we are finally doing something a certain amount of give and take for the positive good of the whole To the Editor. is essential here since this is a new college rather than for ourselves The end of the undergraduate college and is, more specifically, only, andhopefullysomegood will education is a time of retrospect. New College. A fledgling school, evolve from our efforts. Stretching Money The individual feels distant enough and especially a somewhat contro­ In conclusion, besides being a fro m a 11 that has happened yet versial one, must have the support somewhat egotistic (and premature) close enough to feel the presence not only of the public but also of its pat on the back, this letter will oftheirimpact. It is a time when students; and New College, I be­ hopefully enlighten those darlt Class HODOr R.ati.J>s or at helping the college solve its scientist. Educated at Harvard, Associated Collegiate Press inner problems (except in ways Win Honorable Mention he was once law cled< to the late Vol. 3 Number 10 November 11, 1966 which would benefit the students). 1 Supreme Court Justice Louis Bran­ bers and a numberofgraduate stu­ Finally, however, we are begin­ Papers written by two philosophy deis. He taught at the University Published weekly by students at New College dents from schools across the state ning to realize that, as studeDts, (except for three weeks from mid-December majors were given honorable men­ of Chicago before becoming pro­ also attended. The New College we have not been at all objective th!otlgb the finl: week in January and six tion in competition at the recent fessor of social science at Harvard. weeks in July and Allg\Gt). Subscriptiaru: group was the only Wlder-graduate convention of the Florida Philo­ and not at all fair to the college He visited New College last year $5.00 per year (43 issues) or 15¢ per copy. sophical Association in Lakeland, group at the convention. and the first steps have been (and Address subscription orders, chance of ad­ as a member of a campus planning ch-ess notices and 'laldeliverable copies to: Participating in the convention, This was their second year to par­ conference. While here Riesman The Catalyst/New College/Post Office Box at Florida Southern College, third­ ticipate in the convention of the commented on the fact that New 1898/SarliSOCa, Florida 33578. Appllcation state philosophical association. year student AnnaN a v a rro, and College was "one of the few good to mail at second-class postage rates pending second-year student Rick Stauffer Affairs at Sar2Sota, Florida. Tel. 3SS-S406. (Continued from page 1) schools that did not hold teach-ins presented papers they had written. Editor ...... Tom Todd Claim Che,ks Early ference of this type has for Nev. on Viet Nam" and said"! don't Aasoc. Editor •••••• , .•. , •.•.• Kenjl Oda Anna's paper, entitled "Diverse College public relations, 11 Rae bum think activism is necessarily ad­ Business ..... , •••• , ••••• , George Finkle Existential Theologies, " was con­ Students who work for the college noted. "However, the collge has vantageous. " Production , •••••••• , •.. , . Steve Oclofsky cemed with the philosophy of Circulation •. , ••.••••••••. Dale Hicleryl Approximately 75 faculty mem- Whtte the month, if so desired. tional Affairs. "bringing up a race of drunkards." November 11, 1966 The Catalyst Election Analysis PageS GO Wins Victory In House; Takes Maior Governorships

By STEVE ORLOFSKY felt by many that the law may be because it is improperly appor­ extrapolated to h o 1 d for general three seats should have no serious Undoubtably the man who bene­ tioned, i.e. not according to the effects. But in the House the Re­ elections. fited from the Republican victories Re s ults of Tuesday's elections one man one vote ruling of the publicans will gain much greater show that the Republicans have most was Richard Nixon. Nixon u. s. Supreme Court. say in committees, making it dif­ stwnped the nation, appearing in won as mashing victory. Final To complicate the picture even Meanwhile the incwnbent Geor­ ficult for administration bills to tabulations give them gains of 47 more, the backers of Ellis Arnall behalf of over one hundred candi­ gia governor, Carl Sanders, bas reachthe House floor without ma­ dates for Congress and for governor­ House seats, 3 Senate seats, and and the American Civil Liberties said that he will remain in office jor compromises. On a number of ships. In doing so Nixon may have eight governorships. Union have filed separate suits in as long as necessary, which may Great Society programs the margin built for himself a major power In possibly the biggest upset of the federal courts. Arnall's back­ be Wltil the spring of 1967. of victory ranged from 12 to 29 base for the 1968 Republican pre­ the election Republic an C 1 a u d e ers hold that the e 1 e c t ion had a votes. Gerald Ford (Mich. ), House sidential nominating convention. Kirk was elected governor of Flo­ nwnber of major voting irregula­ The m a j o r ramification of the Republican leader, noted that a Ronald Reagan (governor-elect rida, over the shoo-in candidate rities. They contend that a nwn­ GOP's great victory will be the loss gain of 30 seats would be enough Calif. ) has already committed his Robert King High. Ostensibly berofwrite-in ballots were simply of a working majority in the House 1 to stymie the President's major delegation to Nixon in 1968. High slosscan be attributed to the thrown away--possibly as many as for the administration. The Sen­ legislation. A gain of 47 seats is twenty thousand. The ACLU However, the other major Repub­ white backlash. But also present ate during the 89th Congress usu­ overwhelming. As Ford put it, "It c h a r g e s that the state assembly lican presidential hopeful for 1968, were a nwnber of tactical errors ally split about 60-40 in favor of w i 11 be a different ball game in 1 Gov. George Romney (Mich.), o­ and High s inability to shake off cannot leR;ally decide the election. the Great Society. The loss of the House next session. " certain labels with unfavorable verwhelmed the Democrats' sacri­ connotations that had been placed ficial lamb Zolton Ferency, win­ on him early in the campaign by ning a four hundred thousand vote Kirk. majority. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller High in older to win had to carry (N.Y.), with a delegation equal in by at least two-to-one majorities strength to California's, pledged Dade, Pinellas, and Hillsborough his delegation to Romney in 1968. Counties, all of which are major The elections have brought one uri> an areas in Florida. On the ad­ major fact to light. Whlle there vice of Scott Kelly (who had formed will be a major fight for the presi­ a coalition with High to defeat dential nomination in 1968, the Governor Haydon Bums in the June Republicans will not be hrecon­ Democratic primary runoff between cilably split among themselves as High andBums)High chose to con­ was the case in 1964, with their centrate his campaign in the rural non-syncretic philosophies. areas of the state, especially the A number of favorite sons came panhandle. High apparently as­ to the front as a result of GOP vic­ swned that the urban areas were tories. In Ohio James Rhodes won safe against the reactionary Kirk. by more than 600,000 votes. High won a fairly large vote in the Charles Percy beat the incumben,t rural areas, but not nearly enough Paul Douglas in the Dlinois Senate to c o m p e n s at e for the votes he race. Mark Hatfield played down didn't receive in the urban coun:. his dove stand on Vietnam and was ties. Highjustbarelycarried Dade elected to the Senate from Oregon. County and Hi.Usborough County Edward Brooke (Mass.) became the and lost Pinellas County. While first Ne21'0 senator since the days the white backlash and the possi­ of Reconstruction. In Colorado ble police scandal in Dade County Why High Jolm Love WQI1 reelection as gov­ may well have hurt High, there can Robert King ernor by a sizable majority. All be little doubt that High lost a con­ ot these men now become good siderable numb e r of votes by his possibilities for the vice presiden­ t aking for grant ed those areas. tial nomination in 1968 or the pre­ Another t actical. error committed Was Elected Governor sidential nomination in 1972 or af­ by High was his too close identifi­ By CHARLES RAEBURN backlash, " for Floridians had seen Tuesday was nota day when FJor­ ter. cation with Kelly, whom he had Citizens of Florida turned out their neighbor state of Georgia idiauswouldvote Republican sim­ A final note of tragedy: on the bitterly fought in the first primary heavilyTuesdayto vote for candi­ nominate a man for governor who ply because they wanted a change Colorado general referendum was election in May. Everywhere High dates who will be responsive to the would make Birmingham's "Bull" In Tallahassee. They realized that a move for the abolition of capital went Kelly was sure to go. In the needs of their rapidly urbanizing Connor look like a Sunday school Robert King High presents the punishment in Colorado. Though minds of many voters must have state. teacher. Floridians put aside any greatest change, as an administra­ all respoosible figures and most been the idea that High had made Pettypolitical Jealousies were at feelings about racial views of the tor of the largest urban center in the newspapers backed abolition, the a questionable deal with Kelly. last put aside as Governor Haydon candidates because there are great­ state, which the state has ever seen Colorado voters overwhelmingly Athirdmajorfactorin High's de­ Bums and the peppery mayor of er issues than racism which face in the state capital. defeated abolition. The Colorado feat was the refusal ofHaydon (THE BIG CITY) Robert their state. Tuesday was not a day when Flor­ voters could have approved an al­ Bums to back High. Because of this King High embraced each other and Tuesday was not a day on which ida voterswouldgoto the polls and ternate amendment by which ex­ it was doubtful that High could pledged themselvestoworl< togeth­ Florida voters would cast their vote vote for a man who promised to ecutions would be made public-­ win the Ja::ksonville vote. Also er for the good of the Democratic against the party which controls hold the tax level while refusing to pemaps in downtown Denver or wordhasitthatBumsthrew his ma­ party and for the state. national politics in an effort to show propose any major programs for Colorado Springs. chine behind Kirk, giving Kirk as Tuesday was not a day for petti­ Washington that its anti-poverty state public education, highways many as 500, 000 votes he other­ ness, as Florida voters realized. and speedy integration policies are or city redevelopment. They re: wise would not have received. There were issues other than per­ unappreciated in the South. This cognized the great problems which H i g h 1 s inability to cast off the sonality in the air, such as quali­ state's voters were concerned with theirstatefaces and knew that Ro­ label of 'ultra-liberal' vlac.M..Qil.. fications for the office of governor major issues which go far beyond bert King High would be the best him by Kirk hurt him. Likewise based on past elective experience personal likes or dislikes, and re­ man available to predict problems that High was easily identified in and ability to handle the increas­ cognized that the man who could, and seek solutions to these problems the voter's mind with the admini­ ingly complex urban problems of a due to his past experience, help before they occur, stration and with Robert Kennedy state whose growth rate is one of them to solve some of their major Tuesdaywas not ada yfor Florida. was detrimental. Conservatives the nation's highest. highway and public school prob­ Tuesday was not a day for Robert were alienated by these factors Tuesday was not a day for "white lems is Robert King High. King High. Patronize Our Advertisers enough to force them to cross party lines. There were also those factors PHONE: which p 1 ague d High as they did every other Democratic candidate across the . The ri­ sing cost of living, the way in which the war in Vietnam is going, and -New College's Closest and Most that the Negroes are pushing civil rights too haro are all attributable Complete Record Shop to the party in power--the Demo­ ROUTE 301 crats. High's b e in g a Democrat SARASOTA, FLORIDA was itself destructive. OPEN 24 HOURS The Best in All Kinds of Records * * * The Georgia gubernatorial race Folk, Rock and Classical lllaliilests itself as one of the most curious electoral contests sin c e "for the esoteric and theHayes-Tildenrace for the pre­ sidency in 1876. As things now exotic in paperbacks ... stand Howard (Bo) Calloway (R.) has received 47. 2 per cent of the Also Large Stock of vote; Lester Maddox (D.), 46.8 visit per cent ofthe vote; and Ellis Ar­ Guitars, nall a write-in Democratic candi­ date), 5. 8 per cent of the vote. Music Books, By Georgia law in older to win the and Accessories governorship, a candidate must re­ ceive a majority, which none of New arrivals - the candidates has done. According Reavy's NEW RUSSIAN POETS to the Georgia state constitution the Cassirer's LOGIC OF THE HUMANITIES e 1 e c t i on is then thrown into the state assembly, where the governor Ardrey's AFRICAN GENESIS is selected. Hare's FREEDOM AND REASON In co nf 1 i c t with this is a state Koerner's MISEDUCATION OF AMERICAN TEACHERS electoral law which states that if no one ca:1didate receives a ma­ ... and ..• many more!! jority, then a runoff is held be­ JONES' MUSIC CO. t we en the top two vote getters. While this law explicitly applies - NEW BOOKS ARRIVING DAILY - 2836 N. TRAIL 355-1957 only to primary elections, it is Pag!6 The Catalyst November 11, 1966 SAFC Will Hold Hearing Monday

The Studeut Activity Fund Com­ given the opportunity to explain lyst Literary Supplement, tbe ;)o­ Vince's Pizza mittee will conduct a hearing lll: their position and students will be cial Committee, and a group in­ Famous all over the West Coast 6: 30 pm in the Music Room of able to question them. terested in starting a campus radio College Hall to discuss several re­ The committee will decide on the station have turned in official re­ 755-1812 quests for money from the fund. requests outstanding "very shortly quests for funds from the commit­ According to committee chalr­ thereafter, " Misemer said. tee. Ott U.S. 41, Midway Betweell Sarasota o:an Kenny Misemer, student groups The Film Committee, the Inter­ In addition, Misemer said last & Bradenton at Bowlees Ct-eek who have requested money will be national Affairs Group, The Cata- night, "a couple" of other groups have indicated they will file re­ quests before Monday. The five requests that have been Faculty Okays Committees filed total $4240. There is approximately $3400 in Members of five faculty commit­ ding Committee ("The 5-A Com­ the fund. tees were approved by the faculty mittee"). Other members are Dr. The breakdown on the requests Wednesday. Arthur R. Borden and Dr. Harry R. current 1 y outstanding is: Film Named to the Committee on Lec­ Crouch Jr. Commitee, $1500, topay for tures and Co rom unity Relations The Committee on Educational film remals for the next two terms; were: Dr. Patricia Drabik, chair­ Policy will be chaired by Dr. B. International Affairs Group, $1500, man; Christopher J. von Baeyer; Gresham Riley • Other members to help finance an international and Michael von Guttenberg. Ex are Dr. Jerome Himelhoch and Dr. affairs conference in the spring. officio members are Dr. Mation C. Peter Buri. Literary Supplement, $600, to Hoppin, Furman C. Arthur and F a c u l t y representatives to the cover priuting costs for the yea:r; Paul D. Davis. College Col.Ulcil are Dr. George W. Campus Radio Station, $600, to Library Committee members are Petrie m, Dr. Geof)l;e H. Mayer, help cover expenses; Social Com­ Dr. Jon R. Culbertson, chairman; and Dr. Drabik. Dr. Brian R. Kay mittee, $40, to be used for prizes Dr. David S, Gorfein; and Keith and Mrs. Evelyn Macbeth will be in a proposed refrigerator-painting Armes. Dr. Corinne G. Wilson, alternates to the College Col.Ulcil. contest. h'brarian, and President John El­ Me m b e r s of these committees Each student contributes $15 to mendorf are ex officio members. were nominated by the faculty the fund at the beginning of the Dr, Sarah J. Stephens will chair committee on committees. Ac­ school year. the Student Admissions, Advising, cording to Dr. Robert Knox, a Aid, Awards and Academic Stan- member of the committee on com­ mittees and secretary of the fac­ Cagers Prepare ulty, a Committee on Baccalau­ reate Examinations "will probably" For League Play be appointed by the faculty. Tenth Victim The basketball team has begun FWCSO Tickets practice in preparation for city YAMAHA league play which begins next Reiuvenated month, according to Frank Meyer, Available Here "Tenth Victim--Kill!" seems to recreation coordinator. Season tickets for the Florida West be the latest battle cry here, as Coached by Peter Odell, the group Coast Symphony Orchestra concerts students anticipate playing that is working out Saturday mornings are still available in the humanities modem game of ingenious "mur­ at the Sarasota High School 'gym­ office. der"--Tenth Victim. nasium. A Thursday night prac­ Tickets for the three concert series tice will be added Nov. 24. Based on an idea in the movie will be $6 for adults and $3 for stu­ 11 Anyone interested in playing on dew. "Tenth Victim, the game enjoyed the tezn should contact Odell in Concert dates are: Dec. 16, 8:15 brief popularity on many college in the Admissions Office. pm; Feb. 3, 8:15pm; and March 5, campuses--including New Col­ Meyer also said two teams play 3 pm, all in Sarasota's Symphony lege--last spring. softball Sl.Ulday at 2 pm. The coed Hall. Players are divided into victims teamsarefull, hesaid, ''butthere1s The same concerts will be repealed and assassins and paired off. The always room for a few additions. " in Bradenton Dec. 18, Feb. 4, and assassins amass points by "killing" lll


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TRAVEL, INC. Interiors Complete Travel Arrangements

Special Student Tours ... Domestic & International Rosemary Bond en Gifts Interiors Accessories 45 S. Palm 958-2114 St. Arntand's Key Sarasota, Florida November 11, 1966 The Catalyst Page 7 Hamilton's libertarian Views Imply laissez-faire Economics

By KIT ARBUCKLE Q: Specifically, why did you a­ stand the capitalism of his day, empirical grounds. They are cer­ is not, I think, theoretically sup­ bandon a solidly conservative line and even if he had, his theories tainly not ample tools to a dis­ portable. It seems to me that the One of the students known on the to become a libertarian? would not necessarily have been cussion of politico-economics. capit alism system is a reality in New College campus for his con­ A; Well, it seems to me that relevant tom ode rn capitalism. Q: The "new economis" seems society, and each helps to shape cern with economic and govern­ conservatives say that liberal pol­ His labor theory of value--the to be the root of big, modem wel­ the other. Capitalism must thus mental issues is Chuck Hamilton cies tend to become oppressive,in fact that the rich get richer and fare government. What is the lib­ be imperfect. It is a theory in of the Class of '67. In an inter­ a broad and generally true sense. the poor get poorer--has not been ertarian reaction to this sort of practice, and no theory is perfect view with The Catalyst he ex­ But I've foi.Dl.d that a conservative borne out by history. So on an conduct of politics? in its application. I think that, pressed the following philosophy. p o li c y can be as oppressive as a economic level especially, Marx A; Big government, government both logically and empirically, it liberal one. The position I have has been shown to be very wrong. intervention, is, I would say, can be shown to work better than Q: Chuck, how would you iden­ outlined seemed to be the best al­ His idea of the profit motive was structurally implicit in Keynes. If alternative economic philosophies. tify your main field of interest? ternative, albeit a not very clear one of emotional repulsion rather the b a s i s is wrong, the practice Q: By stressing economics over A: I think, because of the situa­ one yet. than a true representation. It is a will also be in error. First of all, governmental dynamics as basic to tion as it exists today, and soci­ In addition, I think that the con­ very c om p 1 ex subject; it goes in challenging m ass i v e govem­ society, doyouimplythatthe prob­ ety's framework, my main inter­ servative's acceptance of the sta­ much further than just making ment, I would say that it is wrong lems of the world should be ap­ ests revolve aroi.Dld political sci­ tus quo (and the liberals are be- money. It has allocative functions to identify a problem, then im­ proached through economic plan­ ence and economics, and their in­ mediately proceed to try to solve ningratherthan political maneuv­ ter-relations. it by :drninistrative p o li c y . It ering? Q: Would you give us some of seems to me that this line of at­ A; Well, first of all, I would say the history of your politicalbe­ tack is non sequitur, on theoreti­ that economics is just one aspect liefs? cal grounds. In many cases, the of the social framework, integrally A: Around 1961 I became inter­ "independent sector" could solve related to politics and sociology ested in communism and did a lot these pro b 1 e m s better than the and other studies. But in interna­ of reading on communism, parti­ government can. Here again, I tional affairs economics are, I cularly on how it is practiced, and think that this opinion can be pro­ think, rightly given a greater em­ became very anti-communist. ved empiric ally. Urban renewal phasis than these other aspects. After a while, realizing that one is a good example, showing how Today, even limited warfare has cannot be against a position with­ things are made worse by the in­ become a dangerous, almost out­ out imp 1 i c it 1 y supporting some tervention of the federal system. moded way of survival. I think other position, I began to support The same case can be made, that confrontation between, for a conservative political ideology though perhap~,not as conclusivelY. exampus. the and the as an affirmative position. I did for medicare, social security, and so-called free world must change a lot of r e ad in g of conservative the minimum wage. drastically from a mllitary t o an philosophy, and became very ac­ Q: Feeling that Marx's and economic contest if we are t o sur­ tive in the conservative wing of Keynes 1 s theories are no longer vive. the Republican party. In the last applicable, how do you accredit Q: Could your stand !}len be char­ year and ::t half I have radically contentionsthat Adam Smith is no acterized as pacifistic? changed my political ideas, rea­ longer practicable? A; Ide ally, yes; b lll: this m ust be lizing that, while there are basic A; It is an undeniable fact that qualified in practice. The com­ problems in the so-called liberal in many cases his opinions are no rnl.Dlists, I think, will not settle for thought, there are also some very longer applicable, but this in no our subjugation, we c an't just sit pertinent problems in the right way throws a laisss-faire capi­ by. Howeve r, I don't think the wing of political theory. talistic system into disrepute . military answer is a true solution. Q: What are some of these Smith wrote in 1776, and the whole !think, therefore, that the resolu­ problems? economic situation then was v astly tion will stem from the economic A; I feel, t o put it very crudely, different social conditions than it blockade of the c ommunist COlDl­ the liberal is presented with the istoday. Sothatlthink that either tries to force them t o prove that pro b 1 e m of always jumping to Hamilton to support Adam Smith as some sort their system will work well, but government programs to solve the of absollEe position, or to :lttack also in the re a1m of economic ·aid problems of society. On the other coming thiswaynowthattheyhave that Marx did not ad e quat e 1 y him and think that thereby youhave t o under-developedco'Uiltri . And hand I think that a large faction of got many of their p r ograms treat . destroyed capitalism today is ludi­ here agabl, we malt never lose the right wing tends to b e tied to through)is inherently disagree able However, I can't keep from ad­ crous. Capitalism is, of necessity, sight of the fact that this assistance tradition, and in addition is to m e . While you need a contin­ ding that, as a heretic of his time, an innovative and dynamic con­ must come from the private sector against most govemment interven­ uity from established institutions, Marx was very useful in clarifying cept, and theories of economics, as well as from the public funds. tion without providing some sort of you must also allow for the inno­ positions that were or t h o d o x at especi ally l aissez- faire economics, alternative. From this refusal of vat ion and freedom necessary for that period, by calling them int o has adapted drastically. To think both the "liberal" and "conserva­ any form of creative society. question. that c apit alism is a c enturies- old tive" views, my position has ten­ Q: If you are no longer a Q: If you refuse Marxian eco­ static given, is one of the errors Frank's ded to become that of a "libertar­ straight conservative, are you still nomics, can you, as a libertarian, conservatives often make. This is Barber Shop ian, " if one must find a label. anti-communist? embrace the K e y n e s i an system just not so, as I see it. Q: What are the tenets of liber­ A; Yes. I think that m ost peo­ and big government that is so pre­ It has often been said that cap­ 3·f30 N. Temiemi Trail tarian politics? ple would have to be against thf.' valent in the West? italism has many faults and should 355-1300 A: Well, first of all, it's a po­ communism as practiced in the A: Here again, I think that in be destroyed for this reason, but this sition that hasn't become doctrinal USSR, China, and the other block the 1930's when Keynes wrote his yet, so it's very fluid, and this is nations, simply because they are general t h e or y , he was a very good I think, because too often classic examples of the Marxian helpful person, causing others to 1 i be r a 1 and conservative stands class interests controlling a gov­ r e think and restate themselves. have become too orthodox. I ernment for the i r own interests. But here again I think that Keynes ST. ARMANDS TRAVEL think that the position can be ba­ And on theoretical grounds, too, has now become the standard sically stated two diffo?rent ways. I'm an anti-communist. It seems position; also, any non-Keynesian ~ Air and steamship reservations First, there should be a great em­ to me that that position has many position is branded inferior and ~ Car rentals - Cruises- Tours phasis on the institutions of soci­ serious logical shortcomings. And not given a fair he a ring. When ety,partlybecause they embody-­ whether anyone can say that there Keynes wrote he was influenced Independent travel make concrete --certain beliefs is a definite relationship between beavily by the , and actions, and also because they communism in practice and theory so that his general view does not Harding Circle Phone 388-3661 afford a continuity to the life of a is another question. seem valid today, though it may society. But I would say that gov­ Q: Would you elaborate on the have been true then. Also, I think ernment is not the most important statement that Marxism has seri­ that he ri.Dl.s into some theoretical institution of society, nor can we ous logical shortcomings? problems, the best examyles pro­ rely too heavily on tradition to A: I think that M a r x made a bably being them ult i p ier and provide continuity. One must great many profoi.Dld and impres­ acceleration principles, which SEE SARASOTA FIRST place the most emphasis on the sive insights. A lot of his social have been shown very dubious in individual, his actions and his a­ and psychological insights are va­ many cases, on both lo~ical and bilities to innovate. The liber­ lid, but on an economic and poli­ All the problems & challenges of tarian feels that these requirE>· ents tical basis he was generally wrong. imply a 1 a iss e z- fair e type of His historical determinism, for in­ American Life Are Here ! economic system. (Laissez-faire stance, seems to me to be GOODWIN'S is usually taken as an emotional stacking the deck in his favor, and .wordratherthan a descriptive one, I think that this is a little trick but this is the best word I can rather than any sort of theoretical NORTH TRAIL ESSO What to do with too much leisure ... contribution. He did not under- think of. ) It is also the case, I Across from the Angus Inn think, that by holding these be­ How to integrate the mobile middle­ liefs of both the institution and the individual, rejecting both the (FOR SEAFOOD) Amerlc• and conservative and the liberal, one aged into the community ... escapes the basic political dichot­ Foreitn Car Repairs omy that is presented in America today. This is best illustrated by What about a rura I county system the fact that the so-called liber­ tarians make up a rather consid­ operating an urbanizing county area. erable faction of the right wing, but by the same token they~ For a New very closely re 1 ate d, in many Your choice of 67 menu specialties. Aust in Healey How do we upgrade those in need ... cases even identical, to the "new Lundt and dinner every day Sunbeam Alpine left" movement, represented, for 14 Convenient Locations MG example, by the Students for a What are the forces acting for pro­ Democratic Society, many of Sorosoto-7230 N. Tamiam i Trail J aguar whose members call themselves Sorosota-3550 Fruitville Road Volvo libertarians. However, while re­ St. Petersburg-1500 Pasadena Ave. S. gressive action ... jectingthe policies of the liberals, Toyota the new left still has not accepted Also in Perrine, (oral Gobles, Mi ami, the economic system which Mur­ North Miami, Donia, Ft. lauderdale, BUCHMAN MOTORS GILBERT WATERS ASSOCIATES ray Rothbart and others would say Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, West Palm 4501 S. Trail is implicit in a libertarian posi­ Alweys • good stlt~ion tion; so a distinction between the Beach, North Palm Beach of used Sports C.n two still exists. November 11, 1966 Page 8 The Catalyst New College Stage Sand Will Make Debut Tonight I ca.n see it all now. local citizenry will soon be exposed What we play is jazz, in that it is A sta.ndi.Dg ovation. Thunderous to New College's brand of rhythm­ almost totally improvised, but the applause. The crowd chanting for a.nd-blues. chord progressions we use are very an encore. The popping flashes of The ba.nd consists of: Tom Todd, basic and conventional and, mu­ the press }i!.otographel'S cameras•••• drums; Jerry Neugarten, mythm sically speaking, not progressive And then it would be our tum to guitar; Mike Cassell, piano; Bob at all. take the stage. - Dixon, lead guitar; me, flute; and Specifically, we will play vari­ Yes, ready or nor, the New Col­ Coach Pete Odell,· introductions. ous forms of blues. lege Stage Band will make its pub­ The advance publicity bills us as Our first number will be "Work lic debut toni~~;ht at Sarasota's Mu- a "progressive jazz" group. This is Song," a popular jazz blues recorded somewhatunfortunate, because, as by numerous jazz and blues musi­ anyone in the audience who knows cians. (For you music critics, it should be noted that although the theme is a 16 bar blues form, the standard 12 bar blues chords are used as the basis for our improvis­ In Debut Tonight Dicipal Auditoril1m. Oda ation.) Technically, we will be playing Next we'll play That Song from a benefit for the local Allied Arts Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" (And Members of the New College Stage Band rehearse in the Sanford House Council. (Of what benefit we could the livin' is easy ••. ). Although for tonight's benefit performance. They are, 1. to r.: Kenji Oda, Tom technically not a pure blues num­ possibly be to a.nybody, I haven't Todd, Mike Cassell, Bob Dixon, and Jerry Neugarten. yet decided. ) ber, "Summertime" involves chord The group began rehearsing in earnest two weeks ago. anything about jazz will realize, changes very similar to those of But the die is cast and the hatches our music is anything but progres­ are battened, so to speak, and the "W om Song. II sive. For ourfinale the battle plan calls for a raucous rock-and-roll blues. SARASOTA CYCLE Those of you who heard our group lr KEY SHOP FOR YOU play last year or early this year may view this news with some incredul­ s-t.. S...... Slece 1tU we no~ have ity, remembering our music to be 1111 s.... Street 14 tables on somehow more appropriate to a AT Pau/so11 . camf2u~"· tavern full of brawling drunks than to a concert stage. The End of the Crises But times have changed. KUE and KAROM From the beginning, I'd known it personal friend of Charles deGaulle. There always has been, if I may If YO II haY<' eaten in BILLIARDS was going to be one of those days. Though I doubted this, he had some take the liberty to say so, a con­ ol billiards with or without pockets First, I was awakened in the midd.lf' useful information for me about siderable amount of musical talent ofthenight by the tapdancing that events that could take place shortly in the group. It was merely a mat­ all The Great 6 111lles IIOI1ft of colle4Jtt 011 U.S. 41 was going on upstairs, made espec­ on the other side of the campus. ter of deciding one day we would ially serious by the fact that my For this reason I hurried to my car take ourselves a little more seri­ Restaurants of "''Om was on the second floor and started off for the dorms. My ously than we had been, and per­ Then, my roommate was practi­ Fiat had trouble going up the hill, haps drawing some of that talent Tbe World •.. cally strangled by his alarm clock however. It was like something i>llt. before he was able to tum it off. from a cartoon in The Catalyst. Our main problem has been, as Then eating at College Hall And I learned that the fires had gone Luckily, though, I hitched a ride it is with any group, lP.arning to will be quite an experience. out, and the campus had been l.m­ on a bicycle ridden by a grey cat worl< together musically. The dia­ protected for most of the night. It I'd met the month before, and ar­ logue between the solo instrument was enough to disconcert anyone. rived at the dorms just in time. and the piano, for instance, or be­ Servamation Mathias The lookouts still stood, scanning tween the drums and the rhythm the horizon with binoculars, as I My arrival was timely because the guitar, is what transforms a bunch left the dorms for class. I asked entire East Campus was being of good musicians into an excellent one if he'd seen anything, and he scourged by the dread being we'd group of good musicians. replied that he didn 1t think so, but been watching for and fearing many Since we began rehearsing two For Tile Latest then he really didn't know what he weeks. The campus was being at­ weeks ago, considerable improve­ I• Wo111e11"1 r. Me•'• was looking for. But that he ex­ tacked by the horrible Do u b 1 e ment in this regard has been made, pected a note from the administra­ Crisis! I gazed at the repulsive I think. Dren r. c... ol Slloel tion any day now, informing him. being andoouldhardlybelieve what Of course, I would judge we are YOUR DIPLOMA Isaw. Ihaln'tbeen so incredulous I smiled at him sadly and walked still a while from the day we could is an investment in your future. on. I got in my car, a 1966 In­ since they announced the plans for challenge Butterl'ield (or the Gal­ It will pay off in bigger earnings. tervisitation Fiat, but the motor Thanksgiving dinner in Hamilton axies, for that matter). wouldn't tum over, and so it took Court. The grotesque monster had But can't you JUSt see it now? Don't be a drop-out! me all the way to College Hall on two heads and a scaly body 1 with A standing ovation. Thunderous its stomach. a sh:uply barbed tail, and breathed applause. The crowd chanting for FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY fiN through his horrid nostrils. As an encore. Agents from Elektra, Dow11tow11: 1425 Mal• St. HELPING BUILD FLORIDA I approached, he had just eaten two Impulse, Vanguard, and all the Soutlt Gote Shoppl119 Plaza psychology majors and a member of others clamoring for a contract •••• the maintenance department, and But this is where we came in. r················M·················· was about to consume a faculty Paulson member. There was only one thing to do. I rushed to my room in search of my swor:i. Ever since I COCKTAILS AT Ef.OPPER BAR had pulled it out of a rock in the ~wn•:ru~ woods near the swimming pool, I ••• today! At College Hall, I was pleased to had been strangely attached to it, and knew it would come in handy 1570 No. see there was a large tumout for the 3428 No. Trail PALMER'S exhibition, which featured a New some day. My roommate was us­ Lockwood Ridge Rd. ing it to cut his nails when I reached College student who had been pain­ 355-3446 955-3446 stakingly bathed by the public re­ the room. I grabbed it from him STEAK HOUSE lations department being slowly re­ and raced out to find the Double volvedon a motorized pedestal be­ Crisis. It had devoured three lan­ FINE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS RESTAURANT fore three h1.mdred carefully chosen guage tutors and a literature pro­ members of the comm1.mity. I fessorwhen Ifinally caught up with leamed later that the reception had it. I started after it with my sword, COCKTAILS been so favorable that the entire cutting off both its he ads. I thought performance would be repeated at that had finished him, but I was the Municipal Auditorium as a part astonished to find that, for every of F1.m With the Arts Day. head I cut off, two more heads STEAK My first class of the day was an grew in its place. All I could do advancedSleepingseminarbut l.m­ was to keep chopping, and hope. fortunately I stayed awake through I attacked the monster for six CHI·CKE it, so I was in no condition for the hours without stopping. Finally, class that came im.."'lediately after­ the heads stopped growing. I had wards, which integrated the series vanquished the Double Crisis. My SEAFOOD of Basic Decorum lectures with a fellow students ~thered me, seminar on the literature of New calling me a hero. One asked how ChllegeWriters in ResidencE", which many heads I thought there had been. I felt the professor taught with a I said I didn't know, but guessed a Dinners rather cavalier attitude. I decided number about the size of the pop­ therefore to cut the class and go to ulation of Sarasota. They wanted look at the bay, which had been to continue their congratulations, making infrequent but inspiring and hold a party in my hcnor, but visits to the rear of College Hall. I declined. I was in training with On the way, I passed the bulletin the tennis team, and besides, I was board, but found nothing of inter­ tired, andjustwantedto get to bed 1{ est except an announcement from and to sleep before the tapdancing the Academic Committee that in started again. We Are the future the first term of the third From year would be devoted entirely to E Chicago classes on techniques of filling out Graduate School applications. Go­ ED'S ing out the back door, I did, indeed, 5506 • 14th ST. W. find the bay to be there, but l.m­ ESSO SERVICE fortl.mately it had become polluted. R Complimentary gift BRADENTON Upon closer examination I found (On U.S. 41 between Cortez the cause to be the thoughtlessness with your first tank Plaza Bayshore Gardens) of a few careless souls who had Ia chosen to throw their unwanted of gas T . SERVING FROM NOON SUNDAY copies of The Catalyst Literary . AND FROM 5 P.M. Wl.EKDAYS Supplement in the water. u.s. 41 .• PHONE 755-7411 As I stook by the edge of the bay • Next to T...U laH •I a large dolphin swam up and intro­ .I duced himself. claiminiZ to be a z . •...... •......