The bulletin of the British Library Sound Archive pla yb a ck SOUND Winter 2005 ARCHIVE p l a yb a ck PLAYBACK is the bulletin of the British Library Sound Archive. It is published free of charge twice a year, with information on the Sound Archive’s current and future activities, and news from the world of sound archives and audio preservation. Comments are welcome and should be addressed to the editor. We have a special mailing list for PLAYBACK. Please write, phone, fax or email us, or complete and send in the tear-off slip at the end of this issue (if you have not done so already) if you wish to receive future issues through the post. For further information contact The British Library Sound Archive 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB T +44 (0)20 7412 7676 F +44 (0)20 7412 7441
[email protected] Front cover photograph Robert Stephens as Sir John Falstaff in Henry IV Part 1 © Royal Shakespeare Company/Reg Wilson SOUND ARCHIVE WHAT’S HAPPENING ! A major new addition was made to the Sound Arc h i v e poetry reading; and there are also soundscapes, such The Etrick Shepherd, 1967 oil on canvas by John Bellany, who has website in July when ‘Listen to Nature’ went live – as a cheetah sleeping in the shade of a Baobab tree recently been re c o rded by Anna Dyke for Artists’ Lives. Repro d u c e d courtesy of The Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation and the artist a collection of 400 wildlife re c o rdings that can be and Muezzins practising voice projection in the acoustics b rowsed by location, animal group or habitat.