BEMT DRAFT SYLLABUS COURSE IS UNDER REVISION TO GO DEEPER ON FEWER SUBJECT AREAS MKTG–UB.0023.04 (2 credits) TECHNOLOGY’S IMPACT ON ENTERTAINMENT AND MEDIA Spring 2018 |Wednesdays 6:30p -7:45pm Classroom: UC24 Professor: Scott Schiller Office Hours : By Appointment Phone: 917-513-7469 Email:
[email protected] TF: Charlie Walters Email
[email protected] COURSE BACKGROUND From the eyes of most consumers, media is very simple today: You want your content, your searches, your clicks, your social media comments. Whatever. Whenever. Wherever. Everyone’s a media publisher; everyone’s a media company. Technology has changed consumer behavior and expectations forever and is forcing dramatic evolutions of all forms of media and entertainment. How did this happen? Why did this happen? What will happen next? This course is designed to provide you with a r eal-world perspective for understanding the entertainment and media industry through the eyes of the technology -driven disruption that it is currently experiencing. By the end of this class, we hope that you will be conversant in the major issues, challenges, and opportunities that currently consume the management teams and investors/boards of media entities – both large and small. Through group work, class discussions and the investigation of real -life examples, you will further develop the skills/currency needed to succeed in any fast -moving business today. Having been fortunate to work at some of the most esteemed companies in media, I have experienced the dramatic changes that have consumed the media ecosystem. Today, with more content than ever, the proliferation of social media to distribute it, on- demand content like Netflix and Amazon, technology such as gaming computers and consoles, smartphones, and hardware like Roku and Amazon Fire, media players are all fighting for market share and revenues like never before.