Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1971-03-23
Iowa Weather Pertly cloudy to cloudy Tuesday through Wednesday. Tue.day high. In 20. northeast, 30s southwest. Chane. of light snow In west TuesdlY night, Ind owan I~ In west and c.ntral Wednesday. Serving the University of Iowa and thf1 People of Iowa City l.t.lIlI.h.eI In 1868 \ , .ow. CIty, .OW. 52240-Tu..... y, M.rch 23, 1971 10 c...... copy Demonstrators 36, City 1; More Trials Yet to Come Iy LOWELL MAY in, and that he had been arrested "two to provide Thornton with legal authority Louis Katz, MIchael Knight, Allen Leh. 01 News Editllr blocks lIway" - at the corner of Clin for hls ca e. man, David Lehman, Perl LIttle, St ph· ton and Wa hington streets - "and two en McCurdy. Darlene Mallonee, Barb Charges were set aside against 36 of Thorton relu. ed to Indicate when be hours later" - at about 2.30 a.m. would announce his decisions on Farrell ara tartin, Laurie Rl kin, Jody Rog 111, 41 persons brought before Police Court His charges - like those oC Jerry SJes, and Weinberg. Michael Shannon, John Shaw, William Judge Jo eph Thornton Monday for their James Mullen, G, and Dennis Hurley - D. Shepard, David Tou:aint, Thomas DISMISSED alleged disorderly conduct during the were dismissed. Tubbesing, Robert Young, Rick Voor- The judge dlsmi sed charge! against ftrst night oC May demonstrations here h , and Chri tine Wemmer. HEAD RESIDENT Gary Anderson, Douglas Baker, Claire Tho e in court fonday welli the re last year. Mullen, who was al the tlme of his Brown, Bryan Davis, Gerald Depew, mainder of a group of 51 arrested la I One woman, Regina Kaiser, A2, was arrest the head re ident of Rlenow I Kathy Donovan, Jonathan Dukehart, year during the first night of demonstra· declared guilty, however, and was fined residence hall, testified that he was at Michael Evans, \1lchael Glowacki, tlons again.
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