THE BEGINNERS’ BOOK OF ESSENTIAL OILS Learning to Use Your First 10 Essential Oils with Confidence A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ESSENTIAL OILS WITH 80+ RECIPES TO GET YOU STARTED ©2015, Christine Dalziel Joybilee Farm Media British Columbia, Canada ISBN Print version 13:978-151197780 10:1511977183 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, without the written permission of the author, except for brief excerpts for the purpose of review. Permission can be requested by sending an email to:
[email protected] DISCLAIMER: This book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor, a nurse, nor a nutritionist. While I have spent many years learning about herbs and Christine J. Dalziel, 2015 Page 1 essential oils, and researching their properties, I am not a clinical herbalist. This book is not intended to diagnose, treat, nor prescribe. Statements made in this book have not been approved by any government agency. While herbs and essential oils are not drugs, they need to be treated with respect as to their potency and appropriateness to pregnant and nursing mothers and young children. Please consult your personal physician or naturopath for your personal and family health needs. I am not responsible for any claims, damages, losses, judgements, expenses, costs, injuries, actions, or outcome resulting from the use of the information or recipes in this book. Dedication: This book is dedicated to Robin, Christopher, Ian, and Sarah. You walked with me through more than 30 years of education, through trial and error, through research, and through practical experience, learning how to best use these essential oils for vibrant health, for the well-being of our livestock and pets, and for our own healing journey.