Dr. Pepper Bottling Co
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THE MOUNTAIN EAGLE. WHITESBURG, KENTUCKY THURSDAY, MARCH 25 1948 by, sponsor of the Bill, brought Democrat News Penicillin Spray trips to a doctor's office. Dr. FOR SALE NOTICE out that it would save the Baraach's researchers develop- - 1-- employers of the State more Mrs. Faller Dotson of Hay- Clears Up Sinus ed a simple and inexpensive 1942 Chevrolet 1 2 ton There will be an American mond, was the week end guest than one and one-ha- lf million Pencillin "mist," which is apparatus which the patient truck, with coal bed! and hoist, Legion Meeting at the Court oi Miss Veda Lois Collins. A- -l dollars under the new revised simply oxygen charged with can use at home. This self-treatme- nt, condition. See Willie House on Friday March 2Sth. formula. particles of the drug, has cured the article says, re- Sowards at 1643 Cannel City Roy McClure Post Mrs. Rilda Row, Ky. Profitt returned stubborn cases of chronic sinus quires a specific technique and McRoberts, 3tp. The marriage license bill this week from a visit with trouble and benefited 70 correct penicillin dosage, and was passed and will take ef- her son, Mrs. per Mr. and Hayse cent of patients so should not be attempted with- fect in 1950. It met much op- Proffitt of Millstone. treated. position, but is a good law This latest and most premising out a doctor's instructions. remedy for an affliction and similar to that of many Mrs. Bridie Collins visited that ether states. It requires a troubles 30,000,000 Americans, Mrs. Bennie Wright, Mrs. COMMUNITY her mother of Camp Branch is three day wait between the on Sunday. reported by Lois Mattox Ted Robinson and Mrs. Colon-u- s CAPITO U application and issuance of a Miller in the Reader's Digest C. Webb spent the day in PROSPERITY ft for March. The con marriage license. it was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sergent article is Norton, Va., last Thursday, COMMENTS fought by many county clerks and family densed from Hygeia. they enjoyed the visit and es- A man working visited relatives in Since ,the pen- alone with a forked (By David M. Porter) who claaimed it would mean Millstone Sunday. discovery of pecially the nice spring The Kentucky State Legis a loss of revenue. Better to lose cillin, specialists have believed stick or a hoe can turn up a few rows the drug promise lature has adjourned and un that revenue and have less Mrs. Ruth that held for of earth for seeding. Martin visited her sinus sufferers, Miss Miller less a special session is called and fewer divorces, sister, Mrs. Zola Sergent, and DABY CHICKS AAAA will not meet agam for two Bills passed. Abolish the says. But the problem of how A man with a horse and a steel niece, Thelma who has been to stub- Grcde, 21 breeds from U. S. years. Many observers think daylight saving time ban. Re ill. administer it proved plough born. The injection method, Approved Pullorum Controll- can do a hundred times as that a Special Session will be quire all high schools to give ed flocks. Our "Super Quali- much work; high-scho- commonly used against other while trac- called and soon to act on tax ol education without a man with a Miss Alka Sergent, Emma infections, was not effective ty" are guaranteed to live or tor legislation for evenue. charge to veterans whose Jean, Delmor and Lavina visit replace free all chicks that die and a gang plough can turn up a schooling was interrupted by against sinusitis. This past session highlights ea relatives oi Millstone on first 14 days- - Special Table thousand times as much land. me senate was one oi xne "" wai, u. mcy appij wium Sunday. The first use of the "mist" No set or breed most harmonious bodies, of four years of discharge. Prohi and the subsequent perfection (our choice) $8.95 In the same way a bank i guaranteed enables a any State has had. There was bit railroads from tearing Mr. Lewis Cook of Whites-bur- g of the treatment are credited, 100. or Elec- , per Prepaid. Oil community to make faster and more less dissension and very few down Stations or discontinuing has been a visitor at respectively, to Dr. Vernon tric Brooders. Write for pric- productive dol-lar- e. Bills were close in their vot passenger trains without ap Democrat. Bryson of the Biological Lab- es. Hoosier, 716 West Jeffer- use of its circulating ing; they were either passed! provaal of Railroad Commis oratory at Cold Spring Harbor, son, Louisville. Kentucky. A bank, therefore, is a powerful or killed by a vote of almost sion. Establish the Kentucky Mr. Bob Sergent and Mrs. N. Y. and Dr. Alvan L. Barach piece of 90 per cent of the body and building commission with sole Russel Martin motored to of Columbia - Presbyterian modern financial machinery this with less than ten percent control of expenditures of Martin, this week end to visit Medical Center, New York City. Be Quick To Treat which directly contributes to the wel- being Administration bills or money for planning, building. Russell's father, Mr. Rob Mar Bryson, suspending pencillin par- fare and .progress of the people it having pressure put on them. and maintaining State struc- tin. ticles in a gas, found that the serves. The House had fewer parlia- tures. Enable Fiscal Courts to drug wne inhaled, was deposited Bronchitis some of the increase the size of voting pre People of Indian Creek effectively in the lungs. Barach mentarians than and Cbronlo breacHtis may devejtp it 350 poncill-i- n previous ones but was sincere cincts from the present Democrat are always incon used oxygen charged with your cugb, eneet cold, or aerate fcron-chlt- ls and working and did a voters to 550; does not affect in treating such pulmonary is not treated and yea eanaat hard venienced when the rains afford to take aefaance withanyme!-cin- e good job of Legislation. A counties having voting mach come. But we are hopeful that infections as chronic bronchitis less potent than Creomolsi number of the new members ines. Require dog owners to soon we will have bronchial asthma. His suc- which goes right to the seat of the better and trouble to help loosen and expel germ showed promise and ability pay owners of domestic rab- means of transpof tation. cess in combattine these ills laden phlegm and aid nature tm tha't the State needs and can bits when the dogs destroy or convinced him that the new soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. j use. The number of Bills pass- injure the rabbits. Several new buildings have weapon wc-ul- be effective Creoamlsion blends beechwoo THE BANK OF ed was a little above the aver- been built lately and many against sinus infections as creosote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. - f2ift age, about 15 per cent of them have already been occupied- well. It ' ontains no narcotics. raft"" having to do with legal pro- In severe cases it proved ne- 1 o matter how many medicine you have tried, tell your druggist to 7.3TESBURG cedure, courts, or salary or fee Mrs. Mary Martin visited cessary to apply the penicillin sell you a bottle of Creomuldnn wiU raise permits. her brother in Knott county, mist two or three times daily the understanding you must like Uxe Whitesburg, Ky. it quickly allays the eeugh. per-- rr We predicted in this column who has been ill. We hope he for two weeks or more. As this .tting rest and Bleep, or yen are t in December that the Court of is better. meant hospitalization or man have your money back. (Adv.) Appeals building back of the Capitol was too expensive and too small for such a location How women and girls and that it was a needless ex- may get wanted relief penditure. We suggested that BABY CHICKS from functional periodic pain they build a larger building Place your order now, all- - many women say. brought re- the Unemployment run-o- Cardul, bu to house leading breeds, straight r lief from the cramp-lik- e agony andnerroes Compensation and affiliated strain of functional periodic distress. Taken, sexed, also started chicks. like a tonic. It should stimulate appetite. offices and the Department of aia ingestion,- - una ueip puuu nwat- - Write for prices, U. S. Approv i ance for the "time" to come. Started 1 Education. We pointed out if 3 days before "your time", it saoqiq ed and Polloruna Control help relievo pain due to purely this were done they could stop Large every functional periodic causes. Tiy ltl hatches Wednes i I M building the U of C building day. Farm And Home Hatch- I on Capitol Avenue and save ery, Phone 128 W. CARDUI the State millions of dollars. Irvine, Ky. 3C cc ujmzL piwtcnon You, with your letters and edi- torials have helped to bring this about and as a result a new four story building will be constructed behind the Capitol that will be a credit VETERANS ! You may to the State. The new Bill on jobless be able to choose your Army benefits raises the maximum School before you enlist! pay to twenty dollars a week and the number of weeks to . twenty-'two- The old schedule The Army Technical School you get good Army pay, good was sixteen dollars and twenty Plan is one oi today's great op- steady work, and do a job that's weeks.