Address Space Layout Permutation (ASLP): Towards Fine-Grained Randomization of Commodity Software Chongkyung Kil,∗ Jinsuk Jun,∗ Christopher Bookholt,∗ Jun Xu,† Peng Ning∗ Department of Computer Science∗ Google, Inc.† North Carolina State University {ckil, jjun2, cgbookho, pning}
[email protected] Abstract a memory corruption attack), an attacker attempts to alter program memory with the goal of causing that program to Address space randomization is an emerging and behave in a malicious way. The result of a successful at- promising method for stopping a broad range of memory tack ranges from system instability to execution of arbitrary corruption attacks. By randomly shifting critical memory code. A quick survey of US-CERT Cyber Security Alerts regions at process initialization time, address space ran- between mid-2005 and 2004 shows that at least 56% of the domization converts an otherwise successful malicious at- attacks have a memory corruption component [24]. tack into a benign process crash. However, existing ap- Memory corruption vulnerabilities are typically caused proaches either introduce insufficient randomness, or re- by the lack of input validation in the C programming lan- quire source code modification. While insufficient random- guage, with which the programmers are offered the free- ness allows successful brute-force attacks, as shown in re- dom to decide when and how to handle inputs. This flex- cent studies, the required source code modification prevents ibility often results in improved application performance. this effective method from being used for commodity soft- However, the number of vulnerabilities caused by failures ware, which is the major source of exploited vulnerabilities of input validation indicates that programming errors of this on the Internet.