Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013, Article ID 476287, 4 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/476287 Research Article The Closed Graph Theorem and the Space of Henstock-Kurzweil Integrable Functions with the Alexiewicz Norm Luis Ángel Gutiérrez Méndez, Juan Alberto Escamilla Reyna, Maria Guadalupe Raggi Cárdenas, and Juan Francisco Estrada García Facultad de Ciencias F´ısico Matematicas,´ Benemerita´ Universidad Autonoma´ de Puebla, Avenida San Claudio y 18 Sur, ColoniaSanManuel,72570Puebla,PUE,Mexico Correspondence should be addressed to Luis Angel´ Gutierrez´ Mendez;´
[email protected] Received 5 June 2012; Accepted 25 December 2012 Academic Editor: Martin Schechter Copyright © 2013 Luis Angel´ Gutierrez´ Mendez´ et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. WeprovethatthecardinalityofthespaceHK([a, b]) is equal to the cardinality of real numbers. Based on this fact we show that there exists a norm on HK([a, b]) under which it is a Banach space. Therefore if we equip HK([a, b]) with the Alexiewicz topology then HK([a, b]) is not K-Suslin, neither infra-(u) nor a webbed space. 1. Introduction Afterwards, using the same technique used byHoning,¨ Merino improves Honing’s¨ results in the sense that those [, ] R Let be a compact interval in .Inthevectorspaceof results arise as corollaries of the following theorem. Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions on [, ] with values in R the Alexiewicz seminorm is defined as Theorem 1 (see [2]). There exists no ultrabornological, infra- (), natural, and complete topology on HK([, ]).