THE ECONOMY OF THE COVENANTS BETWEEN G OD AND M AN VOLUME 1 Herman Witsius with Introductions by Joel R. Beeke and J. I. Packer Reformation Heritage Books Grand Rapids, Michigan Job Name: 568639 PDF Page: txt_568639.p1.pdf erinw The Economy of the Covenants Reprinted 2010 Published by Reformation Heritage Books 2965 Leonard St., NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 616-977-0889 / Fax: 616-285-3246 e-mail:
[email protected] website: The facsimile in this volume is of The Economy of the Covenants between God and Man (London, 1822). The publisher is deeply grateful to the den Dulk Foundation for making this reprint possible. ISBN 978-1-60178-095-9 For additional Reformed literature, both new and used, request a free book list from Reformation Heritage Books at the above address. Job Name: 568639 PDF Page: txt_568639.p2.pdf erinw THE LIFE AND THEOLOGY OF HERMAN WITSIUS (1636–1708) by Joel R. Beeke Herman Wits (Latinized as Witsius) was born on February 12, 1636, at Enkhuizen, The Netherlands, to God-fearing parents who dedicated their first child to the Lord even before he was born. His father, Nicholas Wits (1599–1669), was a man of some renown, having been an elder for more than twenty years, a member of Enkhuizen’s city council, and an author of devotional poetry. 1 Witsius’s mother, Johanna, was a daughter of Herman Gerard, pastor for thirty years of the Reformed church in Enkhuizen. Herman was named after his grandfather with the prayer that he might emulate his godly example.