2012-2013 REPORT IMPLEMENTING IHL Participation of the American States in International Humanitarian Law Treaties and their National Implementation ICRC Regional Delegation for Mexico, Central America and Cuba Presidente Masaryk 29 Col. Chapultepec Morales Delegación Miguel Hidalgo This report, prepared by the Advisory Service on International C.P. 11570, México D.F. - México Humanitarian Law of the International Committee of the Tel.: (++ 52) 55 2581 2110 Red Cross (ICRC) for submission to the Member States of the
[email protected] www.icrc.org Organization of American States (OAS), is not exhaustive. For © ICRC, December 2013 further information, please visit www.icrc.org. 2012-2013 REPORT IMPLEMENTING IHL Participation of the American States in International Humanitarian Law Treaties and their National Implementation LEGAL BASIS FOR ICRC ACTION The work of the International Committee of the Red Cross is based The international community – through the Geneva Conventions on the Geneva Conventions for the protection of war victims of and Additional Protocol I – gives the ICRC an important role to 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977, the Statutes of the play in the event of international armed conflict, which includes International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the visiting prisoners of war and civilian internees. The ICRC is also resolutions of the International Conferences of the Red Cross granted a broad right of initiative. and Red Crescent. In non-international armed conflicts, the ICRC also enjoys The ICRC, with