Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes Vol. XXV., No. 1. March, 1938. __~~~ ~. _~~_~~___ - Editorial Notes. It is with profound regret that we have to record the death of Mr. J. C. Nicol, for nearly 10 years a Governor of the School. A classical Scholar of his College at Cambridge, he eventually became Headmaster of Portsmouth Grammar School, where for 30 years, from 1892 to 1922, he laboured so successfully. Upon retirement he came to live in Farnham, and it was our good fortune to have the benefit of his wide experience during the time that he was a member of the Board of Governors. After a lifetime of service he was concerned right up to the end in the great business of educating boys. At the funeral at Farnham Parish Church, the School was represented by the Headmaster and the Chairman of the Governors. * * * We wish to offer a very sincere welcome to Mr. F. Crute, F.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., who has joined the staff this term as music master. We hope that he will find life at the School in every way harmonious. * 2: >? Congratulations to A. St. C. Garrood on winning the Royal Life Saving Certificate and Medallion. He had the further distinction of receiving the awards at Government House, Gibraltar. * .b * * T Valete: B. 0. Friend, P. M. Gross, T. R. Harrington, E. G. Louch, H. E. Winter. * :; * 4 Salvete: J. P. Bentick, U'. K. Butterworth, I<. J. Coutu, R. T. Ferguson, R. C. C. Fletcher, J. D. Harrington, D. M. Homer, M. J. Lock, A. Player, J. S. Prossor, W. H. Sturt, P. B. Wearing, P. M. West. :& The new appointments this term are as follows: Sub-Prefects: J. A. Heath-Brown, R. G. Newberry; Football: J. 0. Levison (Captain), T. R. Alston (Vice-Captain); Shooting: €I.de B. Brock (Vice-Captain). 2 THE FARNHAMIAN. -- - A ~ L_ ~~ ___ *. -_ Speech Day. This great annual event took place in a fresh setting last term. Thanks to the kindness of Mr. C. J. Donada, we were able to meet, five hundred strong, in the comfortable, warm and charming County Cinema. As if to mark the occasion, there was an unusually large number on the platform to support our new Chairman of Governors (Mr. C. E. Borelli), and there was an overflow of notabilities into the first row of the stalls. In his opening remarks the Chairman gave a very interesting sketch of the School, dating from the So’s, when he was himself a pupil, and cheered us by expressing the hope that the Surrey County Council would soon replace the “temporary” huts by a more dignified and more functionally suitable building. Following him, the Headmaster gave a full account of all the manifold activities of the School during the past year. His remarks will be known to most of our readers, but it may be a good thing to repeat here one important observation out of many. If a boy enters a secondary school at the age of 12, he will not generally take the School Certificate until he is 17. The remedy, of course, in the case of the slow boy (70 per cent. in most schools) is to begin the course at 11. “I sometimes feel,” he said, “that only too many parents are not sufficiently careful about the education of their sons before the age of 11.’’ Our chief guest was Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, M.P. for Farnham, who gave us a most interesting address, devoted largely to school life and the uses and abuses of education. His wife, Lady Katharine Nicholson, very graciously presented the prizes and was herself presented with a bouquet of chrysanthemums as a token of our appreciation by P. W. Riseborough. Later, after a much appreciated entertainment, the Governors, staff and others interested in the School were the guests of Mr. and Miss Borelli at the Regal CafC, where tea was taken and introductions made to the Member and his wife. The thanks of all present were suitably expressed by the Headmaster. Below is a list of prize-winners:- Form Prizes.-Lower IIA.-~, A. J. Barter; 2, K. V. Webb; industry, J. I. Norton. Upper 11. : 1, D. R. Goddard; 2, R. Hutchinson; industry, E. J. Jerome. Lower 111.: 1, J. W. Brine; 2, P. M. Small; industry, D. A. Barnes. Upper 111.: I, N. R. Dent; 2, T. J. Booth; industry, P. K. Digby. Lower IV.: 1, F. LeClercq; 2, B. A. Garfath; industry, R. Lehmann. IV Parallel.: 1, W. J. Baker; 2, D. Baigent; industry, A. Garrood. IV.: 1, W. G. Little; 2, T. Tidd; industry, E. A. Pierce. V.: 1, P. F. Copping; 2, A. Sternberg; industry, E. G. Woodhatch. General School Certificates, London University.-W. K. Childe, A. E. Crawte, R. E. Hack, *M. E. P. Jump, R. E. Lintern, D. A. Little, D. E. Raggett, *H. D. Spiegel, *A. Sternberg, *C. H. Wadmore, *F. W. Withers and *E. G. Woodhatch. The following also passed but will not receive their certificates until they leave.-*H. de B. Brock, *P. F. Copping, *G. F. Hawkins, J. A. Heath-Brown, J. 0. Levison, L. A. Lintern, R. G. Newberry, *G. G. Nolan and K. B. Talbot, * With exemption from Matriculation, THE FARNHAMIAN. 3 __ __ .__~ ______ ~~~ - Passed the Higher School Certificate Examination, London Univer- sity, with exemption from Inter Arts.-T. R. Alston. Subject Prizes.-Reading : Senior, F. P. Lambert; Junior, P. R. May, Drawing: Senior, J. J. Lowry; Junior, P. R. May. Manual: R. A. Jeffery; Junior, R. J. Lickfold. Tidy Work: G. H. Lawrence, W. G. Sims, M. A. Hackett and R. V. Smith. Headmaster’s Prize.-R. Kirk. General School Examination.-English : W. K. Childe; Geography, D. A. Little; Latin, A. Sternberg; Mathematics, P. F. Copping; Chemistry, J. W. Clark; Physics, C. H. Wadmore; History, A. Stern- berg; French, P. F. Copping. Higher School Examination.-Special Credit in Oral French, T. R. Alston. Dr. George Brown Prize for Chemistry.-F. P. Lambert. C. R. Gibson Prize.-T. R. Alston. Class-work House Trophy.-Massingberd. ENTERTAINMENTPROGRAMME. English Recitation: An Ode by T. Gray, “On a Favourite Cat Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes.” B. Quail. French Recitation : “Les Animaux Malades de la Peste.” The Lion, T. R. Alston; The Owl, H. de B. Brock; The Fox, H. R. Johns; The Wolf, J. J. Lowry; The Bear, D. J. Reeve; The Donkey, G. E. Wheeler. Songs by the Juniors: “Hark, Hark, the Lark,” Schubert. “Rose among the Heath,” Schubert. “Song of the Sea King,” Percy E. Fletcher. The proceedings closed with the School Song and the National Anthem. Photographic Society. Two meetings of the Photographic Society have been held this term. Arrangements for the use of the dark room and suggestions for further meetings were discussed. A very interesting talk on thr: various methods of development of films, and of the’chemicals used, was given by Mr. Lock. Arrangements were made for R. G. Newberry to make up any chemical solutions required by the members. This will considerably reduce the cost of home development, which has hitherto been the only drawback to this hobby. J. A. HEATH-BROWN. ___+- Solution to Crossword Puzzle. Across.-3, Animadvert; 8, Entail; 9, Tactlessly; 10, Beagle; 11, Slogan; 12, Adore; 13, Asses; 17, Insubordination; 20, Learn; 21, Agape; 22, Kaolin; 24, Needle; 25, Misleading; 26, Leered; 27, Observance. Down.-1, Intending; 2, Dangerous; 3, Alter; 4, Inconsideration; 5, Dwells; 6, Ensign; 7, Trying; 11, Senna; 14, Women; 15, Staggered; 16, Compelled; 18, Akimbo; 19, Jousts; 20, Linear; 23, Angle. J. W. STOYLE. 4 THE FARNHAMIAN. ~. - ___~~ Debating Society. ’ On November 19th Mr. Reeve proposed that “Euthanasia should be legalised in this country.” He said it meant the putting to sleep of people suffering, in awful agony, from incurable diseases. Animals were put to death if they were in pain; why should human beings be denied this? Mr. Taylor, opposing the motion, said that it was reverting to barbarism. The doubt in the minds of a man’s relations after his death, caused by their not knowing if he were really incurable, would produce nervous wrecks and thus Euthanasia would do more harm than good. The motion was carried by 18 votes to five. Mr. W. A. Smallman gave, on November 26th, a talk on “Newspapers.” He was afterwards asked several questions. A vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Alston. The final meeting of the Autumn Term took place on December 3rd. Called a “Members’ Evening,” it was an experiment, being a series of two-minute impromptu takks on various subjects; it was completely successful. The preliminary meeting of the Debating Society for the new term was held on January 14th in order to elect a Vice-chairman and Committee and to arrange the programme of debates for the term. On January 21st a very interesting talk was given by Mr. N’olan on “The development of armaments in aviation.” A vote of thanks was afterwards proposed by Mr. Reeve. Mr. Atkinson proposed the motion that “The horse, except for sport, is obsolete” on January 28th. He said that horses were used for three things, viz., farming, the carrying of passengers or the carrying of merchandise. In farming it was being superseded by the tractor. It could not carry more than one Passenger and it was quite out of use for carrying merchandise. Mr. Lowry, opposing the motion, said that on a small farm a tractor could not be afforded and a horse was invaluable. In America and Australia vast stretches could be patrolled only by horses, and there the horse would never be obsolete.
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    ABBREVIATIONS F O R S U R R E Y P A R I S H E S F O R U S E I N S . A . S . L I S T S T h e u n i t s a r e the present civil parishes. with few exceptions. t h u s f o r G o m s h a l l , H o l m b u r y S t . M a r y a n d Peaslake, see Shere; for L o s e l y a n d S t . C a t h e r i n e , s e e Artington. The parishes in South London are shown in b r a c k e t s b u t t h e y a r e t o be found in thisi o r d e r i n t h e i n d e x files. File in o r d e r o f t h e u n a b b r e v i a t e d n a m e , n o t b y t h e abbreviat ion. Ab i nger AB Chessington CHS Addington ADD Chiddingfold CHI Add i scombe ADS C h i l w o r t h - s e e St. Martha Addlestone ADL Chipstead CHP A1bury ALB C h u r t - s e e F a r n h a m Alfold ALF Chobham CHB Artington ART Clandon, East CL.E Ash ASH Clandon, West CL.W Ashford ASF (Clapham) CLM Ashtead AST Cobham COB Coldharbour COL Bagshot BAG (in the parish of Capel Banstead BAN but listed under own name Barnes BAR f o r e a s e o f u s e > (Battersea) BAT Compton COM Beddington BED Cou1sdon COU (Bermondsey) BER Cranleigh CRA Betchworth BET Crowhurst CRW B i n s c o m b e - s e e Godalming Croydon CRY Bisley BIS Cuddington CUD Bletchingley BLE Bookham, Great BKM.G Dorking DOR Bookham, Little BKM.L D u l w i c h - s e e C a m b e r w e l 1 Bramley BRA Dunsfold DUN Brockham BRO E a s h i n g - s e e S h a c k l e f o r d Buckland BUC Effingham EF Burstow BUR Egham EG B u r p h a m - s e e Worplesdon Elstead EL Busbridge BUS Epsom EP Byfleet BY Esher ESH Ewel 1 EW F o r E w e l l a n d N o n s u c h - s e e Camberley CAM CUD Cuddington; see also Epsom (Camberwel1) CBW Ewhurst EWH Capel CAP Carshalton CAR F a r l e i g h o r F a r l e y F Y Caterharo CAT F a r l e y G r e e n o r H e a t h - s e e A l b u r y Chaldon CHD F a r n h a m ( i n c .
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