THE FORUM invites you to join us for our ... IWb"~mber 21-23rd FIJI-saturdaY/Sunday .,...~. DAYNOVEM~ER.Q1i; dbQ'bibu~2-1~b.fih .....;afv Buffet g"gpm e Dancers6--9pm :IPUS Drink SP§f:ials ;:::::~i? Gu~i~ ,;;""pm:11pm wi $5 buy-in Male Dancers spm ~{ i{ SUNDAY NOVEMBER 23 TH.EWHITE& Dallas DanceClub Award winner :1997 =='LDPARTY .Fteech~mp99J1e Buffet ..)~~i:~~~~~sj.~~~a~ ~lIqQ!1F.Dr()p with Prizes, ,•v. ', ,.. ~ .ii·j·( •.,.··•• •• 1MI .,./",.4th and concress- (512) 479-2900 3911 Cedar Springs, Dallas 214.559.0650
[email protected] Daily zorn-zam . 21+ .•. "Where the Men Are" VOLUME 23, NUMBER 38 NOVEMBER 21 - 27, 1997 14 THEATRE Cakewalk and Good Housekeeping Hit the Stage in Houston Reviewed by Gary Laird 19 BOOKS Allan Gurganus' Plays Well with Others Reviewed by Mark Deaton 26 FRESH BEATS Italian Pop Star Alexia Is Ready for America by Jimmy Smith 39 CURRENT EVENTS 49 BACKSTAGE A Tuna Christmas Brings Small-Town Yuletide Madness to Dallas and Galveston 55 STARSCOPE The Sun's Move into Sagittarius Heralds a Dramatic Turn of Events 67 TEXAS SPORTS 68 TEXAS NEWS 72 ON OUR COVER Texas National Titleholders 77 TEXAS TEA 87 CLASSIFIEDS 94 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) 15published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co., at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its stoff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising In TWTIs not to be construed as any Indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization.