Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report

Project number: 42486-016

Period: August 2017 – January 2018 Submission Date: January 2019

IND: Urban Services Improvement Program

This report was prepared by Project Management Consultants, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh for the Asian Development Bank. This document is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy and does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB.

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.




Period: August 2017 to January 2018




ADB Asian Development Bank AH Affected Household Affected AP Person BPL Below Poverty Line CAPP Community Action and Participation Program CPR EA Common Property Resources Executing Agency GoI Government of GRC GRM Grievance Redress Committee Grievance Redress Mechanism IP Indigenous Peoples IR Income Restoration IR Involuntary Resettlement ISA Initial Social Assessment LA Land Acquisition LAA Land Acquisition Act LIG Lower Income Group M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PAF Project Affected Family PAH Project Affected Household PIU Project Implementation Unit PMU Project Management Unit MPUDCL Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited MPUSIP Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project ROR Record of Rights RoW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation SAQMR Semi Annual Quaterly Monitoring Report SC Scheduled Caste ST TH Scheduled Tribe Titleholder

UDED Urban Development and Environment Department WHH Women Headed Household


TABLE OF CONTENTS Heading Chapter Page No. A Executive Summary 1 B Background of the Report and Project Description 3 C Scope of Social Safeguard Impacts 5 D Compensation and Rehabilitation 21 E Public Participation and Consultation 22 F Grievance Redressal Mechanism 24 G Institutional Arrangements 28 H Monitoring results -– Findings 30 I Compliance OF Safeguard Loan Convenants 30 J Follow up Action, Recommendation and Disclosure 35

Tables Table 1 Status of Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and Indigenous 7 People (IP) Reports of Subprojects under Tranche 1 Table 2 List of Awarded Packages & Name of DBO Contractor along 12 with Progress (in %) of Design Submitted Table 3 Safeguard issues and Mitigation measures 15 Table 4 Town-wise Progress of the Household Survey 16 Table 5 Town-wise Land Related Issues 17 Table 6 Status of compensation payment during reporting period 22 (August 2017 to January 2018) Table 7 Status of GRC Formation 26 Table 8 Detail of Grievances during the Reporting Period (August 28 2017 to January 2018) Table 9 Deployment of Social Safeguards officials during Reporting 29 Period (up to January 2018) Table 10 Status of Compliance of ADB’s Loan Covenants related to 31 Social Safeguard Issues Table 11 Status of Compliance of Resettlement & Social Safeguard 35 Issues

Figure Figure 1 Map Showing Sub-Project Towns of MPUSIP 36 Figure 2 Structure and process of GRM 26

Appendix Appendix 1 Package-wise and Town-wise Progress of Drawing Design 37 and Physical Progress Appendix 2 Photographs of Disclosure of IR & IP Report in Hindi 51 Language at respective ULBS Appendix 3 Copy of the Household Survey 53 Appendix 4 Details of Consultations during Subproject Implementation 55 (August 2017 to January 2018)


Appendix 5 Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level 67

Appendix 5 List of the Towns Package-wise (Both Tr. 1 and Tr. 2) 71



1. The Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) of Government of Madhya Pradesh launched Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project (MPUSIP) with the loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (LOAN NO. 3528-IND). The Urban Development and Housing Department is an executing agency for the Project. Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDC) is the nodal implementing agency (IA) through a central Project Management Unit (PMU) for implementation of the Project with further supported by Program Implementation Units (PIUs). The PMU has been assisted by Project Management Consultant (PMC) namely M/S TATA Consulting Engineers Limited in association with JPS Associates Private Limited, New Delhi. The Project intends to ensure: a) Continuous, pressurized, safe and sustainable drinking water through private household metered connections in 128 towns; and b) Sewage and storm water Major Achievements collection and treatment systems are Compliance of the ADB observations on IR proposed in 12 identified towns including DDR and IP DDR, national heritage towns Sanchi and Summary of IR and IP reports in Hindi were & Rajnagar. prepared for 44 towns under 15 packages to c) The Project also includes display at respective ULBs and PIUs, component of non -physical investment All IR and IP reports were reviewed, (GIS, MIS, M&E and Social Safeguards) Visited towns for land verifications and other for system strengthening. social issues, 2. The entire project is planned to be RP was prepared for subproject towns implemented in three periods i.e (i) Khajuraho & Rajnagar under sewerage preparatory and procurement; (ii) management plan. construction and (iii) operations and IR DDR and IP DDR were prepared for 3 maintenance. Prior to implementation of towns namely , , Sanavad the project, design Consultants were hired under sewerage management plan, by IA to develop Detailed Project Report Compensation paid to four APs of WSS town (DPR) of each subproject town. In regard Sohagpur under Package 1C to social safeguard, subprojects are Order issued for formation of GRC, classified as category ‘B’ for involuntary nomination of CDO at ULB and Nomination of resettlement (IR) and indigenous peoples GRC person in each town (IP) as per ADB Safeguard Policy Community Action and Participation Plan was Statement (2009). Each subproject has developed, been screened to assess the social Conducted consultations with ULBs and other impacts likely to be occurred due to project stakeholders including local inhabitatnt interventions. These projects come under State Gender Action Plan was developed and either facilitated to 15 towns for development of ‘Category B’ or ‘Category C’. Although town level Gender Action Plan. Resettlement Plan (RP) is also prepared to address the negative impacts. A resettlement plan is developed using approved Resettlement Framework (RF) and Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF). It is presumed that a significant number of subprojects will not make any IR impact, so Involuntary Resettlement (IR) Due Diligence Report (DDR) has been prepared in avoiding resettlement impacts.

3. Project interventions have been managed by the Executing Agency (MPUDCL) with the technical support of PMC at Bhopal and PIUs located at regional levels i.e. Bhopal,


Indore, Sagar, Jabalpur and Gwalior. Apart from technical (engineering) and managerial (procurement and contract management) components, social safeguard issues are also important component. It includes activities of (i) Resettlement, (ii) Environment and (iii) social and gender. The key experts/officials are deployed at PMC to assist PMU and PIUs in compliance with the environment, social and gender requirements of the Program Safeguards System (PSS).

4. Semi-annual Social Monitoring Report (SSMR) on social safeguards is required to be submitted under Safeguard component of MPUSIP. This is the first semi-annual report which present progress of the subprojects (69 towns of water supply scheme and 4 towns of sewerage) under Tranche 1 of MPUSIP since August 2017 (month of the loan effectiveness) to January 2018.

5. Social safeguard reports such as IR Due Diligence Report (DDR) & resettlement plan (RP) and IP DDR are prepared for the subproject towns under packages having nil or insignificant temporary IR and IP impacts. Altogether, 69 subproject towns of water supply scheme (WSS) and 4 subproject towns of sewerage under Tranche 1 are considered under category ‘B’ because of insignificant involuntary resettlement impact. It is confirmed that none of the sub project is identified up to now, which will make the negative impact on Indigenous People (IP). No issue of private land acquisition emerged till date where the livelihood of the people would get impacted. A Resettlement Plan (RP) is prepared for subproject water supply town i.e Khajuraho & Rajnagar, although significant impact is not expected.

6. Summary of IR and IP reports were prepared in vernacular language Hindi for disclosure at the notice board of respective urban local body (ULB)s and project implementation unit (PIU)s. Selected sub project towns were visited to identify the social risks and impacts due to subproject components and verified the status of land ownership from local revenue or ULB office. Resettlement Plan (RP) was prepared for the sub project towns Khajuraho and Rajnagar (Package 6A and 6E) while IR DDR and IP DDR are prepared for town Anjad (Package 2F), Barwaha (Package 2G), Sanavad (Package 2H) and Saikheda (Package 5G) under sewerage management components.

7. The overall project is classified as category ‘B’ in accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS). ADB's SPS covers both temporary and permanent impacts. One parcel of land has been acquired during the reporting period for WSS town Sohagpur under Package 1C. Altogether 5 APs were reported under land acquisition and 4 APs have received INR 15,45000 as compensation amount for the loss of their land during the reporting period.

8. Significant number of consultative meeting were held in community about subproject and to address the compliance of grievance, if any, related social issues. The meeting covered issues of land as well as compensation and other related to project activities. The regular meeting with community is in continuous.

9. State level Gender Action Plan was developed; b) Concept note for establishing Gender Budget Cell and conducting safety audit was submitted to PMU; c) Workshop was organised for project stakeholders (15 towns) to sensitize on gender issues and ULB officials were facilitated for developing Gender Action Plan; d) orders were issued for formation of Grievance Redress committee at ULB, nomination of Community Development Officer at ULB for overseeing implementation of Gender and Social activities and nomination of GRC person from contractors to all towns.



10. The Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) has been implementing the Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project (MPUSIP) with financial assistance (loan) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which is being effective from August 2017. The Project aims to improve urban services, particularly water supply in the 128 towns and wastewater management in the selected 12 towns of the state Madhya Pradesh (refer to Figure 1). The towns were selected based on certain criteria’s like having reliable water resource, sound engineering feasibility, available land and commitment for operations and maintenance(O&M). These selected towns are further divided into two tranches. As per revised procurement plan, MPUSIP’s physical components include (a) improvements to water supply scheme in 69 subproject towns, and (b) sewage collection and treatment services proposed in four (4) identified towns namely Saikheda, , Anjad and Badwaha under tranche I while in tranche II – water supply scheme in 59 subproject towns and sewage collection and treatment services proposed in eight towns namely Sanchi, , Mandsaur, Nagda, Jabalpur (part-II), Maihar, Khajuraho & Rajnagar. List of the towns is attached as Appendix 6. The entire Project envisages to deliver:

• Continuous, pressurized, safe and sustainable drinking water through private household metered connections in 69 and 59 towns under Tranche (Tr.) 1 and Tr. 2 respectively; • Sewage water collection and treatment systems are proposed in 4 and 8 identified towns under Tr. 1 and Tr. 2 respectively and; • Non-physical investments comprising of establishing GIS system, capacity building of participating urban local bodies in contract management, improving local operators’ capability through global partnership and building capacity of the implementing agency, urban local bodies and services utilities for ensuring long term sustainability of services.

11. The State’s Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) is the Executing Agency (EA) for the Project. The Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDC) is the nodal implementing agency (IA) through a central Project Management Unit (PMU), who is mainly responsible for implementation of the Project with further supported by Program Implementation Units (PIUs). The PMU and PIUs both have been assisted by Project Management Consultant (PMC) namely M/s TATA Consulting Engineers Limited in association with JPS Associates Private Limited, New Delhi for subproject towns under tranche 1. The PIUs are located at regional levels i.e Bhopal, , Jabalpur, Sagar and Gwalior. These regional PIUs are playing an important role in the supervision of execution, safeguard compliance, reporting and coordination.

12. The entire Project is planned to be implemented in three phases - (i) preparatory and procurement; (ii) construction and (iii) operations and maintenance (O&M). The project preparatory activities include preparation of design and procurement of consultants. Design Consultants were hired to prepare preliminary project report of each subproject town. Each component is being carefully addressed in terms of its involuntary resettlement (IR) and indigenous people (IP) impacts in the preliminary project report. Design, build and operate (DBO) model is adopted during construction and O&M phase and this will include (i) finalization of design of each subproject components (ii) construction of water supply facilities, using DBO model in all project towns the facilities will include raw water intakes, water treatment plants (WTP), overhead tanks (OHT),


distribution networks including the metered household connections. After the construction (expected to be completed in 2 years), the DBO Contractors of the civil works packages will continue to operate and provide continuous water supply service for subproject towns for a period of 10 years. The DBO contractor will also ensure proper metering and volumetric billing, adequate water pressure is maintained at the consumer end and supplied water complies with national quality standards for drinking water.

13. All subprojects are classified as category ‘B’ under the MPUSIP for impact on involuntary resettlement (IR) and for indigenous peoples (IP) as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009. Social impacts of each subproject are being screened to assess the likely impacts on the project which are categorized as either ‘Category B’ or ‘Category C’. If required, a Resettlement Plan (RP) is prepared to address the negative impacts of proposed works as per approved Resettlement Framework (RF) and Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF). It is perceived that the significant number of subprojects would not make impact on any physical or economic displacement. Therefore, Involuntary Resettlement (IR) Due Diligence Report (DDR) is being prepared in absence of any private land acquisition and resettlement impact.

14. The Loan Agreement was signed between Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) and ADB in the month of August 2017. As per the agreement, State government is responsible for execution of the project works according to the budget line. Total estimated cost of the project is FINANCIAL PLAN US$ 829 Million. Out of total estimated cost, US $399 Million is sectioned for Total Estimated Project Cost and Financing Plan phase I and US $430 Million is sectioned for Phase II of MPUSIP. Estimated Project Cost US $829 million 15. Purpose of the Report - This semi- Financing Plan: ADB share 70%; State Share annual social monitoring report (SSMR) on social safeguards of 30% (75% of the loan will be repaid by the state subproject towns under Tranche 1 aims and remaining 25% by ULB) to review and ensure project implementation in view of the Tranche ADB Loan State Share Total objectives and ADBs Safeguard Policy Statement 2009. Before preparing this report compliance status of IR and IP Tr. 1 275 Million 124 Million 399 reports were reviewed against the total approved Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and IP documents such as Tr. 2 300 Million 130 Million 430 Resettlement Plan (RP), Due Diligence Report (DDR) on involuntary resettlement and indigenous people (IP) screening.

16. PMU/PMC has the responsibility to oversee an implementation and monitoring of safeguards issues of each subproject towns. As required, this report covers involuntary resettlement and other social safeguard monitoring results to comply with the spirit of ADB policy in order to ‘enhance stakeholders trust’ and ability to engage with ADB, and thereby increase the development impact (of sub-projects) in which disclosure of safeguard monitoring is an important aspect. This Semi-annual Social Monitoring


Report (SSMR) highlights MPUSIP progress of water supply and sewerage scheme towns under Tranche 1 on Social Safeguard component since August 2017 (month of the loan effectiveness) to January 2018 in this report. The report is outlined on the basis of the structure presented in the project administration manual (PAM) and includes information on – the scope of impact, compensation, rehabilitations, public participation, consultations, grievance redress mechanism, institutional arrangement, monitoring results, compliance status, follow up actions, recommendations and disclosure etc.


17. ADB's classification system - Prior to civil works implementation, all the subprojects selected for implementation is to be screened and classified using ADB's classification system. The classification system is presented below for more understanding:

➢ Category A: Subprojects proposed for construction or development, will fall under this category, if, it caused a significant involuntary resettlement impacts with a physical displacement of 200 or more persons from their residences, or 200 or more persons lose 10% or more of their productive or income generating assets, or more persons or 200 or more persons experience a combination of both. ➢ Category B: Any proposed subproject that includes involuntary resettlement impacts but are not deemed significant considering loss of shelter/houses or productive or income generating assets will be considered for category B. ➢ Category C: A proposed subproject that has no involuntary resettlement impact.

18. Involuntary resettlement (IR) - This Project under MPUSIP is classified as category ‘B’ for its involuntary resettlement (IR) impacts and impacts on indigenous peoples (IP) residing in the sub-project area in considerations of the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement2009 during preparation. However, none of the subproject towns which are selected for implementation are likely to have any adverse involuntary resettlement impact. Mostly, land identified for the subproject components for construction or interventions is owned by State government and its local government departments. The transmission/distribution line will be laid with in the right of way (RoW) of the existing roads. However, if any minor land acquisition and involuntary resettlement is involved in form of either temporarily physical or economic displacement, or temporary restrictions to land use that will be duly addressed with ADB policy on involuntary resettlement.

19. Indigenous people (IP) - According to ADB SPS, 2009, the indigenous people safeguard requirements triggered if a project directly or indirectly affects the dignity, human rights, livelihood system, or culture of IP or affects the territories, natural, or cultural resources that they own, use, occupy, or claim as their ancestral property. The requirements also apply to MPUSIP subprojects and its components. It also covers action conducted by the executing and implementing agencies in anticipation of ADB project. Under Tranche 1 of MPUSIP, 11 subprojects towns (10 under WSS and 1 under sewerage) are reported under fifth Schedule as per Constitution of India, which deals with administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes. These towns are reported under Package 2B, 2C, 2D and 7B. But It is important to mention here that none of the proposed subproject facilities are located on land belonging to scheduled tribes/indigenous people (IP). However, improvement of proposed water supply is not only important for the people living in the locality but also for Indigenous peoples living in the same locality. So, a large number of IP people of the subproject


area would be benefitted. MPUSIP will ensure that these populations receive the whole benefits of the Project.

20. Social safeguard reports such as IR Due Diligence Report (DDR) & resettlement plan (RP) and IP DDR are prepared for the subproject towns under packages having nil or insignificant temporary IR and IP impacts. Altogether, 69 subproject towns of water supply scheme (WSS) and 4 subproject towns of sewerage under Tranche 1 are considered under category ‘B’ because of insignificant IR and IP impact. It is confirmed that none of the sub project is identified up to now, which will make the negative impact on IP community. No issue of private land acquisition emerged till date where the livelihood of the people would get impacted. A Resettlement Plan (RP) is prepared for subproject water supply town i.e Khajuraho & Rajnagar, although significant impact is not expected.

21. Status of each IR and IP report is duly illustrated in Table 1.


Table 1: Status of Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and Indigenous People (IP) Reports of Subprojects under Tranche 1 Sl. Package Name of the District Social Safeguard Reports Remarks No. No. subproject town IR DDR IP DDR Subproject Water Supply Scheme 1 Boda Rajgarh Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 2 1A Kurawar Rajgarh Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 3 Kothri Sehore Approved by ADB No separate IP is prepared 4 Amla Betul Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 5 1B Betul-Bazar Betul Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 6 Sarni Betul Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 7 Bankhedi Hoshangabad Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 1C 8 Sohagpur Hoshangabad Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 9 Indore Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB Subject to compliance of ADB observations 10 Depalpur Indore Subject to compliance of 2A Approved by ADB Approved by ADB ADB observations 11 Gautampura Indore Subject to compliance of Approved by ADB Approved by ADB ADB observations 12 Badwani Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 13 Rajpur Badwani Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 2B 14 Karahi Padlya Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 15 Khargone Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 16 Dhamnod Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB Resubmitted by PMU to 2C ADB on 12 10 2018. 17 Mandav Dhar Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB 18 Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 19 2D Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 20 Jhabua Approved by ADB Approved by ADB


21 Kukdeshwar Neemuch Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 22 3A Nayagoan Neemuch Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 23 Sarwaniya Neemuch Approval awaited from ADB Approved by ADB Subject to compliance of

Sl. Package Name of the District Social Safeguard Reports Remarks No. No. subproject town IR DDR IP DDR Maharaj ADB observations

24 Nagri Mandsaur Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 25 Susner Aagar Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 26 3B Pankhedi Shajapur Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 27 Maakdon Ujjain Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 28 Alampur Bhind Approved by ADB IP DDR to be send to ADB 29 Daboh Bhind Approved by ADB IP DDR to be send to ADB 4A 30 Mihona Bhind Approved by ADB IP DDR to be send to ADB 31 Phuphkalan Bhind Approved by ADB IP DDR to be send to ADB 32 4B Bhind Bhind Approval awaited from ADB Approved by ADB 33 Karera Shivpuri ADB observations are to be Approval awaited from ADB PMU has asked DPR addressed Consultant to address for compliance 34 Bairad Shivpuri Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 35 4D Pichhore Shivpuri Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 36 Isagarh Ashoknagar Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 37 Aron Guna ADB observations are to be Approval awaited from ADB PMU has asked DPR addressed Consultant to address for compliance


38 Vijaypur Shivpuri ADB observations are to be ADB has sent observations to PMU has asked DPR addressed PMU on 30 06 2017 which are Consultant to address for still pending with PMU and compliance needs to be addressed. 39 Gormi Bhind Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB 40 4F Lahar Bhind Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB 41 Mehgaon Bhind Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB 42 Shadora Ashoknagar 4I Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB 43 Raghogarh Guna Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are

Sl. Package Name of the District Social Safeguard Reports Remarks No. No. subproject town IR DDR IP DDR addressed submitted in September 2018 44 Badarwas Shivpuri Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are addressed submitted in September 2018 45 5A Barhi Katni Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 46 Katangi Jabalpur 47 Bhedaghat Jabalpur 48 Majholi Jabalpur 49 5B Panagar Jabalpur Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 50 Patan Jabalpur 51 Sihora Jabalpur 52 Tendukheda 53 Khajuraho 6A Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 54 Rajnagar Chhatarpur


55 Sagar Sagar Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 6B 56 Makroniya Sagar Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 57 6C Sagar Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 58 Chhatarpur Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 59 6D Hatta Damoh Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 60 Panna Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 61 Chhatarpur Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are addressed and submitted on 24 09 2018. 6G 62 Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are 63 Chhatarpur addressed and submitted on 24 09 2018. 64 7A Mauganj Rewa Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 65 7B Jaithari Anuppur Approved by ADB Approved by ADB Sl. Package Name of the District Social Safeguard Reports Remarks No. No. subproject town IR DDR IP DDR 66 Khand Shahdol Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 67 Chandia Umaria Approved by ADB Approved by ADB 68 Amarpatan Satna Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are addressed and submitted in September 2018 7D 69 New Ram Satna Approval awaited from ADB Approval awaited from ADB ADB observations are nagar addressed and submitted in September 2018 Subproject Sewerage 70 Anjad Badwani Check with ADB as report Check with ADB as report 2F approved on 14 02 2018 approved on 14 02 2018


71 Barwaha Khargone Check with ADB. Earlier Check with ADB. Earlier compliance to ADB compliance to ADB observation observation done by PMC done by PMC and submitted to 2G and submitted to PMU on PMU on 14.02.2018 along with 14.02.2018 along with reply reply matrix. matrix. 72 Sanawad Khargone Check with ADB. Earlier Check with ADB. Earlier compliance to ADB compliance to ADB observation observation done by PMC done by PMC and submitted to 2H and submitted to PMU on PMU on 15.02.2018 along with 15.02.2018 along with reply reply matrix. matrix. 73 Saikhera Narsinghpur Approved by ADB but not Separate report was not 5G disclosed at ADB web site prepared, IP was covered in IR DDR.


22. MPUSIP has been implementing the subprojects since February 2017, as letter of award (LoA) has been issued to DBO Contractor since February 2017 aiming to improve the overall of water supply and wastewater systems in the selected subproject towns. Although, loan agreement with ADB under MPUSIP was signed in August 2017, which requires that Resettlement Framework (RF) documents be complied during the implementation of project in accordance with ADB's SPS 2009 and RF prepared for the project and agreed between the Borrower (MPUSIP) and ADB. Any subprojects that involve land acquisition and resettlement impacts to be prepared RPs and other safeguard reports as required under the scope of approved RP. No impact will be resulted by the construction activities under the project. Efforts have been continued to minimize environmental and social team in design the project activities. There will be no displacement of people, other than temporary relocation of hawkers and mobile vendors during construction. However, during the implementing phase there will be temporary inconveniences such as increased vehicle movements that affect the pedestrians of the immediate vicinity of the work. The social safeguard reports will be updated and submitted to ADB. The project activities don't displace to any persons and no indigenous people will be affected by the subproject components.

23. The Project (MPUSIP) interventions are expected to improve living conditions of people in the subproject towns after completion of the project. The expected outcome is envisaged as inclusive of gender-focused, pro poor and sustainable WSS in the towns. The sub-projects are in progress. The input provided during the reporting period is -establishment of PIUs, mobilization of experts/ human resources, development of checklist and guidelines to review IP and IR reports, develop understanding and Contract Agreement with design built and operate (DBO) Contractors on project requirements in relation to social safeguard through workshop and personal interactions, prepared summary of IP and IR reports in local Hindi language to disclose the project interventions at respective ULBs office. Under Tranche 1, there are 73 WSS subproject towns covered under 24 packages while 4 sewerage towns are split into four packages. Input ensures the possibility to deliver intended results on time. Out of 24 Packages of WSS, 15 Packages are awarded during reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018). During the reporting period, all the DBO Contractors were engaged in submission of the designs of structures, hydraulics and electro-mechanical of subproject components for approval and civil works was started accordingly. List of the awarded packages to DBO Contractors along with their submission of final design (in %) is as follows in the Table 2 while details about progress of drawing design and physical progress of each town package-wise is depicted as Appendix 1.


Table 2: List of Awarded Packages & Name of DBO Contractor along with Progress (in %) of Design Submitted Name of the Progress of Design Submitted by Sl. Package Date of subproject Name of the DBO Contractor DBO Contractor (Up to January No. No. Award town 2018) in % Electromechanical Hydraulics Structure Subproject Water Supply Scheme

1 Boda M/s Rean Watertech Pvt. Ltd and P C Snehal Const. 20 5 0 2 1A Kurawar 04.08.2017 Co. 15 5 0 3 Kothri (JV), Kolkatta 15 5 0 4 Amla M/S Laxmi Civil Engineering Service Pvt. Ltd., 50 20 0 5 1B Betul-Bazar 07.06.2017 Kolhapur 40 20 0 6 Sarni (Maharashtra) 55 20 0 7 Bankhedi M/s Central India Engineering Private Ltd, Nagpur 60 40 0 1C 27.04.2017 8 Sohagpur (Maharashtra) 70 50 10 9 Pansemal 0 0 0 M/s Rean Watertech Pvt. Ltd and P C Snehal Const. 10 Rajpur 30 0 0 2B 07.04.2017 Co. 11 Karahi Padlya 20 10 0 (JV), Kolkatta (West Bengal) 12 Kasrawad 30 30 10 13 Dhamnod M/s Bansal Construction Company, Gurugram 20 10 0 2C 18.09.2017 14 Mandav (Haryana) 0 0 0 15 Bhavra 0 0 0 16 2D Meghnagar 18.09.2017 M/s P.C Snehal -REAN(JV), Ahmedabad (Gujarat) 10 5 0 17 Petlawad 20 10 0 18 Susner 20 15 0 M/s Multiurban Infra Services Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur 19 3B Pankhedi 17.06.2017 20 15 0 (Maharshtra) 20 Maakdon 20 15 0 21 Karera 0 0 0 22 Bairad M/s Rean Watertech Pvt. Ltd and P C Snehal Const. 20 10 0 23 4D Pichhore 10.08.2017 Co. 0 0 0 24 Isagarh (JV), Kolkatta 0 0 0 25 Aron 0 0 0


Name of the Progress of Design Submitted by Sl. Package Date of subproject Name of the DBO Contractor DBO Contractor (Up to January No. No. Award town 2018) in % Electromechanical Hydraulics Structure 26 Vijaypur 20 10 0

M/s CMR Infrastructure Private Ltd, Bhopal (Madhya 27 5A Barhi 15.02.2017 60 55 30 Pradesh) 28 Katangi 30 0 0 29 Bhedaghat 50 0 0 30 Majholi 0 0 0 The Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd., Bhopal (Madhya 31 5B Panagar 04.09.2017 30 0 0 Pradesh) 32 Patan 30 0 0 33 Sihora 0 0 0 34 Tendukheda 40 20 0 35 Khajuraho M/s Rean Watertech Pvt. Ltd and P C Snehal Const. 36 6A Rajnagar 15.02.2017 Co. 30 15 0 (JV), Kolkatta (West Bengal) M/s Jay Varudi Construction Company & Ranjit 37 6C Rahatgarh 21.03.2017 Buildcon 70 40 20 Ltd. (JV), Himmat Nagar (Gujarat) 38 Buxwaha M/s Jay Varudi Construction Company & Ranjit 40 20 0 39 6D Hatta 21.03.2017 Buildcon 40 20 0 40 Pawai Ltd. (JV), Himmat Nagar (Gujarat) 40 20 0 41 7A Mauganj 15.02.2017 M/s KNK projects Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad (Haryana) 80 55 20 42 Jaithari 0 0 0 M/s SMC Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd., Thane 43 7B Khand 22.01.2018 0 0 0 (Maharashtra) 44 Chandia 0 0 0


24. In principle, MPUSIP (Tranche 1) subprojects are categorized under ‘B’ category as per ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS)-2009. All these subprojects may cause limited involuntary resettlement impact. The impact will mostly be temporary in nature during the civil works. There is no need to acquire private land as government land is available. Currently, majority of proposed subproject components are located on the existing facilities or government’s right of way (RoW). Therefore, it is pertinent to mention that no IR impacts are envisaged due to the proposed subprojects. Although, a Resettlement Framework (RF) has been developed for the MPUSIP in accordance with (i) the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013”; (ii) State laws and regulations; and (iii) ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009. The RF guides the screening and planning for all subprojects that have resettlement impacts, for more details about resettlement framework, please visit Accordingly, displaced persons (titleholders and non-titleholders) will be compensated at replacement cost and rates for different categories of losses and norms of special assistance are detailed in the RF. If there would be any IR impact reported during the implementation period, then people would be compensated as per the agreed Resettlement Framework (RF).

25. As mentioned earlier (refer to Table 1), MPUSIP has engaged DPR Consultant to prepare detailed project report including social and environment safeguard reports before the implementation of subprojects. Although, these reports will be reconfirmed again after completion of detailed design and detailed measurement surveys (DMS) which will be conducted by Design Build & Operate (DBO) Contractor before initiation of civil works during implementation1. Updation of the reports are under process during reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018) as final design for subproject is under progress during reporting period. No construction work will commence before the updated social safeguard document for the package is reviewed and approved by ADB and compensation to affected persons, if any. These final IR / IP reports of subproject towns will also be reviewed and disclosed on website of urban local body (ULB), IA and ADB. The IA is responsible to hand over the project lands/sites to the contractor which should be free from all encumbrances.

26. During the reporting period, IR and IP reports of package 2B, 2C, 3A, 4A, 4B, 4D and 4F under Tranche 1 were reviewed the ADB comments and addressed for compliance, in particular third-party certification was done for WSS Gautampur (package 2A) on the donation of the private land for subproject components. Safeguard reports (IR and IP DDR) of subproject sewerage town Anjad, Barwaha, Sanawad and Saikhera under tranche 1 and Resettlement Plan (RP) of subproject sewerage town Khajuraho & Rajnagar (package 6E under tranche 2) were prepared and submitted to ADB for approval. In addition, land status of some of the subproject towns was updated and verified.

27. No involuntarily resettlement impact is resulted by the construction activities under the project during reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018). Efforts have been continued to minimize environmental and social team in design the project activities. The social parameters are monitored during project construction activities. There will be no displacement of people, other than temporary relocation of hawkers and mobile vendors during construction.

1 Detailed measurement survey will be jointly conducted by safeguards personnel of project implementation unit, consultants and contractors prior to implementation at each site/stretch of alignment. Report (IR DDR / RP for different sites/stretches will be prepared and submitted to ADB for approval; prior payment of compensation to permanent and/or temporarily impacted persons is mandatory before start of civil work at each site/alignment stretch. Social safeguards document for the package will be updated by PMC in coordination with DBO contractor.


However, during the construction phase there will be temporary inconveniences such as increased vehicle movements that affect the pedestrians of the immediate vicinity of the work. The social safeguard reports (IR DDR and IP DDR) are likely to be updated periodically and submitted to ADB. The project activities don't displace to any persons and no indigenous people will be affected.

28. The following safeguard issues were identified, and mitigation measures were undertaken:

Table 3: Safeguard issues and Mitigation measures Sl. No. Identified Safeguard Issues Mitigation Measures 1 Demarcation of the proposed land/site by Social Safeguard team of respective revenue official locally called Patwari PIUs and PMC (PIU) are directed to coordinate with respective ULB prior to start of any civil activities 2 Proposal sent to concerned District Social Safeguard team of respective Collector for transfer of the proposed PIUs and PMC (PIU) are directed to land/site in favour of respective urban coordinate with the office of the local body (ULB) respective CMOs/ULBs 3 Apply or obtain no objection certificate Social Safeguard team of respective (NoC) from Water Resource PMU, PIU (PMU) and PIU (PMC) are Department (WRD), Madhya Pradesh directed to coordinate with State Pollution Control Board, Forest respective ULBs to obtain NoC from Department, Archaeological Survey of other departments India (ASI), National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Public Works Department (PWD), Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC), Indian Railways etc., if any 4 Disclosures of the summary of social Disclosed summary of social safeguard reports in vernacular safeguard reports in vernacular language Hindi language Hindi at respective ULB and PIU office 5 Grievances GRM has been developed and Grievance Redress Committee at town level has been formed to handle such case. 6 Change of the location of subproject Impact assessment including components transect walk and land ownership detail is required 7 Unanticipated Impacts: (i) on property or Such type of Impacts must be structure, (ii) on livelihood, (iii) any other reported to PIU/PMU/PMC and will specify……… be complied as per Resettlement Framework (RF) 8 Orientation of subproject components Town level orientation with regard to ADB Safeguard policy and programme/meetings are conducted its compliances to ULBs 29. Office of the urban local body (ULB) of each subproject town is in the process of transferring of the proposed land to its own name / ownership. Adverse effects due to involuntary resettlement as well as physical and economic displacement are not anticipated due to proposed subproject components at the time of approval of IP and IR reports.


30. Hence, Safeguard reports were reviewed, documented and submitted to PMU. During planning phase of the Project, detailed project report of the proposed subprojects along with IEE, IR and IP reports were prepared by the DPR Consultant and submitted to ADB for approval whereas during implementation phase DBO Contractors will be responsible to validate the data. Apart from that, DBO Contractor has conducted household (HHs) survey of their subproject towns. In this regard, PMC has organized orientation program for the survey team. Household survey is verified by the field engineer, communication assistant and resettlement coordinator of PIU (PMC) and PIU (PMU) both. After completion of the household survey, DBO Contractors will prepare the data in excel and this data will be integrated with GIS Map along with topographic survey drawing (Auto Cad) with zero referencing and covering with complete network of road/lane & by lanes under the jurisdiction of the subproject town. Copy of the household survey is attached as Appendix 3 while progress of the HHs survey is as follows in Table 4.

Table 4: Town-wise Progress of the Household Survey Sl. No. Package No. Name of the Town Status of Household survey 1 Boda Completed 2 1A Kurawar Completed 3 Kothri Completed 4 Amla Completed 5 1B Betul-Bazar Completed 6 Sarni In Progress 7 Bankhedi Completed 1C 8 Sohagpur Completed 9 Pansemal Completed 10 Rajpur Completed 2B 11 Karahi Padlya Completed 12 Kasrawad Completed 13 Dhamnod In Progress 2C 14 Mandav In Progress 15 Bhavra In Progress 16 2D Meghnagar Completed 17 Petlawad Completed 18 Susner In Progress 19 3B Pankhedi In Progress 20 Maakdon In Progress 21 Karera To be started 22 Bairad In Progress 23 Pichhore To be Started 4D 24 Isagarh In Progress 25 Aron To be Started 26 Vijaypur In Progress 27 5A Barhi Completed 28 Katangi In Progress 29 Bhedaghat Competed 30 5B Majholi In Progress 31 Panagar Completed 32 Patan In Progress


33 Sihora In Progress 34 Tendukheda In Progress 35 Khajuraho Completed 6A 36 Rajnagar Completed Sl. No. Package No. Name of the Town Status of Household survey 37 6C Rahatgarh Completed 38 Buxwaha Completed 39 6D Hatta Completed 40 Pawai Completed 41 7A Mauganj Completed 42 Jaithari In Progress 43 7B Khand In Progress 44 Chandia In Progress

31. The subproject components are proposed in land owned by Government of Madhya Pradesh, or any other government department land for which the No Objection Certificate (NoC) is required from concerned department, as well as on private land for which donation of the land should be completely voluntary (without any coercion) or should be purchased through negotiated settlement or land acquisition act/procedures. The subproject components such as Anicut, Intake well, water treatment plant (WTP) overhead tank (OHT) are proposed within the land owned by Government and the transmission / distribution network will be laid down within existing right-of-way (ROW) of the road network. Some of the issues related to the land proposed for subproject components are reported during period, as follows in Table 5:

Table 5: Town-wise Land Related Issues Sl. Package Name of Land related Issues No. No. the Town 1 Boda No issues reported Raw Water Rising Main (RWRM): New route for laying of RWRM is explored because proposed alignment as per DPR is passing through private agricultural land. Water Treatment Plant (WTP): Inadequate approach and insufficient piece of land leads to change the proposed location. New location has been provided by Nagar 2 1A Kurawar Parishad-Kurawar on Kala Pipal road which is under possession of NP. Overhead Tank (OHT)-900 KL: Proposed land belongs to Krishi Upaj Mandi (KPM) and they have refused to provide land. So, proposed OHT is likely to be shifted at new location of WTP site. 3 Kothri No issues reported OHT (200 KL): Proposed land belongs to Krishi Upaj Mandi (KPM) and they have refused to provide land. Now, a 4 1B Amla private land owner is identified who has shown his willingness to donate land to NP-Amla for OHT.


Sump Well: Another piece of land has been identified for sump well which is about 100M away from the proposed site. As per revenue record land comes under Charnoi so 5 Betul-Bazar NoC will be issued to construct but it cannot be transferred in the name the ULB. Earlier proposed site of sump well comes under three departments. Apart from PWD, remaining departments has issued NoC. All the proposed components such as WTP and OHTs (5 in 6 Sarni no.) are located at land under possession of either

Sl. Package Name of Land related Issues No. No. the Town Western Coalfield Limited (WCL), Forest or Madhya Pradesh State Electricity Board (MPSEB). OHT (1500KL): Proposed site belongs to forest department under ward no. 28 Pathakheda. A permission is required from forest department. It has been applied in the first week of January 2018. Observation from forest department received. OHTs (1000 KL and 1500KL): Proposed site belongs to WCL and they had refused to provide land. Now, both the OHTs has been shifted to ward no. 22 and ward no. 35 respectively. This new site/land belongs to Nagar Parishad-Sarni. OHT (300 KL): Proposed site belongs to WCL and they had refused to provide land. Now this OHT has been shifted to government college ground. OHTs (150 KL and 100 KL): Location of both the OHTs 7 Bankhedi have been changed. New location has been identified and transfer of the new site is under process. Jack Well cum Pump House at river Narmada: Private 1C land needs to be acquired to construct approach road to reach at Jack Well cum Pump House. Five affected 8 Sohagpur persons (APs) are reported. PMU/ PIU-Bhopal has transferred the amount of acquired land to NP-Sohagpur for further action.


Source: Another source has been identified namely Gomai dam which is about 15 Kms away from Pansemal town. NoC from WRD yet to be obtained. Local villagers have shown their reluctance to construct Intake well at site because proposed dam site is built for irrigation purpose only, as per villagers. Earlier as per DPR, proposed source of water was Gomai river and Anicut was proposed with height of 7.5 m but due deposit of the silt in the river, height of Anicut may increase 9 Pansemal by 9 M which will result the submergence of the private area (agricultural field). WTP: Distance from Intake Well to WTP is one Kms. New 2B location for WTP belongs to government but some local inhabitant claimed that proposed site is private land even though they have objected to deliver water to town Pansemal. But it comes under notice that compensation package had ready been received by these people from WRD as their land came under submergence during Project Gomai Dam. 10 Rajpur No issues reported Karahi WTP: Location of the WTP site has been changed and 11 Padlya process of the transfer of another site/land is in progress. Intake well cum pump house: Transfer of land is required. 12 Kasrawad This matter has been discussed with Tehsildar. Intake well cum pump house: It has been decided that this will be merged with town Prithampura WS scheme, 13 2C Dhamnod built by Urban Administration and Development Department (UADD)

Sl. Package Name of Land related Issues No. No. the Town WTP: More land is required so two more Khasras adjoining to proposed khasra are identified with the help of Patwari. OHT (310 KL): Another Khasra No. 9/2/2 under ward no. 10 is identified which is private and land owner has donated the land to NP-Dhamnod. OHT (600 KL): Another Khasra No. 200 under ward no. 4 is identified

OHT-1 (535 KL): Another Khasra No. 820, Halka 155 Mandav, Area: 0.734ha belongs to revenue department is identified. ASI monument namely Sarai Kothi is reported within 110 M. NoC from State ASI is required. 14 Mandav OHT-2 (200 KL): Another Khasra No. 176 Halka 155 Area: 4.945 ha under revenue department is identified. IPS: Permission from Forest department is to be required to build IPS, subject to deposit fee of 5.2 lakhs. 15 2D Bhavra No issues reported


OHT (200 KL): Another site for OHT is identified as proposed location comes under mining area and 16 Meghnagar technically improper. New Khasra 399 identified which is also proposed for WTP too. WTP: Another site for WTP, clear water sump (100 KL) and OHT (120 KL) has been identified because proposed site 17 Petlawad is technically improper. New Kahsra no. 1771/1 is identified for these components WTP, CWS and OHT. Another piece of government land which is common for WTP, clear water sump and OHT (200 KL) is identified and 18 Susner sent to District Collector for transfer (Khasra No. or survey No. 2004) 3B OHT: As per DPR, Khasra No. 372/6 was proposed for OHT (350 KL) and but a new location/site with Khasra No. 19 Pankhedi 125/2 for OHT under ward no. 6 is identified. Transfer of land is in progress. 20 Maakdon No issues reported. Source: New location of the source is identified. Proposed new location is eastern bank of Samoha Dam at village Khaira Modi under Panchayat Machhawali. Earlier as per DPR it was western bank of Samoha dam which comes under Son Chiraiya Bird Sanctuary. WTP: Proposed WTP site is located on western bank of river Mahuwar at town Karera. Some social issues are also 21 4D Karera come under notice that locals have encroached upon part of the proposed site and secondly an approach road (CC road) is there to access the temple located there. Keeping in view it is decided to lay out the available encroach free land to understand that whether required structures for proposed WTP can be accommodated or not. And secondly another option was also explored to construct WTP at the campus of existing WTP.

Sl. Package Name of Land related Issues No. No. the Town OHTs: Land proposed for OHTs (2 in no.) belongs to Krishi Upaj Mandi and PWD Rest House respectively. Both the department had shown least interest to issue NoC for the proposed site. Another site for both the OHTs are identified at near highway and in front of the Nagar Parishad office respectively. Both are the government land and only transfer of the land is required. OHT: OHT (300 KL) was proposed at Tehsil office as per 22 Bairad DPR but now it has been shifted to campus of the Nagar Parishad office.


Source: As per DPR, Futiwar dam but it has been decided to get water from Futiwar and Nagdha dam, both in the rotation system. In this regard, NoC is required from 23 Pichhore WRD WTP: As per DPR, Khasra No. 1639/3 was proposed but another new location/land with Khasra No. 1653/1/3 near Hazira Pahari is identified. Transfer of land is required. 24 Isagarh No issues reported OHT (700 KL) may shift to another Khasra No. 1187 due to 25 Aron insufficient land at Khasra No. 1216. Intake well cum pump house, WTP and Clear Water Sump: Site for intake well cum pump house is being proposed at anicut constructed by WRD on river Kunwari. 26 Vijaypur Another government land with Khasra No. 11 is identified which is under possession of Nagar Parishad-Vijaypur for WTP and clear water sump. OHT (1800 KL): A dispute reported between a local resident and Office of the CMO on a proposed land for OHT 27 5A Barhi (1800 KL) to get approach road to his land. Although, land is under possession of Nagar ParishadBarhi

28 Katangi No issues reported Location of the Source and Intake well cum pump house and WTP: Proposed location as per DPR will be changed as ADB strongly objected on the proposed site, therefore, new site will likely to be identified at another location on downstream locally called Lamhetaghat on the same source Narmada river. WTP: New site of Khasra number 171 (full), 175 (partly) 29 Bhedaghat and 176 (partly) is identified. OHT (220 KL) at Bhedaghat: As per DPR, proposed at 5B Khsara 153/1, it is typing error and actually it is 153/2. OHT (200 KL) at Bhedaghat: As per DPR, proposed at Khsara no. 72 which comes under the corridor of impact (CoI) of ASI’s structure called Chousath Yogini Mandir. Application to obtain NoC from ASI is need to be submitted. 30 Majholi No issues reported 31 Panagar No issues reported 32 Patan No issues reported 33 Sihora OHT at Sihora: Due to insufficient area, another land is Sl. Package Name of Land related Issues No. No. the Town provided by NP-Sihora (Govt. khasra no. 1488/2 in front of PHED workshop) 34 Tendukheda No issues reported 35 Khajuraho No issues reported 6A 36 Rajnagar


WTP: Proposed site comes under the CoI of ASI structure, 37 6C Rahatgarh fort locally called Qila. NoC from ASI is to be obtained.

38 Buxwaha No issues reported Location of Intake Well cum pump house: Intake well was proposed on the bank of Sonar river at village Harat. Sarpanch and local villagers of village Harat and other villages has objected the proposed location of Intake Well 39 6D Hatta at Sonar river and as well as to lay the RWRM pipeline. Therefore, shifted to another site which is located at downstream of Sonar river near WTP (proposed) at Gaddiya Hatta with Khasra No. 44/1. 40 Pawai No issues reported OHT (1800 KL): A dispute between a local resident and 41 7A Mauganj Office of the CMO on the proposed land of OHT to get approach road for his land. Intake well cum pump house: Location may come under 42 Jaithari forest area. NoC from forest department is to be obtained. GLSR (Ground Level Storage Reservoir)-200KL: Proposed location of GLSR is far away from the town area 43 Khand which resulted financial implications, therefore, 7B recommended to identify the suitable site near habitation. Source: Chhoti Mahnadi river, no approach road to proposed site of Anicut and Intake well, Therefore, another site is likely to be identified on the Chhoti Mahanadi river. 44 Chandia WTP: No approach road to proposed site. New site is to be identified

32. Apart from the above issues, NoC needs to be obtained from water resource department (WRD), archaeological survey of India (ASI), forest department, national highways authority of India (NHAI), public works department (PWD) etc., if required for subproject components.

33. Based on the data collected and progress reported periodically, the physical progress of awarded packages under Phase I is depicted in Appendix 1.


34. The overall project is classified as category ‘B’ in accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS). ADB's SPS covers both temporary and permanent impacts. As mentioned earlier, proposed site/land for subproject components belongs to government, but in one of the subprojects WSS town Sohagpur under Package 1C, small piece of land needs to acquire. As per DBO Contractor, after detailed measurement survey it was found that private land needs to be acquired to construct approach road to reach at Jack Well cum Pump House proposed at Narmada river. Five affected persons (APs) are reported and land acquisition is done through negotiated settlement under consent land purchase policy of government of Madhya Pradesh. Under this policy, department or undertakings will pay the value of the land after calculating prevalent collector guideline rates of lands plus value of available assets on


the land (trees, well, house etc.) and will also pay an equal rehabilitation grant to land owner. Keeping in view of ADB policy, a third-party verification needs to be done. Socio-economic profile of APs along with third party verification report will be submitted in the next bi-annual SSMR. Out of five APs, four APs have received compensation amount during reporting period, details are as follows:

Table 6: Details of APs and Status of compensation payment during reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018)

Sl. Name of the AP (Land Total Remarks No. Owner) Amount to Other Amount be paid (in Charges INR) including including stamp duty & rehabilitation registry grant charge

1 Vinay Kumar/Jiwan Singh 7,26,000 52,998 7,78,998 Amount disbursed to AP during reporting period (Aug 2017 to Jan 2018)

2 Neelam/Sunil Kumar 2,40,000 17,520 2,57,520 -do-

3 Kripal Singh/Roop Singh 96,000 7,008 1,03,008 -do-

4 4,83,000 35,259 5,18,259 -do- Manoj Kumar/Ravishankar

5 Ram Bharose/Sarvan 1,92,000 14,016 2,06,016 Singh Amount to be disbursed

Total 17,37,000 1,26,801 18,63,801


35. During implementation of the subprojects, an extensive consultation program is carried out with different type of stakeholders such as respective ULBs, other line departments, general public, vendors and land owner etc., in line with the requirements pertaining to


disseminate the project information, in particular agreed resettlement framework. General public, business owners mainly shopkeepers and likely to be affected people were informed about the possibility of disruption due to subproject. The consultation is focused on about subproject and on entitlement matrix of the project and compensation receiving procedure. The tools used for consultations were stakeholder workshops and meetings, interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). These consultations provided inputs for identification of the felt needs of the communities, and the relevant stakeholders. Meaningful consultations have been continued with local inhabitants which include all section of society particularly Vulnerable Groups2, IP community, affected people (APs), elected representative and other stakeholders to ensure their participation in all phases of subprojects i.e Design, implementation and monitoring. Meaningful consultation is defined as a process that (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and expected to carry out throughout the project cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people (APs); (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion; (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of vulnerable groups; and (v) enables the incorporation of all relevant views of APs and other stakeholders into decision making, such as project design, mitigation measures, the sharing of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues. Consultations is being carried out in a manner commensurate with the impacts on affected communities.

36. The consultation process and its results will be documented in the updated / revised Involuntary Resettlement / Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) Due Diligence Report of each subproject. The consultations with APs, local community particularly vulnerable groups were informed about the subproject components/activities to ensure that it adequately deal with their needs, priorities, and preferences. The outcome of the social assessment and mitigation measures were discussed with local inhabitants. The Executing Agency has made available the summary of Initial Environment Examination (IEE) and IR/IP reports of awarded subproject towns to the ULB, affected persons and local public. Subproject information was made available in a local language i.e Hindi. Summary of awarded subprojects was disclosed at notice board of the concerned Urban Local Body (ULB) / PIU (refer to Appendix 2). EA shall also post the documents and their summaries on its website. This will also be disclosed on ADB website.

37. A draft Community Action and Participation Plan (CAPP) was prepared and submitted to PMU. As involvement of the local community under the urban water supply subproject is highly desirable, because of variations in community characteristics and degree of significance of the project need. Therefore, awareness and participation of the community are very much required to ensure widespread, ongoing, and meaningful participation of the key stakeholders with a focus on the poor and the vulnerable group.

38. PMC experts and field staff conducted various consultations with the public to understand their views on existing water supply status. At the same time, the communities were informed about the MPUSIP project in detailed along with proposed water supply infrastructure in their town. During consultations, community enquired about the perceived benefits of water supply scheme. During reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018), there has been consultations on project design, features, implementation procedures, sewerage scheme, health and sanitation, formation of GRC, land transfer, rehabilitation of

2 vulnerable groups / households, defined as women-headed households(WHH) and households below the poverty line (BPL), scheduled caste (SC) / scheduled tribe (ST) households, disabled/elderly headed households


affected households, Possible positive & negative impacts of the project and other social safeguard issues. There is great acceptance of the project as there is only positive impact on the life of community. The people mainly raised the issue of sanitation which will be resolved after availability of safe water. The summary of consultation is attached as Appendix 4.


39. A Project-specific grievance redress mechanism (GRM) has been established to receive, evaluate, and facilitate the resolution of AP’s concerns, complaints, and grievances about the social and environmental performance at the level of the project. The following GRM provides a time-bound and transparent mechanism to voice and resolve social and environmental concerns linked to the project. In this regard, a common GRM is in place for social, environmental, or any other grievances related to the Project. The GRM will provide an accessible and trusted platform for receiving and facilitating resolution of affected persons’ grievances related to the project. The multi- tier (three tier) GRM for the project is outlined below:

40. 1st tier (At Town Level) and Composition of the Grievance Redress Committee (GRC):

• A representative of Chief Municipal Officer associated with Urban Local Body, Chairperson; • CDO of ULB designated/nominated by ULB. • Field Engineer of Project Management Consultants; • Focal person (GRC Person) of DBO contractor of respective town; • Field Engineer of concerned ULB designated by the respective PIU, Secretary; 41. Major Functions: The major functions of town level GRC is as follows:

• Registration of Grievances by the Focal person (GRC Person) of DBO contractor of respective town Sorting of Grievances by Focal person (GRC Person) of DBO contractor of respective town and Chairperson; • Forwarding grievances to concerned authorities i.e Site Engineer for resolution; • Information to the complainant on the decision taken to address registered complaint and expected time to resolve issue; • Resolution of issues emerged due to construction; • Feedback to the complainant on action completed against registered complaint and • seeking complainant feedback on level of satisfaction; • Closure of grievances by CDO-ULB or forwarding of complaint to PIU GRC if grievance remains unresolved.

42. 2nd Tier (At PIU Level): Composition of the PIU level GRC:

• Project Manager, associated with Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited - Chairperson • An elected member nominated by Mayor in Council/ President in Council of associated Urban Local Body (ULB). • A Social Worker nominated by Mayor in Council/ President in Council of associated Urban Local Body. • Commissioner of associated Urban Local Body/Chief Municipal Officer or Community Development Officer/Community Organizer of Urban Local Body. Community Development Officer CDO-PIU - Secretary


43. Major Functions: The following functions will be performed by the PIU level GRC:

• Registration of complaints by CDO-PIU from the 1st tier GRC and/or affected people; • Eligibility assessment of grievances by the GRC Chairperson; • Information to the complainant about eligibility of the complaint; • Grievance Redress Committee meetings to discuss grievances and action required; • Ensuring collection of detailed information about the eligible complaint; • Assessment of complaint, draw conclusion from discussions and make recommendations; • Develop action plan outlining activities required to implement the recommendations; • Ensuring implementation of recommendations by stakeholders or concerned authorities; • Monitoring actions of the recommendations in view of timeline; • Feedback to the complainant on action completed against registered complaint and • seeking complainant feedback on level of satisfaction; • Closure of grievances by CDO-PIU or forwarding of complaint to PMU GRC if grievance remains unresolved.

44. 3rd Tier (At PMU-State Level): Composition of State Level GRC

• Engineer in Chief, MPUDC – Chairperson • Deputy Project Director (T) • Deputy Project Director (A) (Secretary) • Project Officer • Community Development Officer CDO-PMU • PMC TL or representative Advisor 45. Major Functions: The state level GRC will be responsible to perform the following functions:

• Registration of complaints received from GRC PIU and/or affected people; • Information to the complainant about eligibility of the complaint; • Eligibility assessment of grievances by the GRC PMU chairperson with support of the Secretary of state GRC- – whether grievance is eligible for consideration or not at the state level; • Ensuring collection of required information about the eligible complaint; • Assessment of complaint to draw conclusion from discussions and make recommendations; • Develop action plan outlining activities required to implement the recommendations; • Ensuring implementation of recommendations by stakeholders or concerned authorities; • Monitoring actions of the recommendations in view of timeline; • Closing complaint after all actions taken as per recommendations and feedback to the complainant. • Advise to complainants about approach /appeal to the concerned department in case the complainant is not satisfied or complaint is beyond the scope of the GRC PMU.

46. The structure and process of GRM is presented below for detailed understanding in Figure 2:


47. The GRM is envisaged to provide a time bound and transparent mechanism to voice and resolve social and environmental concerns linked with the project. In this regard, MPUSIP had issued an official order along with the guideline to all PIUs and ULBs to establish grievance redress committee (GRC) at all awarded subproject towns. Copy of government order to form GRC at each subproject town is enclosed as Appendix 5. Status of the formation of GRC at town level (subproject towns) is as follows in the Table 7:

Table No. 7: Status of GRC Formation Sl. No. Package No. Name of the Town Status of GRC Formation 1 Boda GRC formed on 22.01.2018 2 1A Kurawar GRC formed on 01.12.2017 3 Kothri GRC formed on 01.12.2017 4 Amla GRC formed on 11.12.2017 1B 5 Betul-Bazar Under progress (GRC formed


Sl. No. Package No. Name of the Town Status of GRC Formation on 24.11.2018)

6 Sarni GRC formed on 11.12.2017 Under progress (GRC formed on 7 Bankhedi 16.02.2018) 1C Under progress (GRC formed on 8 Sohagpur 08.02.2018) 9 Pansemal GRC formed on 23.01.2018 Under progress (GRC formed on 10 Rajpur 2B 10.02.2018) 11 Karahi Padlya GRC formed on 01.09.2017 12 Kasrawad GRC formed on 12.10.2017 Under progress (GRC formed on 13 Dhamnod 2C 21.02.2018) 14 Mandav GRC formed on 06.12.2017 Bhavra (Chander Shekhar 15 GRC formed on 06.12.2017. Azad Nagar) 2D 16 Meghnagar GRC formed on 17.01.2018 17 Petlawad GRC formed on 07.11.2017 18 Susner GRC formed on 05.12.2017 19 3B Pankhedi GRC formed on 06.01.2018 20 Maakdon GRC formed on 06.12.2017 21 Karera GRC formed on 20.11.2017 22 Bairad GRC formed on 03.10.2017 23 Pichhore GRC formed on 18.07.2017 4D 24 Isagarh GRC formed on 27.12.2017 25 Aron GRC formed on 06.12.2017 26 Vijaypur GRC formed on 27.10.2017 27 5A Barhi GRC formed on 29.07.2017 28 Katangi GRC formed on 11.10.2017 29 Bhedaghat GRC formed on 10.07.2017 30 Majholi GRC formed on 12.05.2017 31 5B Panagar GRC formed on 10.07.2017 32 Patan GRC formed on 30.11.2017 33 Sihora GRC formed on 24.11.2017 34 Tendukheda GRC formed on 12.06.2017 35 Khajuraho GRC formed on 12.12.2017 6A 36 Rajnagar GRC formed on 23.11.2017 37 6C Rahatgarh GRC formed on 22.09.2017 38 Buxwaha GRC formed on 23.11.2017 39 6D Hatta GRC formed on 22.09.2017 40 Pawai GRC formed on 22.09.2017 41 7A Mauganj GRC formed on 26.07.2017 42 Jaithari Under progress 43 7B Khand Under progress 44 Chandia Under progress


48. It is important to mention that most of the awarded subprojects towns have established GRC during reporting period (August 2017 to January 2018) except towns namely Bankheri and Sohagpur (Package 1C), Jaithari, Khand and Chandia (Package 7B), Baitul Bazar and Sarni (Package 1B), Rajpur (Package 2B) and Dhamnod (Package 2C) only. Process of the formation of GRC at these remaining towns are also in progress.

49. The GRM aims to provide a trusted way to voice and resolve concerns linked to the Project, and to be an effective way to address affected people’s concerns. Only 2 grievances were reported during this reporting period and resolved. These grievances are related to breakage of the existing pipeline and excavation of the road occurred by project activities. The details of grievances are in Table no. 8

Table No. 8: Detail of Grievances during the Reporting Period (August 2017 to January 2018) Sl. Subproject Town Name of Type of Status No. (Package No.) Person/Address Grievance 1 Name not Excavation of Road restored Bankhedi (1C) reported the road (12.01.2018) 2 Name not Breakage of Pipeline Bankhedi (1C) reported existing pipeline restored (18.01.2018)


50. The State’s Urban Development and Environment Department (UDED) is the executing agency of the Project and Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDC) is the Nodal implementing agency (IA). Both the agencies are also responsible to ensure compliance with safeguard requirements of the State Government, Government of India (GoI) and ADB and for day-to-day monitoring of project progress, including the implementation of resettlement provisions in the project and produce progress report on all aspects concerning to planning, implementation and monitoring of the land acquisition and resettlement issues. In this regard, the EA has already set up a state - level Program Management Unit (PMU) headed by the Managing Director. Implementing Agency has also set up 5 Program Implementation Units (PIUs) to manage implementation of subproject packages in their respective towns. Institutional arrangement and human resources are described below to ensure effective implementation of social safeguard issues:

➢ PMU: Social safeguard component is headed by the Technical Officer at PMU. The Technical Officer-Safeguards is being supported by one Environment Engineer, one Community Development Officer (CDO) and one Gender and Social Officer to plan, manage and supervise social activities under leadership of Managing Director and Engineer in Chief (EnC).

➢ PIU: Each PIU has a Project Manager (PM) who is overall responsible to plan and, manage technical as well as social components of their jurisdiction. Project Manager is supported by one Dy. Project Manager (DPM), one Assistant Project Manager (APM) and one Procurement Officer. In addition, a post of Civil Engineer for each package under PIU is also sanctioned and officials are in place. One Community Development Officer (CDO) is posted at each PIU to plan and manage social safeguard issues.


➢ PMC: PMC has a Social Safeguard Expert, an Environment Expert and a Gender and Communication Expert to plan and manage activities related to Social Safeguards. PMC experts are also responsible to provide technical assistance to PMU and PIUs during implementation of the project by conceptualisation of the activities, building their capacity for effective implementation and documentation. PMC also has positions of Resettlement Coordinator, Environmental Coordinator and Communication Assistant to support at each PIUs (One position for each PIU). Position of Resettlement Coordinator and Environment Coordinator are posted on intermittent basis. Communication Assistants are placed at Sagar, Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur.

➢ Design Built Operate Contractor (DBOC): One Safeguard Expert (Environment and Social expert) may likely to be appointed by contractor for safeguard compliances and preparation/updation of DDR/RP and its implementation etc.

51. During the reporting period, safeguard officials at PMU and PIUs are positioned on regular basis while PMC has deployed their safeguard experts on intermittent basis. Deployment details of these Social Safeguard Officials is depicted below in the Table 9.

Table 9: Deployment of Social Safeguards officials during Reporting Period (up to January 2018) Name of Position Filled Sl. No. Designation Remarks Institution In Technical 1 PMU Yes OfficerSafeguards

-do- Environment Engineer Yes Community Development -do- Officer Yes -do- Social and Gender Officer No Community Development PIUs 2 Officer (5 in no., one at Yes (PMU) each PIU) Safeguard In position since 3 PMC ExpertResettlement January 2017 Yes In position since -do- Environment Expert April 2017 Yes Gender and In position since -do- Communication Expert May 2017 Yes Resettlement Coordinators 4 PIU (PMC) No CVs submitted (5 in no., one at each PIU) Communication Assistant Yes, four -do- (5 in no., one at each PIU) mobilized Environment Engineer (5 One CV submitted -do- No in no., one at each PIU) 5 DBO Safeguard Specialist No


Name of Position Filled Sl. No. Designation Remarks Institution In Consultant 52. PMU, PMC and PIUs -all social safeguards are expected to work in close coordination. State level social safeguards are mainly responsible to conceptualize design/interventions, develop plan, manage and monitor interventions while PIU officials are responsible to ensure implementation of works with quality. PIUs has been established to assist PMU, facilitate day- to-day implementation and management of the Project. One CDO has been deployed at each PIU to look after the social safeguard issues. Although, the civil engineer is also deployed at the subproject (Package) wise as Nodal Safeguard Officer and working closely with the Urban Local Bodies, to expedite the safeguard compliance and payments of assistance to AHs, if any.

53. MPUSIP entrusted with the responsibilities for planning, design, and implementation of the Project and also responsible to ensure compliance with safeguard requirements of Asian development bank (ADB), Government and for day-to-day monitoring of project progress, including the implementation of resettlement provisions in the project and produce progress report on all aspects concerning to planning, implementation and monitoring of the land acquisition and resettlement issues. DBO Contractor for each package is responsible for detailed design and detailed measurement surveys (DMS). Therefore, IR and IP impacts will be reconfirmed again after completion of detailed design. The final IR and IP report will be reviewed and disclosed on website of urban local body (ULB), IA and ADB. No construction work will commence before the updated social safeguard document for the packages is reviewed and approved by ADB.


54. Up to the reporting period, the implementation of RP is continuing. The safeguard team has been working closely with technical design team so to avoid the adverse impact. The grievances related to social safeguard is treated immediately within the project entitlement framework and the numbers of grievances related to social safeguard are minimal. The assessment, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the resettlement activities will be undertaken by the Project. The monitoring and assessment / evaluation of the contractors’ resettlement activities has been carried out by using formats to each subproject and visiting the sites during working hours. The format presents the status of work, problems, mitigation measures adopted by the Contractors etc. Such information is expected in Consultant’s monthly report on Environmental and Social Safeguards. Resettlement Plans will be prepared/updated with the entitlements, assistance and benefits, institutional arrangements, tasks and responsibilities of each level of the agencies involved in resettlement planning for the project.

55. Social safeguards are being monitored through – physical verification in the field, seeking community feedback, monthly and quarterly progress report. PMU with the assistance of PMC safeguard experts has been consolidating reports/data and inputting into quarterly monitoring report. The same has been shared with the ADB. These reports have been stating the progress of the implementation of resettlement activities, compliance issues and corrective actions. PMC Safeguard Expert-Resettlement has visited various towns (for example - Kasrawad, Karahi Padlya Khurd, Pansemal, Mauganj, Sohagpur, Bankhedi, Khajuraho and Rajanagr, Karera, Pichhore and interacted with ULB officials, community leaders, community of vulnerable groups, contractor’s staff to resolve land related issues.



56. The status of compliance of ADB’s Loan Covenants related to Safeguard issues is shown below:


Table 10: Status of Compliance of ADB’s Loan Covenants related to Safeguard Issues Item Loan Covenants Status Involuntary 13. The Borrower shall cause the State and MPUDC to ensure Being Complied Resettlement that all land and all set forth in the RP, and any corrective or IR DDR/Resettlement Plan (RP) of all packages under preventative actions rights-of-way required for a subproject Tranche 1 has been prepared and approved. Requirement are made available to the Works contractor in accordance with of land has been identified and verification of final the schedule agreed under the related Works contract and all requirement after detailed measurement survey (DMS) by land acquisition and resettlement activities are implemented in DBO Contractor for fixing up is under process. compliance with (a) all applicable laws and regulations of the All acquisition process is complying with relevant State and National Laws, SPS (2009) of ADB and agreed Borrower relating to land acquisition and involuntary Resettlement Framework (RF) for MPUSIP. resettlement; (b) the Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards; (c) All measures and compliance requirements as mentioned in the RF; and (d) all measures and requirements set forth in the resettlement plan (RP) / involuntary resettlement (IR) due Safeguards Monitoring Report. diligence report (DDR) will be considered during implementation. Updation of reports as per service improvement plan (SIP) of each package under Tranche 1, in case of any change impact on community in particular temporary loss of livelihood and land related aspects are being taken care as per all applicable laws and regulations. Corrective or preventive action plans which will be reflected in Safeguard monitoring report and project implementation authority will take care of the same.

14. Without limiting the application of the Involuntary Being Complied Resettlement Safeguards, RF or the RP, Borrower shall cause As per RP and RF -before physical or economic the State and MPUDC to ensure that no physical or economic displacement, compensation needs to be paid to Affected displacement takes place in connection with the subprojects Persons (AP) as per “Entitlement Matrix”. Verification of the until: APs has been done and compensation amount paid. (c) compensation and other entitlements have been provided to affected people in accordance with the RP; and

(d) a comprehensive income and livelihood restoration Being Complied


Item Loan Covenants Status program have been established in accordance with the RP. As per requirement, ILRP (Income and Livelihood Restoration Program) will be initiated as per prescribed guideline under RP and Gender Action Plan (GAP). Indigenous 15. The Borrower shall ensure and cause the State and Being Complied Peoples MPUDC to ensure that the preparation, design, construction, Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF) prepared implementation and operation of the Project, each subproject for MPUDC. and all Project facilities comply with (a) all applicable laws and As per social survey indigenous people are not affected from regulations of the Borrower relating to indigenous peoples; (b) sub projects under Tranche 1. the Indigenous Peoples Safeguards; (c) the IPPF; and (d) all In subsequent program, social screening will be done to find measures and requirements set forth in the respective IPP, out any impact on Indigenous People (IP) by complying all relevant State and National Laws, SPS (2009) of ADB, and any corrective or preventative actions set forth in a IPPF. Safeguards Monitoring Report. All measures and requirements if emerge in project in respect to IP impact will be addressed accordingly. Corrective or preventive action plans which reflected in safeguard monitoring report will be addressed by Project Implementation Agency.

Human and 16. The Borrower shall cause the State and MPUDC to make Being Complied Financial available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully Budgetary provisions have been included in RPs. Resources to implement the EMP, the IPP and the RP. Social and Gender Officer of Implementation Agency at Implement PMU is not in place but expected to be placed soon, but Safeguards Community Development Officer (CDO) at PMU level is in Requirements position. At each PIU, CDOs are in position. Human resources (Safeguard Expert-Resettlement from PMC for implementation of RPs are in place at Bhopal for compliance.


Safeguards related 17. The Borrower shall cause the State and MPUDC to ensure Being Complied Provisions in that all bidding documents and contracts for Works contain Approved RPs and IR/IP DDR are attached in Bidding Bidding Documents provisions that require contractors to: documents. and Works (a) comply with the measures relevant to the contractor set forth This will be followed for all the sub projects. In case of any Contracts in the IEE, the EMP, the IPP and the RP (to the extent change of scope, revised RPs / IR DDR will be prepared

Item Loan Covenants Status

they concern impactson affected people during construction), and submitted to ADB for approval and corrective measures and any corrective or preventative actions set forth in a will be disclosed to DBO Contractor and same will be Safeguards Monitoring Report; reflected in the in subsequent Social Monitoring Report.

(b) make available a budget for all such environmental and Being Complied social measures; Budget has been made available for each sub project. (c) provide the State and/or MPUDC with a written notice of Being Complied any unanticipated environmental, resettlement or With the development of sub projects and implementation, indigenous peoples risks or impacts that arise during in case of additional impacts/risks due to change in construction, implementation or operation of the Project that scope/area, that will be reflected in the revised RPs and were not considered in the lEE, the EMP, the IPP and the RP; Safeguard Monitoring Report and accordingly project Executing Agency will inform the DBO Contractor for taking relevant corrective measures. Regular monitoring at field level by safeguard team (both by PMU and PMC) is being done to address unanticipated impacts. (d) adequately record the condition of roads, agricultural land Being properly taken care under EMP. and other infrastructure prior to starting to transport materials and construction and


(e) reinstate pathways, other local infrastructure, and Being Complied agricultural land to at least their pre-project condition upon the Suitable provision has been made for this in Contract completion of construction. document.

Safeguards and 18. The Borrower shall cause the State and MPUDC to do the Being Complied. Monitoring following: This is 1st Semi-annual Social Monitoring Report. Relevant Reporting submit semiannual Safeguards Monitoring Reports to ADB information is disclosed to Affected Persons. and disclose relevant information from such reports to affected persons promptly upon submission; if any unanticipated environmental and/or social risks and With the development of Project and implementation, in impacts arise during construction, implementation or operation case of additional impacts/risks due to change in of the Project that were not considered in the lEE, scope/area, will be reflected in revised RPs and Item Loan Covenants Status the EMP, the IPP and the RP, promptly inform ADB of the accordingly Executing Agency (EA) will inform the ADB along occurrence of such risks or impacts, with detailed description of with corrective action plan which will be reflected in the event and proposed corrective action plan; and report any Safeguard Monitoring Report. actual or potential breach of compliance with the measures and requirements set forth in the EMP, the lPP and the RP promptly after becoming aware of the breach. Prohibited List of 19. The Borrower, the State and MPUDC shall ensure that no Being Complied. Investments proceeds of the Loan are used to finance any activity included in the list of prohibited investment activities provided in Appendix 5 of the SPS.


Gender 20. The Borrower shall cause the State and MPUDC to ensure Being Complied that (a) the GESI is implemented in accordance with its terms; Gender Action Plan covering all aspects have been prepared (b) the bidding documents and contracts include relevant and Implementation of Gender Action Plan as per approved provisions for contractors to comply with the measures set forth GAP is being implemented. in the GESI; (c) adequate resources are allocated for implementation of the GESI; and (d) progress on Action plan has been prepared as ADB indicators for gender implementation of the GESI, including progress toward and social inclusion which includes participation of women, achieving key gender outcome and output targets, are linkages with government schemes, development of women networks, community mobilization and awareness program regularly monitored and reported to ADB. like behavior change, health & hygiene and save water etc


57. Safeguard team at PMU/PIUs and the expert from PMC along with support staff at PIUs have been mobilized for the implementation of RP and monitoring of safeguard activities. Compliance related to resettlement safeguard up to the reporting period are listed in Table No. 10 below:

Table 10: Status of Compliance of Resettlement & Social Safeguard Issues Safeguard Applicability Status of Compliance Project (MPUSIP) involves Social Safeguard Reports (IR DDR, IP Complied DDR and Resettlement Plan), have been prepared as per agreed Resettlement Framework (RF) and ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) Updation and revision of the Social Safeguard Reports (IR DDR, The IR DDR/RP will be IP DDR and Resettlement Plan) prepared based on agreed RF and being updated and forwarded to ADB for approval, In process Through public participation, affected persons are given Complied adequate opportunity to participate in the resettlement planning and implementation As per RF, RP will be disclosed to the affected persons, who are Complied compensated and assisted prior to displacement from their house, land and assets, before commencement of any works Implementation of the RP is monitored internally by the PMU and Complied in the SSMR reported to ADB semi-annually Formation of GRC at each subproject town Complied


58. The monitoring of social safeguard activities and implementation will be continued during the project implementation. The project will involve in following action for the implementation of RP.

• Facilitate for Compensation distribution: The regular distribution of compensation payment will be facilitated from PID KUKL office. • Facilitate Grievance Managing: It will be facilitated through GRC formed at each subproject town to address the claims, obstruction and grievances. Respective GRC will verify the case related to compensation claims and resettlement close collaboration with project affected families. • Organize GRC Meetings: The meeting will be organized as and when required. • Facilitate for Title Transfer: It will be facilitated to follow up activities to be carried out to collect Land Ownership details form revenue department that have been transferred to concerned ULBs. • Monitoring of Safeguard Compliance: The regular follow up and monitoring of safeguard compliance will be continued. The PMU safeguard team and PMC will be involved in monitoring and provide instructions to DBO Contractor for the compliance of safeguard issues and • Consultation and dissemination: It will be conducted regular consultative meeting with ULB, Local residents and APs to overcome the possible social problems and right information dissemination.


Figure 1: Map Showing Sub-Project Towns of MPUSIP


Appendix 1: Package-wise and Town-wise Progress of Drawing Design and Physical Progress up to January 2018

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 1 1A Boda 1. Boundary wall: Cleared on 10.01.18 1. Topographical survey is completed. 2. WTP: GAD & Hydraulic Design commented on 30.11.17 2. Door to door survey in progress. 3. RWRM: submitted on 24.11.17 and commented. 3. Layout of WTP started. 4. CWRM: submitted on 24.11.17 and commented. 5. Distribution: Submitted on 06.01.2018 and Discussed with designer on 09.01.2018 and observation pointed out. 2 Kurawar 1. 250 KL OHT: Cleared on 30.12.17 2. 900 KL OHT: commented on 10.01.18 Work going on following 1 no. front: 3. Distribution: Hydraulic design and drawing of Distribution network: Submitted on 05.01.2018 observations conveyed to the designer 1. 250KL OHT foundation work started. 4. Boundary wall: Cleared on 10.01.18 2. Topographical survey completed. 3. Door to door survey is completed.

3 Kothri 1. 60 KL OHT: Cleared on 01.12.17. 1. Topographical survey is completed. 2. 400 KL OHT: Submitted on 04.01.18 & commented on 11.01.18. 2. Resistivity survey work is completed report 3. 200 KL Sump: GAD cleared on 12.01.2018. under finalization. 4. Distribution network: submitted on 06.01.2018 discussed with designer. 5. CWFM: Submitted on 11.01.2018 and discussed with designer. 6. Boundary wall: Cleared on 10.01.18 4 1B Amla 1. Work Program: Approved 2. WTP (3.6 MLD): cleared on 22.12.17. 3. RWRM: Hydraulic design cleared on 14.09.2017. Work going on following 1 no. front: 4. CWRM: Hydraulic design cleared on 14.09.2017. 1. Pipe Works: 5. Distribution network: cleared on 14.09.17. a. CWRM: Laying: 1.8 Km completed - (18%) 6. Intake well: GA & Hydraulic design cleared on 14.09.2017. 2. Layout of WTP Component completed, 7. 200 KL OHT: Structural cleared on 22.12.17 inauguration by the Hon'ble MLA was done 8. Boundary wall cleared on 14.09.17 on 18.01.2018. 3. Door to door survey work is completed. 4. Soil investigation at intake well and anicut is


Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress in progress.

5 Betul Bazar 1. Work Program: Approved 2. Raw Water Main: Hydraulic Design cleared on 15.09.2017 Work going on following 2 no. fronts: 3. Clear Water Main: cleared on 15.09.2017. 1. 200KL OHT: Column casting up to GL 4. Distribution System: cleared on 15.09.17. completed – (13%) 5. 200 KL OHT: Structural drawing cleared on 22.12.17 2. Pipe Works: 6. 6.Boundary wall cleared on 14.09.17 7. a. RWRM (22%) & CWRM (11%): 7. 7.WTP: GAD and Hydraulic Design commented on 11.11.17 Procured: 3.52 Km Laying: 1.52 Km b. Distribution: Procured: 15.46 Km 6 Sarni 1. Work Program: Approved. Revised work plan yet to be submitted. 2. OHTs; Work going on following 3 no. fronts: a. 300 KL OHT: Structural drawing Cleared on 15.11.17 1. OHT 1500 KL at Kailash Nagar ward no 35: b. 1000 KL OHT: Structural drawing Cleared on 22.12.17 Concreting of plinth beam is completed (15%). c. 1500 KL OHT (3 No.): Structural drawing cleared on 22.11.17 2. OHT 1500 KL at ward no- 7: column casting up 3. WTP: 20 MLD GAD cleared on 27.12.17. Chemical & Filter house to 1st brace is completed (10%). structural design drawing submitted on 04.01.18, commented on 3. OHT 1500 KL at Sanjay Nikunj: column casting 08.01.18 up to 1st brace is completed (10%). 4. RWRM: Cleared on 29.12.17 4. Soil Testing is completed. 5. CWRM: Cleared on 29.12.17 5. Pipe Works: 6. Distribution Network: Submitted on 17.01.18 and under review. a. RWRM/CWRM: b. Procured: 6 km c. Laying: 200 m


7 1C Sohagpur 1. Work Program: Approved. 2. WTP (5.5 MLD): Structural design submitted on 27.11.17 and commented on 11.12.17. Work going on following 3 no. fronts: 3. Raw Water cleared on 14.09.17. 1. 900KL OHT: Concreting of plinth beam is 4. Clear Water cleared on 14.09.17 completed (20%). 5. OHTs; 2. 250KL OHT: Casting up to 3rd brace is a. 900 KL OHT: cleared on 14.09.17. completed (35%). b. 250 KL OHT: Revised GAD submitted on 07.12.17 3. 600 KL OHSR foundation in progress (10%). commented on 25.12.17. 4. 21 MT TMT Bar stocked at site.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress c. 600 KL OHT: Cleared on 25.11.17 5. Pipe Works: d. 700 KL OHT: GAD Commented on 05.01.2018 a. DI Pipes: Procured: 3.87 Km Distribution design: Cleared on 14.09.2017. 6. GA drawing Intake well Submitted on 11.01.2018 and observations 7. conveyed to the designer. 8 Bankhedi 1. Work Program: Approved. 2. OHTs; Work going on following 1 front: a. 100 KL OHT: Structural commented on 05.01.18 1. 700KL OHT: Column casting work up to 2nd b. 150 KL OHT: GAD and Structural Commented on 05.01.18 brace is completed (35%). c. 200 KL OHT: Cleared on 10.01.18 2. Site office establishment is completed. d. 700 KL OHT: Structural cleared on 25.11.17 3. 3. Topographical survey work completed. Distribution: Design and drawing submitted on 11.01.2018 and 4. Soil Testing completed. observations conveyed to the designer. 5. Door to Door Survey 100% completed.


9 2B Pansemal 1. Work Program: Approved. 2. 100 KL OHT: Cleared on 30.12.17 Work going on following 2 fronts: 3. Boundary Wall cleared on 10.01.18. 1. OHT (100 KL): Foundation work started. 2. Admin Bldg (WTP): Foundation work started. 3. Door to Door Survey is 100% completed. 4. Topographical Survey completed. 5. Site office is established. 6. Topographical survey for revised WTP and Intake well completed. Report submitted for approval. 10 Rajpur 1. Work Program: Approved. 2. WTP: Structural drawing of Clear water sump & Pump house Work going on following 1 front: commented on 07.12.17 3. Boundary Wall cleared on 10.01.18 1. WTP: Excavation work (Hard rock) started. Raw material reached at site. 4. WTP Administration Building: Structural drawing cleared on 2. Compound wall - Column foundation is in 15.01.18 progress. 3. Topographical Survey completed. 4. Soil Testing is completed. 5. Door to Door Survey is 100% completed.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 6. Lab set up completed 7. Compound wall construction is in progress. 8. Site office is established.


11 Karahi – 1. 1.Work Program: Approved. Padlya Khurd 2. OHT 300 KL: Cleared on 12.12.17. Work going on following 2 fronts: 3. WTP: hydraulic design cleared on 11.10.17 1. WTP: 4. RWRM: Submitted on 14.11.17 and commented on 22.11.17 a. Store construction completed. Distribution: Submitted on 14.11.17, commented on 28.11.17 5. b. Laboratory Building: Boundary Wall cleared on 10.01.18. 6. Construction completed. Intake: GA & Hyd. design submitted on 22.11.17. Returned without 7. c. Admin Building: Foundation review due to incomplete submission on 24.11.17 work started. WTP Administrative Building: cleared on 10.01.18 8. d. Compound wall: Construction in progress. 75% completed. 2. OHT-Excavation in progress. 12 Kasrawad 1. Work Program: Approved 2. 115 KL OHT: Cleared on 17.11.17. Work going on following 1 front: 3. RWRM: Design Submitted on 14.11.17 and commented on 1. OHT (115 KL): Bottom slab reinforcement 22.11.17. and shuttering is in progress (40%). 4. Distribution: Submitted on 14.11.17 and commented on 22.11.17 2. 2.Soil Testing work is completed. 5. Intake: GA & Hydraulic Drawing submitted on 13.11.17 and 3. Door to Door Survey is completed. commented on 04.12.2017 4. Topographical Survey is completed. Report 6. Boundary Wall cleared on 10.01.18 submitted for approval. 13 2C Dhamnod 1. Materials Approved: a. HDPE Pipes Work is going on following 1 front b. Cement 1. Demarcation done for two nos. OHT. 600 KL 2. Boundary Wall cleared on 01.01.18 OHT. PCC is in progress. 2. Door to door survey in progress. 3. Topographical survey completed. 4. Office set up done 5. Raw material sample collection is done and sent for getting mix design from Ujjain Engineering College.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress


6. Survey drawing submitted for review. 7. Soil testing started 8. Boundary wall at WTP started 14 Mandav 1. RWRM: Cleared on 12.01.18 2. CWRM: Cleared on 12.01.18 Work is going on following 1 front 3. Distribution: Submitted on 06.01.18 and observations conveyed. 1. Excavation 150 KL OHT at Mandav 4. Boundary Wall cleared on 01.01.18 completed. 2. Door to door survey completed. 3. Topographical Survey completed. 4. Mix design report submitted for approval 5. Survey drawing approved. 6. Pipe Works: a. RWRM/CWRM: Procured: 7.6 Km Laying started. 7. DI specials dispatched. 15 2D Meghnagar 1. Boundary wall cleared on 07.12.17 2. 150 KL OHT: Structural drawing commented on 05.01.18 Work going on following 1 front. 1. Excavation started for boundary wall at WTP cum OHT site at Meghnagar. 2. Door to door survey completed. 3. Raw material sample collection is done and sent for getting mix design. 4. Topographical survey completed. 16 Bhavra No Design/Drawing Submitted 1. Excavation for OHT completed at Bhavra (5%). 2. Door to door survey completed. 3. Soil testing done. Report submitted and commented on 15.01.18 4. Raw material sample collection is done and sent for getting mix design. 5. Topographical survey is completed.


Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress

17 Petlawad 1. 120 KL OHT: GAD cleared on 17.01.18 2. Boundary wall cleared on 07.12.17 Work going on following 2 fronts. 3. Distribution: cleared on 12.01.18 1. Excavation completed for OHT. 4. RWRM: Submitted on 19.12.17 commented on 27.12.17. 2. Excavation started for boundary wall at WTP 5. CWRM: Submitted on 19.12.17 commented on 27.12.17. cum OHT site. 3. Soil testing agency mobilized. 4. Location for WTP demarcated. 5. Raw material sample collection is done and sent for getting mix design 6. Door to door survey completed 7. Topographical survey is in progress. Report Submitted for approval 18 3B Susner 1. Work Program: Approved 2. 200 KL OHTL: Cleared on 29.11.17. Work is going on following 3 fronts 3. WTP (2.25 MLD): Cleared on 01.01.18 1. OHT 200 KL (25%): Column upto ground 4. Raw Water Main: Cleared on 03.11.17 level casted. Tie beam casted. 5. Clear Water Main: Cleared on 03.11.17 2. WTP: Layout cleared, excavation is in 6. Distribution network: Cleared on 27.09.2017. progress. 7. Boundary wall: Cleared on 21.09.17 3. Boundary Wall-RCC work for column is in 8. Gaurd Room: Structural drawing submitted on 12.01.18 and under progress. Brick work started. review. 4. Pipe Works: a. RWRM/CWRM: Procured: 9.83 Km b. Distribution: Procured: 25.58 Km Laying started


1. Work Program: Approved 2. 400 KL OHT: Cleared on 08.12.17 19 Maakdon Work is going in following 1 front. 3. WTP (2.0MLD): Cleared on 01.01.18 4. Raw Water Main: Cleared on 03.11.17 1. 400 KL OHT (25%): Column upto ground

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 5. Clear Water Main: Cleared on 03.11.17 2. level casted. 1st Tie beam casted. 6. Distribution network: Cleared on 27.09.2017. 3. Topographical Survey completed. 7. Boundary wall cleared on 29.09.17 4. Door to Door survey completed. 8. Gaurd Room: Structural drawing submitted on 12.01.18 and under Pipe Works: review. a. Distribution: Procured: 9.0 Km Laying started. 20 Pankhedi 1. Work Program: Approved 1. Topographical Survey is in progress. Report 2. Boundary wall structural drawing cleared on submitted for approval. 3. 21.09.17 Distribution: Commented on 12.01.18 2. Door to Door survey completed and final 4. OHTs: report under finalization. a. 100 KL OHT: Structural Drawing Submitted on 12.01.18 and 3. Survey completed for alternative source under review. proposal b. 350 KL OHT: Structural Drawing Submitted on 12.01.18 and 4. Material collected and sent to laboratory for under review. test. 5. Gaurd Room: Structural drawing submitted on 12.01.18 and under 5. Survey report approved review. 6. Soil testing done. Report for WTP submitted. 7. HDPE pipes dispatched


21 4D Bairad 1. Work plan approved. 2. OHTs: Work is going on following 1 front: a. 225 KL OHT: Cleared on 30.12.17 3. b: 300 KL OHT (2 no.): Cleared on 12.12.17 1. 300 KL OHT (2 no.): Foundation work 4. Boundary wall cleared on 10.11.17 started. 5. WTP: 2.54 MLD GAD & Hydraulic Design Submitted on 08.11.17 2. Topographical survey is completed report and commented on 01.12.17 under finalization. 6. Intake: GA & Hyd. Drawing commented on 10.01.18 3. Door to door survey in completed report 7. Distribution Network: Hyd. Design submitted on 28.11.17, under finalization. commented on 26.12.17 4. Geotechnical Investigation work is in progress.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 22 Karera 1. Work plan approved. 2. OHTs; Work is going on following 1 front: a. 500 KL OHT: Cleared on 11.01.18 1. 500 KL OHT: Foundation work started. b. 700 KL OHT: GAD cleared on 01.12.17 2. Topographical survey completed report c. 1000 KL OHT: Structural drawing submitted on 04.01.18 under finalization. commented on 12.01.18 3. Door to door survey is in progress 4. Geotechnical Investigation work is in progress. 23 Vijaypur 1. Work plan submitted. Work is going on following 1 front: 2. Boundary wall cleared on 10.11.17 1. 325 KL OHT: Foundation work started. 3. 240 KL OHT: Cleared on 30.12.17. 325 KL OHT: Cleared on 12.01.18 2. Topographical survey is Completed report 4. under finalization. WTP: GA & Hyd. Submitted on 22.11.17 and commented 5. 3. Door to door survey in progress. 6. Distribution network hydraulic Design submitted on 24.11.17 and observations conveyed to designer. 4. Soil Testing work is in progress. 7. GA drawing of Intake well submitted on 27.12.17 and Returned to contractor on 10.01.2018 without review due to incomplete submission.


24 Pichore 1. Work plan submitted. 1. Topographical survey is completed report 2. Sump GA and Hyd. Drawing submitted on 21.11.17 and under finalization. commented on 01.12.17 2. Geotechnical Investigation work is 3. Work Methodology for Geo-technical investigation submitted, in progress. commented on dated 01.11.2017. Boundary wall cleared on 4. 10.11.17 25 Isagarh 1. Work plan submitted. 2. GSLR 160 KL & 180 KL: Cleared on 12.01.2018. Work is going on following 1 front: 3. Boundary wall cleared on 10.11.17 1. GSLR 160 KL & 180 KL: Foundation work 4. Work Methodology for Geo-technical investigation submitted, started. Topographical survey completed commented on dated 01.11.2017. report under finalization. 2. Door to door survey started. 3. Soil Investigation is in progress

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 26 Aron 1. Work plan submitted. 1. Topographical survey completed report under 2. OHT 700 KL: GAD cleared on 01.12.17. finalization. 3. Boundary wall cleared on 10.11.17 2. Door to door survey is in progress. 4. Work Methodology for Geo-technical investigation submitted, 3. Soil Investigation is in progress commented on dated 01.11.2017


27 5A Barhi 1. Work Program - approved. 2. Intake - Cleared on 12.12.17 3. WTP (3.5 MLD) - Cleared on 23.08.17 Work going on following 5 no. fronts (all 4. Raw Water Main-Cleared on 22.05.17 fronts): 5. Clear Water Main-Cleared on 22.05.17 6. OHT (650KL)- Cleared on 29.06.17, 7. Distribution network: 1. OHT (90%) –Civil Work up to Top Slab Cleared on 29.11.17 including Staircase completed. 8. Staff Quarter cleared on 22.09.17. 2. WTP (66%): i. Clear Water Sump civil work completed. ii. Clariflocculator-Up to Walkway Slab,

iii. Flash mixture-up to 5th lift iv. Pump House - Slab Beam reinforcement work in progress. v. Filter Bed wall 3rd lift & Walkway Completed vi. Wash Water Tank col.1st lift casting completed, vii. Chemical House-RCC of footing Completed viii. Boundary Wall -108 footings, 43 nos. col. & 158.29m Plinth Beam Completed 3. Pipe Line Work: i. Pipe procured: 10.31 Km ii. Laying: a. RWRM (70%): 6.96 Km & hydro Testing-2.8 Km b. CWRM (25%): 993.0 m c. Distribution Network-143m 4. Intake Well (6%) - Approach Road and

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress Earth work coffer Dam 90 % completed.


28 5B Bhedaghat 1. 200 KL OHT: GAD cleared on 05.01.18 2. Intake well: GAD cleared on 15.12.17 3. 220 KL OHT: GAD cleared on 05.01.18 ork is going on following 1 front: 4. Distribution: Cleared on 10.01.2018 Excavation for 200KL OHTs in Progress. 5. CWFM: Submitted on 17.01.18 and discussed with designer. 1. DI Pipe Procured: 6.0 Km 2. Soil Investigation work at OHTs is in 3. progress, Topography survey completed. 1. Site office established. 4. Door to Door Survey in Bhedaghat, is in progress, 728/871 nos. 5. Topographical survey in Bhedaghat Town for RWPM, CWPM & Distribution Network Completed.

1. CWFM: Discussed with designer. 1. Route Survey is in progress 2. Engineer has been mobilized 29 Patan 3. Site office has been established 4. Door to Door Survey in Progress 515/2780 5. Distribution Network Survey Completed 6. DI Pipe Procured: 1 Km

1. 120 KL OHT: GAD returned to the contractor due to incomplete 1. Door to Door Survey in progress-850/3384 submission on 16.11.17 nos. 30 Katangi 2. Engineer has been mobilized 2. Site office has been established 3. Distribution Network Survey Completed


31 Panagar 1. 600 KL OHT: GAD cleared on 07.12.17 2. KL OHT: GAD Cleared on 05.01.2018 Work is going on following 1 front: 3. 200 KL OHT: GAD cleared 12.01.2018. 1. Excavation for 600 KL & 700 KL OHT in progress. 2. Distribution Network Survey 3. CPWM survey completed.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 4. Door to Door Survey in progres,2400/5118 nos. 5. Geotechnical Investigation Completed (1bore hole only) 6. Engineer has been mobilized 7. Site office has been established 32 Sihora 1. 630 KL OHT: Cleared on 17.01.18 2. 620 KL OHT: Cleared on 17.01.18 Work is going on following 1 front: 1. Geotechnical Investigation at OHT is in progress. 2. Excavation for 620KL OHT is in progress. 3. Route survey for distribution network is completed. 4. Engineer has been mobilized 5. Site office established 6. survey for 3 OHT & Sump well is completed. 7. Door to Door Survey in progress, 2438/8674nos.


1. Soil Investigation completed. 2. Route survey for distribution network in 33 Majholi No Design/Drawing Submitted progress. 3. Door to Door Survey is in progress, 2800/4136 nos. 4. Engineer has been mobilized 5. Site office has been established 6. survey for sump well is completed. 7. DI Pipe: Procured: 3 K

1. 300 KL OHT: GAD Cleared on 17.01.18 2. 1. Soil Investigation work completed. 325 KL OHT: GAD Cleared on 17.01.18 2. Route survey for distribution network & 34 Tendukheda CWRM completed. 3. Door to Door Survey in progress(1560/3500nos.). 4. Engineer has been mobilized 5. 5.Site office has been established

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 6. survey for both OHT, Sump well & BPT completed. 1. Work program - approved 2. Intake - Structural submitted on 19.01.18, under review. Work is going on in following 7 fronts; 35 6A Khajuraho


36 Rajnagar 3. RWRM: cleared on 03.08.17 1. Khajuraho - Children Park OHT (750 KL): 4. CWFM: GAD & Hydraulic Commented on 21.11.17. Preparation of plinth beam in progress. 5. OHT/GLSR: 2. Rajnagar GSLR (700 KL): Foundation work a. 750KL OHT: Cleared on 24.10.17 in progress. b. 700 KL GSLR: Cleared on 18.01.18 3. Khajuraho- Karohi OHT: Excavation started. c. 300 KL OHT (2 no.): Cleared on 08.12.17 (Hard rock encountered) d. 400 KL OHT: Cleared on 30.12.17 4. WTP: e. 50 KL OHT: Cleared on 17.11.17 a. Clariflocculator and Clear Water Sump f. 300 KL Sump: Structural design submitted on 15.01.18 and excavation work completed. under review. b. Admin Building: Foundation g. 200 KL OHT: Cleared on 08.12.17 work in progress. h. 500 KL Sump: Cleared on 01.12.17 5. Khajuraho - Achnar OHSR (50KL): Casting 6. upto 2nd bracing in progress. WTP: Partially Cleared (40 %) on 15.01.18. Rest not submitted. 7. 6. Khajuraho - Lalgava OHSR (400 KL): Distribution System: Revise design and drawing submitted on Foundation work in progress. 8. 11.01.2018 and observations conveyed. Boundary Wall: Cleared on 21.09.17 7. Pipe Works: a. Distribution: Procured: 20.60 Km Laying to start within 2 days. 37 6C Rahatgarh 1. Work program- Approved. 2. Anicut- Cleared on 26.07.2017. Overall Physical progress is 10% 3. Intake-Revised Structural submitted on 02.01.18, commented on 06.01.18 4. WTP (7 MLD)- cleared on 29.11.2017 except chemical & filter Work is going in following 5 fronts: house. 1. OHT 600 KL (20%): Casting of 2nd bracing 5. Raw Water Main- Cleared on 16.08.2017. completed, work in progress. 6. Clear Water Main- Cleared on 16.08.2017. 2. OHT 1200 KL (15%): Casting of plinth beam 7. OHT 1200 KL & 600 KL-Cleared on 04.07.17. completed, work in progress. 8. Distribution System: Cleared on 01.08.17. 3. Intake Well (7%): 90 % 9. Hydraulic design: Extension of Existing Anicut at Rahatgarh excavation completed.

Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress


cleared on 18.01.18. 4. Anicut (3%): Excavation in progress 10. Guard Room: Structural drawing cleared on 12.07.1 5. Pipeline Works a. Distribution (15%): Procured: 7 Km Laying: 2 Km. b. RWRM/CWRM: Procured: 1.2 Km MDPE: Procured: 39.50 Km

38 6D Hatta 1. Work Program-Approved. 2. WTP (3.5 MLD): Structural drawing submitted on 10.01.18 and Overall Physical progress is 13% commented on 19.01.18 RWRM: Cleared on 06.10.17 3. Raw water pump: cleared on 06.10.17 Work is going in following 2 fronts: 4. Clear Water Main & CW Pump: cleared on 03.11.17 1. Intake: Foundation work started. 5. Distribution Network: Cleared on 03.11.17 2. Pipeline Works: 6. Intake: Structural drawing submitted on 27.12.17 and a. RWRM/CWRM: 7. commented on 04.01.18 Procured: 9.5 Km (53 %) Laying started: 19/01/18 b. MDPE Pipe:

Procured: 39.38 Km. (60%) 39 Pawai 1. Work Program-Approved. Working is in progress on following fronts: 2. WTP (3.7 MLD): GAD & Hydraulic design cleared on 1. Pipe Works: 26.09.2017. a. Distribution: Procured: 9.6 Km 3. RWRM: cleared on 27.09.17 b. MDPE pipes: Procured: 20 Km 4. CWRM: cleared on 03.11.17 5. Distribution Network: Cleared on 03.11.17 6. Intake well: Structural drawing submitted on 27.12.17 and commented on 04.01.18 7. GSLR 350 KL: Structural drawing submitted on 15.01.18 and under review. 8. 100 KL Sump: Structural Drawing Submitted on 15.01.18 and under review. 1. Work Program-Approved. 1. Work could not be started due to delay in 2. WTP (1.3 MLD): GAD & Hydraulic design cleared on finalization of source. 40 Baxwaha 26.09.2017. 2. Site office establishment completed.


Sl. No. Package Town Design & Drawing Progress Physical Progress 3. RWRM: Cleared on 05.01.2018 3. Soil Testing completed. 4. CWRM: Cleared on 05.01.2018 4. Topographical survey work Completed. 5. Distribution Network: Cleared on 22.12.17 5. Door to Door Survey completed. 6. Intake: GAD & hydraulic design commented on 27.12.17. Revised structural drawing submitted on 27.12.17, commented on 04.01.18 41 7A Mauganj 1. Work Program - Approved. 2. Intake - Cleared on 09.10.2017. Work going on the following 5 fronts: 3. WTP (8.3 MLD): cleared on 02.01.18, except chemical house, 1. RWRM (50%): Procured: 12.14 Km CW reservoir & pump house (commented on 15.12.17) a. Pipe Laying - 4.05 Km, 4. Raw Water Main - Cleared on 08/06/2017 5. Clear Water Main - Cleared 08/06/2017 Hydro Testing-2.45 Km 6. OHT (1800 KL) - Cleared on 28/08/2017. 7. Distribution System-Cleared on 08/06/2017. 2. Distribution (20%); HDPE pipeline 8. Anicut: Nihayi Anicut Cleared 27.09.2017. a. Procurement: 11.73 Km 9. Anicut Odda Nallah: Revised structural drawing commented on b. Laying- 4.67 Km 12.10.17. 3. OHT (15%): Footings RCC work -5 no. completed. 4. Boundary wall almost completed. 5. WTP (5%): (CLF) foundation started and 70% boundary wall completed. 6. Intake Well (5%): Excavation is in progress 7B

42 Jaithari No Design/Drawing Submitted No Physical Progress

43 Khand No Design/Drawing Submitted No Physical Progress

44 Chandia No Design/Drawing Submitted No Physical Progress


Appendix 2: Photographs of Disclosure of IR & IP Report in Hindi Language at respective ULBS

At ULB office of town Kotri (Package 1A)


At ULB office of town Kurawar (Package 1A)

Appendix 2: Glimpse of Photographs of Disclosure of IR & IP Report in Hindi Language at ULBS

At ULB office of town Bankheri (Package 1C)


At ULB office of town Rajpur (Package 2B)

Appendix 3: Copy of the Household Survey




Appendix 4: Details of Consultations during Subproject Implementation (August 2017 to January 2018) Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants 1 2B Kasrawad 25.04.2018 (i)At ULB Male-7 ULB officials and • Briefing on project objectives probable office and Female-5 local inhabitants implementation procedures (ii) near • Potential positive and negative impacts due to proposed Total-12 project implementation OHT site • Land proposed for subproject components • Operation and maintenance of the facilities developed under the project and community participation; • exempting the poor and vulnerable from user charge payment. • Slum dwellers showed willingness to take water connections but demanded relaxation in user charges. 2 2B Pansemal 26.04.2018 (i)At ULB Male-5 ULB officials, • Briefing on project objectives probable office and Female-5 revenue officials implementation procedures (ii) near and local • Potential positive and negative impacts due to project implementation proposed Total-10 inhabitants WTP site • Land proposed for subproject components • Change of the location of WTP, • Private land comes under the proposed alignment of RWRM • Operation and maintenance of the facilities developed under the project and community participation; • exempting the poor and vulnerable from user charge payment. • Slum dwellers showed willingness to take water connections but demanded relaxation in user


Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants charges.

3 6A Khajuraho 06.06.2018 Male-25 ULB officials, • Briefing on project objectives probable & Female-35 revenue officials implementation procedures (i)At Rajnagar And and local • Potential positive and negative impacts due to meeting hall project implementation Total-60 inhabitants 08.06.2018 of ULB, • Land proposed for subproject components Kahjuraho • Change of the location, if any and need of impact and assessment Operation and maintenance of the facilities Rajnagar • developed under the project and community and (ii) near participation; proposed • Slum dwellers showed willingness to take water OHT site at connections but demanded relaxation in user Rajnagar charges. 4 1C Bankheri 28.08.2018 (i)At Male-12 ULB officials, • Briefing on project objectives probable meeting hall Female-8 revenue officials implementation procedures And of ULB, (ii) and local • Potential positive and negative impacts due to project implementation near Total-20 inhabitants 08.06.2018 proposed • Land proposed for subproject components OHT site • Change of the location, if any and need of impact assessment • Operation and maintenance of the facilities developed under the project and community participation;


5 4D Saikhera 06.10.2017 • Briefing on project objectives, activities, Male-18 implementation procedures, benefits & Nagar ULB officials, possible negative impacts of the project. Prisad office Female-22 Elected Ward • Discussed about GRC Formation and and meeting Total-40 Councilors, Local nomination of CDO at ULB level. at town residents • Status of land transfer for proposed

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants components. • interruption during laying new pipe line. Some shopkeepers raise the issue about their business disturbance due to road excavation • Operation and maintenance of the facilities developed under the project and community participation 6 4D Aron 17.08.2017 Nagar Male-6 ULB officials, • Briefing on project objectives, activities, Prisad office Female-0 Elected Ward implementation procedures, benefits & possible Councilors negative impacts of the project. Total-6 • Discussed about GRC Formation and nomination of CDO at ULB level. • Status of land transfer for proposed components.


7 4D Aron 21.12.2017 Contractor's Male- 10 ULB officials, • Briefing on project objectives, activities, office, Aron Females-00 Elected Ward implementation procedures, Councilors • Possible benefit and negative impacts of the Total-10 project. • Discussed about GRC Formation and nomination of CDO at ULB level. • Status of land transfer for proposed components. 8 4D Bairad 16.08.2017 Nagar Male- 08 • Briefing on project objectives, activities, Parishad Female-0 implementation procedures, office Interaction with • Possible benefit and negative impacts of the project. Total-8 CMO & other • Discussed about GRC Formation and ULB officials and nomination of CDO at ULB level. Elected Ward • Status of land transfer for Councilors proposed

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants components.

9 4D Bairad 29.08.2017 Nagar Male-08 ULB officials, • To know the status of land permission for Parishad Females-0 Elected Ward proposed components. office Councilors. • Status of GRC and Nomination of CDO. Total-08 • Discussion about demolishing of existing OHT near Bhaera Mata Mandir. • Issue raised regarding rent of land (Bho-Bhatak) & Premium amount charged by revenue department to provide govt land on lease


10 4D Bairad 22.11.2017 • Briefing on project activities, implementation procedures contractor's Male- 08 NGO/ Possible benefits & negative impacts of the office, Contractor's • Females-00 project. Bairad representatives • Orienting on Door to door survey Total-08 11 4D Karera 23.08.2017 Nagar Male: 07 CMO & other • Briefing on project activities, implementation Parishad Female-00 ULB officials and procedures and relevant information and benefits office Elected Ward of the project. GRC Formation procedure Total-07 Councilors • nomination of CDO at ULB level • Status of land transfer for proposed components • People were concerned about the monthly water tariff • Elected representative informed about poor water supply in the town in terms of quality of water as well as connectivity of water supply network

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants


12 4D Karera 01.09.2017 Nagar Male: 10 ULB officials: - 03 • Consultation with ULB and Revenue Department Parishad & Female: 00 officials regarding demarcation of proposed WTP SDM office, Government land. Rehabilitation & Resettlement of effected families Pichhore Total-10 officials – 06 • who living at WTP land • Apply NOC for water allocation from WRD (Nagda Dam) Status of GRC formation and Nomination of CDO • CMO reported file is under prosses. • Issue of land allocation is under process with District Collector Shivpuri, which is expected to be in favour of CMO-Karera shortly.

13 4D Karera 22.12.2017 Nagar Male-11 • Demarcation of proposed WTP land Parishad Female- • Rehabilitation & Resettlement of effected families who living at WTP land office ULB officials: - 02 Pichhore Total-11 • GRC formation and Nomination of CDO. • Progress of Door to door survey, Topo survey Government and drawing & design officials-02 • Progress of land acquision

Other: 07 (President, Elected member & Contractor Representatives) Briefing on project activities, implementation 14 4D Vijaypur 29.08.2017 Nagar M=6 F=0 ULB officials procedures and relevant information and Parishad benefits of the project


Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants office Discussion on GRC formation procedure and T=6 nomination of CDO at ULB level 15 4D 22.11.2017 Contractor's Male-12 • Briefing on project activities, implementation office, procedures and relevant information and Females-0 Vijaypur benefits of the project Total-12 • Discussion on GRC formation procedure and ULB officials: 4 nomination of CDO at ULB level Local Residents 04

16 4D Isagarh 22.12.2017 Nagar Male-12 • Briefing on project activities, implementation procedures and relevant information and Parishad Female - 01 ULB officials: - office, benefits of the project 04 Discussion on GRC formation procedure and Esagarh & Total- 13 • nomination of CDO at ULB level at Govt officials- 02 Contractor's office, NGO Esagarh Elected representatives: 06


17 5 A Barhi 25.09.2017 M=0 F=10 Local Residents • Present status of water supply system, Sharing the information about the project, Near WTP, • • positive and negative impacts of the project Barhi

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants T=10 implementation • Sanitation and personal hygiene • More efforts are required to generate awareness in community about GRM under Project and proposed water supply and its O&M

18 5 A Barhi 06.10.2017 Ward No- M=0 F=08 Local Residents • Understanding existing water supply system, 04, Barhi T=08 sharing the objectives & procedure of the project • Discussion on disadvantage of unsafe drinking water 19 5 A Barhi 05.01.2017 Barhi M=08 F=0 • Personal safety, Cleanness of site, dust, Air and T=08 noise pollution due to construction activity. Construction • More efforts are required to generate awareness Laborer, in community about GRM under supervisors and Project and proposed water supply and its O&M local residents 20 5 A Barhi 29.01.2018 Barhi M=12 F=0 • Personal safety, Cleanness of site, dust, Air and T=12 noise pollution due to construction activity. Labours, • More efforts are required to generate awareness supervisors, in community about GRM under community Project and proposed water supply and its O&M people


21 7 A Mauganj 12.12.2017 Mauganj M=0 F=03 Local Residents • Understanding existing water supply system &, T=07 information dissemination about the project • More efforts are required to generate awareness in community about GRM under Project and proposed water supply and its O&M

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants

22 6D Hatta 14.12.2017 M=29 F=0 Community, • Discussion on project implementation, solving Elected the issues raised by the community, distribution Near T=29 representatives of pipeline, intake well Hanuman • More efforts are required to generate awareness Temple, in community about GRM under Village Project and proposed water supply and its O&M Panchayat Harat

23 3B Makdone 20.11.2017 Local Residents Information dissemination on proposed water Ward no 1,2 M=4 F= 5 supply scheme, safe drinking water, water ,4 and 6 conservation and sanitation T=9

24 3B Makdone 17.12.2017 Nagar Community, ULB Provided information about safe drinking water officials, elected Parishad M=10 and pipe line laying construction WTP & OHT at Makdone representatives Makdone F=04



25 3B Susner 12.07.2017 Local community • Current status of water supply Improvement Water Supply at Susner Nagar M=6 F=6 • Parishad T=12

26 2C Dhamnod 23.11.2017 Ward No. 2 & M=13 F=02 • Discussion about Water Supply Scheme 3 Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water T=15 ULB officials, • • Discussion on current status of water supply, Community, and related problems Government officials

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants

27 2C Dhamnod 23.11.2017 Ward No. 1 & M=11 F=01 • Discussion about Water Supply Scheme Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water 4 (Indra T=12 ULB officials, • Nagar) • Discussion on current status of water supply, Community, and related problems Government officials

28 2C Dhamnod 07.12.2017 M=05 F=06 Community, ULB • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water officials, Elected Mobilization of community for metered water Ward no. 9 & T=11 • representatives connection, 10 (Patel • Importance of safe Drinking Water and Colony & • Improvement of Water Supply Muktanand Parisar)


29 2C Dhamnod 07.12.2017 Ward no. 15 M=01 F=08 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water T=09 • Provide Safe Drinking Water and Improvement Community, ULB Water Supply officials, Elected representatives

30 2C Mandav 09.01.2018 Ward no. 1 M=08 F=15 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water T=23 • Provide Safe Drinking Water and Improvement Community, ULB Water Supply officials, Elected representatives

31 2C Mandav 09.01.2018 Ward no. 13 M=04 F=12 • Provide Safe Drinking Water and Improvement (Kadalipura) T=16 in water Supply Community, ULB • Positive and negative impacts of the project officials, Elected representatives

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants

32 2C Mandav 09.01.2018 M=09 F=11 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water and Provision of Safe Drinking Ward no. 08 T=20 • Community, ULB Water Improvement of Water Supply (Nilkanth officials, Elected Nagar) representatives

33 2C Dhamnod 27.01.2018 Ward no. 10 M=02 F=06 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water and T=08 • Provision of Safe Drinking Community, ULB Water Improvement of Water Supply officials, Elected representatives


34 2B Pansemal 23.11.2017 Ward No. M=14 F=0 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water and 13 & 14 T=14 • Provision of Safe Drinking Community, ULB Water Improvement of Water Supply officials, Elected representatives

35 2B Pansemal 25.11.2017 Ward No. M=11 F=0 • Disadvantages of unsafe drinking water and 14 T=11 • Provision of Safe Drinking Water Community, ULB Improvement of Water Supply . officials, Elected representatives

36 2E Badwaha 28.12.2017 M=0 F=10 • About sewerage treatment plant, Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. T=10 Community, ULB • water 10 officials, Elected representatives (Jamalpura)

37 2E Badwaha 28.12.2017 • About sewerage treatment plant, • Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. M=07 F=02 Community, ULB water 10 T=09 officials, Elected

Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants representatives (Jamalpura)


38 2E Badwaha 28.12.2017 M=10 F=04 Community, ULB • About sewerage treatment plant, Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. T=14 officials, • water 09

(Srinath Colony) 39 2E Sanawad 27.12.2017 M=10 F=05 Community, ULB • About sewerage treatment plant, T=15 officials, elected • Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. representatives water 02

(Tanching ground) 40 2F Sanawad 27.12.2017 M=03 F=18 Community, ULB • About sewerage treatment plant, Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. T=21 officials, • water 04

(Ambedkar Gali) 41 2F Sanawad 27.12.2017 M=0 F=06 Community, ULB • About sewerage treatment plant, officials, • Sanitation & disadvantages of unsafe drinking Ward No. T=06 water 13 • More efforts are required to generate awareness in community about GRM under (Idgah Project and proposed water supply and its O&M Tekri) Date Place Details of discussion Sl. Package Name of No of Nature of No. No. town Participants participants


42 2D Bhavra 05.12.2017 M=04 F=07 Community, ULB • Project awareness programme T=11 officials, • More efforts are required to generate Nagar awareness in community about GRM under Parishad Project and proposed water supply and its O&M Bhavra


Appendix 5: Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level (Page 1 of 4)



Appendix 5: Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level (Page of 4)



Appendix 5: Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level (Page of 4)



Appendix 5: Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level (Page of 4)


Appendix 6: List of the Towns Package-wise (Both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2) Sl. No. Package No. Name of the subproject town District Subproject Water Supply Scheme under Tranche 1 1 1A Boda Rajgarh 2 Kurawar Rajgarh 3 Kothri Sehore 4 1B Amla Betul 5 Betul-Bazar Betul 6 Sarni Betul 7 1C Bankhedi Hoshangabad 8 Sohagpur Hoshangabad 9 2A Betma Indore 10 Depalpur Indore 11 Gautampura Indore 12 2B Pansemal Badwani 13 Rajpur Badwani 14 Karahi Padlya Khargone 15 Kasrawad Khargone 16 2C Dhamnod Dhar 17 Mandav Dhar 18 2D Bhavra Alirajpur 19 Meghnagar Jhabua 20 Petlawad Jhabua 21 3A Kukdeshwar Neemuch 22 Nayagoan Neemuch 23 Sarwaniya Maharaj Neemuch 24 Nagri Mandsaur 25 3B Susner Aagar 26 Pankhedi Shajapur 27 Maakdon Ujjain 28 4A Alampur Bhind 29 Daboh Bhind 30 Mihona Bhind 31 Phuphkalan Bhind 32 4B Bhind Bhind 33 4D Karera Shivpuri 34 Bairad Shivpuri 35 Pichhore Shivpuri 36 Isagarh Ashoknagar 37 Aron Guna 38 Vijaypur Shivpuri 39 4F Gormi Bhind 40 Lahar Bhind 41 Mehgaon Bhind 42 4I Shadora Ashoknagar 43 Raghogarh Guna 44 Badarwas Shivpuri 45 5A Barhi Katni 84

46 5B Katangi Jabalpur 47 Bhedaghat Jabalpur 48 Majholi Jabalpur 49 Panagar Jabalpur

Sl. No. Package No. Name of the subproject town District 50 Patan Jabalpur 51 Sihora Jabalpur 52 Tendukheda Damoh 53 6A Khajuraho Chhatarpur 54 Rajnagar Chhatarpur 55 6B Sagar Sagar 56 Makroniya Sagar 57 6C Rahatgarh Sagar 58 6D Buxwaha Chhatarpur 59 Hatta Damoh 60 Pawai Panna 61 6G Harpalpur Chhatarpur 62 Badagaon Tikamgarh 63 Ghuwara Chhatarpur 64 7A Mauganj Rewa 65 7B Jaithari Anuppur 66 Khand Shahdol 67 Chandia Umaria 68 7D Amarpatan Satna 69 New Ram nagar Satna Subproject Sewerage under Tranche 1 1 2F Anjad Badwani 2 2G Barwaha Khargone 3 2H Sanawad Khargone 4 5G Saikhera Narsinghpur Subproject Water Supply Scheme under Tranche 2 1 1D Jawar Sehore 2 1E Pachore Rajgarh 3 Sanchi ( C ) Raisen 4 2E Shahpur 5 6 2J Burhanpur 7 3C Polay Kalan Shajapur 8 Bagli Dewas 9 Hatpipliya Dewas 10 3D Loharda Dewas 11 Kantaphod Dewas 12 Khategaon Dewas 13 Nemawar Dewas 14 3E Dhamnod Ratlam 15 3F Athana Neemach 16 4C Gohad Bhind 85

17 4E Antari Gwalior 18 Bilaua Gwalior 19 Pichhore Gwalior 20 4G Kailaras Morena 21 Jhundpura Morena 22 Jaura Morena 23 4H Badoda Sheopur 24 4J Akoda Bhind 25 5C Chand Chhindwara

Sl. No. Package No. Name of the subproject town District 26 5D Kymore Katni 27 Vijayraghavgarh Katni 28 5E Barela Jabalpur 29 Bamhanibanjar Mandla 30 Niwas Mandla 31 5F Chichali Narsinghpur 32 Saikheda Narsinghpur 33 Salichauka (Babai Narsinghpur Kalan) 34 5H Malaj khand Balaghat 35 Baihar Balaghat 36 6F Chhatarpur 37 Chhatarpur 38 Maharajpur Chhatarpur 39 Gadimalhara Chhatarpur 40 Panna 41 Panna 42 6H Tikamgarh 43 Kari Tikamgarh 44 Lidhora Khas Tikamgarh 45 6I Shahpur 46 6J Chhatarpur 47 Chhatarpur 48 Tikamgarh 49 Tikamgarh 50 6L Patera Damoh 51 6K Bada Malhara Chhatarpur 52 7C Kotar Satna 53 Birsinghpur Satna 54 Jaitwara Satna 55 Kothi Satna 56 7E Mangawan Rewa 57 Rampur Naikin Sidhi 58 7G Maihar Satna 59 7H Pasan Anuppur Subproject Sewerage under Tranche 2 1 1F Sanchi Raisen 86

2 2I Dhamnod Dhar 3 3G Mandsaur Mandsaur 4 3H Nagda Ujjain 5 5I Jabalpur (Part II) Jabalpur 6 6E Khajuraho Chhatarpur 7 Rajnagar Chhatarpur 8 7F Maihar Satna