Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report Project number: 42486-016 Period: August 2017 – January 2018 Submission Date: January 2019 IND: Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Program This report was prepared by Project Management Consultants, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh for the Asian Development Bank. This document is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy and does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. MADHYA PRADESH URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED MADHYA PRADESH URBAN SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK LOAN ASSISTANCE (LOAN NO. 3528-IND) SEMI ANNUAL SOCIAL MONITORING REPORT (SSMR) ON SOCIALSAFEGUARDS (Tranche 1) Period: August 2017 to January 2018 Submitted by: PROJECT MANAGEMENT COUNSULTANTS, BHOPAL i (TATA CONSULTING ENGINEERS LIMITED J/V JPS ASSOCAITES PVT. LTD) ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Development Bank AH Affected Household Affected AP Person BPL Below Poverty Line CAPP Community Action and Participation Program CPR EA Common Property Resources Executing Agency GoI Government of India GRC GRM Grievance Redress Committee Grievance Redress Mechanism IP Indigenous Peoples IR Income Restoration IR Involuntary Resettlement ISA Initial Social Assessment LA Land Acquisition LAA Land Acquisition Act LIG Lower Income Group M&E Monitoring and Evaluation PAF Project Affected Family PAH Project Affected Household PIU Project Implementation Unit PMU Project Management Unit MPUDCL Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited MPUSIP Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project ROR Record of Rights RoW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation SAQMR Semi Annual Quaterly Monitoring Report SC Scheduled Caste ST TH Scheduled Tribe Titleholder UDED Urban Development and Environment Department WHH Women Headed Household ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Heading Chapter Page No. A Executive Summary 1 B Background of the Report and Project Description 3 C Scope of Social Safeguard Impacts 5 D Compensation and Rehabilitation 21 E Public Participation and Consultation 22 F Grievance Redressal Mechanism 24 G Institutional Arrangements 28 H Monitoring results -– Findings 30 I Compliance OF Safeguard Loan Convenants 30 J Follow up Action, Recommendation and Disclosure 35 Tables Table 1 Status of Involuntary Resettlement (IR) and Indigenous 7 People (IP) Reports of Subprojects under Tranche 1 Table 2 List of Awarded Packages & Name of DBO Contractor along 12 with Progress (in %) of Design Submitted Table 3 Safeguard issues and Mitigation measures 15 Table 4 Town-wise Progress of the Household Survey 16 Table 5 Town-wise Land Related Issues 17 Table 6 Status of compensation payment during reporting period 22 (August 2017 to January 2018) Table 7 Status of GRC Formation 26 Table 8 Detail of Grievances during the Reporting Period (August 28 2017 to January 2018) Table 9 Deployment of Social Safeguards officials during Reporting 29 Period (up to January 2018) Table 10 Status of Compliance of ADB’s Loan Covenants related to 31 Social Safeguard Issues Table 11 Status of Compliance of Resettlement & Social Safeguard 35 Issues Figure Figure 1 Map Showing Sub-Project Towns of MPUSIP 36 Figure 2 Structure and process of GRM 26 Appendix Appendix 1 Package-wise and Town-wise Progress of Drawing Design 37 and Physical Progress Appendix 2 Photographs of Disclosure of IR & IP Report in Hindi 51 Language at respective ULBS Appendix 3 Copy of the Household Survey 53 Appendix 4 Details of Consultations during Subproject Implementation 55 (August 2017 to January 2018) iii Appendix 5 Office Order of EA to Establish GRC at subproject town level 67 Appendix 5 List of the Towns Package-wise (Both Tr. 1 and Tr. 2) 71 iv A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) of Government of Madhya Pradesh launched Madhya Pradesh Urban Services Improvement Project (MPUSIP) with the loan assistance from Asian Development Bank (LOAN NO. 3528-IND). The Urban Development and Housing Department is an executing agency for the Project. Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Company Limited (MPUDC) is the nodal implementing agency (IA) through a central Project Management Unit (PMU) for implementation of the Project with further supported by Program Implementation Units (PIUs). The PMU has been assisted by Project Management Consultant (PMC) namely M/S TATA Consulting Engineers Limited in association with JPS Associates Private Limited, New Delhi. The Project intends to ensure: a) Continuous, pressurized, safe and sustainable drinking water through private household metered connections in 128 towns; and b) Sewage and storm water Major Achievements collection and treatment systems are Compliance of the ADB observations on IR proposed in 12 identified towns including DDR and IP DDR, national heritage towns Sanchi and Summary of IR and IP reports in Hindi were Khajuraho & Rajnagar. prepared for 44 towns under 15 packages to c) The Project also includes display at respective ULBs and PIUs, component of non -physical investment All IR and IP reports were reviewed, (GIS, MIS, M&E and Social Safeguards) Visited towns for land verifications and other for system strengthening. social issues, 2. The entire project is planned to be RP was prepared for subproject towns implemented in three periods i.e (i) Khajuraho & Rajnagar under sewerage preparatory and procurement; (ii) management plan. construction and (iii) operations and IR DDR and IP DDR were prepared for 3 maintenance. Prior to implementation of towns namely Anjad, Barwaha, Sanavad the project, design Consultants were hired under sewerage management plan, by IA to develop Detailed Project Report Compensation paid to four APs of WSS town (DPR) of each subproject town. In regard Sohagpur under Package 1C to social safeguard, subprojects are Order issued for formation of GRC, classified as category ‘B’ for involuntary nomination of CDO at ULB and Nomination of resettlement (IR) and indigenous peoples GRC person in each town (IP) as per ADB Safeguard Policy Community Action and Participation Plan was Statement (2009). Each subproject has developed, been screened to assess the social Conducted consultations with ULBs and other impacts likely to be occurred due to project stakeholders including local inhabitatnt interventions. These projects come under State Gender Action Plan was developed and either facilitated to 15 towns for development of ‘Category B’ or ‘Category C’. Although town level Gender Action Plan. Resettlement Plan (RP) is also prepared to address the negative impacts. A resettlement plan is developed using approved Resettlement Framework (RF) and Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF). It is presumed that a significant number of subprojects will not make any IR impact, so Involuntary Resettlement (IR) Due Diligence Report (DDR) has been prepared in avoiding resettlement impacts. 3. Project interventions have been managed by the Executing Agency (MPUDCL) with the technical support of PMC at Bhopal and PIUs located at regional levels i.e. Bhopal, 1 Indore, Sagar, Jabalpur and Gwalior. Apart from technical (engineering) and managerial (procurement and contract management) components, social safeguard issues are also important component. It includes activities of (i) Resettlement, (ii) Environment and (iii) social and gender. The key experts/officials are deployed at PMC to assist PMU and PIUs in compliance with the environment, social and gender requirements of the Program Safeguards System (PSS). 4. Semi-annual Social Monitoring Report (SSMR) on social safeguards is required to be submitted under Safeguard component of MPUSIP. This is the first semi-annual report which present progress of the subprojects (69 towns of water supply scheme and 4 towns of sewerage) under Tranche 1 of MPUSIP since August 2017 (month of the loan effectiveness) to January 2018. 5. Social safeguard reports such as IR Due Diligence Report (DDR) & resettlement plan (RP) and IP DDR are prepared for the subproject towns under packages having nil or insignificant temporary IR and IP impacts. Altogether, 69 subproject towns of water supply scheme (WSS) and 4 subproject towns of sewerage under Tranche 1 are considered under category ‘B’ because of insignificant involuntary resettlement impact. It is confirmed that none of the sub project is identified up to now, which will make the negative impact on Indigenous People (IP). No issue of private land acquisition emerged till date where the livelihood of the people would get impacted. A Resettlement Plan (RP) is prepared for subproject water supply town i.e Khajuraho & Rajnagar, although significant impact is not expected. 6. Summary of IR and IP reports were prepared in vernacular language Hindi for disclosure at the notice board of respective urban local body (ULB)s and project implementation unit (PIU)s. Selected sub project towns were visited to identify the social risks and impacts due to subproject components and verified the status
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