UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Stude·nt Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of September 24, 1963 Meeting

Aembers Present: Kathy Bangsund, , Joe Clifford, Wendell De Boer for Keith N. Mcfarland, Rudy. Hasbargen, David Kaliatz, Paul Larson, Keith Lind, Keith Loreen, Jean Muyskens, Twylla Reese, Darrell Rupp, Dave Miller, Gordon Starr, Robert Stricker. viembers Absent: John Butler (excused), Richard Ckok (excuseci), Lloyd L. Enlith

Aaff Fr·esent: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Guests Present; Sue Donsker

Minutes of June 6, 1963, meeting stand approved as published.

Business Meeting

President's Report - Richard Barnes

New Board members and guests were introduced.

Mr. Barnes reminded student members of their Student Center mail boxes and asked that Board Members check them regularly.

Mr. Barnes announced the date of the President's Convocation, September 26, and suggested that Board Members attend if possible.

Director' s Report - Fall W. Larson

Mr. Larson reported that the Student Center Building is in better condition than on opening day in .April, 1959. He attributed much of this achievement to efforts and capability of Harold Martinson, the Sr. Caretaker of the Student Center Building .

Borne of the new 26 display units have arrived and are in use. They are property of the Chort uourse Department and are assigne.4 to the Student Center for exclusive use in that building. The group of 26 units consists of 12 curved units and 14 straight. The new Student Manager for 1963--'64 is Howard Kittleson. His dutie s are to provide needed supervision of fac ilities for special events such as banquets, conventions and larger social programs. -2-

Program Consultant' s Report - Mary Ellen Faricy

The Student Center sponsored 41 activities this summer. Attendance was down about 1,000 due partly to the lighter music hour program scheduling. Ten students worked on summer programs which included two international student prograrns, one gra uate student outing and three dances. Miss Faricy stated that student involvement in programming should be re -evaluated.

Mr. Larson informed the group that the cost of subsidizing the summer program was not taken from those students' winter fees. This year $200 was alloted for summer programs from the Summer Sessions Office. Operation of the building facilities inthe summer period is subsidized from students' fees. canding Committee epo rts

Executive Committee - Richard Barnes

Mr. Barnes called the Board' s attention to the copies of the agenda and said that this tentative agenda would be in effect until the Executive Committee has had a chance to meet and discuss any needed changes.

The Association of College Unions, Region 7 Conference will be held on Nov- ember 7,8, and 9th at Coffman Memorial Union. Robert Stricker and David Miller were asked to leada topic discussion atthe conference. The title of the discussion is "Are You Fulfilling the Needs of Your Campus?"

House and Finance Committee - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reported that the bowling alley rates were lowered to 25¢ per line during the summer. A report was distributed showing the results of the change. Lineage increased 39%, bowling income increased 6.3% and total Gopher Hole (games area) increased 12.8% over the previous summer when rates were not. changed.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

There are presently three vacancies on the Student Center Board, two from Veterinary Medicine and one from Home Economic s. Appropriate notices have been posted on bulletin boards as required by the By Laws.

Program Committee - Darrell Rupp

Mr. Rupp pointed out several special events from the Fall Quarter Calendar.

/lotion X-1: The Chairman of the Personnel Committee moved that the slate of new chairmen be approved. The motion was seconded and passed. -3-

,ir. Gordon L. Starr commented that the Board appeared to be off to a good tart and congratulated its members on their reports and their ability to obtain ommittee members for the various activities. vir. Miller questianed the adviseability of approving these chairrnen without the 3oard Members seeing or hearinglmore about the candidate st qualifications. iresident Barnes asked the Director to comment on these procedures. Mr. arson agreed that ideally, candidates for chairmen could be screened by a :ommittee with the Board making a final selection. In the practical situation, lowever, this hasn't worked out efficiently for most such appointments. Reasons are: 1. Need for the Boardrs activities to get off to a fast start fall quarter when other groups are just getting organized; 2. The unpredictability of students' availability until fall quarter starts; and 3. Often such screening can be better accomplished in the privacy of an interview and with opportunity to check into the candidites record. Candidates are checked for scholastic eligibility before being recornmended to the board. Purpose of Board approval is to retain Board authority over programs carried out in its name; by these chairmen; providing the chairman with irnplied financial and spiritual support for the risks involved in community programming and insuring that programs carried out by these chairman are planned in accord with policies established by the Board and the University.

Special Events - David Miller Mr. Miller reported that dates for presenting the Student Center story to Freshmen Orientation classes has not yet been set. Dr. DeBoer suggested that Dr. Goodding be consulted about setting such date s.

Public Relations - Kathy Bangsund

Miss Bangsund called attention to the pictures of the Board Members which are presently on display in the display case across from the Information Desk in the Student Center.

The Board should have a booth at the Open House on September 27. Volunteers will be needed to operate this booth. Mary Ellen Faricy suggested that the Board use photographs, booklets and brochures to help acquaint the students with Board activities. She also suggested that Board members should strive to be present for this event. -4 -

.rea Sponsors Reports he several area sponsors nominated the following students as chairmen for neir respective program committees.

Home Coming Chairman - Kerwin Siewert

Rouser Rumpus - Sandra· Mattson

Winter Semi-Formal - Nancy Babulski

Country-Modern Dances -Robert Lindhart

Toasters - John Lesmeister

Grad-Faculty Toastmasters - Narayan Patel

Fall Open House - Richard Hofstrand

Coffee Hours - Penny Spong

Sanka Seminars - Mildred Price

Music Hours - Keith Stangler

Style Show - Helen Gatheridge

Exhibits - Jean Nevling

:he meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held Thursday, October 3, 1963 at 12 noon e Lunch will be available at 11:65 in Room 206.

KM/sm UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of October 3, 1963 Meeting

.embers Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul Larson, Keith Lind, Keith Loken, Wendell DeBoer for Keith N. McFarland, Jeanne Muyskens, Twylla Reese, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrell Rupp, Robert Stricker, Rudy Hasbargen. lembers Absent: Kathy Bangsund (excused), Richard Skok (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Lloyd L. Smith, Joe Cliffo rd. :oard Candidates Present: Sue Donsker, Mary Jacobs, Nancy Nietz, Kathy Haven, Gail Williams Minutes of September 24, 1963, meeting were approved as published.

Jusiness Meeting

President's Repo rt - Richard Barnes Mr. Barnes read a letter from Dr. John A. Goodding, Assistant Director of Resident Instruction, requesting use of the Student Center's facilitie s and Board suppo rt for the Annual Student-Faculty Reception on October 10, 1963. The Executive Committee approved the request. Parliamentary Procedure booklets were passed out and emphasis was placed on the impo rtant and valuable info rmation contained in this publication. Board members were asked to return books by the clo se of Fall Quarter so that they can be used by other groups. David Miller will serve as recorder for the A.C.U. workshop assignment on November 7, 8 and 9, 1963. He will be working with Robe rt Stricker who will be leading the workshop discussion titled "A re You Fulfilling the Needs o f Your Campus ?" Rudy Hasbargen has been appointed M.S.A. representative from the Board for the remainder of the Quarter. -2-

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson repo rted that the Student Center has begun the new academic year smoothly with heavy use of meeting rooms and Snack Bar fac ilities. The unusually pleasant warm weather has caused some reduced patronage of the Games facilities. Some congestion in scheduling meeting rooms has been noted, caused, in part, by organizations making long -term reservations and failing to cancel them when their schedules change. This problem is receiving appropriate attention. Program Consultant's Report - Mary Ellen Faricy The Minnesota Daily Repo rter assigned to the St. Paul campus has resigned her post. At present there is no replacement. Because of this, Board members were reminded to advise chairmen to put forth special effort to get news directly to the Daily.

Standiag Committee Reports

House & Finance - David Miller The House & Finance Committee held its first meeting of the Quarter last Monday. Tom Kupka has requested desk space in the Corral for his work with the National Student A ssociation and the Minnesota Student Association. Motion X-2 Mr. Miller moved that a desk be assigned to the Twin City representative of the National Student Association, Mr. Tom Kupka, M,S.A, representative from the Student Council forthe period of October 4, 1963 to June 15, 1963. Seconded. IvIotion Carried. Motion X-3: Mr. Miller moved to reserve the Student Center Lounge for the annual Student-Faculty Reception on October 10, 1963 1PM. ,n carried. -3-

Mr. Miller reported that we will be developing new procedures in issuing the Student Center's outing equipment forme rly issued by the Skeewaksur group. Use of the new I.D. cards may make it possible to improve efficiency. He pointed out that a system should be used whereby the equipment may be inspected before and after each use.

Some Photo Darkroom equipment is obsolete. Its replacement has been delayed pending dete rmination of its use by students.

The Committee reviewed vacation policies and decided to abide by existing policies for the Fall Quarter holidays.

The small rooms at the end of the Rouser Room will in the future be referred to as Rouser Room "A" and Rouser Room "B" instead of the former Little Rousers "A" and "B". Mr. Miller suggested that sorne attention to decorating in this area will be attempted.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker


Mra Stricter introduced the following candidates for the openings on the Board: Kathy Haven - Home Ec., Sue Donsker - Home Ec., Mary Jacobs - Home Ec., Nancy Nietz - Home Ec., Gail Williams - Veterinary Medicine. Kathy Haven and Nancy Nietz were selected as the Home Economics repre.Feet.33,4§78.8 and Gail Williams was appointed to a Veterinary Medicine opening on the Board. Mr. Larson info rmed the Board that the remaining Veterinary Medicine vacancy on the Board is now open to any student.

Program Committee - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Ibipp reported that there will be a meeting of the Program Committee today at 3:00. At this time the Committee will discuss Fall Quarter Programming with Mr. Dahle of the St. Paul Campus Chorus.

Mr. Rupp reminded the Board that there are still several chairman- ship openings and suggested that posters be made to be placed in Bailey Ha],1 and elsewhere announc ing these vacancies. The matter was referred to the Personnel Committee. -4 -

Twylla Reese said that the Homecoming Dance Plans are going well.

She also reminded the Board that there is still no chairman for the Dance Instruction program. The first dance instruction was held on Wednesday, October 2. The total attendance was 33 with the men holding a very definite majority.

Mr. Larson reported that weare:particularly fortunate this year in having one of the best dance instructors available anywhe re.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy reported that the 35 paintings currently on display in the Student Center are from the Michigan Water Color Society.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

The first Grad Bag of Fall Quarter was held yesterday. The relatively small attendanc e (12) wa s attributed to the fact that very few students apparently read the posters. Miss Muyskens said that some publicity letters would be sent before the next meeting of the group.

Ho spitality

From 700 to 800 persons attended the Fall Open House. About $150.00 was spent on this event.

Mr. Kanatz announced that there are four openings on the Board of Publications. He urged that someone from the St. Paul Campus apply for one of these openings.

The nreeting was adjourned:.

The next,meeting of .the.·Board·held .Thursday, October +0.- 1963,. at 12 noon. Lunch:will be,available at 1·

KM Ul.-7// .4 i

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESO TA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of October 10,1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richa rd Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul Larson, Keith Loken, Keith McFarland, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Fred McCormick for Gordon L. Starr, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robe rt Stricker, Dave Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams.

Members Absent: Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Minutes of October 3, 1963, meeting were approved as published.

Business Meeting

President's R.eport - Richard Barnes Mr. Barnes introduced Mr. Fred McCormick to the Board and announced that he was attending today' s meeting in place of Mr. Gordon Starr. Board membership cards and keys were presented to new Board members; Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Keith Loken and Rudy Hasbargen. A Board key was also given to David Miller. Twylla Reese was called upon to give the Board some pointers on Parliamentary Procedure. Some of the items included were: 1. A motion should not be discussed until it has been formally presented. 2. Discussion must be pertinent to the motion. 3. Only one motion may be considered at one time. 4. A motion should begin with the words "I move."

Mr. Barnes announced that new Board members could pick up their Board folders after the meeting or later at the Information Desk.

He reminded the Board of the Student-Faculty Rec eption tonight in the Student Center. -2-

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson circulated a post card which he received recently from Mr. Richard Lyman, former Board President. Mr. Lyman is currently serving with the Peace Corp Project in Africa. We have been notified by University Food Services of a revision in catering policy and banquet prices. Because of the difficulties experienced in obtaining student employees to serve dinners during vacation periods, banquet and luncheon service will not be available during Christmas, Spring and Summer vacation periods. Formerly there was a distinction in banquet and luncheon prices for campus and non-University groups with the latter paying somewhat higher prices. This distinction has now been eliminated. Prices of meals have been revised as follows:

Old Price New Price

Breakfast $1.10 $1.10 min.

Lunch 1.25 1.40 min.

Dinner 1.95 2.25 min. Roast beef, Swiss Steak " 2.20 2.40 min. Chicken, Roast turkey, Ham, 11 2.65 2.75 min. Broiled or roast beef tenderloin

Mr. Larson reported that a study of Banquet use of the Ballroom for last year showed a reduction of 44% in the number of banquets from 1960-61. Since use of the Ballroom for banquets is one source of revenue to main- tain it for conferences and other educational purposes (without rental or use charges) this loss and further losses that might result will be a matte r of serious financ ial concern to the Board. He suggested that the matter be referred to the House and Finance comm- ittee for study of the implications and a repo rt.

Executive Committee Report - Ric hard Barnes Mr. Barnes announced the following sponsorship and committee appointments for new Board members:

Sponsorships: Fine Arts & Crafts - Kathy Haven Married Students - Gail Williams Ho spitality - Nancy Nietz

Standing Committee: House & Finance - Kathy Haven Chairman, Public Relations - Gail Williams Public Relations - Nancy Nietz -3-

Standing Committee Repo rts

House & Finance - David Miller

Mr. Miller announced that the next meeting of the House & Finance Committee will be on Monday, October 14, 1963, at 3:00 PM in Room 102.

Linda Peery has reque sted use of a desk in the Corral for her work with the Campus Chest Drive from October 4 through November 15, 1963.

Motion X -4: Mr. Miller moved that a desk be assigned to the Campus Che st Drive representative, Linda Peery, fo r the period of October 4 through November 15, 1963. Seconded. Motion carried.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

Mre Stricker.reminded the Board that there is still one Veterinary Medicine position available on the Board. It was sugge sted that a po ste r announcing this opening be placed in the lobby of the Student Center and applications be accepted for an additional week. It is now open to any student on campus.

Program - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp announced that plans to offer bridge instruction have been postponed until winter .

Some social education will be attempted with "table tents" in the Rouser Room suggesting desired improvements in table manners.

It has been decided to delay Board sponsorship of Co-Rec nights in the gymnasium until colder weather.

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

The attendance at last night's Dance Instruction was 41 including 11 girls and 30 nlen.

Motion X-5: Miss Reese moved that Mary Dundas be appointed Dance Instruction Chairman and Mary Jacobs be appointed the chairmanship for the Presidents' Ball. Seconded. Motion carried. -4 -

Discussion Area - Darrel Rupp

Motion X-6: Mr. Rupp moved that Jean Sear be appointed Chairman for the "Now Hear This" committee. Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Rupp reported that he attended the last meeting of the Toasters. He said that this group is beginning the year very well.

Games and Outings - John Butler

Mr. Butler told the Board that the appearance of Miss San Lynn Merrick at the Gopher Hole yesterday was a very successful event with about 175 students attending the exhibitions. Miss Merrick is the National Collegiate Billiards Champion. Mr. Robert Whitman served as chairman for the program.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens said that some traditional resistance is being experienced in getting graduate students to come to the Grad Bag sessions. At yesterday's meeting, there were 10 students present. She said that for the next three meetings, films would be part of the program.

She reported that a previously scheduled hike has been cancelled and a chili supper has been planned instead. Later in November the group will have a party at Pinewood Club.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Plans for the Homecoming Style Show, under the chairmanship of Helen Gatheridge, are coming along nicely.

Motion X-7: Mr. Hasbargen moved that Twylla Rothi be appointed chairman of the Homecoming Varsity Show. Seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business

Miss Faricy announc ed that the Skeewaksur Hayride will be held tomorrow night at the Wagon Wheel. The cost will be approximately $1.00. Cars will be leaving the Student Center at 7:00 PM. -5-

New Bus ine s s

Dean MeFarland stated that, in his opinion, cornmittee appointments could be made without specific approval of the Board. He said that he felt the individual sponsors were capable of making the necessary decisions. He said that the Board meetings ran very smoothly and the machine ry seemed to be performing effic iently, but he felt that time should be made available for discussion in depth of campus programming matters.

Mr. Miller pointed out that much of the Board's programming work and policy formulation is hammered out in committee meetings when more time is available for consideration of matters 'tin depth" and when more free and open discussion can take place without the public ity which might result from Board meetings which are open meetings.

Mr. Barnes suggested that routine matters could be eliminated from the Board meetings as long as they are included in the minutes.

Mr. Kanatz reminded the Board that there is not always adequate time for full Board discussion, but said that Board members should strive to acquaint themselves with every active area under the Board.

Mr. Barnes informed the Board that at the next meeting sponsors should be prepared to discuss at least one activity of their respective areas.

Mr. Larson suggested that the compatability which does seem to characterize the Board's operation most of the time is not necessarily symbolic of sterility. He did, however, state that livelier discussions could stimulate the Board meetings and make them mo re effective. He said that everyone present may beguilty, to some degree, of not raising questions adequately about that which is not perfectly clear. He encouraged members to que stion, oppose and present different opinions whenever the oppo rtunity presents itself.He felt that existing machinery served well the variety of functions required of the Board but implementation is needed.

The ·meeting was·adjcfurned'.

The next meeting of the Board willbe held Thursday, October 17, 1963, at 12 noon. Lunch will be available at 11:55 AM in Room 206.

KM UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of October 17, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul Larson, Keith Loken, Wendell DeBoer for Keith McFarland, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Richard Ambrose for Gordon L. Starr, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Ni.€itz, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Minutes of October 10, 1963 meeting were approved as published.

Business Meeting

President' s Report - Richard Barnes

Mr. Barnes introduced Mr. Richard Ambrose to the Board.

The Board was reminded of the Homecoming date, October 26, 1963.

Director's Repo rt - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson notified the Board that three newly-arrived rosters at the Information Desk in the Student Center are available for use by committee personnel. They are the Directory of St. Paul Campus Department Staff and Faculty, t he Directory of Student Organizations and a listing of the new P.O. assignments. -2-

Executive Committee Repo rt - Richard Barnes

Mr. Barnes called attention to the fact that the Board schedules one evening meeting per quarter for purposes of more lengthly discussion of matters which cannot be adequately covered during the noon meetings. This quarter a dinner meeting is planned to be held at Hamline University. I may be a joint meeting with the Student.Council of the St. Paul Campus. Tentatively the date for this meeting is Thursday evening, October 31.

The Executive Committee has a responsibility at the beginning of each academic year to acquaint members of the Board with the Conduct Control policy. Twylla Reese directed a question to Mr. Larson asking what was considered to be the chain of command in case of a disturbance at a Student Center activity. Mr. Larson explained that the responsibility for minor infraction in such a situation would first be in the hands of the student committee res- ponsible for the event. If of more serious nature, the problem would be referred to a Board member closely connected with the event, to the Executive Committee or to the Board itself, depending on the seriousness of the problem. Student Center employees and the University Police may always be called in to provide moral and physical assistance if needed. (Copy of Conduct Control Policy attached to this copy of Minutes.)

Standing Committee Repo rts

House & Finance - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reported that the House & Finance Committee discussed the problem of use of the ballroom for banquet service during vacation periods at their last meeting on October 14, 1963.

He. announced that the Committee decided against subscribing to the New York Times and the Christian Science Monitor magazines. He said that the Student Center will not be subscribing to the Show magazine at present because of apparent limited appeal in the opinion of committee members. No student interest in the magazine has been demonstrated to the committee. Mr. Kanatz commented that we should not strive to appeal to the mode of thought that we find today. He said that more emphasis must be placed on what is to come in the future.

Kathy Haven and Paul Larson will look into the possibility of decorating Rouser Rooms A&B and will report their findings at a later date. -3-

Mr. Miller reviewed the Summary of Income & Expense Reports which were distributed to all Board members. He asked that these reports be kept as they will be of impo rtance at a later date. Additional copies of this report may be obtained at the Information Desk.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

Mr. Stricker announced that applications for the Board opening will be closed after tomorrow when the current applicants are inte rviewed. He said that recommendations for the opening should be ready by the time of the next meeting.

Program - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp said that the Board recently received a letter from St. Catherine' s College asking if we would like to revive a program of "information and idea exchanging" with their Student Union. This possibility will be discussed at the next meeting of the Program Committee on Tuesday.

Public Relations - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams info rmed the Board that, as a part of the A.C.U. Conference, a tour of the Twin City College Unions will be con- ducted on November 8. This tour will visit the Student Center from 4:45 PM to 5:10 PM on that day. There will be between 60 and 80 people in this group. The planning committee requests student guides, preferably Board members.

Motion X-8: Mr. Williams moved that the Board authorize refresh- ments and a welcoming sign for the tour of the Region 7 Conference

group. Seconded. .Motion carried.

Dance - Twylla Reese

Attendance at last evening's Dance Instruction was 33. Seven oftheseweregirls. -4 -

The publicity for the Homecoming Dance is moving somewhat slowly. It is impo rtant that step s be taken to mo re adequately publicize this event. Decorations for the Dance have been decided upon and other arrangements seem to be under control.

An emergency meeting of the Dance Committee was held last Monday to decide whether or not to permit a dance at the Student Center after the Varsity Show on Friday night. It was decided to ask Student Council if they would co-sponsor an event of this nature. If the dance is held, it will not be publicized until Friday evening so as to not interfere with the ticket sales for the Homecoming Dance the following night.

There is a need for additional and improved talent for the Varsity Show. It has been apparent that talent programs on the St. Paul Campus have not reached desireable standards.

Game s & Outing s - John Butle r

Mr. Butler announced that the election of Skeewaksur officers has been completed but the results are not available at this time.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens said that the attendance at yesterday' s Grad Bag meeting showed little improvement over the previous meeting. She has sent letters to the Graduate students announc ing the Grad Bag Lunches.

. The Graduate Students are planning a chile supper to be held after the Homecoming Game on October 26, 1963.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz

Penny Spong will b the chairman of the Coffee Hours this year. Billie Price is unable to accept the responsibility of Chairman of Sanka Seminar. Currently the office personnel are handling the arrangements for Sanka Seminars. Mr. Larson suggested that we find a method whereby we can make known that the Board is providing the refreshments for these gatherings. -5-

Married Students -

A chairman is still needed for the Married Student Area.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen told the Board that the Style Show held yesterday, October 17, was a huge success.

A Music Hour, featuring the Johnson Boys, will be held in the Student Center Rouser Room on Friday, October 18 at 3:00 PM.

Special Events - David Mille r

A chairman is still needed to assume the responsibility for the Christmas Party. It is as yet undec ided whether or not the party will be open to the entire campus or be restricted to Board members and their guests.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

Motion X-9: David Miller moved that area sponsors be allowed to appoint chairman without Board app roval. Seconded. Discussion: Twylla Reese said that this matter was discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting. She said that there are advantages to the motion, but that the individual area sponsors are not always aware of all the qualifications (or their absence) that must be considered before an appointment is accomplished. She felt that the candidates for chairmanships should be invited to a Board meeting so that the entire Board could get acquainted with the individual. Mr. Larson commented that the Board already had available the mechanic D; of the motion on the floor and there would be no change in actual procedure if the motion was passed. He reminded the Board members that they are responsible for whatever decisions are -6 -

made on their behalf by these activity chairmen. They act in the name of the Board and therefore the entire Board needs some involvement in whatever action is taking place. These comrnittee chairmen must also have the authority and resources of the Board available. Mr. Kanatz added that appointments by the area sponsor could also involve some problems when there are a number of candidatgs for .one chairmanship. Motion defeated.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held Thursday, October 24, 1963, at 12 noon. Lunch will beavailable at 11:55 AM in Room 206.

KM. Members, Student Center Board of Governors

DM: President, Student Center Board of Governors

3JECT: Conduct Control Policy

: St. Paul Campus Student Center Board of Governors is mindful of the significant e we play in the organization of the Student Center program and of our responsi- ties for its success. Because of the nature and function of this program, and with relationship to the whole University, we realize our responsibilities for insuring cially acceptable" conduct by a large number of students, through their member- p in a variety of groups varying from small groups of several students to activities luding a large proportion of the campus population. feel that through experience and time we have developed a very satisfactory policy ough which deviations from the code of " socially accepted" conduct may be resolved. :onsideration of the complexity of the Student Cent er Organization, it has been found st desirable to handle minor infractions of Student Center rules through policies horized by the Student Center Board and administered through members of the dent Center staff .

)blems of a more serious nature are brought to th.e attention of the Executive com- tee for its consideration a.nd for action. Often the S.A.B. representative is con- ted and one or more alternatives of action decided upon. Immediate action is taken en deemed necessary; but if this is not imperative, the matter may be presented to the ird at their formal weekly meeting. It is noteworthy that a representative of the Stu - :t Activities Bureau is a sta.nding member in regular attendance at our weekly meetings . re consideration should be given to problems of serious nature that can easily arise Eunctions involving a large number of the campus' population. While everything hin reason is done before hand to discourage and prevent such situations from sing 9 the Student Center Board does have a prescribed course of procedure in the mt that they do arise . Civil Law would be called in if the situation requires such ion. There-after, it is brought to the attention of the Executive Committee of the dent Center Board, the S.A.B. representative, and others involved, and a course of ion is decided upon similar to that described in paragraph 3. respect to the Conduct Control Policy and as a result of analyzing the complexity of situation as it applies to this Organization D it seems apparent that the Control Licy culminate s into formal written form a policy which has been adopted and iered to in the past by the Student Center Board. At this point, it is necessary to nt out that the Executive Committee has been named responsible for the annual bal presentation of the policy to the Board members.

want to affirm the desirable and necessary close cooperation and communication ween the Student Center Organization, the University Administration, the Student ti.vities Bureau, and the Senate Committee on Student Affairs. We believe this is :essary and desirable not only for the interpreta,tion of University policy, but for improvement of the total student activity program, and for the welfare of all.

13/61 : cjs UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of October 24, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith Mcfarland, Twylla Reese, Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr, Jeanne Muyskens: Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Richard Skok, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Joe Clifford, Keith Lind

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Guests: Sandy Matson, Kerwin Siewert, Sue Johnson

Minutes of October 17, 1963 meeting were approved as published.


President' s Report - Ric hard Barnes

Mr. Barnes introduced the three guests at today's meeting- - Sue Johnson, West Bank Program Staff member; Sandy Matson, Rouser Rumpus Chairman; and Kerwin Siewert, Chairman in charge of the Homecoming Dance on the St. Paul Campus o

Mr. Barnes commented on the good attendance at this year's Board meetings. He reminded members to notify the Student Center office at least one day prior to the meeting in case of necessary absence. Members are allowed three unexcused absences per year according to the Board's By--Laws.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson announced that a projected "Career Day" sponsored with the St. Paul Campus Placement Office will not be scheduled this year because of a change in procedures by Governrnental Civil Services. -2-

Program Consultant's Repo rt - Mary Ellen Faricy

For the first time, Coffee Hours are not pre-scheduled on the quarterly calendar. The purpose of this change is to measure needs o

Executive Committee Report - Richard Barnes

Mr. Barnes reminded the Board that the A. C. U. Conference will be held on November 7,8, and 9. He.. encouraged members to attend this conference. Classes will be excused and Student Center Board' s funds will pay the $10.75 registration charge. Those attending will. be Paul W. Larson, Mary Ellen Faricy, Twvll.a Reese, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Richard Barnes, and Gail Williams .

Next Thursday the Board will hold it' s quarte rly evening meet- ing at Harnline University. Those attending the joint meeting with the St. Paul Campus Student Council will meet at the Student Center at 6:00 PM. Topics of discussion will be: "The St. Paul Campus 1963 Homecoming" and "Board=Council Respon- sibilities on Campuse" Evening meals will be served at the Ineeting.

Standing Committee s

Program - Darrel Rupp

At a meeting last Tuesday, the Program Committee discussed the possibilities for increased inter-collegiate communications. The committee felt that this exchange of information could be very beneficial to all concerned.

Mr. Rupp also repo rted that the Committee discussed whether or not the Student Center should finance the Student Center dele- gates to the A.C.U. Bowling Tourney this year. The Board agreed that the cost of $200.00 seemed excessive since only the five delegates benefit from it. Mr. Larson suggested that it might be possible to reduce the problem to manageable by organ- izing an t'all-University" team representing all University campuses. -3-

The Program Committee is experiencing some difficulty in get- ting volu:uteer students to help with the clean-up after Rouser Rumpus dances. The matter was referred to the Executive Cornrnittee.

House and Finance - David Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that the next meeting of the House and Finance committee will be Monday, October 28, at4 :00 PM.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricke r

Mro announ.ced that the Board has obtained a list of sturdents who have applied for the Freshman Board. This list should provide helpful info rmation for sponsors who are in search of chairrnen for various

Dale Stucy, Sue Donsker and Mike Mort:insson have applied for the opening on the Student Center Board.

Motion X-10: Mr. Stricker moved that Mike Mortinsson be chosen to fill the remaining vacancy on the Student Center Board of Gover- nors. Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Mortinsson has been assigned to work in the International Students Area.

Public Relations - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams suggested that, since the A.C.13. conference is being held in the Twin Cities, everyone should make a special effo rt to attend. The committee discussed the possibility of having a display at the Convention showing our Annual Reports' and making info rmation available to intere sted people. A po ste r will also be needed for an A.C.U. tour of the Student Center.

Motion X -11: Mr. Williams moved that the Board provide registration fees for the delegates attending the A.C.U. Convention, provide a poster for the tour and provide for the setting up of a display. Seconded. Motion carried. -4 -

It was brought to the attention of the Board by Mr. Williams that it is time to decide what type of coverage the Student Center will have in the 1964 Gopher Yearbook.

Motion X-12: Mr. Williams moved that the Board purchase a 1964 Minnesota Gopher yearbook and two pages in the book. Seconded. Motion carried.

Dance - Twylla Reese

Sandy Carlson, Rouser Rumpus Chairman, announced that last Friday night the Rouser Rumpus was moved into the Ballroom as an experiment. It was decided to hold future dances in the Rouser Room because this provides a much more informal atmosphere which is essential for dances of this nature.

Kerwin Siewert, Homecoming Chairman, reported that the plans for Homecoming are shaping up nicely. He said that 347 ti.ckets have been sold so far and that at least another 100 tickets will have to be sold if the dance is to break even financ ially. Decorations for the dance will be going up on Friday night and Saturday mo rning.

Twylla Ree se announced that Nancy Babulski will not be able to accept the Chairmanship for the Winter Semi-Formal. Miss Reese asked the Board for suggestions for a possible chairman for this opening.

Special Events - David Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that Student Center Christmas clecorating will be opened to the entire campus this year.

Fine Arts & Crafts - Kathy Haven

Motion X-13: Miss Haven moved that Bernadette Sipe be accepted as - Exhibits Chairman and Janet Barber be accepted as Chairman of the Noon Movies area.

Seconded. Motion carried. -5-

Games & Outings - John Butler

Steve White is the new Skeewaksur P re sident.

Mr. Butler announced that the Skeewaksur club has requested new shoulde r identification patche s. It wa s que stioned whethe r or not the group would be able to use a fresh supply of patches before they changed their minds regarding design again. Letters have been sent out to obtain bids for the price of these new patches. The matter will be brought up again when the bids have been received.

Ho spitality - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz suggested that a new schedule be made for the Coffee Hours sponsored by the Board.

Motion X-·14: Miss Nietz moved that Mary Cartwright be accepted as Chairman of Sanka Seminars.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Music & Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen showed the Board the Independent Trophy whic h will be awarded at the Varsity Show on Friday, October 25. A copy of the judges' scoresheets was passed around so that the Board could see how the various contestants will be judged. The judges for the Varsity Show will be Mr. Johannes Dahle, Dr. Suzanne Davison and Mr. John White.

Mr. Hasbargen announced that some diffic ult ies with stage lighting, piano tuning, sound equipment, etc. were experienced at the Varsity Show rehersal Wednesday evening in Coffey Hall. It was brought to his attention that the Admissions and Records Department take s only the re sponsibility of scheduling the room and is not responsible for any of the fac ilities. Dean Mcfarland asked that a letter be written to his office calling attention to these difficulties. The matter was referred to the sponsor of Music and Shows. -6-

Old Business

Mro Larson reported that at a meeting on November 29, 1962, the Board passed a re solution requesting University Administrative attention to the inadequate lighting of the road and walkway to the parking lot east of Ago Engineering. Nearly a year later the situation is no bette re Dean McFarland suggested a letter be sent to Dean Berg and Dean Tho rp ,regarding this matter. The President said that he would send such letters.

New Business

Mro Starr informed the Board that this is the fiftieth anniversary of the A.C.U. The first Regional Conference was held 15 years ago at Coffman Memorial Union.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of tb.e Board will be held Thursday, October 31, 1963, at Hamline University. Board members are asked to meet at the Student Center at 6:00 PM. The group will then go to Ha.mline where supper will be provided.

KM / jj UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of October 31, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith McFarland, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson

Members Absent: John Butler, Keith Loken (excused), Richard Skok (excused), Lloyd L. Smith ( excu sed), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Cliffo rd

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, I

Business Meeting

The following corrections were made to the October 24, 1963 minute s: The President's Report stated that Gail Williams will be attending the ACU Conference. Rudy Hasbargen should appear on the list instead of Mr. -Williams. ... Motion X-11 - The poster mentioned in this motion will be placed in the Coffman Union display and will not be part of the tour.

Area Sponsors Repo rts

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

Motion X-15: Miss Reese moved that the date for the Winter Semi- Formal be February 15. Seconded. Motion carried.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Motion X-16: Mr. Hasbargen moved that an additi9n be made to the Fall Quarter Calendar to include an Evening With Mozart concert L on Sunday, November 17, 1963 at 8:00 PM. Seconded. Motion carried. -2-

The meeting was adjourned and the Board joined in a discussion session with the St. Paul Campus Student Council for a discussion of topics of rnutual interest.

The next meeting of the Board will be held Thursday, November 7, 1963 at 12 noon. Lunch will be available at 11:55 AM in Room 206.

KM UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of November 7, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Jeanne Musykens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mo rtens son

Members Absent: David Kanatz (excused), Keith McFarland (excused), Gordon Starr (excused), Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Guests Present: Donna Tanglen and Paul Anderson attending for Keith McFarland

Business Meeting

The following correction was made to the October 31, 1963 minutes: Motion X-15 should read "Miss Reese moved that the Board accept Sue Donsker as Chairman of the Winter Semi-Fo rmal to be held on February 15, 1963. Seconded. Motion carried."

The minutes stand approved as corrected.

President's Report - Richard Barnes

On behalf of the Board, Mr. Barnes welcomed Donna Tanglen and Paul Anderson who were guests at the meeting.

A Board key and membership card were presented to Mike Mortensson. Mr. Mortensson was appointed as member-ablarge to the Board on October 24, 1963.

Director' s Report - Paul W. Latrson

Mr. Larson called attention to some potential problems regar ding use of the Ballroom for activities involving group preparation of specialty foods.

Mr. Larson reque sted that Board members attempt to schedule their standing committee meetings during regular office hours whenever possible in order to help relieve the heavy overtime obligations of staff members.

Executive Committee - Richard Barnes

Mr. Barnes explained that set-up and clean-up responsibilities after -2-

Student Center events is a decision of the sponsors working with the chair- man of the particular event. He pointed out that it is possible for the chair- man to hire custodial assistance for the clean-up duties but this procedure will deplete activity budgets more rapidly than the alternative.

House and Finance - David Miller

Mr. Miller reported that Skeewaksurs have requested an exposed bulletin board on the Student Center ground floor. The committee decided that it would be better to provide them with part of the large glassed-in area near the Game s Room.

Mr. Miller circulated copies of a magazine resume which lists all publi- cations currently available at the Student Center. He asked Board members to look over the list and make any corrections, additions or comments which they feel would be useful and return them to his P.O. box in the Student Center by Thursday, November 14. The House and Finance Committee will then revise the list. A copy of the New Republic magazine was circulated and members were asked to specify in their comments whether or not they would r¥ommend subscribing to this magazine for use in the lounge.

There will be no meeting of the House and Finance Committee next week because of Veterans' Day. The next meeting of the committee will be Mon- day, November 18 at 4:00 P.M.

Personnel - Robert Stricker

Mr. Stricker delivered the following message on behalf of the Personnel Committee:

"It is the opinion of the Personnel Committee that both the sponsors and the Board members in general do not have an adequate knowledge as to what the various sponsorships involve because of our yearly turnover in personnel and because of changing aseignments. Because of this fact members of the Board are sometimes at a loss when asked about some phase of the Board' s activities. Also, the sponsors are caught without an adequate knowledge of a program when talking to prospeotive chairman. The common crutch is to tell them to see a staff member. This doesn't show organization or leadership on our part. For these reasons we would like to suggest that each sponsor write up. sid present a resume on his area of specialization. (This doe s not include the standing committee s.) The Personnel Committee has made up a sho rt outline which you may or inay not follow. But we believe, when answered, that these que stions will give you a better understanding of your area. This would also be of great assistance to future members of the Board."

Mr. Stricker called on Darrel Rupp to give an example of the resume de- sired. Mr. Rupp spoke on the Discussion Area, emphasizing how closely this area is related to education. He said that it is important to consider -3-

the needs of the campus and be sure that discussion areas are available to all students.

He then reviewed tha various groups on campus which deal with the dis- cussion program, telling when they meet and giving a brief outline of the groups' activities.

At the close of his report, Mr. Stricker asked Board members to complete their resumes and submit to him (Student Center P,O.) by Monday, Dec - ennber 2, 1963.

Program - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp passed out copies of the proposed Winter Qua rter Calendar and reviewed the important dates.

Motion X-17: Mr. Rupp moved that the Board approve the Winter Quarter calendar, subject to corrections or changes. Seconded. Motion Carried.

Mr. Rupp also read a copy of the Proclamation which was prepared as part of the publicity for the Presidents' Ball.

Public Relations - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams reported that guides have been appointed for the A.C.U. Conference tour of the Student Center. He said that a fruit basket will be placed on the Information Desk for the visiting delegates.

Evaluation "table tents" have been circulated in the Student Center during the past week. These will be discussed at the next meeting of the Public Relations Committee and results reported to the next Board meeting.

Area Sponsors

Dance - Twylla Reese

At last night' s Dance Instruction there were 7 girls. Total attendance was 33.

Miss Reese announced an opening for Rouser Rumpus Chairman for next quarter.

Discussions - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp announced that he approved the expenditure of $20 for member- ship in Toastmasters' International.

There were approximately 550 in attendance at the convoc 7. -4 -

Fine Arts and Crafts - Kathy Haven

Miss Haven said that she is still searching for the right chairman for the exhibits area.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

The Graduate Students had a bowling party last Monday but attendanc e was small. They have changed the date of their next event from Nov. 13 to Nov. 23. This will be a party after the Wisconsin-Minnesota game.

International Students - Mike Mortensson

Mr. 1VIortensson announced that he is planning a series of slide shows on various European countries.

He said that he would like to organize an International Festival for some- time in Winter Quarter.

Married Students - Gail Williams

Attendance at the Married Students committee meeting on Nov. 6 was seven. The discussion at this meeting was centered around the childrens ' Christmas party. Mr. Williams reported that he has contacted 35-40 married students by phone and that their main interests were in the Christmas party, group lectures and the possibility of family fun nights.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen reminded the Board of the following cultural programs which will be coming soon: Gershwin-Kern, Evening of Mozart and the University of Minnesota Concert Band.

Motion X-18: Mr. Hasbargen moved that the Board approve an addition to the Fall Quarter calendar to include an appearance of the University of Minnesota Concert Band on Sundays November 24, 1963, at 8:00 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

KM/jj UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Depa rtment o f Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of November 14, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Ric hard Bannes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith I. Loken, Keith Mcfarland, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Fred McCormick for Gordon L. Starr, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, ME[e Mo rtens son

Members Absent: Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Jeanne Muyskens (excused), Darrel Rapp, Joe Cliffo rd, Gail Williams

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Gee sts Present: Fred McCormick, Judy Mitera

Business Meeting

President' s Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes introduced and welcomed the guests at the meeting, Judy Mitera and F red McCo rmick.

Flowers have been sent to Mr. Starr in Abbott Hospital on

behalf o f the Boa rd.

Director's Repo rt - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson reported that he received a phone call from Mrs. Starr expressing appreciation for the flowers sent to Mr. Starr.

Mr. Larson extended congratulations to the Student Center Board and staff for the fine participation in the A.C.U. Conference. He said that he heard many comments on the excellent student representation from the St. Paul Campus and the well-organized manner in which they expressed themselves. -2-

There will be an adve rtisement for the Student Center Game s Area in the Minnesota Daily on Friday, November 15. The ad will include a reproduction of the poster used to adve rtise the bowling and billiards area.

Mr. Larson will be out of the office frequently during the next few weeks as he will be taking over some of the duties at Coffman Union in the absence of Mr. Starr.

Executive Committee Repo rt - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes announced that the next meeting of the Board on November 21 will be held in the North Star Lounge. There will be 15 foreign student guests attending this meeting. Lunche s will be served Board members as usual.

House and Finance - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reminded the Board that he would like to have the magazine review sheets in his P,O, box at the Student Center Info rmation De sk by Monday, Novembe r 18.

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

Mr. Stricker congratulated Gail Williams and Nancy Nietz on their excellent hospitality work at the A.C.U. Conference. Their performances in arranging the refreshments and in conducting the tours were extremely well done.

He reminded the committee chairmen that the reports on their areas will be due the week after Thanksgiving. The Personnel Committee will be glad to assist in any possible way in the writing of these repo rts.

Judy Mite ra congratulated the Board on their fine accomplishments at the A.C.U. Conference.

Mr. Barnes turned the meeting over to Vice-President, Robert Stricker. -3

Area Sponsors Reports

Dance - Twylla Reese

Miss Reese reported that the President's Ball committee is doing a fine job. Tickets for the President's Ball, Saturday, November 23, went onsale at 11:00 a.m. today. Atthe time of the meeting, four tickets had been sold.

Mr. Barnes commented that he had heard many que stions con- cerning the degree of "formality" of the President' s Ball. He said that students felt that a formal dance so close to Homecoming could involve too much expense. He also considered the fact that some of the men were hesitant to ask girls to accompany them since the girls would then feel obligated to purchase a long formal. 1:Ie suggested that short formals and dark suits should be the emphasized attire instead of long formals and tuxes as previously planned.

Mike Mortensson suggested that the public address systern be used during lunch hours to inform students that short formals and dark suits are permissable for the President's Ball.

It was decided to recommend that a short dress and a clark suit be placed in the display case across from the Information Desk as another way of reaching the students with this information.

Motion X-19: Mr. Barnes moved that the President's Ball Commit - tee be requested to give greater publicity to the fact that short formals and dark suits are acceptable attire for the President' s Ball . Seconded. Carried.

Special Events - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reported that three Christmas trees have been ordered for the Student Center. One large one will be placed outside and two smaller ones will be placed in the lounge. They will be purchased from University sources. From the Forestry Club the Board will purchase material with which to make wreathes for the windows and exterior of the Student Center.

Motion X-20: Mr. Miller moved that the Board approve the appoint - ment of Jean Holmlund as chairman for the Christmas decora- tions committee. Seconded. Motion carried. -4

The trees for the Student Center will be arriving the day before Thanksgiving and decorating will begin as soon after that as possible. Board members are asked to participate in the decorat- ing and to help formulate decorating parties so that the re st of the campus may participate.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Kathy Haven

Miss Haven reminded the Board that the Molly Newman exhibit will go on display in the Student Center' s second floor galleries on Monday, November 25. There will be a coffee hour and tour at 3:00 p.m. of that clay and interested persons are invited to come and meet the artist at that time.

She also reminded the Board of the Turkey Carving exhibition by the Poultry Science Club which will be held in the Student Center Rouser Room on November 27 at 12:00 noon.

Games and Outings - John Butle r

This weekend the "roll-off" will begin to select a bowling team for the St. Paul Campus. The starting fee will be$2 and the fee for the top 16 finalists will be $4. This money will help to pay for trophies for the winners.

Motion X -21: Mr. Butler moved that the Board approve Clint Wilson as chairman of the committee in charge of organizing the bowling team. Seconded. Motion carried.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz reminded the Board of the Evening of Mozart program which will be held this coming Sunday, November 17, at 8:00 p.m. in the Student Center North Star Ballroom. Coffee will be served during intermission. There is no charge for this concert.

She reported that the Sanka Seminar programs are pro - gressing satisfactorily.

International Students - Mike Mortensson

Motion X-22: Mr. Mortensson moved that the Board approve an addition to the Fall Quarter Calendar to include a slide program featuring slides of Great Britain to be held on Tuesday, Novem- ber 26 at 12:00 noon in the Student Center. Seconded. Motion

carried. -5

Music . and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen again called the Board's attention to the forth- coming musical presentations on the St. Paul Campus. These are the Gershwin-Kern Concert, Evening of Mozart and an appearance of the University of Minne sota Concert Band.

New Business

Miss Reese reported that at a previous meeting of the Program Committee the possibility of eliminating the Quarterly Calendar was discussed. She said that questions have been raised regard- ing whether or not the students actually use the calendar for its intended purpose which is to publicize forthcoming Student Center activities. This matter was opened to discussion and Board members expres sed opinions both in favor of and in opposition to the continuance of the calendar.

Mr. Mortensson reminded the Board that the Rouser Rumpus on November 15 will be co-sponsored by the Forestry Club. The Forestry Club will present a skit as part of the evenings program. All Board members were urged to attend.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held Thursday, Novem- ber 21, 1963, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will beavailable inthe North Star Lounge at 11:55 A.M.

KM/sm UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Departinedk of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of November 21, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, Paul W. Larson, Keith I. Loken, Keith McFarland, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Ric hard Skok, Lloyd L. Smiths Jean Muy - skens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson

Members Absent: David Kanatz (excused), Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Gue sts Present; tdisses Marvasti, Avh, Mssrs. Lopes, Temple, Dell'.Anno, Ozden, Noori, Donngajee, De, Djen, Bhaskar, Lee, Tom Kupka, Stan Kolstad, Craig Morton, Chfarles Akin, Adams, and Mike Swartz

Business Meeting

President's Report - Richard L. Barnes

On behalf of the board, Mr. Barnes welcomed the foreign and Amer- ican students who were gue sts at today' s meeting.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson reported that Mr. Starr, director of Student Unions is still at Abbott Hospital where he is recovering from a coronary thrornbosis.

The Saturday night movie program in Coffey Hall, sponsored by the Minnesota Film Society, is currently averaging about 100 people. This enables them to just break even financ ially. The group is concerned with the needs and interests of the St. Paul Campus and would appreciate any comments from students about the programs. Schedules for these movies are available at the Info rmation Desk. -2-

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes announced the following revisions in Standing Committee appointments: Twylla Reese from Program Committee to Public Relations Committee; Nancy Nietz from Public Relations Committee to Program Committee.

Tonight Mr. Barnes will be attending a meeting to co.nsider a proposed bi-weekly News Letter for the St. Paul Campusa This News Letter is not intended to compete with the Minne sota Da ily, but will help to pub - licize that news of the campus typically ignored by the Daily.

There will bes no Board meeting next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

House & Finance - David Miller

At their last meeting, the House and Finance Committee considered a reque st of the Skeewaksurs for bulletin board space in the Student Center. They are assigned a portion of the bulletin board located near the Gopher Hole in the Student Center basement. Skeewaksurs will be getting new shoulder patches. The original cost of these patches will be paid by the Student Center. This will be reimbursed as the patches are sold to Skeewaksur members.

The Committee has approved the current list of Lounge magazine sub- scriptions and will add Harpers, Twin Citian, New Republic, and The Farmer.

The Committee also discussed the need for parking directional signs near the Student Center. A resolution will be prepared at the next House & Finance meeting.

Mr. Larson informed the Board that "The Farmer" magazine will be furnished free of charge to the Student Center.

Personnel - Robert Stricker

Mr. Stricker said that he is confident that committee chairmen are preparing their area repo rts as reque sted. He reminded them that these are due on December 2.

Program - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp repo rted that the Program Committee has decided to place the regularly scheduled meetings at the bottom of the quarterly calen- dar. The more important dates will be placed in the calendar as before. -3-

The date for the Christmas Assembly has been set for December 4, 1963. event will be co-sponsored by the Fresh:man Board.

Motion X-23: Mr. Rupp moved that the Student Center Board co-sponsor the Christmas Assembly to the extent that the Board will pay for half of the refreshments expenses. Seconded. Motion carried.

It has been recommended that committees begin looking for bands to perform at the Student Center next quarter. The idea of featuring "old timel' music at a Rouser Rumpus is being considered.

Jean Mu.yskens has agreed to take care of plans for an "In Defense of Charm" self-improvement program which will be sponsored by the Boa rd i.n the future .

Public Relations - Gail Williams

Two weeks ago Student Center evaluation table tents were distributed onthree different occasions. The only complaint received (a repeti- tion of earlier complaints) was that the Student Center Snack Bar sometimes closes earlier than the 9:30 p.m. scheduled closing hour. The committee also considered a petition currently being considered by Bailey Hall, students as follows:

Whereas, the Bailey Hall-Dining Center·-Student Center complex was designed to provide a coordinated living accom.odation for stadents; and, whereas the St Paul. Carnpu.s is remote from other similar facilities appropriate to the needs of coll.ege students,

We hereby petition University Services to adjust its policies to provide:

a. That the Snack Bar, located inthe Rouser Room of the Student Center, be kept open until. 10:30 PM nightly and until 11:30 PM on Fridays;

b. That the tunnel. connecting Bailey Hal]. p the Center Corridor and the Student Center be kept open to permit easy access between the dormitory and the Student Center fac ilities.

There was considerable discussion. Former Bailey Hall residents indicated the tunnel. closing was a hardship. The matter was referred to the House & Finance and Public Relations Committees . -4-

Area Sponsors Reports

Dance . Twylla Reese

Miss Reese reported that all things seem set for the Presidents' Ball which will be held on Saturday, November 23rd. She encouraged all Board members to attend .

Motion X -24: Miss Reese m.oved that the Board approve Jean Vossen as Rouser Rum.pu.s Chairman. Seconded. Moti.on carried.

Discu,ssion - Darrel Rupp

Mr R.upp reported that he is in need of a new chairman for the "Now Hear This" program.

Fine Art's and Crafts - Kathy Haven

Miss Haven reminded the Board of the coffee hour which will be held for Molly Newman on Monday, November 25th at 3:00 PM, Posters have been made publicizing this event.

Mr Larson reported that the Rural Art Show, which is sponsored by the Rural Art Show Com.mi.ttee , Short Cou.rse Depa,rtment and the Siu.dent Center Board is 'in need of funds to meet exhibit expenses. For the first tim.e, participating artists will be charged a registration fee of $2 to h.elp defray costs. Upon recommenchtion by the Uni.versity Admipi stration, the of the Ru,ral Art Sh.ow has been changed to the Mi.nnesota. Town and Country Art Show. This is an attempt to expand its appeal. to Minnesota residents and to recognize that residents from Minnesota towns are eligible to participate .

Miss Haven also reminded the Board of the Turkey Carving Demon- stration which. will be held on November 27, 1963. This event will be co·=.spon.sored by tb.e Poultry Science Club an.d the Student Cen.ter Board.

Games and Outings - Joh.n Butler

Mr. Butler reported that there were 32 participants in the roll-offs which. started the organization of the bowling team. Sixteen will participate in the match-play this weekend and five of these will be chosen to constitute the team . -5-

The design for the new Skeewaksur patches has been chosen. Mr. Butler distributed an old patch and a copy of the design for the new patches. There will be 220 patches purchased at a rate of 32¢ each. They will be sold to Skeewaksur members for 40¢ each. Skeewaksur members have already made up bumper stickers using the new emblem, new flags will also be made using the new design. The old patches will be used to sew on Skeewaksur equipment.

Motion X.-25: Mr. Butler moved that the Board approve the purchase of 220 new Skeewaksur patches at the rate of 32¢ each with any profit made by the sale o f these patche s to be returned to the Student Center. Seconded. Motion carried.

Graduate Student s - Jeanne Muyskens At the Grad Bag Lunch meeting yesterday, the group discussed the use of the Graduate Commons Room in Coffman Union.

The dates for future Grad Bag Lunches will be changed to include meetings on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The Graduate Students are planning a party at the Pinewood Club on Saturday, November 23rd after the Wisconsin-Minnesota game.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reported that the Sanka Seminar programs are doing fine. The committee is currently working on the Christmas Assembly. The St. Paul Campus Chorus will be singing for the Assembly.

International Students - Mike Mortensson Due to scheduling difficulties, the date of the Slide Show has been changed to December 4th. Motion X-26: Mr. Mortensson moved that the Board approve Jan Larson as chairman for the International Festival. Seconded. Motion carried. 6-

Motion X-27: Mr. Mortenssonmoved that the Board approve an addition to the Winter Quarter calendar to include an International Festival on Sunday, February 16th. Seconded. Motion carried.

Married Students - Gail Williams

Mrs. Williams reported that the Married Students Committee meetings are coming along fine.

Motion X-28: Mr . Williams moved that the Board approve the appoint- ment of Mrs. Bob Drew and Mrs. Tom Straw as co-chairmen for the Children' s Christmas Party. Seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held Thursday, December 5, 1963, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will beavailable in room 206 at 11:55


To get re sults through the effo rts of people - -

"(We) have to create a sense of excitement, a feeling that what...(the organization)...isdoing is important. And (we) have to communicate this sense of excitement and importance to...(our people)" --

Lawrence UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of December 5, 1963 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larsonp Keith Loken, Keith Lind, Twylla Reebe, Richard Skok, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Kathy Haven, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson

Members Absent: Keith N. McFarland (excused), Lloyd L o Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy Mac Laughlin

Guests Present: Louella Roberts, Helen Neujahr

The minutes of the November 21, 1963 meeting were approved as published.

Business Meeting

Presidentes Report - Richard Le Barnes

Mr. Barnes introduced the guests at today' s meeting and on behalf of the Board extended a welcome to theme

Mr. Barnes announced that the next meeting of the Board will be the first Thursday of Winter Qua rter, January 9, 1964.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson.

Mr. Larson reported that the magazines which will be added to the lounge have been ordered as have the new Skeewaksur patches.

It wa s announced today that Mrs. Helen Neujahr will soon be leaving her position as Student Center receptionist in order to devote full time to her family. Mr. Larson expressed appreciation for the excellent service which Mrs. Neujahr has given during her employ- ment at the Student Center . On behalf of the Board he extended a word of thanks to her and asserted that her helpful assistance would be missed by both students and staff. -2-

Program Consultant's Report - Mary Ellen Farley

Miss Faricy asked Board members who have Event Reports due to return them to the office as soon as possible.

She commented that during Fall Quarter, tile Program Committee discussed the program needs on the campus without specifying a line of action to be taken to meet the needs. She hoped that during Winter Qua rter some of the identified "need-meeting" programs wou.ld be actualized.

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes announced that the Board will make coffee ava ilable during Finals Week for students wi. shing to obtain it after the Snack Bar facilities are closed. One hundred cups of coffee have been ordered for Friday, December 6, to be served from 9:30 PM to 10:45 PM. This will be paid for out of the Student Center budget and will be done on an experimental. basis. Publicity will precede this event and an effort will be made to make students aware fo the fact that this service is being provided by the Student Center Board of Governors.

House & Finance Committee Report - David Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that House & Finance Committee members will be advised of the date of their next meeting as soon as the time ha, s been decided.

Program. Committee R,eport = Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp reported that at the last meeting of the Program Commit- tee members considered the possibilities for participating on an

organizational level in. Winter WeekI--C:C-iklu. activities on the Minneapolis ca.mpus . It was decided tolimit involvement tothe extent of offer- ing Student Center contact ta.ble facilities for sale of tickets, since this seemed to be a majo-r need expressed by the Minneapolis group.

M.r. Robe rt St;ricker and Miss Twylla Reese will be co-chairmen for a Pancake Supper planned for the Rouser Room on January 10, 1964 after the chorale concert. This event will rep].ace the Winter Quarter Open House. Board members will be asked to assist with the work involved in this activity .

Motion X-29: Miss Reese moved that the Winter Semi-Formal Dance be changed-= to a Valentines Day Party to be held on February 14, 1964. This will be a dress-up dance with a band , Seconded. Motion carried.

January 13 to 18 ha, s been named International Emphasis Week at -3-

the University. During this time speakers will be available to speak to student on various international activities.

Motion X-30: Mr. Rupp moved that additions be made to the Winter Quarter calendar to include activities of International Emphasis Week with the possibility of having speakers appear at the Student Center. Seconded. Motion carried.

Public Relati.ons Committee Report - Gail Williams Mr. Willairns reported that Board action will be required in connec tion with the establishing of a St. Paul Campus News Letter which is intended_to better communications between the St. Paul campus student organizations and the student body as a whole. He said that members of the Student Center Board of Governors, Student Council, Home Economics Board, Veterinary Medicine Board, Freshman Board and Faculty Intermediary Board would serve as publishers of the News Letter and would work together to stimulate student interest in it. The Student Council has agreed to supply funds for the first issue and will then appeal to the other student organizations for financial assistance.

Motion X-31: Mr. Williams .moved that the Student Center Board respond. to the need for financial assistance for the St. Paul Campus News Letter to a reasonable amount. Seconded.

Discussion: .Mr. Kanatz reminded the Board that the organization which provides greater financial support will probably exe rt more influence over contents of the New,p Letter. He extimated the cost. of the News Letter to be approximately $10 per issue. Mr. Larson suggested that the Board authorize an amount up to a total of $10 to assist with the first two issues.

Motion X-32: Mr. Rupp moved to amend the motion to provide that the Board agree to pay for half of the cost of publishing the first two issues of the News Letter . Seconded. Defeated.

Motion X-33: Miss Ree se moved to strike out the words "reasonable amount" and insert "$10 per issue for the first two issues". Seconded. Defeated.

Motion X-34: Robert Stricker moved to vote on the original motion. Seconded and carried. The motion X-31 carried.

Mr. Williams said that the Board' s attempt to extend the Snack Bar hours would be resumed next quarter. -4 -

Games and Outings - John Butler

Motion X-35: Miss Jeanne Muyskens moved that the Board approve an addition to the Fall Quarter Calendar to include an After -Finals Party for the Skeewaksurs tobeheld on December 13, 1963. Seconded. Motion carried.

Discussions - Darrel Rupp Motion X-36: Mr. Rupp moved that the Board approve the election of John Lesmeister as chairman of Toasters for Winter Quarter. seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

Mr. Hasbargen suggested that we consider evening meetings for the Board in order to allow more time for discussion and so as to not interfere with class schedules. This matter will be brought up at a later date.

The meeting was adjouened. The next meeting of the Board will be January 9, 1964 at 12:00 noon, Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

"The greatest danger in modern technology is not that machine s will begin to:think like men, but that tt men will begin to think like machines. ,

Edward W. Weiss UNIVERSITY OF MINNESO TA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of January 9, 1964 Meeting

David Kanatz, Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, Dave Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Keith McFarland, Keith Lind, Joe Cliffo rd, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Kathy Haven (excused)

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Gue sts Present: Messrs. Robert Standly and Harold Tufte from the Peace Corps

The minutes of the December 5, 1963 meeting were approved as published.

Business Meeting

President' s Report - Ric hard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes welcomed the guests at today' s meeting, Messrs. Standly and Tufte. They are members of a Peace Corps Rec ruiting 06am which will be at the University of Minnesota next week from Washington, D. C. toparticipate in Peace Corps Week activities.

P rogram Consultant' s Report - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy called attention to the Program Summary, Program Budget report and activity committee rosters which were distributed prior to the meeting. She commented that the Program Budget looked very good at the end of the Fall Quarter period. She a sked that any corrections or additions to the Board Sponsors and Corn- mittee Chairmen roster be brought to the attention of Mr. Stricker of the Personnel Committee. -2-

Miss Faricy's comments on the Quarterly Report were: "The number of students who respond to our activities is one means of evaluating our programming work. Noting the de- crease in program attendance for the Summer and Fall Quarter periods this academic year from the same periods for last year, it appears on first glance that we may have failed somewhere along the line. I must report, however, that the reduction of the number of musical noon hour programs, the cancellation of programs due to the death of President Kennedy and the discontinuance of the SCBOG program for the orientation of Freshmen account for nearly 2/3 of the attendance decrease. I am confident that the Program Committee will evaluate last quarter' s activities and make plans for improving our program- ming efforts."

Director' s Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson reminded the Board that last quarter the St. Paul Campus Food Service department reported inability to provide banquet service during vacation periods because of lack of student help. This resulted in a problem with a 4-H banquet scheduled for Januar·.·. 3 , 1964. After some negotiation between the sponsors of the banquet and the University Foud Service department, the banquet was served as scheduled in the North Star Ballroom by importing four student employees from Coffman Union. There is a problem in serving banquets and luncheons during the vacation periods since student employees constitute an impo rtant part of the Food Service Staffs of both the St. Paul and Minneapolis Cam- puses. However, these vacation periods are also the times when the facilities are most available for use by conference groups without interfering seriously with student use. Vacation use also offers oppo rtunity to help finance college union operation during periods when it might othe rwise be necessary to shut down the physical plants for economic reasons.

Mr. Larson reported that Mr. Starr was able to leave Abbott Hospital after a confinement of nearly two months.

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes asked all Board members to fill out schedule cards for Winter Quarter and turn them in at the Info rmation Desk. He also asked that the chairmen of standing committees make arrange - ments for scheduling their Winter Quarter meetings as soon as po s s ible . -3-

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

Mr. Stricker announced that Kathy Haven has resigned from the Board due to lack of time and transportation problems. This leaves an opening on the Board to be filled by a student from the School of Home Economic s.

Program Committee - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp info rmed the Board of two additions to the Winter Quarter Calendar which were made after the December 5, 1963 meeting and which were approved by the Executive Committee. These additions are 1) an address by General Bela Kiraly on February 7, 1964 at 3:00 P.M. and 2) a SCBOG-Forestry Coffee Hour tobeheldon January 2, 1964 at 2:OOP.M. Bothprograms will take place in the Student Center.

There will be a meeting of the Program Committee next week.

Public Relations Committee - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams announced that the Minnesota Gopher photographer will take pictures of the Board next Thursday.


Dance Area - Twylla Reese

Miss Reese announced that letters have been sent to various student organizations offering them oppo rtunity to co -sponsor our F'riday night Rouser Rumpuses.

Dance Instruction for Winter Quarter will begin next Wednesday evening, January 15, from 7:00 to 9:00 P .M.

Preparations for the Valentine's Dance on February 14 seem to be coming along fine.

Miss Reese also info rmed the Board that there is an opening for a chairman for the Leap Year Party on February 29. Any- one knowing of a candidate is asked to contact Miss Reese as soon as possible.

Discussion Area - Darrel Rupp

There will be a Toasters' meeting tonight in the Student Center. -4 -

Mr. Rupp info rmed the Board that the voice heard on the P.A. speaker prior to the meeting was that of W. H. Auden, .poet, who will speak at the Winter Quarter convocation of February 14, at 9:00 A.M. in the Student Center.

Hospitality Area - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz announced that she is losing two chairmen this quarter and is in active pursuit of replacements for them.

International Students - Mike Mortensson

Mr. Mortensson announced that next Tuesday, in connection with International Emphasis Week, a Peace Corps Panel will speak in rooms 202-4-6 at 3:00 P.M.

A new Committee of International Students is being organized. Mr. Mortensson will contact these students today and attempt to arrange for a meeting next week to discuss the needs and desires of the International Student on the St. Paul Campus.

Married Students - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams announced that the Christmas Party held by the Married Students was a huge success with an attendance of 380. One of the co-chairmen for this party will be present at the next Board meeting to give a more extensive report.

Music & Shows - Rudy Ha sbargen

Mr. Hasbargen called attention to the fact that the Music & Shows Area exhausted a large amount of their budget during Fall Quarter. He said that he hoped the income from the LeGault Chorale Concert should help to increase the funds in this budget.

Fine Arts & Crafts - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy called attention to the two fine exhibits now on display in the Student Center. The Second Floor Ga]lery is hosting a collection of oils done by three women artists from White Bear. Tb.e First Floor Gallery has an exc ellent collec - tion by Mr. Phillip Thompson. One of the paintings on display by Mr. Thornpson was awarded first place in the Oils Division at last year's Minnesota State Fair. There were two articles advertising these exhibits in today' s Minnesota Daily. -5-

Special Events - Robert Stricker

The Pancake Supper will be he],d on Friday, January 10 after the LeGault Cho rale concert. It will begin at approximately 10:00 P.M. All Board members are asked to participate in this event. They are asked to meet at the Student Center at 8:00 P.M. A grill is being borrowed from NSP and the Schweigert Company is donating the sausages for this supper.

Games & Outings - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson announced that the new Skeewaksur patches have been approved by the Skeewaksurs committee and are now on sale at the Information Desk for 404 each.

Old Business

Rudy Hasbargen asked for consideration of the possibility for evening Board meetings. The matter was referred to the Executive Committee for recommendation.

New Business

Miss Faricy announced that the Info rmation Desk has a new re- ceptionist, Miss Kathryn Baxter, who was formerly a student in the Home Economics Department on the St. Paul Campus.

Mr. Tufte of the Peace Corps Recruiting Division spoke briefly to the Board explaining the purpose of his being on the University Campus. He said that his group served as part of the advanced preparations for Peace Corps Week, January 12 to 18. They will set up information booths in the Student Center, Coffman Union and the West Bank Union in an attempt to answer que stions and present a realistic view of the Peace Corps to the students at the Unive r sity of Minne sota.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be January 16, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 A.M.


"Tkere are two kinds of fools: One says 'This is old, therefore it is good, 1 the other says, 'This is new, therefore it isbetter'."

William Inge UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of January 16, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, Dave Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, Dave Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail. Williams, Mike Mortensson

Members Absent: keith Mcfarland (excused) Keith Lind (excused) Lloyd L. Smith (excused) Gordon L. Starr (excused)

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Guests Present: Mrs. Beverly Drews Mrs. Delores Straw, Co-chairman, Miss Jan Larson, representing Ke ith Lind

The following correction was made tc the minutes of the January 9, 1964 minutes: The SCBOG Forestry Coffee Hour will be held on January 22, not January 2. The minutes were approved as corrected.

Business Meeting

Presidends Report - Richard L. Barnes A- photographer from the Minnesota Gopher took the Board pictures which will appear in the 1964 Gopher Yearbook. Mr. Barnes introduced and welcomed the guests at today's meeting. They were Mrs. Beverly Drew and Mrs. Delores Straw, co-chairman of the Children' s Christmas Party; and Miss Jan Larson who represented the Student Council in place of Keith Lind.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson reported that Mr. Starr is now recuperating at home after nearly two months in the hospital. -2

Program Consultant's Report - Mary -Ellen Faricy Miss Faricy told the Board that we now have two Minnesota Daily reporters on the St. Paul Campus. They are Bob Trevis from D. T.S. and Anita Thompson from Bailey Hall.

Executive Committee-Report - Richard L. Barnes at their last meeting the Executive Committee discussed the possibilities for holding evening Board meetings. The committee decided against weekly evening meetings for the following reasons: 1) Transportationproblem forsome members. 2) Itwould be difficult to schedule a night which would be available to eve ryone. 3) It would be an additional burden for faculty and staff members to attend evening meetings. Mr. Barnes reminded the Board that they can petition for an evening meeting or an extra meeting and that the Board President can call such a meeting if the need arises. Mr. Barnes circulated a suggestion sheet in an attempt to get ideas for discussion at our regularly scheduled evening meeting which is held once per quarter. The date for this meeting has not yet been decided. Next week Mr. Barnes, Mr. Larson, Miss Faricy and Miss Reese will be meeting with the newly arrived foreign exchange students on campus. The purpose of this meeting will be to acquaint these foreign students with the activities of the Student Center and the Student Center Board of Governors. Plans are still being made for the organizing of the St. Paul Campus News Letter. The committee in charge of this is now in the pro - cess of drawing up a constitution.

House & Finance - David Mille r

At the last meeting of the House and Finance Committee the possibilities of a parking sign for the area behind the Ag. Engineer- ing building was discussed. The following resolution was proposed: " We resolve that adequam signs be provided so that Student Center and Dining Center guests will be aware of parking facilities avail- able behind the Ag. Engineering building." Motion X-37: Mr. Miller moved that the resolution for parking signs be approved and submitted to the proper authorities. Seconded. Motion carried. -3-

Mr. Miller repo rted that the decorating plans for Rouser A&B will be resumed as soon as a new committee member is assigned. An attempt will be made to complete the decorating by the end of Winte r Qua rte r. Mr. Miller called attention to the Student Center press camera and tape recorder saying that these were being used by student organizations but that we had no recorded policy for such use. Motion X-38: Mr. Miller moved that the Board accept the following policies regarding the tape recorder and camera: "The Student Center Press Camera is to be used only by members of the Student Center organization, to include staff members, Board members, and committee members; such users must demonstrate that they are qualified in its operation. The Student Center Tape Recorder is generally to be used for activities related to the Student Center with exceptions being inade at the discretion of the Director. Seconded. Motion carried. Motion X-39: Mr. Miller moved that the Board adopt the following House Rule regarding the display of signs on the exterior of the Student Cente r building. l'Signs are to be displayed on the Student Center building only with the approval of the Student Center Board or the Director when the Board is not in session." Seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Miller reported that the .studying the use of the Photo Dark Room and its equipment. At present the committee is waiting for an expression of needs from campus photographers. With spring not far off, the Board will need face the necessity for strengthening policies for issuing outing equipment. This matte r wa s referred to the Games and Outings chairman, John Butler for study. The House and Finance Committee will meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month this quarter at 3:00 PM. -4

Activity Area Sponsors Repo rts

Married Students - Gail Williams Mr. Williams called on Mrs. Drew for a report on the Children's Christmas Party. The party was held on Saturday, December 14, 1963, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. The attendance was 355. Total expenses were $20.40. Mr. Williams congratulated the chairmen on their excellent program which was carried out with a minimum of expenses.

Standing Committee Chairmen Reports

Personnel Committee - Robert Stricker

The final day for accepting applications from candidates for the opening on the Board is today. So far we have four candi- dates. The Personnel Committee will be ready to present a recommendation at the next Board meeting.

Program Committee - Darrel Rupp At a meeting of the Program Committee last night, the idea of a Computer Dance was discussed. Correspondence has been sent to Iowa State University in an attempt to obtain details about a dance of this nature.

Public Relations - Gail Williams The Public Relations Committee is still working on getting improved new hours for the Snack Bar. Mr. Williams suggested that this subject be discussed at the Board's quarterly evening meeting. There will be a meeting of the Public Relations Committee on Friday, January 17, at 4:00 inroom 102 Student Center.

Activity Area Sponsor' s Reports

Dance - Twylla Reese Attendance at last nights dance instruction was approximately 50 with a balanced sex ratio; a vast improvement over last quarter.

Plans are being made for the Valentine Party. Preparations are coming along nicely. Sue Donsker is chairman of this activity. Miss Reese announced that she is in need of a co-sponsor for the January 24 Rouser Rurnpus. -5-

Games and Outings - John Butler Mr. Butler reminded the Board of the Swiss Ski Swing which will be held tomorrow night, January 18. He is still in need of a chairman for the Billiards and Table Tennis Tournament.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Muyskens announced that there was low attendance at yesterday's Grad Bag Lunch. She expressed the need for publi- city to reach the new graduate students on campus. Plans are now being made for a graduate student party to be held after the Hockey Game.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz There will be a Coffee Hour on Wednesday, January 22 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Motion X-40: Miss Nietz moved that the Board approve the appoint- ment of Pat Motsky as chairman for Coffee Hours. Seconded. 1Viot ion ca r r ie d .

Miss Nietz said that she received a call from Dairy Science requesting a "coffee hour" with us this year. Dairy Science agrees to provide milk, ice cream, cheese and other dairy products; the Student Center provides crackers, cookies, etc. The matter was referred to the Program Committee.

International Students - Mike Mortensson At the Peace Corp Panel held last Tuesday, the attendance was 10. On Tuesday, January 21, there will be a meeting of eight foreign students who are studying on the St. Paul campus. The purpose of this meeting will be to plan a series of international student prokrams which will comply with the needs and desires of the foreign students on this campus.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen reported that there is a discrepancy in the attendance count for the LeGault Corale. The ticket count shows 106 in attendance, but the audience -count figure was nearer 200.

f-- -6-

Old Business

Miss Reese suggested that the Board take time to discuss the results of the Pancake Supper at their earliest oppo rtunity. She and Mr. Larson agreed that the Supper served as a good example for the Board i.h what can be accomplished by working together.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, January 23, 1964, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

FLM/sm UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of January 23, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, Dave Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson

Members Absent: Keith Loken (excused), Keith McF'arland (excused), Keith Lind (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Guests Present: Steve White, John Ganzer, Dan Bodine of Skee - waksurs, Dr. John Goodding for Keith MeFarland, Jan Larson for Keith Lind.

Business Meeting

The minutes of the January 16, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

President's Report - Richard L. Barnes

.Mr. Barnes int roduced and welcomed the guests at today' s meeting.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson reported that the Student Center Quarterly Report re - vealed reduced income in three areas. The bowling income decreased 19%, billiards decreased 9% and merchandise for resale was down 2%.

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes reported that the committee attempting to organize the St. Paul Campus News Letter is having some difficulties obtaining representatives to serve on the Publications Board. He pointed out that experience does not always go hand in hand with long-term availability. He asked the Board for any suggestions which might lead to a solution to the problern. -2-

Personnel Committee Report - Robert Stricker Motion X -41: Mr. Stricker moved that the Bcard appoint Sue Donsker to the Home Economics vacancy on the Board. Seconded. Mot i.on carried. Mr. Stricker announced that the Area Sponsors' Reporcs which were turned in last quarter will soon be returned totheii authors. Be- cause of the importance of these reports, they will be read at the coming Board meetings. Two reports will be given at each meeting until all have been reviewed. When the reports are returned, a note will be attached designating the date on which the report is to be presented. Mr. Stricker called the Board' s attention to the paper entitled "Cues for Obtaining and Retaining Chairment' which was prepared by the Personnel Committee. He pointed out that by reading this care- fully, Board members could find many suggestions for obtaining committee personnel. Mr. Stricker called on Miss Muyskens and Mr. Hasbargen to pre- sent their area reports. Their reports follow: SPONSORSHIP EVALUATION

Graduate Student A rea

The purposes of the graduate student activity area include the following:

A. To aid graduate students in becoming acquainted with other grad students in varied areas of study.

B. To introduce new graduate students into a social group and to help them to meet others on a similar level of study.

C. To provide some organized form of social activity for graduate students.

D. To aid foreign grad students in becoming a part of the graduate group. This area is directed towards all the graduate students on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, and functions mainly as a social group with the Graduate Representative on the Student Center Board of Governors acting as the area sponsor abd organizing the group. Ap- pointed chairman and committees plan the noon "Grad Bag Lunches" and other larger events which are scheduled throughout the year. In the past two years the activities that have come under this area have varied greatly -- and it seems the group itself must decide what will best suit the purposes of the area. During the 1961-62 year, Grad Bag lunches were held every other week and one large event was planned for the year. This event was a formal dance which was quite un-successful as far as attendance was concerned. During the 1962-63 year, many events on a smaller scale (not of smaller attendance, how - ever) and of less cost were planned, being much more successful since the group has such diverse interests and backgrounds; and an activity that appeals to one portion of the group never seems to appeal to the group as a whole.

The activities coming under this area include: 1. Grad Bag Lunches, held once a week or once every two weeks. These are held in a reserved room in the Student Center and vary in nature. The lunch may be i.n the form of a business meeting but it seems more successful to have a guest speaker, slides or a movie and to discuss business at the beginning or end of the lunch hour. -2-

2. Fall Party, held near the beginning of fall quarter with the purpose of acquainting new graduate students with the group when they first begin graduate study.

3. Other events scheduled throughout the year which vary in type from Easual to semi-formal. The dates for these events are set after the school activity calendar is out.

Previous events of this type include: Symphony concerts, supper at a pancake house, informal parties, an ice skating party, bowling, canoe trip (Saturday), beach party at Perch Lake in Wis- consin, and smelt fishing on the North Shore.

Changes made to improve the program this year include:

A. No time or money has been spent on decorations this year since the grad students don't have such time and the decorations aren't needed for many events or for the places we have chosen for our events. The money instead is spent on publicity and food.

B. We are working harder to include foreign students since this group has probably the best oppo rtunity to make them a part of a SCBOG sponso red activity . Although niany foreign students don't feel included by simply receiving a lea£Let or seeing a poster, they do feel included and are inclined to attend if personally invited by someone they have previouslyrnet.

C. The days for holding Grad Bag Lunches have been rearranged. They are not being held the first or last week of classes in each quarter and are held on alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the quarter so fewer sta:lents have cenflicts during the lunches.

The most significant problem in programming for this area is the problem of attendance. In an area such as the Twin Cities the grad students have no trouble finding worthwhile events to attend.

Also, graduate students do not seem to see posters and NEVER WILL DEFINITELY COMMIT THEMSELVES beforehand as to whether or not they will attend an event. To overcome this problem this year (1963-64), we are delivering notices to all graduate students through their departments and are relying on personal contact (rather than solely on sign-up sheets which we still use) to know ahead app roximate].y how many persons to plan fo r .

This group is not an easy group to work with, but is a group which makes any event, small or large, a great deal of fun. I haven't decided -3-

if graduate school attracts students with a great sense of humor or not -- but the sense of humor is certainly held by the group.

Graduate Representative to the Student Center Board of Governors (1963-64),

Jeanne Muyskens


Rudy Hasbargen

The Music and Shows area is perhaps the most challenging sponsorship area available on the Board. The diversity of shows presented under this area provides the sponsor with an exc ellent opportunity to exercise his imagination. The rise or fall of this area will depend on the sponsoris ability to perceive the students' wishes and needs (which may not be the same) and apply this perception in selecting programs which will be valuable to all student s.

The programs in this area are designed to enlighten the student body through both entertainment and education. Some programs are presented merely for entertainment while others are designed to be educational as well as entertaining. Still other productions are presented to give the students an oppo rtunity to participate in the show.

The main three types of programs which come under the area of music and shows are music hours, style shows and talent shows. Let us discuss each in that order.

Music hours are usually not scheduled on the quarter calendar but rather are given on short notice whenever performers can be found. The performances are given in the Rouser Room, and usually last about an hour. The program could conceivably consist of anything from tap dancing to comedy to folk singing; although the latter is the type usually presented. These shows are to give the student a brief period of entertainment and relaxation at no cost to hima There are not a great deal ofprogramming details involved inthese shows. Risers, mic rophones, and pelhaps a spot light are all that isnecessary inthe way of stage set-ups. Someone, of course, if needed to introduce the act and thank them when they have fin- ished. One diffic ulty with these shows is in the area of publicity. Because these shows are often given on sho rt notice, it may be difficult to info rm the campus as to the date and time of the perforn:lance. For this reason, the shows are usually scheduled at a time when the most people are likely to be in the Rouser Room, such as at noon. A good source for obtaining the performers are the "entertainment house S" down town who usually have different groups appearing every month or two. A true extrovert is needed for the job of contacting these graups, for he must enjoy approaching and talking to strange people. A little sales quality is also needed for we try to get these groups to appear in the Student Center at no expense to the Board.

Style shows are usually presented only a couple times each year. The first one is presented in the fall about one week before homecoming, with a second possibly spring quarter. The purpose of the style show is not only -2- to display the latest in college wear, but also to inform the students of proper attire for various occasions. The clothes are worn bythe student models and are borrowed from some cooperating down town clothing store who may also provide a narrator for the show. Since this is usually the first presentation from the music and shows area which is scheduled on the fall quarter calendar, it is helpful to have a chairrnan for this event befo re summer vacation. Like the music hours, style shows are also presented in the Rouser Room, so similar staging chores are required. The style show, however, requires a larger group of personnel. Approximately five men and five women must be found to do the modeling plus an organiat and na r rato rs.

The third type of program which comes under the music and shows area are the talent shows. These,too, are usually presented twice a year. The first one being fall quarter the night before homecoming, while the second is in spring qua rter in conjunction with Minno Royal. These shows are designed both to entertain the audience and also to provide talented students an oppo rtunity to show their talents and be recognized for them. These programs are presented either in the North Star Ballroom or Coffey Hall auditorium. The fall talent show is held in Coffey Hall because the ballroom is being decorated for the homecoming dance. Various light - ing, deco ration and publicity problems must again be taken care of. How- ever, the major concern will probably be over securing a suitable array of talent for the show by stimulating an interest in participation in the show by the students. Then, too, a watchful eye must be kept to insure that all acts performed are in good taste.

Another type of programming which is receiving more and more attention under the area of music and shows is that of evening programs by semi-professional groups. These may range from semi-classical productions of Gershwin-Hern or Rogers and Hammerstein to concerts and symphonies performed by large orchestras. The purpose of this type of programming is to give the student an opportunity to expose himself to all types of musi c. Long-range planning may be necessary here to schedule these performances at a desirable time. With this type of program less student personnel is required in the production, but more emphasis should be placed on publicity. These programs are gaining acceptance among the students and should have a good future for further expansion.

This outline, of course, can only skim the surface of the many possible programs and means of presenting them that the area of music and shows opens up to its sponsor. This sponsorship area is far from being dull and unchanging. But it can only move as fast and change as much as the person in charge of it.

f>. 3-

Program Committee Report - Darrel Rupp

At the January 15 meeting of the Program Committee the idea of carnpus needs versus campus desires was discussed in an attempt to decide whether the Student Center should emphasize t'crowds or quality" when planning it' s programs.

At the January 22 meeting several ideas were discussed as possible future progranis. These ideas included the suggesting of possible speakers, a fashion clinic and a general ttgo -ahead attitude" in order to further student participation. The Program Committee also suggested that the activity chairmen be given an opportunity to attend the Board meetings so that they can become better acquainted with the Board functions and Board personnel. Mr. Hasbargen and Miss Nietz vill bring their activity chairmen to the next Board meeting on January 30.

Public Relations Committee Report - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams reported that atthe last meeting of the Public Re- lations C.ommittee the problem of Snack Bar hours was discussed. At the present time a poll is being taken in Bailey Hall in an attempt to gather student opinion on the matter. At the end of the poll, the nine people who are conducting it will meet to discuss the various que stions asked and to try to determine what the general feeling really is concerning this. The suggested hours are to be open until 11:00 PM on week nights and until 10:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Williams said that, according tothe results so fan approximately 120 out of 200 students were in favor of this.

.Activity Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

Miss Reese announced that she was unable to secure a co-sponsoring group for tomorrow night's Rouser Rumpus so employees will be used to take care of the setup and cleanup and two disc -jockeys from WMMR will lead the evening's activities. Miss Reese is still looking for co-sponsors for three future Rouser Rumpuses.

Game s and Outings - John Butler

Mr. Butler announced that the Winter Quarter Billiards and Table Tennis Tourney will take place next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day. -4 -

Motion X -42: Mr. Butler moved that the Board approve the appoint - ment of John Woestelloff as chairman of the Hilliard and Table Tennis Tourney tobeheld on January 27, 28, and 29, 1964. Seconded. 1,/Iction carried.

The Sw iss Ski Swing, held last Friday, January 17, was a success with 249 in attendance.

Mr. Butler called on Steve White, Skeewaksur President, toanswer questions and generally info rm the Board of the outings activities. Mr. White reported that the attendance at Skeewaksur meetings has increased greatly since last quarter with the current attendance at meetings sometimesashighas 75. He said that about 40% of the members are from the St. Paul campus and approximately 60% from Minneapolis.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz commented on the great success of the SCBOG-Forestry Club Coffee Hour which was held yesterday in the Rouser Room.

She indicated difficulty in obtaining a Sanka Seminar chairman and some of the experiential possibilities o f this position were discussed.

International Students - Mike Mortensson

On behalf of the Forestry Club, Mr. Mortensson presented Miss Faricy with a beard and a skunk ribbon as symbols of the Club's appreciation for the excellent assistance of Miss Faricy in schedul- itig the Fore ste r' s Day events.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen announced that there will be a folk singing music hour in the Student Center next Tuesday at 12:00 noon.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, January 30, 1964, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

KM/saj Encls. (2) UNIVERSITY OF MINNESO TA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of January 30, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul Larson, Keith Loken, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Darrel Rupp, Robert Stricker, Dave Miller, Rud-y, Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson, Sue Donsker

Members Absent: Keith McFarland (excused), Keith Lind (excused) Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Jeanne Muyskens (excused), Joe Cliffo rd

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Gue sts Present: Dr. John Gooding for Dean Ke ith Mcfarland, Jan Larson for Keith Lind, Pat Motsky-Coffee Hour Chairman, and Keith Stengler-Music Hour Chairman

Business Meeting

Mr. Stricker presided. The minutes ofthe January 23, 1964 were approved as published.

Vice-Presidentl s Report - Robert J. Stricker

Mr. Stricker introduced and welcomed the gue sts at today' s nneeting.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson announced that construction is beginning on a new Medical Student facility. Its use will be restricted to a limited number of medical students and the student incidental fee will not be used for its support. Steps are now being taken to adopt a name for this facility that will not be confused with other unit s in the Department of Student Unions. -2-

The St. Paul Campus Gun Club has reque sted permission to bring gun powder in small amounts for demonstrations and samples of guns into the building for their meetings. This is a University approved student organization.

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes presented new Board member, Sue Donsker, with a Board pin and card.

The date for the quarterly evening meeting is currently being decided upon and will be announced at the next meeting.

Mr. Barnes announced that he received a letter from Mr. A Russell Barton, chairman of the Town and Country Art Show, requesting authorization of a 31 x 41 sign on the front of the Student Center building announc ing the show. The Executive Committee decided against permitting the hanging of such a sign because of the resemblance to a billboard. iVIotion X -43: Mr. Barnes moved that the Board authorize the Public - ity Committee of the Town & Country Art Show to use a narrow vertical sign publicizing the show similar to that used last year. Seconded. Motion carried.

House and Finance Committee Report - Dave Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that a recent letter fron Dean Sherwood O. Berg confirmed the fact that directional parking signs will be installed in the near future. These signs will direct campus visitors to the parking area behind the Ag. Engineering building.

Personnel Committee Report - Robert J. Stricker

Mr. Stricker announced that there will be no area sponsorsl reports at todays meeting. He urged that any changes needed by the reports be made now so they may be read on their assigned dates.

Program Committee Report - Darrel Rupp

At the last meeting of the Program Committee it was decided that Noon Movies will be held on Tuesdays in Spring Quarter. The Computer Dance will be held the first Friday of Spring Quarter.

*4402.U - - U --3


The Leap Year Party, to be held on February 29, will be arranged by the Special Events Area of the Board.

Public Relations Committee Report - Gail Williams

Due to the planning for the Inter-Dorm Dance, Mr. Williams was unable to organize a meeting of the nine people conducting the poll in Bailey Hall regarding the changing of Snack Bar hours. He hope s to be able to meet with the se people before the quarterly evening meeting of the Board so that the matter can be discussed at that time.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

Mary Dundas, Dance Instruction Chairman, reported to Miss Reese that the attendance at last night' s Dance Instruction consisted of eight girls and fifteen men.

Miss Reese reported that Sue Donsker will continue her duties as chairman of the Valentine Dance, Trumpin' Hearts, which will be held in the Student Center on February 14 from 10:00 PM to !1:00 AM. Publicity for this activity will be out the beginning of next week.

Miss Reese is in search of co-sponsors for two Rouser Rumpus pa rtie s .

Discussion Area - Darrel Rupp

Motion X-44: Mr. Rupp moved that the Board appoint Wayne Somme r as chairman for the World Around Us series. Seconded. Carried.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker

Miss Donsker called attention to the three excellant exhibits currently on display in the Student Center. They are the IBM Computers Exhibit, the original sketche s of the Thompson Trial by Jeanne Abell, and the watercolor paintings by Marion Ortlof Bagley.

Games and Outings - John Butler

Motio n X-45: Mr. Butler moved that the Board approve a Skeewaksur Swimming Party to be held at the Ag. Gym on Friday, February 7 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Seconded. Motion Carried, -4 -

International Students - Mike Mo rtensson

Mr. Mortensson announced that the International Students Area will sponsor a skating party at Williams Arena on February 15. After skating, the group will return to the Student Center for refreshrnents.

Motion X-46: Mr. Mortensson moved that the Board accept the appoint - ment of Jan Larson as chairman of the International Students' Skating Party tobeheld on February 15, 1964. Seconded. Carried.

Married Students - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams said that the Married Students would like to have a Family Fun Night sometime in the relatively near future. Mr. Larson reported that a question has arisen as to how long the Village Union will continue to operate. He asked that the Married Student Committee consider possible ways to serve needs of married students when the Village Union ceases to operate.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

A Music Hour was held in the Rouser Room last Tuesday and a similar attraction is scheduled for Februaryll. Mr. Hasbargen called attention to the fact that the P.A. System in the Rouser Room is inadequate for programs like this. The matte r wa s referred to the House and Finance Committee.

Old Business

Miss Faricy announced that the cost for installing a temporary electrical cable used for the Pancake Supper amounted to over $40. The extent of this expense is being investigated. Mr. Larson expressed concern as to why the regular heavy duty outlet was not used for this connection® The matter was referred to the Execu- tive Committee.

A few members of Skeewaksurs would like to have their membership patches sold at a rate of three for $1,00 instead of the 40¢ rate set by the Board.

It was brought to the Boardis attention that more than half of the membership of the Skeewaksurs outing group currently are from the Minneapolis Campus. »-_ 5.-2_--24=12- -5-

It was suggested that the Board consider a policy whe rby officers of the Skeewaksur group be restricted to students on the St. Paul Campus.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, February 6, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

Aristotle said----"Leisure is the end of all work.11

KM/jjj UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of February 6, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: .Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Jeanne Muyskens, Darrel Rupp, Robert J. Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Mike Mo rtensson, Sue Donsker

Members Absent: Keith McFarland (excused), Keith Lind (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford, Gail


Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Gue sts Present: Wendell J. DeBoer, Jan Larson, Carol Peters

Business Meeting

The minutes of the January 30, 1964 meeting were app roved as published.

Presidentl s Report - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes introduced and welcomed the guests at today's meeting.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

For the past two years the Board has authorized the spending of about $50.00 for fresh flowers in the main entry of the building during late winter months. Unless the Board indicates othe rwise, we will assume the precedent establishes a policy to do the same at this time of the year.

Mr. Starris recovery is progressing favo rably and in about two weeks he expects the doctor will make a decision concerning his return to wo rk. -2-

Program Consultant's Report - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy announced that the two reporters on the St. Paul campus are doing an excellent job of covering campus news for the Minnesota Daily. She reminded Board members that there is a mailbox assigned to the reporters at the Information Desk. Anyone having news for the Daily is asked to leave their articles in that mailbox.

Executive Committee Report - Richa rd L. Barnes

Mr. Barnes announced that the evening meeting of the Board this qua rter will be held on February 20 at the home of Mike Morten- sson. The Board will meet at the Student Center and leave for the Mortensson residence at 7:00 p.m. of that evening. Maps will be provided to aid in finding the location. The topic s which will be discussed that evening are 1. Are We Perceiving the Wants and Needs of the Students on the St. Paul Campus and, 2. Are We Directing Publicity Effectually to Encourage Students on the Campus to Participate in these Activities ?.

The electrical bill for installing the heavy duty cable for the Pan- cake Supper has been reduced to $31.31.

There will be a Symposium on the Minneapolis Campus from Feb- ruary 16 - 19 sponsored by MSA and WCCO, the title of which is Great Issues in Government. Mr. Barnes encouraged members to attend this Symposium.

Personnel Committee Report - Robert J. Stricker

Mr. Stricker called on members Nancy Nietz and Sue Donsker to read reports on their respective areas of sponsorship. Their reports follow: SPONSORSHIP EVALUATION


Submitted by


1. What isthepurpose ofour area? The Hospitality area of the Student Center is one of the most im- portant. As one of the Student Center brochures states, "Hospitality is the Keystone of the Student Center." It is our responsibility to make sure that all students, faculty and guests are welcome at all n-- --4.--- 1-«42- _4-3=fr«-p-Inin--a-_nu -inifj times. These people are given a chance to meet on an informal basis. Special programs are offe red to enrich campus life. Hospitality means welcoming the entire campus and making sure that eve ryone who wishes

can take part in Student Center functions. 2. What activities come under this area and what do they entail ? A. Coffee Hours --where students and staff may meet info rmally B.Qpen Houses--at which new students and gue sts meet the campus

and the Student Center C.Receptions--which bring recognized talents into the social sit-

uat io n

D. Sanka Seminars--in which instructors are invited to conduct their regularly-scheduled classes in the more info rmal at

mosphere of the Student Center facilities

3. Long-range planning Rec eptions and especially Open Houses have oppo rtunities and prob-

lems that need be taken into consideration.

4. What changes are being made-- A. More Sanka Seminars are being scheduled -- it seems that students and the staff have found them to be very successful. Page 2

B. We are trying to make our Coffee Hours something more than just a "get together" for coffee and cookies. By serving dif- ferent and various kinds of coffee and scheduling Coffee Hours at other times beside the regular coffee hour time, wemaypro-

duce a different result from our gatherings.

5. Impo rtant Problems: How do we get more people to participate

in our Receptions ?

A. Perhaps we need more advertisements - in different places.

B. The more personal touch--each person on Board needs an idea

of what is going on in all the other areas - adve rtise by word of


If we are enthusiastic about Student Center activities, our chair-

men may pick up this enthusiasm, and in turn it will spread to

the committees, and on into the student body.

C. Daily - it helps to have activities covered in the newspaper FINE ARTS AND CRAFTS SPONSORSHIP




The foremost objective of the Fine Arts and Crafts Area is to create

new experiences for the public ; not only students, but the faculty and

visitors who visit the St. Paul Student Center. This area should

emphasize the fact that one never finishes learning about art and

culture. There are always new things to discover, thus there are

always nume rous ways in which to create new expe riences for campus

folk. The re should be a constant search for relationships between

Fine Arts and Crafts and the environments of students. Their voca-

tions, hobbies, interests and curiosities should be stimulated. The

purpose of this area is to provide oppo rtunities to become acquainted with a variety of Fine Arts, to relate experiences to one's environment,

to promote questioning attitudes, and to teach.


The Fine Arts and Crafts area offers exhibits of art, photography,

historic inventions, new processes, guided missile development and

info rmation on various fields such as forestry and agricultural econ-

omics. Also inthis area, members plan the showing of movies and

arrange demonstrations of craftwork or hobbies of interest to campus


For a smooth running area, one has to find people with a definite

interest in the Fine Arts area. A person with an interest in the Fine Page 2

Arts field will do a more complete job than one who is concerned only with the glo ry o f being a chairman.

Long-range planning is absolutely necessary in order to obtain a variety of Fine Arts and Crafts projects. Arrangements must be made to obtain exhibits to display at a given period on the calendar.

Films for movies must be ordered ahead of scheduled showings and demonstrations must be planned long in advance so the people invol - ved will have had sufficient time to prepare.


We are striving to promote a greater student participation in the

Coffee Hours with the artists, the crafts demonstrations, and noon movies. This is being done by more publicity and a small, but potentially successful, "talk-it-up" campaign. Because of our relative isolation on the St. Paul Campus, the Fine Arts people should be constantly on the outlook for something new and interesting. "Some- thing new" is the key phrase under this topic.


In display and demonstration, we have tried to emphasize the

impo rtance to the student o r amateur of acquiring the ability to see

and taste. Our campus personnel has become increasingly aware of

our exhibits and enjoy discussing them.

Fine Arts should not assume that art has little to do with normal

humdrum daily existence or that one must go to a museum or "gallery" Page 3 to see art, nor that one must have some superior insight or talent in order to appreciate, enjoy or understand art. Something eye-catching is the key phrase under this topic.


The majo r problem has been finding reliable people with a definite interest in the Fine Arts area and enough time to do a complete job. There is an ever-increasing constant pressure from studies on today's student. The race is getting faster, thus the time available for extra- curricular activities is getting more limited.

As H. L. Gombrich says, (and the Fine Arts area wishes more people would) we need, "To look at a picture with fresh eyes and to

venture on a voyage of discovery into it is difficult, but it can be a

rewarding task. There is no telling what one might bring home from

such a journey." -3-

Program Committee Report - Darrel Rupp

Mr. Rupp announc ed that he will be unable to attend Board meetings for the nect six weeks because of practice teaching responsibilities out-state. He recommends his brother, Dennis, to serve as proxy this period.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

The publicity is now out for the Valentine' s Day Dance, Trumpin' Hearts, which will beheld from 10:00p.m. tol:00 a.m. inthe Student Center on February 14.

Miss Reese has been able to secure co-sponsors for all Rouser Rumpuses except the one to be held on Friday, February 7. Disc jockeys from WMMR on the Minneapolis campus will be on hand to help rnake this dance successful.

Miss Reese is in search of a chairman for the Spring Quarter Dance.

Discussion Area - Darrel Rupp

Due to an injury, Major General Bela Kiraly will not be able to appear at the Student Center Friday as scheduled. General Kiraly was to have been guest speaker for the Board's "World Around Us" series.

Fine Arts and Crafts Area - SUe. Donsker

Miss Donsker announced that her exhibits chairman is currently visiting the various art galleries in the area and is fast filling the future exhibits calendar.

Games and Outings Area - John Butler

Mr. Butler announced that Bowling and Table Tennis Teams for the A.C.U. Intercollegiate Tournaments have been organized. The teams consist of: Bowling - Jerry Emery, John Woestehoff, Tony Luc iano, Dave Miller and Ron Bushlac k; Table Tennis - B. Rajarama Upadya ya, Steve Morton and Ron Bjornberg. -4 -

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens reported that the Grad Bag Lunches fo r the remainder of the quarter have been replaced with two Graduate Student Parties. One of these activities will take the form of an ic e skating party on February 22 followed by a gathering at the Graduate Club. Tlie other party will be scheduled sometime in March.

Hospitality Area - Nancy Nietz

An effort is being made to contact the approximately 40 artists who have exhibited in the Student Center in the past. A Coffee Hour will be held for these artists on May 6, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. inthe Student Center. This Coffee Hour will beheld in connection with the Related Art Show.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

On Tuesday, February 11, Mike Hauser will entertain at a Music Hour in the Student Center at 12:00 noon. On February 18 there will be another Music Hour featuring Linda .Rasmussen from Hamline University.

Motion X-47: Mr. Hasbargen rnoved that the Board approve an addition to the Winter Quarter Calendar to include an appearance of the University of Minnesota Concert Band on March l, at 8:00 p.m. in the Student Center. Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Hasbargen submitted the following financial report of the two majo r activities of his area this year. The Evening of Mozart program presented in Fall Quarter cost the Board $119.36. The Music Department paid approximately $100 for equipment rental, College Office expenses were about $8.00 and Musicians' Association Trust Fund paid $498. Thus, the total cost of such a concert was over $700.00. The LeGault Chorale, held in Winter Quarter, recorded a total income of $138.00 of which the Board cleared $58.40. The total expenses to the Board for both of these fine musical presentations was about $60.00 for app rox- imately $850.00 worth of musical performance.

Special Events Area - Dave Mille r

Mr. Miller is still in need of a chairman for the Leap Year Party to be held on February 29. The Ira pediford Combo has been j chosen to perform at this party. 4

LUU -5-

Old Business

The possibility of restricting office positions in the Skeewaksur or- ganization to St. Paul Campus students has been discussed with Skeewaksur P re sident, Steve White. The matte r has bee n re fe rred to the Executive Committee for consideration.

New Business

The Board discussed the possibility of closing the Rouser Room during the time of the W. H. Auden Convocation on February 14. It was decided that such action would not be desirable.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, February 13, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 a.m.

KM / saj

"A college union can be a fulfillment of self, but even more - - the practice of democ racy, the working together of people in a joint enterprise for the advancement of living." Porter Butts ROUTE: 1,·I ortensson':3

From campus to Slielling Avenue. Snelling Avenue to Uoiversity Avenue Turn left--- Go to Robert Street St,iy cn R.cbcrt Street (scuth boi,nd til you reach Highway 100 Go east on Highway 100 about 1/4 mile p turn right and go up the hill



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' 1 /4 Mile -A

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1 I L e 1...dota - C j 1-, 1. 4,1,-- - Newspaper box .n./ 1 -U 23 -'

00 Robert St eet

West St. Paul and St. 14'al UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of February 13, 1964 Meeting

ambers Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Jeanne Muyskens, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson, Sue Donsker embers Absent; Keith McFarland(excused), Keith Lind (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford

aff Present: Ma ry Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

Lests Present: Dr. Wendell J. DeBoer, Jan Larson, Steve White, John Ganze r, Paul Steigmeie r, Jim Maleck

*siness Meeting The minutes of the February 6, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

President's Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes introduced and welcomed the guests at today's meeting.

Director's Repo rt - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson repo rted that he had received a note from the Chairman of the Chinese Students' Association stating that the Chinese New Year's Party will not be held in the Student Center this year because of the inability to obtain use of the Dining Center kitchen facilities.

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barne s reminded the Board of the evening meeting to be held at the home of Mike Mortensson Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in place of the noon luncheon meeting. Board members were asked to meet at the Student Center at 7:00 p.m. (map to his home attached to copies of February 6th Board minutes). -2-

House & Finance Committee Report - David Mille r Mr. Miller repo rted that a six months summary of income and expense for the period ending December 31, 1963 indicates that we are about $2,000 behind the same period a year ago. Rising expenses, reduced bowling income and a static student enrollment figure are principle causes. The report will be presented in greater detail at the evening meeting of the Board. Aotion X-48: Mr. Miller moved that the Board appropriate $300 to be used for the installation of an improved speaker system for programming in the Rouser Room. Seconded. Motion carried.

There was discussion of whether or not to appropriate the funds at this time in view of the above financial repo rt. The motion carried. Suggestions are now being considered for the decoration of Rouser Room A&B. Sue Donsker is in charge of this activity.

Personnel Committee Repo rt - Robert J. Stricker

Mr. Stricker announced that Darrel Rupp has submitted his resignation to the Board due to a Spring Quarter class conflict and the fact that student teaching will take him away from the campus for the next six weeks. The current opening on the Board is in Agriculture.

Mr. Stricker called on members David Miller and John Butler to read their area evaluation reports. Their repo rts follow: SPONSORSHIP EVALUATION


Submitted by: David Mille r SPONSORCHIP EVALUA TION


I. This area provides necessary the sensitivity to meet rapidly developing needs of stude nts . It is somewhat of a l'catch all" for activities not covered by the othe r a rea s .

Its function is to provide events for which the established program or calender may not be adequate.

II. Activities include: Decorating the Student Center for Christmas and special events, Leadership Recognition Banquet, Spring Camp for Student

Council and SCBOG, and Freshman Orientation sessions.

The Leadership Recognition Banquet requires a considerable amount of long range planning as does the Spring Camp Evaluation event.

III. There are no major changes taking place in this area at the present time. The joint Board and Council meeting this Fall could be a Special

Event function.

IV. I think it would be a good idea to include a Christmas party for SCBOG and possibly Student Council (joint party) in this area.

V. I have not run into any major problems so far.

VI. This area could also conduct surveys to sample student opinion.



Submitted by: John Butle r SPONSORSHIP EVALUATION


The Games and Outings A rea includes the Skeewaksurs Club, the campus bowling team and other special events having to do with indoo r and outdoor recreation. We try to provide a way for all students to engage in some type of activity "to get away from their books" for awhile and to fill in leisure time desireably. It is important for these people to have opportunity to get some type of exercise. It helps relieve tension and provides a good way to get acquainted with other people. Studies are also benefited because the students feel more relaxed after a good workout on the ski slopes or

in some other activity. The Skeewaksurs Club is currently the largest single activity under the Games and Outings Area. This very active group schedules some sort of activity for practically every weekend. The group does most of its

own planning. Because the size of the organization has increased so tremendously in the past few years we have had to stress more vividly to the members their responsibilities to the club and tothe Student Center. This is very important because an accident could affect the whole organization. Other activities in this area include co-rec nights at the gym and bridge instruction. Co-rec nights are often co-sponsored with other

campus organizations.


'11/ -3-

Program Committee Report - Rudy Hasbargen At the Monday meeting of the F rogram Committee, some of the events scheduled for Spring Quarter were discussed. It was decided that the "Computer Dance" will be held in Spring Quarter. The exhibit calendar for Spring Quarter has been filled and the committee is currently looking for program ideas for the Student Center's Fifth Birthday Party on April 16. It is the intent of the Committee to combine the birthday theme with the Campus Elections which will be taking place at the same time.

£1*ME.Relations - Gail Williams Mr. Williams brought to the Board's attention some of the problems being encountered by the quality of tobacco being sold in the Student Center as the result of a recent change of vendors by the University Purchasing department. The change came about as the result of a lower bid. Effo rts are being made to correct the situation. fictivity Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese Miss Reese reported that she hopes to have a chairman for the Computer Dance by the next Board meeting. A general discussion followed dealing with some of the problems to be expected with a dance of this kind and various suggestions for dealing with these problems were offered. It was decided that the matters in question would be discussed further by the Committee and brought before the Board at a later date. Miss Reese reminded the Board of the Valentine Dance, Trumpin' Hearts, which will be held in the Student Center North Star Ballroom on Friday, February 14 from 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM and encouraged all Board mem- bers to attend.

2222.-2-nd Outings - John Butler The question whether Skeewaksur officers should be restricted to St. Paul Students was discussed at length. Steve White, Skeewaksur President, felt that at least one member of the Skeewaksur Executive Committee should be from the Minneapolis Campus instead of an entire St. Paul Campus committee because of the large number of Minneapolis students belonging to this group. The matter will be discussed at the next meeting of the Student Center Board's Executive Committee on Monday, February 17, at which time Skeewaksur representation will express views on the subject. -4 -

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen reported that student opinion of the Mark Anderson Music Hour held today in the Rouser Room seemed to be most favorable. Mr. Anderson is currently performing at the Padded Cell.

Next Thursday Linda Rasmussen from Hamline University will be featured in a Music Hour.

Special Events - Dave Miller

,Motion 16-49: Mr. Miller moved that the Board approve the appointment of Cheryl Arnold as chairman for the Leap Year Party to be held on February 29. Seconded. Motion Carried.

Mr. Miller reported that the Leap Year Party will have a "Playboy" theme.

Old Business

Mr. Mortensson reminded the Board that next Thursday's evening meeting will be info rmal and members are asked to bring their ice skates for an after-meeting skating party.

Miss Larson stressed the fact that the "Hot Time Skating Party" Saturday night is in need of publicity.

Mr. Larson reminded the Board of the Convocation, featuring Mr. W. H. Auden, which will be held tomorrow, February I4, at 10:00 AM in the North Star Ballroom of the Student Center.

New Business

Miss Reese encouraged all Board members to attend the G.O.B. Spagetti Dinner to be held in the Rouser Room at 6:00 PM today.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, February 20 at the home of Mike Mortensson starting at 7:30 PM. Members are asked to be at the Student Center by 400 PM of that evening.

"Learning takes place at all hours of the day. The number of hours spent in the classroom is a relatively small part of the day. The union can affect this out of classroom learning with marked effect." - Butts KM/jjj

/5-Un I - UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of February 20, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Richard Barnes, John Butler, Paul W. Larson,Twylla Reese, Jeanne Muyskens, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Ha sbargen, Nancy Nietz, Mike Mortensson, Sue Donsker

Members Absent: David Kanatz (excused), Keith Loken (excused), Keith McFarland (excused), Keith Lind, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford (excused), Gail Williams (excused)

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Iiathy MacLaughlin

Business Meeting

The meeting was called to order at the home of Mike Mortensson at 7:45 Bm. The minutes of the February 13, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson announced that Mr. Starr hopes to be returning to his desk at Coffman Union on March 2.

A financial report of games operation from July 1 to February 9, 1964 shows a bowling decline from $14.00 to $11,933 (about 16%) compared to the same period a year ago. The billiards and Information Desk figure s are almo st unchanged from last year.

Executive Committee Repo rt - Richard L. Barnes

&[otion X -50: Mr. Stricker moved that the Board approve the following policy for election of officers for the Skeewaksur organization: A majority of the members of the Skeewaksurs' Excutive Committee to include the President and the Vice President shall be students registered on the St. Paul Campus. Seconded. Motion carried. ro

Mr. Barnes reported that a proposed constitution has been drawn up for the new St. Paul Campus News Letter organization.

House & Finance Committee Report - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reviewed the Income and Expense Summary for the last six month period, pointing out the fact that the bowling decline accounts for a decline in revenue.

Program Committee Report - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen reported that the Program Committee has decided to remove que stions regarding race and religion from the questionaires for the "Computer Dance". A discussion of the dance followed during which the Board considered problems which could arise.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area Report - Twylla Reese

Motion X-51: Miss Reese moved that the Board approve the appointment of Gene Lorenson and Nancy Glass as co-chairmen of the "Computer Dance". Seconded. Motion carried.

Miss Reese announced that the Valentine Dance, Trumpin' Hearts, was very successful. The attendance was about 140 and the Student Center subsidy was about $80.

The Rouser Rumpus on Friday, February 21, will be sponsored by Student Center Board, D.T.S. and G.O.B.

Fine Arts and Crafts Area - Sue Donsker

Miss Donsker called attention to the three exhibits now featured in the Student Center. They are the Ron Anderson water colors in the Rouser Room, Murlyn Stalvig photographs in the first floor corridor and Jerry Rudquist abstract oils in the second floor gallery.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

This Saturday, February 22, the graduate students will have a skating party at William's Arena from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. -3-

From 9:30 p.m. to 12:00 midnight they will be entertained at a party at the Graduate Club. Miss Muyskens reported that the publicity for this event is good and sh& is anticipating high attendance.

Ho spitality A rea - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz reported that the Student Center Board will co -sponsor a Coffee Hour with the Dairy Science Club next Wednesday, February 26, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. This event will be held in the P.ouser Room.

Miss Nietz reported that from now on the Sanka Seminars will be serviced by Food Service employees. This service will cost the Board $1.00 extra per Sanka Seminar.

International Students - Mike Mortensson

Mr. bio rtensson reported that the "Hot Time Skating Party", held on February 15, was very successful. About 60 people attended the party which included ice skating at Williams s Arena and dancing in the Student Center ballroom. The cost of the party was approximately $18.00.

Special Events - David Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that the publicity for the Leap Year Party should be up by the first part of next week,

The W. H. Auden Convocation wasa success. Itenjoyed full house attendance and great student interest. Mr. Miller attributed much of this success to the excellent publicity work done on this event./

New Business

Mr. Miller asked that the Board consider including a member-at-large as a permanent position on the Board. He said that such a position would give additional stude nts an opportunity to serve on the Board and would give the Board a better nucleus with which to begin each academic year. He cited the delay in filling the Vet. Medicine positionas a reason forhavinga substitute available. Mr. Stricker pointed out that the Vet. Medicine vacancy could have been filled within one week of elections had the Board desired to take advantage of existing By - Laws. -4 -

biotion 30-51 1/2: Miss Reese moved that lVIurdine Grunch supply candy hearts for the next two weeks in room 110 free of cost to the Student Center

Board members. Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Barnes announced that next Thursday noon there will be a convocation on the Minneapolis Campus entitled "Freedom in Education" .

Motion X-52: Miss Reese moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned. The Board was convened as a committee of the whole to discuss programming matters. This meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday, February 25, at 12:00 r.oon. Lunch will be available in the North Star Lounge at 11:55 a.m.

KM/ jjj

"An ..... organization should be a group of people working together; not a bloodless creation held together by memos, paper clips, and telephone wires." J. Beckley 1 _.=FLy=27€=ZENE==-3*N-Carannon_.739· -i _ _ _IL C UE - 17- -=-' __ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of February 25, 1964 Meeting

Inbers Present: Richard L. Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith McFarland, Jeanne Muyskens, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Mike Mor- tensson, Sue Donsker mbers Absent: Jan Larson (excused), Twylla Reese (excused), Richard Skok (excused), Lloyd L. Smith (excused), Gordon L. Starr (ex- cused), Joe Clifford, Nancy Nietz (excused), Gail Williams ff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy MacLaughlin

siness Meeting The minutes of the February 20, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

Directori s Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson mentioned the Minnesota Heritage Week sponsored this year by the Coffman Union Board in connection with the University' s anniversary ob-


Program Consultantrs Report - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy called attention to the new items, penny pretzels and "Slim Jirn" Sausage Sticks, now being sold at the Informatiorr Desk. These new items were suggested by a student.

Executive Cominittee Report - Richard L. Barnes

President Barnes announced that he has an opportunity to study in Europe next quarter. Vice-president Robert Stricker will be in Cloquet Forestry work at that same time. The Executive Committee will be preparing a course of action for obtaining new officers if the need arises.

House and Finance Committee Repo rt - David Miller

An enlarger in the Photo Dark Room has been broken. Replacement for it may cost between $75 and $125. The committee is going to see if it can be repaired

CIT-' - -2-

before recommending a replacenlent. At the last meeting of the House and Finance Committee, four possibilities were discussed for obtaining new public address speakers in the Rouser Room. They a re:

1. Two walnut cabinets hanging from the ceiling on each side of the Rouser Room.

2. Column speakers recessed into the ceiling cove. 3. Smaller box-type speakers possibly placed in the ceiling. 4. A portable system specially designed for movement in a cabinet equipped with wheels. It was decided that the metal picture-hanging strips in the Rouser Room would be continued into the A&B sections of the Little Rouser Rooms for display purposes. It was suggested that in the Rouser A &B sections exhibits of student work be emphasized. The matter was referred back to the House & Finance Committee for purposes of determining cost. No decision has been reached concerning the possibility of early closing of the building during the summer. The matter was discussed briefly and re- ferred back to the Committee for more study.

E,Ersonnel Committee Report - Robert J. Stricker

1j ion X -53: Mr. Stricker moved that the Board approve the appo intment of Geo rge Peterson to the Agriculture vacancy on the Board. Seconded. Motion carried.

Area Sponsorst Reports

Dance Area - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy announced that the eight visiting Columbian students attended the Rouser Rumpus last Friday night. She extended her thanks to Mr. Barnes for his part in making the evening enjoyable for them.

s and Crafts - Sue Donsker

asker read a letter from Mr. A. Russell Barton in which he ex- hipappreciation to the Student Center and the Board for their -3-

assistance in planning and exhibiting the Town and Country Art Show the past four years.

'1 Miss Donsker reminded the group of the Ukrainian Egg Exhibit to be held on March 9.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Muyskens announced that last Saturday' s Graduate Student Skating Party was very successful with about 65 people in attendance.

Hospitality - Mary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy reminded the Board of the Dairy Science - Student Center Board Milk, Cheese, Crackers and Cookie Hour to be held on Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:30 P.M.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen announced an appearance of the University of Minnesota Concert Band on Sunday, March 1, in the North Star Ballroom at 8:00 P.M. There will be no admission charge.

Special Events - David Mille r

Publicity for the Leap Year Playboy Dance Party was out on February 24. It is expected that the party, which will be held on February 29 from 9:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight, should be very successful.

There will be a meeting of the Planning Committee for the Leadership Banquet on Friday at 3:00.

Last Friday, February 21, the director of a Men's Union in Sidney, Aus- tralia toured the Student Center.

Old Business

Mr. Hasbargen inquired whether or not Motion X -51 1/2 was being complied with and was assured that the designated items were being adequately supplied.

New Business The Board was reminded of the Convocation to be held Thursday on the Min- -- . -- 1 -4 -

neapolis Campus. Attendance was encouraged. Mr. Kanatz reminded the Board of tlie Operation Information meeting.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, March 5, 1964, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 A.M.

h.4/ saj

If colleges do not make its citizens effective in community living, it may make no difference what else they do.


r-- - UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors Minutes of March 5, 1964 Meeting embers Present: Richard L. Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Jan Larson, Twylla Reese, Jeanne Muyskens, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Mike Mortensson, Sue Donsker, George Peterson

€mbers Absent: Keith Mcfarland, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Clifford, Gail Williams

.aff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Kathy Mac Laughlin

uests Present: Cheryl Arnold, Don Smith

usiness Meeting The minutes of the February 25, 1964 meeting were approved as published. fresidenes Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes introduced and welcomed the guests at today' s meeting. Director's Repo rt - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson announced that Harold Martinson, Senior Building Caretaker, wl, i return to work on Monday. Mr. Starr has returned to work on a limited basis. Mr. Larson told the Board that at a recent meeting a number of dormitory counselors expressed an interest in having a juke box in the Rouser Room. It was their opinion that it would add to an increased use of the Student Center for their residents. The proposal was referred to the House and Finance Committee. The counselors also felt that the Board should expect a maximun effort in Fall Quarter to extablish habitual use of the Student Center for dorm- itory freshmen. There has been reported some recent violation of the no-eating rule in the Lounge. A renewed educational program is called for. We will begin by replacing the lisuggestive" sign which recently disappeared. -2

Executive Committee Repo rt - Ric hard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes presented a Board card and key to new member, George Pederson.

Mr. Barnes announced that in case of a sudden departure by the Vice President and President the Board's secretary, Twylla Reese, will preside at the meeting for election of new officers. At the last meeting of the Executive Committee, the one dollar filing fee for openings on the Board was discussed. It was the general feeling of the Committee that this fee was not necessary since the money was not actually needed for conducting elections.

Notion X-54: Mr. Stricker moved that the Board request the elections committee to discontinue a filing fee for Board positions at the Spring elections.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Qualified candidates for Board membership should be encouraged to file for Spring elections.

House and Finance Committee - David Mille r

Mr. Miller announced that the e stimate is not yet available for repair of the Photo Dark Room equipment. There has been no further progress to report regarding new speakers for the Rouser Room. We are waiting for the Audio Visual department to act. The cost of installing the display channels for changeable exhibits in Rouser Rooms A&Bis approximately $400. The breakdown of this cost is as follows: labor cost for one day for one man to remove the wooden panels, $35; cost of replacing panels, $140; cost of processing metal strips, $100; cost of installing hardware, $125; There could also be an additional expense of $100 for the covering of unattractive screw heads in the Rouser Room exhibit channels. Thus, the total cost would be approximately $500. This will be discussed again in the House and Finance Committee in an attempt to bring a motion before the Board at the next meeting.

Program Committee Repo rt - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen distributed schedules for Spring Quarter and led the group in a discussion of the coming events.

13 -3-

IMotion X-55: Mr. Hasbargen moved that the Board accept the Spring Quarter Calendar subject to necessary changes.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Special Events - David Miller

Miss Cheryl Arnold, Chairman of the PlayBoy Party, reported on the program held la st Saturday night. She said that the party was a huge success and the band was, in her opinion, one of the best ever pre- sented in the Student Center for such an occasion. The total subsidy from the Board was $4.55.

Mr. Miller reported that he met with Student Council yesterday to plan for the Leadership Banquet. It was decided that the Board would be re sponsible fo r obtaining and sending the invitations, obtaining a speaker, a Master-of-Ceremonies and someone to give the invocation. Doug Hammer of Student Council will take care of the program. Two hundred invitations have been ordered and a list of seven possible speakers has been compiled. The Board will be informed as definite plans are made.

Dance Area - Twylla Reese

Miss Reese reported that Nancy Glas and Gene Lawson will be co- chairmen for the Computer Dance.

Discussion Area - George Pederson

-Motion X-56: Mr. Pederson moved that the Board approve Paul Loomis as Chairman of Toasters for the remainder of Winter Quarter.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Pederson announced that he is working on a series of three programs called "Last Chance." In these programs, three notable speakers will be given the opportunity to speak on any subject for 45 minute s.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker

Miss Donsker announced that John Dobie' s Photographs of Children will be arriving tomorrow for exhibit. The School of Architecture is currently exhibiting in the first floor corridor. The spring live.··f : garden exhibit on the second floor is the work of the Horticulture Club. -4-

Paintings are currently being registered for the Town and Country Art Show which will run from March 11 through April 13. 3M Company will have an art exhibit in the Student Center sometime next fall. There will be a Ukrainian Egg Exhibit in the Student Center on Monday, March 9.

Hospitality Area - Mary Ellen Faricy The Milk, Crackers, Cookie and Cheese Hour held last week with the Dairy Science Club was a hugh success with over 300 people in attendance.

International Students Area - Mike Mortensson Mr. Mortensson encouraged Board members to attend the European Party tomorrow night at 8:00 in the North Star Ballroom. 29tion X-57: Mr. Mortensson moved that the Board appoint Don Smith as his proxy during Spring Quarter.

Seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Mortensson announced that Inte rnational Student programs scheduled for Spring Quarter include an International Festival Preview on April 10, a brewery tour, an International Splash Party, a slide show of the United States and a picnic at Como Park on May 23. Motion X-58: Mr. Hasbargen moved that the Board approve the addition of an Inte rnational Festival Preview at 12:00 noon on April 10 to the Spring Quarter Calendar.

Seconded. Motion Carried.

Music and Shows - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen announced that the attendance at the University of Minnesota Concert Band performance last Sunday was approximately 240. Motion X-59: Mr. Hasbargen moved that the Board approve Linda Krugel as chairman for the Spring Quarter Style Show.

Seconded. Motion carried.

. -5-

Old Business

The Board reviewed the constitution for the St. Paul Campu Letter.

Motion X-60: Mr. Stricker moved that the Board approve the w the constitution for the St. Paul Campus News Letter.

Seconded. Motion carried.

New Business

Motion X-61: Mr. Stricker moved that the Board approve the a of Paul Stegmier as his proxy during Spring Quarter.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Ha natz reminded all Board members of the meeting of Squad on Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM and encouraged all 1

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, Ma 1964, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

KM/sm UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Depa rtment of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors Minute s of Ma rch 12, 1964 Meeting

MEbELEEMEnt: RichardJan Larson, Barnes, Twylla John Reese, Butler, Richard David Kanatz,Skok, Gordon Paul W. L. Larson,Starr, Jeanne Muyskens, Robert Stricker, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Mike Mortensson, Sue Donsker, George Peterson Members-Absent: keith Loken (excused), Keith McFarland, Lloyd L. Smith, Joe Clifford iMf-IES,Enti Mary Ellen Faricy, K.S. MacLaughlin

9222.-pres-ent: Steve White, Skeewaksur President, Paul Stegmeir, Don Smith

82122LMS-elias PresidentLE-Beport - Richard L. Barnes

Mr. to DoBarnesn Smith extendedand Paul aStegmier welcome who to guest, will serve Steve as White proxies and for presented Mike Mortensson Board cards andWas Robert extended Stricker to Mr. respectively Starr who recently during returnedSpring Quarter. to work Aat special Coffman welcome Union.

Eirector,BReport - Paul W. Larson Mr. ·Larson expressed his belief that the art and other exhibits in the building rave made the Student Center the most exciting building on either campus to degreeVisit • The the displayslast few haveweeks. shown He also variety, congratulated interest and the excitement Board on a to job an well unusual done Pointing out that in terms of organization and effectiveness it is the best Board to have served in the new Student Center building. The Ballroom floor shows some discoloration from traffic but unless the Board directs otherwise we will live with it until summer when it will be refinished.Fo r the fi:stThis time will besince more the efficient opening than of the doing building, it during it will the be academic necessary year. to replace a iew miniature boards in the floor . -2-

Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes reported that as a result of Motion X -54, the filing fees have been eliminated for Spring Quarter elections effective this year. House and Finance Committee Report - David Mille r Mr. Miller reported that the House and Finance Committee decided against the idea of putting a juke box in the Rouser Room as had been suggested by dormitory counselors. The reasons put forth for this decision are: (1) Experience of othe r student unions has shown that juke boxes actually get very little use. (2) There are impossible problems regarding volume control. (3) The first $40 taken in each month would go to the company that put it in. (4) Other hi fi music and the TV would have to go. Upon careful consideration of these points, it was decided that it would be be st not to install the juke box. The display channels will not be installed in Rouser Rooms A&B because of the $400 expense. The committee decided to wait and see how the campus population increases and if increase is rapid then the possibility will be discussed again. Motion X-62: Mr. Miller moved that the Board appropriate $100 for the completion of the display 'equipment in the Rouser Room. Seconded. Motion carried. Nothing further has been decided on the riew Rouser Room speakers. There is still no available estimate on the cost of repairing the broken equipment from the Photo Dark Room. The directional parking sign and lights have been installed in the parking area in back of Coffey Hall as requested by the Board. The desired cigars and tobaccos are now being received and sold at the Informa - tion De sk.

Personnel Committee Report - Robert Stricker Mr. Stricker distributed a roster of persons being considered for the Recognition Banquet next spring. He explained the recognition code and asked that members consider the names listed and make any corrections or additions they felt necessary. These changes should be mentioned either to Mr. Stricker, Miss Faricy, or a member of the Committee. Jeanne Muyskens will take over the chairnianship of the Personnel Corninittee next quarter in the absence of Mr. Stricker. Miss Reese read her report on the Dance Area Evaluation: EVALUATION ON DANCE AREA

PURPOSE The general function and purpose of this area is to provide entertainment and the oppo rtunity to develop soc ial skills for St. Paul Campus Students.

ACTIVITIES Activities include several informal Rouser Rumpus, Friday night dances each quarter. One Homecoming Dance, a semi formal each quarter, and two or three other large dances each year. The Rouser Rumpus dances are "record hope". These need a committee to plan, organize and supervise the evening. This includes finding entertainment for the evening, if there is to be any. The area sponsor must find a general chairman for this series of dances. The other dances each need a general chairman who in turn has a committee working under him on decorations, program, entertainment, tickets, publicity, and refresh-

ments. Thi s area also includes a dance instruction program for which there is also needed a general chairman who can attend the classes and expedite arrange-

rnents. All of these activites require long range planning so that adequate publicity can be obtained. Probably dance instruction could get by with the lea st publicity, however it is also the activity for which it is most difficult to find a good chair-


k -2-

CHANGES The only real changes being made in the area come in the kind of dances scheduled. The types change from year to year. This year we are having a leap year dance, a computer dance, and are repeating a country-modern which was tried last year with great success.

NEW IDEAS We have tried several things in the dance instruction area including posters and announcements at Rouser Rumpus parties. However we have found that personal contact is most important and the chairman chosen should be an outgoing person who knows many students and one who has a real interest in the area. V/e have also found that having organizations co-sponsor the Rouser Rumpus dances is most successful. They are able to get their name before the campus and it eliminates our needing staff to set up and clean up there by conserving


MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM Finding chairman who have the ability, the interest and the time to devote to their area. Many are interested but do not have the ability in that particular area and the job done is then lacking. Time required is mo st often the greatest problem. -3-

Program Committee - Rudy Hasbargen There was no meeting of the Program Committee last week. Public Relations Committee Report - Gail Williams Mr. Williams read a news report from another university union as an example of the complications which can result when there is a lack of adequate student- Faculty administration communication. He commented that the Board provides a good communications link for student-faculty relationships on our compus. "Gritch Weeks' will be featured on the back of the Spring Quarter calendar. Mr. Williams reported on a proposed Department of Student Unions Newsletter . It is currently stymied by publication costs.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese The Dance Instruction class had a party last week along with their regular lessons. The questionnaires have been distributed for the Computer Dance. Miss Reese expressed some problems she is encountering .with the committee in charge of this event. The publicity so far has not been as good as it should be. She asked for the assistance of the living group organizations in publicizing this dance. Mary Ellen Faricy extended special thanks to Kathy Baxter, Syndi MacLaughlin, Rudy Hasbargen, David Miller, Mike Mortensson and the German Students for their assistance in preparing the que stionnaires and handlin g their distribution. Mr. Starr expressed his appreciation for the extra work done by the Student Center staff during his absence.

Fine Arts and Crafts Area - Sue Donsker There was no Ukrainian Egg Decoration's Demonstration last Monday as announced because of the inability to obtain a demonstrater. Instead, there is a Ukrainian display on the first floor. There were over 300 entries for the Town and Country Art Show which will begin on lvIarch 15 in the North Star Lounge. -4 -

Ho spitality A rea - Nancy Nietz The first Coffee Hour of Spring Quarter will be in celebration of the Student Center's birthday on April 16.

International Students Area - Mike Mortensson The European Party held last Friday night was a huge success. Approxi- mately 500 people attended the program and about 300 were at the dance. The buffet lunch in the second floor corridor was beautifully arranged. On Friday from 3:00 to 4:30 PM, there will be graduation exercises for the European Students in the North Star Ballroom. Board members were encouraged to attend this event.

Married Students Area - Gail Williams The Married Students Area is planning a lecture on interior decorating in Spring Quarter. The lecture will be followed by a tour of some home s in the St. Anthony Park area. Miss Ludwig of the Home Economics Department will be asked to assist in this program.

Special Events Area - David Mille r Speakers for the Recognition Banquet will be Dr. Rose and Dr. Goodding. Music will be provided by Jan Gauthier, and either Dave Miller or Doug Hammer will act as Master-of-Ceremonies.

Old Business Mr. Larson announced that a new sign has been ordered for the lounge to re-inforce the "no eating"rule.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, April 2, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

"When basic human values and rights are at stake- social justice and freedom of speech-leaders must lead wherever they are, and this include s us in our strategic and crucial role of leaders in student life and thought. " Butts


j UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of April 2, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Richa rd L. Barnes, John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith McFarland, Sue Donsker, Rudy Hasbargen, Keith Lind, David L. Miller, Jeanne Muyskens, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Don Smith, Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr, Paul Stegmier, Gail Williams

-Members Absent: Joe Clifford

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin guests Present: Amil Anderson

Business Meeting: The Minutes of the March 12, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

President's Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes proposed altering the agenda to provide for election of officers early in the meeting to insure that all members were present at the time of the election. There was no objection.

pirector's Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson reported that a new University food servide policy was unde r consideration and had been distributed to members of the Coffman Union Board last Tuesdaf He said that he would attempt to secure copies of this publication for members of the Student Center Board because some of its provisions would affect use of the Center'.6 facilities by student, faculty, and outside organizations The Indo -American Club is celebrating their anniversary in the Ballroom Sunday but are having to prepare their food at the Wesley House and U.C.C.F. House.

Program Consultant's Repo rt - Mary Ellen Faricy Miss Faricy reviewed the Program Budget Report and the Activity Summary Report which were distributed before the meeting.

k -2- She pointed out that the funds in the Dance Area are nearly exhausted and that the dance balance only allows $14.30 per dance scheduled for Spring Quarter. She pointed out that the programming in Winter Quarter showed imaginative planning as indicated by activities such as a chorale concert and an afte r concert supper, international ice skating party, original sketches from a sensational murder trial, a play boy party, a convocation by an internationally known poet and an hour of classical guitar music in the Rouser Room. She said that the programs scheduled for Spring Quarter look equally exciting. The chair called for election of a new President.

Election of President Motion X-63: Mr. Hasbargen moved that candidates for President be nominated from the floor. Seconded. Motion carried.

Mr, Hasbargen and Mr. Miller were nominatedi Mr. Hasbargen was elected as president of the Student Center Board. Executive Committee Report - Richard L. Barnes Mr. Barnes reported that he had received a letter from M. S.A. dealing with their Brother-Sister Program. Interested members were asked to see Mr. Barnes after the meeting. Mr. Barnes informed the Board that during Quarter Break, the Executive Committee authorized the St. Paul Camera Club use of the North Star Ballroom on May 17 for an exhibit, contest and.dinner. Their authorization was contin- gent on the Club making an exhibit or movies available for a student program. Dean McFarland carried out a Board tradition and presented a gavel to outgoing President, Richard Barnes, as an expression of the Board's appreciation for his leadership.

House & Finance Committee - David L. Miller Mr. Miller announced that the new speakers for the Rouser Room soon will be installed. The next meeting of the House & Finance Committee will be at 4:00 PM Monday in Mr. Larson's office. -3-

Personnel Committee - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Muyskens reported that filings are now open for Spring Quarter elections. Persons interested in filing for the Board are asked to fill in a form at the Info rmation Desk for an interview and then file in the Student Activities Bureau office. There will be a briefing seminar for Board applicants on April 9, 1964 in the Student Center at 7 PM. At the last Board meeting, a list of tentative students to be recognized at the Leadership Banquet was distributed. Members were asked to consider these names carefully and submit any additions or corrections to either Miss Muyskens or Miss Faricy. Miss Muyskens asked members of the Personnel Committee to meet briefly with her after the meeting to schedule the next meeting of the committee. frogram Committee - Rudy Hasbargen ¥999n X-64: Mr. Hasbargen moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Inasmuch as: 1. The location of a polling place for the 1964 Spring Elections in Bailey Hall would seem to give an unfair advantage to candidates residing there, and 2. The Student Center is the natural hub of campus student traffic; Be it resolved by the Student Center Board of Governors that the Student Council be reque sted to transfer the planned Bailky Hall polling place to the Student Center building and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the Student Council.

Seconded. Discussion: Mr. Kanatz pointed out that there is going to be a voting booth (if staffing help) in the Student Center which will be moved to the Dining Center at 5:00 PM. Second withdrawn. Motion withdrawn. · of elections was discussed further. There was general feeling that Lace should be in the Student Center as much of the time as possible, he dinner hour, since the building is used by many students during

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The need for securing polling personnel was referred to the Executive Committee.

Public Relations Committee - Gail Williams Mr. Williams reported that the Hamline Student Center Board has requested a visit and a tour of the building, on April 14 at 6:00 PM. Mr. Williams expressed the need to have some of our Board serve as guides. Motion *-65: Mr. Williams moved that the Board provide underwrite the expense of suppers for Student Center Board members who will meet with the Hamline Board on April 14. Seconded. Motion carried.

Activity A. rea Sponsors Reports

Dance Area - Twylla Reese Miss Reese reported that there are seven dances scheduled for Spring Quarter and only $86.75 remaining in the Dance Area budget. However, she ex- Pressed a feeling of value in the dances which took place during Winter Quarter and said that the money spent was well inve sted. Miss Reese reminded Board members of the Computer Dance on Friday night and encouraged all to attend. There are 235 girls and 235 men who turned in que stionnaires and will participate in the matching.

Discussion Area - George Pederson Motion X-66: Mr. Pederson moved that the Board approve an addition to the Spring Quarter calendar of a "Last Lecture" series on April 29 at 3:00 PM, May 6 at 7:30 PM and May 16 at 7:30 PM. Seconded. Motion carried.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker Miss Donsker reported that she now has eight confirmed exhibits scheduled for Fall Quarter, 1964, and one confirmed exhibit forthe 1964 summer session.

Ho spitality A rea - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reported that plans are now : underway for the Student Center's fifth birthday party. -5-

ternational Students Area - Don Smith Pictures taken at the European Party by George Pederson were shown to Board members. Mr. Srnith reported that the party was very successful. There will be a preview of the , Spring Festival on April 10, 1964 at 12:00 noon in the Rouser Room.

Music & Shows - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen repo rted that there were about 250 people in attendance at the preview of Iolanthe which was given by the St. Paul Campus Chorus on Wednesday, April 1, at 12:00 noon in the Rouser Room. He was enthusiastic about the performance of the cho rus.

New Business Mr. Kanatz repo rted that filings were very slow for Spring elections. He encouraged current board members to assist in finding prospective new members, but emphasized that students must be rnade to realize the hazards and respon- sibilities of Board membership.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, April 9, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

"A college union exists to make life the way it ought to be !"


222* UNIVERSITY OF MINNESO TA Depa rtment of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of April 9, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: John Butler, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith Lind, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Jeanne Muyskens, David Miller, Rudy Hasbargen, Nancy Nietz, Gail Williams, Sue Donsker, George Peterson, Paul Stegmier, Don Smith Members Absent: keith N. Mcfarland (excused), Lloyd L. Smith (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused), Joe Cliffo rd

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

Guests Presents Dr. John Goodding for Dean Keith N. Mcfarland, Mr. Bert Atkinson for Mr. Gordon L. Starr, Nancy Gla s

Business Meeting: The minutes of the April 2, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

President's Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed the guests at today's meeting. Motion X-67: Miss Reese moved to accept the proposed Board agenda with the Area Sponsors reporting in reverse order of listing. Seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Hasbargen reported that the first edition of the Campus Currier will be circulated next Tuesday. The Currier is atill in need of the following to staff the paper: twotypists, four people to staple and P.O. thepaper, and tbree people to edit articles.

Directorls Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson repo rted that the Indo -American Club held an anniversary banquet in the North Star Ballroom on April 5. This group was unable to use Food Service facilities for preparing their refreshments and therefore used -2-

kitchens in the Wesley House and U.C.C.F. The party was very successful (attendance had to be limited to 240}, but there was considerable soiling of the wood parquet floor because plates had to be filled there. In the future we'll have to use the Ballroom serving kitchen. This incident is closely related to the Food Service Policy which is currently being reviewed. Mr. Larson said that a staff meeting has been arranged with a representative from the Environmental Health Department to see if a better Food Service policy can be developed to meet needs in this area. Mr. Larson informed the Board that the Coffman Union Board of Governors has voted to close the present Village Union blilding at the end of the fiscal year. The Board will, howevers provide funds to provide study facilities during the final phase-out period of the Village. Executive Committee Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen reported that there will be an election booth in the Student Center, but the Board will be required to provide students to staff it. On Thursday, the Public Relations Committee will be in charge of the booth and on Friday the Program Committee will provide personnelo Mr. Hasbargen reminded these committees that any candidates for re -election will not be eligible to wo rk at the booth. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Starr have invited the Board members to attend a dinner meeting at the Wenberg home on Thursday, May 7. The meeting will also be attended by the Coffman Union Board members. It is possible that the Board will hold it's election of officers at that time. Motion X-68: Twylla Reese moved to accept the dinner invitation from the Wenbergs and Starrs. Seconded. Motion Carried. Mr. Hasbargen reported that Twylla Reese and Dave Miller have volunteered to be in charge of arrangements for Spring Camp. Mr. Hasbargen informed the Board that he is expecting a request from Dr. Sloan of the Agricultural Extension Department for room reservations fo r the first Monday of each quarter for room 202-4 -6. The reservations would be in conflict with the Grad-Faculty Toastmasters who normally use the room at that time. A possible solution would be to move the Toastma sters to room 207 for that time. The respective sizes of the groups make this adjustment desireable.

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Motion X-69: Miss Reese moved to approve the use of room 202-4.6 by the Agricultural Extension Dept. the first Monday of each quarter as requested. Seconded. Motion Carried. It has been decided that the Executive Committee will be responsible for setting up the program for board orientation. House & Finance Committee - David L. Miller Mr. Miller reported that the St. Paul Campus Gun Club has requested per- mission to put a cabinet for storage in the shop. It was pointed out that such authorization has not previously been made. ¥otion 3(-70: Mr. Miller moved that the Board authorize the St. Paul Campus Gun Club storage space in the Shop (room 1) for an equipment cabinet with the following provisions: 1) No gunpowder storage in cabinet or Shop 2) No loaded ammunition storage to be permitted 3) No re-loading practice in the Shop 4) One key for the cabinet to be maintained in the Student Center and limited numbers of keys available for Gun Club officers and instructors only.

Seconded. Motion Carried. The estimate of cost to repair the broken enlarger in the Photo Dark Room is $60. A new enlarger would cost approximately $100. It was decided that the broken piece would not be repaired. The committee will instead wait to see if use of the enlarger will warrant the purchase of a new one. The new sound equipment in the Rouser Room is being installed. The display wall improvement has been fabricated and is ready to be installed as soon as the current exhibit is removed. Personnel Committee Report - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Muyskens reported that the Personnel Committee will meet on the first and third Mondays of each month at 12:00 noon. Friday, April 10, is the final day for filing for Spring Elections. Miss Muyskens reminded current 1Board members who wish re-election to file if they have not already done so. -4 -

The guest list for the Leadership Banquet was reviewed again. Miss Muyskens asked for Board approval of the list before the end of the meeting.

Program Committee - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reminded the Board of the following programs which are scheduled for Spring Quarter: Doc Evans on April 17, Book exhibit in honor of Library week April 10-18, and the Spring Quarter Style Show on April 24 featuring fashions from Theodors of the Har Mar Mall. Miss Nietz briefly explained the American Brother-Sister Program and encouraged Board members to take part in this oppo rtunity to improve their own understanding of International activities and promote international good Will.

Public Relations Committee - Gail Williams Mr. Williams repo rted that the Hamline Board will be having dinner in Rouser Room B on Tuesday, April 14, at 6:00 PM. Nancy Nietz, Sue Donsker, Dave Miller and Twylla Reese will be attending the dinner. After the meal, Mr. Miller and Miss Reese will serve as guides on a tour of the Student Center building. Mr. Williams conveyed to the Board the appreciation of the Indo-American Club for past use of the Student Center building and facilities. The Public Relations Committee will be rneeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month this quarter at 12:00 noon.

Area Sponsor' s Reports

Special Events Area - David L. Miller Mr. Miller reported that plans for the Leadership Banquet are progressing. Motion X-71: Miss Reese moved to accept the final draft of the guest list for the Leadership Banquet. Seconded. Motion Carried. Mr. Miller reported that the proposed schedule for the Leadership Banquet will be as follows: invocation by Dr. Goodding will begin the dinner at 6:00 PM, following the meal the group will hear guest speaker Dr. Rose; following Dr. Rose's presentation there will be a short intermission with entertainment; the presentation of awards.

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Married Students - Gail Williams

Mr. Williams reported that the plans for a lecture and tour featuring Miss Ludwig from the Home Economics Department (which the married Students have been planning for Spring Quarter) are progressing slowly.

Music and Shows - Paul Stegmier

Mr. Stegmier reported that a music hour featuring Fat West has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 14 from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM in the Rouser Room.

He reminded the Board of the Style Show coming up on April 21 and the appearance of Doc Evans on April 24. On April 26 the University of Minnesota Glee Club will present a concert in the North Star Ballroom at 8:00 PM.

Inte rnational Students - Don Smith

Mr. Smith reminded the Board of the International Spring Festival Preview at 12:00 noon on Friday, April 10 in the Rouser Room. He encouraged all to attend.

Hospital.ity - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz repo rted that plans for the Student Center birthday include three decorated cakes and the decoration of the Rouser Room. The gue sts of honor will be Dean Macy, Dean Bailey, Dean Dowell, Mr. Starr, and Dean Berg. These people were instrumental in developing funds for the new Student Center. Mr. Siddiqui of Pakistan has been asked to play the sitar, typical Pakistani instrument, at the Coffee Hour. Mis s Nietz also read a poem which will be used as part of the publicity for the party.

Graduate Students - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens reported that there are no Graduate Student activities -7 planned for this quarter yet, but there should be a program scheduled before long. She also said there is developing a movement to petition the Director of University Athletics to get the gym open to Graduate Students during the surnrner nlonths.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker

Miss Donsker identified the current exhibits at the Student Center. The prints of Don Delvin are on display in the Rouser Room and the first -6-

floor hall, a World War II exhibit is in the second floor hall in honor of the late Gen. Douglas MacA rthur, and the somewhat controversial sculpture in the first floor corridor is the work of Charles Huntington. She also repo rted that effo rts are being made to arrange a co-sponsored program about the Guthrie Theater with Bailey Hall.

Discussion Area - George Pederson Mr. Pederson reminded the Board that the Last Lecture series will be starting soon.

Dance Area - Twylla M. Reese Miss Reese repo rted that she has received some very good constructive criticism about the Computer Dance. Financially the Dance Area is in serious trouble. The funds in the budget are exhausted with six dances remaining this quarter. Miss Reese report- ed that the que stionnaires for the Computer Dance cost more than a band would have.

There will be a Rouser Rumpls on Friday night co-sponsored by SCBOG and Punchinello. Board members were encouraged to attend.

New Business

Mr. Larson repo rted that the Coffman Union Board would like to have a cornputer dance.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, April 16, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in roon¥206 at 11:55 AM.

"Happiness is a by-product of self-respect, service to others, work well done, accumulated skills - - it cannot be bought, it must be earned."

P. L. O. M.

KSM/jjj UNIVERSITY OF MINNESO TA Depa rtment of Student Unions Student Center Board of Gove rnors

Minutes of April 16, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: John Butler, Sue Donsker, Rudy Hasbargen, David Kanatp Paul W® Larson, Keith Lind, Keith - -N. Mcfarland, David L. Miller, Jeanne Muyskens, Nancy Nietz, George Pedern, Richard Skok, Don Smith, Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon Starr, Gail Williams, Twylla Reese

Members Absant: Keith Loken, Joe Clifford, Paul Stegmier (excused)

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi Adac Laughlin

Guests Present: Steve White and Be rt Atkinson

Business Meeting: The minutes of the April., 9, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

President' s Report-Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed the guests at today's meeting.

Directorls Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson reproted that one of the new outdoor signs built for the Short Course Department will be on display in front of the Student Center this afternoon. The signs which is in the shape of a Gopher, will extend a birthday greeting to the Student Center. There are six of these signs in all and they will be available to the Student Center for its use upon reque si to the Department of Short Courses. -2-

Program Consultant's Report - Mary Ellen Faricy Miss Faricy reminded the Board that a number of event reports are overdue and these are needed as soon as possible. Next week Miss Faricy will represent the Student Center as a delegate to the 50th annual conference of the Association of College Unions to be held at Bloomington, Indiana.

House & Finance Committee Report - David L. Miller Mr. Miller reported that the St. Paul Campus Gun Club is starting construction on the cabinet which will be used for sto rage in the Shop. It is possible that this will be installed before the end of Spring Quarter - The next meeting of the House & Finance Committee will be Monday, April 21, at 2:00 PM.

Program Committee Repo rt - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reported that plans are unde rway for the "Gritch Week", May 17 - 23. Some of the ideas being considered are: A Rouser Rumpus in which a complaint will be required for admission, table cloths on the tables in the Rouser Room, Complaint sheets on the tables, pickets, and a large voo-doo doll. Additional suggestions are very welcome. The Program Committee is currently studying the possibility of replacing the paintings in the lounge area. Miss Nietz also requested suggestions for summer programs and passed around a sign-up sheet for the purpose of finding out how many Board members will be on campus this summer. Public Relations Committee - Twylla Reese Miss Reese reported that the Hamline Student Center Board from Hamline University were guests at the Student Center last Tuesday. David Miller, Sue Donsker, Twylla Reese joined the group for dinner and took them on a tour of the building. The visiti rs were very impressed with the building, particularly the Gopher Hole, the exhibits and the Poster Room. After the tour the group held their regular meeting in room 207.

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Area Sponsors' Reports

Spec ial Events Area - David Miller Mr. Miller reported that he has met with Mavis Moen and Tom Kupka of Student Council regarding plans for Spring Camp. It has been decided that Spring Camp will be held at the home of Paul W. Larson on May 24. It is not too late to suggest topics for discusision; suggestions are still welcome. Arrangements for the Leadership Banquet are coming along fine.

Music & Shows - Mary Ellen Faricy - There will be three programs sponsored by the Music and Shows Area this week. On Tuesday, April 21, there will be a Epring Style Show in the Rouser Room. Chairman, Linda Kruegel, is doing a very fine Job in arranging this show. On Friday, April 24, therewill be a Doc Evans Concert and Dance at 9:00PM in the North Star Ballroom. Chairman of this program is Keith Stangler. On Sunday, April 26, the stars of the Perry Como Show, the University of Minnesota Menes Glee Club, will perform at 8:00 PM in the North Star Ballroom. All Programs are free ! MiEEkiE„tude nts - Gail Williams Mr. Williams reported that he is planning a meeting of the Married Students for Sometime this week. He recently contacted sorne of the students and found that plans for the Spring tour are progressing very slowly. Mr. Starr commented that when the Village Union is closed at the end of the fiscal year, there will probably be a greater need for Married Student activities on the St. Paul Campus.

International Students -- Don Smith Mr. Smith reported that the International (graduate) Students are planning to tour a Twin City Brewery some time in the near future. May 8 is the date of the Inte rnational Splash Party. Mr. Smith reported that he has tentative plans and chairmen for both activitie s.

Hospitality Area . Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz rerninded the Board of the Student Center's birthday party thi s afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Rouser Room.

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Eline Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker Miss Donsker reported that she bas made plans..forta...Guthrie" Theitre programs Board sponsored, tentatively set for May 6. Miss Donsker also called attention to the Related Art Show which is on display in the second floor corridor. There was a rather lengthly article in today's Daily about the junk sculpture currently on display in the first floor hall .

Discussion Area - George Pedersan The publicity for the Last Lecture Series will be out soon. Motion X-72: Mr. Pederson moved that the Board approve the addition tc the Spring Quarter Calendar of the Last Lecture Series on May 6 at 7:30 PM, May 14 at 3:00 PM, May 21 at 3:00 PM and May 28 at 3:00 PM. This will cancel out some provisions contained in Motion X -66.

Semonded. Motion Carried. There was an approximate attendance of 350 at today' s St. Paul Campus Sprir Quarter Convocation with Dr. Crowls latture on Genetics.

Dance Area - Twylla Reese Miss Reese encouraged Board members to attend the Friday night Rouser Rumpus which starts at 9:00 PM in the Rouser Room.

New Business Miss Reese led a discussion of plans for the Orientation of new Board members.

iviotion X--73: Miss Reese moved that the Board approve ad addition to the Spring Quarter Calendar of a orientation dinner for old and new Board members on April 30 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This meeting will be in addition to the usual Thursday Board meeting. Seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, April 23, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

"(Quality is that certain something, which if there isn't enough of it right now, soon won't matter because what should have had it no longer exists." C.B. McKeown KM/yjs UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of April 23, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: John Butler, Sue Donsker, Rudy Hasbargen, David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, John Loda, Keith Lind, David Miller, Jeanne Muyskens, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Dennis Rupp, Jerry Schwartz, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Don Smith, Paul Stegmier, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Joe Clifford (excused), Keith Loken (excused), Keith N. McFarland (excused), Ray Muckula (excused), Gordon L. Starr (excused)

Staff Present: Syndi MacLaughlin

Staff Absent: Mary Ellen Faricy (excused)

Gue sts Present: Jane Swanson

Business Meeting: The minutes of the April 16, 1964 1neeting were app roved as published.

Presidentts Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed guest Jane Swanson and new Board members Jerry Schwartz, John Loda and Dennis Rupp. He read a letter of ap- preciation from Keith Hanson, Chairman of the Campus Election Committee, for suggestions and assistance during the recent election period.

Executive Committee Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen reported that Board keys and passes will be presented to the new Board members at the evening orientation meeting on April 30. The ten- tative date for election of Board officers is May 7, the date of the evening Board meeting at the home of Vice President Wenberg. The Executive Committee has decided to refer the Dance Area deficit to the Program Committee for recommendations. Miss Reese has agreed to assume responsibility for the now Board members' orientation program, April 30th.

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Directorts Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson reported that simultaneous with the Student Center' s fifth birthday came a leaky roof as a reminder that increased repair expenses are to be ex- pected now that the building is no longer new.

Mouse & Finance Committee - David Mille r Mr. Miller reported that the Committee discussed the possibility of getting lawn furniture for the Terrace, deciding against it for the following reasons: 1) The area is too hot during periods when such use would be appropriate due to the brick and cement coupled with direct sun exposure; 2) No storage space for the furniture during the winter isavailable; 3) Possibilities of theft. It was the general feeling of the Committee that if the area were properly landscaped as originally planned sorne seating could be useful and the adjacent lounge area would become more comfo rtable. Miss Donsker will confer with Miss Ludwig of the Home Economics Department regarding possible decoration of roorn 207. This roorn was originally intended as a dual-purpose room for checking and for meetings. It's checking use is minimal, permitting better decor. Mr. Miller led a discussion of the proposed 1964-65 budget. The main area of concern is the Program Area. It is the general feeling of the Committee that the balance of revenue-producing and free programming has been unduly shifted to the free type in recent months. Next year the Board should try to increase income from program activities in an attempt to relieve this problem. Members were asked to review the proposed budget and to be ready for a vote on its ac - ceptance at the next meeting.

Personnel Cornmittee - Sue Donsker Miss Don sker read the results of Spring Elections. The following were elected to the Board: George Pederson, Ag. Representative, 2 year term ' Dennis Rupp, Ag. Representative, 1 year terrn Ray Muckala, Ag. Representative, 1 year term Nancy Nietz, Home Ec. Representative, lyear term Sue Donsker, Home Ec. Representative, 2 year te rm David Miller, Forestry Representative, 2 year te rm John Loda, Vet. Medicine Representative, * year term The re are now two openings on the Board. They are a Graduate Student repre- sen'cative and one Veterinary Medicine representative, both 1 year te rrns. Filings are now open for these positions. -3 New Board folders are being prepared. They are similar in style to the current folders except that they are blue. Mothin-E-71: Miss Donsker moved that Linda truegel be invited to the Recognition Banquet and be presented a recognition award. Seconded. Motion carried.

Program Committee - Nancy Nietz The "mixer" to be held on the Friday night of Gritch Week will be co-sponsored by Farm House & Clovia. It was decided that the officiak name of this activity will be Student Center Gritch Week in an attempt to limit complaints to the Student Center. General plans for Gritch Week were discussed and suggestions wererequested. 6.2&2921#ations Committee - Gail Williams There will be a meeting of the Public Relations Committee on Tuesday, April 28, at 12:00 noon.

A-EM. @Ponsors' Reports

Special Ev ents - David L. Mille r Mr. Miller asked for Board opinion on the possibility of allowing the people invited to the Leadership Banquet to bring a guest with them. The matter was referred to the planning committee for a decision. Music_and Shows - Paul Stegmier Mr. Stegmier announced that this is a very active week for the Music and Shows area. The Style Show on Tuedday was very successful. The Doc Evans Band will perform on Friday evening and the University of Minnesota Men' s Glee Club will be featured in a concert on Sunday in the North Star Ballroom. Mr. Stegmier reported that more publicity is needed for these


Danca Area - Twylla Reese

M9119n X-75: Miss Reese moved that theS-conded. Board approve Motion Jean carried. Nevling as chairnnan for the B.trn Brawl.

IBEEnational Students - Don Smith ivir. Smith reported that he has received S.A.B. approval for the Brewery Tour on May 1. Motion DC -76: Mr. Smith moved that the Board approve Mahesh lumar as chairman of the Brewery Tout. Seconded. Motion carried.

./ -4 -

rh afl Granvski as .- Motion 15 -77: Mr. Smith moved *chat che Board approve :... i·Zotion carried. chairman of the International Opldsh Party. Secon Hospitality 1.rea - Nancy Mietz Miss Ffietz reminded the Board of the Related Art Show Coffee H ur on May 6.

Fine £.rts and Crafts - Sue Donsker *tion XSpring -78: MissQuarter Donsker Calendar moved of a thatmovie the about Board the approve Guthrie anTheater aidition on toMay the 6 at 12:00 noon, followed by a lecture by Mr. Bautin from Guthrie. This event will be co -sponsored by the St. Paul Campus 0.'oasters.

S conded. Motion carried.

Discussion Area - George Paderson Mr. Pederson reported that preparations for the Last Laclure Series are progressing fine.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, April 30, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 1- M.

t'A man begins to g 1,0 W when he stops worrying about putting his own ideas over and keeps his min.. open for the best ijaas, no matter whose they _'9.zilbert E. Scheer

ILM /yj s UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors Minutes of April 30, 1964 Meeting John Butler, Joe Clifford, Sue Lonsker, Rudy Hasbargen, Members Present: David Kanatz, Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith Lind, David Miller, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Dennis Rupp, Richard Skok, Lloyd L. Smith, Don Smith, Paul Stegmier John Loda, Keith McFarland, Ray Muckala (excused), Members Absent: Jeanne Muyskens(excused), Jerry Schwartz, Gordon L. Starr(excused), Gail Williams

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

Guest Present: Nick Muley

Business Meeting: The minutes of the April 23, 1 964 meeting were approved as published. Fresident's Report -Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed guest Nick Muley. ivir. Muley is an. inte rn in Rec reation Study. Director's Report - Paul W. Larson Purchase of the large Nordfert paintings in the Lounge is under consideration by a New York city art dealer. hese paintings have been on loan to us from the University Gallery since the building opened. Program Consultant's Report - Mary Ellen Faricy Mr. Paul Granlund, sculptor, visited the Student Center galleries yeste rday. He was very impressed with the quality and quantity ofthe exhibits. Last week Miss Faricy represented the Student Center at a conference at Indiana University held in commemo ration of the 50th anniversary of the Association of College Unions. Discussions at the conference were related to plans for the

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next fifty years of ACU. Miss Faricy obtained many publications dealing with various areas of programming. These will be available to Board members upon request. -House and Finance Committee ..leport - David L. Miller Motion 2-79: ivir. Miller moved that the Board accept the proposed budget for 1964-65 as submitted to the Board at the last meeting.

Seconded. Motion carried.

Personnel Committee Report - Susan Donsker Filings for the two remaining Board positions are now open to the entire campus . Filings will close next Monday morning and inte rviews of applicants will be held next week.

Program Committee Report - Nancy Nietz JMotion 1-80: Miss Nietz moved that the Board approve the transfer of $200.00 from the Special Events Area to the Dance Area to relieve the financial distress of that area.

Sdconded. Motion carried. Miss Nietz announced that plans are being made to hang a banner for'Oritch" Week. Clovia has agreed to co-sponsor the "Gritchnile' Rouser Rumpus.

Public Relations Committee Report - Twylla Reese Miss Reese announced that the Public Relations Committee considered the con- sequences in the area of married students activities as a result of closing the University Village Union.

Area Sponsors' Reports

Special Events Area - David L. Miller Motion 6.-81: Mr. Miller moved that the Board approve May 31 instead of May 24 a s the date for the Spring Camp to be held at the home of Mr. Larson on Lake Minnewashta.

Seconded. Motion carried. Mr . Miller announced that the following topics are being considered for dis- cussion at the Spring Camp session: Role of the Honor Case Commission and The Role of Students on Faculty Committees. 3

-- The schedule for the day will be as follows: Meet at Student Center at 8:00 AM, arrive at Red Cedar Point at 9:30 AM, begin first discussion at 10:00. The discussions should be finished by 3:00 or 3:30. No plans are being made for supper at present.

Music & Shows - Paul Stegmier Mr. Stegmier announced that the two programs held last weekend were very successful. The Doc Evans concert and dance was attended by about 250 and the attendance was 150 for the University of Minnesota Men' s Glee Club perforrnance.

International Students - Don Smith Mr. Smith announced that the public ity is out for the Foreign Students' toui of Grain Belt Brewery on May 1. So far, 13 have signed up to participate in thi s activity. The publicity for the Splash Party is ready to go up and will be appearing sho rtly.

Ho spitality Area - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reminded the Board of the Coffee Hour for Related Art Students which will be held on May 6 at 3:00 PM. Flyers have been made to publicize this event. All are encouraged to attend. Graduate Students Area - Mary Ellen Faricy Miss Faricy announced that the girl graduate students have organized a volley ball team. Games and Outings Area - John Butler MotionWater" X-82: Canoe Mr. Butler Trip to moved Kettle thatRiver the on Board May 2approve for purposes a Skeewaksur of obtaining "White action photographs. Seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Butler announced that a film on skiing and surfing will be shown at the next Skeewaksur meeting. -All are invited to attend this meetihg and see this promising film. 1 -1

Fine Arts and Crafts ·. Susan Zonsker Miss Donsker encouraged all Board members to bring their lunch to the North Star Ballroom next Wednesday noon and see a film about the Guthrie Theatre. This program will also feature a talk by a member of the Guthrie Theatre. The Delvin exhibit, which has been in the Rouser Poom and first floo r corridor, will be taken down tomorrow. On Monday the paintings of Robert Gordenier will be put on exhibit.

The exhibit calendar for Fall Quarter is full.

Discussion Area - George Pederson Additional publicity will soon be out for the Last Lecture Series. The firil lecture of the series will be on Wednesdays May 6 at 7:30 Fivi in the North Star Ballroom. Speaker for this lecture will be Dean Leith N. Mcfarland.

Dance Area - Twylla Reese Miss Reese expressed a hope that all Board members would attend the Barn Era.wl on May 1. This will be a repeat of the Country-Modern Dance which was successful last year. Miss Reese reported that State Department called and asked for additional information on the Computer Dance. They felt that it would be a good way to mix people at social gatherings.

Old Business

Miss Reese reminded Board members of the Orientation Meeting to be held tonight at 6:00 in the Faculty Dining Room. Sue Lonsker informed the Board that an editor has been chosen for the Campus Currier and an attempt will be made to put out one issue this qua rter.

New Busine s s

Mr. Hasbargen read the letter received from Dick Barnes and encourage all to write to him if possible . Mr. Barnes' address in Germany is: -5-

Herr Richard L. Barnes C. Frhr. von Hodenburg 3031 Gut ]33hme bber Ualsrode Germany

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be a dinner meeting to be held on Thursday, May 7 at the home of Mr. S. J. Wenberg, 3200 Sho rev,ood Drive, St. Paul. Board members are asked to meet at the Student Center at 5:30 FM.

KSM / j jj

"Everyone has the ability to o riginate idea s. How do you coax an idea into existence ? 1. Define your problem 2. Get all the facts 3. Try the obvious 4. Let your imagination soar 5. Think about it intensely 6. Forget it for a while 7. Be alert for a flash idea Record it in writi 8. Act on the idea UNIVERGITY OF IviINNLEOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center board of Governors

Minutes of May 7, 1 964 Noon Meeting

¥embers Present: Sue Donsker, Rudy Hasbargen, David Itanatz, Faul W. Larson, Reith Loken, David Miller, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Don Smith, Paul Stegmier

Members Absent: John Butler (excused), E..eith Lind, Keith McFarland (excused), Ray Muckula (excused), Jeanne Muyskens (excused), Dennis Rupp (excused), Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Sta rr (excused), Gail Williams (excused)

Staff b re sent: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

Gue sts Present: Bert Atkinson for Gordon L. Starr New Members Fresent: Jerry Schwartz, John Loda

Business ivieeting: - 0-'he minutes of the 6.pril 30, 1964 meeting were corrected as follows: Motion 2 -80should have shown an amount of $210.00 rather than $200.00. The notice of the next meeting should have indicated a noon meeting on May 7 as well as the evening meeting.

The minutes were approved as corrected.

President's Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen extended a welcome to Mr. Atkinson. A publication was distributed describing the proposed procedures for elections and menibers were asked to review it before elections.

Director' s Report - Paul W. Larson Mr. Larson reported that the work has been completed on the decorative wall treatment in the Rouser Room.

h .2-

One speaker and two cabinets for the new sound system have arrived and we are now waiting fo r installation. F.F.A. delegates made a visible effort to help keep the campus cleaner this year. Business at the Information Desk doubled on Monday, the first F.F.A. day, and quadrupled in the Games Area. Executive Committee Report - Twylla Reese Miss Reese reported that we had received a letter from Dr. Lloyd Smith re- questing facilities for use by the Country-Dance Group. This group is made up of St. Paul Campus faculty. Motion 1-83: Miss Reese moved that the Board approve the use of the North Star --Ballroom by the Country-Dance Group on the second Saturday of each month, October 1 964 through June 1965. Seconded. Motion carried. Personnel Committee Repo rt - Sue Donsker Miss Donsker called attention to the new Board folders which were distributed. There is a list enclosed in each one indicating what is to be kept in them. Members were asked to keep their folder intact. ¥otion 1 -84: Miss Donsker moved that the Board approve the appointment of .Paul Stegmeir and Susan Gundlach to fill the Veterinary Medicine and Graduate Student vacancies respectively on the Board for the coming year. Seconded. Motion carried. P rogram Committee Report - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz distributed a copy of the program budget for this year asking inern- bers to make any changes in the amounts that they felt were necessary or would be beneficial in their areas. Summer Session calendars were distributed. Motion 3 -85: Miss Nietz moved that the Board app rove the proposed 1964 Summe r Sessions calendars. Seconded. iVIotion carried. Miss Nietz announced that she is in search of some Board members to picket in front of the Student Center during "Gritch" Week.

ir... -3 -

Area Sponsors' Reports

Special Events - David Miller Mr . Miller announced that Jackie Leonard will play the organ at the Leader- ship Banquet in place of Jan Gauthier. ivir . Miller requested assistance on the afternoon of the 20'ch for arranging tables and making last minute preparations for the Banquet. Board members who are free between 2:00 and 5:00 PM of that day are encouraged to assist in this preparation. iviusic and Shows - Paul Stegmeir Mr. Etegmeir announced that there is a possibility that some entertainers from Macalster College will be coming to the Student Center within the next few weeks.

International Students - Don Smith Mr. Smith announced that the brewery tour of Grainbelt had an attendance of 19, one of these was a foreign student . The International Splash Party will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 PM in the Ag. Gym. After the swimming party, participants will go to the Rouser Rumpus. The publicity for this event is out and ali are encouraged to attend.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz There were approximately 75 people in attendance at the Coffee Hour for the Related Art students held yesterday in the North Star Lounge. This was attri- buted to the good work done by the committee in charge of the event.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker There were about 50 people attending the program about the Guthrie Theatre held yesterday noon.

Discussion - George Pederson The first session of the Last Lecture Series was held last night. The atten- dance was not adequate. Mr. Pederson expressed hope for better attendance at the remaining three lectures. The rest of the lectures will be held at 3:00 in the afternoon instead of 7:3 OF M , the time of the first talk. .4 -

Dance - Twylla Reese Miss Reese announced that A.G.R. is co-sponsoring the Rouser Rumpuson Friday night. She encouraged all to attend.

The Barn Brawl was held last Friday night. Attendance was 150.

Games and Outings - Nancy Nietz Motion DE-06: Miss Nietz moved that the Board approve an addition to the Spring Quarter calendar of a Skeewaksur outing to the University of Minnesota Arboretum on Sunday, May 10, 1964. Seconded. Motion carried. The Fossibility of sending Skeewaksur representatives to the canoe race on the dolf River in Vfisconsin on Saturday, May 22 was discussed. Unless the Skee - waksurs sponsor this project the Board will not become involved.

New Business

Miss Lonsker expressed disappointment regarding the behavior of and incon- venience caused by visiting F.F.A.. representatives. The matter was opened to general discussion and it was the general feeling of the Board that there should be more organized activities for these young people and perhaps more Authorized supervision of their idle hours. The matter was referred to the Public Relations Committee for consideration.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursdays May 14, 1964 at noon in Room 202-4-6. Lunch will be ready at 11:55 Alvi.

KSM/jjj UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors Minutes of May 7, 1964 Evening Meeting

New Board Members Present: Sue Donsker, Paul W. Larson, John Loda, Keith Loken, Keith Mcfarland, Dairid Miller, Ray Muckula, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Dennis Rupp, Jerry Schwartz, Richard Skok, Gordon L. Starr, Paul Stegmeir

1963-64 Board Members Present: RudyDon Hasbargen,Smith Jeanne Muyskens, Members A.bsent: John Butler, David Kanatz, Joe Clifford, I.eith Lind, Lloyd L. Smith, Gail Williams

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

The Student Center Board and the Coffman Union Board had a picnic supper at the home of Mr. Stanley J. genberg, University Vice-President. Mr. Wenberg spoke to both boards about the responsibilities such groups have towards the student body and to the University. He noted that such organizations egrn a reputation based on the kind of activities they develop and/or support. Although it is tempting to promote or co-sponsor activities which have their appeal in sensationalism because the news media will give generous coverage to such events, student leaders in an institution of higher learning have an opportunity to apply to their programs (and to the participants in such programs) standards of quality which are commensurate with the intellectual level of the University. While the re needs to be oppo rtunity in this community for expression of all forms of opinion, the University is not Ringling arothers Circus and occasionally we have forgotten this in the past year. Dr . Hill raised a que stion about the responsibilities a Board has to the University and to other student organizations in its frequent role of "co-sponsor". A discussion followed regarding campus opinions and programs. Mr. Wenberg said that there is no fear of controversy as such in programming. Controversy in ideas is the life of a University. He said that the union does have two possible roles in pregramming. One£ is to house a program and the other is tc be actively involved in a program. This latter co-sponsorship role has two aspects -. -2-

(1) a cooperative planned partnership as part of a balanced calendar for the Union and (2) a "rescue-type" or "crisist' co-sponsorship role. It was pointed out that if a union board assumes the latter type role on campus, that may come to be its only role, because it both denies to itself a leadership planning role and because students will come to regard it as a sterile organization useful only in picking up what someone else initiates. At this point in the discussion members of the Student Center Beard of Governors left this meeting fo r the purpose of conducting the Board' s " annual meeting" . The 1964-65 meeting of the Student Center Board of Gove rnors was called to order by President, Rudy Hasbargen, at approximately 9:00 PM. Mro Hasbargen reviewed the election procedures and called for a motion to determine the method to be used.

Motion Y-1: Mr. Miller moved that nominations for officers be made from the floor followed by a written ballot to select the officer. Seconded. Motion carried© Nominations for President were opened. David Miller and Robert Stricker were nominated for president. Motion Y-2: bliss Reese moved that nominations for president be closed. Seconded. Motion carried. Mr. Stricker was elected as the 1964-65 President of the Student Center Board of Governorse Nominations were opened for Vice-F resident. Paul Stegmeir and David Miller were nominated for vice-president.

Motion Y-3: Miss Reese moved that nominations for the office of vice- president be closed * Seconded. ivIotion carried. Mr. Miller was elected to the vice-presidency of the 1964-65 Student Center Board of Governors o Mr. Hasbargen relinquished the chair to Mr. Miller.

4- 1


Nominations were opened for the office of Secretary. Twylla Reese and Susan Donsker were nominated for secretary. Motion Y-4: Miss Gundlach moved that nominations for the office of sec retary be closed. Seconded. Motion carried. Miss Donsker was elected Secretary of the 1964-65 Student Center Board of Governors. Motion Y-5: Miss Reese moved that the Board send a telegram to new President Stricker informing him of his election. Seconded. Motion carried. Motion Y-6: Miss Reese moved that the Secretary send a thank-you note to the #enbergs and Starrs for thbir hospitality. Secon

Motion Y-7: Miss Reese moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, May 14, 1964, at 12:00 noon. Lunch will be available in room 206 at 11:55 AM.

kszn UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions St. Paul Campus Student Center Board of Governors

Board Meetings May 7, 1964

I. To be elected: President Vice-President Secretary II. Only members of the 1964-65 Board or their proxies may vote on election procedures.

III. Tinle of election: 1. Third week following campus spring elections. 2. Alternatives: a. Hold elections at the present time b. Postpone elections to a date dete rmined by the 1964-65 Board c. Postpone elections pending call of special meeting by the chair

IV. Election procedures: 1. Officers of the Board must be students. 2. The Board dete rmine s its method o f electing o ffic e rs. This re - quires a motion to determine the method to be followed. 3. The alternatives are: a. Nominations by written ballot (primary) with final selection from two highest nominees, by written ballot b. Nominations from the floor (oral) with final selection made by written ballot c. Nominations made by a nominating committee chosen by the Board with final selection by written ballot. (Floor nominations may be added.) 4. Election procedures (according to Sturgis): a. Any number of nominations may be made b. Nominations need not be seconded although this may be done if a supporter wants to endorse a nominee c. A written ballot may be cast for any eligible Board member-- it is not necessary to restrict voting to those candidates who are nominated. d. A proxy representing a member of the new board may cast a vote for that member unless he holds a board position in his own right e. A candidate must get a majority of the total votes cast to be elected. If no majo rity is obtained, the Board inay vote on the two candidates receiving the hikhest numbe r of votes -2-

f. It is permissable but not necessary to close nominations by motion -- the chair may close nominations after a reasonable amount of time has elapsed.

g. Nominations may be made only by voting members of the 1964-65 Board.

V. Name s of eligible candidate s:

1. Sue Donsker 7. Twylla Reese

2. John Loda 8. Dennis Rupp

3. Dave Miller 9. Jerry Schwartz

4. Ray Muckala 10. Bob Stricke r

5. Nancy Nietz 11.

6. George Pederson 12.

P WL/ksm 5-7-64 EXINIVE.RSITY IMF .MINNESC TA Lepartment of Student Unions Ctudent Center Board of Governors

Minutes of iviny 14, 1964 Meeting

Members Present John Butler, Susan Donsker, Doug Hammer, Rudy Hasbargen, Faul W. Larson, Leith Loken, lieith Mcfarland, David Miller, Jeanne iviuyskens, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Don Smith, Paul Stegmeir

Members Absent: Joe Clifford (exansdfU.David Kanatz (232(used}. Ray Muckula (excused), Lloyd L. Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused), Gail Williams

Staff P resent: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi Mac Laughlin

New Members Present: Sue Gundlach, John Loda, Dennis Rupp, Jerry Schwartz

Business Meeting: The minutes of the May 7, 1964 noon rneeting were approved as published.

President' s Report- Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed Doug Hammer, new Student Council President, who will be attending Board meetings for Student Council liext year .

Director's Repo rt - Paul W. Larson A portable public address system and lectern borrowed for use in the Last Lecture Series was on display for Board members. Mr. Larson suggested cwisideration of acquiring such a piece of equipment.

House & Finance Committee Report - David Mille r

ivir. Miller reported that Wade Dickey has suggested that the summer :rate s in the Bowling Alley be adopted ahead of the =ormal summer schedule. Motion 31-87: Mr. Miller moved that the Board approve reducing bowling rate s to 254 per line for the summer, effective immediately. Seconded. Motion carried. 1 2

Program Committee Report - Nancy Nietz Miss Nietz reminded the Board that next week is Gritch Week at the Student Center. A banner will be put up tomorrow and. work onithe "VooDoo" dallcot mascot should be completed by then. All available Board man bers were asked to assist in picketing the Student Center starting at 11:00 AM on Monday. The Program Committee has begun work on the Fall Quarter Calendar. _Motion 32-88: Miss Nietz moved that the Board approve the following program for 1964-65%


Dance $500.00 Discussion 300.00

Fine rts 300.00 Games & Outings 250.00 Graduate Students 150.00 Ho spitality 700.00 International Students 100.00 Married Students 200.00 Music & Shows 400.00 Special Events 600.00 Experimental Program 300.00 Miscellaneous 700.00 Program Support 1100.00 Total $5600.00

Seconded. Motion Carried. Doug Hammer spoke on behalf of the Student Council regarding the date for next yeart s Leadership Banquet. Motionto set 30-89: the dateMiss of Reese next year'smoved joint that Leadershipthe Board authorize Banquet. the Seconded. Student CouncilMotion c arried.

Public Relations Committee Repo rt - Don Smith Mr. Smith reported that the Public Relations Committee is starting to consider ideas for the reverse side fof the Fall Quarter C_lendar. Some of the ideas discus sed were: a diagram showing the structure of the Board similar th that used on a 1960 calendars publicity for Homecoming, a map of the campus for the benefit of the freshmen, a list or chart of services of Student Centers a list of general activities at the Student Center, a tour of the Student Center in the form of a floor plan, Mr. Pederson suggested that a previous format called the "Minnesota Oncely" be used. Three members favored Homecoming coverage. The matter was referred back to the Public Relations Committee for a decision.

International Students k rea Report - Don Smith Mr. Smith reported that between 30 and 35 people attended the International Splash Party last Friday night but there were no foreigh students.

4 -1


Personnel Committee Report - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Muyskens announced that there will be a meeting of the F ersannel committee at 12:00 Noon on Monday.

Special Events Area - David L. Miller Preparations for the Leadership Banquet are coming along fine. moard members are encouraged to come and help with last minute preparations at 2:00 on t'fednesday, May 20. . Miller reported that be has obtained maps to Mr. Larson's borne, the ition for Spring Carap this year. Dr. Hess will be atteriding the Spring ap for a discussion of the Honor System. Invitations will be sent out next

Iviusic & Shows Area - Paul Stegmeir Mr. Ctegmeir reported that on -Wednesday, June 3, there will be a music hour featuring a flamenco guitarist from ivIacalaster College.

Graduate Students Area - Jeanne Muyskens Miss Iviuyskens announced that the graduate students are playing volley ball every Tuesday night at the Et. Paul Campus gym. Graduate Student Activities are being planned either for late ih the quarter or for the summer period when there are not so many demands on the time of graduate students.

Games and Outings Area - John Butler Mr. Butler announced that the Skeewaksurs are planning a parents! night for May 27. Prospective student members are invited to attend.

Fine A.rts and Crafts - Susan Donsker .Miss Donsker asked Board members to take special note of the fine sculpture by Paul Granlund on display in the second floor hall. Mr. Larson cornInented on the many expressions of appreciation he has heard about the quantity and quality of the exhibits in the Student Center. -4

Discussion Area - George Federson Mr. Pederson reminded the Board of the second of the Last Lecture Series which will be held today at 3:00 on the Bailey Hall lawn. The speaker wil be Mr. Frank Greenagel. Mr. Hasbargen relinquishecl the chair to Mr. Miller for a meeting of the 1964-65 Board. The minutes for the 1,/lay 7, 1964 evening meeting were corrected as follows: The name of Susan Gundlach was missing and should have been added tc the members present list.

The minutes were approved as co rrected. ivir. Miller distributed the lists of area sponsorships and committee assignments for the 1964-65 Board, noting that a Commuter Area has been added in place of the iMarried Students Area.

committee assignments as assigned by the executive committee of the 1964-65 Board. Ceconded. MotionA discussion Y - 8: Miss followed Reese regarding moved that whether the Board or not approve the Married the areaEtude sponsorship nt area should and be continued. Motion defeated. €lotion Y -9: iviiss Donsker moved that the Board approve the area sponsorships and committee assignments as assigned by the executive committee of the 1964- 66 Board with the exception of the Commuter Area and/or the Married Stude nt Area which will be referred back to the Executive Committee. Seconded. Motion carried. The meeting of the 1964 -65 Board was adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, May 21, 1964 at noon in Room 202-4-6. Lunch will be available at 11:55 AM.

ICSMiyls UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOT„ Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of May 21, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: John Butler, Sue Donsker, Rudy Hasbargen, David Itanatz, Paul W. Larson, John Loda, Keith Loken, David Miller, Jeanne Muyskens, Cleo rge Pederson, Twylla Reese, Don Smith, Paul Stegmeir, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Joe Clifford (excused), Doug Hammer, 2.eith N. McFarlands Ray Muckala (excused), Nancy Nietz, Jerry Schwartz, Richard Skok, Lloyd Le Smith, Gordon L. Starr (excused)

New Board Meinbers Present: Sue Gundlach, John Loda, Dennis Rupp

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

Guests Present: Bert Atkinson, Carol Peters

Business Meeting: The minute s of the May 14, 1 964 meeting were approved as published.

President's Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen introduced and welcomed Mr. Bert Atkinson from Coffman Union and Miss Carol Peters, a former Board member. Mr. Hasbargen read a letter of resignation received from Miss Reese. Her resignation resulting from an unavoidable class conflict will take place at the beginning of Fall Quarter. The matter was referred to the Personnel Commit- tee.

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson IvIr. Larson commented on the fine work done by the planning committee and those who pre sided at the Leadership Banquet. Mr. Larson informed the Board that Miss Faricy received a staff award All University Recognition Banquet last Tuesday night. -2-

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the Punchinello Players, St. Paul Campus Theater Group. The group will celebrate their golden anniversary in Novembe r when it might be very appropriate for the Board to take part in the activities of this occasion. This could include exhibits, reception, etc o

Personnel Committee Report - Sue Donsker bliss Donsker announced that a poster indicating an opening on the Board will be Put up soon. It was decided that both old and new Personnel Committees would interview applicants for this position. A discussion followed regarding whether the current position should be opened to the entire campus or just to the School of Home Economic s. It was pointed out that the Board Constitution is flexible enough to permit a member at large to be appointed in such a situation but that the intent of the Constitution is to provide proportional representation. The matter was referred back to the Personnel Committee c

Program Committee Report - Paul Stegmeir Mr. Stegmeir reported that the Program Committee is cloing well with the Summe r Session calendars They are starting to consider the major events of Fall Quarter now such as Homecoming Week, an all-campus hayride (a Skeewaksur program) and Fall Open House. Mr. Mike Mortensson has agreed to accept the chairmanship for the Homecoming Dance in Fall Quarter. There will be a meeting of the Program Committee next Tue sday, May 26, at 12:00 noon. New members of the Program Committee are welcome.

Public Relations Committee - Gail Williams Mr. Williams read a resolution of appreciation from the Minnesota FFA Exec - utive Secretary' s office thanking the Student Center for their cooperation and facilities made available to the 137£ group. Mre Williams received a copy of a letter from the Forest Lake Experimental Station which indicated a problem in this group's obtaining waiter service at a dedication lunc heon scheduled for the Ballroom this Fall when Food Service serving personnel will not be available.


Special Events - David Le Miller Mr. Miller thanked those people who assisted him with the plans and pre- paration of the Leadership Banquet a -3-

Mr. Miller reported that preparations are being made for the Annual Spring Camp, but he is still in need of additional discussion topics. The two topics which have been decicled upon so far are: The Honor Case Commis- sion, and The Role of Students on Student-Faculty Committees. As soon as the needed additional discussion topics have been decided upon the schedules will be made up. These schedules should be in the Board P.O. boxes early next week. Miss Reese suggested that an evaluation of Gritch Weekis consequences could be used as a topic of discussion. Mr. Williams felt that a discussion of Student Center program finances would be good. The schedule for the Spring Camp will follow the same form as last year. There will be one joint session (Student Center Board and Student Council) and two separate sessions. A student recorder will be present at these sessions.

Music & Shows - Paul Stegmeir Mr. Stegmeir announced that the Music Hour scheduled for June 3 has been cancelledo The individual who was going to entertain will be out of town at that time, Mr. Stegmeir asked for suggested musicians for Music Hours during the summer sessionse He would like three musicians, rotating to provide a different type of entertainment every Wednesday o

Inte riiational Students - Don Smith

Mr. Smith reported that next Frednesday, May 27, from 12:00 noon to 1:00 PM there will be a Karate Match on the Student Center lawn. The Match will be put on by the St. Paul Campus Karate Club. Refreshments will be served.

Graduate Students - Jeanne iVIuyskens

Miss Muyskens reported that the Graduate Students are still having volley ball games at the Ag. Gym.

Fine Arts and Crafts - Sue Donsker Miss Donsker made reference to a letter to Mr. Gerald ivic-,ay from A/ira Larson regarding Stuclent Center exhibits. A list of the Summer Session exhibits will be reque sted in the monthly calendar published by University .-% ----7------

Relations. r -

Discussion Area - George Pederson 11

Mr. Pederson reported that about 65 people attended the Last Lecture Series last Thursday. The speaker was Mr. Frank Greenagelo There will be another lecture today at 3:00 featuring Mr. Starling Price of the Rhetoric Department. Lemonade will be served.

Dance Area - Twylla Reese Miss Reese encouraged all Board members to attend the Rouser Rumpus on Iriday night. Motion 7-89: Miss Reese moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursdays May 28, 1964 at 12:00 noon in Room 202-4-6. Lunch will be available at 11:55 fulvi.

"Much of what a college union does or can do by way of programmed social activity is done to the accompaniment of food and drinke" Butt s



/»h'. r-

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. Department of Stude nt Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of May 28, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: John Butler, Sue Donsker, Doug Hammer, Fudy Hasbargen, David Kanatz, Paul W o Larson, Keith Loken, Keith McFarland, David Miller, Jeanne Muyskens Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Don Smith, Gordon L. Starr, Gail Williams

Members Absent: Joe Clifford, Ray Muckula (excused), Richard Skok (excused) Lloyd L. Smith, Paul Stegmeir (excused)

New Board Members Present: Sue Gundlach, John Loda Dennis Rupp, Jerry Schwartz

Staff Present: Mary Ellen Faricy, Syndi MacLaughlin

Business Meeting: The minutes of the May 21, 1964 meeting were corrected as follows: Special Events Area - The discussion schedule for Spring Camp will be two joint sessions and one separate sessione International Students Area - The Karate Match on Wednesday, May 27, featured members of the University of Minnesota Karate Clubs not the St. Paul Campus Karate· Club.

The minutes were approved as corrected.

' resident's Report - Rudy Hasbargen Mr. Hasbargen read a note from Steve White, President of Skeewaksurs, in which he expressed his apprec iation for Board cooperation and assistance during the past yearn Directorts Report - Paul We Larson

Mr. Larson distributed a copy E€8*publications, a News Letter from the Minnesota Rural Art Association and an Association of College Unions Bulletin. These publicaions are avai].able at the Information Desk for Board members and the A.C.U. Bulletin will be routed . to all members . -3-

Miss leesa commented that she has heard many good reports on this series.

Lance .Area - Twylla le ess

The Rouser Rumpus last Friday night which -was sponsored by Farm House and Clovia was held on the terrace. About 200 people attended the Lance. Both groups provided entertainment and M. C, 's. Motion D--90: Miss Donsker moved 'chat the Board approve the appointment of Mike Mortensson as Homecoming Dance chairman for Fall Quarter 1964. Seconded. Motion carried.

Music and Shows Area - Nancy Nietz

There will be a Music Hour on Wednesday, June 3 at 12:00 noon. featuring the "Stowaways." It will be held either in the Rouser Room or outside depending on the weather. Motion 1191: bliss Nietz moved that the Board approve the addition of this Music Hour to the Spring Quarter Calendar. Seconded. Motion carried.

New Business

Mr. Hammer asked for opinions and/or criticisms on the first issue of the "Campus Courier" published last Thursday. He lead a general discussion regarding the quality and content of the paper.

Mr. Stai· r announced that the National Etudents Association will hold it' s annual meeting at the University of Minnesota from Augustllto 27. He suggested that perhaps the Board would like to send a representative to this meeting. About 400 colleges will be represented in all.

The John F. Kennedy Library Exhibit will be in the Coffman Union Main Ballroom from July 11 to 15. Mr. Starr suggested that this could provide an idea for prograrriming. The Coffman Union Board has re -written its By-Laws separating the Board into two segtions. Cne group consists of the entire Board an other is composed of the area sponsors. The groups meet alternating weeks.

Mr. Starr consratulated the Board on fine work done on the Gritch Week program.

Mr. Hasbargen relinquished the chair to Mr. Miller for a meeting of the 1964 -65 Board.

Executive Committee Bleport - David L. Miller

Mr. Miller reported that after considerable discussion, the Executive Committee recommends that the Board combine the Maried Students and Commuter Students areas. The reasons behind this are: the Commuter area is really a public relations nnatter and the Village Union is closing so the Married Students area should not be dropped this year . f'\L==.41 Y-10 Motion 1 -52·: Miss Eonsker moved that the Board combine :he Married Students ana worninuter--- Students A..eas with Sue Crundlach as sponsor.

c.econded. Motion 44.-1--0

Mr. Miller announced that there will be a meeting of the Executive Committee next Wednesday at 4:00 to discuss placement of the new Board member on a committee.

The meetins were adjourned.

The next meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, June 4, 1964 at 12:00 noon. Luncn wi].1 be available in Room 206 at 11:55 AM.

Adopt a Report (Definition) To adopt a report means the formal acceptance of a report. Adoption coinzaits the organization to everything included in the report.


3 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Department of Student Unions Student Center Board of Governors

Minutes of June 4, 1964 Meeting

Members Present: Sue Donsker, Doug Hammer, Rudy Hasbargen, David Kanatz Paul W. Larson, Keith Loken, Keith M<:Farland, David Miller, Jeanne Muyskens, Nancy Nietz, George Pederson, Twylla Reese, Richard Skok, Don Smith, Gordon L. Starr, Paul Stegmeir

Members Absent: John Butler, Joe Cliffo rd, Ray Muckala(e:reused), Lloyd L. Smith, Gail Williams(excused)

New Board Members Present: Sue Gundlach, John Loda, Dennis Rupp, Jerry Schwartz

Staff F re sent: Mary Ellen Faricy, Sharon Meyer

Business Meeting

The minutes of the May 28, 1964 meeting were approved as published.

president's Report - Rudy Hasbargen

Mr. Hasbargen welcomed Miss Jo Ann Hanson, a member of the National Student!3 Association. She is presently working on a program entitled The Student Pro - ject for International Responsibility (SPIR).

Director's Report - Paul W. Larson

Mr. Larson stressed the fact that room reservations for the coming year should be made as early as possible by organizations and comihittees. He also reported that the Audio Visual -Department is presently installing the new speaker system in the Rouser Room.

Room 202-4-6 will be available for studying this Saturday and Sunday night be- cause the library will be closed. Reservations can also be made for the other -2.

conference rooms to be used for group studying during finals.

Program Consultant' s Report - iviary Ellen Faricy

Miss Faricy pointed out that this Spring Quarter' s attendance was 1,000 highe r than the attendance of Spring Quarters 1963. However, the overall. attendance this year was down 5,000 compared to last year's overall attendance but it is felt that the quality of the programs was much improved.

Program Committee Repo rt - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz called attention to the Fall Quarter 1964 Calendar and asked for any corrections or additions.

Motion 2-92: Miss Nietz moved that the 1964 Fall Quarter calendar be approved. Seconcled. Motion carried.

Public P.elations - Twylla Reese

Motion X - 93: Miss Reese moved that a Homecoming theme be used on the back of the Fall Quarter calendar. Seconded. Motion carried.

Personnel Committee Report - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens informed the Board that six applications had been received for the open posilion on the Student Center Board of Governors. She reported that the applicants had been interviewed and both the old and new Personnel Committees recommend Don Smith for the position open on the Board. Motion X - 94: Miss Reese moved that the Student Center Board of Governors appoint Don Smith to fill the position opening Fall Quarter. 1964. Seconded. Motion Carried.

Executive Committee Report - Rudy Hasbargan

Mr. Hasbargen congratulated and issued Student Center Board of Governor cards and keys to Sue Gundlach, Paul Stegmeir. and Don Smith. Mr. Hasbargen expressed appreciation on behalf of the Student Center Board and the entire campus to Miss Faricy for the fine job she has done for the past two years and presented her with the Student Center Board Gold Keyo

Dean McFarland carried out a Board tradition and presented a gavel to outgoing President, Rudy Hasbargen, as an expression of the Boards appreciation for his leadership ®

Miss Donsker presented to the outgoing board members gift bags in appreciation for their worke F


Mrs Hastargen relinquished the chair to Mr. Mille r fo r a meeting of the 1964-65 Board.

Executive Committee Report - Dave Mille r

Miss Nietz to the Hospitality Area and Mr. Smith to fill the position in the MotionFine Y -Arts 11: Missand Crafts Donsker Area moved and alsothat thatthe Board he fill approvethe vacancy the appointmenton the House of and Finance Committee this coming fall. Sec onded, Motion Carried.

Special Events - David Mille r

Mr. Miller reported that the Spring Camp was successful and also thanked Mr. and Mrs. Larson for their hospitality.

Music and Shows - Paul Stegmier

Mr. Stegmier repo rted that the attendance was approximately 200 for the Music Hour on Wednesday, June 3, featuring the "Stawaways, " Motion 10 - 95: Mir. Stegmier moved that an addition to the schedule for the "Even Worse Jug Band" and the "Down and Outfits" to play for a Music Hour on Friday, June 5 at 12:00 noon. Seconded. Motion carried.

Hospitality - Nancy Nietz

Miss Nietz again announced that the Hospitality Area is sponsoring a "Lemonade on the Lawn" on Study Day, June 5.

Gracluate Students Repo rt - Jeanne Muyskens

Miss Muyskens repo rted that the girls volley ball team has been discontinued. She also announced that the graduate students are having an "After Finals Partyl' next Friday.

Fine £4 ts and Crafts - Sue Donsker

Miss Donsker repo rted that a letter had been received from ivirs. Geneva Molenaar in which she told of her appreciation in having her first "one-man" show here at the Student Center.

Discussion Area - George Pederson

Mr. Pederson reported that the overall attendance for the four Last Lecture Series was 200. The last of the series was on Thursday, May 28 at which Dr. George Shapiro spoke.

Games and Outings - Nancy Nietz

Motion i: - 96: Miss Nietz moved that the Board approve the new officers of Skeewaksurs; Jim Brian, President, Ted tanammvsky, Vice President, and Joan Paskewitz, Secretary. Seconded. Motion Carried. L -9-

New Business

Mr. Miller reported on preliminary plans for the 1964 Homecoming. General discussion followed. Miss Reese announced that she was the chairman for public ity for Homecoming and asked for volunteers.

The meeting was adjoumned.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, September 29, 1964.

Debate: "Measures, not men, are discussed by assemblies". Therefore, the chair is addressed by title and the term "the speaker" or "the member who preceeded me", or "the member who proposed the last motion", etc. are better than to use the name of an individual. Debate is addressed to the presiding officer rather than to members and must never be directed to any individual. Debate is finally and completely clo sed with the announcement of the vote.

