12 TH AUGUST 2009

PRESENT: Councillor Andrew Simpson (Chair); Councillors John Caswell, Tony Clarke, Mel de Cruz; Brian Markham, David Palethorpe, Kevin Reeve, Pam Varnsverry and Keith Davies (substituting for Councillor Ifty Choudary)


Sue Bridge Head of Planning Paul Lewin Planning and Conservation Manager Tracy Tiff Scrutiny Officer


Claire Berry Team Leader, Joint Planning Unit AJ Gray Community Engagement Officer, Planning Policy


Councillor Tony Woods Leader of the Council Councillor Brian Hoare Deputy Leader of the Council Councillor Scott Collins


Nicky Sarti, Peter Jones, Patricia Ann Jones, Lalit Patel, Sarah Arrowsmith, Christopher Davidge, Roger Kinston, Bob Purser, Brian Convery, Andy Clarke, and two other individuals


Willy Gilder BBC


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ifty Choudary (Vice Chair) and Sadik Chaudhury.


Roger Kingston, (Northants Residents’ Association), Bob Convery, Christopher Davidge, Councillor Scott Collins, Councillor Brian Hoare and Councillor Andrew Simpson addressed the Committee on agenda item 4 – Consultation – Emergent Joint Core Strategy.

1 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 At this point the Chair reminded the meeting of the purpose of the three additional meetings of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1, which is to recommend to full Council, Northampton Borough Council’s formal response to the consultation on the Emergent Joint Core Strategy. He would present the Committee’s report to full Council at its meeting on 8 th September 2009. It was clarified that Overview and Scrutiny collates evidence, which in turn help to formulate recommendations. The Chair emphasised that there was not enough time for the Committee to undertake a full, comprehensive piece of Scrutiny work. The previous meeting had looked at the consultation process and the vision s/options. Witnesses from the Joint Planning Unit were present at this meeting therefore the consultation process would be revisited. There were two further key issues for the Committee to consider at this meeting and the final meeting scheduled for 18 th August 2009: -

1 Impact on Northampton 2 Delivery of Infrastructure

Two witnesses had been asked to attend this meeting – Claire Berry, Team Leader, Joint Planning Unit (JPU) and AJ Gray, Community Engagement Officer, Planning Policy.

The Chair advised that whilst he addressed the Committee, Councillors should elect a Chair during this period. In the absence of Councillor Ifty Choudary (Vice Chair), it was proposed and agreed by the Committee that:

Councillor Keith Davies chair the meeting for the period of time that Councillor Simpson addressed the Committee on agenda item 4 – Consultation – Emergent Core Joint Strategy.


Mr Roger Kingston, representing Northants Residents’ Alliance, addressed the Committee. He opened his address by referring to the consultation process for the Emergent Joint Core Strategy. He advised that the questionnaire that contained 56 questions took a very long time to complete asking the respondent to give reasons for their answers. He went on to refer to the exhibitions being held by the Joint Planning Unit (JPU) commenting that some were held during working hours and during school holidays. Mr Kingston added that he had emailed the JPU and had not received a response, he then made a telephone enquiry to which he was promised a call back but has not as yet received one. In his view this was unwillingness to engage.

The Committee put questions to Mr Kingston and heard:

• Mr Kingston commented that many people seemed unaware of the consultation process being hosted by the JPU. In his opinion there should have been more press coverage

Mr Kingston was thanked for his address.

Mr Brian Convery addressed the Committee commenting that the Leader of the Council had said that `no’ was not an option to the proposal for an 2 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 additional 62,000 homes, Mr Convery felt that this should not be a considered option until the town’s infrastructure was sorted. He went on to refer to the difficulties in shopping in the town, such as congested roads and lack of car parking spaces. The motorways were already congested in the rush hour traffic.

Mr Convery concluded his address by conveying his concern regarding proposals to build on Greenfield sites when many Brownfield sites were available. He suggested that some unemployed people could be trained to take down developments on Brownfield sites that had not been completed and the materials recycled. Funds from this project could be put into the local infrastructure.

In response to a query about car parking in the town, Mr Convery confirmed that car parking facilities should be sufficient for the town and he is disappointed by their inadequacies and the congestion of the town’s roads.

Mr Convery was thanked for his address.

Mr Christopher Davidge addressed the Committee advising that he was a Trustee of Little Houghton Estate. In his opinion the authors of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy appeared to have little knowledge of the area discussed. The document contained lots of jargon and contradictory statements – for example one objective is to conserve the countryside but there is a proposal to build 18,000 houses on such land. He went on to refer to the inadequacies of the town’s flood defences. Regarding the consultation process, Mr Davidge endorsed the comments made by Mr Kingston. Mr Davidge concluded his address by appealing to Northampton Borough Council and the other Local Authorities to reject this document.

The Committee put questions to Mr Davidge and heard: -

Little Houghton does not consider itself to be part of West Little Houghton is a village with 36 listed buildings out of a total of 174 There is a proposal to build further houses at Little Houghton which would make it very over crowded

Mr Davidge was thanked for his address.

Councillor Scott Collins addressed the Committee conveying his concerns about the consultation period being held over the summer holiday period. This document details possibly the biggest change for Northamptonshire for several generation regarding the nature and outlook of the entire county. He was further concerned regarding the proposed number of developments on Greenfield sites. In referring to the JPU’s consultation questionnaire, Councillor Collins advised that in his opinion it contained leading questions with complicated language and should have been written in plain English.

In response to a query whether Councillor Collins felt he lived in , he replied no, it had no identity.

3 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 Councillor Collins was thanked for his address.

Councillor Brian Hoare addressed the Committee advising on the need for a Policy document guiding planning in this area. The Local Plan 1997 is the current document in existence. In January 2003, this Council issued information regarding population figures. In 2005 The Government Officer for approved the Policy – RS8 that dictates the amount of development in this area. The Emergent Joint Core Strategy contains Policy documents, and Councillor Hoare stressed the importance of such documents. He went on to refer to a refused planning application that had gone to a Public Inquiry, which had involved the building of warehouses. In his opinion such a plan was required. A Joint Plan contains guidance from the Government Office for East Midlands and is required as many saved policies are becoming elderly and some do not conform to national guidelines.

Councillor Brian Hoare was thanked for his address.

At this point Councillor Keith Davies chaired the meeting whilst Councillor Andrew Simpson addressed the Committee.

Councillor Andrew Simpson advised that he was concerned about the number of houses imposed on Northampton and the urban sustainable growth areas. He advised that it was important that the Council stated in its response to the JPU’s consultation that that the proposed figures are not deliverable for Northampton and not relating to Northampton’s needs. He went on to refer to three specific sites – Dallington Heath, Buckton Fields and the land between Overstone and Moulton – two of which were denoted blue in the Emergent Core Joint Strategy map. Given this, the plan suggest these sites are unchallengeable but previously both Dallington Heath and Buckton Fields had been rejected by Northampton Borough Council. He felt this to be an inherent contradiction and the inclusion of these sites in the Emergent Joint Core Strategy should be challenged. The Emergent Joint Core Strategy does not deal with the inadequacies in the current infrastructure.

The Committee put questions to Councillor Simpson and heard: -

It is right for the Committee to express its opposition to the housing figures contained in the document. Some of the proposed developments will become dormitory estates as the infrastructure is not in place A Plan is needed that controls the development of the town

Councillor Simpson was thanked for his address.

Councillor Simpson assumed as Chair.


Claire Berry, Team Leader, West Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit (JPU) and AJ Gray, Community Engagement Officer, Planning Policy, provided evidence to the Committee on the consultation process for the Emergent Joint Core Strategy. A report, which was provided to the West 4 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 Northamptonshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee in April 2009 listing all components of the consultation process was circulated. It provides an outline of the strategic approach towards consultation with the required outcome of shaping a robust and deliverable Plan, consulting on key partners which included: -

• Key audiences as set out in the Statement of Community Involvement • Joint Strategic Planning Committee • Key Officers of Partner Authorities • Statutory Stakeholder lists that includes the Environment Agency, Natural • Developers, landowners, businesses • The general public

All identified stakeholder groups held on the Joint Planning Unit database received notification of the start of the consultation process by letter or email. A call line has been established and leaflets and posters have been distributed detailing how to respond to the consultation and where exhibitions are to be held. At the launch of the consultation over 2,000 emails or letters were issued to stakeholders, including: -

• All elected Members in the area • Members of Parliament • Members of the European Parliament • Community Groups • Business Groups • Residents’ Associations • Government Agencies • Private Individuals

Exhibitions will be held over 36 days at 18 venues around West Northamptonshire. The majority of the events are staffed and are scheduled to be held during the day, early evening and on Saturdays. Exhibitions have been worked around existing room bookings.

A series of events are planned and public events will be held also. Material will be issued to publicise these.

Documentation has also been provided to libraries, community centres and Local Authority receptions. Information is also available on the JPU’s website and the Unit has a telephone line for communication.

The JPU has already attended meetings of Overstone Parish Council, Wootton and Hunsbury Parish Council and Mid Northamptonshire Parishes. Representatives of the JPU will continue to attend such meetings.

A further series of events are planned focussing on the technical audience:

• Housing Associations and Developers • Businesses • Town and Parish Councils 5 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009

When the consultation process commenced, a press conference was held and it received extensive coverage in the Chronicle and Echo and similar press coverage was received in neighbouring boroughs. Press releases will be issued prior to exhibitions .

The JPU has already begun to receive responses to the consultation document.

The Chair referred to the length of the questionnaire and suggested alternative methods of expressing views such as by letter, email or telephone. The Chair further added that it was realised that this stage of the consultation process was additional and the Plan was not in draft format but in emerging format and that the final version would look very different. There were two further stages of consultation –

• Pre- submission – November 2009 – six weeks period • Submission – March 2010 – six weeks

The Committee put questions to Claire Berry and AJ Gray:

Q Following the Options Consultation, what were the three main issues that were identified?

Response: Sixfields Community Stadium and its future, Infrastructure and Economy. The JPU has being discussing Sixfields with Northampton Borough Council and there is ongoing work regarding the other two issues.

Q There is no mention of the Athletics Club in the Emergent Core Joint Strategy?

Response: Sport has been looked at within the document and a Sports Study prepared.

Q The organisation that prepared the Sports Study has a sporting complex in Milton Keynes

Response: Evidence is contained in the document to be debated.

Q Can evidence be used at any stage within the Consultation Process?

Response: Consultation is ongoing.

Q This consultation period runs over the summer holidays period, the next phase is to run over the Easter period and the final stage will be over Christmas. Could these phases be extended?

Response: This issue can be raised with the Joint Strategic Planning Committee.

Q Can you demonstrate at a future meeting how the consultation has been taken into account?

Response: Staff will take comments from the exhibitions and the number 6 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 of documents taken at the unstaffed events will show the numbers visiting. There was a steady stream of public attendees at the exhibitions held in on 10 th and 11 th August, for example around 30 attendees during the morning of 11 th August 2009.

Q When will the consultation consider the results of the transportation modelling ?

Response: At the pre-submission stage this will be included.

The Committee requested further data as to attendance figures to be provided to the next meeting on 18 th August 2009.

The Chair referred to permanent, unmanned exhibitions put on by Milton Keynes Development Corporation and suggested that the JPU did the same.

The Chair thanked Claire Berry and AJ Gray for providing evidence to inform the Review.

From the evidence gathered from the witnesses from the JPU regarding the consultation process the Chair suggested a potential recommendation for inclusion in the Committee’s final report to full Council:

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 recommends that the next stages of consultation - pre submission and submission be extended as they are over public holidays, namely Christmas and Easter.

Impact on Northampton

The Committee heard that there were three sustainable urban developments:

Northampton East Northampton South Northampton West

Sue Bridge, Head of Planning, referred to the employment site at Junction 16, commenting that there are still concerns regarding this and the technical constraints regarding Collingtree may be resolved by November 2009.

The development figures up to 2021 for South Northamptonshire and Daventry are set out in the Regional Spatial Strategy. From 2021 to 2026 these figures are combined and development can be built in the Districts or the NIA, but there are significant constraints. The Committee was referred to the table showing the distribution of housing numbers previously circulated. In response to a query regarding , and Daventry, the Committee heard that Brackley tends to look towards Oxford. An extention of 3,500 is proposed for Towcester and Daventry has been through three Planning Appeals with significant infrastructure constraints before any proposed future developments.

7 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 The Committee commented on the need for additional monies for the infrastructure for Northampton and that there be no further development without the necessary infrastructure.

The Chair agreed that the following recommendation be included in the Committee’s report to full Council:

That the Council’s response to the consultation on the Emergent Joint Core Strategy includes a comment that no further development should be permitted without the necessary infrastructure being in place.

The Committee commented that there are significant infrastructure deficits around and in Northampton, for example, the need for the A43 to be a dual carriageway. The Emergent Joint Core Strategy does not appear to take into consideration how the plans would impact upon the North of Northamptonshire and the impact on just half of the county is considered. Councillors conveyed concerns regarding the Study that had been undertaken in 2000 regarding the pollution from the M1 corridor and the proposals to develop around this area. In response to a query whether any safeguards could be put in place, if infrastructure in Daventry and Towcester did not materialise, Sue Bridge, Head of Planning, confirmed that she would refer to the conclusions contained in the Daventy Planning Inquiry and provide a position statement to the next meeting.

The Committee heard that prior to the adoption of the Regional Spatial Strategy, the Milton Keynes Sub Regional Strategy had been adopted and was subsequently included in the East Midlands Plan. The housing numbers in RSS came from the MKSM Sub-Regional Strategy. Both of these documents had been through examination.

From the evidence gathered regarding the impact of Northampton section of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy, the Chair suggested potential recommendations for inclusion in the Committee’s final report to full Council:

The Emergent Joint Core Strategy relates to Northampton as the county town of Northamptonshire but does not relate to the whole of the county.

Concerns were raised how the infrastructure would be delivered when the budget had been reduced by 50%. The Chair agreed to include this paragraph in the conclusion section of the report.

It was noted that the Environment Agency would be in attendance at the next meeting to answer the Committee’s concerns and queries that had been raised at the meeting on 6 August 2009 – the following additional issues would also be issued to the Environment Agency for a response: -

• Many areas have flood defences for 1:250 years there is a need to understand this and what areas have not been defended to this level • An understanding of how flooding issues have been addressed for Dallington Heath proposed development area is required

Regarding Section 6.4 - Housing of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy – the 8 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 following comments were made: -

Affordable housing should also take into consideration provision for older people. There is a requirement for a more defined rationale of what denotes affordable, possibly the need for a local definition. The current criteria set for affordable housing is very broad and requires challenging. The Committee was advised that it could have sight of the interim Affordable Housing SPD when it is finalised around September 2009 following the conclusion of the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

From the evidence gathered regarding the housing section of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy, the Chair suggested potential recommendations for inclusion in the Committee’s final report to full Council:

That Affordable housing should also take into consideration provision for older people.

The Council needs to be satisfied that a robust definition of affordable housing is in place.

In discussion section 6.7 – Location of Growth, the following comments and observations were made: -

• There is a need to find a location for growth that will sustain the infrastructure. It is accepted that growth needs to happen but Policies must be in place that allow growth but not under Developers’ terms. • There is a need to know the types of houses proposed for development, together with the numbers before consideration can be given to the location of developments. Such developments should be built on Brownfield sites before consideration is given to building on Greenfield sites. • The housing mix has to be right. • Comment cannot be made on each individual proposed area for development, as there is no balance, little detail for some and lots of detail for other proposed developments. • 5,400 housing units are proposed for Northampton North – 50% of which will be family accommodation. The figures indication there could be a lot of children to be educated in two or three Primary Schools and a Secondary School, therefore there is a query regarding the adequacy of the proposed infrastructure.

From the evidence gathered regarding the location for growth section of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy, the Chair suggested potential recommendations for inclusion in the Committee’s final report to full Council:

There is a need to find a location for growth that will sustain the infrastructure. It is accepted that growth needs to happen but Policies must be in place that allow growth provided the infrastructure is delivery in a timely manner. It will be necessary to ensure that policies are in place to require developers to make the necessary contribution to the cost of 9 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009 providing infrastructure.

All proposed development sites should have access to the town centre, detailing how this would be achieved.

The Council cannot comment at this stage on each individual proposed area for development, as there is no balance, little detail for some and lots of detail for other proposed developments.

There is a need for more clarity on the Infrastructure for the proposed locations of developments before the Council can provide its response. The Emergent Joint Core Strategy does not provide enough information or certainty.

In discussion section 6.8 – Hierarchy of Centres, the following comments and observations were made: -

• A query was made regarding the provision of any safeguards for local business, i.e. ensuring that they did not suffer as a result of any proposed infrastructure. This is dependent upon the numbers and what current facilities are provided and therefore what the additional facilities to be provided should be. New facilities should not swamp existing facilities or detract from the town centre. • Sue Bridge, Head of Planning, advised that a detailed list regarding the Infrastructure is in existence for any development in Daventry. This is required because the proposals had been through the formal Planning Inquiry process and a site specific Section 106 agreement was put in place as part of the Inquiry. • The Emergent Joint Core Strategy in relation to Daventry, Towcester and Brackley is a countywide issue and should be referred to the Northamptonshire Countywide Scrutiny Forum for review.

From the evidence gathered regarding the Hierarchy of Centres section of the Emergent Joint Core Strategy, the Chair suggested a potential recommendation for inclusion in the Committee’s final report to full Council:

That the Emergent Core Joint Strategy in relation to Daventry, Towcester and Brackley is a countywide issue and should be referred to the Northamptonshire Countywide Scrutiny Forum for review.

In concluded the business for this meeting, the Chair advised that the next meeting to be held on 18 August 2009 would investigate: -

• The remaining issues on the Head of Planning’s brief • Environment Agency’s response to the Committee’s queries and concerns • Finalising recommendations for inclusion in the report to full Council on 8 th September 2009

The meeting adjourned at 9.22pm and will reconvene on Tuesday 18 August 2009 commencing at 6 pm.

10 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement Minutes - Wednesday, 12 August 2009