Type and Size of Educational Programs Attended by Hearing Impaired Students, United States: 1968-69
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 044 848 40 EC 030 607 AUTHOR Voneiff, Patricia: Gentile, Auauptine TITLE, Type and Size of educational Programs Attended by Hearing Impaired Students, United States: 1968-69. INSTITUTION Gallaudet Coll., Washington, D.C. Office of Demographic Studies. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (UHEW/OE), Washington, D.C. BUREAU NO BR-6-1193 PUB DATE Aug 70 GRANT OEG-32-18-0070-6009 NOTE 41p. AVAILABLE FROM Gallaudet College Bookstore, Washington, D.C. 20002 (R1 .00) FDRS PRICE EDRS Price M7-$0.25 HC$2.15 DESCRIPTORS Age Groups, *Aurally Handicapped, Day Schools, Demography, *Educational Programs, *Exceptional Child Research, Hearing Loss, *National Surveys, Preschool Proarams, Residential Schools, School Statistics, *Statistical Data ABSTRACT Data on 25,363 students enrolled in special education programs (residential schools and day class programs) for the hearing impaired during the school year 1968-69 are presented. Data describe the types and size of programs attended, and the age, sex, and hearing threshold levels of the students. In addition to the detailed tablcs, data summaries and a discussion of the qualifications and limitations of the data are included. Appended are a description of The Annual Survey of Hearing Impaired Children and Youth, the data collection form used and instructions for its completion, and a listing by state of the programs participating in the survey. (tW) ANNUAL SURVEY OF HEARINGIMPAIRiOtHILDRENAND YOUTH II This research was supported by a grant from the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgement in the conduct of the project.
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